Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Feb 1912, p. 11

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Many Religious Workers in Be- sieged City Were Witness- #s of Battle. Nearly all the missionaries of the | Methodist Episcopal church who were shut off by the revolution in west Chi- na are now out of the danger zone is the news: cabled to the board of for eign missions in New York by Bishop Bashford from Shanghai. Twenty- four of these sens out by the board and sixteen of the Woman's Foreign Missionary society have reached Shang- hai Chungking and Chengtu. Rev. and Mrs. Spencer is, Dr. J. H. Mec- Ca and Rev, W. E. Manly remain : to look after the native Chris- taing, th and Mrs. C. W. Freeman, Rev. sand Mrs, Elrick Williams and the family of Dr, MoCartoey are leaving shortly for America, The revolptionists were under the im, that the iuierialiate at the South Gate fort wo joi them, so one night they made an attack on the fort: The imperialists hoisted a white flag to mislead their enemv and when they advanéed opened fire upon them. Lack of ammunition forced them to fetreat, but they returned to the 8at- tact on the mext night. The next day the German and American consulates moved to the warships at the river port, the gates of the city were closed and the real seige began, There was much excitement, Dr. Blackstone writes, but the fourteen foreigners were confident they would come to neo harm. Order was maintained at the point of the sword, and all who loot: ed or disturbed were beheaded without trial. Pr. Blackstone saw one case of "'jus- tice' delivered on the spot. Three sol diers purchased 25 cents' worth in a store, but paid only 10 cents. A rum- pus followed, and an officer riding by dismounted and had the three soldiers beheaded. Three Manchu soldiers rob- bed a missionary of $300, They were "soon captured, beheaded and their heads carried on poles while a warn. ing was shouted to all. Then follow- ed wholesale beheading, for when the outbreak came it was suspected that many revolutionists were in the city. A dtudent passing the mission house why beheaded and his heart cut out. His ricksha man suffered the same The announcement that all cue- less Chinamen would be beheaded was followed by a sedrch of the city for such, and the missionaries helped many to get away. Revolutionists Take Fort. "It was on 8 Thursday that we saw the hardest fighting," Dr. Blackstone writes, "and it marked the time of victory. Farly in the evening thy booming of the cannon at the South fort began and was soon follow. * | roar of the musketry doubled. Order Maintained at Sword's Point---Looters Beheaded Without Trial. - oN > vol interest, knowing that the revolution- ists would make a desperate effort to capture the fort this time, as it was their fourth attack. The big guns shot forth red flames, which flashed against the smoke and elouds, adain 2 to the weirdness of the tragedy. At one time we would hear spent bullets dropping hear us, which were from the revolutivnists firing from the far- ther side of the fort toward the city, Finally, after about three hours, a big charge was made, the great guns were worked at a rapid rate and the Then a perfect fusilade of explosions, heav- ier than the musketry, followed, and immediately all wes gilent, and knew the fort had n taken, "Later in the night very heavy fir. ing started up at the northeast gate, outside of which there is a high wall. There had been continuous mountsin, within a half mile of the light firing going on there for eigh- teen hours, and after midnight firing incrensed to a regular bom- bardment. The day previous we had seen the imperial tents at the first peak of this. mountain, where 250 mperial soldiers were stationed with rapid firing and mountain guns. A- bove them on a higher peak we had seen the revolutionists take a stand with mountain artillery. The fort just Suside thix northeast gate had two six-inch: and two threesinch guns, these being manned by Tartar sol diers, probably because this fort is near to aad overlooks the Tartar City, On the north side of the city dre the Tiger and Lion Hill forts, both of which were in action in this battle, With the three forts in action . and the two mountain artillerigs also, we had by far the fiercest cannonading of the whole sidze. Just before day: light a fierce rush was made, and the victory was won, Eighty of the 'dare to die' band had char the height and, with hand bombs, drove the im- perialigts to wild flight down the moundahr."" Foy . we Mere Boys as Soldiers. Dr. Blackstone declares the work of the young soldiers, mere boys, wae chara zed by the highest bravery and that, with proper. training they will make the greatest fighters the world ean produce. 3 Negotiations for the surrender were condu by Viee-Consul Gilbert, the Rev. A. J. Bowen and a Mr. Tyeo. of Thent word oie. hat - suin throu no gn and a4 across Ee iver the sol- diers began to loof, The havoc they wrought writes Dr. Blackstone, was awful. The local police went out af ter the looters. As fast as they were Ga od by a econtpuous roar of musketry, We listened to this battle with intense caught they were ded in a beu- Many Forms <5 Mes. Ritchie, of Galt, Oat, Says She Believes It Doctors Said She Had Not Long to Liv tal fashion. Two wete caught at the Of This Dread Disease Are Cured Remedy. -------- Her Life She Began This Treatment---Read Her Grateful Statement Scarcely a day passes but fresh proof is offered of the wonderful pow- or of vr. Williams' lnk Pills over disshse., In meny of these cases re liel and new health comes to the sul- po after the best pllorts of medion had been in vain, in that of Mes. Dy N. Renter me] Gal, Opt., who writes: "1 feel it my duty to let other know he vr.' Williagis® | for me, | My stomach is in trouble that other 'medici der Providence given for the benefit of suffering humanity." Writing agsin under the date of August 6th, 1911, Mrs. Ritchie says : "As to my general health 1 can say that 1 have not felt so well in years, the best of = condi+ tion and | can eat things I have not jeaten for years. well, but use my cane when 1go I can walk quite out, ad I have not quite con in yet. But if you had geen me 1 self fired Hen wy to take Dr. Willingus' oe {mizaicle 1 J All that I have stated is absol fre add 1 may add that the ob will realize what a have worked in. my ome, ve cured my husband of po kidney 1140 have nd" =k «1912, Mrs. Ritchie says : jo recovered and able to do all housew Ar id beough > faithful use of the -1 Dr, Williams' © Pink Pills Jaci hopeless Hg wé are both, tha 3 Again hak date of Jan. iow, "1 am 1 shall alwa Wi i always - n . Williams'® Pink Pilla = and ome sufferer will receive ae be 'by reading this as such Mrs. new, oll he si or collar doctor's gate. One was beheaded inteciered, and saved thw the 1 ranch of ii: | THE DAILY BRITISH , and other not rg man's life. The looting was directed against the foreigners. mutilated bodies oiaios strewn about the streets. Dr. "Blackstove heard that the gun- pers in charge of the imperial fort at Nanking was revolutionists and work- ed the guns with the officers stand ing over them with drawn swords. They shot to miss. The missionaries witnessed the burn- ing of the Manchu city, a step made necessary because there were eigh- teen mines secreted there. The Man- chus were well treated by the victors, noné being killed except those who resisted or who bad arms hidden. The populace were deli with the change, for they felt they were in the hands of their friends, ie. THIS TOAST OUTSHINES SOME JESUIT OATHS, we -- were W. T, stead is the Aunthority, But He Doesn't Give Any Names, W. T. Stead, the editor of Review of Reviews, who is. a whole hearted, if somewhat eceentric, radi cal, writing in his magaziue, just one year ago, under the heading, "Will Ulster Fight ?"' made some remarks which are mot without interest at the present juncture. "The blatant remnant of blasphem- ing fanatics," said Mr. Stead, "which is to be found in Belfast and the! county of Antrim, has been making itself ridiculous by swearing that Ulster will never, never sabmit to home rule. Even after home rule has been decreed by king, lords and com- mons, these devoted 'loyalists' now declare that they will import arms from Germany to shoot down the king's soldiers, rather than obey the aw of the land. As evervone knows, they have no authority to speak on behalf of Ulster for there are as many nationalists in Ulster as there are unionists. The majority of Ulster unionists. are too sane and law-abid- ing to countenance these incitements to civil war. But it is unnecessary to demonstrate the worthlessness of their braggadocio, It will suffice simply to reproduce here the famous Charter Toast, which these trueculent gentry drink with enthusiasm at every fes. tiva gathering they hold in the north of Ireland. Here is the precious toast, which sometime even takes precedence of the toast to the king : The Toast, To the glorious, pious," and im- mortal memory of King William (not forgetting Oliver Cromwell), who saved us from pope and Ppopery, knaves and knavery, slaves and slavery, brass money, and wooden shoes And all who refuse to drink this toast may they be rammed, crammed, stam- med, and damned into the great gun at Athlone, to be blown over the hills of damnation. May their teeth . be converted into paving- stones, to pave the way of the eroppies into bell, and their blood into train oil to light their souls to damnation. May I be at ' the end of the gun with a fiery lam: beau,lo sé them burning round the earth, the moon, the stars, ond the sea, like flies around a sugar-cask on a hot summer after: noon. May they be blown against the rock of blastation, and come down in a shower of innumerable pieces, aud may those pieces: be picked up and made into sepur- ables to mend the soles of the Orangemen's boots to walk on the Twelfth of July." 5 "What," asked Mr. Stead, "ean any civilized man think of the trou- sered bipeds who cheer such sanguin- ary sentiments, but that they should doff their trousers and display them- selves as the Yahoos that they are? And it is these savages who are threatening the British empire 4 the armed revolt," A SHOULD BREED wil. / -- Sir James Barr Makes Plea For Men Who De. Loudon, Feb. M.D. 179. =8ir Jamex Barr, president of the Liverpool the Eugenics Society, pre- siding at a meeting at Liverpool, said that eugenics were forging ahead | and public' interest in the subject wks in creasing and was bound tolead to some great event in the futufe. At the end of 1911, Sir Jhmes said, he was asked (o specify whal he con- sidered the five greatest evenls in this eountry in 1911. The first thad ocenr- red to his mind was the aerial flight around Great Britain, but that was won by a Frenchman. The nest thing was the trans-channel swim. That wes accomplished by a Yorkshireman, whe had lived a great deal of the time i 'ranee. Next came the launching of the Olympic and the Titanic, but that in Belfast. Je was then stumped. He knew of no other achieve none. The fact was, he could not point to five achievements in England during the year. It was time, added Sir James, the country looked ahead, and instead of breeding inept individuals, bred men who were able to accomplish some great feat. . BOB'S SON IN RING. ---------- Robert » Fitzsimmons," Jr., to a "White Hero." *. New York, Feb. 17.---Bob Fitzsim- mons is preparing a surprise for bof. ing fans. He has not intention of "coming back" in person, reports to the Sotany Sotwithitanding. but he ok as the backer of his Jr., is only six of age, but is six feel tall, pounds, nd is backer by a at been 20h to i rt in r go A bin as yet to imbin ready when Ne Tathor Collar Strangied Him. Norwood, Mass., Feb. 17--A tight caused the death of William ¥. ion, whose body was found here in room at an hotel where he lived. Hoa X i om an attack of Er he sole coy inseparable-- lacking which, ty Abbey's Salt. "Phone 201. Stops Mr, E. F. Tomkins, Ex-May Ko in Your Tablets are a safe /and effective remedy for headache. " Major A. C. Hanson, *] use Zutoo tablets tisfactory cure ine punt mother's son who has tried 4 THE MODERN. HEAD DRESS Causes Baldness--We Cannot Change the Head Dress, But We Can Prevent Baldness. Up to the time we began to civilize him a bald-headed Indian wos a thing unknown. Wearing nothing on his head except the covering furnished by nature and being a' stranger to the use of a hair brush, especially the public one, the scalp and hair had tlmty of ventilation, much sunlighs aud, hence, a condition favorable to a luxuriant growth of hair existed at all times. It was the adoption of air and light excluding head gears and artificial lead decorations generally, together with the occasional use of a com- munity hair brush, which gave the dandruff germ its opportunity, Since this parasite has multiplied to an alarming degree until now there is A,BCL. 10. 'wig, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1912 ------ WHAT WHI6 CORRESPONDENTS TELL US. Ibe Tidings From Various Fonts in Rastera Ontarios-What People Are Doing and What They Are Saying. Ompah News. Owpab, Feb, 14. -Walter Wemp lost & valuable horse last week. Miss Mi lessa Stewart is quite ill with jaun dice: Mite Annie Dawson is visiting friends in Queensboro, Mise Picard spent Friday and Saturday at Mrs W. Wemp's Mr. and Mrs. Charles MeDougall, jr., have returned to the states. Mr. Wemp, who is expecting to move to Amherst Island, within a short time, is drawing bis machiner, to Lavant. Visitors: Mes. W. Stew axt, at Miss L. McDoagall'si Mrs. J. Mellay, of Renfrew, at Trout Lake hotel; Miss R. Laumdric, at W Thomas'; Harry Card, guest of Ro. bert kody, Wednesday "evening; Mrs Cledgett, at Mrs. Dunham's: Messrs Board and Fair, of McDonald's Cor pers, at Robert Gady's, At Oso Station, Oso Station, Feb. 15.-A farewoll party was held 'at Charles Bedard's on Monday evening last, and was targely attended. Mr. and Mrs. Bedard are leaving for Sniith's Falls on Satur day. Quite a number of the farmers are hauling wood to the K..& P. sid ing here. Miss llettie England made a flying trip home on Tuesday evening last. - Frederick Moore, of Pert h, spent n few days last week at Alexander England's. Mrs. A. B. Stanley is spending the winter with her parents here. Mrs. Alexander Weir, Smith's Falls, is visiting here. Miss Mattie Hamilton is visiting at Inverary. Sam- uel and George Swain have returned to their home at Glenvale, after spend ing a few days with friends here. My and Mra. Joseph Warren apd family, and Edward Weir and Miss F. Wilmot, at E. Bourk's on Sunday last. School iw progressing, with Miss Wilmot gs teacher Ivy Lea Methodists, Ivy Lea, Feb. 15.--Some lvy Leaites attended the annual business meeting at the Methodist church on the 1tn inst. A committees of ladies or ranged a sumptuous supper basement of the church to ample justice was done by the cuit officials with their wives, a few others interested, after which the business was done in the church, an important f{eature being the vote on church waion, resulting in le ea yeasand fourteen nays. The work at the various appointments was re ported as in a flourishing condition genernily, a specially progressive case being in the Sunday school at in whien eit lao herdly a person who is not trouhlad more or less with dandruf and fall-| og hair, Many, worrying stage. Having become chronically bald they realize that -no-| ing is capable of producing natus ral hair for them. Let these be a warning to all whe ave experiencing | and falling hair. | Dandruff, which is due to a germ, | and falling hair can both be over. come by the regular use of Newbrd's Herpicide. This wonderful sealp remedy the vicious germ which causes driff, clennses the scalp and stops the her from eoming out. The drs- traction of the germ permits the hair to grow naturally and luxuriantly as neture intends. Herpicide makes the hair snappy, light and fluffy. One dollar size bottles guaranteed. For sale at all drug stores, Applications obtained at the botter| barber shops and hair dressing par-| kills dan- | bright, ore, Wend 10, in stamps sample and booklet to The IHerpicidy Dent. R., Detroit, Mich. Jas, B. McLeod or L. 1. Best, spe cial agents, TAT | or silver for Co., { | { BACKACHE to be sure, have passed the} {John Moorhead, last week. | Philip ! i M J. AWF | Gananoque, Mr. and Mre. A. Donel . Hy and Master Leonard, Seeley's Das Lansdowne, where an adult Jible cluss has been instituted, also a 'ocket Testament League, the fatter waving adopted the "challenge scheme." A resolution was passed requesting the return of the pastor, Rev. E., R. Kelly, to this circuit an other couference year. Arrangements are being made for union revival ser the significant annoyance of dandruff | vices to be held in the near future. J Ritchie Bell will take charge services, uf the Long Point Budget. Long Voint, Feb, 14, Mrs, Gilbert, Lyndhurst, visited . her sister, Mrs. Master Marcus Slack has returned from visit ing friends in Athens. Mrs. John Mae donald, Sapd Bay, spent the past week at Charles O'Connor's.' Miss Elva Warrén visited her sister, Mrs, Moorhead, at Outlet last week, Messrs, Joseph Warren, Orange Warren, Jos. eph Bevins and .Johuston Moorhead atttended the hockey games in Brock ville on Friday evening. Mr, and Mrs Kelsey and daughters visited friends in Lansdowne, Miss Ellen O'Connor is ill with deiatiga. Michael Slack attended the funeral of Tsrael Slack last Friday, Miss Pauline Slack went to Gananogue, Miss Lucy Pevins has returned from visiting friends at Marble Rock and Gananoque. Recent visitors : Mrs. Johm MeKinley, of Seeley"s Bay, at J. Singleton's; Sis R. Andress, Marble Rock, at fra Belins'; Mr. and Mrs. William Slate aud son, Rockport, at Kel Perey James Flood and sev's; Mrs. A. Flood, Delta, Dr. F J. O'Connor, Mrs, O'Connor and Miss Norah, of A Charles Slack, Athens, at Charles HO Connor's. GIRL TO STUDY FARMING. the ] == mint, and his frignds could tell him of Missouri Miss Will Learn to Manage 1350 Acres of Land. Columbia, Me., Feb. Chandler, tweniy years old, the daughter of a wealthy farmer of Hoone county, will begin study at the University of Missouri College «i Agriculture here to learu how to munagy her 150-aere farm and make it a paying proposiSion. She is tie first young woman to enter the farm management elass at the university. "I am going to feed cattle," said Miss Chandler, "and 'when 1 make wy first shipment to St. Louis I aw going to ride there and soe them sol at the market." 17.Miss Pear] s-------------------- A New Lincoln Story. New York, Fob. 17-4ol. Geocse M. Whistler, of Fort Wadsworth, vo. day told a perfectly good Lincoln story Lol. Whistler said be was a mate of Tad" Lincoln during the civil war. As such he besed that Mrs. Lincoln locked out her husband the night be received the presidents) nomination, witer Mr. Lincoln had knocked repeatedly Mrs. Lincoln call ed out: "Who's there 7" "It's Abe," Mr. Lincoln mildly, "Please let me in." » "Whit have you béen doing, trefip th play- answerad * way Mr. Litscoln's reply, just bem mominsted for pro i of the United = Lr 3 "Abs bape Mrs Lineoln's retort from behind the door, "1 thotiehi Jo Jes, drinking before. New | i 4 = PAGE YLEVEN. CANADIAN MADE BILLIARD TABLES High Cost of Importing American Goods Abolished. E now manufacture in Canada, Carom and Pocket-Billiard Tables, Regulation Bowling Alleys, and Billiard and Bowling Accessories, for Clubs, Y.M.C. As, Institutions, Lodges, Homes, Billiard Rooms, etc, -- the bind that satisfy. Home made-- built by Canad- ian workmen ~=every man a specialist in his line. HONE OF CANADA'S BILLIARD SUPPLY. = It's Birthplace is Proof of Good Quality. iS Or new Toros Factory. Equipped with mont mad. ero machibery known to sience aoe geome. be one of the finest cabinet wondworking plant im existence, and largest Bland Tolls factory in the Al grades from the ches to the best to suit requirements. Duty on im ported goods now elimina Large stock always on display at our various Warercoms, | Prices, Easy Terms and High Quality equals those in American Market. The exquisite designs, careful construction and character of workmanship in cach process of manufacture will be maintained up to the highest standard of excellence. ; WE sell direct to the trade from our factory, through our salaried representatives. No middleman's profit or agent's commissions are figured. OUR Facilities are unexcelled for expeditious and unlimited output throughout Canade. Our Goods are Home Products---Honme Bult and Home Dutvbuted, RUNSWICK _ EDALKE 0.) of Canada wm .y p YEARS OF SUPREMACY IEEE Montreal, P. Q., 11 Notre Dame St, W. Edmonton, Alta, 655 First 50. Handsome Art Catalogs tarnished gratis upon application to out nearest office. OVER SIXTY WAREROOMS: inolpeg, Man, 9 Princess St, Vancouver, B, C., 652 Beatty St ' Requests should melude genera! information of requirements, TE = Toronto, Ont, 67-69-71 Adelaide Street, Wost e Eu -- Bitter Oranges, 23 cants par dozan, Mexican Sweet Oranges,' 26 for 26 cents. Lemons and Grape Fruit A. J. REES, 166 PRINCESS ST. Phone 58 Your favorite recipes still better cooking If vou use ""Ko- Ko-But" instead of lard or other shortening Ko-Ko-But {8 a pure, clean, vegetable butter, PERFECT for all cooking purposes, frying and pastry making Test and prove Ko-Ko-iut in your own kitchen ¥ It. Write for Book of Recipes. will give you sur Grocer Sells R3, Limited, Montreal. 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On account of the extra strength of PURITY FLOUR please remember, when making pastry, to add more shortening than an ordinary flour requires. And when making bread add more water, and PURITY FLOUR will expand info more loaves than the sme weight of ordinary flour can produce, thus making, "more bread and bet They PURITY . "More bread and better bread" tery bread." © Make vour next flour onder spell PU LLTY FLOR It casts slightly but it's worth the difference. Add PURITY FLOUR to grocery list €ight now. ! 104 more,

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