TE INEST GAT NEW YORK GIVEN A GLIMPSE OF FUTURE, A Twentieth Century Crate--Biind | boil ro. mer A hn. | provement--To Transform Gov. ernor's Island. Few York, Feh, hursor enjoyed a of the fu ture, during the week, when a seties of spectaculur Rights were made, - st a great altitude, by hydro-seroplane. Thiv is by «ac the most practica form of wir ernft which has appeared above the city harbor, and the mar. velous control seemed to bring the age «/ sirabirs much nearer. Al thoigh the harbor was full of ice at time the crafts had no trouble in rising guckly from the water and HOB to a considerable altitude, On landing they 'settled down on the sur Ineg of the bay us gracefully as a bird. On ove (rip a photographe: wih taken aloft and a remarkable ser ih of photographs were made, look: ing down upon the statue of liberty, ¥ His Melane, and the ships of the harbor, wich were photographed for the first. time from this point of view, "The Hamburg-American live is waleh- ing experiments now being made by Nr. Usrtiss and others, who use »n boat idktzad of Hosts, with the iden of having one or more hydro-aero- plates © ou euch of the three 50900 ton ships now building, of which the 8.8, Imperator, the largest steam- ship in tie world wow under con sideration, will be the first launch- ed 17--New York hthouses along the coast may be en times as effective, it is ited hy equipping them with wireless apparatus, A series of ane teristiy Lonte ore being omried out hy one of the wirelsss compunios with a view to establishing these "blind Kighthaifs 8." The day may come when ah Hghthaus s will even be withoui lights. A considerable proportion of the ooean steamers, especialy the pamengiri carrying vessels, are now provided with wireleos apparatus, and their sumber is rapidly increasing. A veasel Bo epwripped could get jis bear ings from these stations even in the thiciest fog or most blinding storms, dines the wireless messages cafre #5 much farther than the most brillisng lights they could thus keep well out of the of danger. A y revi lotion is prong in the signal soryion with the i lation of this proposed chain ef wireloss stations slang the entire seaboard. Unless New York city awakens to the niknsity of improving its harbor facili- tiew along the lines of whe great Kuro: pesn ports it will soon face a serious problems, Afhouncement has been wade within the past few days of a definite movement to develop the land at - Montauk to sccomniodate great ocean liners, . The advantages of such at bachor are of course familiar, The deep water thereabout makes it Joma ble for large ships to dock readily at afl tides. It js announced that an éx: téa - track will be laid to New York, whi the time will he reduced lo two Y fiiThe projtct ia said to be fit se inipkests, It in to be d this move will stimulate 4 but two mili ' prisons y, " 'Leavetiworth; Kansas, windtitie Srgusd York site will ly eligible. 'may be than communica: i. Governor's Island han long been acomilitary post, and it is that. part of it will still be set aside for the officers' quarters, and it will vontinge as it is to-day, the ° head. riers 'of the department of the east. prison would be for disgraced sol- | and those convicted "of military in the east. MEN NEATER THAN WOMEN. Teacher Says Latter Lose Instinet by Factory Work, Cal., Feb, 17.--~That ji ow y A es Lil he Bickford, as Ah in the > Street sclool for adults, a mu nm FIND BOILING LAKE IN GULF OF MEXICO. Sains, Sailors Report Spog of Hot Water Near Texas Coast, Probably Dus to Submarine Explosion. ° Galveston, Tex., Feb. 17.<A lake of ing water in the Gulf of Masiea in repo vi ing passed through and around the bho nomena at a point in the western gulf about 240 is south by east of the Texas coast. The area of bot water was various ly given as ranging from a half to a miles in circumference and seamen clait is is due to an explosion on the bottom of ; yoleanie ri ar, day morning. attracted by the the hot 'sea Thurs: Attention was first f y myriad, of dead fish in the vicinity a an investigation showed the water to be uniisually warm in some places add hot in other places. The officers "crew could not account for the hoi springs #0 far from land and soundings show- ed the depth of water to be many fathoms in that section of the gulf, -------- A Modern Medicine for the Baby. What mother cannot remémber the times of her childhood when the ras: ter oil bottle was brought into use-- the dread with which she logked for- ward 10 a dove of it--the fight 'she put up when forced to take it. Surely sll mothers will be glad to res their little ones this discomfori~this dread, Modern science has banished the bad smelling, eviltasting, griping castor oil and given in its place s modern remedy--a remady pleasant to take, mild, though thorough in action, ab solutely hurmless and something the litile one won't dread. That medi cine €s Baby's Own Tablets<the onl remedy used by thousands of mother of little ones--the medicine that has foteed castor oil and 'soothing' sy: rips out of the home and has taked their place to bring health to baby and joy to the parents. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or hy mail at 25¢, a box from The Dr. illidmy Nedicine Co., Brockville, ht. -- pon ------_-- + Jobs Hens of Maternal Instinet, Cleveland, 0., Feb. 17.~ls the Am: erican hen threatened wilh extine tion? rofl. M. M. Curtis, psycho logy professor of Western Hesarv university, says thai. generations of ber kind, born and nursed in an in animute itcubalof, are robbing bid- dy of her maternal jnstinet. § is refusing to breed on snd on, 48 she has dome for centuries past. Discour- aged and saddened by the refusal of ber masters to let her indulge. her: self ih the mother love imate in hiv Sawy breast, her eggs are bécoming wer, Bandit is Looser in Holdup, A bandit who held up a Chinese res: tatirant recetitly lost $4 and & colt in the affair. After: hitting ong Fook J is ly Si 1 WNRCONYOIONS, } fobhed he odah Feyiater ol S0 news and gra with the re + Who slipped out of his coat and fled. Upon examining Ny sipockets of the cost Quong Jou $16.50 in cash, The Chi: nese told the police he d t. Sara if the bandit never comies Chi oago Dispatch in Pitiaburgh, Post, Athens Coming Back. For. cent Athens; once the glory ol the world, has been wallowing - is piles and Fh Toy ola ol dire , POO ny water, sanitary abomindtion and su. tive smells, But maybe the class perfection of ancient ory is go ing to come , dor all: over thé streets of Athens and the piracus they are now laying down electric car lines, with saphalt pavements alongside. New York Press. I ns Carries Bulley For Years. Massillon, Ohio, Feb, 17.-Otto Uhlendorfi discovered he had carried a shot in his lowed jaw over forty-eight years. Uhlendorfl iw a civil war vel eran. While with his regiment hear Canton, Miss., in July, 1864, he receiv. ed in the face a charge of shot. fired by a bushwacker. He thought be pick- ed out all the leaden pellets. Recently a lower fromt tooth became sore. Uhlendorfl investigated with a tooth: pick und picked out a shot. Hasband Taps Arteries. ., Feb. 17.--Dr. Theodore of this city, has suffered subber tubing connected an ar the diclan's wijst with a i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, - rn ~~ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, A -- 1912, This splendid car, with the following complete equipment, for $850 f. 0. b. Walkerville, Ontario, 1 Cylinders, Extension Top- Automatic Brass Windshield. FACTS from FORD There are "glittering generatities" you the established Faets----we appeal to pot with claims--and you know it's more profitable to live with a Fact than to nurse a family There's this about FORD advertising that makes it particularly dis- tinetive and that Is its positive harmony with Facts, of "claims Model Te--reliable, positive, We tell you FORD Model T is the lowest priced quality car and im- mediately follow with the Facts. Entire nor batteries. shops. The lightest weight 4-Cylinder motor car in the world, size, power mechanical construetionof heat-treated--the very best as well as the most expensive steel made. The only motor ear with the Magneto built into part of the motor; the only motor car in which there are neither dry cells This is also a FORD Magneto---bullt entirely in Vanadium Steel, and capacity considered--60 pounds to the horsepower. The cheapest 4-Cylinder motor ear in maintenance, 25 to 30 miles on one gallon of gasoline and 5,000 to 8,000 miles on one set of tires. The simplest motor car in design, anybody of ordinary intelligence quickly understands its every mechanical detail. A durable car is best evidenced by there being in active operation to- day more than 100,000 Model FORD cars; the most widely-known motor car, as it is seen in every part of tha civilized world, it is the Universal Ca per mile per passenger The high quality and the low price of Model T FORD'S are possible because of : ist: The extreme simplicity and accurately r. The FORD Model T has the 19west purchase price and running cost of any moter car in the world. scientific creation of the marvelous inventive genius of Heémiry Ford. 2nd: The scientifically heat-treated Vanadium Steel We have a series of valmable booklets covering important inforination for the owners of motor cars, Branches and Large Distributors in all Principal Cities, dN gc. on request, in FORD adtertising--1t gives your judgment through It 18 just like FOLD sclentiticeliy the flywheel as a material 5 Passengers, Speedometer. Two G-inch Gas Lamps. Three Oil Lamps. Horn and Tools. Gepepator, Ford Magneto Built into the motor. Here's a Ford Model T Touring Car Facts, 3rd: Tt WONDERF1 4th: Ti cash, and sc There i Canada last Yai Model T. our own Fhow lished mérii satisfied its FORD emphasize this becadse it ia vitally important sort of materials used in the construction of the motor ual every ze FORD Model T cars would not be mad: utility; it meets the motor want FACTS from FORD he most efficient 1. CAR ie large production no horrowed id the sate way. 8 intense significance in the fact yea: was a FURD Model T, had not produced the deuiand. thousands and thousands of users Model T cdr is in larg iH everyhody, that money, demand because PAGE SEVEX. Handsome---Foredoors---roomy---up to the minute in desired details, strong. simple and backed with a record of five years' satisfaction--giving results in all parts of the world to more than 100,000 users. is beautiful motor car completely equipped for only $850 f.o.b., Walkerville. you should know the car y no Model of only its from the man of lsanre ou buy avtomobile factories in the world, where the workmen aie employed during the entire year building this ONE 75,000 FORD Model T cars in one year ath: The Ford Motor Company devotes ail its energy to the produces tion of only one car; it finances 'he entlie business itself, and this Is a mighty force in manufacture; interest-bearing bond issues, no mortgages, but everything hought and paid for with spot that every third car sold in This significance [increases when wd cdr made in Canada this year will be a FORD in such quantities If estab- the Tr had not all-round to the busy worker, from tho doctor and professional man, to the hanker and farmer Remem livery: design--the equipment 'article by article. arcomplete car. In addition to FORD Model T Touring Car we have for prompt de- ber all FORD cars &re so'd fully Foard Model T Torpedo, fully equiped, f.o.b Walkerville. , Ford Model T Commercial Roadster, fully equipped, equipped When you buy a ¥ORD Model T you huy we f.o.b Ford Model T Town Car, fully equipped fob. Walkerville We No Ford Cars Sold 9° (0¢ of Oanada, Limited, Unequipped. WALKERVILLE, ONTARIO Fy any Ford Model T Delivery Car, fully equipped, fob. Walkerville . Walkervilie specify the 8770 $175 $1,160 .. BN These hooks will be mailed promptly ANGROVE BROS., 88 Princess St., and 126 Clarence St,, Kingston, Ont. See the Ford Exhibit at The Toronto Automobile Show, February 21 - 28, GIRL BEST BIBLE STUDENT. Josephine Bet, 17 Years Old. Wins Contest. St. John, N.B.,, Feb 17.-A John girl, seventeen years of age, the distinetion of being the i gt Bible student in the domin- ine Betz, daughter Bets, of this city, WO >] in open competition with all the Sunday school pupils in Can si. Miss . the | study also won the prize offered of wm for ¥ would have won = the prize had not a condition ed preventing ome com- from winning all three prizes. hig not been the ease she would ve taken all the prizes offered. wrote the examinations x 's prize. There were competitors in the examinalic y al h the systemi of mdeki young girl won 8 fine -geven marks out of . The contestants hours to write the reqitived two and to complete her Large Tree. . respectively pHi of alB Belchertown, Mass, GRANDMA AT 35 YEARS, Mrs. Audano Sin prises Clerk. Milwaukee, Wis., Feb. 17.-Among the marriage licenses last issued was ope to Alexander Casadante, No. 448 Eleventh avenue, awd Aundano, No. 1338 Island avenue. 'What is your age!" said the conse clerk, addressing Casadante. "Twenty-nine," sdid Caspdante, "And yours?' said the clerk, drédving the bride-to-le. "Thirty-five," answered man. "You don't look it," remarked the clerk, jovially. "You little flatterer,"" said she. "I don't look it, eh? Well, perhaps | don't, but 1 have a daughter who is twenty yedrs old and she hay a daughter aged five, That makes me a grandmbGther, doesn't it *" "1 helieve it does," said the cleris The hride-to-be said she was mar- vied when she was fourteen years old. That was in sunny Ttaly, where girls mature ' éarly and marry earlier than they do bere. 'The daughter like wise was married at the age of four teen, y Married at 14, h- ad- the wor Tragedies Told in Headlines. "She Had Married, Him to Reform ng "Motorcycle Collided with Street last | Car--Sireet Car Uninjured." "Ilappesed to Catch His Fiancee "Tries His New Teeth ou. a Re staurant Steak." "Fat Nar Sneezes While Deséending Elevated Railway Stairway." "Hostess Accidentally Breaks Bottle of Bisulphide of Carbos.'--From the LUhicago Tribune. ira Roblin, De- by & unanimous' y {Parnes was iavited to remain as pas Rosina | | American, is the lack of wedding pres- FRENCH W EDDING CUSTOM. "Smart" Set Favor Discriminating Gift Bestowing. New York, Feb. 17.~Many smart amilies in this cily are following the French customs iat weddings. One of the most striking of them, e pecially from the viewpoint of an ents. Only close friemls are expected to give presents to the bride, Per- sons who ave not close friends of the bride receive invitations to the wed- ding ceremony, but an acceptance of the invitation does nol medn that the guest must send the bride a diver soup spoon, a chafing dish or some other equally foolish thing. Conse quently the French bride it not delug- od with many small presents, a fow of which are helpid and the others useless. AN persons who go to thes church 10 attend the ing service, however, usually; make\it a point to take coins to drop in the ecollectionfor the poor, f J Her Parse Was Found. Mrs. Jeremiah Hall, of near Win sted, Conn, drove In to do her shop- pihg, but found she had lost her purse containing $20. When her hus band unharmessed the horse after re tarning home, something dropped from his hoof. An investigation showed it wad the missing purse, with mooey ov tact. ~Baltimore American. \ A quiet but pretty wedding took al the residence of Mr. and Mews W. A. Asselatioe, Roblin, on February i4th, when Mise C. A. Asselstine, Na- panee, was 'united in marriage to U H. Assolsting, of Bismark, North Da- hota J the official board of At a meeting of the « Adolphustown Methodist circuit, a vote was taken on union, which resulted thirteen for, and none aginst. Also vote Rev. 3. W, A THERABISNE Rh No.3. Uti French Hospitals with Pi wt N . bind son bad legs sores, discharg + J eitheras wea knees Either No. at 80 Deehtoan i 2 ns Be abi Cr kto De 104 Mad { Haverstock ld Hamp strad London, Eve. Tre newDragée 11 toives) Porta of TROVAPICR, cacy 16 take gals "siting core Jteeetersecersassnsenl WE Are Just Egotistical Epough : To Assert Most Positively Tha : : III TT By having us do your PLUMBIN You use good Judgment Jom experience of many years is our réason for saying ro. Suppose you put lest. We're ready. us to. the i en: Store, 335. Residence, 856 tor for ihe fourth year, ¥ BUNRLU EERE YeY i OUR CRYSTAL BRAND Of Standard Granulated Sugar flas Been tried and found excellent for preserving always righ and table use. Price I» t, ANDREW MACLEAN, Untarie Street. FURNITURE SALE You « buying this month. Aan save money by We store your goods until required. EVERYTHING REDUCED © Special this week at $2.00, $2.50, Some specials at $4.50, $6.50. Brass Bed, Brass Bed, Brass Bed, Brass Bed, All Brass, worth $75.00, for S62.50 worth $60.00, for $48.00 worth 345.00, for $32.00 worth $20.00, for $22 60 2 In. Posts, at S12, $13 J. REID Service. 'Phone 057.