Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Feb 1912, p. 1

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Baily British ig, YEAR 79 -KO, 46 : KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY: FEBRUARY 0 19i2. : LAST EDITION --_-- © POUND CHILDREN BURNED, SWINDLING NUN ST FREE. . Areato, n "eb, 28rd. 10 a.m. . or Minutes, pended r-------------------- Taunton, Mass., Feb. 23. Mrs. Peter New York, Feb 2. -A Paris special Furtado left her home for a few min- [says : Sister Candide, a nun, who first words of G. PP. Graham, as he "utes vesterday and returned to find [swindled dealers in precious stones out spoke at Renirew, after the vietory.'iweo of her children burned to death |of millions, was found guilty of fraud | Then he added : "I will never forget {nd a third writhing in agony on the jand sentenced to eighteen months' i ! : & the conduct of those who turned out'y seriously inffired that he may |imprisonment. Sentence was suspend- to vote for men even in to-day's' not recover. The dead children, Wal ed, however, in view of the fact that 5 2 4 1 % 3 Po blinding snow storm. The result hi lier, aged three months, and George, this was her first offence. ; : Alexandria Bay, N.Y, Feb. 23.--1The . . to-day § contest will do more OF | ventecn months, were asleep when In her anxiety to obtain funds for A Christian mstitution as it old-fashioned dance, given by dob) on public life in Canada and more tof different charities, which she inaugur- emaion 3 3 . i : the mother left the house.'! Aun older Comstock, John weplery Charles Rog- teach busy-bodies not to meddle with! : : ated, Sister Candide procured an im- 0 - . others' alfairs than any other for a {POY Francis, aged four years, secured nse amount of jewels, telling the Ww Founded ors and. In Barker, Monday night, S W. yy. * matches, and while playing with them |™¢ ! biing ns as . was a great success. About - 300 ! All couples were present and among them long time. {owners she intended to sell them on some of the oldest residents. The old There was a great jubilation at the |" cidentally set fire to the mattress on {commission. She did not return the rod : . { the aceide hocked tk : : oan 1 wople became young age a io : to have "mesmerized" the liberals, as (news ol the accident so shocked the jo.;4 her liabilities were nearly £3, I P e pe young again for a few MAJORITY ) their opposition to various measures | father that be was unconscious ior 000,000. Leon Peti:, who had = Bours, when the string band led by QUEEN'S STAYS ome Sri Couples, Including Many "Silvergrays." House of Commons. The victory seems which his brothers were lying. The purchase price. When arrested, it 3 s . Wagner s . he ' > was very spirited last night and to- hours. associated with her in the work of Fred. Wagner struck up the old-time y 2 'and tunes, Such dances as the "Heel and day. ot - - i. building a tuberculosis hospital, com- > on "1 wasibeaten, that was all," said THOUGHT 'TOURIST A SPY. | ? mitted suicide. 2 x : ; Toe Polka," "Opera Reel," *"*Monie TOWN OF RENFREW GAVE HIM Dr. Maloney to the Whig Over the |. -- [Faseen BY PRIVATE BILLS [| Musk," 'Old Jones" and "Paddie SES : 179 MAJORITY. long distance 'phone when speaking Yankee and German Guide Arrested SAPP bP Pbpb Pb PPLE IFIPPPeD | COMMITTEE Larney" were stepped off in lively A from Eganville. Beyond that he did Near Berlin. @ a ite, Fach couple book their own A : : not care to speak. 1 ot i, ol § unch and the committee urnished the The Complete Returns are Not Yet to Neores of ape. sratulatody messages Berlin, Feb. {Of the House of Common An cofive, whieh added to the fun Ihe Some Buialt. Pi r gre E 3 | resulted in the arrest for several hours Amendment to _ Strike Out the ¥ e Hand--Some Small Polls Yet to ouched Mr. Graham, to-day 1 is 0f an American: tourist and his. Ger Amendme 0 _! € € | dance continued until after three o'- y : A od ul 3 4 PTIC2 urist a a» " ine sly 'hri "I eloet > . ' 3 Come--The Result Will Not be Af-| conceded Shut his (Graham 9 lest don 'man companion by sentries at the Clause "Distinctively Christian Slack in oh metuing, hut the £ S K I R ry > > . ail sid of fr ne ( v fected. will materially strengthen the 1be- | ¢ortress of Spandaw, a few miles from Was Lost, ! y. ¢ ne > Sweet Home" waltz, i X y rick's Day, w . acl - Special to the Whig : sal; aud 3 is knows that the oH | Berlin, w here the imperial war chest Hers Da en Jonn Red Ottawa, Feb. 23.--Queen's University Renfrew, keb. 25.--Hon. George P.i rh } vith th " It. : containing $30,000,000 in gold coin is "It is expected that the will remain "distinctively Christian, . Graham is the member-slect for South (HEhted with ihe result. kept to finance a sudden mobilization home rule bill, to which the + according to the decision of the pri- IA PATRIE ASSAILS ARE HERE : Irish Nationalists confident- + vate bills committee of the commons * ly look forward for realiza- + this morning. When the bill to na- Renfrew. On Thursday he defeated Dr. 2 : of the army Maloney, conservative, in the bye-elec- Whig Gave Out Retugns. tion of their country's hopes, + |tionalize the university came up last will be introduced in the + |week, representatives of a large num tion that has stirred all Canada, be- | For two hours on Thursday even . A : a kas . i. TEMERE DECES CF JUDGE -~ cause of the fact that he was given |ing, the Whig telephone was kept busy CHEERED ROUNDLY NE TEM RE i ( 1s JON Ol JUDGE Ibe smartest garments ever opposition when an agreement had been responding to queries as to the res . ? House of Commons shortly ber of Jewish organizations were on CHARBONNEAU. seen in Kingston Be sure and entered into between the liberals and!gult of the South Renfrew election. -- | before the date of the ban-- % hand to protest against the above | ee them as early as convenient, the conservatives that he was to have {The figures started to come in afler |THE ITALIAN DEPUTIES AS.) quet." 4 phrase which appeared in ope of tue | It Says That Only the Conscience of | as there is only a limited the seat by acclamation if Thomas W. [6.30 o'clock, and there was great SEMBLE IN THE CHAMBER. + clauses Roman Catiolics is Concerned-- | quantity of each line. Our aim Meliarry was unopposed for the Om-}jubilation in the liberal camp when, FEEPEEIPEIEE SI ILI OEE Principal Gordon, of Queen's spoke p os. P : is to make each number as ex- tavio legislature, The liberals kept at seven o'clock it was announced at length, this morning, arguing that enounces Protestants Who Inter. clusive as sizes will permit. their part of the agreement, but the|that Mr. Graham was leading by 334 | Reference to the Fighting in Tripoli] woMAN ( Cit LY | Ml RDERED. |(he intention of the founders of Queen's fere, Come. To-morrow is none too renegade section of the tory party de- majority, and that his election was Evoked a Tremendous Patriotic {was that it should be a Christian in soon {we Je assured, Demonstration, Hit Over Head With Hatchet and! titution. He meant no offence to the " ] ing, the English-speaking press of Can . Not a few of those who sought the R Fal. 9% F) a J Then Shot. | Jews, he said, but he pointed ut that : figures from the Whig' were ladies, ome, Feb, X23. we re-opening of Lif this ¢ lause was not carried, would ada speak in terms of highest commpp some voung and pretty, and others [the Italian = chamber of deputies yes-| San Francis o, Feb. 23.--Mrs. E. Z Sh the dobry the Hindus oh Chi } dation, ol dhe ; attitude and judgment as old as sixty-five. All were joyful [terday was a most imposing cere- | Rohe, thirty-two years of age, sister i ; he wighes of thy A undead Judge harbonneau in the Hebert when told that the silver tongued f mony, There were not sufficient seats in-law of Assemblyman Nathan { el bo respected { ne lemere Sake Several have editori newspaper man, of Brockville, had | available for the deputies, while the |Coghlan, was killed in the dining-room | GM Macdonnel} K of Kings a y. expressed the opinion that the . - 0 F won the fight, and some of these lad- | public galleries were overflowing tof the Coghlan residence on Thursday. | yg ' ' government should make it the basis -------- v . lton, urged that the bill be kept in "8 2 RD ni ' > jes went so far as to actually whoop Seated among the public was al According to the detectives, she was! = of a sinted case to bo sent on' to the + ' rl 3 al fall po 4 - .» . tact Queen's might eventually al x 1 n Nibinie of it up over the telephone into the edi- lawyer from Saloniki, who i3 sup {hit over the head with a batchet and ato the hands i the Jews, other iy council hy the minster of jus tor's ear. posad to be in Rome as the represon- then shot. } wise oi } ( : 5 » i 5 ang ke ¢ . . ¥ I he rench ynadian press, however, "Hooray !"* shouted one dear old ]tative of the Young Turks, to find Mr. Robb, of Huntingdon moved . 3 Montreal La Patrie ) i I La Patrie lady ho is grit § he feet out in au unofhcial way on what | 1 save "the profess 48 represented Saturday we will place ady, who is grit from the feet up. wi ; Taft Opposes 1t {that the words, Ave 'the profession]. Vi orous in their denunciation of 2 y € ill place on "Oh, isn't that just splendid !" ex- | terms peace might be concluded : of Christianity" be struck out of the sale a choice lot of all Leather claimed one of the dainty little dam- When the speaker of the chamber] Washington, D.C, Feb. 23 Presi Handbags in Tans. Grey. sels who proceeded to alarm the neigh- | expressed the gre dings of the depu-'dent Taft informed congress that he | Brown, Blue and Black Very borhood by calling out the glad news. | ties to the Idiers wnd sailors fight-'did nbt approve of Postmaster-gener Hamilton Cassils wished to see the latest style. Gilt mounts and Many called at the Whig office dur- |ing to uphold the honor of Italy in ud' Hitchcock's suggestion that the | clause pass intact iy Cyhwktos 0. = oH long cord handles ing the evening to read the bulletins |'tripoli, there was prot nie ne nee, government buy and operate all tele Edmund Bristol, K.C,, 'Was #nuch in | should be appe alod au { hy Eman 82.25 qualities at ..... 81.75 put up. fellowed by a Lurrieate of applause, Foe lines. favor of having the olause struck out | throne." $1.50 qualities at tt ALO0 -------------------------- everybody standing up. Ihe demon W------------. {It should never have heen inserted in % $1.75 qualities at . . LL $1.25 stration lasted over five minutes {this century, he said. There was no ENGLAND IS WORRYING USED LOADED GUNS The manifestation reached its great [TWO NEW JUDGES SOON { danger' that (ueen's would ever be fi -- : y ¢st height when the premier pre Tobi ---- anything but Christian. Ove , | an) r the Possible Outcome of the ed the royal decree proclaiming be | Mr. Robb's amendment was lost, and Coal Difficulty, THE TRIP OF SEVERAL - CAN.|anvexation cf Tripoli, and asked the | ESTIMATES BEING ARRANGED XO} with it the Jewish fight, London, Eng Fob. 23...Genetali ) ¥ ' form it into law. > : a Mi «omdon, Eng. eb. 23. Generally ADIAN MISSIONARIES. house Lo Lrans PROVIDE FO THEM. Tie v spesking Englafid is going about it i } § a Wrong. pen g Engla is going abou ity » x . inn To Raja " - R ' . Sower business on the principal that ofl OF HEMMED TRAYOLOTHS, Sg + . - - i fe rev, fF, & » . t | a mn Thrilling Experience Coming Down CONFIRMED IN LONDON. Again Talking About a Successor toy ili Toronto his opinion should never a Joule till ; trouble | 3 Suitable for either Trayeloth the Yangise River ih China----Shelly Six 27 Knot Armed Vessels For Fast Lord Suatheoma--To Seek Pro-/yhout the opposition to the religious fh pln ay OE a d or end plecen oF thle Passed Over Houseboats. Serviep tection From Smallpox Scourge, [teats at Queen's university, said' "It} a= poopie Asquith and bis collea Size, 18 x 27 cided to break the pledge of their léad- | Toronto, Feb. 23.--Rev. R. B. MacAm- London Feb, 23.---The Times con- | Ottawa, Feb. 23.--1t is definitely | W288 tO he. axpested that Shey would gues are not inclined this morning to 25¢ quality for 15¢ ars. The latter, however, gave their! J miond, of Morvisburg, and Miss Mary fis the Foport that six 24:krot ves- [learned that the supplementary esti push this through. t ie. rons ney support to Mr. Graham, and the result 'E. Switzer, St. Mary's Ont., mission sels will be built for the purpose of {mates will make provision for two ex ertheless If they are going to na is that the former minister of rail- 'aries in West China, have arrived in of x g t } - . ; tionalize Queen's they have no right o of the disast vhich must fol 2 "sending Western American and Asiatic tra Judges of the high conrt of On: \ of ? wrsons out. If they are gly i ep & i. It J) ways and canals has been chosen as this city. Both were in the interior Loge ©. con ed of via the | 1ATIO {to keep any person ' the [Tow a strike. Lbe chief difficult South Renfrow's member to succeed and went to Shanghai when ordered United States. It is expected the ves- | It is"probable that at Saturday's!going to accept public moneys, 1@ | woems to be the Welsh coal operators, Thomas Low, who resigned his seat out by the consuls for safety. . n . . Bs I | sittings; of the e: > institution should be open to every- 1 1 : abinet vacant county who decline to accede to the prin gels will be subsidized by the gov-| 3 : e 3 . i) t ; 1 80 as to provide for Mr. Graham, "When we passed Hankow the shells bin ad will by : od es | judgeships in Grey and Ontario coun- body. It appears to me to be going eiple of minimum wage Further THE PEOPLE'S STORE. nme! F. ¢ o p . . . > » whose presence was desired in the were passing our boat, and it was ernm dy arm ties will be filled back to the middle ages. There is d . | ties . i conferences are being held thie morn House of Commons by the other liber eather a thrilling experience," stated FISH FROZ IN THE ICE. The illness of Lord Strathcona and objection at the present {ime because |jny al leaders, Me. : 3 MacAmmond., 'We were in the his advanced age make probable his the Roman Catholic schools are being It was a great victory for the ex-'g gy party to go dgwn the Yungste| Frost Reaches Such a Depth: Th at | retirement. tumor again connects the nationalized in part out of the public| oyuy yEARS FOR CURSING. DIED, member of the Laurier cabinet, who River, and in all theré were thirty-two 3 aL <p : "" {names of Sir Hugh Graham and Sir funds. And what is the difference be- : EMERY Branttord. on. Fel. $5 was opposed' by the wholsAbree of the! q Finny Tribe Suffer, : 4 i reshyter f | " wR rer y 3a OBE iboats under the protection of a gun i a ry {Edward Clouston with the high eom- tween maintaining a Presbyterian nd Prisoner Who Turns on Judge Has ge Emery, of Ganavogue, in Borden government, ochrane, Reid thoat. x Chatham, Feb. 23.--The ice in the| missionship. mainintaining a Roman Catholic col ¢ith year and their kind did Mot want Mr. Gra- shellows of Lake St. Clair and Mit-| Objections are coming from the west lege? The principle is just the same Sentence Increased. w ARR ka N---At Winnipeg, on Feb. 15th, "When we were coming down the A . x A i ' : Kathleen Margaret, infant ham in the. Hotes, They were firuid ofl W before we received the gun boat ghel's Bay has frozen to the bottom {concerning the car distribution features || regard the resolution as a great mis- | Brookfield, Mo., Feb. 23. Aftes en ar araret, wnat im, and did thetr utmost to keep him, = ~ & 4 in places, walling in the fish so that {of the grain bill - and it is rumored ko Woolridge Golden was sentenced to H. Warren, of Manitoba Ulis first blow has boen dealt [protection we were stopped by'a zekiol they have starved to deaih. In some] that hy senate is likely to Sorel tak Jiwa years in the penitentiary here last v iy. formerly of King of toryism that would break !soldier on the shore, and ordered to cf the shallower ponds the fish have|the clause. i « Further Details night for assault to kill, he cursed 1612 4h a jand Po E1nt, a Sid given to honest men. go ashore. The men at thie: oars Were ly een frozen solid in the ice | A strong petition representing all the | Some hi : " als Judge Lamb and other court officers oral from. hin Ite Teeidence: Sais It was an awful day for an election, [badly frightened, and at ay a---- {towns of Eastern Ontario and the Ot-| (ttawa, Feb. 2 2 Numerous Hebrew |and his sentence was increased to five Ynarning, al 9.50 oelobk: o3 A blizzard raged throughout the day, | Irefused to row in. When they refused, Budget on Tuesday. tawa Valley will be sent to Sir James | bodies strongly abjecting . to the | years. Ch Sucred Heart, and roads were blocked high with! fabout twenty-five men appeared on 2 Toronto, Feb. 23.--Hon. A. J. Ma { Whitney, demanding that the provin-| 'Christian clause," and asked that | Further incensed, Golden turned to ¢ sung for the rey { his sou snow, making it impossible for a very rock on the shore and pointed their theson will present his budget in the | cial board of health take immediate [it be eliminated on the grounds "that [the judge and said pe Lf Feats hg ot 3 frye vote to be polled in the country | guns at us. I said to the oarsmen legislature next Tuesday, according tha action te afford adequate protection |it is too narrow." The rabbi, of (1 "I don't give a ---- if you make it : at her as places. _ [that we mst go ashore. We did; | 50 present arrangements. The esti t against smallpox from the lumber {tawa, asked that the disputed clause] ten, judge." Xo i, on Feb When the reiurns began to come in, {and the rebels stated they were look-| 000 ure now in course! of prepara- | camps. {be modified. President < Gordon, said | "Mr. Clerk," said the court, turning . it wag seen that there would be but ing for Manchus. There were nonej.. o and: Will be submitted to the) one" result--the election of Mr. Gra-|sboard, and they told us that if we Ronse hy ham, whose majority increased as the would paint a cross on all pur boats y | Tuesday, it is said. | | minational. He said he meant no oi- ary = . . . wi Feil evening wore on. When forty wut ofjwe would be allowed to goon unmo- Baby Hanged in Cradh:. | Wife Kept 35 Felines and Gave Them fence to the Hebrews when he point m------------ MURRAY--In Kingston, on ' tifiy polls had been heard from, his Jested. We did, and they did not bo- i 2 y Murray, widow of y : 3 Fer Fol ~P ! Her Best Attention, led out that upholding their views ia Frances Murray 4 a4 g hs a awtit} . Ferie Haute, Ind., Feb. 23.--Pauline 3 : pr i ivate) to St Mary's Cath MAJ stod al 4, hut the libertls Shee Se. It was rather exciting for a Sarder, eight months old, Holl Lui of Kansis - City," Kas., Feb, 23.De- {Would open the door to similar objec . ' . short time i on Baturday morning, where when all the polls had vielded their re- : its cradle, and was hanged between | cause his wife kept thirty-five cats, | {tions by Hindos and Chinese. He N SOUTHERN STATES 3 solemn requiem mass will hy > asized that this # a Christian the repuse of her soul sults. Some of the back-county polls, the bars. The child was dead when W. Odéll, Seventy-four vears of age, jemphasiedt | ad i i Queen' re aha d LL, nd and acqualntances are in- h i t be heard from fo 0 MARS found by its mother, Iwas granted a divorce. Odell testi-| ; : ur vited 10 the Rass nother day: at he ut 0 add 'fied that his wife fod the pets the {pi take of that charagise" acvnr fing T ent Pp W i le it they are small an £4 Ty ah : Pl to a ta fe for Killed---Whe i will not change the Toh vety much. FITTINGLY DESCRIBED 200 pecks sweet oranges, 35. peck, | choicest food, and ignored his pro 10, the Wishes "a founders. wenty rersons were ROBERT J. REID, lo Some of the the majorities were as fol- at Gilbert's. itests when they slept in his bed. 10 suppose¢ the trustees and alumni Villages Are Reported ' ar Bs hanging Undsrialcer, a. . 3 : would ever allow Queen's to be any Pho . Poll. Maloney. Graham. fe Has a Hugh Head, Bulky Chest | thing but Christian, Kobbs' amena Blown Down. Renfrew town .... 179 + x . {ment was lost, so that the clause to | x. Orleans, La., Feb. 23. Twenty JAMES REID Eganville. Sasess ws 33 and Spindly Limbs, According { which the Jews objected went through persons were killed and sixty were in- aor hig o, PRaNoss STREET. N Asuptiot Sn 6 to Expert's Ideas thant amuseiinent, and the Hebrews jured by a storm and evelone which ae NCE STR STR x nh vR re eir ght swept the poorer colored settlementd a, de : Paris, Feb. 23.--The Paris Matin pub- in Louisiana and Mississippi during BLACK WALNUT CHAIRS lishes a drawing of a curiously wis There i IS a Great Demand for for Workingmen' S Houses-- Many FAID ALL HIS DEBTS. the last two or threo days. Whole vil are A fa Rin On a shupen person, given as an approxi . -- lages were hlown down, and the in the other at $38. The best 1 ever had mately representation of an inhabitant Sales A Bankrupt Man Met All Obligations| habitants are in = fearful state, of | At Turk's. "Phone 706 of Mars. x Ie or. ; | destitution and ' suffering. Property The espionage craze HOME RULE BILL, London, Feb 23 ~~A cir- cular announcing the Irish national banquet on, St. Pat- deol be hp ob SRP Er Perr rrr eee oP Toronto, Feb. 23.--Generally speak hall 1 Protestants who interferé with matrei clause, s y we shall be 1 clause, stating that there vil be DO fmonial troubles of individuals I'he religious tests ne lemere ve La 'atrie only concerns t conscience of Catholies, HON. GEORGE P. GRAHAM, be very optimistic of a settlement of the coal mivers troubles, and avoid by | ot a ( shall -- 6s yeprs -- rn {that Uneen's had always been (hrs [TO the cireanit clerk I sentence the | por 1 14 Ha an Bt 2 CATS EARN HIM A DIVORCE. tins, but now was becoming undeno- | prisoner to ten years in the penitenti- o'clock to Cataraqul, on Monday and Paid Costs, > - The drawing is given on scientific . an $ damage will amount anyway to. hall a heath Ws Eomend Perior,-of the : : ------------ ------------ Llastan, Jeb. i, Givihud ol i million ola. ite Joona ott the i i in . 2 atin --n of a 3 ay © f Florida fe 1 " i i; Natural history museun, and Camille | Business in the real estate line, in|. "And how is it that some person Dararcn in the ease of Frank W beaches: of iorica leit the ta-ends o . { § . e Pr CAN 4 Flammarion, the astronomer, Kingston, is gunite active, - fact does not invest money and build lper. a bankrupt railroad freight -- oon excloie but Share rib = wind de Ni Perrier dectares " the température ]some of the local real esthite men |themd" asked the reporter. {ductor , of this city. The matter was us Hos 49 ei a iy he Tatil ae averages 22 degrees. The . vear is]itate that the conditions are the "Simply begguse it would not pay held before Referee F. J. DeLaFleur, Sails ara heing sent to. Vie sssuianey In the Comb, 18 d 20c per sec = 3isicd a8 long, birds Nave. lurariaut est. they Nave Buen in the city lor was the reply. Yroperiy in the De} astorias afternoon. Currier went |= He victims. b the Lomb, © and lc per acc iplumage, and there are huge plant biome time. This certainly speaks well| oun section is too dear and property {into bankraptey when creditors press FIFTY-FIFTH BIRTHDAY tion. and ideal flowers." for the city and the outlook for the l the outskirts of the city would | ed him, Ahrongh 'u Watertawn stor. | The picture shows & blue-eyed, long-fapproaching spring also looks good. lhe too far for men to walk, agd{pey. The bankrupt had fisbilities of | Of Lient-Gen. Baden-Powell Obsery- EXTRACTED. nosed, heavy-eared being, with a huge] "Conditions are the best they havelhouses built on the outskirts will] i382, dod in the course of the bank e 1 in kK k _ \ builky chest and spindly limbs. fever been during my time here in the |y,¢ rent ar quickly as those in toe] Lraptey proceadings learned that he ed In Kentucky. 1-2 Ib. Pails . Perriers decluves the Martians are ac- | business," remarked one of the old- central part of the city.' {had & half interest in. a farm in Jef Louisville, Ky., Feb. 2.--Lient. Gen.} 5 1b. Pails 85. qudinted with the noblest delights of Jest real estate men, whem asked for| i ri Herson county, the interest being sib {S. 8. Baden Powell, orgabizer and . Sis ver sevens v intellect, and with the most sauvelan opinion by the Whig to-day. He ade Zapy bis Tote & a being {oot to the use by his father. His in- [chief of the boy scout movement, was 1000 Pails ... ...... S135 motions of the soul. a pit judging from the number le about Vacant lots gn the «ity ot y : terest sold for 3570, and he not only (rendered a civie banquet and bouquet temperature away below zero, fv of enquities that werd being made a- and citizens are evidently keeping tab paid 100 per cent. on his debts, but lof fifty'five carnations lasg night hére| 20 Ib, Pails ... .. ..... $2.40 A Plans are under way for a largefbout property so early in the sea- oi 'them with a View to mailing . a paid for the costs of the proceedings. lon his fifty-fifth birthday, Speeches Li miles just to cast a modern. wiion 'station on upper Yonge son it was & sure sigh ihist a good purchase so as to build in the spring The case. was closed, vesterday after lexpressive of the solidarity of the peste R dd & C Br street. Torento, to be tsed jointly deal of property would be sure to] 'We have been putting through quite ingen. L. H. Ford, of Clayton, ap {between Great Britain and United Jas. C cn 0. ; by he Canadian Pacific and the Cans Johi bands in the city. . 8 tew salis," said ane real estate pearing for the trustee. Northern. It 'is stated that there are very lew [Wa0, and everything points to aj Sth ambeesienliigpeiston Biron Von Ftumm, director of the fa Paris a number of dynanfte]vacant houses in the city. There isa |most successful season in the real ss. ° Dies of Overeating. Seat for Macken ne. politival department of the Crormai hombs sere exploded by striking tax t soarcity of lower-priced houses, tate line. Of course this is very early | [oyisville," Feb. BW --Fight-year-old| Ottawn, Feb. 28- ts stated heve!lforrign office, will visit London offi ieab chauffeurs in the garages ofthat is, houses renting from $I% to but we have quite a few sales pend. Fdmund Bacon died bere the victim that A. H. Clarke 'yu P. 'lor South leially soon. He is known to . have taxi motor companies. : per month. Some of the real es ing and of corse Xe cannot say any-icl his own' abnormal appetite scvord- | Esser, Will 'resign and remove to Cal | pro-Eniglish sympathies. Dr. Willey. of 'MeGill, Montresd, {tate men sold the Whig that _enquir- thing shout them." - ing to attending physicians. Almost! gary permanently, and that Hon. W.! Electric washing machines; every {has been appointed a fellow bf a made ail the time tor| 'What we need to make Mhinga han | eines infancy they were told the boy |L. Mackenzie King hae aireads been home should have one. Let us demon versity. College, London. houses - is a few new industries" anv {had possessed the appetite of a manfarranged for as Libiral candidate in! trate. MH. W. Newman Electric Co. The P. Lyall & Sons Consts i : ¢ L tc jother real pstate man Yo th Whig. never seemed 10 belthat coustijuency. Gen. Vedro Owpine, Colombien A | "Get. a few industries . ion of the brain ; mindster to the United States, was re- and there - Keen 4 from White Pine Special," . for lealled by the Colombian govern: at Sargent's drug store, + ment. 15s iy 3 {States were given.

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