PAGE SIX. Te ": . of "anything Dut good coffee any more than you can make asilkdress out of cottoncloth. Seal Brand is pure coffee of highest quality. the THE ORICINAL AND ORLY GEML.NE, The Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. The best known Remedy for CouGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Acts like a charm in DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. Effectuslly cuts short all stacks of SFASMS. Cheeks and arrests those too oftea fatal diseases -FEVER, CROUP and AGUE. The ooly pallistive {» NEURALGIA, GOUT, RHEUMATISM. Chlorodyne is ao Ii guid taken in drops. graduated according to the malady ariably relieves pain 0] whatever kind: creates a calm refreshing sleep : Le tion of "the wervons systems when all other remedies fairl: leaves 1c bud effects: and can be taken when no Other medicine can be toleraled., INSIST ON HAVING Dr. J COLLIS BROWNL'S CHLORODYNE. CONVINCING MEDICAL TESTIMONY WITH EACH BOTTLE Sold by all Chemists Prices in England: Vi, 2/0, 4/8 Sole Manofacturers: J. T. DAVENPORT 4 LONDON, S.E Ths immense sweeess of this Remedy has gives rise to many imitations. N.B.--~ Every bottle of Geaviae Chlorodyae bears on the stamp the name of the inventor, De. J. Collis Browse. CALE ---- STOUT --- LAGER PURE -- PALATABLE -- NuTRITIOUS -- BEVERAGES . FOR SALE BY WINE ano SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION--Residents in the local option districts ean legally order from this brewery whatever they require for personal or family use, Write to JOHN LABATT, Loatep, Lonpon, CANADA A vA TOL a DAMA AAADNANAAR YN A YY YN Yay AADALDANMADALL A Agent, James McParland, 339-341 King 8t., East. Children Cry for Fletcher's. The Kind You Have Ahwaz Honght, and which Hay been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under Lis per ZT sonal supervision since its infancy. . Allow no ong to deceive you in this. 'All Counterfeits, Imitations and *Just-as-good"' are but ents that trifle with and eadanger the health oi ~ Infants and Children--Experience against Experiment, What is CASTORIA Qastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare= gotle, Dyutw and Soothing Sysups. It is Pleasant. It contains 'neither Opium, Morphine nor cther Narcotic substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Foverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind ~ Qolie. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy snd natural sleep, The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend, eeNuINE CASTORIA ALways THE DAILY BRITISH TRAPPING OF SPIES FHE METHODS OF GERMANY ARE EXPLAINED. 7 Dubious Course Into Which the Spy Mania Has Led German Official dom--{'oncrete Cases Given, Paris, Feb. 20. Aithough the British government is known to be rapidly arranpging its diplomatic lines in a way that shall be attractive to Wil- helmstrasse as a basis for negotia- tions, which shall bring about some sort of entente between the two gov- ernments, there is a widespread sym- pathy in France for Bertrand Stewart, the English' barrister, who was re- eently convicted at Leipzig for es pionage and sentenced to three years fand a half imprisonment. It is believed here that the same hots were employed in the case lof Mr. Stewart as those which lured Capt. Lux into a trap, from the meshes of which, however, he managed {to escape after his imprisonment had begun. Of course, Capt. Lux is not allowed to talk for publication, but the opinions of a French attache of the general staff, who is his intimate iiriend, may be taken as representing the captain' s views : "We in France, if we wished, could arrest a hundred German 'spies' a {vear--so could Britrin--and find eon- |Victions, too, without going outside lof the rules of evidenee practised at leipzig. We happen to know that there 1s a central office in Hamburg, {which pays for information sent by Germiin hotel guides in regard to French or British tourists who, it is thought, may become victims of this obnoxious system. i "I'he exact method by {1 was trapped has never yen revealed. It was this: I "Capt. Lux was and is still attach {ed to the intelligence department at | Belfort. It his business to re leeive 3 {to him. One day he received a mes- sage which took him to Switzerland | Hor the purpose of obtaining certain {information, He went or and ob {tained it. This informalion was iblind, divected from the bureau Hamburg. The man who had enticed Lux te Switzerland was in the Ger- man service, He pretended to be an Alsatian, and added quite casually that a military aviation meeting was just about to take place the frontier in Germany and suggested that Lux go to see it. Lux went Thousands saw it, Among the crowd there were There was nothing private about it. But Lux was pot in uniform. He was arrested as he stepped off the boat. "His trial at Leipzig a comedy + farge, The only evidence against him was a letter written by one of his subordinates to a man whom the (Germans believed to be a French spy. "Now, take the case of Mlle. Thir- ion. She was entrappped in a still more disgraceful way. In her case, a German officer made love to her, had letters written to her by an accom- plice in Paris, asking her to spy, and on the evidence of this officer she was arrested, sentenced and imprisoned. which Capt before was over as 4 Municipal Roavers. Montreal Gazette The application to city lighting and traction services of electric power, among other things produced about as noisy and publicly costly a lot of cheap municipal roarvers as ever inflict- ed communities thought to be fit for self-government. Toronto and Mont. real and now Winnipeg, have had se- vere lessons to this effect. Self-adver- tisers, seeking for notoriety, by the loudness of their talk, have persuaded sections of their communities and weak city councillors, and possibly them- selves, that the laws as to property and contracts that governed other peo- ple did not apply when they were con- cerning themselves on one side and an electric company was brought into the {case on another. The taxpayers have thad to pay for the folly. Tens of {thousands of dollars have been paid by {Toronto and Montreal, and will bet paid by Winnipeg, because the people! accepted the advice of demagogues,! and when they had no case, went to] law with business enterprises in efforts} to attain the impracticable, The ex- perience should be enough. Communi. ties which in the past have followed a businesslike course in meeting business propositions have done well. To oth- ers should now be ready to follow their example. Who is the Goat? Gadsby In Toronto Star. Of course defeat is bad medicines even to a government with a majority of forty-five and.somebody has to he the goat. Strangely enough, Dr. Reid is getting it all. Cochrane goes scott free. Considering all the circumstances and chewing them over again, the opin- jon is expressed by his party friends that "Jack Reid made a bonehead play." Some queer rumors are afloat. One is that there is a eabinet intrigue to cust Premier Borden because he was weak sister and allowed a hopeless rid- ing to be contested. You don't need to believe all you hear, but jost tou pare Premier Borden's weal opening the constituency and "Bob" Rogers' strength of hind in keeping his nose out of it. Another rumor is that Andeew Bro- der will be administrator of the good roads 2 and the government will open Dundas as an ofiset to South frew as soon as they are quite sure that it will be an offset. A > At Clarendon Station. CIasend eS osebh Tyubk spe i an rs. Ja ¥ nt the end of last week iy Mrs. John Barr ave visiting at the former's home here. In spite of the bad roads, quite a number attended the sale at Thomas Webster's, on Fel ary 27th. P. Cameron, of Parham, is reliever while R. Walker ~ spending his holidays in N.Y. Miss Mary Rayner spent Sunday at her home. = ------------ a -- "The H. W. Newman Electric Co. are offering mantles, electric and gos tables lamps, eic, at greatly reduced "he Canadian Shipping Sedation {at the i reports when such were brought | also Joreigners in uniform. | in Kingston. Mr. andl WHIG, THURSDA Y, HE -- BOUL SA'S PAPER, Tells of the Manitoba School Struggle at Ottawa. Feb. 29. -1a the course of Ltack-faced ty pe | article in le Devoir, Henri Bourassa's organ says: 'It is exceedingly improb able that of the Roman Catholic ministers .or French-Canadians will re sign. Negotiations continue between the French-Canadian conservative group opposed to the Manitoba boundary bill, if it does not contain a guaran- tee of the rights of the minorities, and the Catholic cabinet ministers, but without giving any satisfactory result. The recaleitrants are holding good, and want justice for the minority. A request was received yesterday by the minister from Le Pas, which has sixty- three signatures, one of which is that of Monsignor Charlebois, protesting against annexation without conditions as to the rights of the minorities, and demanding a guarantee inserted in the nw. "This complicates the situation, and gives new arms to the partisans of the rights of minorities. There are at least ten members of the right who will vote against the ministry if it does not asquiesce to this demand. Perhaps there will be a dozen of them final vote, and this would be the majority of the French-Canadian conservative deputation, which con sists of twenty-two members, including Hons. Monk, Pelletir and Nantel, "As the ministry hae given notice annexation at this session of a part of Keewatin to Ontario and of Ungava to Quebec, there is no lack of people in parliamentary circles who are won dering why the government Has proposed one single bill to cover the three annexations. In this manner it could easily have inserted a clause in it goaaranteeing the rights of minori- ties in the three annexed terrisgries, and it would have succeeded in giving to the minorities of Keewatin all their rights without too many protests from the right among the English Protest ants. But Mr. Borden did not wish o follow this plan which which fre- Miawa, a double-column, one of jie tly suggested to him from the be ginning of the present difficulties. Tippling in Maine, } Montreal Gazette A despatch from Bangor, Me, New York Herald says that freedom with which liquor all the larger places in Maine would think that the "wets" had won by a tremendous majority in the elec- tions last September, instead of los- ing by 376 votes in a total of 120,000 {At the in Bangor last week 815,000 was collected in fines in liquor cases and not a dealer jail. Some of the testimony show that the drinkers were respectable people, leading professional and business men Prohibition that does not prohibit is a poor cure for intemperance, A rigidly enforced license system would seem to be the better method of regulating the trafic George P. Getting Attention. Montreal Gazette, George PP. Graham, who had just heen re-elected to parliament, was among the liberal chiefs who during the fall election campaign adfocaied a change in the of Commons which would enable ma- jority to shut off the mino talk when it was politiculiv necessary to jam a measure through without re gard to consequences. Should the new government find the new opposition becoming - obktructive ministers may he able to call on Mr. Graham fr his specifications and aid in devising a closure order. to the the in one from is sold assizes was sent Lo went to the 'most House the rity's rules of the the A Vivid Imagination. terboro Examiner A certain Toronte paper imagines something has y telogram from Windsor {putting its dreams into words, that are circulated among the prpss of the province. It was sta that Mr Clark, of Essex, was to resign his seat, and that Hon. Mckenzie King would | be his successor as the representative | the riding. Now, although Mr. [Chr vk is going to Calvary, to reside, Va will Hold his seat during the life of the present parliament Hon Macken | zie King is an able man, but the con- stituency would be no gainer in. the {matter of ability and creditable repre sentation by having even an ex-minis- ter represent it. Pe and Political. WwW. W Wae Addison, Ont Sir Wilirid "said a brain-storm bad, Marked last September's federal fray' And some were sad and some were glad, When that away. But Renfrew had sm blizzard real, That knocked Maloney off his feet, Yet Canada will safer feel And prouder, too, since Graham Piles Cured at Home "| Quick Relief-- Trial Package Mail- ed Free to All-in Plain Wrapper. Piles 18 a fearful disease, but can be cured if you go at it right, An operation with the kmife is darge . humilisiing and rarely a - glimanest su There is Just one other wa; to be cured sale and iy the privacy of your Aome----it Personal mad tempest passed wilte. free to all who It will give you Quek relief, show you the harmless, painless mature of this great remedy and start you weil '|on the way toward a perfect cure. Then you can lor 50 full-sized box eat tar. ROLL, FEBRUARY 29, 1912 YOU WONDER WHAT BECAME OF THAT STOMACH DISTRESS. EAT A FEW OF THESE AND ALL SOURNESS, HEARTBURN, AND MISERY FROM A SICh, UPSET STOMACH WILL VANISIL Time it! In five minutes all scomach distress tion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, digested food, no dizziness, bloating. foul breath or headache Pape's Diapepsin is noted ror its speed in regulating upset st It is the surest, quickest and most certain remedy in the whole beides it is harmiess. Millions of men and women now fear--they know now it is needless to have a had stomach Please, for your sake, get a large fifty cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store and put your stomach right Don't keep on being miserable--life is too short--you are not here long, so make your s agreeable. Eat what you like and digest it; enjoy "it without dread of rebellion in the stomach. Diapepsin belongs in your home any way. It should be kept handy should one of the family eat something which doesn't agree with them or in case of an attack of indigestion. dvspepsia, gastritis or stomach de- rangement at daytime or during the night it is there to give the quick- est, surest relief known. will go. No indiges- or eructations of un- omach world and eat their favorite without | 1 will beeome so highly problen that farmers who have |» heat under pressure, Manitoba grain sect, | time feeling with minister of trade and! but will sell their grain to responsible, will, in its|tors at street prices and practical application, destroy the pri-|e'evator agent's vileges which the farmers have enjoy-| and weights ed for the past ten years | cisely what i The law, as changed, authorizes the | A Retrograde Step. i Toronto Star | The modification of the car distribu-| tion clause in the for which the commerce is to sell will the waste in order aecision as to g This, of intended by the hill undubitable right to Magna recent thing ol ten dangerous course, 1s fhe | dominion board of grain commission-|cars, 1 ers to be appointed to suspend the car {C harta of the grain distribution provision at any elevator | years, will become in point at their discretion, The statu {of the past; and the conditions tory rights to cars possessed by the | which bred a farmers has heretofore been thé gov- bitterness between the erning factor in the marketing of | ar wheat, This right, in place of being | statutory is to become problematical; ! ! and in years of great upon| Capt transportation facilities right, ! in i some pik vie kin working out the scheme | River shas been growers. in practice a ars uf aln-growing wd grain-handling interests, will x appear, possibly in extreme forn pressure the of Darveau to the Chauncey repairs schooner Ford Danderine Makes your hair gt ow long, heavy and luxuriant and we can prove it Get a 25 Cent Bottle Now and 3 Fecreven Stop Falling Hair, Itching (4 5 i Scalp and Dandruff / PR ] Hair Becomes Soft, Fluffy, Lus- trous and Abundant After a Danderine Hair Cleanse Darderine is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. goes right to' the roots," invige strengthens them, Its exh arnting, stimula- ting and life-producing properties cause the air to grow abunc lantly long, strong an | beautiful. It at once imparts a sparkling brilliancy and velvety softness to the hair, and a few weeks' use will cause new hair to sprout all over the sc alp. Use it every day for a short time, after v h two or three nes a week will be sufficient to complete ar growth you ¢ afer applying a little Dan- derine all dandeuff will disappear, itching of the scalp will cease and there will be no more loose or falling hair. If you wish to double the beauty of your hair in ten minutes surely try this----moisten a cioth with a little Danderine and draw it carefully through your hair, taking one sina! strand at a time, this will clean:e the hair dust, dirt or any excessive oil In 3 moments your hair will be wavy, fi. abundant and possess an incomp ness, lustre and luxuriance, the beauty mx shimmer of truc hair health. If vou care for beautiful, soft hair and lots of itgsurely get a 25 oh bo of Ki ton's Danderi me from any drug toilet counter -- A real surprise awaits you. OW store or 0000000060000000000000 toseecererscrererreres BIG SNOW STORM eee MEANS BIG SPRING THAW Will your old 'Rubbers keep your feet dry-- If not this is a good time to get ready for the Soft Spell. We carry Life Buoy Rubbers. The best sold in Kmgston. We have the exclusive sale, J. H. Sutherland & Bro. "THE EOME OF GOOD SHOES" = Is -- < Wvveesevesesvessonescsaasll Charges are m Bpecial rates by P. M. THOMPSON, WAHT RRBRDSNS NN "WE SELL Scranton Coal Co's Coal Selected from the Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No. 1 Mines, the best Anthracite Coal mined In Pennsylvania. Place your next order with THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO. North End Ontario Street. 'Phone 166. Proprietor, firrssssarrane Celebrated resh Bluefish, Mackerel, Smoked ( Blue Oysters and Poultry COOS, Poin A A DOMINION "FISH CO, 63 BROCK ST. PhONE 520 BREA ARNANAAN IHS GIFIS | Large stock of Fancy ® of Chocolates: Big variety R best makers' goods kept in our » = store. L Geo. Masoud's 3 * Ice Cream Ww 264 PRINCESS STREET. § BOIGEAAAAAINANA NA Bearer srsrasavanes wea Parlor, British American Ladies' Tailoring DEAR like to prices b MADAM We w have call and our Workman styles guaranteed I. COHEN 267 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 861 rush is on. STR TCBTTBTVTVVBTRC BETO RT Besssasessssrsrenees fesassassshat desing -- Your orders will he fliled ractorily if you deal ther x WALSH'S, 865-07 Barrack Street. Pres sssssssanssvrananl COAL! The kind yon are looking for is the kind we sell SCRANTON COAL is good Coal aud we guarantee wee ew prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO. FOOT WEST STREET. Srv asasssesestst saan Sess sssssssssttrstsns SOLAAMALAAMLAALLAMAN is wonder YOu use an Wh #0 sanitary eye nme All sizes and variety of styles from which to select, David Hall § 88 BROCE SIREEY. : : : i | : i 5 i Residence, 858, ALARA 8008 8000000 0TFSISIIIIIIISIIIISE ddd dsdbtad | 4 'Phones Store, 225. b