| PAGE 81X. 1 WORLD'S GREATEST KIDNEY REMEDY HUNDREDS. CURED BY TAKING "FRUIT-A-TIVES" WILLIAMSTOWN, Ont. July 27th. "Tast spring, 1 had a sévere attack of Hidnev and Bladder Trouble and 'Fruit atives" cured these complaints when the Jha Girpsician "Justi bi had given DINGWALL. me cause of Kiduey Ci and a inthe Back, ia fit he Howele are ly cotistipated aud theskin isinactive "Thus, the xh are forced to do dou- ble a in ridding the system of im. purities, --and becom strained. " Prait-a-tives ' -- the great fruit medicine -- acts on bowels, liver and akin, a8 %¢'l 28 on the xidneys, ~trids Bre ie system of all impurities, and com- | letely cures all kidney congestion and orm in the back. S0¢. & 6 for $2.50, or trial size, x, ine, At aE of from Proit-atives | Limited, OF in. ROYAL ICE CREAM PARLOR Best plage for all Kinds of Quick lunches and hot drinks Chocolates and candy of kinds kept In stock, M, PAPPAS & Co > wi Priacess Ntroet. BIBBY'S CAB STAND DAY OR NIGHT 'Phone 201. all DRY PINE for KINDLING WOOD DRURY'S Coal and Wood Yard "hone 443, 205 Wellington St, THE CLUB HOTEL WELLINGTON sTRERT, (Near I'rincess). a are olher hotels, Bo nelih o, oe nip Club ca ted in Foentre oe city and to principal but for close theatre Charges are moderate, Bpecial rates by the week. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor. slores and v. British American Ladies' Tailoring DEAR MADAM We would like to have you call and got our prices before the apring 'pushisds on, Workmanship and styles guaranteed, I. COHEN 207 PRINCESS STREET, "Phone 861. Pres rvsscasasren 'saul Bonn a lao 5 Semoval Notice Removal Notice Owing to the fire at-my place ® of business on Friday, | lave ® . removed to 291 Princesa SL, ¢ next door to J, Stratford, Tax: ® dermist, where | will be pleased ¢ @® to see all my old customers : i and also any new ones. : JOHN GREEN. Shoe Dedler and Repaiver, $ S000 0cs0ssROORRRINEYS ceesevecsecl COAL! | The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell SCRANTON COAL 1s good Coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO. #OOY "WEST TRENT, 'You can save mongy hyi§ _ buying this month. We store} Jour goods til required. NEED MEN OF COURAGE TRAINED TO MEET ALL OPPOR- TUSITIES FOR SERVICE, Tendency Towards | on Part gf Men of To-day, in Looking at Needs of World, "Only be thou courageous, tha to do according These words, Tih verse sermon by I niverait: Sunday Jorhiua, strong, and very thou mayest observe to #1 the law." from Joshua chapler farmed the basis of a strong Prof. Gilmour, of MeMa Forenta, in Grant hall, or afternoon, The of ! standing at the basis in the Hebrew history, was pointed out the speaker, who appealed for coura geous men and women, ta difficulty, but {situdtion with the ed, In this way, the people. sessed of ordinary ability, particilar oeeariom ealled He stood firm, hat God would stor courage Joshua faced mastered the eourage he dis been abl greal he boa play guide Joshun was pos faut this for grent wd had the ee him thro GUrHEe. Volief all zh {i i The spenker said ths fihis it he had chosen passage, enlling for to the fact that there w | Wang in the present {day, as a tendency 1 Hliseonra {the Do gement, as men looked out Or needs of the world sacl to fear that their foot eq the task helors then {Cheerfulness was ome of the charae {teristics of the Canadian people, and | Lwhy shone wi not be cheerful and | hopeful, when living in al to a Thin, Feeble and Under-Fed people need more coal, clothes and doctors than the strong, robust and hearty. Scott's Emulsion saves 'coal bills, tailors' bills and' doctors' bills. ALL pRUSMIBTS 11-58 Lots in Bow Island, Transcona and Nokomis for sale. Fall information will be furnished and orders taken by IN Market Street, J. O. Hurrox, Kingston, Ontario THERABISNT PR Na Sob Vii ANNI great duevpu, Cu Jo ain bad Jagr agave, d At ORtv igen By tall droge sted Mods WY rs Li Win Londit Now. ane on Frew Luk fo 3 Cliwe Wiel ( Habrrsic Jarundvad. i nr , Ew Lrew Fir ges Siew ie) arm of" haegnti yn Vie Yeti rile MEN DRESSERS. bo tn Gentlemen who wil be parti- cilag of their dress will likely rank as customers of these works, where men's clothes ave 'arefully cleaned and dyed R. PARKER & CO, Dyers and Cleavers, 0 Princess St. Kingweton, Ost. J ~ - Ar. Dr, de Van's Female Pills teliable French regulator; nover fails. These pills Are Sxcetdingly To in raguiating Le tive tion of U emal ys Rel use | Sea: Aitations | Dr Dr, de an' a 's are sold at p TEA, three slog, oiled io any Midiosy For sale at Mahood's Drug Store. ise ouragemant by | courage, | wards | Men were dis | strength was | country, | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1912. of 20 much wealth ? 2 hers proepl | Ee -- was through ( bn dhese bustle, 'rf tion; SOuUres it churage, od. } such hustle all} i medita- to . take dave of so # fle lost the art almost atulootid time to think. We should at all times take tine to consider and meditate. Hopeful 48 showed itself in the will- ingness to obey God. Joshua learned {fo Be obedient, and this was the sec iret of his wirength Troe suecess only thame to the man who was doing the will of God. There was great need for] leourage, in serviee. In the social and economic side of life, we appeared to he ow the eve of some change, more iradical than we could realize. While we were making great strides in ine creasing the wes alth of the couniry, » ew difficulty was emerging There i were some "lacking food and: nourish 'tent, asd this should not be, in a land of plenty. The speaker pitied the | elilidren {owing up in a land of wealth, 'who lacked proper nourish: went, and whose minds were being stunted, owing to the fact that they {had no person to teach them. b The fn his closing remarks, jreferred to the opportunities {or ser- it home and ahroad. The need of was for men trained in the to take up the work,. ---- t-- ------ peaker, Vics itor day university FRANK 8 WELSMAN, the Toronte Symphony Grant Hall, on Marcin 4u Condugte Hestra BELIEVES IN PORCUPINE. Well-known Finane ier Offers Stock in New Company. Elsewhere an advertisement of | Fortuna Gold Anes, a capital stock of into 24,000 ghares, 81 each. in today's issue appears the Porcupine Limied. It has 2.000000), divided of a par value of This stock is now being pliced on the market by James F, Gallagher &.€Co., Suite X and 9, 24 King street west, Toronto, Ont. The flat offering of 100.900 glares is Be ing mate at the low price of 1fe. per share, which offer will be with- drawn at noon on RNaturday, 24th itt. The next allotment will be at . per share, speaking of this new Poreupifie flotation Mr" Gallagher says: * came to Ontaris because the price of precious métals here is not eontrolled by the big intorests. 1 anent several months making '@n gxamination of min- ig camps in Northern Ontario. 'This north mining couhtry has held my ins terest cince 1906, when | made my first trip to Cobalt. Early in May, 11E 1 walked into Porcupine - and was 80 men interested in the camp that I wired my family at Joplin, Mo., to join me here, 1 like this country very much &nd am here to stay, | have been Secretapy-wiid man- ager of a stock exchange! president of a bank, ete, and in Colin here 4 de ided to give the public the henelit tf my knowledge and siperighes ot mining and financial affaird. Any axurity | endorse will have merit, and hong', intelligent management to back it up." Try "King's Quality" flour if want satisfaction, Camp Gowrie of Perth, Sons of | Scotland, presented (', M. Forbes, irpeve of Lanark, with a dozen of salid tea spoons with initials engraved on each, and a pair of gold cuff links, you 900000000009 Ladies' Tan Rubbers, Children's White Rubbers, Sudden Changes Many Colds . And Colds Are thy Starting Point of Serionis Diseases. You Can Make Short Work of a Cold : by Using DR. CHASE'S": Yor Sudden shauges Eo lemperatire of MINE, fatal in results. The shock to' the humah syétem a more than most can stand, and everywhere you hear sneezing and coughing. You may be sure that some of these colds will develop into pueu- motiia of consumption. Others will settle on the kidweys, and result in | serious Hatase .r bring ou rhewnatic ot bodily pan "rhe Anager ia is In Jetting colds 'tun pn. By beginning promptly with De. Chase's Syrup of Linseed avd Turpen- time and taking small doses frequent iy Joa can keep . the cough cheek the inflammation, and Soon' rid the system entirely of the cold, and all the many possibilities for evil which it possesses. Don't think that anything is good ie for a © There are ots of bough mixtures, But if you want a standard medicioe of proven pei. something that you can Mpeeut df time of sickness, you will be with _ Chase's Syrup Themed ¥ PILOTS OF A NATION SHOULD 14V gx IN A WORLD OF TRUE IDEALS. They Should Stand Aloof From Everything Small---Sermon in St, Andrew's by Rev. E. Leslie Pid- geon, of Vancouver. Two very forceful sermons proached in St. Andrew's church, on sunday, the preacher at both ser- vie 8 being Rev, FE. Leslie Pidgeon, of Vaneouver, H.C. in the moriing Mr. Pidgeon baséd his remarks upon Ezekisl xxvii, S: "thy wise men, (0 Tyrus, that weratn thee, were #hy pilots," emphasizing the point that the people and think. rs {or pilots) of a nation must get away from the tyranny of the day, live in a world of deeper principles, to form the truss ideals for the na- tion, these were the men fittad to gi ide the course of the nation. At the same time the preacher did not belittle the part the "man in the crowd," so-eeiled, played, in the mak- ing of a nation, There must be effi cicsiey in all elngses, in the most menial kind of servies, but the so. celled praetical man, running from poiit fo point, "is net in the pos:- tien as the prophets and thinkers are to form the national ideals, which make us common laborers the eat se of Christ and national great- ness were mn AT THE GRAND . -- "Alias Jimmy Valentine" a Strong Play, Well Presented. Fhe Grand was filled Saturday alter nopn end evening, and in "Alas Jim- my Valentine," the audience was given a fige treat. The play is a strong one, was well presented, and delighted ev- eryone. It is of the class that secures a grip upon you from the very start, and ends only when the curtain goes down for the last time. The story centres around the life of Lee Randall, sentenced to ten years, for burglary, under the name of Jimmy Valentine, and who turns over a pew leal, when he secures a pardon, and who also se cures two of his pals to "live on the square," as he terms it. An interes:- ing love stary is interwoven with the play. H. B. Warner, as "Jimmy," gave a trne interpretation of the part, and Phyllis Sherwood, as Rose Lane, ho was instrumental in securing his pardon, and who afterwards became his wife; shared honors with him. Both were exceptionally good. The entire cast was fine. Littie Philp Traub and Alma Sedley, as Bobby and Kitty Rose's brother and sister, were very cute in their part. The ° kiddies" were very amusing in their little sketch in the bank. Special mention is due the characters presented in Sing Sing pri- son. They were all true to life. Sand Hill Presbyterian - Church. Sand Hill, Feb. 17.-The tea meet- ing held at -the new Preshylerian the preacher were endowed ! Explaining the text, said the Phoenidians with all that made for commercial | greptnens, They were especially suc- ] eessful in navigation, being men of during, and making a study of the stars. The preacher likened the! state to a ship, and spoke of the diferent dase ge Who, manned it and dealt very iuterestingly with the qualifications of the pilot, and the difference between him and the men and giilors. He must be in a world of deeper prihciples, and stand at the point of vantage apart from the rest to suecessfully guide the ship, At this time Mr. Pidgeon remarked that it was obvious in recent years, in the British house of lords, and in the dominion house, that the members of thes institutions who were sip- posed to be guiding the destiny of the empire and dominion. -weére not able to take an unobstructed view of the important meastires, because they had private interests to serve The pilste of the nation should stand al of from: suéh things. 'The pilot should have perfect faith in the ship urd have an unfailing devotion to a eal se, The speaker eontinued the conditions for He must have a to inspine any oals to speak of a pilot's work, good character. and maf to be a leader ke must Have a worthy task. Mr, Pidgeon drew a vere vivid picture of the {isk before the Canadian pilot, and dwelt on what was necessary to build up thé social, 'infellectual and veligiong 'life of Canadidns. "At some I ngth he spoke of the heritage we have physically. and emphasized the necessity of having a certain amount of isolation in a nation to develop church at Sand Hill on Tuesday even- ing, Feb. 13th, was very largely at- tended. William Wilson, of Ganano- que, furnished the programme. A plaesant evening was passed. The congrégation it very much pleasad with its new church. Thegutson con- trictor, James Gough, of Dufferin, re- ceived great eredit from the congrega tion and other spectators. He had the contract of the building through. out and engaged other gontractors to do the dificrent parts of the work, I'he earpentct was Enoch Burich, of Kingston; the plombing and tin: smitting was dome by Taylor and Hamilton, 'of Kingaton, and. the pain ting and graining by W. J. Savage, of Kingston. The building is con: structed of coment blocks and is said to ke one of the most perfect build- ings of its Kind ia this pact of the country, . i cn At Willow Bat Willow Bank, Feb. -William Lit- tle is drawing hay o 'Gananoque. Al bert Cowan is also dravdng pressed hay to the ears, - Mrs, John Hyland, of Cushendoll, while visiting her RIS ter, Mrs, Wilirid Eastwood, was tak- en ill with appendicitis. Another dance was held at Blake Sliter's last evening, Ernest Eastwood is pected home on the 156th, from Fag land, where he has been for the last two weeks, Mrs. F. NX. Beaubien has returned home from visiting friends in Brockville. Visitors : Mrs, i' MeNinch, at Thomas Little's; Mr and Mrs. W. J, Gates, Whitmount, at 1. McNinch's: Mrs. Beorge Mell and children, of Maple Grove, with theis parents, Mr, and Mis, Simon Feigu son. A surprise party came to J Hampton's on Friday evening, from ox something distinctively its own, Gananoque. speaking of the visit of the tem leaders, President Joseph the convention in Torgpto : took hold of his hand to look at me. most of the time we "When ately and give ote to mé and the « Know. rupt us occasionally, a gentleman, let alone a Christian representating not; only you, but no answer, ing oe tory though 1 am, Ve went inte the other plice. "was as if | were giving my hand to good Christian gentleman any though 1 am a tory and he is agrit. Rowell's answer to the deputation the matter up,and give them a ting of the legislature. with that answer, TEMPERANCE MEN IR POLITICS. Gibson, of the did most of the shaking. He turned his back on us werd addressing him he/sat reading a newspapers Whethor ho has so great an intellect that he At any rate, he heard enough of what we were saying to inter The discourtesy he showed us was fot becoming tion an you put on that i. fhe accorded 1 say hie ought to have given an answer. I'll make hip answer yel party m ight be proud of. definite reply President Gibsen perance deputation to the political rinion Alliance, said, at Sir James' room and He hardly doigned sat down. During 1 went int apd can work two parts sep ther to the newspaper, 1 don't Now, your e people of the prov ince And, what interpreta- representatives, 7 He gave God help gentleman, Rowell my hand. T Mr. Rowell is =a I say that Nr. (iibson recalled Mr to the effect that he would bring during the present it~ expressed entire satisfaction 1 gaje Mr. my bpst girl, which must, at & certain time, be brought forth to idfluence the world, An asset of Canadians is the high ideals of other nations which have) been landed to us. The pot also must have an amples Harbor. There fore the thinkers aud the men doing work io concrete spheres must have a umted goal, one absorbing ides. Sutiday was she 108th ambiversavy of the founding of St. Andrew's chirch. There were large econgrega- tions at Both wcrvices to hesr Wr. Pidgeon, who delighted (he people with his. siifendid sermons. mm -- HE PREFERRED THE GALLOWS to Spenditig Rest of | of His Lifg in Pri. al "speciafists, Jessamine, the Toronto mrderor, Fei was brought down on Sat8day afternoon by Deputy Sheriff Arthile Jarvis to the provincial peni- tentiary, calmly stated"that he would father have gooe to ihe gallows than the remainder of his life in penitentiary. He has been placed in insane ward. Jessami was onght by Justice Riddell and by his ison--keepers 10 he quite responsible r his deed. - Er -- Quality" four, maoufnctur- od o by Oh the Maple Leal Milling tompany, hl I all leading grocers, is i erywhere, ov H ave youl tried jt ? HY Wiss Ethie! Henderson, of Gananorue, retirndd hoine Saturday, from a visit fo Miss Pearl Martin, University ave F. FF has a garage in Eu te Y. Arg y handle all Although pronounced insane by sever- |. Pied at Mount Chesney, Mrs. Harriet Alport, of Mount Ches- ney, died at her home on Saturday af- ternoon after a brief illness. The der ceased was eighty-one years of ° age and lived there most of her life. =ue fs survived by two sons and five daughters. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon to Cataragqmi ceme- tery. The pension from the United States government to E. Lowe, Perth, will be increased from $15 a 'month to ¥20 a lmonth after the 1st of March. From your own hair that is felling owt: Don't keep on doing this and let your beir get thidner aud thinner--Don'i egluct it it--wait uniil it's wo late. Con- care is the price of fascinating, Semutiful har. Cet a bottle of of HAY'S HAIR HEALTH and begin using it 'ot ome. * It will stop the falling out and start & camels nate Bair that's full of tify and radisoce- thai' you'll be proud: ob and that will be ad- mired by others. Rewerbe hc sade HAT'S HAIR HEALTH. a ive yuu dialer "IT DOESN' a big profit, . .. But it does leave a [lasting favorable impression upon the palates of all giving A 0s NEVER SOLD IN BULK, : : : s true to its reputation The Canada Metal Best Babbitt Metal -Go., Ltd. for all general machin- ery bearings. FRASER AVE. - TORONTO Bitter Oranges, 25 cants par doz. Mexican Sweet Oranges, 25 for 26 cents. Lemons and Grape Fruit A. J. REES, 166 PRINCESS ST. Phone 58 NA-DRU-CO LAXATIVES taken occasionally tone up the liver, move the bowels freely, cleanse the system and clear the brain. 25¢ a box at ald druggists', National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canadas, Limited Something New-and 000000 + OUR BUYER IS VISITING Boston and New York THIS WEEK Looking at all the: Sthait: Shee Novelties. Only the new- est and best will do for the patrons of the HOME OF GOOD >