Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Feb 1912, p. 5

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ATHLETES OF QUEEN'S .=..> ie Fan Bon sreteg wie ites st i -------- * Lren oe of ; 5 4 ow . . - ia / \ On March 20th the Grand Oran A wedding of much interest to . TO COMPETE IN INTERCOLLEGALodge of Fastern Ontario will or Kingston people was solemnized to: A Good BARGAIN Is a Good Advertisement. ATE ASSAULT-AT-ARMS [Kingstom cay JA Dundas when dis Lifla Rer- * ald, daughter of the lite Dr. John The Letters Patent. Herald, was married to Mr. William In Toronto Next Satarda pon' | JArris «i ) fs Team That Wi Wars 1,17 Sol bomen progrsing ice eset rgd EM "on ly. etters patent of incorpora- a en, (Re A a I . 3 a Vamity and Mel, hion are expected 10 be issued this] Mrs. J. P. Shine; Royal Military Bass friends ay with Ber avery (queen's college boxing and fencing Week. College, gave am enju britige on pang: hax _oav hin, | ie ------ Faeslay alternoon, Ww the fortun- : i club tem gO to Loront « day o : To A ecules > oo Friday Sale of Building Lots. jate prize winners were Mre.. Vefgon Pia Rr ow Kiagaton, is the : eniliginte asssali-at-arms, which takes] 1. 5. R. MeC'ann reports the site Eaton. Miss NortowTaglor, and Mrs. the Rose ball. On Friday uh ate, or * ° Le fl.ce at Varsity gymuasivm on Sa [of s:venteen lots in Kensington Plage. Birchall : Wood, -After cards a. Was guest at the 'house dance at Straib, e er nt Tr sting g S 1 Lurcay afternoon. Queen's are send. | Enquiries are daily being made of this served, when more guésts came in. Stray. ' e e alin n iries ng : : +" learn, Hamilion, the home of H¢ 4 ig uw very strong team up, and will sub-division. The building This ocatavions <f Pk dullipdefiice . . 0 . § Pv : Li. Hendrie and Mrs. Hendrie, a tainly keep the other colleges go- [tions are what make it attra®ice to Slips ete Set Pratsilyratianged. ie ina ry ev he better class of home seekers. * rs. JB. Sedgewick poured eofiee, i jog iu every event. At the present the r ere. dnd M A. J. Wolff ured : Mr. and Mrs. J. de Mille Bur timo Queen's are the holders of the " Praké a he lic 4 ia. Mine chaperoned a very jolly party Srpee eh mipionship and intend retain Pleasantly Entertained. . i . E y i to A Miss. Marjorie Brown Mi boys #nd girls on a straw ride om it. Mrs. James Bickham, Charles street, | orothy I rather BE a Tuesday evening. Later they enjoy- . The following ave the athletes who jentertained about fourteen of Miss [cluded © Mm. J. B. thers. Mrs, |®d supper and a little dance at. the m-- F O R will represent (ueen's : Ethel's gic) friends at a Birthday |R. E. Kent. Mrs."W. H. Maenee, Mrs. | Yacht club. - Boxing, bantum-weight--8. G. Davi- [party on Monday evening. Music and |), 3. Robertson, Mra. FP. H. Macnee, . oT wn, likely winner. Cool, fast, aggres- games were enjoyed, after which dain: |Mrs. Frank Strange, Mrs. Fva Martin, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Symonds, 4 ive. Fibal yenr sdence student tvom ty refresaments were served in the|Mrs. Vernon Futon. Mrs: J. Birchall of Montreal, antiounce the engagement en omen an 1 ren (iteawa, | diming room, which was prettily de Wood, Mrs. H. of their third daughter, Hilda Boyd, 9 Y msi ' : : : Ramsay Dull, Mrs, Featherweight boxing--C. RN, Hagey, |corated with Union Jacks. Jeremy Taylor, Miss Eleanor Mac |to/ Mr. F. Raymond Adethelm, of Phila Inel venr's intercollegiate champion. ------ donell, Mrs. J. H. V. Crowe, Miss delphia, Pa. Comes from Brantford. He ts much spring Not Yet in Sight. Mary Hora, Miss Norton-Taglor, Miss . ey improved from lust year and is look-| Spring is not here vet. The thaw Mowat, Mrs. E. Russell Hale, Mrs. P. Mme. Welter Macnee will be hostess 9 ed on as a sure winner. He is cool | apd mild weather of the last few days t, Stevenson, Mrs. Plummer, Mrs, |2t a luncheon at the Country (lub 3 and aggressive. {certainly felt- that way, but it became! Vere Hooper, Mrs. Campbell Strange, | On Thursday, when Mrs. R. T. Wal lightweight boxing--' Dunc" De |colder Tuesday night, and Wedpesday Mrs. R. J. Hooper, ww W. St. |kem will 18 the guest of honor. war, undoubtedly the most scientific| morning the temperature was again | Pierre Hughds, Mrs. Ashby, Mrs. "@ ae hoxer in intercollegiate circles. His [very Jow. Snow began to fall about Higgins, Mrs. H. Dawson, Mre. H.| Mrs. W. 8 Gordon, Xlbert street, oxliibition at Queen's awiili-at-arms nine o'clock, blowing in all directions. Tandy, Mrs, W, H. Craig, Mrs. Philip will be at home the first and second was a treat und he is sure to be It looks as if we are in for another |Prideauk, Mes, Brownfield, Mrs. Hun- Tuesdays, instead of the io @ collegiate champion for the se freeze-up. for Dgilyie, Mrs. Hopwood and, Mrs. |third, as formerly. ; A ee ghee. . . 3 - Capt. and Mrs. A. Z. Palmer ar C f Welter-weight boxing--A. K. Ander- Has Remarkable Sight. . Lu. The Mises Gussie anh Aungens ven in town from (ttawa on Tues on ectionery som will be the standard-bearer "dl At giightywix years of age Benjamin Mrs, . A. Morrison, Bagot street, | Abramson have returned home after [day. : . Queon's in this event. He is twice | Aseelstive, one of the city's oldest welcomed: a large nudiber of her [spending a few weeks in Rochester, Miss Mehay, "Romilly House," is ex- y ¥ of 8 haere Band t winner of welter-weight in (Meen's | residents, is possessed of remarkably friends at a very delightful tea on [Cleveland and Toronto. pected home from St. Albans, Ver 3 % delicious vireo y. A 1 3 re ! and is last year's intercolleginte good eve-sight, in fact he says he ein Monday afternoon. The hostess, who .- ee we mont, on. Thursday. ' lime fave ~ oh : ry hing de champion. 1t is confidently expected {gee just ss well now as he ever was handsomely gowned in maize | The Carling tea, this afternoon, was Mis. J. Watson and Mrs. Rober} | Vath <i y ghifully pure and goo that he will repeat the win this | eould. Mr. Assolstite . does sot | fan with black lace over-dress, re lin charge of Miss Cunningham's rink, |Sweezey leit to-day for Ottawa, where ; year, : need the use of glasses. For many ceived her fests in the drawing- [assisted by Mrs. A. RB. Cunningham [they will be en pension at the "Alex Middloweight hoxing--The lunkey | ears 'he: was a leading contractor room. Miss Loretta Hanley and Miss and Mrs. W. H. Craig. pled Jumes H. Moxley, who carries a ter- | je built Victoria public school and is Morrison assisted in entertaining the . rs" Mrs. George Miller, of Napanee, was ; 4 y man, woman of y rifie punch in his mit, is also an in| at the present time looking: over the visitors. Mrs. E. Ryan and Mrs. E. "rs. W. J. Keeley, 256 Princess a guest in town for the dance ul . A ' tercollegiate champion, and im ex: gaacifications for the work to be done J. Steacy presided at a téa table, | street, will receive Thursday, Feb. the Roval Militaly College, Monday y Y eh. r i oN ' feedéd to socure a favorable verdict|gt four of the schools #0 as to pres which was unusually pretty. A hage [22nd, and afterwards on the second night, : Ll J ~ Sa e€ 1 S oh Satarday. ent a tapder.. Mz. Asseigtink in Bes cut glass vase, filled with pink roses | Tuesday of the month. -------------- J wr' Y JET Hoavyweight boxing--John Maclunes ling congratulated by his many friends a - bi a rep ive: : : : : y NEXT TO OPERA HULSE, Is a new recruit to the ranks of Lior 1s aetive work at: mich an. - ad- on 38, tube, aid smaller vases of Mrs. J. Cappon, Barrie street, will QUEEN S TRACK MEET » ei f dtai 'Phone 640. (queen's Boxers, He is young ut th lcanced age. s 0 the valley were arranged lentertain informally at the tea hour 1000000000000 0000000000000TVEINNNPN00000000 hininess: hui. airbaldy fas demonstra. Broun 3X The pretty light of he Hy hr iday in honor of Mrs, R, T. -- Led that he can deliver a good heal ne " : > SRT Er » > mak, unshade candies Was most el alkem. . i» o * n Ml N ---- the punch. He la thie. cucge cham ANGLICAN YOUNG PEOPLE. lfociive. Mrs, A. Hanley served the ice . 5 0 4 INTER-FACULTY EVENTS ( AEX . i : cream, and the girls assisting re Mi bibs suit . TUESDAY EVENING. pin hewvywiight and will undoubt- | Had a Fine Gathering in St. George's are Jw g ting were: | Misses Bertha and Christine White, | | ' edly improve in style and speed now < H nr Miss Irene Swift, Miss Maizie Dwyer, | Universit-: avenue, entertained at ©" JO H NSTON S Si 10 E ST ) R E that he hus embraced the game. A bl Foe . 1 1 is billion Suniel, Bish. Rathiten small skating party on Tuesday eveu- | The Seniors and Novices Competed . : 4 , ~ 4 h 4 Santam-weight wrestling--G. 1. Rob |; A" enjoyable : rove Tuesday even-|Ryan, Miss (J. Browne, Miss ay ling. : Time Was Made in the Hun: | ers, teen's champion, 115 pounds ing was spent by about 100 Anglican |Hanley, and little Miss Mary Morr ww dle Good Time as . uid wrestler, is new to the game, this be young people, in St. George's hall. {sov. Mrs, J. 0. V, Crowe, Royal Military ning Buents, Is THE PLACE for RUBBERS and OVERSHOES estler, is new to ' . in : ro - hd. HY. :, £ ary . . / ing his first attempt. He is well built I'he cathedral chaptér of the A.Y.U. . . . College, will not receive next hars The inter-faculty track meet wis OVERSHOES $1.60, $2 00, and $3.00 RUBBERS from A. entertained the members of the! Miss Agnes Richardson, University for wiestling, quick in his movements day nor the following Thursday viin off at Queen's gymnasium on 8c. to $1.10 See our FR AUT r v Py Py : ; . ing # o a 8 2 : " ys 4 . . TI ( 1 and hag the qualities of sticking to it, t#o other - Kingston chapters, St. |avenue, was hostess at a delightful . . 8 Tuesday evening. Ihe svents wers $ SLT CURLING BOOTS frou a ' : Fenthor-weight wrestling--W, 1. Gar- Paul's and St, John's. tea, on Monday, when Miss Mann and] Mes, J. 8. MéDonnell; 175 Stuart [divided into two different clusses. set $1.75 to $3.50. / vouk, who 'has: miceessfally' held thal I'he halt was most tastefully de- | Miss Amy Campbell were the guests of [etreet, will receive on Friday, and not [lors and novices. The seniors were ~~ mm " « rg title' of intareoileginte champion for the | Orated with, flags and bunting, snd honor. , The many friends of both of fagain this season. those who on othar occasions had won ~~ 0 B R 0 C K oO 1 R E E i past two seasons in this weight, has a |The Jr a i > srg nn them were glad to see them, and wel- eg wn. - firat and second prizes in the eollege style all his own, and for agility and [P00 Noe i ' Ju oh © i § b come them to town. Ihe tea table] Mrs. Thomas Lambert, ( lergy street, | track meets. I'he novices were all the ability 16 grasp opponents to his} ieorge 8, made a brief address of wel- [was _ centred with a huge bowl full of was hostess at a small tea on Tues- Jothets who desired to enter. Some come, which was responded to by the [hyacinths and graceful double tulips of advantage, has few equal in th Fa RR enfd ' 2 Q day afternoon. vary good events were pulled off and arenliy game, *ua's "iRev. W. F. FitzGerald, of St. Pauls, {the palcst shade of pink. Smaller . y EB I . - - v : 3 * 14 ' » oe some records were made. The time in HARRIS Is true to its reputation Th ¢ d M Lightweight boxing--R. MacGregor and Ne. Kiifiond, of . Juha : forts vases of the same flowers were at the Mrs. M. V. Plummer, 126 Johnson | ihe runtiing events was very good ! as the e aha d etal lan ertered: the lista: dor the firet tine mouth. Rograr is an » sul a a Sheers of the table, which was light- street, will receive on Thursday after: |The settiors -evenis were as followa : HEA . also, and has won this year the cham-| from rake p, oh . #0 by mahy flickering candles. Mrs. A. Inoon. Theee-mile race--1l, 0. Kerr, time Best Babbitt Metal Go. Ltd plonship of the 135 Pounds - class, prevented from being present through |B. Cunningham poured the tea, Mrs. ' . : TT 17 mins, 26 3-5 seconds: J. M. Fur for all general machin- "Mac" has the qualifications of a first ilies. H. W. Richardson the coffee, and Mrs. Miss Hilde Hague eas "hostess nd. 4 PRESSURE : " iit iste Aw a : , 7 at |rell, 17 mins. 13 4-5 seconds. ery bearings. FRASER AVE. - TORONTO fute man. He is clear cut and aggres- I'he entertnihment consisted of pro- |W, (i, Anglin served the iees. The ihe. reading club on Wednesday. Onsintle rioe--11, A. Karr, y € - - - - : : i gressive games and contests, the first | girls assisting were Miss Mari Red- a - give in- his attacks and has a good, . }.: : a & . & re Miss Agron ee Half-mile--C. C. Seott, knowledge of the game, and thinks prize being won by Miss Swayne; the{den, Miss Agnes Hrowne, Miss Murid| Miss Bessie Smythe, who has been | minntes. : weond by Miss VV. Mullinger. Son 'i i jo ; Tes J ti hy j mn a quickly 'at all times. puton iy ry Aly er Mears: ne. iiie Anglin, Miss Fran- {the guest of Mis. J, D. Craig, in Ot- | Quatter mile--W. M. Wright, 59 f-5 $30069900000000¥ 0006800000000024000¢ PPS 0000900000000 0900000000 first apd [ham street, returned to Toronto to day. 4 - andra," for a few weeks. oS i. will make a Renny. : Migs § Helon Biggar, of Toronto, who | 00 gards=W. M. Wight, 28 3.5 se trainer and is always in shape to de-| pofreshments were served at 9.30 « « se was visiting Miss Mowat at the Resi: |conds. 4 4 Fu liver the goods. He has no peer as al '0lock, after which Rey. Canon Starr | Miss Carrie Waldron, Barrie street, dince for a fow days, returned home| High jump--R. B. Whitehead, 5 It. HAMMOND DID A COURAGEOUS, ------ meng rae -- Welter-weight wrestling--D. E. Fos-lyp1lida d 8 ' A Florence Cunning-ftawa, is now visiting Mrs. Geor onde C. €. Scott, | ndn, 2 35 /se ' : y und Sau s and sevéral | ham, 'Migs Edith Goodw i Mi #* | seconds C. , y tor's name stands for all that is best| gd i i ro sl iobdwin, and Miss iBurn, Metcalfe street. condss in wrestling. Me x ® conscientious ghpital Irish, recitations given by Mr. | Bessie Richardson. con | - 1 {A Statement of Facts Backed by a tactful and aggressive wrestler, and : : : to-day. ay 3 MANLY THING. © i Strong Guarantee, : . Ls explained the, work and importance of jwas hostess at a most interesting 3 . 3} inches. i ith a Jestodt yhVaivue for this works the A.XP.A. Tt is row the recognized {bridge, on Monday, in honor of her a xoih tured, on Sun- troad jump R. B. Whitehead, 16 Tel 1 = 1 a 8:0 I Ig a ga } thiYoung People's Society of the Church guest, Mrs. R. T. Walkem. Bridge was a 2 oi Dr BW 108 Ey Rul ere he was the | jest 5 inches. He Determined to do Right at Any as Judes # Bo . ad Olof England in Canada, governed by |pluyed at three tables, and the prizes fiaeat of Dr. Stuart Polson for some The novice events were : i Cost--The Army Anxious That He | eight Foo cvs. 7 i the weller: ithe general synod aud extends from |won by Mre. Walter Macnee, Mes [UN 1 phon Three mile race--H. J. Limeaker, | guy je Given Ohanee to ake wo it Shambions ip. + haves the Atlantié to Pacific. ocean. It has | Frank Strange and Mrs. F. H. Macoee. Mrs, hg alvin, who has. been the 17 minutes 50 1-5 seconds; L NM. J I Good { Middleweight wrestling and heaVy--lheen of great service in keeping the |The players included Mrs. R. E. Kent, [guest of Mr. and Mrs. 11. Calvin, King | Johnson, 17 minutes 41 35 conds; iood, | We guntantee immediate and pe tive relief to all sulicrers from stipatio lin every onse remedy fails to do this turn the money paid us for ' tntement of facts and These weights will be filied by J. L.|ydung people in to 3 a . : street, left, to-day, for Brockville, tolH. H. Lees, -16 minutes 52 2 ao indeton. Feb 9:--{To the Fdito want von to siabstanti | Wen a. 5H. Mais bok meno Pre "ly hm dekh, E18 ape ahr, ins bore. rene 13 cond. IT om Er eos nu i ability and sturdy. They sxe not be-|ome, An, official organ has recently | bell Strange, Miss Hora, Mrs. J. Cap- her home in Toronto One, mile=W. J. €. Barrett, 5 min- {Gt +7000 (onirnde, James Ham ginners and have demonstrkted that heen adopted in the Church Life, our | pon, Mrs. Francis Hill. Macnee. Miss Miss M. Hanley. who spent the week- Lutes 23 2-5 seconds; J. F. ( Whalley, | condition is of paramount value in the Kingston ¢hurch paper, which gives Norton-Taylor Mrs Dawson and Mrs end in Toronto, has returned home. 5 minutes 41 3-5 seconds; H. H. Lees, game. They went to a draw in thelihe news of A.Y.P.A. throughout the |W. H. Macnee, Later: in: the afternoon Miss Viviene Petrie, of Montreal, who ls minutes 5 3-5 seconds. i ot ot Pah il annual assault, and wrestle off 55 |dominion. Canon Starr urged all mem- | Mrs, Waldron and Mrs. F. H. Meones has been visiting Mrs. R. J. Hooper, | Half mile--A. W. Trefrey, 2 minutes |*/* Satarclay, Whose very. mur diarrhoen, Thursday to decide who shall take the [hers to subseribe for it, and also to | presided at Whi table, and a An King street, for a few days, will be|92 1.5 seconds; W. V. Edwards, 2 jwarped ideas cauded them to regard { foonani Re, © choiee of class. wear the badges. He hoped the east presi tests dropped in including Mts the guest of Mrs. R. E. Kent, King minutes 25 3-5 seconds; W. G. Mcln- jim as fool for the action he took In fencing Queen's has J. J. Mac | would soon equal the west in strength aoe Jue Mrs well Mrs Le street, until the end of the week. tyre, 2 minutes 2M 1-5 seconds. {In fact, | heard a group of men: on Kay, who has for the past three years | i membership, and. that the conven-|fie, Mrs. H. Calvin, Miss Dwyer. Miss ta... (quarter mile--M. B. MacLachlan, {the other side frankly tell him ax Lo his heen at the top in this game. Lastition of 1913 would be held in Wing- Mannigen Ne Hr ye Mrs. Dougall Pirth, cf Campbellton, |] minute 8 3-5 seconds. face 1 gather also, from some of the Mis son, } tmond, in last night's Whig I have |been meeting with quite a few people, agreeabl mriy tine, [They have jaefion upon t they come 1 year he was to have represented gion, Martha Smith N.B., is expected in town thé end of | 230 vards--N. L. Burnett, time 30 remarks of the Syracuse Post-Stan Queen's at the intercollegiate meet,| After votes of thanks were given, | Dm . fthe week, to visit Professor and Mrs. (3.5 seconds: L. D. Walker, 30 4-5 se- [dard, that there is an impression that but sickness prevented him. He is the the meeting closed with the doxo- CS W.L. Goodwin Alice street. conds; W. V. Edwards, 31 seconds; M college champion, and should be excep: jog, = Mrs. Ww AR Ty laxed mus i, fe was traced here, and that he only he i rs o A aumld ai Mrs. R. J. Carson and Miss Leta [l5. Macl.achlan, 31 2-5 seconds; .R.. A. [gave himself up because he was tired : tionally well this year in the intercol- ret dames. KE. Jaatie, William Carson, "Romilly House," will leave, Gorrie, 33 25 seconds. jot, sie chase. Not « bit of it, si legiate. . : S---- very pleasant tea, on Tuesday a on Thursday, for Toronto, where they | welve-pound shot put--A. W. Tre-| He has done a courageous, manly J. 1. Toner is Queen's second repre: KINGSTON MINSTREL TROUPE [noon, after her daughter's wedding, will be the guests of Mrs. R. Watson |irey, 42 feet 2} inches; NM B. Mac- laction, and 1 want him to have all wentative. He is very cool, and in the anvm------ when her guests had the opportunity for two weeks. Lachlan, 33 feet 2 inches;} A. W. Trues- | the credit for it, for my wile and 1}, hLighl, finals showed a superiority that #0r:| Gave & Fifie Performance in Babrie-|of admiring the beautiful gilts, which | Mite Marjorie Johnston, of Belleville, |dell, 2 feet ® inshes, x po fenw him fight it through, and know |) prised many in the intricacies of. the field Hall were received by the bride f the mofn- | X44 8 guest in town, on Monday, for| Highjump--A. W. Truesdell, 5 feet what the effort caused Im. The au game, considering the short white = hej Hall. : ing. Mrs. A. K. Kirkpatrick poured |the Royal Military College dance. 9 inches; J. W. Coulter, 5 feet 1 inch; | chorities on the other side had. 10st That's wh has seriously entered into it. "The Coontown Minstrels," a Kings- ie tea "Mrs ; wiki ir pe oh Pours Mr. and Mrs. John Nicolle and Miss |[If. Smith, 4 feet 11 inches. tall track f him. They told me this wiv 2 a The officials at the meet in Toronto [ton amateur minstrel organization, un- [oo LF 000 a is 4 i Alda Nicolle, Union street, left, to-day, | Broad jump--A. W. Trefrey, 16 feet | | omzelves, and | want to say or HT will be: Joseph Wright, Argonaut|der the direction of Sidney Salsbury, |v... R Ale A bre yore i MISS feo a month's trip to the West Indies. |6 inches; A. W. Truesdell, 16 feet 4} lp a1f that nothing but the ia at | yisfuie tires Rowing Club, boxing referee; Mr. Per-{played to a full house in Barriefield | 3 = py Dn. Calvi Ta ot ogee Mrs, Nicolle and Miss Nicolle will finches; iH. Burnett, 15 feet 1 inches; [} jad determined to do right at 100.: 5 i pb ov, Y.M.C.A., Toronto, wrestling; 'Mr. |hall, Tuesday night. 'The eatertain- |g. & «© \ pao old gi ee gh spent! two weeks in New York ou their [J. W. Coulter, 14 feet 6} inehes. iwhntever cost would have. madd his he. i : hy Walters, Toronto, ex-champion fencer iment p everyone. The songs and I Us oon. way home. and will be the guests of | 'The officials at the track meel were: | iin uid is dearly-loved freedom. 1s dies Te (Canada), fencing referee. Jakes in the ring were well received. In| yo oo Mee PJM. Anderson. of | Mr: and Mrs. John Rattenbury. Re'eree, Prof. A. MePhail; starter, Hot D4 : ute, nt 30uj: camne and sentimen- {poole announce the engagement of Mrs. J. 1, hel. Getting Real tal, was favored with an encore. Thel yoo 4 lohter. Violet Ruth M Bethel ot ng pi endmen were extremely funny and kept Henry Vi my Phil at yo se 1 Tuesday, from Toronto, where they [time heaters, Prof. Matheson, U. The chorus choir organized in Reth- the laugh going from start to finish, and: Mrs be Vv Phil LL re * fwere guests at the Prince George for a [Henderson J. 1'Fsterre; dleck ol church for the Yatminn meetings; The chorus work deserves special men-b olor So oti, oronto. fou days. course, Mr. Thurlow; scorer, I. will meet for its first practice 16-night [tion, the harmony being excellent. i Pitney i . ' at eight o'clock, to sing from the Al- The performance was brought to a Mr. George McKay has returned from : [the matter up with the New York de exander song book, under direction \of close with a sketch by the entire com BEWARE Toronto, where he nt the week-end. | | Died at Joyceville [partment, and I am also hoping to Li. F. Tremble. The church Kas al-{pany, entitled, "The Coontown Thir- , Captain Hammond, King street in 8 S ¥ it gecure an interview with the governor tered. the position of the pews: to adéidreon Chub,' which contained many Young Man spending some time in Montreal, » I'raderick John Luey died at « hes of Néw York myself at an early date mit of one hundred more people find: Winds ditdations. Te Show waa Mix. Nilliam Frail Kas arrived from Rome a Joyeniiilte - Piney aiter | Yours faithfully, Harry HW. Turner ing room. Jt will now seat five hun.]voted a great success the com ks Prince Albert, Sask., and is visiting |®® ®*' Almess. The deceased cyptain. a dred. Evangelist Yatman is [pany to give another perform i's The Little Dandruff Germs Thif 1 Wrs. Baker, Alwington avenue. was Nohudist in religion and was | ee ere Friday, and will nwet all the church | ance at Portsmouth at an early date. Misk Gfice Hemming, who has been |POr0 "me it isburg Shirt ye years | Wild-West New York. workers singers Friday night. Ev. ae Causing Your Hair te the guest of Miss Dorothy Brownfield, a id he fomeral will take place} oe Yark o rald Sloak i wah ory a of the chuteh has some: - Antics in Ballroom, Thin Out. Wellington street, oxpects to return tof" rica) moraing. | When wit oi i Vode, of oi thing to do on committee and prepar: Landon Daily. Express: . Toronto the end of the week. 2 rok Te, streot in broad _daylig ht ree ne " tory meetings have been held during Holigauism in dancing has establish+ i Miss Agnes Reynolds, who was 4 olice onstable ames Pow ney, jean jump on a passing taxicab, bea he p reeks in the ballrooms of to-day ARISIAN SAGE STOPS FALLING HAIR guest in town for the Dyckman-Lesslie who has been on the sick list for a {and threaten to shoot two bank mes the, past tun Nis. ead £20 . wedding, returned - te Brockville ¥ few weeks, has resumed his duties. |sengers inside while driving through Members 'of Granite lodge of Odd-|8 {| 'The clever young man of to-day day, : ; 1 Prime weston beef at' Pickering's, {crowded streeis and make their es fell aki tions for i ad] 0€8R°t; take any chances on losing! Vs. Brooke, sho has been visiti 400 Princess street. cape- with $25,000 in cash, New York, wr Age onan i 3 in- [every » i his hair, A man who is baldheade:l Miss Milli Puiris t Willow Cott ne William Walker, V.S.. Princess street, | with its 12,000 policemen, is no suler thikr at SAL tion. A min: : at 30 looks like 45, and fs placed 8° [nas returced to Mrs. Bates', Hales |is laid up with hmbago. {a place than the wildest Wild West. Gy i Seah; : ' wel ® disadvantage when seeking employ- Cottages. Hugh Young, student at Queen's, iz! Nowhere on the frontier could yes FA 4 ; '| ment. . sa en in henfrew. (terday 's hold-up on the edoe of the "Ih we. was, no session of the poties dahl lb fonger the 4 If you have] wire RB. &. Leohard Fas reinrnad { | fingreiat district have been carried out " INOTINAR. 5 AIT r ? 3 : dandrafr ics Be Re chard fas id " = more easily and securely by desperate | r : ' : i : 1 QS. Catharines o a few Bio us ness mmm ¢ ) y by Sleep on Kellarie for rr " { moans down days with M nd Mrs. JF A A {eriminals. None of the passers hy dp ae neir the roots [0° LY OE 8 ee. J. Fo. bes | ig sertainly one of the fost dis- |parentiy knew what was happening nse; of your hate|*he: William sprask . agreeable ailments which flesh |The police, for all the protection thes an army of Nr. Ednutrid Mallogh, of Hamilton, is heir . to. Coated tongue--- afforded, migh: as well not have ex danwdrafr]¥es & guest in town over the wak-| biter taste in the mouth jsted, nausea dizziness these com- The very same morning wo wer | Vigorous i I Rexall Crderli land idenl for Holks sufieret stipation and hid pack if they ull Remedies oy do earnestly plead for a chance for | stor hi : \ rns) ' G i McMurchie and Mr. and].james Bews; track judges, O. G. Mel jo "0 gq Go Gill do all that is possic | hoo Mrs. W. Balfour Mudie returned, onion, J. P. Harvey, J. E. Usighes ble for him I am in receipt of a communication | ' Fors i \ from our Toronto headquarters thi morning, saving that they are taking end. ! * Miss Kathleen Ryan réturded on bine to make Mie a burden. The ith p 3 : hate root Fons Monty from Montréal, where shel cause is a disordered liver--ithe TE on re ery id whroer and destroying ita] visited Wiss Scully. cure Dr. Morse's Indian. Root when he offered resistance opened fire alled indecent, but in vitality. 4 Nr €. R. Meledd, of Toronto, is] Pills. They go straight to the C they jertainly are unde: he Is out; grows tain visiting her sister, Mrs. D. A. Shaw, root of the hvuble; put the liver 4 : Lisi ; ) Its, Young ; (Barrie street. : i t. cleanse the stomach and | r- ay Bartier in -- RY 3 PARISIAN SAGE. | Mrs. W. F. Jackion, of Brocku@lls,| + bowels, clear the tongue and [ne ias. bungie bh ae] at) i SPRING BEDS ] Stone, of Montreal Jit will falling hair; kill dandruff) who was a guest in town for the take away the bitter taste from ofl Elioatett ot et 2 A Slow open 1A Banger Spring and Keilarie Aut bas returned home, after spending the abolish and itching sn-Lesslie wedding on Tusedwy,| the mouth. At the first sign of |. EN Ta A " rem tress makes restful nights week-end with Mrs. C. H. Sharp, Queen on dandruts mpi : . diy, Miionaness take io e sale, They got away. AN SAGE is only 50 cours! Ge on i IB Me and deal J jon the proprietor. One of them, an 5 fex-conviet, was caught, while roanning Is New York to be known as a Sf On sale at ] : ' Dr. Morse's "Lor place for the eriminals of the coun dd Pe "EE a Br J CS Root Pills, 157.00 te me etic: | JAMES REID'S ; . fevecxwhere. iting Mes J. B. Carruthers, Syden | + Indian Root Pills. 'ji: y

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