Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Feb 1912, p. 5

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; r-- THE WORK IT HAS DONE DURING THE YEAR. Reports of Affiliated Societies-- Mrs. Hugh Fraser Was Elected Presid- ent for the Seventeenth Successive Le LEE SALT The annual meeting of the Kingston | Woman's Council was held in the coun- {cil chamber, Tuesday afternoon, with a large attendance of members of the | | | *3 i 7 gan Ine election of officers resulted : President, Mrs: Hugh Fraser: honorary viee presidents, Lady Cartwright, Mri H. Calvin: Wice-presidents, Mrs. J, H Crowe, Mrs. 8. Oberndorfier, Mrs Joseph Swift, Mrs. C. Cochrane, Mrs Alexander" Kirkpatrick: corresponding secretary, Miss Machar; recording sec retary, Miss I. ©. Ronan; treasurer Mrs. Jordan, \ Mise Machar moved a resolution thai the council should continue to co-op erate in any endeavors to build swim ming baths for the children of the city that they might learn to swim. Reports of the committees of th affiliated societies of the city. Mrs. Hugh Fraser, the president, occupied | the chair. } The reports were very satisfactory | and resume of the year's work of the! council by the corresponding secretary, Miss A. M. Machar, was very encour- | aging. In presenting the report, Miss | Machar noted that this was the sev- enteenth year the council has held an | important and honorable place in Can {ada. The local branch has been fort: | unate in having the same president all | that time, Mrs. Hugh Fraser, who mdiciously guided its course, never be ing absent from a meeting, The work of the council includes the work of the [federated societies. The first introduc tion of sewing and domestic. science classes in the schools, the suppression of impure reading matter, and the ben- eficial services of the Victorian nurse all had their origin in the Woman's | councils it has also made appeals to the city council for swimming baths for the children: for the enforcement of regulations do keep them off the streets at late hours, and for the cen- sorship of moving picture shows. The | report also showed what had been | done (0 assist in the proper treatment | stamping out of tuberculosis, and - to improve the social and pusi- ness life of Canada. A resolution was mowed hy Cochrane and Miss Strange, und (opted, expressing the regret of the jeouncil in losing one of ils hard-work- {ing members and honorary vice-presis (dent, the Tate Mrs. W. Skinner, and (extending the sympathy of the eoun teil with the deceased's family. | The annual reports of the affiliated societies of the city were read, and {showed the beneficial work they are doing. Several - of the reports have Woed's Ph Fhe Great Englis Ones and invigo: ites: who! BEFYOus system, mi new veins. Cures Nerve Bra: Mental Worry, De Feseat Wealn Fis wioms, Sper Effects of por, ' COWAN'S { PERFECTION | COCOA "Great for Breakiast" isa day with a clear head and a steady nerve day full of snap and life. Cocoa nourishes the body. med, Mrs. : Lory ad- | council on objectionable literature, de pendent children, care of the feeble minded, ete, were read, and the re port of the latter was discussed a some length. In face of the unsatisfac way in which the feeble-minde of this province are now taken care oi the council decided to send a delegat to Toronto to represent it in the del gation of the Woman's Council whic 8 10 wait upon the government am ve if something cannot be done to bet ter condition of these unfortunate peo ple : It was announced that the Duches of Connanght had been appointed an consentied to act, as an honorar president of the Dominion Couneil. A communication was read askin for the sympathy and help of the coun ¢il by some foreigners in the west About 4,000 Sikhs, from India, are set tled in British Columbia, and the west farming, and, apparently living quie and industrious lives. On account © bumigration limitations these Sikh are not allowed to' bring their wive and children into Canada, and as thes are home-loving men, they feel thi very strongly. A lively discussion took place, Miss Machar holding tha the Sikhs were loyal go the Britis' crown, and if we'call ourselves Chris tions, it was our duty to help these our brothers, in their endeavors t. bring their wives into Canada. Mr: {Cochrane strongly opposed this, bu finally the sympathy of the meetin was unanimously shown id this matter -------- Bethel Church Meetings. The prayer meeting of Bethel chure effaced to-night that the peopl may attend the anniversary of Uppe Canada Bible Society in First Bay tist church. Two Yatman meetin 0 {heen published before, but among those which were read for the first time at this meeting were from the Victorian Ovder of Nurses, the Ladiep' Auxiliary lof "the Hotel Dieu, the ¢hildren of | Mary Society, and the Opphang' Guild The Orphans' home report was rea {by Mrs, A. P. Chown; poor relief by { Miss Machar ; home for the friendless {and children, by Mrs. V. Hooper; Jew- lish Society, Mrs. Cohen; ladies' musi 2 ul elub, Miss Drummond; Y.W.C.A., {Mrs, I. H. Breck ; King's Daughters, Miss Ada Birch ; ladies' auxiliary of the general hospital, Mrs. Reid; home for the aged, Mrs, J. M. Strange. The Victorian Order of Nurses began ihe year under encouraging conditions, iand, through earnest officers and ah {energetic committee, has placed the work on a firm basis in this district, {The poor were served without fee or Havor. The number of visits made hy | the nurse during the vear were 160%: receipts, $1,177, disbursements, 7% leaving $3682 on hand, The Children of Mary soéiety, assist- ed, as in former year, a large number |of societies with provisions, clothes [and paying rents, The society held n lawn social in June and $500 was ard, realized. The Ladies' Auxiliary of Tried Many Remedies 3 4 Years, {Dien had a very successful vear. The * Cuticura Soap and Ointme¢ Cured. {sum of $3,240 had been raised, and nearly this sam was expended in fur- A Quebee man, N. Fear Tif, of gp ~ Nishing rooms in the new building, op- Castinir, writes in a letter dated N3}, 1011: erating table, microscope, and cheques § "I had a very bad skin, all ¢rad with |were given to the Mother superior. * etuption, eight years ago. I hatad allof | The Orphans' Guild was formed for 5 ¥ both my shoulders cavered With and the the purpose of assisting the sisters of high past nt on my shower fi Dut 8 Charity in caring for the children at i "different dies to eure it, but ting any St. Mary's-on-the-Lake, and 150 child § any good. At last I went to an thecary, 'ren wére cared for during the year, "He usked me if 1 had ever Uselyticurs The sewing circle made 193 articles of ett 8 Dox of Cutie yim, and I felothing. At a garden party held in T seake of Cutieurs Soap. ¥ used { Juda July $08 was realized, and an enter- 7 3 Cuteura Ointment, but I of | tainment wl the Opera house last Feb- ¢ 'same, for Cuticura Sosp and ruary nett 511. « etely cured me of my skin hat Lhe report of the. Woman's Auxiliary ] spread the Cuticura Glntment N my 'of the general hospital also showed a of TL Sui that it i ny ! successful yenr of work of the women 4% ertption {rom itching aad burning req in that institution. ' On tag day, Oec- \ mtnysremedies during" three or' folears . tober 15th, the sum of $1,108 w as real- # bits Culicura Soap and Ointment Cube." ized and the shower at Mrs. Calvin's : last February, brought in £300 worth 1 8 J N. Henri Tardif, he sud Ommmmien &f linen. The auxiliary has presented the hospital with cutlery and china 1 the world, but to hid 8 mich, Jost hope and ad. . valued at #160, and also pays the sal 4 tb any treatment, a liberal jg be 1 ary of an experienced dietician. A With a 32.p. booklet on th, vill be mailed free. on PPn, |oommittee has been formed to collect vegetables from the farmers of this All Cored * Skin | With fruption ¥ a i a Henri * RY the Hotel we ¥ | Fompl i f 4 - Potter Drug & Chem. Como Ave, Boston, U. 8. A. i rw lbousaion The Canada Meta Best Bab TA a for all pant. Motal Co, Ltd. beygs FRASER AVE. - TORONTO preparatory services were held { Monday and Tuesday nights. To-mo {row night the stereopticon lanter {utertainment for Sunday schoc I children will be held, Sunday night | general rally for the Yatman mee iings and Friday night, the 23rd, ( H. Yatman will meet all the workers in the church for instructions an conference. ------ The Late Issac Pennock. The death occurred on Wednesda last of Issac Pennock, a life-long re sident of South Cfosby, at the hom of his daughter, Mrs. Frank Munro near Elgin. It is the farm on which bh was horn eighty-five years ago. Hi kind disposition and "upright ' dealing endeared him to all. His wife, Fliz Marshall, predeceased him forty year ago. He leaves one son, Henry, Brockyille, and two daughters, Frank Munro, Elgin, and Mrs. ¢ Mrs Ros 'Leggett, Crosby. He was a Methodi in religion and a liberal in polities. : Broke Her Arm in New York. William A. Newlands, water work collector, left, Tuesday night, fo Naw York, having. been summone there to see his sister, Miss Ida New lands, trained nurse, who hroke he arm and sustained other injuries by falling down an elevator shaft, Mis Newlands is confined to the Mostgra duate hospital. ------i The Board of Health. Fhe board of health had a meeting on Tuesday afternoon. Ver little business was before it. Then was gn informal talk about the ques tion of garbage collection. Those pre sent' were © Archibald Strachat (chairman), H. Taylor, Q. B. Me Leod, Ald, R. Bailey and Mayo Hoag. shor Ss. a ma------ The Inquest Postponed. The inquest into the death of th. Italian from injuries received by hav ing his leg crushed by a rock on the C.N.R, construction line near Syden ham, has been Postponed until Thurs day afternoon, as two material « wit nesses cannot reach the city unt) Thursday morning. ------------------ Passed Artillery Course. Lieut. 1, M. Hughes, of the 144 Regiment, son of Major W. Si. Pier Hughes, has passed the artillery staf course, ws Cough Syrup." I | cough. Sold only at Gib "Buy Red Cre ures any son's, And the man who falls in a good cause is better than two men whe didn't try, grocer S most, Many a man is willing to pocket his pride if by so doing he can pock- ot your money. "Mixed Fruit make. Gibson's, Most housewives prefer "King's Quality" flour. There's a reason. A wise man forgives his enemies to prevent them from getting back at Pastiles,"" English. '*he ORRINE treatment will ipletely and absolutely destroy ihe or craving for whiskey, beda other intoxicants ie Taken 4 to directions. It is a simply efficient home treatment. Neo fon from work or business; Ibileity; no sanitarium expense. RE is '1, a powder, tasteless and colo nk: ORRINE No. 2, in pill form, . ORRINE costs only $1.00 a benefit from ORRINE, your int. Hest pastry and bread flour on the market, "King's Quality." Try it. When you see an impecunions friend it may prove to be a touching sight. "Fresh and fizzy" seidlitz powders, in tin hoxes. Gibson's. All the world loves a lover. The world likes to be amused. Try "King's Quality" flour if you want satisfaction. ' But a minister is seldom as black as he dresses himself. ' Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are TY Slorent Dut ments arise "King's Quality flour" is what the, CAR AND ALL BECAUSE IT WAS +71. ¥ Y, A ly GENUINE BARG AINS make Successful Sales. VALENTINE'S DAY, Old-time Custom of Sending Offe 1. sive Pictorials Dying Out---De. - mand Nowadays for Better Class of Valentines, The "posties'" in Kingston, were 'Tove-laden™ 'on their rounds, to-day. ind all because it was St, Valentine s lay. Indications go to show that the dd-time custom of exchanging valen: ines, shows no signs of dying out in Singston, for a goodly number of a went through the mails, al hough perhaps not as many as in ears passed. Twenty years ago the custom of euding valentines was taken quite eriously, In {act, some regarded the ending of a valentine just like a pro- wsal of marriage. However) ndwa- tays, this touch of romance has begn ropped. To-day, brothers, sisters, ousins, aunts and uncles all * send alentines to each other, and it is all aken as a remembrance, just like a sift at Christmas. The old custom of sending offensive dictorials is dying out, and it is a 'rood thing, too. Of course, there are {vite a number of the old style i cature being used, but dealers ell you that the demand is for the "OUR BIG SHOE SALE STILL CONTINUES New Bargains Every Day ABERNETHY'S weiter class of valentines, St. Valentine's night is alwavs an weasion for parties and dances, and # number will be held in the city, GRAND OPERA HOUSE. 'The Servant in" the House" Was Splendidly Produced. Supported by an excellent Uyrone Power, who created the nous "'Prainman" role ia "The ant In the House," was seen to good wdvantage at the Grand last night by + large house, in this stirring drana. Wany who had seen the production of he play here two years ago. Again visited the Grand to see this heart tirring drama reproduced. the lay progressed, audience was siruck iy the great personality of Tyrone 'ower. He had the power to make cast, fa- Ser hy 4 LL As y ue 10000000000006000000000 3 . . Confectionery ,of the cholceat sort. Every delicious variety, all the old- time favorites, everything de- lHghtfully pure and good A BOX OF CANDY will make a pleasing gift man, woman or child. ' Sakell's NEXT TO OPERA HOUSK, "Phone 640. VEOOPVODE0000060000000 to 4 REPORTS FROM ENTERPRISE. me laugh or weep and quickly took ne from the intensely dramatic to he ridicuously comical. The hypoerisy srevalent in the hearts of some elergy wn: of the present day was clearly hown, and the plans of an unserupu- ous bishop were elevely frustrated by lanson, the servant in the house, Tyrone Power, in the leading role ? $ ' ; 8 'Iames M san and hr 3. vas the idol of the house. His drama Ame Milli han Dr. A. I callen have telephones instalied i ability, as well as his humor, is . x vonderful. Preston Kendall, as the | their tunis; ¥. E Norges Duan, bang nshop of Lancashire, playing the role [anager L328 Son his Supartare a [ the partially deaf and almost blind | Tie To pa a) tie ge ypocerité, was excellent, and deserved Hollow tater. 'Mv Ror ce Tedgor-keg " he applause showered upon him. | the North yee, i per 'etsy Bacon as the Drainman's daugh fal \ oe shifted Ro rans, a er, was charming aud played her part la He . Cla k a] ra prone Am vell, Wilfrid Roger, as Manson, the | Ee he fran are, fakes his ervant in the house, was the meek [Pla0€, hh irant will 6ill the position nd gentle administrator, who smooth |" nage. and mother, formerly ed everything out right, of this place, are renewing acyuaintan oes here. Their home is at Bantry, N {D. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thompson the | qpent Thursday of last week at Georye sensation the has | Davey 8. The Farmers' Club will have rought forth will he the appearance . n this city of the triomphant sue eas of "The Thiel," which ran for two olid years the Lyecum Theatre, ew York. This will be the second me 'that "The 'Thiel' has been pre- nted herve, and the opportunity to '¢ one of 'the. woild's greatest mas- erpieces in dramatic writing should ot be missed. The critics of two con- nents have ekhgusted themselves try- ng adequately to describe this intense, (ripping, overwhelming drama, so full f that indescribable something that ietces the heart with its appeal, For vant of a better term this something s called human interest. "The Thiet" s full to overflowing with human in- rest. It throbs in every line and lds the spectator from start to fin- sh. "The Thief" comes to the Grand n- Thursday, February 15th, An Ice Carnivale--A Young Man In. jured by Fall, Enterprise, Feb. 13..dom to Mr. and Mrs. William Loucks, a daughter, Mrs. George Clark not impro 1s Ars. mn "The Thief." What will undoubtedly reatest prove season | Keeeh's hall. Mr. and Miss Leonard, 'son and daughter of Dr. Leonard, of | Napanee, who were visiting at W. J. Mellow's, have returned home. Miss Georgie Cousins spent Sunday under the paréntal voof. Miss Ella May Flynn, daughter of James Flynn, is very low with pneumonia, The ice carnival held on the skating rink on Saturday evening was well attended regardless of the severe cold weather. The following won the iat Solves the Combination. "A fine star well suited tos great 'art is coming to the Grand on Sat- day, February 17th, matiiee and right, when H. B. Warner will be seen wre for the first time in "Alias Jim- ny Valentine." This play, by 'aul Armsirgng, is the story of a te narkable bank burglar who has the gift of sensitive fingers with which he 'an solve combinations on the locks of safes and vaults, but who reforms vhen the right sort of young woman "omes into his life. The plot develops wme of the most thrilling scenes on he modern stage, so it ie said. Mr. ¥arner will be supported by the cast vhickl played in New York for two sea- sons. The play has been handsomely staged by Liebler & Co. Converting Harlowe. Harlowe, Feb. 10.--Rév. Mr. Wricht, pastor of the M. E. church, is hold- Ling, successful revival services here, Miss Sadie Scott is visiting at Nor wood. Miss Grace White has gone to Watertown, N.Y. J. McCausland left for North Bay a short time ago. M. and T. Thompson and P. Whiteman are home from: Roekeroft, Martin and Harold Neal are home from King- ston. Miss Flossie Parks is at her ancle's, J. Black, Arden. Mrs. T. M. Thompson and little daughter, Gladys leave to-morrow to spend a fow days with her parents, Mr. and Mra, Taylor, Latimer. While there they will attend the wedding of Mrs, Thomp- son's brother to Miss Sherwood. The Holiness. Movement people will have a convention the coming week, seme At Black River Bridge, Black River Bridge, Feb. 12. The pathmaster is buey breaking' roads every day. Mrs. Edward Grimnson and daughter are visiting at Mrs. p, Minaker's. Mrs, * Frank Starr, Mr and Mires. R. Nobles, visited at John Minaker's on Sunday last, ; turday evewing Mrs, S. Dulmage entertained at dea. Nr. and Mpg Willisam Arnold and son, Mr. ant Mrs. Frank Starr. All the {armers have filled their ice house, A Nom ber of the voung people attended dance in the town hall, W ; on even Clare Huby i play at i Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Whattam spent» day at D. J. Love's. Messrs George and Albert Meties, of Hay Bay, in the village, : You must keep on vital forces recede a bit a food and drink, Remen worker's downfall into ne \ Don't believe it ! Make test and con -- sleep of boyhood comes o There is 'no HEALTH. Generally it' Hear Ye! ------ -------------- "It pays to buy soaps" at Gibson's an oyster supper on' Friday evening in | leaving off the tea and coffee ten days. 1 Ina few days many feel the comes pleasure once more. joy on e Miss Deasie Fenwick, as the best dressed lady: Mrs. R. A. Reid, as the most comicly dressed lady; Verna | Walker 8 the best dressed little girl: Ir, Je the bauk, as be (dressed gentleman; George Clark {the most comiely. dressed gentler {and Clifford Wagar as the best dres J bay. $c. prizes ; ston, of Miss Gertie Barns, laughter of Miles | Burns, and Eugene billon, son of James Dillon, were united in matrg tmony, on. Monday Nast by Rev. J. J. | O'Reilly, the. parish priest. } Peter Timmons, Fim mong, of Bellrock, died on Friday of last week irom appendicitis. Edward Hayes received a very severe injury Monday evening falling on the at the rink striking {on a stake. It thought broken. J. Dowling is around again, James Mill paring to lay in his stock of son of John {on by fies and his back is a bone iu he pre able to an is we, brand hand { 10e., (special this week, {Leod's drug store," corner King and Brock streets. "Phone 219, Miss Elizabeth Hayden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Haye n, of Alex andrin, formerly of Kingston! was | married, on Wédnesday, to B. J, As selton, of Alexandria For pastry cooking "King's Quality" flour never had an equal, Mrs. Mary Bell, of Brockville, died jon Monday, aged sixty-eight Figer cleaner, vegular 3 for 10e. Me years And now ye of The Tread Mill INOW ON Our Big ta Furniture Sale The port taking feature of a Daven- Is it usefulness and attractive. ness The appearance of a beautiful drawing-room piece of furniture can converted into a soft and {luxurious bed in a moment's notice Ja JAMES REID'S 'Phone 147 be Madge Machweth goes into "Some Of- and brings back to the Monthly for February various details concerning several pro them Sifton, tawa Homes," Canada amusing leaders, minent society Mrs Davies among and Mex Lady and Mrs. Fielding The phatograpis, taken by the author, show the Ottawa women in their awn homes, busy with their favorite avoca- tions, The four "King's Quality Fhe early dave of steamboating on the Hudson will be deseribed in the March Seribner with pictures in color Ih Stanley M.! Arthurs, the agtivt, heing orden the bousewives prefer-- TTT ---- Give Ear " sawing wood " nd you join the " cadaverous " her this fact that one wide rvous prosteation and a variety Unto The Word There may be a way to make your dmily life more comfortable, : hindi bli for the family, you know, but when the army, look sharp to your spread cause of a brain of disorders is Tea and Coffee You say. ; . 'i vince yourself, for therein lies Jse in their plac old-time spring of h The evening. pastime brings nee again to cheer and refresh. » 8 yours for the taking. Hear Ye! a chance for relief, © good well-made Try alth, and the daily toil be: happiness, and the sound arth quite so satisfying as the PERFECT POISE OF "There's a Reason" ow & $ Postum is made of Canadian Wheat, ny Canadian Labor. - CANADIAN POSTUM CEREAL COMPANY LIMITED, WINDSOR, ON TARIO, CANAD A,

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