0x0 Cubes are not only foods in themselves ---- they 24d enormously to the yalue of gther foods. OXO Cubes tone up the digestive processes and enable the system to obtain the greatest possible value out of food partaken, OXO Cubes are the greatesi sdvance in food invention sitice men began to eat and women learnt to cook. 10 for 25¢. OUR CRYSTAL BRAND Of Standard Granuinted Su Ytan been tried and found excel Preserving and table uke Riways right, ANDREW MACLEAN, Outario Street, OPERATIONS AVOIDED By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Belleriver, Que. -- 'Without Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound | would not De alive, For five months 1 had painful and ir- regular periods and Jinflammation eof 4 the uterus, 1 suf- 4 fered like a martyr and thought often Jof death, I con- sulted two doctors 4dwho could do nothing for me. 1 went Lo a hospital, and the best doc- tors said I must : submit to an oper- ony Hectute 1 had a tumor. 1 went on hs much discouraged. One of my cousing advised me to take your Compotind, as it had curéd her. 1 did #0 and soon commenced to feel better, i my appetite came back with the & Hite, Now 1 feel no pain and ~ Mrs, EMMA CHATEL, Bf, pra." Belleriver, Quebec. Another Operation Avoided. Poughkeepsie, N.Y. ~Iruna sewing machine ia a §large factory and ES run down. to give up work for I Eon a the pains in my back. The doctor said I needed an operation or womb trouble but Lydia E. Pink- "s V fuble Compound did more or ma | the decstre id I have ve pounds. pe that eve vie 1s suffering from female ble, nervousness and backache og Compound. I owe my a to Pi She is the working girl's friend for health, and women who suffer should write to and take her advice. --Miss TILL a, Jay St., Poughkeepsie, N.Y. ity years of "unparalleled success Junfirmg the power of Lydia = Pink- ham's s Vegetable Compound te cure female diseasca. Price Your 'reniedy is desérving { Se ® Remember my face you'll see me again "First ald to the C00 Edwards' desiccated Soup solves the problem of good # soup on busy days, because it takes so little time to prepare, I helps the cook to make a tasty meal out of things that get "left over," It strengthens her own' pa Coupe, and suggests a teal when she's woulering what to give. h made in Ireland from specially selected beef and from the finest vegetables that Irish soil can produce. pot . 66, por: patket. Edwards' dicated Soup is made in tres | warienies -- Brows, Tomar, Whin. The © Brown variety is a chick nourishing nap, {roped fram dest beef dnd fresh vegeseiin, The iter sui 0% pure negenble mute, gn r ent for i» [Rdley Compal re NEW HLECTRICAL POWER SCHEDULE ADOPTED, The Hydro-Eleciric Commission is to be Notified That Kingston Wants a Supply of Power. It took only fifteen minutes te transact the general business of the city eoundal Jast evening. In view ol the equncil being eager to tackle the bridge question everything through with a dash. were in attendance' Mayor Hoag and Alds. Arm strong, Bailey, Larson, Clugston, kl fiott, Faw, Uivens, hapley, Harri son, Kent, MeCartney, Peters, Hig- ney, Shaw, Stroud; Buthey- land and Farkington, Koss, Comniginication ations Read. These communications oll : > National Association of trollers and ATeonnting Utlicers annual convention in Bufalo. A. KB. willeaweon, ical heallh officer, asking for the "tig of OUntaria hall treo of charged' for thé exhibition under the auspices of the proviacial board of heattt, I'he Kingston Old Boye association of Toronto neking why their offer to crect a drinking foultain 'and fay stafi in Kingston, several yéars * ago, was not accepted, E. Blake "I hompwok making appli- cation for insurance, Mayor of 1 urdud, ré Meeting held in Toronts on Feb. 22nd, hydro-electric power, Assistant provinela]l séerotary, ack: nowlelging receipt of petition. tieorge Young nd 195 others! pe- titioned for the disontisuance ol the oiling of strlits, elaitiing that it is detrimental 10 Dovai' and vehicles. General hospital Bowrd "governors asking for grant of' $5,000 for ao new win, The finance committes made recommendations : That the account of 1. B. Walkem for $40 for insurance premium he paid. That, the city clerk be authorized to call for tenders for printing, siation- ery and blank books, ete. The Board of Works was given au thority to purchase enough Bermudes asphalt to construct one mile of road: way. J M. Platt, * warden penitentiary, asking that the fire brigade be allow- ed to respond Lo emergency ealls from penitentiary. . Were receiv- Comp- re to hx re these New Power Rates. These "rates for the quarter were fixed for 'users of electrical power as recommended by the Utilities commit- tee : Up Up Up lip Up Up 300 KW. Ge. 400 KW, be. 500 KW. 440. 760 K.W. fe, 1000 K. Ww. 3) and over and over and over and over and over and over Up to and over 3 Up to and over 5 These rates are to cover the ron sumption of electric current for straight power users only for. a peri- od of from daylight io dusk, or seven o'clock till six o'clock during spring and summer seasons, on condi- that the consumer discontinue the use use of his motor after four o'clock for the months of October, November, De com yer, January upon written notifica- tion of the Department. This recommendation of the utilities committee was also adopted That acting in accordance with in. structions from Hon. Adam Beck re the supplying of Kingston with pow- er, that the hydro-electric power com- mission be formally noti of the re- sult of the voting on the by-law sub- mitted to the ratepayers at the last munidipal election, and make formal application to the hydro-electric com- mission for the supply of power. The council 'adjourned at 10.45 o'- clock, to to ta to to to HARTINGTON HAPPENINGS. A Meeting Held to Discuss Church Union. Hartington, Feb, a prominent young Knglishman had joined the happy army of henediets recently, has been found to be with out foundation, as his intended bride is as yet a nfinus quantity. A birth: day party was held at the home of J. Babeock last Saturday, in honot of Miss Lydia Babeock. A large num ber of guests attended, and the young lady was the recipient of many use ful preseats. On Tuesday, 6th inst., the son of Charles Moore died of pneu monin, after a short illness, The funeral was conducted at the house Rev. J. A. Waddell on Thursday afternoon. Wesley Perrault, son of Heary Per ravit, of this place, died in Kingston . General Hospital, of typhoid, yester- day afternoon. His remains were taken to Verona on noon express, to-day. A meeting of the Harmers' Tnstit was held in the schoolhouse on Thurs day afternoon and evening. The mest: Rmmch: aca =. 4. y Messrs. D. Bonis, jm infant Ramnoeh and R. J. Comell, Roebuck. Frank Thorogood is spending the win: ter with his sister, Mes. Arthur Hal load, The Ladies' Aid of Batrawsniith an at home at J, FE. F wen 10.--~A rumor thatijy ute |good results are looked for. THE ACCIDENT AT HOLLEFORD. Mr. and Mrs. J, Fifty-one Years, Holleford, Feb. 9.--James Walker had a narrow @scape, Thursday last, While felling a tree in the woody, he was struck by a limb and knocked senseless. It was feared at first that some bones in his neck were broken, but he is recovering although: slowly, Mr. and Mrs. 47 Redmond, recently of this place, but now of heépler, spent the anmverary of their fiftv-first wed- day day at the home of their son, J W. Redmond. Members of the family and also a number of thelr old neigh- hors were present and spent an enjoy- able time. A little stranger has taken. up abode at C. Nicholion's--a boy, The Ladies' Aid tea served by Mrs. James Walker on Friday evening, was both n financial and social sucess, J. Redmond is. in Kingston undergoing medical treatment. James Whain has gone to Cochrane, wiwre be has secar- ed a good position. Mr. and Mrs 4, Babcock gnve a party on Saturday evening in honor of the birthday of their daughter, Miss Eda. Mrs, Jennie and Master Roy Hoppins left for Cobalt, Monday, where they will join their father, William Hoppins, Miss Ethel Babeoek is Ml. The weekly cottage pruyer meeting was held G4. F. Ruben 8, Tuesday night. Visi- tors : Mrs. CGenge, Verona, J. Devo, Mrs. W. Jamieson and Master F. Me- Koight at James Walker's; Mrs. Myra Curran at €. Babeoek's; Mr. and Miss Coulter, Westbrook, and Miss Pearl Walker, Portsmouth, at Elmer Smith's; Misses Nellie Babcock, Annie Redmond and Mra. A. Dowker at Al- fred Redmoad"s and Mv. and Mes. J). Snyder at L. Martin's, Quite a num ber are ill with grippe. : his Reaching End of Steel. The blast of (he Grand Trunk Pa- cific railway contractors is echoing against the rocky walls of Tele Jaune ache make way for civilization and the shrill echoes of the locomotive whistle later on. Going westward from - Edmonton along the Gramd Trunk Pacific route the traveller sees the trail of the se cond comer already strongly inarked, and Tete Jaune Cache is the objective point at present for the end of steel by the spring of 1912) At present he Grand Trunk Pacific steal is beyond the Great Divide and over the summit of the Yellowhead 'ass. Historically, Tete Jaume is a tre of interest in Western Canada, as this point was the site of one of the Hudsondlay posts ome hundred years ago, whin the route from the Pine, the Peace and the Fraser rivers brought the furs and the merchandise through this gateway. At the present time there is only a hand of Shusway In dinns camped on the south side of the Fraser, and us soon as the steel reaches this locality and civilization with its kodaks and poeket hooks will effect the establishment of a perman ent order of things, { to oen- No Advance ir in Tea Prices. | There has been a great deal of spee- ulation as to the outeome. of the pros- ent Chinese revolt and its bearing on the tea situation in general. Mr. Nel- ville, of Thomas J. Lipton, states that indications are pow far more favor- able, some believing that the Chinese trouble will be over about February 18th, the Chincse New Year. Though tea will not be cheaper, he does not believe there will arise any necessity for advancing prices this year, The erops fiom China will 'probably be a little late coming forward, but these tens are used very little in Canada, except possibly for cheapening blends. The rapid advance last year in the cost of Ceylon and [India teas has spent itself and the markets are now practically stationary for goed teas, though for very common teas the mar- ket is somewhat easier. Reports From Murvale. Murvale, Feb.' 9.---Communion ser vice was held, Sunday; in the Mcthe- dist church. Nine pew members were admitted. Max I'uidy had a big bee drawigg logs Lo Sydenham last wees Miss M. Swerbrick » Petworth, spent Sunday under the parental roof. Mrs. Wilbert Purdy is on the gick list, Miss Edna Maxwell and iss Emily Swerbrick were the guests ol Miss Mildred Guess on riday. Ms. William Harper, who has been ill, is convalescent. Mr. Bruce, Yor tonto, is spending some time at B, Guess'. Visitors: Mjles Orser and wife, Kepler,, at Nelson Boyce's; Miss F. Lake, Wilton, at DB. Purdy's; Mr. Walker, Desert lake, at William Ilar v's; Mr. and Mes. John Young, at alliam Wallace's, ---- Wilt Meet in Ottawa. The annual meeting of the Dominion | Marine association will opse in Ut- tawa son Wednédday, when representa tives from Kingston will ble present. One of the features will be a banger at the Golf Club at which Yremier Borden and members of the eakinet 'have promised to he present and Dele, gates will also he present from the merican Marine association, with meinbers oft the American Proteative | association also. ----isste Lit. Tweed Methodist . church quarterly | board voted womnimouwsly for union. "Hast Wedsdny evening, Mrs. Rovelle, Crystal Springs, spent Sunday at sal. Mrs. Holland has gone to Roe: 10 nurse Ne H. Thomas, whois "dames Carlton, Sr. is very. ill. is seriously BL A meeting was held in the Methodist church hete on Tuesday to discuss church umion. The meeting Was 8d: dressed Rev. Mr, Hanna, of Syden- ham, and Rev. J. A. Waddell. ; Prince Edward Orangemen. * Picton, Feb. 12 The fargest dele gation in the ; Irangemen It ow i of ly in Kéngston. Joncimg Slips ure slested Catarch Cannot he Cured wi hE FrLICATION 8, Th un; nk A A he seat of Este or in order to iy tt ¥ t mr re here hot & Hn re od CHENEY & CO, Props, ade. J. o. rick 15e nly" Pills for con DAILY A -- WHIG, Redmond Married at {2 { Cherry jter visiting her brothers, ™ BPAY, NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG. CORRESPONDENTS TELL US, Che Tidings From rom Various Points §. Eastern Ontario--What Peopic Are Doing and What They An Saying. Crow Lake Notes. Crow Lake, Feb. 9.--A leap-yem « Iparty was held as Mrs. Whatham's, at lichborue, on Friday evening, the 2nd inst. 1. MeGregor and Bedour orchestra furnished music. W, B. Tharrett, who is working im Mr. Derbyshire's lumber camp, near Fer moy, was home for a few days with a cold, but has returned to nis work. WJuite a number of people are drawing wood to Sharbot Lake, a good price being paid. Several attended tne council meeting on Friday last. J. Ritchie, of Polingbrooke, . passed through here en route to . Sharbol Lake on business last week, Late W. J. McCormie, Plevna. Il:vna, Feb. 9.--There passed peace fully away 'at his late residence, in Plevna, on Saturday morning, Jan. 27th, Wiliam J. MeCormie, son of the late Alexsnder McCormic;, of Amberst Island. was born on the island in 1564, He was respected by all who knew him. * Death was caused through uleers of the stomach. He is survived by his widow. (daughter of the late James Godkin, of Fernleigh, and sister to J. DD. Godkin, warden of Frontenac), one daughter, Fdna, a isob, who is in the west, and two sis ters, one residing in Kingston, the other in the west. -------- At Desert lake, Desert Lake, Feb. The here are taking ie, of the road, A good many are wood to Ric hardson's feldspar mine. 1H. Campbeli, Wallaceburg, 'has re- {turned to his home alter visiting his sister, Mrs, ¥. Hl. Spook. Miss Lucy Wilson called on friends recently. P. i Vankoughnet is all smiles on the ar- rival of a wee girl at bis home. W. Murphy is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Bauder at the home of Mrs. (0. Snook on Tues- day, Mrs. GG. Timmerman, #l for some time, is improving. J. Camp- hell called at J. Wilson's on Sunday. Miss Olive Snook has gone to visit friends at the Maples. Miss Mamie Wilson, Glendower, ealled on friends here last weck. School is progress: ing favorably with Harold Rédmond, Holloford, as teacher. people 10 e hauling Death at Charleston, Charleston, Feb, 8.--~The death oc: curred on Wednesday at twelve o'clock of larael Slack, an old and much re spected resident, whose home was on thé lake shore about a mile west of Charleston. Deceased was eighty-one vears old, and was born where he lived all" his life. He was an expert onrsman and fisherman and besides farming he followed that occupation for the past forty years. In religion he was a Methodist and in politics a liberal. The funeral takes place on Friday to the Methodist church at Athéns. Mrs. M. B. Kavanagh spent a few days last week with her parents at Athens. Mr. and Mrs, E. Webster are visiting friends at Morton. Miss Florence Hefiran entertained a few friends on Tuesday evening. R. Fos- ter was in Brockville on Tuesday. Mrs. Mulvenna is spenling a few davs with her son, J. Mulvenna, at 'Athens, of Dr . ) Budget vv wongard's, longard's, Feb. 10.~The tea meet: ing held in the ch.ireh here on Janu: ary 3st was a suceess and a nice sum was realized. Mrs. W, L. Minaker, Valley, has returned home af J. J. and Thomas Bongard, Mr. and Mrs. . R Harrison, speat last Sunday at A Kerr's, Waupoos. Miss Jennie Pierson is visiting her sister, Mrs, T A Tobey. Mr. and Mrs. James Bradley, who have both been seriously ill, are recovering. Two popular young people, J. Kearney and Miss H. Peterson, were married at St. Gregory's chureh, Picton, con January 24th. Miss Flor ence, is visiting at her home here. J Miller and wife, of Black Creek, were at D. F. MeQornock's, Wednesday. A number from here attended the hockey match at Adolphustown. B. Walters and sister, of Neoharie, spent a few days at Ira Storms'. GG. Storms and wife spent a few days at Ameliasburg. The Misses McCormick entertained = , nunther of yeuns friends on Wednesday evening. B. Burns, of Pieton, spent n couple a; "days at L. Pierce's. Mr. land Mrs. J. Nearney entertained at an {Oyster supper and card party on Tuesday evening, Quarterly servie 'will be held in the Methodist church, Sunday afternoon. Miss L. David visited at Waupoose recently. A. Pierce amd Miss R. Storms visited a few days at Seoharie last week, A Wollg islander Dead. Wolfe Island, Feb. 12.--The members of the A O.U.W. held their annual bal! (in the C.M.B.A. hall, on Tuesday even ing. There were 130 couple present, iwho danced to the sweet strains of { Davi is and Russell's orchestra. The lm was beautifully decorated. Those wha ! conducted the affaic were James Davis C. Hall, H. J. Hall, Daniel Larash, H, J. Commings, F. Whitmarsh: T. 1. 'White, master workman. Mrs, Monty | Wiggins is confined to her 'home through ilizess. The banns are out for the marriage bétween Bernard Mcken na and Miss Mollie Moran. Me, Rich: ard Moore spent a few davs visiting 3 her son, Truman, at Cape Vineent. A . prominent young man of the ridge wil! shortly wed a Kingston young lady Thomas Lyous lost a valuable horse week, { Ome of the oldest residents of the is- land passed away on Friday, at his home in the Fillagh in the person of al Saunders. Deceased was ailing for some time past with threat trou ble. He took a Shaking spell; on, Re or DBRUARY, 13, LL SLE =RBAL BA "r speak for Zam Buk because it cured me of a terribly bad foot," says Mrs. Alice Berryman of 190 John St. North, Hamilton, Bhe adds: "The injury was caused by a wagon wheel, and the sore was op my Highs hi foot. It be- came very inflamed swollen and so painful that I fainted away. In spite of treatment, the wound got no bettor and the foot became more and' more swollen until it was several times its usual size, The flesh was terribly braised and black- ened and it was quite impossible for me to walk, My husband's mother at last brought me a box of Zam-Buk. This was applied to the foot and it was sur. prising how soon I found relief from the severe pain, A further supply of Zam. Buk was obtained and I perscvered in using this balm alone. In a covple of days the swelling had gove down con- siderably, the discoloration was less distinct and the pain was banished. four days I oii about as usual : bruised and I foot had been thor: oughly cured by the timely use of Zam- Buk. dr FO i ven st rm - substance, blood: poisoning, cuts, scalp sores, chaps and all skin injuries and diseases. yourself: you "How is it that Zam-Buk is so popular ?" It is because it is superior and different to other salves. Contrast them! Most salves are nine-tenths animal oil or fat. trace of animal fat in it. salves contain mineral coloring matter. Zam-Buk isabsolutely without! Many salves'eontain oisonous astringents. uk doesn't. Zam Buk hasn't a Most Zam-~ Zam-Buk is actually more owerfully antiseptic than crude carbolic acid. Yet it stops instead of causing pain ani smarting when put on a wound. It heals more quickly than any known abscesses, ulcers, eczema, Ail uggiste and stores sell at 50c a box or Zam-Buk Co., Toroute, for price. Send le stamp for teial box. iE SEVEN. ALM Mra. Frank St. Denis of 808 Thome son 8t,, Winnipeg, speaks for Zam-Bi ok because it cured her of a poisoned finger, which bad caused her days of agony. Hoar her experience. She says: ** One morning, while washing, T felt a slight pain in the end of my finger. This gradually got more acute until by the evening of the next day the end of the finger had Bocome swollen and hard and so blue | became alarmed. "The pain from it was almost tod much to bear. It made me turn quite sick ! Poulticas of first ome kind and then another were applied, but seemed to give me no velief, My daughter-in-law, who had had some previous experience with Zam-Buk obtained a box for me. 1 anointed the sore place liberally with this balm, and in a few hours, the throbbing aching pains were subdued." Further applications of Zam Buk gave me more case, so that 1 could get alittle sleon. In a few days the nall came off, but utter that Zam k seemed 10 reduce the inflammation gv 1 I continued its uve until in the end it had brought about & somplete cure. At all Good Dealers aud Hotels hone for Regal. JAMES McPARLAND, Regal Agent. Richest barley, finest hops, purest water make it best to build sturdy HLL) 8 bodies and rugged health. Canada's - favorite brew 'deservedly is-- Hamilton Brewing Ass'n' Limited Hamilton TS ---- LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW | For Bale or to Rent. Sales Negotiated Fire Insurance Rents Collected Conveyancing and Real Estate | E. Blake Thompson, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK "Phone 286. ep mg a-- MARKET SQUARN, | KINGSTON, ONT. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and high his Been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature ef ZT: All Counterfeits, Imitations and and has Deen made under his pete sonal supervision since its infancy, Allow no one to deceive you In this, "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children--Experienco against Experiment, What is CASTORIA Castoria is & harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. 16 contains neither Opium, Morphine mor cther Narcotie sullstance, Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and alleys Feverishness, Colie. and Flatnleney, It assimilates It Cures Diarrhea and Wind it relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy end natural sleep. The Children's Pangdeca--Tho Mother's Friend, GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature 'of The Kind You Have Always Bought in Use For Over '30 Yerrs -- MESA BBBBBGBRE os] Bu BUILDERS ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AT LOW PRICES, ASBESTIO PLASTER SALE. ALSO COAL AND ALL KINDS OF WoO0D, foo FoR . Bennett & Co. or. Bagot and Barrack Sts, "Phone 941, WE SELL Belected from the Celebrated Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No. 1 Mines, the best Anthracite Coal mined in Pennsylvania. Place your next order with wn SOWARDS COAL C0. North Find Ontario Street. "Phone 166. GIFTS Large stock of Fancy Boxes of Chocolates. Big variety of best makers' goods kept in our store. Geo. Masoud's Ice Cream Parlor, 264 PRINCESS STREET. Fresh Bluefish, Mackerel, Smoked Cis- Blue Point Shell Oysters and Poultry $3 BMOCKST. PRONE S20 Coes,