A THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1912. sents TI satiate Kingston ice Company Limited The above Company 8 being incor porated to take over the Ice Business uf Kingston formerly sonducted by the Bt lawrence lee Company and Jobn Gleeson. We are now prepared to de Hver Pure lee at the lowest possible price commensurate with efficient ser- "Office - 14 Market St Phone No. €8. Fost Popkin ; aes nvigurates tho Whoto mak w New Buckwheat Flour in bulk or packages. Pure Maple Syrup. "Coast Sealed Oysters. D. COUPER, Phone 786. 341-3 PRINCESS BT. Prompt Delivery. AUTOMOBILE SNAPS One B.M.F. Touring Car, 30 horses power, fully equipped ran only one season; excellent condition. One Cadillac Touring Car, 30 horse power, fully equipped; a real bargain. These Cars are being sacrl- ficed.. Owners purchased new cars W. J. MOORE & SON AGENTS FOR - Cadillac, Hudson and McLaughlin Motor Cars UICKLY STOP TO F G HAIR AND ITCHING SCALP] "To quickly allay itching and frrita- thon of the sealp, prevent dry, thin and falling halr, remove scgies, crust and danaruff, restore natural eolor to gray streaked or faded halr without staining or dying and to start » fine growth of iw hale on even the baldest scalp. the following #pecial treatment is most effective, agrecable and econdmi- cal" writes Madame Emma Sorauss, the noted German Malr Spectaiist in "T Family Hearthstone," 'Dilute: Menthol Crystals in 6 oz Bay Rum and then add slowly 2 oz La- vena de Composee, stirring well. . our in an 820% bottle apd add If you like 1 teaspoonful of Tukalon Perfume ior the odor, and shake taoroughly, allow- Ing to stand for an hour hefors using. tn retiring, comb the hair out stralght all around, and then begin at the wile and make a parting (rubbing the aon ¢ mixture briskly into the scalp with the finger tips or a medium stiff brush until the pores have ashsorbed it. then repeat, making additional partings Hout one inch apart until the whol: scalp has been treated. Be careful not lo apply to the face or where the hair growth is not desired and be sure gat ti is rubbed right Into the sealp, ax merely 'wetting the hair will not suf. fice. rrugrints keep all these simple ink gredients and men and women with uwny form of hale or wealp trouble willy do well to try this inexpensive homo remedy. FOR SALE FREES REP PPP L PPE PIE IOS 1. Several large up-to-date houses, all modern conveni- ences, in excellent locations; splendidly appointed. 2. Also some moderate sized comfortable homes at attract- ive prices for sale or rent, 3. Attractive building delightfully and located. 4. Several large sized Farms, with appropriate build- ings and equipment. 5. Some of the thigheat grade Bonds and Stocks on the market, Yielding large returus at right prices, Call at Office for full parti- culars. Money to loan, | HOWARD 8. FOLGER Investment Broker, 44 CLARENCE STREET. 'Phone 957, lots, conveniently 08 OOOO OCOD OOOOTOO0 $a 8 OOOO OOO0C0 years of age and JT PH A COMPARISON OF FROXTEXNACS AND EATONS. Great Interest in the First To-night-Toronto Faton's Will Win. i {Continued from Page 2) | In Toronto tonight one of the mightiest straggles for the senior UO, H.A. championship. will take place, and the eves of all Ontario will be on the Faton Frontenac game, A great deal of "dope" hes been handed out during the past two weeks, and the sunyitotal of it all is that Fron- tenaes play hockey as well as the "Big Store" seven, but the Toronto aggre gation has it in weight on the bhaog- ston bunch. A little comparison be- tween the members of the two teams might be interesting : Goal. Bricker and Daniels will have stiff fight in the nets and are two of the best amateénr men in the business. Daniels is looked tipon as being goo enough to land the title for the { Frontenaes. He pot his experience {with Queen's the year they won the Allan eyp. Weighs about 165 pounds. Brickag, of Eaton's, is twenty-eight years of age; played with Toronto towing Club intermediates; with Eatons threo years. Weighs 140 pounds, Sure a Point. with Frontenacs the won the junior O.H. Hyland was first year they HAROLD NICHOLSON, young cover point of the tenacs, The Fron. A. championship, Is a heavy twenty-one years of age and 150 pounds. Rankin, of Eaton's, is a member of the famous Rankin hockey family of Stratford, been with Eaton's ¥wo years; twenty-two years of age and weighs 145 pounds, check, weighs Cover Point, Nicholson, of Fronlenaes, is wandbr 'of senior 0.H.A. circles vear. The lightest man on the team he bodies much bigger men to ad- vantage. This is his first year in 0. H. A. circles. Weighs 125 pounds, and is twently'one vears o go. Hyland, of Eaton's, has been with the champions for the past two years, He has played with. the Canadian Kodak company, and with the To- ronto Canoe (Club seniors. Twenty-one years of age and weighs 155 pounds, the this Rover. In * "Bouncer" Brouse, the Fron- tennes have the cleverest. stick hand: ler in amateur circles, to-day. He is a dangerous shot and sucesssful in boring in. He is twenty years of age und weighs 135 pounds. Laflatame, of Eaton's, will be up against Browse, and is one of the most finished hockey players an O.H, A. He eapiained St. Michael's when they won the Allan eup from Queen's. He is twenty-three vears of age and weighs 145 pounds. Centre. Crawford, of Frontenacs, is a vele- ran, who was with the [ith seniors, ship three voars ago. He is about twanty three years of age and weighs 166 pounds, Moeking is the hest scorer on the Eaton team, and has been with them for two years. He is but twenty weighs about 140 pou Right Wing. Reid made his first appearance with Froutenaes * this year. He captained' the collegintes two years ago when they won the junior intercollegiate championship. He is twenty-one years of age and weighs about 135 pounds. Matthews, of Faton's, is twenty-two years of age and played formerly with the St. Michael's toam, He is twenty (wo yedrs of age and weighs 145 pounds. Left Wing. Bover's place isto be taken by "Doe" Weicker. who has proved to be valuable. Weicker has been improving At every practice snd much is ex ed of bim to-night. J Foyston has the reputation of be ig the hardest shot on the Eaton team. Ile got his training with Ba ji and intermediates, age : wings, Seotl, Stewart. s-diual; Rews: defence of the game. O.H.A. Senior Finals in Toronto | will be presented to the winders at the That "ame time as the basketball cups i when they won the O.1L.A. champion- rrie juniors weighs 150 pounds and is taenty-ony snd also winners of the George Mills trophy. They were billed to play St John's, at the Stadium rink, én Fri- day evening, but St. John's failed to turn up, so the game went by default. I'he winners are all a good bunch of fellows, are certainly deserving of the cup. [They have turned up for every It is very likely that the cup are | presented. BUDGET FROM ATHENS. What is Transpiring in This "Classic™ Village. 16. Mrs. Joseph {Thompson and Mrs. George Jud- son recently enterfained youmg people in honor of some young friends. Mrs. H. H. Arnold was hostess at a delightful little tea party for a 'score of lady friends a week or so ago. Today Mrs. M. Arnold is bav- ing a thimble party in honor of her sister, Mrs. Stephenson, Brockville. A number of Athenian relatives drove to Eloida last week to celebrate the nine- {tieth birthday of Mrs. James Mackie, a former resident. | Maurice Foley and bride, formerly Miss L. Boynton, Athens, have taken up housekeeping in G. W. Brown's house, Clirch street. Winford Cowan and bride, formerly Miss Estella Me Machen, Morton, arrived here last [Friday and will reside with the groom's father, John Cowan. After an absence of several years in Chica go, Arden Parish and family' have re turned to Athens. Mr. Parish has en- tered the employ of the Thompson ' grocery. . Percy Earl has purchased the stock of Geo. Wooding, and will continue the business in the old stand. Henry Smith, Brighton, has purchased the {undertaking business of T. G. Stevens. Mrs: Sarah Lillie, Plum Hollow, has purchased Mrs. D. Dack's house, Church street. James Henderson, pro- prietor of the creamery here, is taking a course at the dairy school, King- ston, | A earnival held recently in McLean's rink was largely attended. The Tole do brass band rendered excellent mu- sic. Athens hockey team is winning fame and a name this winter this win- ter. Snow-shoeing and coasting down the big hill furnish sport for many of the young people. Two recent excur- sions per B. and W. took good crowds | ofglocal people to the island city, The drama '"The Tyranny of Tears," put on by Brockville talent was much en- joyed, I'he Women's Institute gave a Scotch evening in the hall last Wednesday ev- eving. The 1.O.OF. held an '"'at home™ last Tuesday evening. Rev. J. J. Forsythe, Toronto, gave a most instructive address on 'tuberculosis,' a week or so ago. | The adult bible class at a social ev- ening, presented Mrs. (Rev.) F. A. Réad, the former teacher, with a fine brass jardinere and an appreciative ad- dress. > i Charles McLean; Brockville, gave two excellent chalk talks in the Methodist church last Sunday. Rev. W. G. Swangne, Oxford Mills, has accepted a call to become rector of this parish. The W.F.M.S. of Bt. Paul's Presbyte- rian charch, was entertained by Mrs, W. Sheffield last week. The Misses Breall, Steacy and Rawsome, have been recent hostesses at enjoyable 3 Athens, Feb, year parties for the young people. A Splendid Organization. The 'Toronto Symphony Orchestra {vill appear at Grant hail on Wednes- day, March 4th. Its coming to this ¢éity has awakened enthusiastic inter- est in musical circles. So well known thes this orvehesira become that peo ! ple are awnkening to the fact that it lis no longer necessary to send a broad for an orchestra, as out of To- ironto comes the finest orchestral, as well as the finest choral music on the continent, The ropertoire of the j orchestra is extensive and includes compositions by the oldest y European orchestras, with whom they have won favorable press comparison. | Plan at Uglow's. i -------------- Y.M.C.A, Fund Now $5,200. The Y.M.( financial campaign is going along nicely. When the eount was made on Friday evening, the amount promised totalled about $5. 200, All the workers were atl the building on Friday evening, and miade arrangements for the rest of the canvassing. There are still a number on the list that have not been can- vassed, but by the time all have been seen it in expected that the required amount will be in hand. chosen Induction on March J5th. Rev, 8. J. Compton, B.D, Ballymon- ev, Teeland, the new minister of St. Andrew's church, is to be inducted jinto the Kingston charge on Tuesday ovening, March Sth. The moderator of Kingston presbytery will officiate, Rev. J. W. Melntosh, of Cooke's church, will address the congregation, and Rev. Prof. Robert Laird, the new minister, Special Benefit, Is being arranged in aid of Hotel Dieu hospital in City hall on Easter Tuesday. : 1 have a number of enyuiries for ihouges to rent and to purchase. Now is the opportune time to list properties. Howard 8. Folger, estate broker, 44 Clarénes streot. ink our prescriptions to Sargent's § rug Store | Sydney Stanton, - Picton, died on Thursday last, aged sixty-seven vears: He was an ex-warden of Prince Ed watid county. = nw, two sons and one daughter ve, Buy "Castoria" st Sargent's Drug Ore. On (GRAND X OPERA X HOUSE) TO-NIGHT LIEBER AND COMPANY present the Distinguished Young English Actor, H. B. WARNER With the Original New York Company in ALIAS JIMMY VALENTINE Prices--25, 50, T5e, $1.00, $1.50, Seats now on Sale, COMING TorontoSymphony Orchestra 65 ARTISTS, Frank 8. Welsman - Conductcr Bertha R. Carey, Mezzo-Contralto Under the auspices of Quéen's Music and Dramatic Committees. Plan open at Uglow's to the Sub- seribers, Reserved Seats, 75, $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50. Rush Tickets, 50c, 0. F.Telgmann, Local Representative COVERED RINK. HOCKEY MATCH Intermediate Inter-Collegiate MCGILL Il vs. R.M.C.| SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17th Game called at 8 p.m, Admission, 25e¢, Reserved Seats, 23¢ extra. RC.H.A. Band in attendance, Plan opens for sale of seats and tickets on February Méth. COVERED RINK HOCKEY MATC H JUNIOR INTER-COLLEGIATE Regiopolis vs K. C. I. Monday, Feb. 19th Game called at 8.00 p.m. Admission, 25 Cents TO CONTRACTORS Tenders are invited for the Masonry ete, Carpentering, Plumbing and Hot Water Heating Painting and Glazing Work required in making altera- tions to Cataraqui, Louise, Sydennam, and Rideau Public School Butldings, for the Board of Education, Kingston. Plans and specifications may now he Seen at the rooms of Secretary to the Board, corner Princess and Sydenham Streets, Tenders are wanted before 5 p.m, Feb. 26th Lowest or! any tender not necessarily accepted. ARTHUR ELLIS, Architect. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Town - ship of Kingston Council will at its next meeting to be held on April 1st, 2 is 3 -law to change Lot No. 6, Con. y wnship of Kingston, said lot being in and now forming a part of Union School Section No. 17, Kingston, and 14, Ernestown, so as to form a part of and be included in 8.8. No, 186, Township of Kingston By order of the Council CHAS. IF. ADAIR, Clerk, Township of Kingston Cataraqul the 7th day 1912, Dated at of February, AUCTION SALE Real Estate and Household Furniture, Wednesday, Feb 2ist, 10 am, Jos Davis, 280 Princess Street, HW. Chairs, Fancy Rockers, Rattan Rockers, Morris Chair, Centre Tablos Brussels Rug and Carpets, Lace and Tapestry Curtains, Pictures Stewart Range, Gas Range, Laurel Oxford Heater, Linoleum, Oak Sideboard, Drop- leaf Table, Dining Chairs, Glass Top Cupboard, Refrigerator, China, (lass- \.are, ete.; Stair Cs 8, Iron Beds Springs and Mattr Bedding, il lows. Feather Beds, Tool Chests, Ehoemakers' Tools Property to he noon. SRO K, ete. offeréd at ALLEN, The Auctioneer Warerooms 86-88 Brock Street "Phone 35 Whiskey or Beer Habit Any wife or mother who wants lo save her husband or som from "Drink" will be glad to know that she can purchase ORRINE, the standard liquor habit remedy, that we have sold for years, and if no benefit is obtained after a trial the money will be refunded. , k ORRINE is prepared in two forms: No. 1, secret treatment, a powder, absolutely tasteless and odorless, given secretly in food or drink; OR- RINE No. 2, im pill form, is for those who desire to take volunti:y treatment. ORRINE costs. only $1.00 a box. Come in and get a free booklet about ORRINE. G. W. Jia- hood, corner Princess and Bagot Streets. 12 o'cinck 352 RENOVATING. WATTRESS Save money by having your id hair mattresses and made like new, Feathers cleaned into mattresses. ] 1 Manufacturers of high-grade mattresses. : KINGSTON MATTRESS co. renovated and made FREE READING BY A DEAD TRANCH medingm iia ast. Present: ria doi ime ONE Eagle: Dept. 15, Saginaw, Mich. \ hE 1 AMUSEMENTS | Re href ogee Jno ge CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES Firat Insertion le a word, Each con- secutive lasertion thereafter half cent a word, Miaslmum charge for Jone insertion, 3c; three Insertions, 50¢; six, $1; one month, $2, HELP WANTED, VEST AND TROUSER MAKER, Ar. ply to Wm. Carroll & Co., Princess treet. A DE. A SOBER, ACTIVE MAN FOR A. Maclean's, livery waggon at Ontario Street. EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAID; references. Apply to Mrs. Goo R J Carson, 72 Barrie Street. GIRLS AND BOYS Factory, also a smart packing reom. Apply, dorffer, Ontario Street FOR CIGAR girl for 8. Qbern- AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE for easy selling 35 propesition; $25 daily . easily made Particulars free, Steeves, 415 Albert Street, Kingston, Ont A TRAINED NURSE: EARN $13 to $36 weekly; we train you at home in a short time; free cat logue, lochester Nurses' Institute, 820, Rochester, N.Y. INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; no canvassing, Bend for particulars, Press Syndi- cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y DON'T WORK FOR OTHERS; START mail order business at home; | made $5.500 last year; let me tell you how; instructive hooklet free Voorhies, Desk $13, Omaha, Nebr AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE for easy selling $5 proposition; $10 dally easily made; particulars free The Gooderich Mercantile 3 4 General Delivery, St John, WANTED, LADIES TO DO PLAIN AND 'light sewing at home, whole or spare time. good pay: work sent any distance; charges paid; send stamp for full particulars National Manufacturing Company, Montreal. HERE'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY frO make $200 monthly; spare time: no matter where you live; no canvass. ing; guarantee to show you how, free particulars. BE Rogers, Desk G, R., Boston, Mass. TRUSTWORTHY to travel MAN OR WOMAN and appoint local repre sentatives for established 1tirm: $15.00 weekly and expenses; ex- perjence not required; start at home. Manager, Box 53, Toronto MEN ness; LEARN AUTOMOBILE $25 weekly; job guarante home study; start now; ready for spring; booklet tochestqr Auto School, 820, chester, NY BUSI fr Ro TEAMSTERS WITH SLEIGHS TO haul coal from Sydenham to Nort American Smelting Company's mine at Perth Road: haulage to be by ton. Address, North American Smelting Co,, Perth Road MEN AND WOMEN MAKE »! » Money in spare time; no es 8 ing: our profitable sugghstions contain money making ideas; send stamp Wallace W. Smith, Lon- don, Ont A LINE FOR EVERY HOME: WRITER us for our cholce list of agents gupplies; we have ine Breatast agency proposition in Canada to- day; no outlay necessary Apply, B.C.I Co. 228 Albert Street, Ot-i tawa. : I WILL START You EARNING & dally at home in spare time silver ing mirrors: no capitagh . free in structive booklet, giving plans of operation, GG. F. Redmond, Dept 335, Boston, Mass AGENTS. 100 PER CENT. PROFIT: Brandt's Automatic Razor Stropper automatically sharpens any razor in the world; big seller; every man wants one; retalls $2.00; advertised in leading magazines: write quick for terms. N. E Brandt Cutlery Co., 42 Hudson Street, N.Y. ™ OLD COUNTRY DOMESTICS <CAP- able Scotch, English and Irish maids; also Danish girls; parties arriving twice a month, Apply, now, The Guild, 71 Drummond St, Montreal, 47 Pembroke Street, Tos ronto, and 227 Bank Street, Ot- tawa CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH needed in every home, especially by working men; good salary; per- manent position; If you are work- ing for small salary behind the counter, write to-day; fou can double your wages aid Bb your own boss. Apply, Box "E. B, C." Whig office. MEN WANTED, AGE 18 T0 38 To prepare for firemen. or brakeman on railroads in Kingston vicinity; $80 to $100 monthly; experience unnecessary: no strike; promotion engineer or conductor; $1560 te $200 monthly: good life careers; state age. send stam Railway Association, Dept. 1125, 227 Monroe Street, Brooklyn, N.Y 000000000000 0000000000 Strong Boy for the CANARIES. CANARIES, GERMAN CANARIES, -- ANOTHER shipment of the beautiful song birds fust received: come in hear them; each bird & guaranties d songster. WW. J. Driver. 'Phone 12. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. BRUNSWICK MOTEL, ONTARIO ST. T opposite G.T.R. station, one block from C.P.R;: on street car line: bar supplied with best of wines and liquors; charges moderate; special rates by the wepk. John Cousineau, Prop. THE GRIMASON Princess Street. the best Liquors Cigars. HOTEL, 342-344 Bar stocked with of Ales, Beers, Wines, and choicest brands of Meals, 26¢ each, or special rates by the week, Yard and stable accommodation, Rates reasensble. Mulville & Driscoll. BUSINESS CHANCES, ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START a mall order business at home; no canvassing: be your own boss: Bend for free booklet: tells how, Heacock, 2,969, Lockport, NY. EUROPEAN CAPITAL Furnished for attractive entey- prises in all substantial lines of busi- ness. Rallroads, Tractions, Water and Electric Powers, Irrigations, Timber, Mining, AgricuMural and Industrial } Bond, Debenture and Stock Issues Underwritten, Purhased or Bold Properties purchased for European exploitation and investment Financial Undertakings of all sorts handled Miscellaneous commissions and or- ders of all characters accepted for ex- ecution in any European eountry, Correspondence enclosing full tails at first writing Invited THE INTERNATIONAL BANKERS ALLIANCE, S------ 14 18 by 8 4-16- Bipemabury Street, de- London. FINANCE AND INSURANCE, GENERAL INSURANCE. T. LB BOON, Agent, 159 Wellington St... Fire, Life, Accident and Health Policies issued BATEMAN & Life, Accident, toms Broker; Money to business Street, GARDINER. --FIRY, Insurance and Cue- Real Estate and loan; a share of your solicited 'larence Kingston. 306 67 'Phone 2 POOL ROOM AND OF ply, Box 132 Wha jd as new, for "hone 105 § X 7 FOOT MIRROR, COST FOVIIFII I FOR SALE. GAR STORE, AP. ig office. $65, AN $30, at Turks 4 FORD, MODEL v7.» ply, office of J Clarence Street, MOTOR CAR. AP, McDonald Mowat, Bister, Cutter, T stone and Delive ply to J. Nugent Avenue GOOD 30-KEY NATIONAL CASH Rs op assy, Glad. r ARZON. Ap . 33 En versity THE IMPORTED Horse COQ . old For terms piy to WW. MH. Wy rence P.O, Ont ¥ ° "TRENCH COACH 1992, nine years and pedigree ap wodman, St. Laws A FIRST line Engine Be reason quick buyer tress Co in go for App y mew; rooms; (two); adapted house; hart Street, good lo hot water laundry for price, Ontarie Ch FLAGS, AWNINGS, camping, outfi marine suppli English canvas, Kit hoods, Frank WwW 'Phone 881 or 23 bags, motor TASS ¢ wp. A FIRST-CLASS DWELLING, in boarding or $3,000 » raincoats, Cooke, 2560 Ontario LIL. GAsO. od running erder; selling. snap Tor ly, Kingston Mat 868 Princess Street. NEAR. ation: six bea. furnace. b. & a basement; well i ambers, Clarence TENTS, CAND fishing tack! lunch haskets, everything in silk tents, sprag boat su wig FOR QUICK SsALe substantial block change Bullding Brock Street, wh ect to all tenant M. Btrange will gi lst, and $12,000 taken at once Estate Broker, A Ex LOTS IN WELLANT $26.00 a lot oan) month; 5 per ce yopulation, 1906, 1.000; factories, twenty-five; Niagara power; tes: clear title J. K. Carroll, rone 68 we n TE-STOREY taining two dwellings, north King and Princ Af A grocery and Also stone bulldi drive house, stabil no better stand a ed. Owner retiriy Apply on was | guaranteed I OFFER TRAY known ax Kx. and ram isos, ich will Bubs 8, leases, ete. J. ve you full rent} will buy same if ddress, Geo. CLI, Imonton, Alta ) ONT. TERMS, 1. balance $10 a4 nt. off for cash; J00; in 1911, 1908, one; sell, Aven rallroads; atural gas; cheap Ape 14 Market street, ------ BRICK BUILDING, stores and two ~east corner of Streets, occupied proviston store ng, storage an e on King Street; Wd well establishes 18 from business, premises. CARROLL, Fire, Life, 1 Insurance, oyers' Liability Boat Insurance, Real Estate in Cdlgary, Moose 14 MARKET Accident and Plate Glas and Motor Security Bonds, Winnipeg, Regina, Jaw, ete Empl FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Society; established 1562 president, Sir Richard Cartwright; money issued on city and farm properties, municipal and country debentures; mortgages ar ased; deposits received and arost lowed 8 C, McGill, Mana LA . SH. v ging Director, 87 Clarence Street, LIVERPOOL, Fire Ins 3 assets, § addition which policyholders have for security the unlimited liability of all the stock-holders Farm and city property - insured at jowest le rates, Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Btrange, Agents 'Phone 326 AND GLOBE Avaliable | LEGAL, CUNNINGHAM & MUDIR, BAKRIST ers and Solicitors. Law Office, 71 Clarence Street. Kingston. UPHOLSTERER, W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE. pairing and carpet work, hair mat- tress renovating. Drop a card or call 216 Bagot Bireet. WANTED--GENERAL, IF YOU WANT A JONRING PLUMBER, Gasfitter or Blectric Jobbers call A D. Marshall, 1290 Raglan Road Prompt attention and reasonable rates guaranteed. SHOE REPAIRING OF EVERY DBE- scription; first class work; best leather only used; one trial wiil suffice. Bring your repairs to Beott's, 206 Barrie Street, cor, Clergy West, TAKE NOTH THAT T WiLL BUY all kinds of second-hand furniture and stoves; will pay highest prices; Bee me fore anyone else. Jd. Whig's mailing depart- ment. Good chance for advancement to the right boy. Apply at once at the Business Office, 00000000 ARCHITECTS, HE Kings Phone TTC ARTHU ELLIS, nirersity Avenue. 18 ephone a Thomps.n. $33 Princess Street, next St. Andrew's Church. timber limit CHEE good business quick buyer, DWELLING-HOUSE, mile {rom Shar de cheap FIVE GOOD BRICK frame houses in BATEMAN & GARD ity ence Street, Clty FINE FARM, 200 ACRES, WITH GOO water power and chopping mill an FE FACTORY AND DWELLING ing; DORINVILLE, A bot Lake, very AND SEVERAL he elt NER, 687, CLAR- & spap te TO LET. DWELLINGS, FURNI furnished, Stores, Brock street. FROM 18ST MAY, Wellington Street cupled by the Smelting Co, Lim Livingston & dry, alry roams, proof; Four owe "rast's 'Phone b26b, ------ THE HOUSE Ne, 251 at present 0 lamson, co modern .improver May 1st Apply, THAT Bro, SHED AND UN. ete. McCann, 61 OFFICE ON present ooe North American Leds Apply to Cf Brock Stree' at i oy STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, aboslutely a lock and moth ke ity Storage, 290 Queen St. --- BROCK STRERT, -. by Dr. Wile 8 rooms; ali nents; possession 249% Brock Sireet DENTAL. moved to 268 Prin SPARK AND 236 1-2 Frincess "Phone 'elcker "Phone 736. A. E. KNAPP, BA, LDS, " SPARKS, DDN, RE ce treet DENTISTS, Street, Kingston assistant, 133 Princess St. S. A. AYKROYD, DD ist, «ver Dominio 157 Wellington 610, SK i Ltr ist, Entrance phone 626 corner on S. MH, SIMPSON; LDS, Princess Bagot Bireet. DD. and Bagot Tein MEDICAL, 4. F, SPARKS, BA, and Surgeon, Office hours, 16 and 7 to % pm 100 M.D, PHYNICIAN Welling! "mn, 19 'Phone 186 GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have It made up Into up: to-date suits. Price and workman- ship guasranteed to please. Press- Sie ri, otice. omas Galloway, 131 Brock St. near Bibby's Ly oki OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY. TRANSATLANTIC = CG 8 sirkpat . Ciarence Bireet, ngsto S68. : ALL CLASS. Agent; 42 n. 'Phone DR. E, CD. MaeCAL and Burgeon, 14 Offies hours, 10 «and 7 to 9 pm LUM, PHYSICIAN 2 Wallington St to 12 am, f to 4 Telephones 169% FURNITURE FINIHER, and and all colors o work given best riseo drop a card ANTIQUE FURNITURE A SPROTAL 141 Ne, " snare rn mission work: il attention Fat. EUEL. Hard and Soft Coal, Hard and Soft Wood, ° Kindling and Charcoal. pENT. ina nk Eni » HER Aw 8 BES 8