NEVER ANY FAILURE OR DISAPPOINTMENT WHEN MAGIC BAKING POWDER IS USED. CONTAINS NOALUM. COSTS NO MORE THAN THE ORDINARY KINDS. BIBBY'S CAB STAND: DAY OR NIGHT 'Phone 201. Electric Res torer ior Men tores every nerve in the bade its proper tensivu ; restores Fremature decay and all sexual Phosphonol wil} Phosphonul | vin aud vita ty, weakhigs 2% averted at ance. A Dew a, Price $3 a box, or two fo TA to Any ad add: THAT TOBACCO With the "Ioester" om it ts crowing louder as he goes slong Only 46¢ per pound. For chewing and smoking. ieing AT A. MACLEAN'S, Ontario Street. The Scobell Drug ror sale at t Mahood' 8 Drug Store BOARD TRADE BANQUET Page 1.) E. Taylor, Davis, A. James T. H. ol ontinued from , Uharles Morgan, H. W. A. M. Reid, F. Pond, J. the board trade), Hugh George 1. Richardson, R RB. J. Rodger, M. nirk Charles J. Warwick, Dr A. Ww. J. Gibson, F. Harri Gibbard (Napanee), W. H. Wormwith, Jobn 3. Smith, Thomas Lambert, W. H. Dyde, W. P. Minnes A.W Thomson, George Fullerton, seorge Mehay, Thomas 1D. Min Rev. T. W. Neal, Oliver Chown, Charles =. Anglin, W. H. Snelling, J. 0. Hutton, Joseph W. Power, George FE. Hague, John Morris, R. D.A Sutherland, Fdward Bennett, Prof. W. Ww. Prof. 0. Db. Skelton, H. H. Murphy, W. F. Thompson, C. Selby, Thomas P. Thompson, Frank William Jackson, H. D. Bib Price, Edwin Horsey, H. E. I. ieacs 2 he ¥ H. | Brown, erland, retary of { Nickle, 1G. Andrews, {patrick, {P. Chown, txon, W. 1 Ww. Suth Macnee/ set 1 nes, I Nwanson, Conway, by, H. P. | Kichardson, Fon. Mr. Hazen's Speech. Aiter ample justice had been done the fine spread, Dr. Dyan called gathering to order, and the king ted, all joining heartily in the lsinging of the national anthem. Dr 'ivan then made a few approproaie remarks, relative to the bohrd trade, pointing out that the board [was doing all in its power to ad: the interests of the city, and i iq statement was received with warm He felt sure the board meet with great success, to say that the dawn ol era Ryan afterwards proposed the to "Canada| Her Trade and ommerce," and RA upon Hon, Mr. {Hazen to respond, and the speaker nccorded a welcome. In his addre took occasion |e etm than or the Kind invita {tion extended to him by the board, {to be present at the banquet, and that it gave him great plea visit the historic city of Kingston--a city which bad given men for public service, intellectual ability, assisted in the moulding tiny of the country. } he speaker made feeling referenee to the late Principal Grant, and his work. No man was better known. Hi wns a mab of great thought, and did much, not only to advance the church wd + education, but in addition to arouse general interest in Canady The speaker also paid a warm tribute to Principal Gordon, and explained the regret of Hon. R. 1. Borden, being unable to be present, Le press of parliamentary duties, King ston, he said, had a board of trade eamposed ressive men, whe twas Loas of ce and Kingston had new red reached a was warm he | ste wed fo surg many great men ol had de who of the ri al owing Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The great Uterine Tonio, und only safe effeciusl Monthly lator on which wom .n un 0, Y 10duyreds Mfonger $3; No. §, | nd. Sold in three d 3% 'of strength--No. 1, 81 pe sta, or t of Docial cuss Say at br TOM 1 f prico [the growth of the trade AS mie ani indi | of pro were bound to a the city. Branching out into the guesiion Canada, and her trade and ecommerce the speaker proceeded (00 give som statisties, showing the rapid strides the country had made, in this line he marine and shipping interests t were of vast importance, He traced and com merce from the ime of cenfederation in 1867. Canada, at the present time, ol renl extract of finest Mexican Vanilla beans. One pbottlew ill flavor more than two dozen puddings Shirrifs S TrueVanilla ------------------------------ FACTORY GIRL GIVES UP Too Sick to Work -- Doctor of 1¢an be great with drade and stood tenth among the ship-owning countries of the world, and the tim: would come, and in a very few years when Canada would occupy df stil prouder position, In 1910, Canpade had 7.904 vessels, with a net toanage of 750,929. The retords of 1911, which were now being compiled, would show an increase. It was estimated that during last summer between 40,006 and 45,000 men were employed or Canadian vessels. The speaker held out hopes for the near future for the building of stee vessels at Kingston and Collingwood with 10,000 and 15,000 tonnage. The past records showed a wonderful growth in the trade, but still great- ler results could be looked for, in the future. The development in marine and fisheries had been tremendons since 1867. In 1868, there were only 215 lights, and 212 keepers, with a total expenditure of £174,104, The re turns of 1911, showed 1,291 lights {and 976 keepers, with an expenditure of 81,700,000, < There were gas buoys numbering 630, with an expenditure of one and a half million of dollars. These statisties went to show the growth and advaneement in this de partment. A great deal was being done, to Pre aid and safety for navigation. In 1868 the imports total: led $73,450,000; svi, S119.218.000; 1907, $250,786,000; 1911, 472,217,540, in 186% the imports totalled $57,000,- 000; in 1897, S137,000,0008; in 1907, $05,000,000; in 1911, $297,000,000, The trade had increased in leaps and bounds. The interprovineial trade had increased just as much = as the for- eign trade, This great development, the speaker pointed out, broug about great responsibilities, and the great. ques tion that faced the people to-day was Lhat of transportation. The Hud- son Day railway was a greal nedes- sity. In addition to having the fa cilities to carry the shipments to the suiptiag points it must also be borne n, miad that shipping ports must be well equipped. All the ports on the great lakes should be. well manned. The tax-payers would have to be prepared to make all the expenditure necessary for those improvements. The deepening of the waterways from Port. Arthur down to Kingston and Montreal must be considered "As in the past we will have to [stead woney generously. As ths trade and commerce increases we must soe to it that all the necessary ia el ties are provided . to keep pace with this increase. There were times of desnair, bul there is no such spiriy "But there is no country really great which does not possess an in «otloctual and patriotic people, = and we must also bear ig n¥ad in addi tion to having our {rade and commerce inc ease, that we must have people of culture and refioement. No country can sgogeed without it. No country cons trade advance merce alone. The board can be most useful in the g | ment of the city." Prolonged applause showered upon Hon. Mr. Hazen for hus breil ant adres, at a Bon, Mn. Remsen Rémass: Elmer Davie, in a Gtling address, A ™E DAILY BRITISH WFIS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY Vlace mm he . and : itizenshiy, lone on great After r 1 wade ween arm ner sickle, "Ihe house Mr. Nichle, said, wot far distant when im move to thefront Ouss, iis first remembered by tarian Ln the house." The #peaker hat Sas. very w would b vould tue ST untr tori to the x © {the board: ate, an that {deavo the pin y Bo ward at work for Hon. Mr. complin ent the house + the nleresis I g to pron i \ the national ton w Lem to Ki of ity, an a in con g to do all in asked of As of transportation, 1 { power, i] wns { government ance *lthe question {deepening of the Welland » the greatest ftion, When ti fed, then the {be i | fjuest was agsist i you will benches an fon parka siooch will k was accompl the olde mes the mn «i that trade Welland pened I of saul tL biz sucee the boa movement for a would not be wasted Technical ant matter, attention of the gencron expeaaitures v fight, hut te would baek hua thing Tribute! John A. Macdona id anadians relati anade L new i education was inp which should receive government, and w quires tion 3 an sod $. was 10 © here of considering the of nol t ns spoke but bees empire to ded the be when vate tin aon hr ambit er to tae vere inte Ring it It and strides il education. de vessels were school should render pointed oat United i} being made Tu led recognitic be built for buildi mining m erlooked nesstance ' e LNLex 9 : be © as with he tes, 3 \ valasble n to grea ke de 1} me { gis that Germany very rapid hme in anadian . 8 {ates imneri Ara empire, Th th @ to sh mle shipbuilding we When the should have of the line of i ocated ( bedn tought s state-own- | (irent thing * these being Mr upon the nailer hac Canada, 8 eaker Wd ea'sle be ritaia it ee anadii companies be facturers to the ta but the ud mad the the work We ould a prefer ho and Tier vessels na hs the as heen | did reg on wil nat ¥ sired to impr fact Millions dollars | % that w went to. Out ng, bmt de miss uers dey the up ton did 1to seex « s ery- | King Fhe river St. Law- | the) cared for op al-« make Canada Prof. Alexa humorous vein, immigration polies It ted I'he rk were was esient med 1 ee ! progressive 0 best fit hail spoke and vt Listening to the gues th to thas toas rom speaker by pressed his ple SUT wldress delivered by He ten the fohn Bur of unemploy a remt mude there millions fine the ed to le da had Dr. A that \ wn ph Cy vs OTe of prog mmerce MPP, w br. Ry d in land, who would evemng the ress 1 the prair he wes Ar fdress w fit | Mr. Lemieux's keen «it m I ir Ross, an address but the gathering that Ire had been Toronto, looking after ilat Dr. Ryan mm Ross during he Sapre sel his able to be pres wishing the ae was listened to} an inf ne vith terest ed tained in in the leg tology w---- on Parliaments of Francis King proposed The Parlidments ponded to by W Jexander M Mr. Nickle addre mgratulation for Canada. 4 the toa to of ure I Canada," from Th which being \ a : even gret al " in 'hai short but not words i a opens » game Lime lack" proceeding uent with few the the 1 were dinner brought elev 'clock, with National Anthem committees are to be Urrangements were while wer, and ¢ dinner the city members of . The close he two ing of the wddress. { The Mr. Nickle, amusing manner, | harge elated the experier ulated, the Ott ried o 4 one | mn the ul s of the sue 1 vening tra vod g i f on 3 ward of m E to ut no thie thanks for thea y ret linner, priest various bang th the ued cong in an 3 e mn ! es Ol new hou It Pe inte d ont, house, but speaking fo would that the legis de ol easy to get out of After! Ottawa, look]. YY many men in parliament feat got thee. | all the oth- new mens and other | f be- critical eyes) fn in mi voted t r held in was ao 1 or wa Hlicult nto imself, ure was Jetting round nd wonder how Vhen he would wonder how rs got A to listen to the debates for amazed. be he have in - A ter, he LO 3 aod . best either vers Delicious Homé-Made Bread. will if vou use be | de. "ay aki to one would I wan at the 3 : mn . i . kt Lan he himself X : .s ¥ at tre not send to parlinment ait Spi mpie SW Limited Queen Mary wr Unt. susiness the first time would eals, Foranto, Cold, watching the the opinion better for at home, and not { Laughter) to the story serving ome vould nd vould wmve stayed has prose section the Victoria Museum a series of Rajput, and considerable new member, | hat it dian tha . bert to him Moghul, trial art of and was of been gone iu of beauty to politics. According peaker, arliament is sf the party o be appointed to postions Mr. Nickle smiled when he stated 600.000 me member claimed to have been ap-l The has barred women wi ealled to by a convict in the peniten- ing hobble skirts from pontifical lary, asked hig release, and ceptions. Thy ampleted it turns over model eity { Royal told by the a representative ir easy task, Friends continually asking railway wher of Northern n real fsiatle 6,800,000 at tl v western an {i | ns § deal feet hack syndicate were site we for Lo none who jor -- There is no pick-me-up in the world so handy--so economical--or so quick--as an OXO cube dissolved in a cup of hot water. All the rich body building virtues of beef are concentrated into one little cube. OXQ cubes build up strength--fortify against illpecs-- give fitness to athletes--and should be in every kitchen in Canada. 4 Cubes-10c. 4 10 Cubes -25¢. NAVY PLUG for Sale Everywhere I RE nal osacco Co.Lmo os u ' la mn ts having dl to the examples Thibetan indy 20, 1912. ol art King bret lite to the canal, would lution for this ques ish hingston should re- the canal, wi he hen the ton could was the Were to Canadian ship the building his ONS het awn simply Wor to oa ex he ol Ave rm- de whrk received the re ant, memberd n in rat cay ol In- Al of has why ns of Mor nt ,- ar re- t {Soda [HE WORLD'S EPISODES dAVEN IN TER BRIEFEST POS EIBDLE FORM. Hatters That Interest Everybedy-- Notes From All Cver--Little of Everything Easily Read and Re membered. Ihe rool of at Outremont weight of snow. Mrs. John Bryant, vears, died in ( nesday. three thousand hall, Toronto, or Ireland. Brantford will eréet a, Y.M.C.A butlding to cost $120,000 with $12,000 ior furnishings. : Col. U'Graay, of the 90th Re Ninmipeg, will command this disley contingent, Era GG. Hollenbeck, Clayton, N.Y., died on Saturday. George DD. Weir, formerly villé, died in Seattle, h day, aged fifty umes Liage Hamilton, lead, aged ninety-one. In London, Hng., the anti-suffiraget- tex launched then campaign with a vi weeting in Albert hall, 2 Shirvrooke, Que, oal fawone, and people art taking the) smogles off their houses for fuel, Vancouver representatives gare 1 London and Paris looking for finan- ciers for a floating dock for Vancouver Utis Holloman, aged twenty-three, Norfolk, Va., shot and killed his child-wife, aged sixteen, and then kill ed himself, It has decided pcsited by insurance business wn the dominion, iy lish meome tax, Miss Ida Murphy, Michael Corcoran, were tl the CPR collapsed roundhouse under he iayton, N.Y., on Wal people in Massey condemned homme rule diment, Year = formerly in Romeo, of Brock Wash, on Sun 3 Cars. avis, most A resident tor of his life, of been that money te for. of Toledo, of Viewiair Puesday, by and K.. Sa Rey married on ther Hanley. At. Sydoey, sentenced Tony on May 2nd, for MeLarven. \s soon NR, Judgh Garrio to be the murder as the frost ground, a thousand men at work on the construction. The governors Washington, of be 18 out will Hudscn Bay the put railway of Minnesota, lowa, V Maryland, Pennsylvania, l'enmessee, Utah, Delaware and Rhode Island, favor Taft Sir Charles Tupper is to his bed, but his iliness does not prevent him from taking the keenest interest in current events I'he government will remit toms duties of twenty-five on unieavened hread during About $5,000 is involved. Aviator Harvey Crawford, Angeles, fell 200 feet, hut escaped with a few seratches when his aeroplane he came unmanageable when 1,200 feet up C'. Benjamin Brodie, of P'hiladelphia, has been appointed Canadian passen- ger. agent of the Pennsylvania Rail- road company, with offices in Toronto Frederick Torrington, son of Dr. F. H. : Torrington, resident of Sion: Plain, Alta., was run over and in stantly killed by a GIR. train on February 11th. Miss: Cynthia Pintler deposited in a Monticello, N.Y., bank, nearly $1,800 in old coins of small denominations, the savings of her brother during sev ently years, A portion of stationed at ing the night, among the their pay. ihe Crown daughter of the goverhor-general birth ing. The still confined the cus: per cesit, Mareh. the republiean troops Wu Chang revolted dur due to dissatisfaction soldiers at not receiving Princess Duke of of Sweden, of Connaught, Canada, gave Wednesday fo a son on morn government has established a nw customs port in Western Ontario The nsw port is at St. George, in the Paris survey and will be in charge of a sub-colleetor. Declaring that they were unable support their families becanse of the high cost of living, grave diggers ip the three principal cemeteries of Glas gow went on strike, The captain ol the ionian, reports that rowly escaped being hit by a large meteor" which fell in the ocean and caused waves to sweep over the Bert 1. Franklin, Los Angeles, chief detective for Clarence S. Darrow, chief counsel for the McNamara brothers, pleaded guilty to attempting to bribe jurors called in that case. The body of Mrs. Johanna Hauve ron, who lived alone in an apartment in Harlem, was found crammed into a bathtub. She had been murdered dur mz the night and her flat looted. A moving picture film, .1,000 long, was wound about the body of Victor Weiss, in New York, when ho was arrested by police, who charged gim with robbing a film company's plant. An extensive tour of Canada next summer is being arranged by the Duke and Duchess of Connaught. They will visit the maritime provinces this sum- mer and go as far as Prince Rupert in in the fall. H. Tessier, who was storeman for Gunn, Launglois & Montreal, where a ton of partridge was seized, wan? fined £1,200 and costs, that is, at the rate of $1 a bird. The partridges go to the hospitals and homes Miss Sarah Pfaefling, of Winsted, Conn., was stung hy a wasp, the first to make ijs appearance this year. Before Peter Yomson, an engineer asphyxiated himself' in a N or rooming house, he left a d for the landlady to pay for the gas. Cushendall News. Cushendall, Feb, 28 -A large num ber of farmers from this part attend od the sale of farm stock, sic, on Wednesday at W. Shannon's, Sunbury. Some of the voung people attended an assembly in Bacfiefield hall on the 19h. Mrs. J. Hyland's many friends | fo steamer Bos his vessel na: deck feet Co., the hospital, aperation for Cordon » where she underwent appendicitis. Mre, visiting in Sunbury. Weir. Jr., of Tweed, i= visiting his uncle's, J. Weir. Mrs. M. Fadden is in very poor health. Latorney, teacher, t the work-end iit the city. Serviees are heing held Hortnightly in St. Jawes' church on unday mornings. an Ww. Mr at A. Me Miss aged sixty-five | of | Mich, | of 1s | is suffering from a ne | | | de- | companiés to do Drysdale | hanged | of Lewis | of Los rte CARTERS LITTLE regret to har of her serious illness in! Catarrh Torture Cured Trial Package Mailed Free to Convince You. | i v cil i D i - i . | Head Feels Like Some Great Pressure Was Heariog You Down, Pain in Forehead. Nose and Throat Raw, Severe Headaches, Hawking, Spitting and Dad Breath, Thege ar of the mans symptoms t of the deadly work catarrs recomplishe- ing Yo being poisoned by the catarrh germ, which sooner or will cause the complete decay both tins and | i leadly or later of 16 'ear ures joss of thinking of the glands power of the throat, « earache deatliess, these ger usually resulis pepeia, catarrh of and other vital sumptio n and (Iuuss Mich, has 1 8 gestion omach causing ath Street, Mar- discovered bowels cons the Organs de A 8 fo finally n B C v shail remedy cures all forms direct to the seat rects the cause In order to co nee any fering from this df ul disease jarge sized trial package will be absolutely free, postage pald in & p wrapper A 1a required Is fill out the art ed 5 and it to-day When you on 1 your friends about wonderiu hiedicine, of trouble and «« " person su ¥ ar one ain to wn If FREE. To This coupon is good for one trial} | package of Causs' Combined Ca tarrh Cure, malled free in plain package. Simply £411 In your name and address on dotied lines below and mall to C. E. GAUSS, 2340 Main Street, Marshall, Michigan. b Street or R.F.D. No CRY....o0rs -------- ------------ SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELES, C AL, SAN DIEGO, MEXICO CITY, ME VANCOUVER, B.C. SEATTLE, PORTLAND, ORE, Corner Johnsdn and Ontarn onto, ther anding Hamilton For ful HANLIEY T el A st PAGE SEVEN. TRAVELLING. Low One Way Second Class Rates Pacific Coast Good Going March fst to April 15th | $47.05 C610 CAL. ICTORIA, B.C,, WAS And rates in proportion to all Pa- fic Coast Points. For [ull particulars apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent. Streets. IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian. Pacific Railway LOW COAST RATES aily March 1st to April 15th --$45.10-- Stop-Over Privileges Full particulars at K. & P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Outario Street. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. BAY Jats treet, or . OF QUINTE RAILWAY, leaves Unlon Station, Ontarle I m. dally (Sdnday excepted) Sydenham, Napanee, Deser- Banncckburn and all points To secure quick despatch to annoekburn, Maynooth, and points on entral Ontsric Route your shipment ia Bay of Quinte Rall For furs fen ulars, app 1H Ward, rt. Agent; J. HH. Welch, Pass ¢ 'hone Na. A . 8 Agel, orth, GoTo BERMUI A Fast Twin 2 v ! 1 er Jan ) 61¥ m te ¥ as bath rchestra Blige fats, ireless telegraphy NO. KLe Fastest, "newest passengers and at only the steamor dock in WEST INDIES ' Jae, esa Bar: apply 4g i KiKPATRIUK, "RSL Quebed adoes and Deme { Informat nnd t ie [RY ke teamship Lots in Bow Island, Transcona and Nokomis for sale. Full information will be furnished and orders taken by J.0. Hurrox, IS Market Street, Kington, Ontarie RRR RADWAY'S READY RELIEF BRONCHITIS 1 ena Lue ASK for CACWAY'S and TALI me TITUS CANADIAN PACIFIC EMPRESSES Length, 870 feet Breadth, 60 14 feet Tor nage, Wireless and § No 4.500 Stduals non Au RECORDS RETWPEN DA AND LIVERPNOY L 2 A OTHER STEAMSHIPS, From St, John, NB. to Liverpuol, Apri te Liverpool, y k 31 Jane From Quebee x Mritain Ireln May om Monire Mann Tickets y Amst GPA ar WAY Ont Seceeseecetiittenitee i MATTRESS RENOVATING | Save money by h old bair mattresses and made like new. Feathers cleaned and made JTGVIPIIIIIINIIIINIY Jnbidadbbdndiiniidibbidibnmie Pi : Make the Liver- Do'its Duty into mattresses. Nag aso is ten whey Gh How the ing your renovated 3 : i mattresses. KINGSTON MATTRESS CO, 556 PRINCESS STREET. > 3 > > > 4 > 3 S Manufacturers of high-grade stomach sad UIVER PILLS omtly bua tio te Blok Meadoch 4 a aren § Queen Alexandra will soon proceed on a spring voyage along the Mediter ronan coast. She will make calle at {Res Palermo and Malis before go ling 2 Athens, : : = Thooe 78. one Ey Lessssssassesa New Buckwheat Flour in bulk or packages. Pure Maple Syrup. Coast Sealed Oysters D..COUPER, 841-3 PRINCESS ST. Prompt Delivery. Kingston Business College (Limited) " Highest Education at Lowest Cost" Twenty-sixth begins August Bookkeeping graphy, Civh ish Our graduates powitions Within over sixty secured of the largest porations in Canada ima Call or write for tion. H. F. Metcalfe, Kingston Fall term thand, Service get the & short positions railway Enter with ent « y informa. Principal Canada BUILDERS ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AY LOW PRICES, ASBESTIC PLASTER SALE. ALSO COAL AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD S. Bennett 5 Co. Cor. Bagot and Barrack Sts. 'Phone 941, FOR Rh deh hh hh 8