Mattress LXEAR 10 "BO. 38 L AS r EDITION IRE STARVING i es ACUTE NO HARVEST CAN BE EXPECTED : UNTIL MAY. & Hevolutionary Up! Uptising is Report- #8 Prom Wet-Hal-Wel---Kiaping is Occupied by Revolutionary Troops ~The President an American, New York, Feb. 14.-"Thres mil tion persons in Central Ching are on the verge of starvation," rents a statement issued yesterday by the China famine relief fund committee, a which Vishop David A. Greer is an. "Last summer the worst finds in forty years destroyed the wp in an aren of HON square Many have aleady died of , end unless prompt relief is given multitodes of men, women and te must perish, No harvest can ed until May Until then the famine will be growing daily more acute." Rising in Wei-Hai-Wel, Rondon, Veh. 14.- The British min ister at Pekin has notified the British office that a revolutionary has occurred in Wei- Hai-Wei, a territory in the providce of) tung. A company of Iritish will be despatched immediately tor that! place from Pekin Woi- Hai: Wei, which contains a un tive walled city of the same name, wag, lased to Great Britain by a con- vention with China in 1808. Jt is ad- mitistered by a commission. The na tive city has a population of 2,000. Another City Taken, Mukden, Fob, 14. The city of Wai ping, province of China, hes been ace by the revolutionary troops The evolutionists hegan the bom- bardment of the town on Feb. Vth, bringing in. twelve heavy field guns into action. A partion of «wan Burned betore it capitulated. - S----------y "Nr. Sun an American. Washington, PD. Feb. 14-Dr, Sun Yat Hen, first president of the Chin ose repul lit, is a naturalized Ameri can. and artment "of '© ommerce The Ihe wa who. bad. boat born. in lelands, had boen en de wi with AT gig citizunship by 900, which provided a gov- ernment 3% Hawaii and declared all citizens of the territory to be Sitinems of the United State. WILL NOT MARRY * MENTALLY Detroit Pastors' Union Take Drastic Action With Regard to Weddings. Detroit, Mich., Feb. 14.<By a prac Hodlly ubsnimous vote, the members of the Detroit Pastors' Union passed a resolution pledging themselves not: to marey the guilty party to a divoree in abouf to the wound - adultery was alleged, (o investi- gate the cases of persons desiring Be martied, and not to Physienl] or mentally unfit he pastors say they realize the a wing menace to the pur ity and lability of the home and pub- lie. moralg in improper marriage and multiplied divorses, and realize their public duby as ministers of the gbs- Returns Showing Dism Dismissals in Pus! eral service appointments totalled 2, Iaiping |, Pr. Hoch, Well-known New d in 1904 on the frou r. Mhticinnn in Central New oeisey, dro dead in the Nomeryille hospi he had raced to the hospital to save the life of a railroad engineer. vnteer staff of harriedly Grover, UNFIT. 1 3 to the institution with his skull tall marry the [Hity-four years of BUYING NEW LOCOMOTIVES. Two Hundred and Sixty Ordered in Past Two Months, Winnipeg, Feb, MM. Canadign rail ways within the past two months have ordered two hundred and sixty new locomotives, repress nting a capi tal outlay of about four million dol lars. A few are for the esst, a few of the special type for the mountains, there are some yard engines, and the balance represent an important addi tion to locomotive power between the head of the lakes and the foothills. Of the total 1756 are for the Canadian Pacifie, eighty-five being from the American Fagin & Locomotive com pany, and the rest from shops, sixty for the Canadian North ern, and twenty-five for the Grand Trunk Pacifie. Stop Sale Diseased Meat. Toronto, Feb, ~A united demand for a change in fA publie health act to provide . for the establishment of municipal abattdirs in order to put a stop to the selling of diseased and in ferior meat was made by a deputation representing 'a score or more Ontario municipalities which waited upon the government, As a result of the visit a committee was appointed to draft an amendment to bring before the legislature. THE AXE HAS BEEN WIELOED VERY FREEL) | office and Public Works Departments Ottawa, Feb. 14.-The extent to which the axe has been wielded on lib ollice holders by Ion Monk and Pelletier, is shown by return presented to parliament, giving a list of appotments the eivip sirvioe in the post office and public works departinents since the govern ment assumed office. In the inside ser vice of the post office department ther have been thirty-three new. appoint ments, of which thirteen were addi tions to the staff, 'while twenty re placed liberal officials. In the outside 0 te Megsrs to which 236 were additions and 116 fill vacancies, In the public works department fou appointments have been made to th nside service and 161 to the outside service, DROPPED DEAD WHILE TRYING TO SAVE LIFE. Jersey Physician, Expired in Hospital, Somerville, N.J., Feb, 4.x. John Hecht, one of he best known phys: ating-room of the| al, on Monday, afte O) Dr. Hecht was a member of the vol the hospital. He wak summoneo i when Andre Ww an engineer Yon the Cent al railyoad © of New or was bro rao tured. The engineer had been driving a freight train pear here when he looked out' of the eah window and his hed wpiruck Aghingt a bridge. br. Hecht - reached tho operating: room panting for breath, and was dminister anaesthetics to man when he himself tropped dead of heart disease. Te wag age and had ap peared in the best of health, oo THE FIRST ARREST MADE AT ROCHESTER mf resolution also was passed peti- Clarence Doud Said t to Be Involved tiening the state legislature to pase a Jaw ling the publication of the Banus martiage at least three weeks before the ceremony, either in the press or from the pulpit SET THE NONCONFORMISTS, Un Leader Ma Made Strong Ap ta Protestant Sentiment. Konten, Feb. 11.-Sie Edward Car wor, the uniopist member of parlia- ment for Dublin University, who bas hath - strongest. opponent of home Tae ] nde a ples joe the Wt a conference of none conformists, which adopted a resolu give the Irish Protestants ite fing support, in the * "profound Jhe jose in the hands of 'the now He quoted i 0, Lhe nationalist mem ork, to the ofiétct that hand- "ihe Protestants to the Mol I Weulla the extinption of ) jan in 1 orators ax. ridiowlows the proposal to secure relig- Ly guarantees in the ST * flour, manufactur shaw, a wellkpewn nur. Puesday gland pt er wv. Wi speaking over! 'aed died alwost imme "a oh pests in Labor pmphany Creo esita's plan 3 : : to-merrow ®t 9 Ble Society, Fire po Speaker. ol. Tey Zion Church. Vine » + t. ® 39 ar ok a mite conspiracy, Tuesday afternoon, by a deputy Uni ins side of Mr. Hichens' laxuriant oangibe in the McNamara Dynamite Conspiracy. Rochester, N.Y.," Feb, 14.-Clarence Daud, of Mansfield, Ohio, alleged ta be implicated in the McNamara dyna: was arrested here on ted States marshal. Doud was taken td wil awaiting a hearing. Accused is organizer of the Interna: tional Machinists' Union, and repre sents one of the three unions involved m the dynamite conspiracy, Will Not Bar Rost Rifle. London, Feb. 14. -At the National Rifle Association meeting, Lord Chey: lesmore read the correspondence he tween the association dnd Capt. Bird: whistle, Lord Cheylesmore red the allegation of the prohibition of the Ross rifle was without the sisghaset foundation, ~The counneil * was gividg the dominion authorities the ror tunity of altering the 3 thei a sight and had, accordingly, A ondedt the time of Sumit ting sights till the end of April, Sir Henry Norman, M.P., riking of an automobile journey in Africa in Seribner" that "the comparatively small part of the Garden of Allah which exists ou: ation," is within half an hour of the hotel. It was originally an old garden the Biskra oasis Se hundred thousand eoal miners in the United Kingdom threatek: to stop work on the 20th February, um ices nine awoers accept the of & minimum wage in Derby: ire. "Buy drug stove wants" st Gibson's, The report that | Armand Lav iS nationalist leader, bad gone to tr rm Pv. i= lo William' W- sing, of Ont. a' retired farmer seventy Sears, lout his throat! with a rator on Mon | rétiev I wn Canadian | Treatment Used for 8 Magazine for Mach, says} Hine | The A Very wise Session is Anticipated. KING HAD CONFERENCE WItH CHURCHILL -- ~~ 'HANGES 2 ABOUT IN ADMIRALTY. Three Big Questions Before the Com. mons~--Tha Unionists are Already Forecasting an Election This Year London, Feb. 11. King sided, yesterday, at a weeting of the privy conneil, the first which has oe George pre PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From Al Over the World. Fraovece will spend five millions a year on nulitary aviation. : A married woman burned her Paby a furnace at Halifax. Prohilitionisis may form party in the Ontario house. The Ontario government = appropri-J ated \another million for good roads. W. Bert Roadhouse, secretary to the Ontario minister of agriculture, is made deputy minister William Temple Emmet, New York, will become Sie rintendent of insur- ance 'in New York state, At Halifax, N.8., Edgar Dey, the young (Mtawa hockey player, died in Halifax, N.8., on Tuesday. The appointment of two extra judges of the high court of Ontario may: be expected in the next few months, Indians residing on the reservation in Western New York, must obtain marriage licenses before marrying. Alexander Hamilton Stuart, one of in a third curred since his return from India. Ihe meeting was held at Juckinghnm palace and the king approved of the spéech from "dhe throne, to be re ad | at the opening of parliament to<day. Prior to the assembling of the eoun- cil, the king had an unusually long audience, which lasted an hour and a! half, with Winston Spencer Churchill, the first lord of the admiralty It is understood that Mr. Churchill gave ! explanations to his majesty of the | notable changes which admiralty bas effected during the of the! king from England his | majesty is reported together approved. After the council, King George re! ceived Viscount Haldane, secretary of state for war, in order to hear his personal réport of his visit to. Berlin. | The report is revived that Viscount i ' the fthsence ind of which to. have i not al- | (000 vested in art (eal driver iwho 'a freight America's most capable and respected actors, died in Grace hodpital, Detroit, on Monday J. Pierpont Mongan' has $100,000, TARIFF DEBATE Continued in the House of Commons. OPPOSITION OBJECTS TO POWERS AND RESPONSIBILI- TIES OF COMMISSION. Several Amendments Were Defeated ~Proposal to Have Board Report Direct to Parliament Was Turned Down, Outawa, Feb. 14. Another whole day was spent in committee an a single clause of the tariff ' commission bill. Hon. George E. Foster pointed out: that with the information gath- ered by the commission before par- treasures. He is a portion of them from Lon York. i (i. Sexton, Montgomery of the best known men i Alabama, and former state insurance commigsioner, killed himself, Patrick Widson, one of the best known fig in Hull, died, Tuesday, in his fifty fifth year. Deceased was a for over twenty-five years. Edgar Friese, ° London, Eng., shot his wife and himself, had all his money in a vain attempt perpetual motion ma- bringing don to New Maj A. Alta., one ures Hans spent to make chine. An express train from Valencia and train from Bareelona collid- a ss si, ODESSA METHODIST CHURCH. On January Sth, 1911, the Met etd by fire. A new church, as shown struction and will be dedicated in M was a large, substantial frame struc torn down during the pastorate of | tepliiced by the church lately destro Haldane will shortly vaeate the war; office, and be succeeded. by Col John | Edward Birrell, Seely, member of par Hament for the Ilkeston division Perbyshire, and undersecretary gtate for war. Fhe changes made at the admiralty under the administration of Winston Spencer Churehill will at an early date be the subject of questions in the Houze of Commons The session which opens mises to be a momentous gaunt of the three «home rule, the disestablishment the Welsh church, and manhood suf- fra all of Which the government is pl wd to the hilt to carry through hu one of these measures would n ew years have fered ample work for the whole session, An. autumn sgenred, many sleeploss all-night sittings be necessary in order to complete legislative task before December, less something occurs in the to bring aboul which the unionists are casting of ot to-day, pro ons ae important measures of on ago beer consi and will the un meantime a general election, already fore session 1s Charges in Office. Landon, Feb. 1M.-Exrl Carrington hus resigned the office of lord privy geal or the Marquis of Crewe has keen appointed to succeed him. Lord Pentland, son-in-law of Lord Aberdeen, also resigned as secretary of state for Scotlund, and Thomas Me Kinvon Wood, under secretary for for: gh alinirs, has been appointed to the Ace. The Murquis of Crewe has decided to ratain his portfolio as secretary of state for fodia, "HANGING" PART OF CURE FOR A SPINE, Little Girl £ Whose Back Was "Bowed" --kKub- Muscles Employed. New York, Feb. 14.--~The recent ex- periment of the Great Urmond streei hospital od hunging" a little girl aged nine, for the purpose of ° clring her of a form of infantile paralysis, is not such a noveily as it sounds. In this ease the child suffered from a "howing" of the back, and to correct ghia she was suspended from an over framework and held by leather under the armpits and chin. Rockefeller Institute in America Hs been familisr with this meth SE -- y Linnell, hodist church ag Odessa was destroy- above, has bees in course of con. arch. The first church in Odessa ture, built about 1843. This was he Rev. M. L. Pearson in {870 and yed by five. ed a short distance from Madrid Tues- day mo ning Twenty perscus werg in- jured, = The reduction of local railway rates on joint traflie will be the important subject considered by the railway com- mission at a sitting Im Ottawa on April: 16th, Dr. Mary Baldwin, devoted her medical poor of New York, has died a®pauper, She had been found Bowery frovernor Foss will make po effort to commute the death sentence of Clar ence V. T. Richeson, murderer of Avis who for years practice to the without charge, aged seventy-six starving iin a lodging "house. | mrmster lament and the people of Canada no would ever be himeelf behind mneralit his tari] re i commission facts The prime minister pointed out that ministerial control of the commission was necessary in pcinting out the su perior urgency of certain lines of en- quiry. W. FP. Maclean thought too much definition or limitation would prevent the desirable fexibility of the ecom- mission. It should be given a free hand, but be under the direction of a resmonsible minister, Hugh Guthrie movid several a mendments, to remove the commis- sion from the direction of the minis- ter, to substitite report to parlia ment for report to the minister, and to strike out the sub-section provid ing Jor investigating trusts, mergers and combines by the commission. All were lost, the first on a vole of 40 to 76. - The lagt amendment provoked quite 8 vigorous debate. F, Carvell elasimed that the movernment were taking away from the judges of the land, not the power, but the fact of investigating trusty, mergers and combines. . Hon. W. T. White denied thet he was conbected with any trust, merger or combive, and told Hon. Frank Oliver that if he kept himself as free from sister influences he would do well. Dr. Clark (Red Deer) thought the inalienable prerogative of par- lament, f(o preserve which Britain kad cat off a king's head and ourbed the power of the house of lords, was jeopardized by the former tyranny of tho trusts, by ox nf was absolut gut told to | MERGER SETTLEMENT Between R, and O. and Inland Navi: gation Companies. Hamilton, Feb. 14.--~The final settle jment of the merger between the { Richelieu & Ontario Navigation com ipany, and the Inland Navigation com- pany, whereby the interest of the two concerns are combined, was reached, to-day. The Canadian Appraisal com- pany, which has been investigating for nine mouths, says the price shall be $123 a share. This means that the in- land holders will be entitied to one- half in R. & 0. stock and the balance in cash. It also means that the Inland interests will receive two mil lion eight hundred thousand dollars for their holdings. Dickens' Fund Reached $10,000. New York, Feb. 14 Joseph H Choate, chairman of the Dickens cen- tenary fund, expressed his gratifica- tion thai the American subscriptions have now reached $10,000. They have come from all parts of the country, the average sum con'ributed bring $5 and $10. So far Boston and Phila- delphia have led the way, but the on- ly gift exceeding $500 comes from New avie to shield! Hugh Guthrie objected to the rfar- if commission having no initiative: They should" report moreover to par liament and not to the minister. Ax it wes they would colleet a vast amonnt of secret information, which it might be hard for parliament get hold of. Sir Wilirid Laurier "8 the commission was to be inde- pendent, their reports would not = be | stibjected to being abbreviated or in- terfered with by-the minister of fin ance. .Paul Emile Lamarche, member Nicolet county, has given notice a question to ask. the government if it is their intention to set aside a day for the discussion of the resoln- tion of Albert Sevigny, member for Dorchester, concerpang the repeal of the navy hill of the Laurier govern- ment. to | declared that for of Dr. Edwards Favors Bill. Dr. Edwards, M.P. for Frontenac, who has. been sentenced to dieg in the electric chair in the week of May. 10th, at Boston In future all maternity homes ni, Outario must be registered, as well as the children kept therein and the | occupants of the home. The medical | health officer of each town and rity | is to see that the new law is enforced. | Mme. Steinheil's Memoirs will prob whly be published in Paris next month. They are sur: *guite sure, to | ereate a sensation in connection with | French politics. She tells the whole story of the murder of Ler husband. The Persian government has tele | graphed orders to the municipal offi- cials 'nt Enzeli and Resht instructing | them to detain ¥. E. Unirns and the eleven other Americans Whe formerly | composed the staff of Morgan Shuster, the ex-treasure La, { WRECK OF MAINE RIES ON WATERS Work of Government Engineers at Havana Attracts Congratula- tions From Many. Maine floated free of the mud when water 'was' turned into the dam sur- rounding the wreck. The water with- in the dam is now fourteen fect below the harbour level at low tide. Ko is the intention to admit the wa- more rapidly so that by nightfall - ack will be raised to the har bog level, leaving nothing more to be done exeept to break dam and float out the ship. Many hundreds of visitors thronged i And the institule Possesics a : number of 'scaffolds' of various shapes and wizen, for the purpose of ing pure 10 any desired "iE of the hat have Hoh hit upon a diviee for | muscles, which <ob- ' I nn "rubber muscles" { perform the work which ought ta "dena by nature, ini SHily plastors' at (iheon's, Tt the dam all day, watching the refloat- ing of the Maine. None of them was {ndmitted aboard the ship, however, for Hear of accident.' Major Ferguson, {whe has had charge of the work bas received mhny fongeatulations on his { noon The "whip will remain scoure' within 4h dam until orders are froms to float her out, which 4) Binicl { endeavored {other gentlemen who have spoken, that ithis bill providing for a tariff commis- { sion, Togioal Havana, Feb. 14.-The wreck of the! "The bill presented to this thouse by the Hon. Minister of Finance is one of the most important jos well as one of the most logical pieces of legislation which have ever been pre sented to the parliament of Canada. believe that the carrying out of this idea of the appointment of a tariff commission as outlined in this bill, will result in great good to the agri- jeulturists of Canada. Hon. gentlemen opposite. throughout this debate have to make it appear that {this bill was designed entirely for the { benefit of the manufacturers that they {were the only class who could he r: ferred to by the bill. The Hon. gen- tlemen from Edmonton, Humbolt und Assiniboia have all advanced this a, and they have an objegt in view, that the impression in this country that the conservative government wers here in the interests of manufacturers and were opposed to the farmers." Dr. Edwards spoke at length regard- ing this ; quoted many siatistics, and said : "Personally, representing a far- ming constituency, I am more than ev- er impressed, especially after the able presentation of the ease my Hon. friend - the Minister of Finance, and! { is one of the wisest and most measures that has ever been introduced into this house." $18,000,000 Fire. Pathe"s Weekly, oducing the Fygu- itable Life Building in flames a * firefighters at work in sero ad She This is the most thrilling fire picture ever shown, where Batislion Chief Walsh and nine men were killed and twenty-one wounded, at ike King Ed- ward to-night and Tharsday, ---- Social Tem. Mrs. .T. M Asselstioe, Alfred street, entertained 100 guests at a» valentine ten this afternoon. Mrs. P. D. Lyman, "Cslderwood," will not receive on Saturday 8 and Mrs. Jobs Harden, Alex- { {was born in the county York, | doin. a's er, 'was killed while playing with a jar of giant powder at his home near Lankershim. The boy drepped the jar and it exploded. Pieces of glass were driven into the boy's head and when the body was found it almost had been cremated, the burning powder having set. fire to his clothing. WAS BOILED TO DEATH "UNDER ENGINE BOILER The Awful Fate of J. J. Spencely, Lindsay, Brakesman at Belleville. Belleville, Feb, 14.--At 4.30 o'clock this morning a double-header freight train from Lindsay collided wich some cars on a side track on the V, just north of the GIR. yards here, and J. J. Spencely, brakeman from Lind say, who was on the front engine when the impact oceurred, wasdthrown under the boiler and literally to death. The victim was a man and unmarvied. Dr. coroner, of this city, has inquest. Other injury by jumping. boile young Farley, ordered a train hands escaped DEATH OF MAYOR HANNA. Passed Away at Windsor on Wed- nesday Morning. Windsor, Feb. 14.--Following confine. ment since the Inst municipal election, sufferipg from nervous breakdown, Mayer W. Hanna, K.C., passed away at Hotel Dieu this morning. Mayor Hanna had served for three terms "The judge," as he was better. known, of Leeds. No more popular official ever filled the Mayor's chair in this city. Two bro- thes, Dr. Hanna, Perth, and Dr. Man- . Brantford, and a widow and two sons survive SPEECH FROM THRONE CONTAINED BUT LITTLE it Merely Mentioned the Chief Matters to Come Before Commons. London, Fng., Feb, 14. --King George and Queen Mary drove through the rain-sodden, fog-burdened streets of the city this morning, escorted by cavalry and sundry notables, to open parliament. Within the courts of West minster there was a brilliant assem- | blage The interest in the speech from the throng was intense, but it contained lijtle more than was expect ed. The bills for home rule for Ire land, for disestablishment of the Welsh church, and for franchise ex tension, were meptioned, and dis nhesed, och with a short parapgrarh HEGRET HIS LEAVIN Resolutions on Kev, Ho. D. Whit more's Departure Passed, At a meeting of the Evangelical Al hance, held at the Y.M.C.A. building, Tuesday afternoon, a resolution ex- pressing the deep zegret felt hy the members of the alliance, at the pro spective removal from our midst at an early' date of Rev. Hi. D. Whitmore, Mr. Whitmore has been an setive and very helpful member of the alliance gover since his settlement in Kingston, five years ago. The resolution slso ave very hearty expression to the igh esteem in which Mr, Whitmore is held, not only by the members of the alliance, but by the whole Christinn community where he iz known. While expressing regret ut his departure, the resolation also expressed a fooling ol gratitude that he was being called to a field of service offering larger oppor- funity for the exercise of his gifts, and wishing him all prosperity in his pro- spective field of labor in the Master's vineyard. A Little Boy Hurt. The five-year-old son of Daniel Me Manus, Sydenham street, met with a painful actident, while sleigh riding on Ordnance street, about fonr o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Master Daniel and others were sliding down the ~ hill When near the corner of Wellington street, the sleigh ran into a tele graph , and the litfle fellow was andra, i riage of toeir ter, to J. D. Asselin, on: Wednesday, Fob, - ie within 3 forinighi; Hib. out seross the eye. He was taken to this home, where it was necessary put in several stitches to close the out, WEATHER PROBABILITIES Toronto, Ont, Feb, 14th, 19 am. laws. Yalley and Upper St Lawran: ca. A few local snow flurries, but gener: ally fair to-day and on Thursday, With a little higher temperature, mg REMNANTS ! REMNANTS! REMNANTS! We Place ON SALE TO-MORROW REMNANTS OF sms COLORED SATEENS Almost every color in the lot. Lengths run from 3-4 to 2 1-2 yards. Regular prices were from 12 1-2¢ to 26c. Every plece a bargain to-morrow. REMNANTS oF ART MUSLINS, CRETONNES, COLORED MADRAS, SCOTCH MUSLINS, CURTAINETTES, ETC. HALF-PRICE TO-MORROW No min SPECIAL NOTICE. We beg to announce the ar- rival of the new SKINNER'S SATINS. All the new shades are here, including the latest stripe ef- fects, STEACY'S THE PEOPLE STO em np bistro ROHEHRT J Rent The Leading | ngerias Phone 577. 0 Princes MARRIED. HAYC OCK-~GORABSE-~At Lake Villa, Kingsten, Ontario, on BP y 14th, 1912, Miss Heilon FE. Grasse to Joseph L. Hayeock, Pen A ---------------- we FARBUTT~In Kingston, at 247 J¢ won Street an Feb, 14th, 1912 D. J. Garbutt, "uncral notice later, YOUNG--In Kingsion, on Feb 1912, Minnde, daughter of Thorias Young, aged 27 years, eral trom her late residence, ?18 Division Street, Friday afternoon, at 1.50, to the Free Methodist Church bina: SIRE sane JAMES Pops age 47 BLACK WALNUT CHAIRS, Twelve of these In two difrerent styles. A rare kind, One set at $539; the other at $38. The best 1 ever had - 141th, ur DUERR'S JAMS STONELESS DAMSON, STONELESS GREEN 1 1-2 Ib. Glass Jars, 35¢c. PURE AXD GOOD, Jas. Redden & Co. THE MODERN IDES Was Not Commendable on (he Lord's Day. There was a good attendance and much. interest manifested at the regu- lar weekly meeting of the St. George's AYPA, in St. George's hall, on Tuesday eve A very interests debate was ¢ on as to the rela" tions of recreation to the Lori's da; Miss Lizzie Clark snd Messrs. Stimson and Hawley spoks in favor of recres- tion as being yilite in Keeping with the proper observance of the Lord's day. Mien Evans, Miss Mullipger