am, DAILY BRITIAR WHIG, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 21, 1932 | PERFECT PANACEA PE WONENT Ct FOR RHEOMATION Rbeumatism, Sciatica and Lumbago | excites my admiration. are caused by "Uric Acid --a Ndigestio formed as a result of acid itatives"', the system free of uric acid and will always cure Rheumatism in every form. soc. a box, 6 for ase. At all dealers or sent post Resiptol pricutby Pruit-atives ied: and impurities in the blood. or intensified fruit §a.5o, or trill gas, POSSESS GREAT © CAPABILITIES, SAYS ENGIASH LADY. But They Do Not Appreciate Thew- selves Sulficiently--Canadian Wo- men Rank High in Experience. Trafalgar, Ont., Feb. 18.--1 have been asked to say a fow words as to {the impréssion Canada makes ou ihe imind of a stranger and after five ¢ [years residence I fol fairly compe {te nt to state a few of the posts of linterest that struck me on my arnval jand to describe what I consider the 'most wonderfal, | Of the country itecli, | am not go- fing to speak. Every thinking person knows that it is the coming nation {of the world. The vast stores of {mineral wealth, healthy climate, pro- {ductive soil, magnificent waterways, 'and undeveloped of all kinds of joy attragfed me most, and was the traordinary capabilities posse the women of Canada, » | have taken upon myself a large {task to sing their praises, but I do not think that Canadian women sul- ficiently appreciate themselves and it is well for us that we should some times wee Ourselves as othors sce us, The women to whom 1 have been accustomed think theme#lves very hard-worked indeed if they perform the ordinary duties of the household still pw Py DRY PINE for KINDLING WOOD .DRURY'S Coal and Wood Yard "Phone 443, 235 Welllugton St. unaided, and certainly would never take on, thems lves any extraneous tasks. bere, to my surprise, I found the women not only proficient in all the arts of a housekeeper but also dairy workers, fancy cooks, dress makers, williners, gardeners, uphol #terers, paper-hangers and house. decorators, in fact | have not yet discovered anything of which they are What About That Range? That you spoiled your Christmas Better change It for a "Souvenir" and bave no more spoil. dinner on, od meals. 2,500 giving satisfaction district. ing January. W.C. Phone 1033, in this 20 p.c. off all ranges au Hardware 191 Princess St. not capabe. Each day I seemed to discover some new aecomplishment. Everything I admired was the work cf the women and hadove of my hostesses {old me that she built the hogse™ or shingled ihe barn, just to pass away the time, I don't think 1 should have been surprised. It seemed hardly creditable to me that women could do so much work, and to show the state of my fewtings in those days 1 quote an extract from a let ter from a brother of mine, He said : "You tell us so much of the wonders of Canadian women that it would be a good place to eapture one alive and cage her. We might make a fortune here exhibiting such a curiosity." At home cooking is regarded as a lcst art, Here not only are all the women excellent cooks but even the COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA 'Cowan's seems to hit the right spot. It is a great younger girls were wonders to me in this respect. 1 uwed to look and marvel at their skill in the culivary art and the matter of fact way in which they took their own cleverness. I remember my own early days, when, after attending a couple of sessions at a cookery centre, I succeeded in making a wierd eoncoction, known. if I remember rightly, as croquettes and the pride which 1 fat in the achie- vement, My family looked on me as a sort of prodigy though § eannot redall that any of them ate very Liheartily of the delieney, dome time, 1 thought that Conasy i an woman Were so ee to house: details that 4 to the finer arts, oan the days were thirty-six hours 'mot see that they could A find time for more, but on * acquaintance I discovered that painting, drawing and fancy work of all descriptions was included in the curriculum of the younger gen- eration and again my wonder grew, 1 have often thought that the mark- ed difference in the capacity for work of the Canadian woman and the Eng lish woman lies in the social system lof the two countries. The English woman in the same position socially {as the average Canadian farmer's wife would feel it due to her position to keep a couple of maids at least and would therefore find it unnecessary to engage in all the household duties, ev- en were she capable, while those in a lower class, would have neither the means nor the training. problem that has troubled Europe for years--she has learned the dignity off! labor and does not find i¥ incompati ble to be both a lady and a domestic worker. Perhaps some of the ladies {think it is due to a certain lack of experience on my part that I rate them so highly, but it is not altogeth- er 80. I have travelled in most of the countries of Europe and have come in close contact with women of all nationalities, but I have never discov: ered any of them to possess such a feombination of good qualities as is by Canadian women. Irishwomen pride themselves an their generosity and open han hospitali- ty, Englishwomen on their thorough- ness and attention to detail, the French are proud of their good taste, and 'excellent' cooking, the Dutch and Germans on their cleanliness and econ- omy, but the Canadian woman posses ses all these attributes, aud when we add to them such qualities as her lack of pride, that distinctive pride which cougiders oneself better than one neigh- bors, her kindness of heart, and the spirit of friendliness with which she receives the "stranger within her gates," is it small wonder that I look upon her as the most marvellous pro- duct in a land of marvels ! MA. cme -- The Protest Coming In. London Advertiser. Petitions against the renewal of She [1 iron and steel bounties are flowi to Ottawa. Between 1596 aad the dominion paid no less a sum that aL. in bounties. The bounty os iron reached a total of ¥7,- Be) i at on to 706, that manufacturers of to 82.000, 30 o_o 23 Sopion want 750, crude 4 petroleum to $1,02.807 1 Last fiscal year the irou snd steel indistry was] paid no than $1,138,745. The {late refused to revew the fst gore iron which expired last may * their revenge in : elviiom, The Canadian woman has solved the od through a knot hole. ended in 1906); | hE LATE Mus, AvponT Of Moant Chesney--Funeral to Canta raquf' Cemetery. Mount Chesney, Feb. 20.--Mrs. lar- riet Aun Alport, widow of the iste tienry Alport, passed avay Saturday afternoon, February 17th, at the resi- dence of her daughter, ars. aonn George, Mount = Chespey. Decessed, whose maiden name was Harriet Ang Pressley, and who was twice married, | was eighty-One years apd six months! old, wes born near Westbrook, and re sided there nearly all her life. Abou cighteen months ago she west to side with ber daughter, and bad ae goite smart and active up to within a! few days ol her death. She was a Methodist in religion and was 0 consistent member of that church, and when the end came she was resigned to go, as ber work here was all done, She was highly re aputial by all who knew her and will be greatly missed by her family and a large circle of friends. She is survived three daughters and two sons, Mrs. H. Walker, huge Mrs. James Lee, Colebr Myre. George, R. Db. "| Mount Chesney. The sons are Charles W., Smith, Man., and Sidney Alport, of Westbrook. Deceased is also sur- vived by one Lrother, Charles ress ley, of Dresden. Her first husbond, who predeceased her about forty-nine vears ago, was W. H. Smith, of Era- esttowvn. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon, to Cataraqui ceme tery, and was largely attended. HOW TO TREAT S{IN TROUBLES Greasy Ointment of No Use--The Trouble Must Be. Cured Through the" Blood It is not a good thing for -peonlk with a tendency to have pimples and a blotehy complexion to swear them- selves with greas, ointments and such things. In fact they couldn't do anything worse, because the grease clogs the pores of (he skin making the complaint worse. When there is an irritating rash a soothing boraeic wash may help to allay the pain or itching, but of course it doesn't cure. Skin complaints arise from an impure condition of the blood and will per- sist until the blood is purified. Dr. Williams' Pink Fills have cured man, cases of eczema and skin disorders bocayse they make new, rich blood that dWves out the impurities, clears the skin and imparis a glow of heal th, Mrs. 8S. L. Peterson, Brandon, Man.,, says: "I suffered for years from eczema, which brought with is other troubles, such as a poor appe- tite, headaches and weakness. The portions of my body affected by the aczema give me constant torture from the itching and heat. 1 tried several doctors and all sorts of. lo- tions ond ointments, but did' not get the least relief. Finally | was advis- ed to try Dr. Witliams' Pink Pills, and decided to do so. Aftér using the Pills for some time the and heat began to grow less and | seemed in better health otherwise, 1 continued taking the Pills for several months. and ever. vestige of the trou. ble Shaapreaced and my skin is again from blemish as in youth. Sl a [Xr Trial DE Wilfiaine® Pink Pills will not disappoint those suf- fering from shin cruptions or weak- ness of any sort." Dr. Williams" Piok Piils cure all those troubles due to poor blood sim- ply because they make new, rich, red blood. That is why these pills cure common diseases like anaemia, rheu- matism, lumbago, ssiatica, neuralgia, headaches, indigestion, St. Vitus' dance, .and the general weakness and special ailments that only women folk know. Sold by all medicine dealers, or by metl at Se. a box or six boxes for $2.5) from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ! DESTROYED SIGHT. Boy Loses Eye While Through Knot Hole, Winona, Minn., Feb. 21. -- While Playing in a barn here yesterday Mi- hael Kowalewski, ten years old, peek- As he did so one of the lads on the other side of the partition poked a stick through the hole, striking the boy in the eye, des- troying the sight. A physician said he though the sight of the other eye may also be lost. ¢ Peeking Execution Annuls Policies. Washington, Feb. 21. Execution on ithe gallows aunuls the criminal's life insurance policies, according to the su- preme court, which held that the four infant children of James NS. McCue, once mayor of Charlottesville, Va, who was executed in 1905 for wife murder, were not entitled to $15,000 insurance money from the North- Western Mutual Life of Milwaukee. What Glasses Are to Weak Eyes, N Cascarets are to Weak Bowels-- A 10 Cent Box Will Truly Amaze You, -- Most old people must give to the bowels some regular help, ete, the suffer from constipation. The con- dition is fectly natural. It'is just as natural as it is for old people to walk slowly. For age is never so se tive as yourh, The muscles are -jelastic. And the bowels are mus So all old people need Cascarers. One might as well refuse to aid weak eves with gissses as to neglect this rontle aid to weak bowels. The bow: a most be or sotive, This :& ine portant at all ages, but never so mwich as at afty. Age is not u lime for harsh phy. sics, Youth may occasionally why the bowels into activity, Rut a In loan't be used ev: bowels of the and natural tonic 11 cles. todie is Casonrets and any pero ot an drug store. sleep. they cost tout only 10¢.. per box at They work while you inflation | leas | What the need gentle One that can be Somtantly weed without harm. The "iron andl site Hie ontafonly suth LIVE STOCK MARKET. The Prices Pall at the Vavious| Centres, Montreal; Feb. 20.--About S75 head' of butchers' cattle, 150 calves, 1089 sheep and lambs and 1.595 hogs we offered for sale at the Point St. Charles stock yards, to-day, The offer- ings of live stock st this market dur- ling tke week were 14235 cattle, 450 {calves, 225 sheep and lambs, and 4,000 hogs. Trade was slow, but the prices had an upward trend. Prime beeves sold i 6je. to Te. per Ib.; Jrecy good animals, be. to bic, and the common i stock, fc. to Sc. per Ib. Calves sold at 3c. to Die. per lb. Sheep sold at 4c. per lb. Lambs at 6je. per_ Hb. Good or oi hogs sold at about Tic. per lb. ' a Toronto Caltle Market. Toronto, . Feb. 19.s-Sheep, ewes, $1 to ¥5: bucks and culls, #3 10 #4; hogs, fed and watered, $6.50; do, f.0.b., $6.35; calves, #4 to Buffale Live Stock. East Buffalo, N.Y, Feb. 19.--Cattle receipts, 3,700 head; slow, lfc. io 2%¢. lower; prime steers, $7.65 to #8: shipping, $6.50 to $7.50; butchers, £5 to ok heifers, $4.50 to $6.25 cows, 22.35 to 55.00; bulls, $1 to 5.85. stockers and feeders, $3.75 to £5.25; stock heifers, $3.75 to $4.25 iresh cows and springers, $2 ;to ¥; lower, $23 to %65. Vesl:--Receipts, 1,200 head; Be. wer; 20 to $10.50: a few Hogs--Recdipts, 14,000 . active rizr, Sc. lower; others, be. to 35. lower; heavy and mixed, $6.50 to $6.- 55; yorkers, $6.30 to ¥6.55; pigs, £6.25 to $6.30; roughs, $5.75 to $5. 85: stags, $4.50 to $5.50; dairies, 36. 25 to $6.55. : Shep and lambs--Receipts, 21,000; sheep, active and steady; lambs, slow, 15¢. to 25¢c. lower; lambs, $3.50 to 6.75; a lew $6.85; yearlings, $5 to £5.85. wathers, $4.25 to $4.75; ewes, $2.50 to $4.25; sheep, mixed, ¥1.50 to $4.25, active, al $11. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago. Feb. 19. --Cattie--Receipts, 2,800. Market weak, generally 10c. lower. Beeves, $4.65 to $8.50; Texas steers, $4.50 to $5.65; western steers, $1.80 to 26.85; stockers and feeders, £3.50 to $6.10; cows and heifers, $2 to £6.40; calves, $5.75 to #8. Hogs--Receipts, 68,000, Market erally 10c. lower. Light, $5.80 mixed, $5.85 to $6.25; 4 to $6.25; rough, 35.90 pigs, $4.25 to $5.90; bulk of 36.70 to 26.20. Sheep and lambs--Receipts, 25,000. Market slow. Native, $3.30 to $1.80; western, $3.60 to $4.55; yearlings, $4.80 to £5.75; lambs, native, $1.30 to $6.75; western, $4.75 to $6.80. gen to heavy, to ¥6; sales, CAN'T TRAP HER, Heir to Cool Million to Remain Spinster. New York, Feb. 21 -- Miss Mary Chase, a maid in the employ of Mrs. W. Allen, of No. 109 East Fifty- sixth street, discovered she was an heiress. According to her own state- ment she believes she has inherited something close to" $T; She is the heir of an une le, Hiram hate, a oa he died re feentiy in tl west. money was loft to the miece in order that she could take care of her father, George W. Chase, who is 80 years old. Mr. Chase is living in Buffalo. Miss Chase, who is an atiractive brunette, destroyed all the hopes. of fortune hunters when she declared that she was a confirmed spinster. She ex- pects to make her home in Bufialo as long as her father lives. She was born in Capada and considers that country her home. Temperance Policy Promised. Mr. Rowell in London A good deal of interest was manifested in what the pcliey of the liberal party would be. Mr. Rowell recalled how prior to the late elections the announcgment had been made that this seridus = problem would be carefully considered during the next legislature, and the best form of degislation to remedy the Lliruor evil decided upon, when the liberals would stand or fall by the policy to be adopted. They were still giving it their consideration and they would pursue their investigation to a con- clusion, and before the close of the present legislature they would adopt what they decided upon as in the best interests and welfare of the peo- le. ; Progressive legislation for the bet- terment of the people would be advocated, and he believed the people would, when the opportunity came, tell the present government to step aside and let the liberals = give thy province that government which would give back to Ontario the proud posi- tion of the leading province in Can- ada, which it held in the days ol Oliver Mowat. being A Stock in the Legislature. Montreal Witness It is very shocking to read of a member of the Quebec legisiature wav- ing a cheque before a political aw dience ns 'evidence of his power to obtain local favors for his constitu ency. It is humiliating to hear a candidate in the house of commons in the most ° barefaced manner saying that the electors would be a collec tion of idiots if they thought the op- position candidate could get them rural free mail delivery and expedite a canal through their territory. Se audiences are found ° that plan this kind of talk in- i of hooting §t, so long will it resist. That such insults were not t and violently resented as such-- that they are even cheered, is but proof that the political consciences of the people sre so seared by the ¢on- tinual covert bribery that has been going on in the promise and giving of local improvéthents or politica] appointments that they have sensitiveness. While it is often or to distinguish between what is right, and what is corrupt, a listle open much to check the evil. Few of the things that comes to the man who waits are the things temperance | resmbment in flagrant cases would do | oi FRIE "The Baking Powder With a Podigree" contains go alum. It is made {from pure grape cream of tartar, and gusrantees sweeter, lighter and whi bread and delic- J All Grocers Sell It WORTH Ten Cents a Pound More GOES FARTHEST FOR THE MONEY ~- { Corner LIPTON'S TEA For Sale or to Rent. Sales Negotiated Rents Collected Fire Insurance E. Blake Thompson, PYRR NORTHERN CROWN BANE, 'Phone 186. KINGSTON, ONT, MARKET BQUARN, | LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW | Conveyancing and Real Estate | | | offer most of the best for the least money. A Special Process of Pre- paration guarantees Eddy's @ Toilet Papers free from injur- i ious chemicals of any kind, "If you're sure it's Eddy's, you're mre it's right." d One of the 21 ¥ddy Brands. B DE Bb {i 25 PRIZE =r GIVEN AWAY = And many other Prizes according to the simple Conditions of the Contest (which will be sent). Each one of the above four lines of itu res spelis a word, This most interesting puzele can be solved with a little study, as There are twenty-six letters in the alphaber, and we have used figures b spelling * ix wordy in stead of letters. Letter A is number 1, B aE Pe SURE , ete. the tthe alphabet. TR BRAING. "Try and roke gut sie four words. ACT QUICKLY. hg (+ hh a HR EN clever persons to win Cash snd other PriZes with a bitile effort, A Welng thie four words, with youraam e god address, nestly on a picae of paper or post card 3 and mail ta us, and we wil ite you at ouce, telling you aH about ft- You m Hl valuable prize. Act a oghet % ny yy wn a = 14 OUR BUYER IS VISITING Boston and New York THIS WEEK Looking at all the; Smart Shoe Novelties. Only the new- est and best will do for the patrons of the HOME OF GOOD SHOES. | All Brass, Low One Way Second Class Rates Pacific Coast Good Going March 1st to April 15th SAN FRANCISCO, C4 LOS ANGELES, CA 1 1. 05 PORTLAND, ORE., $46.10 SAN DIEGO, CAL. MEXICO CITY, ME 3s And rates in propoffion to all Pa cific Coast Pointe, Al VANCOUVER; B.C., VICTORIA, B.C. SEATTLE, WASH, For full particulars apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent. Johnson and Ontario Streets, TET) mo Ll RAILWAY i IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacific Railway LOW COAST RATES Daily March 1st to April 15th --$45.10-- Stop-Over Privileges Full particulars at XK. & P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent Po -------------------- BAY RAILWAY, tion, Ontarlo excepted) oF Qv INTE Pass Agent BIBBY'S CAB STAND DAY OR NIGHT "Phone 201. OUR CRYSTAL BRAND Of Standard Granulated Sugar Has been tried and found excellent for preserving and table use Price i» always right, ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontario Street. The mmm Kingston Ice ¢ Company Limited is being inecors v ¢ s Business rate t ser- 14 Market St. PhoneNo. 68. Your orders will be filled satis« factorily {f you deal there at P. WALSH'S, 855-07 Barrack Street, FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE You buying this month. can save money hy We store your goods until required. EVERYTHING REDUCED Special this week at $2.00, ete, £0 2.40 Bome specials at $4.50, $6.50. Jrass Bed, worth 375.00, for S62.50 for $48.00 Brass Bed, worth 345.00, for $32.90 30.00, for 323.00 fa. Posts, at S12, $13 R. J. REID Ambulance Service, Phone B77. Brass Bed, worth $60.00, Brass Bed, worth "5 -