PAGE FOUR. 2 ®- IT WAS STONE IN THE BLADDER GIN PILLS PASSED IT "Five years ago, 1 was taken down with what the doctors called Inflam+ mation of the Bladder--intense pains in the back and loins, and difficul iy ia urinating, and the attacks, ich became more frequent, amounted to unbearable agony. I became so weak sug I could not walk across the floor. : wife read in the papers about oh PILLS and sent for a box. From the very first, I felt that GIN PILLS were doing me good, The pain was relieved at once, and the attacks were less frecuent. In six weeks, the Stone in the .Madder came awa When I recall how I suffered and how now I am healthy and able to work, I cannot express myseif strongly enouglrwhen 1 speak of what GIN PILLS have done for me", JOFIN | HERMAN, Hamflton, Ont. " Regunlar size, 50c, a box, 6 for $2. 5a «at all dealers. You can try them free by writing for a {ree sample to National Dmg & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Dept. B Toronto. 88 S. Anglin & Co. Lumber and Coal Mer chants, Manufacturers of Fine Wood-Work. Office, Yards: Factory and Wellington Street North corner of Bay Street, "Phone 66. 000000000000 ONNO0O00000000000000008 ' 0000000000000 0000000 GET YOUR MONEY BACK It This Medicine Does Not Satis- factorily Benefit You. Practising physicians making a spe- vialty of stomach troubles are really responsible for the formula from which Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are made. We have simply profited by the experience of experts. Our experience with Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets leads us to believe them to be an excellent remedy for the relief of acyte indigestion and chronic dyspep- 'sin, Their ingredients are soothing and healing to the inflamed mem- branes of the stomach. They are rich «in pepsin, one of the greatest digestive aids known to medicine. The relief 'they afford is almost immediate, Their use with persistency and regularity for helps to bring about a a short time cesshtion of the pains caused by sto mach disorders. . Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets aid to in- sure healthy appetite, aid digestion, "and promote nutrition. As evidence of our sincere faith in Rexall Dyspepsia Pablets, we ask you to try them at our risk. If they do not give you en- tire satisfaction, we will return you the|/ money you paid us for them, without question or formality. three sizes, prices 25¢., Be. and 81, Remember, vou can ohtain them only our store--The Resall Store, G. W Mahood They come in THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published tarlo, at $8 per year. Editions at 2.30 WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 Thursday morning at $1 a year. be added, making pricé of Daily 3 oad and cheap work; nine improved presses. Street, Toronto. H. E. Smalipiece, J WHIG, SEVENTYNINTH YEAR Attached is one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, stylish, THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED TORONTO OFFICE~~Buite 19 and 20 Queen City Chambers, .P.,, representative, at 306-210 King Street, Kingston, On- and 4 pm. #, published in .party on Monday and nited States charge for postage had te of Weekly '$1.50 per year. J. G, Elliett, President. Leman A, Guild, Sec.-Treas. 32 Church The has been asked, should Hammond, the ex-convict, be- returned to Auburn, N.Y., there to in the state prison yuestion why resume his place and continue his punishment for a serious crime ? Havihg given evidence of usefulness here, having laboured in dustriously and expressed contrition for his wrongdoing, why should he be should the state be 20 eager to assume large expenses in connection with his incar- ecoation ? willing to surrender, and why Justice has not been satisfied. He was proven guilty of a serious of- and required to atone That his fence, for it in atonement he That at a bad man is made a certam cut way. short hy escape heart he was not A CHANCE TO RISE. pose him. The voice of conscience was finally heard, and the Salvation Army is 'to be credited with the message which called him to account. It. is the medium through which justice will now be satisfied. And now it is for the state's execu- which at an early date will give Hammond his freedom. Our prisons are mean to be reformatory. They fail of their purpose in this respect, and the pa- role officer has been credited with a jsiucere desire to see all the convicts free, on parole, and entitled to their freedom only tive to exercise the clemency so long as they behave : . themselves. Hammond, at all events, be given,' at the earliest moment, the ought to conduct. ancomiortable, quite apparent by his later As a fugitive he was not knowing when some one might ex chance to restore himseli in the pub- jie confidence, and to develop a | reputation for integrity. | Two announcements with regard line between Manitoba been definite and satisfying. the boundary and Untario have made, and neither is very One comes from Mr. who has that he will move that between the pro- northward to the Borden, given notice the boundary line vinces be extended sixtieth parallel of latitude, and north- the such terms and conditions eastward to shores of Hudson's Bay, upon as may be agreed to by the legislative assembly of Manitoba and by parlia- ment, This, it fully vague, cannot be will be is delight- and because it is observed, so it acceptable. Manitoba, through its some had Mr. deprived Ontario of a port premier, announced time ago, that the boundary line been settled, and, as defined by Roblin, it on the roused the lion of the Ontario legislature and made Sir James growl out his discon- tent. He blamed the Laurier govern- ment for Ontario's loss. The issue is in the keeping of the Manitoba. As it decides, will be. So says Mr. Borden's resolution. He makes no al- lusion to Ontario, and the position of Hudson's Bay. This province of the boundary the great province, so far as his reso- lution dealing with the question goes THE BOUNDARY TROUBLE. tonot concern him in the least. | The evident desire of Mr. Borden is ito get rid of the disturbing issue for this year. It will be left in abeyance the consent of parlia- pending the actidn of Manitoba which is disposed not only to outline the boundary it wants, and have, but to pass a measure provid- ing for the representation of the new territory in the local house. The school conveniently by him, with ment, must question, too, is most dropped, Borden can drop it. so fab as Mr. In Keewatin separate schools, the standing of which cannot be ignored. What is Manitoba The interested and the dis- cussion of the boundary are going to do about them ? federal parliament is line is hound to be affected by some reference to the So that Nr. mum upon, the subject, for schools. Borden may be and yet it may be the occasion an acure expres- sion of opinion. While a liberal power government was in it was the game of the Mani- toba government to campaign against it, on the ground that through the liberal government Manitoba's growth was stunted. Now the governments at Ottawa and Winnipeg are in harmony, and the question is not settled and cannot be without serious difficulty. THE WEST ------ The secretary of the United Farmers of Alberta, visited Ottawa, in sup- port of the grain growers' bill, and, 'DUNLOP 'Traction Tread Another Opinion: "We have had front 6,000 to 8,000 miles out of all our Dun- lop Traction Treads. In fact, we have two Traction Treads on now that have gone 8,000 miles and look good for two or three thousand more miles." Bee Your , {returning home, gives a discomfiting account of his experience. He found un imaginary grievance, at the capital the west, its condi- and came to the con- for with regard to tion and needs, clusion that the farmers counted very little there. Mr. Freame was a spectator of what occurred in the committee room when the bill was under dis- cussion. Of twenty-seven members only and their hearts "rain growers' twelve were not very much in the work. They were listless and indifferent. The men who were very active and alive repre- and they were suggesting were present, sented the railways, times in interest of the was intent at all the corporations, Mr. disillusioned, changes In great com- the Freame pletely and gave ) {great meeting of farmers at Regina to 'understand that he had had enough of Ottawa and all that it implied. By tne way the political air of Sas- katchewan has been stirred by the dis- cussions in the legislature and with regard to the promises of Mr. Borden. it will be remembered that prior to IN DOUBT. the election he made a tour through the west. He was opposed to recipro- city but he offered a substitute--he was great in 'thdat--mamely, the owner- ship and. management of the terminal elevators by' the government, construction of the railway. In office Mr. what silent. and the Hudson's Bay Borden has been some The most he has ventur- ed to say in the house is that 'the matter . is now under consideration, and that the issue will come up when the supplementary down, estimates# come That was the essence of a tele gram "which Mr. Borden sent to Mr, Haultain and which he read in the Jes gislature. But there the good inten- tions of the federal premier were chal- lenged, and it was boldly declared that since Saskatchewan had practically done nothing for Mr. Borden he would do nothing for it. The matter cannot remain in doubt much longer, Mr. Borden must pre- sently speak and redeem or repudiate his election promises, and the prospect is not very assuring, The delegates from the west who have visited Ot- tawa have not heen able to learn very 'much to their liking. ---- i New Furniture, ~ Anyone. hav army to ore selling else- Second-ha ; me a bef "oban : HH, SUGARMAN. i dor In all kinds of Stoves and his fture, 242 Ontario Street. The word obey to disappear from the English marriage ceremony | Then the suffragettes are going some. 'This is one of their accomplishments. . FONG SING Es femoyed to 383 Princess C.A. First-class ors sn Mr. Rowell's tecrible arraignment of the blind pigs of the hinterland has had its effect. A special officer: has A SER TR been appointed to close up the vile spots. Mr. Rowell is to he congratu- lated upon his success. " Mr. Ellis, of Ottawa, withdrew his tax reform bill, at the behest of the premier. Mr. Rowell has a bill on the same subjest which will withdrawn, Sit James may reject it, but it will be pressed to a vote. The Alberta legislature has ad journed. It passed eighty-seven bills, it meant to pass a larger number, but the chairman in committee killed the oy. of shaking. o8 pile opie ion, EDITORIAL NOTES. not be them hy leaving the chair. That is The Saskatchewan legislature, by a vote of 27 to 17, reaffirmed its be lief in wider markets and lower tar ils. Two members of 'the opposition, || having the fear of the electors before their eyes valed with the govern: ment, The. Brantford Expositor comments upon Dr. Knight s discussion of medi- cal inspection? It wonders that the education department hog not done anytiog to educate trustees upon the manner of inaugurating and con- ducting inspections. There ave others who wonder in the same way. Some owe in the Ontario legislature is gure to interpolate the premier with regord to his stand on the boundary line between this province and Manitoba. Is the questi titele within the keeping of Mr. Rob lin? Has Sir James Whitney no- thing to say sbout it? Is that the meaning of the Borden 1 jon ? A DAY IN THE HOUSE WHAT ONE MAN SEES TO WRITE aBoUT. A Pottering Day Drags Wearily Along--Great Men and How They Waste Their Time--The Alleged Garden of Sleep. Gadsby in Montreal Herald, This is a pottering day. The bal is in conmmittee. It is as sale now as an axiom of Euclid, or & bill to provide buttons with their correspon- wing holes, or any other uneontro- versial topic. Speaker Sproule has left the chair, Also he has left the house. Poor man ! there is no plea- sure in' Lhe. deoate for bim now ! {he only way he can hear 4s own voice is by reading the motions through to the bitter end, which he does, though the law does not require it. But no ose begrudges hun fois out let. for his fedlings. : Deputy Blondin presides. Blondin was a nationalist. He is now a de puty-speaker, Hg does net go on strike with the . Quebec 'twenty-two. He will never beg found far away trom his job. He is a tall, serious young man. with a sud voice like wind m the chimney. 'The Misercre from Tvo- vatore hae hing on him for sad- pess when oa ds the clauses. Blon- ain is as sad as taxes. Iv. Flint is getting hig share. Laplante spears his paper with his pen. The arms is out doing his Prigish North America act---otherwise eo i constitutional. The colonel two a day. The rights, privileges and forms of parliament are, for the time being, in charge of Deputy Bowie, who yawns, The mace is only glittering Journals in blotting sergeaut-ar. requires table, I he object in "sight 18 Middleboro"s bald head. Bald head ! What does that suggest § A man who has so much brow as Middlebro should be called high. low and middle brow. Why doesn't he use the Jull finish for his head instead of that highly polished Chinese glaze, which is not only bad: form, but hurts the eves. Bennett, of Calgary, sits right behind Middlebro, Wear what oye glasses he will he does not find Mid- dlebro's shining expanse restful. Thy story runs that Bennett, of Calgary, is going into imperial politics. tiés mean that Bouse flees from Middlehoro's intolérable brilliance ? We cannot have our best men driven out of parliament this way. Middl. bro should utilize his head to more advantage. With a field like his, why not combine use and beauty by paintfng on it a warm Pay of Na ples seene for winter and a Greon land s-iey-mountain one fot mer ¥ Little thoughts indeed--vou will observe, mind when the scene thoughts ? Yes, quite right little but amusing. Three pages are playing tiek-tack-toe behind the speaker's throne. There are eighty-two members of parlitment presént, folty grits, forty-two tories--about half the opposition, about one-quarter the government. Seven men are wearing their hats. Two are chewing gum. Four are reading newspapers. Twenty are whispering to twenty more. One man is tracking down a word in under the Does sum- little thoughts capture the Little very is so hazy. vou're book in for says it is Tom White word. He glass case a few other collected. What else is going on? Oh, not much." Yes, there's .John Haggart drifting off to Slumber Land. And David Henderson asleep at the switch? But what's the difference ? Every- body is mooning. What does the eye miss from the august picture ? It mitses about one hundred and forty members of parliament who ought to be here earning their pay--that's the answer, Meanwhile it misses one or two special favorites, Where is Ne (Gus Temere Porter ? Oh, he's in the library looking up the Toronto di rectory, choosing where he is going to live when he is made high court judge And where's the Machiavelli, young, round, fat, rosy, Bob Rogers' understudy, Captain Tom Wallace, bless -his heart ? The talk drones on like a bee in a bottle. Several members make fissip erous speeches--that is to say, speech- him, Devlin, of Wright, "ancillary"--a word that used. Devlin likes the promises to put it in a with "meticulous" and rare ones that he has young live lobster"s claw, and no harm done, speeches that are full of to stop. Nobody takes any cept the Hansard reporters are paid to do it. notice ex- and they Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days. Your druggist will refund money if | Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Pro- truding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 50e. Prefident Taft the nomination lon Bitney, associate justice supreme court, to succeed Harlan, recently deceased. Buy "Kamagra," the genuine, ai Sargent's drug store. ' PR. SOPER DR. WHITE sent to the senate of Chancellor Mah. of New Jersey, to be an Justice Plies teil Eezéina {im Ie 4 pro tiem Asthma | 8 Pe : Fibadity Catarth Stfictnre (a. Diabetes | Umlssions | Kidoey A And Riood, Ney ve and Bladd-r Diseases, Call or send history for free advies, Book en Diseases and X. Medicine furnished in -- Hours. -10 a.m. jo 1 pan and 2 W Suedays--i am pa Consultation ftee, DRS. SOPER & WHITE, 25 Toronto 5t., Toros, Ont Webster--a page has brought the higd es you ean break off anywhere like a! good places! of the United States | We're Specialists Children. Come and Garments. It's never a hit of Mothers our Boys' an Men's : 78, 80, 6,0000,000 CHINESE STARVING. Flood and War Have Destroyed Crops --Assistance Needed. York, Feb. 20.--A Pekin cable says 1 More than six million Cliiness are dying of starvation throughout China as a result of the destruction {of erops by floods and war | Bishop Graves, of Shanghai, who is sending out appeals for 31,000,000, is { sugges: ing, through the Lavmen's Mis sionary Movement, that a definite date be set when collections may beflaken lup in the churches throughout the world, New DODGED SOCIETY WEDDING, | Wealthy Londeners sand Bride Dis. appoiuted Invited Guests. | New York, Feb. 20. says "Suddenly | spectacular socibty wedding, although iscores of guests bad been invited to | attend, Lord Howard De Walden, one of the wealthiest of peers, and Miss {y an Salte, whose marriage was to take i place to-day, were quietly married on Monday. --A London esble ---------- Pope Upholds Bishop Walsh. { Portland, Maine, Feb. 20.--The © ac- tion of Bishop Louis 8. Walsh in in terdicting six members of the Portland diocese, last spring, has been confirmed by Pope Pius, The interdiction fol lowed 'the action of the men, five of whom live in Biddeford and one' io Léwiston, in urging legislation to gis solve the corporation sole which gives the bishop control over all the proper: ty of the diocese. ' | Belleville School Savings Banks. \ Belleville, Feb. 20. ~The Bodrd of Education has decided to introduce the penny savings bank svstem in the public schpols. CC. M. Reid, chairman of the board, and Col. "Pontoon were. appoinicd representatives to the hm perial conference of teachers' Associa tions, which is to meet in London, Fogland, in July! Wants Camps Inspected. Ottawa, Feb, 2. Cantrotler Wilson, discussing the smallpok situation in the capital, declares that the Ontario government iS remiss in not taking more Mom. measires, (to prevent the spread of infection from the lund ec camps. Laurier is ont in favor of the Geor- gian Ray canal, yf A ------ deciding to forego. a STYLISH SPRING OVERCOAT The handsomest line of Spring Overcoats you ever saw can be Seen right here now. They were made expressly for our trada in all the styles that good dressers will wear. Some men like the shorter coat som: the longer, but matter which style you choose, you can rest assured that it will he right 'in fit, style and tailoring. "no Priced at $12.50, $15, ATTIR in dressing Boys and | sce the new Spring trouble for us: to show SA d Children's Clothing it always affords us pleasure. BIBBY"S, Ltd. and Boys s' Departmental Store 82 PRINCESS STREET. ------.. A Special Process of Pre- paration guaranfeey Eddy's Toilet Papers free from injur- ious chemicals of any kind. "If you're sure it's Bddy's, you're sure it's right." One of the 37 Fddy Lranda Sa ONO ONES ------------ ---- -- ---- LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW | «For Bale or to Rent. Sales Negotiated Rents Collected | Fire Insurance Conveyancing and Real Estate | E. Blake mp, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK MARKEY sQUARM, Phone 386° , ONT, WN "RAWFORDS ery. 2g i freeSurnin UH ke AAMC RNAS AS RRS RBA LEAR EE ni Rk BRTEZRL La = - orem iw ee a A a A a