THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21; 1912 4 is the force that keeps the nerves well poised and controls firm, strong muscles. . Men and women who do the world's work can avoid Brain-fag and guard their health by feed- ing brain and body with Scott's Emulsion ALL DRUGGISTS 11-60 THAT TOBACCO With the "Rooster" om it is crowing louder as he goes along. Only 46¢ per pound. For chewing and smoking. AT A, MACLEAN'S, Ontario Street. - Wests Pumbation and invigorates the w ea 2% stem, Veins, yures er Brain orry, Fomda, Sper ROYAL ICE CREAM PARLOR Best place for all kinds of quick lunches and hot drinks, Chocolates and candy of all kinds kept In stock. M, PAPPAS & 00. 184 Princess Street. Lots in Bow Island, Transcona and Nokomis for sale. Full information will be furnished and orders taken by J. O. HUTTON, 18 Market Street, Thomas Copley PHONE 987. Prop a card to 19 Pine Street wwe. wanting anything done in the Carpen- ter line. Estimates given on all kinds repairs and new work alse Hardwood Floors of all kinds. Al rders w receive prompt attentio hop 48 Queen Btreet p a THE CLUB HOTEL WELLINGTON STREET, {Near Princess). There are other hotels, but | approach the ' Club for ke suproundings. ted In centre of city and close to principal stores and re, theat Charges are moderate. 2 Special rates by the week: PF. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor, GO000000000000000000 Removal Notice Owing to the fire at my place of business on Friday, I have removed to 291 Princess St. next door to J, Stratford, Taxi- dermist, where I will be pleased to see all my * old customers and also any new ones. JOHN GREEN, Shoe Denler and Repairer. 9000000000000 000OOOFO New Buckwheat Flour in bulk or packages. Pure Maple Syrup. - Coast Oysters, D. COUPER, 'Phone 76. 841-3 PRINCESS ST. . Delivery. Business College (Limited) * Highest Education at Lowest Cost" LTPwe -stath pear. Fall term na A Shorthand, a hy La aphy, Civ Bervice and Eng r Setealte. Principal. ig "7 Kingston, Canada. ¥ british Amrican Ladies' Tailoring DEAR MADAM.--We would § like to have you call and got our prices before the spring gland Mrs. WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS : TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario----What People Are Doing and What They Are Saying. ---- Washburn Items. Washburn, Feb. 19.--~The sale at the late J. Gordon's was well at- tended, and things sold well, G. Cuddy was in the city, G. Johnston has rented H. Tower's farm. W, Shan- non has disposed of his farm and is moving to the west. W, Woods and N. Whitty are at A. Allery's; B. Bell at A, Allery's, held At Wilbur Station. Wilbur, Feb. 19.--R. Bauder is here looking alter the mines, as there is talk of shipping © away ore. Mr. and Mrs. Nesbit and mother, Mrs. Gilmore, Elphin, are visiting at Wil- bur. Mr. and Mrs. Lee visited 8. Jackson's Sunday. Mrs. com and Mrs. W. C, Boyd Wilbur on Sunday. A little girl has come to stay at Frank Bartaw's. J. Lee is visiting at Thomas'. Rosedale Notes. Rosedale, Feb. 19.-The roads are in fine condition now, owing to the re- cent warm weather. A wee girl has come to brighten the home of sawing doing a rushing business Wood wood in this viewnity., George and family D, .Jd. Reta Hagerman, Albert Graham and Laurg and Ethel iL ' -- At Leo Lake, in Masonic hall, Seeley's bay, on the 15th inst., was largely attended. The len's orchestra was excellent. J. Donnelly had a bee, on Friday, draw- | ing hay to Finlay Station. Several are engaged drawing cement blocks from Seeley's Bay for the erection of a new vestry at Brewer's Mills. D Fish- | er spent a few days with friends at Spafierton. B. Patterson, at Inverary; Mr. and Mrs. Lappan, Lansdowne, at! R. Milne's; Messrs, Redmond and Tier- ney are sawing wood throughout this distriet. ! Death of a Lady. i Yy Lea, Feb. 19.---Death has claim-| ed another of our esteemed friends in, the person of Mrs. Edward Deano, who succumbed to consumption on the 10th inst., aged twenty-eight years five months and toree days. Deceased was formerly Ethel, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Harrison, Elgin, | and was married over seven vears ago to Mr. Deano. She leaves two little children--a girl and a boy. She was a patient sufferer and quite ready for the ordeal, entranced by Christian edu- cation and environments, while under the parental roof. The remains were placed in the vanlt after service in the Methodist ehurch at Lansdéwne, con- ducted by Rev. E. R. Kelly, ---- 1 Keelerville Notes. Keelerville, Feb, 19.--The crows are putting in, their appearance, which in- | dicates that spring is near at hand. William Huntbach has been sawing wood in this vicinity for the past two' weeks. A number from here attended the funeral of Mrs. {Dr.) Freeman, of' Inverary, last; Sunday. R. J. Stan ley and wife spent a few days last week at Seeley's Bay. Carl Vanluven! and his sister, Vida, and Miss Hannah Vanluven and Miss Roberts spent last Monday evening at J. E. Anglin's. John Leip and his mother, of Kings- CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought | Sane mat BEAUTIFUL HAIR. Says Growth of Halr, Similar to That of Grass, Requires Rich Soil. Mildred King in 'Woman's Realm. A woman friend of mine, possessin the most beautiful hair I have ever seen---long, Realty, luxuriant and mn color a brilliant, glossy gold--said to me the other night: ousands of people suffer from total or partial bald- ness who could easily have hair, just as jong and plentiful as mine, if they but understood the fundamental rules which govern its growth. The principle is identical to that governing the Erowth of plants, trees, ete. One Cannot expect grass to grow in a ce- ment sidewalk or in the sand, Then why expect it to grow on a scalp de- void of all life giving elements. The hair, oo, must be fertilized and nourished as surely as a gardener fertilizes hiz plants. If the scalp Is dry, itchy and covered with dandruff, if the hair is gray or streaked, uin and split at ends, stringy, brittle or eXcessively oily, then the scalp needs nourishment or baldness will surely follow. Most hair tonics fail either because they do not possess these nourishing qualities and attack only the surface dandruff, acting as a mere "hair wash" or Pause they are net properly applied. Sprinkling on -tae air does no good. The application must be rubbed briskly right into the scalp with the Huger tips until tha scalp pores have obsorbed it. scalp pores. have absorbed it, 1 owe the life of my hair, which on was thin, scraggy. dead looking an coming out in handfulls with every combing, to the liberal use of the juice of the Pernambuco shrub which is known to all druggists vy the phar- maceution! name of "Lavona de Sem. Ha mix 2 oz. of this juice, vona de Composee, with on. Hum and 1-2 dr. of Menthol Crystals, Then 1 add just a teaspoonful ~f To- Katon Perfume. giving a most deli- cate and lensing odor to the Nair. This saould be shaken thoroughly and allowed to stand an hour before using. This mixture p rly applied makes the hair grow with utterly amazing r ¥ and by nourishing the hair roots stimulates the ¢olor sacs and re. stores natural color to gray or faded balr snd makes it sof, fluffy and beutiful iw this preparation is - ia We by a eins ind Hats to the face w.! { shareholders of Pine Hill factory have at {begun getting in ice for the coming R. Al-!season. visited at, itis. A message was sent to his A H. rents on Thursday morning, and his Thomas. H. Campsall, Hartington, is | lepring. He was a young man of Leo Lake, Feb. 19.--The dance held {was fine on Sunday last. | Mrs. Frederick Knapps, of Salem, | meeting in the new church at j Hill, hei m---- tow, are spending a few days at John Gilbert's, Edward McCormack, of Kingston, is at David Bleetl's. Fred pc Light delivered a load of pigs to Sydenham last week. A few from here attended the skating party at Milburn last week. Cushendall News. Cushendall, Feb. 19.--A large num- ber from this part attended the sale of farm stock, etc., at Mrs. J. Gordon's, near Sunbury. Sevéral horses have been trained on the canal ice, for the Battersea races, on W y. Fitzgerald, who spent the week-end at Mrs. Ward's, has returned home to Murvale. Mrs. H. Smith has been spending a few days at her mother's, Mrs. Hyland. Mrs. W. Hunter and baby, Isle Mann, are visiting at Bar- riefield, Eldon Henderson has return- ed home from Wolfe Island. Miss Grace Weir has gone to Brockville to spend a week with friends. One of the oldest residents, Thomas Green, is quite poorly lately. George Woods is engaged drawing lumber, etc., prepara- tory to building a bank barn. The Mrs. A. Whitney and children are visiting at W. Hyland's. Died in Watertown. Bell Rock, Feb. 19,--~The death ocecur- red in the Sisters' hospital, in Water- town, N.Y., of Peter, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Timmons, Bell Rock, on February Sth, of appendici- pa- mother hurried to his bedside, but he had peacefully passed away some hours before she reached there. His intend going to Califor- remains were brought to his home at nia for a year in the near future. Mr. |Bell Rock, on Friday evening, and the Goodfellow, Godirey, visiting at FE. Harker's. Mr. and Mrs. | George Freeman are on' the sick list. | (though deceased had been away Lindsay are also | funeral was held on Sunday afternoon and was one of the largest seen: in that community in some time. Al- a number of years be made many visits to his parents, who were looking for- ward to a visit from him in the a bright and cheerful disposition and just in his twenty-fourth year, He made hosts of friends, who sincerely music furnished by Somerville and Mil- [regret his uatimely death. Surviving E.| are his parents, three brothers and two sisters, \ Fernleigh Notes. Fernleigh, Feb. 20.--The roads are in splendid condition for driving. E. Babcock has returned home and is im- proving nicely. George Salmond, ill with the measles, is improving. Al- lan Watkins returned home Saturday from the camp. R. Bauder and daughter, Louisa, at Flinton. Mrs. I.. Leemon returned home from Syden- ham. Allan Flieler at Abel Lyons. Evelyn Bauder at G. Salmond's. May Breen and Tena Verne at F. Ly- ons. W. C. Salmond at J. Deiue's. Frederick Bahcock at R. Bauder's. Mrs. W, Salmond visiting at her son's, G. Salmond. Tena Derue at R. Bau. der's. E. Martin at Harrowsmith. Martha Lyons at E, Flieler's. Mr. and Mrs. G. Wood at R. Bauder's. Arthur Bauder at G. Salmond's. May Bab- cock and brother Archie at R. Bau- der's. Lottie McKinnon and Mrs. La- rock at F. Flieler's. E. Salmond at G. Salmond's. Crow Lake Notes. Lake, Feb. 19.--The weather Quite a Mr. and at her parents here, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McVeigh, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Good, of Althorpe, at Samuel McGinnis' who is quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jones at Mrs. James Flarharty's on Sunday last, @nd Mrs. William Reynolds at Hafry Jordon's. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Stafford, John Ardah, Barker and Jerome Thomson at J. W. Knapp's. Mrs. R. Reynolds, Mrs. Wil- liam Jones, Miss Bessie Clow at Wil liam Reynolds, at the mines. Mrs. S. Kennedy and Miss Alma Knapp were the guests of Mrs. William Perkins of Westport recently. Mr. and Mrs. Kd. gar Erwid, of Sharbot Lake, accom- panied by Mr. McDonald, passed through here en route to Westport one day last week. Mrs. William Jones of this place has gone to Smith's Falls, to attend the wedding of her sister-in- law, of that place. Crow number were out driving. Kilburnie Tidings. Kilburnie, Feb. 19.--J. Burnash had a bee on Tuesday and Wednesday "last putting in a supply of ice in the A WOMAN'S:SECRET OF| A tea- Sand On Tuesday last a wee girl came so stay at the home of C. Cowan's. "Miss Margaret Canning, formerly of Kilburnie, now nurse-in- training at Rockwood hospital, is ill. School is progressing favorably under the able management of Miss Ro- bin, D. McAdoo is preparing to erect a new barn. Mr. and Mrs. H, Black- lock spent a few days last week the guests of G. Patterson, Mount Ches- ney. Miss A. McAdoo Jnd mother, at H. McAdoo's. J. Gordon, Miss J. Sloan and H. Gillespie at A. Cow- an's. F. Paglerson spent Sunday at R. Patterson's. Joyceville, R. Neal is confined in the Hotel Dieu suffering from a broken leg. Mr. and Mrs. G, Hav spent Sunday in the city. John Clyde, Cataraquy, at Thomas Bar. ker's, Miss IL. Redmond, Miss Robin and V. Redmond, at H. Blacklock's. Budget From Mallorytown. Mallorytown, Feb. 19.--Saw logs are drawn to the saw mill at Escott daily while others are filling their icehouses with ice. Tennant Bros. are sawing wood with their outfit. The Oddiel- lows entertained the brethren of Gan- anoque and Lansdowne last Wednes- day evening. Mrs. Albert McDonald is very ill. pie social at Caintown on Thursday evening was enjoyed by several from the village, while others attended the box social at Escott. Master Willie Hutcheson, son of D. factory. It was well attended. number from here attended the: y{W. Hutcheson, is in hospital, saffer- ing from appendicitis. One of the ic school teachers is enjoying a bolidays and also the mumps. Rev. E. RB. Kelly, BD., Lansdowne, will exchange its next Sunday with Rex. L. H. Fisher. lvan Huston i ing wood with his circular saw. ey match at the rink here and Mallorytown re- favor of the] is the guest of ot T.| Monday. Thursday of last week of the farm stock and implements of E. Christo her was well attended. Cattle and orses sold for high figures. Mr. and Mrs. Sproule spent Saturday afternoon in Kingston, guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Anderson. Joseph Howie is moving to Odessa. Edwin Bell at tended a party on Tuesday evening of last week at L. Wartman's, Collins Bay. A number from bere attended the horse races at Collins bay on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Gates made a business trip to Napanee on Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Green wood and daughter, Marie, bf Wolfe Island, spent the week-end with Mrs. Kenny. Mrs, J. L. F. Sproule was called to Kingston on Monday owing to the illness of her mother, Mrs. F. Marshall. A uumber from here at- tended the funeral on Monday after- noon of the late Mrs. Allport, widow of the late Henry Allport, who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J, George, Glenburnie, on Saturday last, and whose death is deeply regretted by a large circle of iriends and ac quaintances, -- : Allisonville News, Allisonville, Feb. 19.--Mr. and Nrs. Hubert Mabee and youngest child, from Manitoba, spent last week in this vicinity renewing acquaintances. They expel to return to their home the last of this month. Mrs. J. Boyd is' in Belleville this week visiting her daughters, Mrs. R. Collin and Mrs, Nelson Parliament. Mr. and Mrs. Cur- win Burr visited George Hicks on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mor- den, of Christian street, visited at Jobn Huffman's on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Valleau are spending a few days in Trenton visitigg friends. Mr, and Mrs. OC, L. McFaul entertain- ed a number of their friends two even- ings last week. Royal Hicks and Eras- tus Marvine attended the horse races in Wellington this week. Mr. and Mrs. Phil. Terry are moving to their new home neat Wellington. Mr. and Mrs. Cross, from wear Picton, are moving on Mr. Breeze's farm. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Spencer are moving from Bruce McFaul's house and Me, and Mrs. Arthur Regensburg are preparing to move in the last of the month. The school teacher, C. Rankin, spent Saturday and Sunday with his pa- rents at West Lake. 4 News From Macdonald. Macdonald, Feb. 20.-Miss Lena Wheeler has returned home alter spending a couple of months visiting relatives at Delleville and Toronto. Miss Mina McQuade, of Prince Edward county, was the guest last week of Mr. and Mrs. W. Goodman. Miss Gertie Dean, of Richmond, visited last week at Macdonald and Bar: dolph. Mr. and Mre. Wells spent Sunday and Monday at John Joyce's. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hicks gave a valentine party on the evening of the 14th, About fifty guests were pre- sent and a very pleasant evening was spent. Mrs. Captain Hicks, of Pic- won, is spenchng a ifew weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. John Galt entertained a number of friends to a valentine party. Mrs. Goodfellow is improving slowly. Word is being received from time to time of the improvement of Chesler Kallar, who is in the general kospital receiving treatment for burns receiv. ed when his house burned. The Ep- worth League. social in Bethany churcn on Friday evening was well attended. : Events at Philipsville. Philipsville, Feb. 19.--W. C. Stev- ens' first annual sale of grade and pure bred Holsteins was a mammoth affair. Fifty-five head of young and old cattle were disposed of and nearly $6,000 was received from the sale. The manufacturers, Stevens & Wood, gave the patrons and theiz wives and daughters of the Farmers' Pride cheese factory an oyster supper on Feb. 15th. Over 125 sat down to the tables. After the supper the annual meeting was held. In the re sort it was shown that nearly $30, 000 has been received for gheese and butter during 1911. The patrons were well please® with the season's re ceipt. Officers for 1912: W. B, Phelps, president; Miss Estello Dyl- ton, secretary: A. Stevens, Charles Charlen and Stephen Carty, com- mittee of management. Wiliam Cook, wife and son, Lans- Blood is 'Like Water When Lips Are Pallid and the Gums Lose Their Color. You Can Make the Blood Rich and Red by Using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food H you find yourself easily tired, lacking in v to properly and generally out of sorts, dook in the mirror and carMully examine the lips, gums and eyelids. If color is lacking you may be sure that you are anaemic--that your blood. is thin, weak and watery. It would be a mistake, under these circumstances, to use purging medi cines; what you need is more blood-- richer blood--and you can increase the amount of rich, red blood in the body by using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food Not in any miraculous way does this Jreatumnt, work, iy ust yor na- turally as do any i ws na ture, It : to the body the elements which go to the formation of mew, rich blood. These are found in condensed and easily assimilated form in Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and therefore do not bother even the weakest stomach. iL It will take a little patience and oughly restore the system, but by noting your io crease of weight and the return of color to your faded ion you be convinced that lost vigor and vitality is being restored to your Toa sale Sala A igor and energy, unable Saest the oo you eat lL downe, were visitors at the home of Mrs. Cooke's sister's, Mrs. i News From Westport. Westport, Feb. 19. Mrs. William Bresee, one of Westport's most re spected citizens, died on Saturday last, aged seventy-one years. Deceased, who was born in South Crosby, mov- ed to town two years ago. She was 4 prominent member of the Baptist church, where the funeral was held on Monday. One son, Stephen K. Bresee, of Syracuse, N.Y., survives. 'Miss Rhea Breakenridge, who has been unable to attend the Brockville Collegiate losti- tute, 'the past two weeks, owing to illncss, is recovering micely. J. N. McConnell, cashier at the local branch of the Merchants' Bank, is off duty this week owing to illness. Miss Mag- gie McCardle and Miss Lizzie Forres- ter are spending the month in Toron- to. Messrs. W. C. W. Whitcher and J. H. Honeywell, of Ottawa, were busi- ness visitors here this week. William Johnston, inspector of public schools, is in town this week on an official visit to schools in this district. Miss Julia McCann, of Poole's Resort, and Miss Marguerite Mct ann, of Escott Centre, spent the week-end at their home here. CC. R. Watt, of Lanark, was a Sunday visitor in town, Peter Rooney is a patient at the Brockville hospital. W. 8. Belton, of Newhoro, was a business visitor in town on Tuesday. Reports From Rideau. Rideau, Ont., Feb. 19. A flock of wild ducks, sporting them- selves in the open water at the locks, reminds the people of the good old summer days. Quite a number of the young people attended the new rink at Rideau factory. A son has come to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cor- rey. Mrs. John Greer was called to the bedside of Mrs. Gradon Greer, who is dangerously ill. George Doyle is cutting ice for J. Duffy at Isle of Man. GG. F. Berryman has his blacksmith shop nearly completed. Joseph Albry is moving into the home he bought from Matthew Cunningham. Visitors Mr. and Mrs. McGrane of Perth road at E. Cunningham's; Daniel Keenan at M. A. Cunningham's; Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McKado and daughter Amelia, ann son Oliver; Mr. FF. Greenwood of Wolf Island: W. Walker and Miss Crane of Kingston, at G. Berryman's; Mat- thew Cunningham of 'Kingston, at his mother's; Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Gra- ham at Mrs. KE. Cunningham's; Miss Annie Anglin, of Joyceville, at her father's; Francis Anglin, Bruce's Mills, at Robert Anglin's; Henry and Frank Cooke and James Eves, of Howe Is- land, at Mr. Coonell's; Mr. and Mrs. A. Simpson, of Kingston, at Alexan- der Martin's; Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison spent Saturday in the city. Tidings From Enterprise. Enterprise, Feb. 19.--Mr. and Mrs. German Wagar took tea with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Loucks, on Tuesday, of last week. The vote on church union was taken in the official board 'of the Methodist church on Tuesday of last week. All voted in favor of union. Reuben Milligan and wife, of Centre ville, took dinner with his brother, James, on Tuesday of last week, The junior hockey team of this place jour- neyed to Verona on Monday to play a friendly game. The score stood 4 to 1, in favor of Verona. Mr. and Mrs. Everton Cronk, formerly of this place, spent a few days at her father's, Ard. Jackson, Seymour Bur- gess was repewing acquaintances here last week, Leslie Peters was in town on Friday. Mrs. W. J. Mellow and daughter, Elizabeth, accompanied by Mrs. Gardiner and daughter, Katie, have gone to Prescott to visit their sister, Mrs. Bovaird. Miss Loreita Dillon, of Owosso, Mich., daughter of James Dillon, was united in marriage to John Dutcher, on Monday, Febru- ary 19th. They will spend a while at her father's. Quite mn number attend- ed the oyster supper given by the Farmers' Club in' Keech's hall, M. Ryan, of Newburgh, paid the village a visit on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Loucks at, their son's, J. M. Loucks', on Friday. H. A. Carscallen has gone to Toronto. Quite a number of logs have been placed in Ss Fenwick's mill yard and also at L Deline's. D. Bowen unloaded a car of flour and 'feed on Friday. Harold Covert, who is working in the express office at Deéseronto, spent Sunday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. P Covert. Florence Walker spent a few days at Napanee. A number of the Oddfellows from heré attended the oyster supper held by the Oddfellows' lodge of Tamworth. Mrs. Alexander Dopking visited with her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Wagar, Melbourne Low, of Alberta, but formerly of this place, is renewing acquaintances here. Sled Run by Auto Engine. Alexandria Bay, N.Y., Feb. 20.-In terest was shown here last week when a light bob sleigh came down Main street at the rate of about thirty miles an hour, propelled by an auto mobile engine turning a wheel in the air. It made the turns well, and easily took the steep grade up Church Hill. The navigators on the eraft were Theron Patterson and Benjamin Wilbur, who manufactured it. Satur day afternoon, Patterson took Ralph . , & contractor, to Dark ls- land, where the latter is doing some building, and he was highly pleased' over the trip@ They made the trip of about twelve 'miles in three-quarters of an hour. ; St. Kitt's Deputy Postmaster. St. Catharines, Feb. 21. George Gor- don, one of the most popular conser vatives in Lincoln, received word from A. E. Lancaster, M.P., that he had been recommended for the vacant de puty postmastership caused bv Stanley GG. Smith's resignation. Increases Granted. St. Thomas, Feb. 21.-The police commissioners granted an all-round in- crease 10 the members of the force, placing the salary of Chief Armstrong at 81, a year, Sergt. Ketchabaw at $075 and six officers at $540 each. Songs, 10c. copy, "Out on the bo "Ave Maria," "Winter Lullaby," "The Palms," and many others. Dution's, 209 Princess street. Look for "Little Fauntleroy" and Topping. There are a large number of tenant farmers charging places this spring, i" " a Buy "Kasagra," the genuine, * ai [Sergent drug 3, ---- Not Since Adam Dug in the Garden of Eden HAS ANY TEA BEEN GROWN AS DELICIOUS AS 'CEYLON TEA. ne Sold in Lead Packets Only. Black, Mixed or Green. ALL GROCERS. THE TORONTO | GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION ADMINISTRATOR of Estates where there is no will or where the appointed executors prefer not to act. TORONTO -OTTAWA WINNIPEG SASKATOON KEEP YOUR FEET WARM 99c¢ 95 Women's Felt Slippers, regular $1 $1.50 and 1.75, Sale Price SEE OUR WINDOW. REID & CHARLES In Wages or Profit health, sooner or later, shows its value. No man ean expect to go very far or very fast toward success----no woman either--who suffers from the headaches, the sour stomach and poor digestion, the unpleasant breath and the good-for-nothing feelings which result. from constipation and biliousness. But just learn for yourself what a difference will be made by a few doses of BEECHAM'S PILLS Tested through three generations--favorably known the world over this perfect vegetable and always efficient family remedy is univers~ ally accepted as the best preventive or corrective of disorders of the organsofdigestion. Beecham's Pillsregulate the bowels, stir the liver to natural activity--enable you to get all the nourishment and blood- makingqualities from yourfood. Assureasyoutry them you willknow that--in your looks and in your increased vigor--~Beccham"s Pills Pay Big Dividends The directions with every box are very valuable--especially to women. Sold everywhere, In boxes, 26c. The Appropriate " Lenten " Food Jersey Cream Soda Biscuits Are called the appropriate Lenten Food because markedly superior, All McCormick's Biscuits are that There are may reasons why. The exclusive quality of McCormick's Biscuits is the result of over half a century's careful experience in b% the blending of the world's flours, best Over fifty years' study of the science of baking. The best Creamery Butter--Fresh Yeast, we make it daily Clean, Whole Milk, and Pure Sugar. Every ingredient we huy for use in our "Bakes" must be known as the purest and the best. But to make doubly sure of purity and wholesomeness we submit samples to.our Chemist for analysis. Sweet, »- Yes; we take more care--sapend more money to insure Purity, Quality, and lasting Aoodness than competitors; but---if "pleases you better aud pays as better in the long run, : Jersey Cream Soda Biscuits are justly the favorite Lenten Food. Perhaps you have decided to try them for the first time. You will like them --aad you will continue to use them because of their fine flavor---their lasting goodness, and that nourishing whole- someness which they possess in such abundance. Ask for Jersey Cream Soda Biscuits Look for "Little Lord Fauntieroy" and the mame "McCormicks's' and you'll get- "The Appropriate Lenten Food." MSCORM ICKS 171 =Rse re BISCUITS ites, Xiagaton, Winuipcq sad Calgary 1 Ottews, .