Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Mar 1912, p. 9

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3 he ' 4 Daily British Xx - iy PAGES 9 TO 12, AW Breakfast Cocoa I 18 OF UNEQUALED QUALITY For delicious natural flavor, delicate aroma, absolute purity and food value, the most important requisites of a good cocoa, it is the standard Sold in %6 Ib, % Ib, % 1b, and 1 Ib. cans, net weight Trade Mark On Every Package BOOKLET OF CHOICE RECIPES SENT WALTER BAKER & CO. Limrep Established 1780 MONTREAL, DORCHESTER, MASS. : ERTL AR A -------------- KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, DR. ROUSH'S On the Southern Coast of Island Studded Sea- Epecial to the Whig. 'I'he Rail from Stockholm to the Bal- tic is most charming, Going aboard the Finnish boat, "Tornea," lying at anchor almost under the very win- dows of the royal palace, we were soon (hreading our Why among. de lightful oh, and tree-clad slopes towards the open sea. Now we were passing through a narrow' channel where the steep, rocky embankments, tide-swept and barren, arise on side to a height of several hundred feet. * Again we enter an island-dot- ted lagoon, landlocked and placid, disclosing many a pretty villa with surrounding gardens and lawns, --the summer houses of Stockholm's well- to-do population. Numerous landing stages occur along these shores from which a winding path leads up the sloping hill or along the water's edge to the several residences served "by this station. At every dock a mail box is provided where little steam ers. during the day leave the mail and where later each resident sorts over and seiects his letters from the. others. It 'was curious to each passenger ug he stepped avhorg each observe Kingston Business College (Limited) " Nighest Education at Lowest Cost." Twenty-sixth ns August Bookkeéping, frephy, civil ish. Our graduates get the positions. Within a short over sixiLy secured positions with one of the largest railway cor- porations in Canada, Enter any time. Call or write for informa. H. F. Metcalfe, Principal. Kingston, Canada. ear. Fall term 80th. Courses Bhorthand, Service time at the close of the business day to mechanically turn to the mail box, lift the lid and go through the let ters and ascertain what the day's delivery had brought for him. 41 times his face would brighten as hg recognized a familiar hand and agaif in the absence of letters altogether a shade of disappointment would flig across his countenance as he turned into the winding path that led to Lome. Often the father or son would be greeted by other members of the family at the little landing stage and COOK'S FRIEND "The Baking Powder With a Pedigree" safeguards your food against alu. For over fifty years Cook's Friend has be friended thousands of competent cooks. All Groxen Self THE CLUB HOTEL WHLLINGTON STREET, (Near Princess). 1 There are other hotels, but AER oach he Club for surroundings, puts in centre of city and el to principal stores. and theatre, Charges are moderate. Special rates by the week. P. M, THOMPSON, Proprietor. Baby's Rash Became a of Humor Parents Decided He Could Not Be Cured, *Cuticura" Sooi Made His Skin Perfectly Clear, Toronto man, Mr. Robert Mann, of 758% Queen Bh says: "Our boy was bora In to months old i: oEEE H sii i #2 g i 5 oat g E £ i f this too furnished speculation and en- tertainment for the foreigner seeking new diversions from his comfortable seat on deck. A well-groomed man in middle life wkth his roll of papers and documents is met by a stylish dressed woman of half his age. The meeting is unmistakably-a cordial one and the happiness expressed even in their backs as they turn and pro. ceed arm in arm up the shady path and disappear over the hill is plainly evidenced. 'Wife. or daughter 7" is the question to be answered, but be fsa we have fully decided another turn discloses a vista of open sea and we realize that awe have left the bay and have reached the Baltic. At ines this course across the Baltic, for we are on our way to Finland, becomes exceedingly rough and for a few hours those subject to mal-de mer have a most unhappy experience. But tosnight--for the twilight has be gun to deepeu into darkness--the wa ters lay like molten lead with scarce. ly. a pple to disturb them. Wizards of the Sea. But Finnish sajlors are proverbial wizards of the sta. This reputation has militated, strange as it may seem, to his material disadvantage for the Finnish sailor is regarded by sailors of other nationalities as too spooky and uncanny to become a desirable member of their crews. Instances are on record where the whole crew mu- tinied rather than go to sea with a Finn among them. Superstition plays a prominent part in the life of every sailor and "Jack Tar" is fully con vinced of the supernatural powers pos- sessed by every sailor Finn. 'No Sah," says the old colored cook in "Two Years Before the Mast," 'I've seen too much o' dem men to want to sce 'em board a ship. If dey can't have der own way dey'll play de deb- ble wid you." That Finnish sailors can 'do stunts' on the sea is unquestioned, though this is, of course, due rather to their consummate seamanship than to the possession of powers occult and mys- terious. Practically all of Finland lies in the angle Jormed by the Gulf of Bothnia striking off from the Baltic sea to the north and the Gulf of Finland arising from the same source and bearing al- most directly to the east. It will, therefore, be seen that ndarly all of Finland lies beyond the sixtieth de gree, north latitude--a region. corre sponding (o the latitude of Hudson Bay in North Americy and the pro- vinee of Kamchatka in | heen Asia. And vet notwithstanding this almost Arctic loeation--indeed mylh of Fine land actually lies within the Arctic tpalled about noon, is open to navige tion throughout the entire year. Gulf stfeam is given as thé cause of this condition though it seems to me the oul formed by the Baltic sea: i ivided head the Guifs of Bo- Finland would not afford a Of all my Scandinavian culinary sur prises the greatest of all of them was vouchsafed to me aboard the Finnish boat, the Tornea. Having gone aboard] after supper, the next ing's it was naturally our first meal on the ship. Now each nation pre Serves certain in reference 1ships, characteristic of their He Writes to the Whig About Mis Tour in Finland and Elsewhere. Proverbial Wizards of the Sea. I ers--still with all these precautions it} circle--~the port of Hango, at which we | home customs and peculiaritios to dining hoard their] STOMACH MISERY ENDED, - & : $ RACY LETTERS Budigeation: ar tuny uy | Sournass go in Five Minutes. Why not gét some now--this mo- ment, and forever rid ourself " of stomach trouble and indigestion ? A | dieted stomach gets ' the blues and { grumbles. Give it a good eat, then f take "Pape's 'Diapepsin to start the di- gestive juices working. There will be | no dyspepsia or belching of gas or eructations of undigested food; no feeling like a lump lead in the sto- mach or heartburn, siek headache and | dizziness, and your food will not; fer- ment and poison your breath with nauseous odors. Pape's Diapepsin costs only 50 cents for a large case at any drug' store here, and will relieve the most ob- {stinate case of indigestion and upset | stomach in five minutes, There is nothing else better to take rangements of Fipnish ships still re {gas from stomach and cleanse the mained to be discovered. When | enter- | stomach and intestines, and, besides, ed the Tornea's dining-room, there |oné single dose will digest and pre fore, on that September morning as we | Pare for assimilation into. the blood threaded our course among the thou- | all your food the same as a sound, sands of islands fringing the south| healthy stomach would do it. When I awoke early the following | When Diapepsin Works, your sto morning the "Tornea" lay gently rig- | mach rests--gets itself in order, Cleans ing at anchor, while the soft lapping | "P--and then you hl! like eating when sound of wavelets against the sides off YOR ae to ! e table, and what you the vessel indicated that we were still | "4 wii do you geod. Absolute relief from all stomach in the open sea, 1 looked out through | misery is waiting for vou 8 the port and discovered that we were! vou J : : . 304 as 300n hs 8 le? . { you decide to take a little Diapepsin. encompassed in a dénce mass of fog. {Tell your druggist th ; , 3 pil ggis at you want We had crossed the Baltic, but on ac-| Pape's Diapepsin, because you want to count of the fog were unable now to | become thoroughly cured this time, pick our way among the numerous is- Remember, if your stomach feels out lands fringing the southern coast of {of order and uncomfortable Finland through which our course now | you can surely get lay to Helsingfors. | utes. Finland---A Boldly Beautiful --Finnish Sailors Are | now, relief in five min- An Island Studded § t tudded Sea. "18 to be our breakfast." 1 had not! studded sen as boldly beautiful as the |sengers began crowding about the cen- islands, varying in size from a wave road restaurants, each diner took | visit | grew in considerable numbers. But vals for a fresh supply, follow | lar rock surfaces they offer no means the moment. I returned to my table | and sardines, a hard boil of these islands, however, as well as my breakfast testes | reconnitered a-! land that furnished: the material for, These islands are so numerous that | meat balls, butter and cheese. Again the shore of Finland only to find that | Ship did not appeal very powerfully Navigating these waters |Piece of broiled steak is 8 mysel signs and directions on the sombre | P¢ provided with something more at- requires c i 2 tille : i juires careful attention to the tile surprise a dozen rosy-cheeled: imma- curious condition that must also be the question as to what 1 would like ly rising. This "land wave" is con! "Ver breakfast?" 1 stammered as into peninsulas by forming necks no," she said d6mplacently, "that was 4 about to explore new fields and rolls, chops, potatoes, fruit and seve- about. In the middle of the room [Petite with. all that Smorgasbord, mained before me for evident reasons, DRINK CURE A MIRACLE. Many drunkards mare sent to jail! The day passed pleasantly enough merves, until the craving must be sa- and as we drove through the desert- : I was at last in that With . : . , | ' > ih she coming of the dawn, how- long to wait for a confirmation of | ever, the fog lifted and we entered the | this soli-evident conclusion Tor &n a) most fastidious marine artist could] tral table, and with plate, knife | desire. I was perfectly amazed at the and fork in hand, commenced to Kelp | polished rock scarcely protruding (his plate to a side table and there | above the surface of the water to areas {devoured its contents, to again frequent sinter: | There was these islands for the most part are un- [nothing for me to do fit for habitation. jsuit, and getting in line, I was soon ot of support to mankind and aside from | with a small piece of smoked salmon, | their esthetic interest are of no value | & modicum of pickled herring, some n ed egg, and a liftle caviare and sau- that * found on the Finnish mainland, {5age. These I broused over but not | is of a superior quality and it was an gain, this time fetching with me some | the beautiful columns that syrround!smoked cel, several varieties of salads | the sarcophagus of Napoleon in Paris. | and they give to the traveler the impres- | 1 attempted to make a hreakfast but sion of a series of land-locked bays. {Only indifferently succeeded. Such a beyond ave a number of additional | '¢ My appetite and 1 longed for a channels each forming another series|%00d cup of tea or coffee and a nice : : ) ORS a particular task and while the 2nd rolls. ut. 1 consoled channel is marked by humerous day- | that the day would see the conclu | : . ol : saad ! » for lunch and dinner rock, upright poles and pri ve tow- | tractive : : skiad + UpnNg I primitive tow- | It was while thus philosophizing Su ibeaugh unsentched, and at culately uniformed Finnish waitresses nyrat an e absence of hghthouses the [4 ro0ped into the room and distributed taken into condition by the :«ilor info breakfast asked in faultless Fng- these waters is the fact that the north [lich came like a thunder-bolt from a stantly lessening the depth of old the waitress concealed an indulgent channels, bringing new rocks to the smile. "Why, haven't we just had reaching to the mainland, - just Smorhasbord--a little appetizer." coast of Finland, 1 was conscious of ('We have beef steak" she ran on unfamiliar ways. The saloon was de (ral kinds of breakfast food." T was serted and | dropped into 'a chair {Simply astounded and while T knew stood a long well-laden table and [Still just to "'get even" I ordered a recognized at once my Smofbasbord generous breakfast and found it to practically untouched. when what they need is medicine. though the delay on account of the Drink has underminded their constitu- arly morning fog brought us into , # it is mot removed by a od streets of Finland's capital I scientific preparation like Samaria. eraving, restores the shaking nerves! far away land associated in my school builds up the health and appetite and boy days with snow-covered plains, renders Finish archipelago, a stretch of island- | few moments a number of native pds- number and variety of these Finnish | themselves. As in the Norway rail | of several acres on which firs and pines |the central table at i but to Generally consisting only of irregu- | busty engaged with the demands i som to the Finnish people . The granite | anchovies seeming to answer the requirements of | island further out' of the Gulf of Fin- jeckies, besides some custard, | One approaches what is apparently (combination for breakfast on board a | : of islands. with butter light guides--such as white painted | F100 of my trip and surely we would that to my great consternation . and island pasage is seldom attempted, A! themselves among the tables. To me coast of the Gulf of Finland is steadi- | cloudless sky. surface and even convertin islands | breakfast ?"' 1 managed to ask. "Oh g ¥ # fechng of expectancy as one who|"eggs in any style, coffee, tea, and at one of the side tables and looked that I had effectually spoiled my ap- of Norway. "And this," thought I,'be of the 'very best, though it re- No, Just Sound Science. | Arrival at Helsingfors. i i i | ings vell h idnigh tions, inflamed their stomach and] Helsingsiors well nigh unto midnight {realized with a feeling of strange uni- Samaria Prescription stops the (Ueness that dnink distasteful, even naus- T®itdeer, frozen lakes, Finlander » toless, ledges and the cold grey glint of ou nt vie B and taateless,| v.00 1 skies, Even now wrapped in or food. Jt can be given with or | the inhospitable mist of midnight without the patient's knowledge. - -|These progonssived deus wire begin: Read what it did for Mrs. G., of "inZ to vanish, to be completely dis- Vancouver ' pelled by the _ genial glow of the "I was so anxious to get my hus. |TOTTOWS sunshine. SIGHL ROGSH band cured that | went up to Harri- TALE TIA Baie 1 pea and, Sof, Fouc remedy /hat a Black Eye without his knowledge. I 1 ns What -" 'k Eye Is. thahk you Jar ail the peace and h Tilts in court between lawyers and p a ot whe Mready into my iwitpesses are not uncommon, and it is to what aa "pend in drink: not always the disciples of Blackstone was putting {who come out on top. 4 In a y of lawyers in "the conrt- in . The curse of drin Eat Fey en Ra DEIgnT May the Lord with house the other day this story -was ou and help you in curing e evil told, which illustrates the point : don't want my name published" A ing lawyer was examining a _ Now, if you knall of any unfortun- doctor in an assault case. The solici- needing Samaria Trea tor represented the defence, and the or his doctor fentifid, that be'treated the prosecutor for " black eye. "What do you mean by a 'black eye'? " queried the legal gentleman. "I mean, 2said the doctor, without a smile, "that the prosecutor had receiv- ed a severe contusion over the lower portion of the frontal bone, producing Jextensive echymosis around the eve, to- {gether with considerable infiltration of | the subjacent areolar tissue' The medical witness was relieved from further cross-examination. * -- rr -- mins. ackage of Samaria booklet, giviog full! testimonials, price, ote., {resulted in quite a heavy loss to its 'at the Orpheum theatre in Omaha. ES -- SECOND SECTION, DOINGS IN STAGELAND INOTES ABOUT PLAYS, PLAYERS, AND PLAYHOUSES, --_--T Anecdotes About Great Players-- Many Stories of Dickens Have Been Dramatized. A woman's scream rang out from the balcony of a Cincinnati theatre during one of the performances of "Alias Jimmy Valentine," and when several ushers went to her assistance jit was discovered she had gone into {hysterics because the child had been {locked in the safe. The woman was removed to the hospital. A scenes shifter fell twenty feet dur- ing the production of a grand opera in St. Paul, carrying with him a set jof calcium lights: that for the moment | threatened to set fire to the stage set- jting. Minnie Stevens was upon the stage at the time singing a solo. The audience became panic-stricken, but the prima donna continued her song and restored confidence. Alexander Pope, the famous artist, has just finished and placed on exhi- bition a wonderful portrait of Mrs. B. P. Cheney, who was professionally known as Julia Arthur, the former Canadian star. Hundreds have gone to Mr. Pope's studio at 120 Tremont street, Bosjon, to view the picture. The Boston grand opera season has promoters, especially Eben Jordan, of the firm of Jordan, Marsh & Co., who has announced his willingness to don- ate the opera house rent free, if fund of $50,000 is subscr:bed for maintain the season next year. Margaret Anglin is to make a tour through the south-west and north- west, which will keep her busy up to next May. In the fall she will come back to New York in a new play by Mr. Sheldon called "Egypt," which will entail a big production. Several attempts were made to in- terview R. B. Mantell in Los Angeles regarding his recent marriage, but out. side of the remark that a man mar ries as often as he feels he has a right to, Mr, Mantell maintained a discreet a 0 Blanche Walsh is offering 'The Thunder Gods," with the assistance of John E. Ince and William M. Travers, An extra matinee of "Pinafore" had to be given at the Hyperion theatre, New Haven, last week, owing to the extraordinary business. Julian Eltinge is to play a return engagement in Philadelphia, commenc- ing Easter Monday. He will be locat- ed at the Forrest theatre. ---- Dickens' Dramatizations. The centenary of Charles Dickens, celebrated last month is of particular interest to playgoers' by reason - of the many plays that have been seen on Ar that owe their existence to the wonderful brain of the greatest literary prose artist England produe- ed in the last century. A list of Charles Dickens' novels dramatized, the date of their first production, and the theatre where produced; is here- with given : "Barnaby Rudge," English Opera House, London, January 28th, 1841, "Nicholas Nickleby," Adelphi thea- tre, London, 1838. "Pickwick Papers," Lyceum theatre, London, October 23rd, 1871. "Martin Chuzzlewit,"" Lyceum thea- tre, London, 1814, "A Tale of Two Cities,"" Lyceum theatre, London, January 30th, 1560. "David Copperfield," Strand thea- tre, London, October, 1850. "Dombey and Son," produced first in America, by Jobn Brougham, 1850. 'Hard Times," under the title of "Under the Earth," Astley's theatre, London, April 22nd, 1867. "Christmas Carol," Adelphi theatre, London, February 5th, 1844. "The Mystery of Edwin Drood," Surry theatre, London, November 4th, 1871. "Oliver Twist," Adelphi London, March, 1839. "The Old Curiosity Shop," Adelphi theatre, London, November 9th, 1840. "Bleak House,"" Prince of Wales' theatre, Liverpool, November Sth, 1875. Two of Dickens' novels, which have never been dramatized are 'Our Mu- tual Friend," and "Little Dorrett." One hundred and fifty-four plays, all of which were adapted from, or sug- gested by Charles Dickens' novels, have also been given to the stage. : Irm-- Anecdotes of Great Actors. When John McCullough was acting in London he hurried out'of his thea- tre one night to see Irving's "death scene," as Othello. McCullough said nothing until the curtain fell at the end of the play, then he rose slowly in his seat: "Good God !""" he . ex- claimed, "if they can stand that they me. Im going to play d he did the next week, applauded him to the theatre, echo, An amusing styry is told of "Fdmund Kean, who, one pught, played Othelln with more than Ysual intensity: An admirer, who mel him on the sireet next day, was loud in his congralula- tions. "I really thought you would choke Iago, Mr. Kean; you 80 tremendously in earnest." "In earn- est 77 said the tr ian. "1 should think so. Hang the fellow ! He was trying to keep me out of the focus. William Warren, the . famous come- dian, was renowned for his ness of wit. He characterized Joseph Jei- ferson's version of "The Rivals" 'as "Sheridan Twenty Miles Away." G WwW. Wi yas with Edwin Booth at the Boston mu- soum, Wilson, in one scene, asked the star where he should stand. "Where do wou usually stand 7" asked Booth. "Mr. Barrett had me over there," an Wilson, "Yes," mused Bar Fate seems to have p alone, and while 1 have dined ships of many nations the culinary oi Me- man 40 he punching he | QUEEN OF ACTR I -------- ESSES 1 PRAISES PE-RU-NA, "J Am Write My NY remedy that benefits digestion | strengthens the nerves, The nerve centers require nutrition. | cine, I got bad again. If the digestion is impaired, the nerve| "I took the medicine for two eenters become anemic, and indigestion | then I goteick again and is the result. hopes of getting cured, fro ete rset teetsssteress.as! Glgaw a testimonial of a man whose Peruna Is not a nervine nor al! case was similar to mine being cured by ' stimulant, It benefits the nerves " | Peruna, so I thought I would give it » benefiting digestion. | trial, Peruna frees the stomach of catarrhal | "1 procured a bottle at once and come eongestions and normal digestion is menced taking it. Ihave taken several yomilt. | bottles and am entirely cared, In other words, Peruna goes to the |} bottom of the whole difficulty, when She disagreeable symptoms disappear. Mrs. J.C. Jamison, 61 Marchant street, Watsonvilie, Cal., writes: AI tia le "X was troubled with my stomach for | Nervines, such as coal tar prepara six years. I tried many Kinde of medi- Hons, Are doing & great deal of harm, eine, also was trosted by thres doctors, | JWeP medicines and headache powders "They said that I had nervous dys- | age all miikrechesrt, deprussante, and ] gnerves wo pepsia. Iwas puton a lviuid dies for | be all right, if the diges es ton were gods three months, { Peruna corrects the digestion. "Improved under the treatment, buf a8 soon as I stopped taking the medi years, gave up all the | | | "I have gained In strength and | 4 feel like a different person. 1 bee tlieve Peruna is all that is claimed |tfor it."' 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