Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Feb 1912, p. 6

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PAGE sIX. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1912. --- " -- ci With the "Rooster" om It is crowing louder as he goes slong. Only 45¢c per pound. For chewing and smoking. ' AT A. MACLRAN'S, Ontario Street. # Beat pl for all kinds of quick lunch and hot drinks, Chaoeolates and candy of all kinds kept in stock. PAPPAS & 00, i Princess Street. Lots in Bow Island, Transcona and Nokomis for sale. Full Information will be furnished and orders taken by J. oO. Hurtox, 18 Market Street, Kingnton, Ontn Thomas PHONE 987. Prop a card to 19 Pine Street wwe. wanting 4hything done in the Carpen- line. timates given on all nds and ne work als | Floors of all kirds Al 1} receive prompt attention juean Htrany 3. THE CLUB HOTEL | : : (Near Pripcess). There are other hotels, but approach the Club for ike surrounding ted In centre o to principal eatre. city snd stores and Charger are moderate, Bpeclal rates by the week. P. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor, New Buckwheat Flour in 'bulk or packages. Pure Maple Syrup. Coast Sealed Oysters D. COUPER, 'Phone 76. 341-3 PRINCESS ST, Prompt Delivery. " rerun eseen COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. SCRANTON COAL is good Coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO. FOOT WEST STREET. Kingston Business College (Limited) " Highest Education at Lowest Cost" Twenty.sixth begins Bookkeeping ear, Fall term . Courses in Shorthand, Tele fiaphy, Civil Service and Eng Our graduates gét the best positions. thin a short time over sixty secured positions with one of the largest railway cor- rations in Canada. Enter any , Call or write for informa H. F. Metcalfe, Principal. Kingston, Canada. "The great invention that, has revolutionized the Beefitea trade! "A cup of strong Beef Tea for 2; c--ready in a mo ment--and just the right strength when made with OXO Cubes. BIBBY'S CAB STAND DAY OR NIGHT "Phone 201. WOMEN, AVOID DPERATIONS lows. Mrs. Rock's Case A Warning. : The following letter from Mrs. Orville Rock will show how unwise it is for wo- men to submit to the dangersof a surgical operation when often it may be avoided by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegétable Compound. She was four weeks in the hospital and came home suf- fering worse than before. Here is her own statement. Paw Paw, Mich. -- 'Two years ago | suffered very severely with a displace- pm ment. I could not 8 be on my feet for a long time. My phy- sician treated me for od several months with- 4 out much relief and dat last sent me to Ann Arbor for an op- eration. I was there four weeks and came home sufferingworse than before. try Lydia BE. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, and I did. + Today I am well and strong and do all my own housework. 1 owe my health to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and advise my friends who are affljcted with any female complaint to try it."" -- Mrs. ORVILLE Rock, R. R. No. 6, Paw Paw, Michigan. If you are ill do not drag along until an operation is. necessary, but at once take Lydia E. Pinkham"s Vegetable Compound. * For thirty years it has been the stan- dard remedy for women's ills, and has restored the health of thousands of suf- fering women. Why don't you try it? -- Your orders will be filled satis factorily if you deal there at PP. WALSH'S, 53-57 Barrack Street. Yop can save money by buying this month. We store your goods until required. : Special this week at $2.00, $2.50, Brass Bed, worth $75.00, for $62.50 Brass Bed, worth $60.00, for $48.00 -p, A ny facomm you'll see Such a good soup. Such a little price, Such a thick, nourishing, strengthening soup is Edwards'; so small is the cost that everyone can well afford it. : Edwards' Soup is "prepared from specially selected beef and the finest vegetables that Irish soil can praduce. It comes in dry, granulate form, LIFE WAS SUSTAINED RESULT OF EXPERIMENTS MADE DURING PAST YEARS, Tests With Chickens--=Tesults Show- ed That They Were Absolutely Free of Microbes, Paris, Feb. 20,--The possibility of life without microbes was the ques- tion which Pasteur in 1585 considered the most important, Experiments since then have tended to establish the fact that certain insects could de- velop, without bacteria,. but verte brates seemed to require them. Dr. Cohendy, of the Pasteur Institute, de- scribed at the Aeademy of Beiences during the week, three years' experi- ments under Prof. Metthnikoff's insti- gation. They were made, as Pasteur recommended with chickens. Dr. Go- hendy used a sterilized incubator. He introduced three eggs which were about hatching. He sterilised them _on the outside, the apparatus was care- fully filtered, and all the food was perfectly sterilized. Several sets of chickens raised in this way were found after six weeks to he too hig for the incubator, and were taken out and compared with chickens which had been raised in the ordinary way. The tests showed that the incubator chickens were absolutely free of mi- crobes, though after some hours of unsterilized life their digestive tubes contained thousands of fthem. The experiments established the fact that life without microbes is possible in chickens without in any way al- fecting the organism. STREET CAR EMPLOYEFS a ---- Not to be Kept on Duty so Many Hours, Toronto, Feb. 20.--Sir James ney, in the course of a shori Session of the Ontario legislature, Monday af ternoon, introduced two important bills. One is to amend the Ontario rail way and municipal board act, by pro- viding that street car motormen, con- ductors or other employees, must not be required to be on duty fifteen on sixieen hours a day -to do ten hours' work, and that this provision is to apply, notwithstanding any agreement that a municipality may have with a street railway company. I'he other amendment is to the mines act, and provides that no min- er shall Be required to work more than eight hours out of twenty-four, and these hours to include the time in descending and ascending to and from the shafts. J Hon, Mr. Hanna presented the pub- lic accounts for 1911. The accounts show a deficit of $250,000, "Daniel Boone On The Trail." "Daniel Boone On the Trail" comes to the Grand on Saturday, Feb. 24th, matinee and night. It is a romantic story of the early pioneer days. Man- ager llarris has gone into every de- thil to make this production a lasting one. One of the most exciting scenes in this drama is the snow storm scene in the mountains and the com- ing of the hungry wolves, This scene is workod behind a large screen cur- tain that separates the audience from the stage, as real monstrous . savage wolves are used in this scene. © The falling of the snow, the buming of the last stick of wood, the coming of the wolves and Boone's fight for life with them in full view of the audience is thrilling in the extreme and 'calls forth rounds of applause. Manager Harris has also added a number of full blooded Sioux Indians to the play, leaving nothing undone to make Daniel Boouevon® the trail a complete production in every respect, Toronto Street Market. Toronto, Feb. 19.--Wheat, bush. 96¢.; wheat, goose, 92¢. to Ye; oats, bush., 5c. to Sle; rye, bush., $1.05 to $1.07; barley, bush, %e. to 95e.; hay, timothy, ton, #21 to $23; hay, mixed, ton, $16 to $17; straw, per ton, $17; dressed hogs, $9 to $9.50; butter, good to choice, 3c. 1g 40c.; eggs, new-laid, doz., Blc.; chickens, Ibh., 3c. to 17c.; ducks, 1b, 17¢. to 180; fowl, Ib., 10c. to 12¢,; turkeys, Ib, 2%. to 9e.; geese, Ib. - 16c. to 18c.; apples, bibl, $2.50 to $3.50; potatoes, bag, $1.90 to #2; cabbage, doz, He. to 6le,; beef, hindquarters, $11.50 to $13.50; fore- quarters, . $7.50 to $3.50; choice, car- case, $10.25 to £11; medium, carcase, $8.50 to "i veal, prime, $11 to 313. mutton, prime, $8 {o 310.50; lamb, spring, $13 to $14.50. King's Physician Coming, New- York, Feb. 20°-Sir Bertrand Dawson, of London, physician to King George, will sail for "America within a fortnight to seat several months in surgical studies on this side. Most of Tie time will be spent at Rochester, Minn., and in the Johns Hopkins hospital, in Baltimore. "America has surpassed Europe in surgical sciente," Sir Bertrand de- olares, 'and henceiorth we must come to you to learn. It is time ¥ mé- thods received universal a a A --------_------ » ed in the police drag-net. - e-------- Jealous Lover's Crime. Whit. | This Home-made Cough Syrup Will Surprise You Stops Even Whooping Cough Quickly, A Family Supply. at Small Cost, ? Here is a home-made remedy that takes hold of a cough instantly, aud will usual. ly cure the 'most stubborn case in 24 hours. This recipe makes 18 ounces-- enough for a whale family. You couldn't buy as much or as good ready-made cough syrup for $2.50. Mix two cups of granulated sugar with one cup of warm water, and stir two min. utes. Put 2% ounces of Pinex (fifty cenis' worth). in a 16-ounce bottle, and add the Sugar Syrup. This keeps per. fectly and has a pleasant taste---children like it. . Braces up the appetite and is slightly laxative, which helps end a cough. You probably know the medical value of pine in treating asthma, bronchitis and other throat troublés, sore lungs, etc. There is nothing better, Pinex is the most valuable concentrated compound of Norway white pine extract, rich in guial. col and all the natural healing pine ele- ments. n this formula. Toe prompt results from this inexpen- sive remedy have made friends for it in thousands of homes in the United States and Canada, which explains why the plan has been imitated often, but never successfully. A guaranty of absolute satisfaction, or money promplly ref: d, goes with this recipe. Your druggist has Pinex, or will get it for you. If pot, send to The Pinex Co., Toronto, Ont. OUR CRYSTAL BRAND Of Standard Grasulated Sugar Hias been tried and found excellent for preserving and table use. Price 1s iiways right, ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontario Street. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF DYSPEPSIA The symptons of this form of indigestion are known by sad experience 10 Lulf of our population, aud by observation to the other half Hurvied esting snd imperfect mastication und insalivatic our food are its principal causes. It affects not « the stomach. but the liver aud bowels. Take Fadway's Bills to ton : and invigorate those organs. Avoid excitants, Live on simple, nourishing fare. By observing these rules any type of dyspepia may be permanently ocuped Dr speptic persons should closely study thelr diet, and avoid what disagrees. ASK FOR RADWAY'S and take no SUBSTITUTES STL AE LHL ERE Imagine how much more delicious cakes taste when flavored with real vanilla extract, You can make certain of using real extract of finest Vanilla beans by buying Shirriff's True Vanilla. u GOOD HEALTH! "Normal health is the vichest prize of existence and this world 1s made for health and Aappiness" HENDERSON Wilson's Invalids' Port (a la Quina du Pérou) with its refreshing and invigorating qualities will make you We are continuilly hearing frém grateful people who had experi- ences like that of Miss Alice E.- Cooper, of Niagara Falls, Ont., who i "1 wish to ress gratitude to you for the oht i --- from ul i Having taken other medicines without most baviag received the slightest relief, I of Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Other preparations will not work | *fthe appeal 'AN AUTOPSY WAS ELD LON THE BODY OF THE LATE { _ SOLOMON LATIMER, Who Dropped Dead in Gananoque on Sunday--Twin Girls Were Bora to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Britton. Gananoque, Feb, 20.---Dr. Shaw, of Lansdowne, coroner for this section, Iwas in town, yesterday, for an au- (topsy on the body of the late Solo mon Latimer, who dropped dead at his home on Sunday evening, in eon- {sequence of which the funeral has ne- cessarily been held over until Thurs. day morning, whea it will take place {to St. John's church and thence to Gananoque vault. Mr, and Mrs. J. Hl. Cook, of St. John's Island, arc mourning the loss of their infant son, who passed away {yesterday after a short illness. lnter- ment takes place on Wednesday at Willow Bank, cemetery, Two fine baby girls arrived at the home of Russell H. Britton on Satur day and Russell is accepting his con- gratulations very modestly. J. W. Logan, who has been coufip- ed to his home for the past ten davs 'by illness, is again able to be around. | The home of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis 'Flaherty was the seene of a quiet dance last evening, there being quite a large number present. | Miss Essie Delong left at noon, yes- terday, Toronto, where she will represpht (ananoque council, No. 284, R. T. of 1 at the session of the grand council of that order this week, She also attended a family reunion there last evening with her brothers, Dr. Ernest Del.ong and A. Morice De- Long, and her sister, Miss Carrie A. Delong, all of whom have for some time past been located in the far western provinces. Samuel G. Lyon, who left: bere seve- ral weeks ago, for Hamilton and who has since them been undergoing treat- ment in Kingston hospital, is home to recuperate with his wile and amily, Mrs. William Wheeler, Sr,., is eon- fingd to her home quite seriously ill. Joseph Fraid - is spending a short time in New York eity. Miss Ger- trude Whittingham, spending the past month in Clayton, N.Y., guest of Mrs, William Steele, has returned home. The Misses Norma and Rita Lucey are spending a week at Atkinson, guests of Miss Florence Johnston. MAYOR A POKER SHARD. Caught Cheating at His Club and Fined $200. Feb. 20.---M. Seebe, a rich , fi Paris, man and Mayor of Setif, : Yor (- ant town in Algeria, has been fined 8200 for cheating at poker in the City Club, It was a municipal coun- cilor who made the complaint against |the Mayor and obtained the nominal damages, one franc, that he demand- led as personal satisfaction. The mayor's method of operation was simple. Regularly he dealt him- (self six cards and he got rid of the extra card in making bis discard, { His success aroused suspicions; he was watched and a clear case estab- lished against him. When the case came up in police court the magistrate it, approving of the mavor's defence, which argued that the Mayor's manoeuvre did not give him a cer tainty of winning he was not guilty of swindling. The case was taken to court, which was either less inclined to hairsplitting or less open to mayoral influence. the dismissed as SWINGS TO ROOSEVELT. Has Withdrawn From Lafollette. Washington, Feb. 20. --Gifford Pin chot, in a signed statement, announces that he has withdrawn his support from Senator Lafollette's "presidential candidacy and that, he will hereafter advocate the nomination of Theodore Roosevelt." Mr. Pinchot declares that the events of the last month have made it ap parent that Senator. Lafollette"s can- didacy will neither hold the progres sive republicans together as a fight- ing foree por prevent the nomination of 'a reactionary" republican.' Pinchot Support Supporting Home Rule. § London Advertiser, The British Webkly, the great organ of British Noncomformity, is enthusi- astically supporting Irish home rule and pouring isdignation on the Ulster unionists. One of the most powerful personalities in the ranks of English Noncomformity, Rev. Silvester Horne, M. P., is also championing the Irish cause. says: 'We may say, in a word, that Prot- estant free churchmen in England and Wales have less and less sympathy with those who use the language of intolerance as ascendancy. Fanaticism makes but a weak appeal to them, and blind bigotry is repulsive. They have always naturally resented the ignor- ance and prejudice that are too fre qaently manilest in the language used about noncomformity bv members of the sacerdotal communions. Equally they recent the partisan harangues of the Orangemen, where there is much sound and little sense. . 'The problem of to-day is not as to what England will do for Ireland, but as to what England will allow °° Tre land to do. for herseli. British non- conformiiLy cannot resist the claim of Ireland for self-government until we are prepared to repudiate for our. selves that privilege and responsibili- tv of seli-reliance and self-control which for three hundred years have been the secret, under God, of the strength and prosperity of our Free churches." 'Richeson Engaged to Five. Boston, Mass., Feb. 20. While four young women were wearing diamond rings which Clarence E. TT Richeson had given them to seal promises of marriage, he ordered a $200 solitaire for a ffth girl, whose identity is not revealed. The shipment of the last en- gagement ring, by « western firm, was --") the news of Righeson's ar- rest. Mrs. William Bressee passed away at her home in Westport, on Wednes v, aged sevenly years. : rs. David vlie, formicly of | Brockville, died om Friday, at Mou teak b BY MDS | | Health and Beauty Answers MAS MARTYN Yiolet all means let face pow dor alone, If ¥« t 8 beautiful 1¥ plexion ¥ up the pores, causing « I pores, wrinokis and rough, naly sale an beautifier solving fou half pint factory plexi take lopk an and velvet easily as much-desired, the skin witha ed look. A.B CC: Step rey ing over such a triviak thifig and ho an ¢ led tone. Mix enough w the hairs no three minute skin. You wi unce of superfluous bh cost a dollar an cunde ral times its price hairless skin muddy, phunly urities In the ystem of hosa i, you can find nd thiz old-fashlc . Disholve a half up ¢ kardene in a huit pint aleohol, Ren add hot water to make a full quart. Take a tablespoci- ful before neal surprised storing -qualitl ive You en wring back to your checks Rena: Your = w, complexion is due to im blood To rid your sy marks of {ll hea thing 'better home-made sugar and one ot v d ap} the glow of pe ired. dull eyes you need a hening tobi you will get rom wr druggist ounce of crystos and dissolve Jt Jr pint of water, then put & few drops in each eye once or twice a day, your eves will soon be clear of all inflamma tion, feel strong and be bright and sparking. Thi is splendid for granulated eye nd will he found very soothing of thig shape tonic has enabled m to dispense with wearing glasses Ellen: For J. 8.: You are only one of ti who have wasted nicely perfumed hal no good except t J -- a-| itehy skin | har «| quingoin al a 1 complexions. The | together, { y &ip. a Pd pnt of the water Tw palp dn a will then b expensive Marforie auick!V and swrting ta a Ing exercise parnoids in water and (hke o 3 each meal I Tind thig sim s remedy geaerallyyg idly, and those whe tell me it is a marvel it leaves the skin sn led. You can get store. * soap in streaks and duds the to split and become poo preparation 1 ha he air h I of canthrox d ol water This make | imaginable and is inexy moves all dirg blackheuds freckl eollecting pores in this eream-jeliy. Stir togeth stand over night one ounce waonen mar remoying freckl discalorations KO-KO-BUT THE PERFECT COOKING BUTTER Your Grocer Sells it----22¢. per Ih: Coconnut Butters, Montreal, Dominion Limited, 4 Laberatory el Provincial Government Analyst. I Heresy Cerriry that I have drawn by my own hand ten samples of the St. Lawrence Sugar Refining Co's EXTRA STANDARD GRANULATED SUGAR, indiscriminately taken from four lots of about 150 barrels each and six lots of 2 analyzed same and find them uniformly to ce 99-99/100 to 100 per cent of pure cane sugar, with no impurities wha (Signed) MILTON L. HERSEY, M. Sc. LL.D. EVERY WOMAN SHOULD READ THIS LETTER ABOUT Montreat, 22nd February, 1909. 450 bags cach. |} have ntain tever. vnc ial Governmeni Analysed, The St. Lawreace Sugar Relining Co. Limited MONTREAL. J Aege che ienorAs- imilati andieg - Sag ner and of A 3 fer Cons : aan esos | Worms fons Feverisih- hess and LOSS OF SLEEP. Pai Simile Signature of For Infants and Childre; 1s The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years i FERGHERRCHSRI SSS HE VS A Sh mn ---------- BB

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