PAGE TWELVE. WITHOUT RELIEF "Wali | fogk "Frait-aes" Samia, ONT, Feb, sth, 1910, "I have heen a sufferer for the past 25 years with Constipation, Indigestion and Catarrh of the Stomach. tried many remedies and many doctors but derived no benefit whatever, Finally, 1 read an advertisement of !Pruit-a-tives'., 1 decided to give ' Priit-a-tives' a trial and found they did exactly what was claimed for them. I have now taken 'Fruit-a-tives' for some monihs and find that they are the only remedy that does me . have recommended 'Fruit-a-tives' to a great many of my friends and I cannot praise these fruit tablets too highly" : PAUL J. JONES | "Pruit-a-tives" is the only natural eure for Constipation and Stomach Trouble, becanse it is the only medicine Jin the world that is made of fruit juices and valuable tonics. Hundre of people have Leen cured, as if by a miracle, by taking "Fruit-a-tives", the famous fruit medicine, soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At dealers, or sent on receipt of price by "Fruit-a-lives Limited, Ottawa. - British American Ladies' Tailoring DEAR MADAM.--We would like to have you call and get our prices before' the spring rush is on. Workmanship and styles guaranteed, | I. COHEN 267 PRINCESS STREET, 'Phone 851. A Special Process of paration guarantees Eddy's Toilet Papers free from injur- fous chemicals of any kind. 'If you're sure it's Eddy's, you're Nickel Plated Tea Pots, Nickel Plated Coffee Pots, Fancy Coffee From $1.50 to $7.00 Silver Knives, and Forks, Silver 'Spoons, Carving Sets From $1.50 to $10.00. Carpet Sweepers, Etc. ELLIOTT ; BROS. 77Prinéess SE" TRIED EVERYTHING With The Kingston : Boy Scouts. At the second Kingston troops' use- al was a very good turnout, There were about fifty-five members present. Can- on Starr gave the boys some drill and marching. They are coming on very well; recruits are coming in fast. To the boy over twelve: "Why not become a scout ?" It is healthful. It is instructive. It is interesting, By the Sout's Watchman. Would it not be a good plan fon Kingston's scoutmasters to take the tip from the Globe and cross off the roll the names of any scouts who have been absent 4 month ? Boy scouting is not simply going down to a meeting occasionally, knocking around and going home. - Neither is it going out on a Saturday, building a fire, cook- ing a meal, and coming home. er out each and every day that which you resolved to do when initiat- ed a tenderfoot. Scouts in other places are distinguishing themselves. Why Not Kingston? Why do not the scouts always carry their staves. Some scouts put on their uniforms as though they were a suit of overalls. Clean boots in- clude the heels and backs of your boots, The Foxes and Beavers should get their shoulder knots. Remember scouts !| We are associat ed with one of the greatest movements of modern times, and every scout throughout the world should put his shoulder to the wheel and endeavor to uphold the dignity and standard of the organization to which he is at- tached. Foxes vs. Owls. The Owls easily defeated the Foxes in a game of hockey by the score of Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular pre- scription It Is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces, he perfect com- bination of the two ingredients (3 what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh Send for testi- Free. monials F, J. CHENEY & CO, oledo, O. Sold by Druggists, price 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con- stipation, 4 Props, money. Pre- i Percolators We are going to offer for sale 30 Pairs Women's Dongola Kid Patent Leather Gun Mets Laced Bigs some in Buttou. 00. Boots, Por $2.25 5, - King : 1 A ' A § | 4 meeting Wednesday evening there St 12-5. The Fozes were minus their re- gular goal-keeper. This was likely the cause of the large score. The Owls are at the head of the Third Troop's Patrol Hockey League, at present. On Tuesday evening, at the regular meeting of the Third Troop (Syden- ham street church), there was a good attendance, The scouts were given a written examination on questions from "The Scout." Then Scout Arm- strong gave a talk on the Kingston fire department. Leader Jordan on the Turko-Italian war; Scout Frost on a "Trip To The Country." These talks were much enjoyed. Owing to the absence of the scoutmaster the meeting broke up eariier than usual. v -- Kingston By R_ 8 R On July 4th, 1911, the king's rally, in which over forty thousand scouts took part, was held at Windsor, Eng- land. Among the many thousands en- camped in the great park were the Canadian contingent, a Maltese pa- trol, a patrol and scoutmaster from Gibraltar, an Australian patrol, and even a patrol of German scouts. Can- ada was well represented by her fifty young stalwarts--the pick of the minion, When I received my orders to join the Canadians at Barnes, I was at Oxford, and had to rush. On the way down, I saw scouts ak nearly every station, all hastening to see the newly-crowned king. Changing at Reading (one always changes in Eng- land), I met a brother scout drag- ging his kit bag towards the 'cloak' room. He was one of the English scouts, who visited Canada the year before last. At another station, an old man with two medals entered the train. Soon I found out that he was a sailor--a Crimean veteran. Arriving at Barnes, a little before noon, I walked the mile to the camp, getting there just in time for dinner, After dinner, when everyone was bask- The Nervous Scout at Windsor, do- Invalid Far Greater Sufferer Than Man With Broken Leg. Both Mind and Body Are Restored] by the Use of Dr. Chase's * Nerve Food There is no suffering so keen that which arises from diseases the brain and nerves. Physical pain is intermittent and can be relieved, but when the nerve cells become feeble and wasted mind as well as body is affected, and all is blackness and discouragement to the sufferer. 'The brain is starved for lack of rich blood, and thers are headaches, and neuralgic pains, sleeplessness, Yrritability, indigestion and loss of energy and vigor are among the symptoms. / The man with a broken leg has Ahe sympathy of all who know him,/ but the man who is broken in wind), as well as body by nervous exhaultion. is told that he only thinks he is «ick. Since the cause is in the condition of the nervous system, jt ean be removed by the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, which directly to as ol "|the formation of rich blood and the restoration" of the feeble, nerve cells. 3 Rest, seek cheerful companions, live in the sunshine and by using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food fill the ner- vous system with new vigor and energy. A few weeks of this treat. ment will do wonders for any suf ferer from an exhausted condition of the nerves. Dr. Chase's. Nerve Food, Ble. = box, 6 for $3.50, at all dealers, or Bates & Co., Limited, To- wasted x » ronto. Lots in Bow Island, Transcona and Nokomis for sale. Full information will be furnished and orders taken by ; J. O. HUTTON, 8 Market Street, Dr: Martel's Female Pills 4 A SCENE FROM "ALIAS JIMMY VALENTINE," AT THE GRAND TO- NIGHT. EE ------------ ing in the hot s ed the "Fall In. (To be continued pext week.) -- ROOSEVELT TO AID TAFT IN CAMPAIGN. un, the bugle sound- This is the Latest; Colonel Wilt Turn Delegates Over to President. Washington, D.C., Feb, 17.--VWilliam Brown McKinley, congressman from II- linois and manager of the campaign for renomination of President Taft, thinks he bas solved the Roosevelt mystery. According to McKinley's idea, Col. Roosevelt is not a candidate for presi- dent, nor does he expect to be presi- dent, but is acting in the interest of Taft in breaking up the opposition to the president. "The idea is that Mr. Roosevelt is "on the level," that he saw the progressive attack on Taft was so scattered that it would be dif- ficult to fight. So, deciding to break up the guerrilla warfare, he gathered in the progressives with the intention of delivering them to Taft at the pro- per moment. There are intimations that there will be a third party in the field formed by a coalition of the Bryan and La Fol- lette forces. This it is asserted, will happen if La Follette des not receive better treatment in the republican par- ty and the democrats in the house do not stop using Bryan for a door mat. NEW RUBBER SUBSTITUTE. Claims He Can Make it From Any Waste Fibre. Philadelphia, Feb. 17.--An invention | that promises to turn the waste of the world into a saleable commodity with illimitable commercial possibili- ties has been made by a Philadel phian. His assertion that he can take any waste fibrous substance and by his secret process make of it a 'sub- stitute for hard rubber equal to, and in many instances superior to, hard rubber itself is backed by electrical and mechanical - engineers of interna- tional note. Before {wenty authorities from large electrical, mechanical and rub- ber factories this new substitute was tested at the Philadelphia Commercial Museum in December last. The tests were surrounded with the utmost se- crecy,-and it was not until, to-day, that the tests, astonishingly sucoess- ful, became known. Not only does the inventor claim that he can make the substitute for hard rubber super- ior to it, but he also says he can make fibre porcelain, cork and horn. Death of Tamworth Boy. Tamworth, Feb. 14.--The quarterly board of the Methodist church took a vote on church union, The vote stood thirteen to one in favor of it. There was no train service on Sa- turday night last. A. B.. Carscallen & Co. has bought the W. D. Mace mill property from William Files. The Carscallen company proposes putting in a cement dam and furnishing the village with electric light. Schuyler Kennedy hae exchanged farms with John Storings, moving over on the old Harkness faym. H. Stinson lost his only boy, ¥ho took éroup and died in afew /days. The funeral was held at Christ church on Tuesday last and was largely attended. The snow shoe club had a pleasant tramp on Tuesday night last. The skating rink is all ready for the masquerade, Her Attire Brings Trouble. Scranton, Pa., Feb. 17.--Miss Anna Dorrence, dressed in a square * skint, box coat, folding collar, string tie, flat topped hat and eve glasses, was called to court. A tipstaff ordered ber. to remove her millinery. In apo- logizing for thinking she was a man he predicted the grror would be made again unless she placed-at least a feather upon her head covering. Has Champion Infant. Needham, Ind, Feb, 17.--Mr. and Mrs. Odie Stroup, of this place, be- lieve thoy have the champion infantile Marie Stroup, The baby is eleven months old and weighs forty-five Ibs. The parents say the young giantess will eat anything a grown person will eat and that she is as lively ag an §nfant half her weight. 12. tt ASTHMA CATARRH ICHITIS ESTABLISHED 1879 Your orders will be filled satis tactorily if you deal there at P. WALSH'S, 55-37 Barrack Street. NAVY PHONE 987. Drop a card to 19 Pine Street wae. wanting anything done in the Sarpen. ter line. Estimates given on all kinds repairs and new work aise Hardwood Floors of all kinds. orders will receive prompt attention Shop 48 Queen Sireet csssescsaal COAL! The kind you arq locking for is the kind we sell. SCRANTON COAL , is good Coal and we guarantes prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO. FOOT WEST STREET, feranaae bid GIFTS Large stock of Fancy Boxes of Chocolates. Big variety of best makers' goods kept in our store. 4 Geo. Masoud's Ice Cream Parlor, 264 PRINCESS STREET. {INT [URL H(s IME TR Ld) (AA Af) QUEBEC PLUG will not blister the shin. Apply externally only. specially made for its particular uses. 1380 Chabet Ave. Mostrea] Vaseline Capsicum Vaseline is splendid for all pains in the chest, rheumatism, neuralgia, gouty complamts, elc. than the old mustard plaster; easier to apply, and cleaner; There are other "Vaseline" preparations that should be inevery home each your druggist 15 show you them, All the family will be interested in the practical home hints given in our free "Vaselme™ booklet. Your copy will be mailed you on recewpt of your address Note --Refase to accept substitutes. Insist on "Vaseline made only by the Chesebrough Mfg. Co. : y.. 1%" ie (Connalidnted; "Well, sonny, you can thank your stars you're not in for the dosings | used to get as a boy. You have an easier ime of it these days. "Just rub that Capsicum Vaseline well into your chest it's the best thing in the world for a-cold or sore throat--znd swallow a teaspoonful of plan White Vaseline. In the morn- ing youll feel fine--soreness ell gone." {i More efficient t Thomas Copley i BOON FEBRUARY 16th to 20th Round Trip Tickets Will Be Issued At $10.00 . Good going Feb. 15th to 18th. Return limit Feb. 22nd. For full particulars apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Sis. WLC CLE REUTER RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacific Railway Mardi-Gras, Quebec FEBRUARY 16th to 20th $10.00 Good going Feb. 15th to 20th. Re- turn limit, Feb, 22. Full particulars at K. and P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, ' Gen. Pass. Agent "Phone 50. BAY OF QUINTE Train leaves Union Station, Ontarje Stree!, 4 p.m. dally (Sunday excepted) for Tweed, Sydenham, Napanee, Deser- onto, Bannockburn an all points north To secure quick despatch to Bannockburn, Maynooth, and points on Central Ontario Route your shipment via Bay of Quinte Railwa For rulars, apply, . 'H 3 H. Welch, Pass Agent. RAILWAY, 'Phone No DANADIAN PACIFIC EMPREGSES Length, 870 feet Resadis. 683% feet Jounage, 14, Wireless and Submarine Signals HOLD ALL RECORDS BETWEEN : CANADA AND HIVERPOOL AND OTHER STEAMSHIDPS, From From Liverpool St. John, NB Empress of Ireland, Fel, 2 Empress of Britain, Mar . Empress of Ireland, Mar, 2 Lake Manitoba Empress of Britain , Lake Champlain , Empress of Ireland , Lake Manitoba 3 April 19 Empress of Britain, May 2 Tickets and all information fron any steamship agent, or FF. CON WAY, GPA, K. & PR, Kingston Ont Sm------ GeT'BERMUDA Fast Twin Screw 10 518 tons displacement, sails from New York, 11 am, every Wednesday Suites de luxe, with private bath orchestra Blige keels: electric fans; wireless telegraphy No steerage SE "Bermudian" Fastest, lmding Hamilton WEST IN NEW 88 'GUIANA" steamers 2 pm. alternade from New York for St Croix, 8t, Kitts, Antigua, Dominicat Martinigue, Bt badoes and Demerara For full inforn o Ls newest passengers only the and at steamer dock la IES and other Saturdays Thomas, St Guadeloupe Lucia, Bar ip 10K Queb sation, .p sly to J #5 KIRKPATH Kingston; Pease - -~ey ' ¢ BUILDERS ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AT ¢ LOW PRICES, $ ASBESTIO PLASTER SALE. ALSO COAL AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD. - S. Bennett & Co. Cor. Bagot and Barrack Sts, : "Phone 941. FoR TRON One Cube! One Cup! One Minute! Think how handy OXO Cubes are! Ready in a minute for hot Beef Tea. Ready in a minute for jellies. gravies, soups, stews, gud aspic Ready in a minute for Invalid dishes. No messy, old-fashioned corks--no need to measure just the right' size--and always ugiform in streogth and goodness, s