DOCTORS WD HEH UP ALL HOP Frult-a-tves" saved my Lif Rivikng A Prenee, Q., May 9, 1010, "I look upon my recovery as nothing short of a miracle. I was for eleven ears, constantly suffering from Chronic Rotors and Indigestion. 1 was treated by several doctors and they simply did me no good. During the latter part of my ines, I ag £6 thin that I weighed only go pounds, 1 vomited everything I ate. The doctors gave me np to die as the stomach trouble produced heart weak- ness and I was frequently unconscious, 1 received the Last Rites Of The Church, At this time, a lady strongly urged me to try 'Fruit.atives'. When [ had taken one box, I was much better and after three boxes, 1 was practically well again, and had gained 20 pounds, 1 have taken 13 boxes in all and now . weigh 150 pounds and am well." Madame ARTHUR TOURANGEAU. "Pruit-a-tives" is the only medicine in the world made of intensified fruit juices and always cures Indigestion. soc. a boy, 6 for $2.50, or trial size, 25¢. At all dealers, or from Fruit. tives Limited, Ottawa. New Buckwheat Flour in bulk or packages. Pure Maple Syrup. Coast Sealed Oysters. D. COUPER, E "Phone 76. 841-3 PRINCESS BT. Prompt Delivery. "The World Knows the best preventive and cor- rective of disorders of the digestive organs is the gentle, harmless, vegetable, always effective family remedy BEECHAM'S PILLS Bold everywhere, In boxes, 284. wave seneld COAL! The kind you are looking for fs the kind we sell. SCRANTON COAL is good Coal and we guarantes prompt delivery, BOOTH & CO. FOOT WEST STREET. MOTHER OF LARGE FAMILY Tells How She Keeps Her Health -- Happiness For =' I want to ies "ar a Sans On Saturday, Feb. 24th, the officers of St. George's and Sydesham Scouts met in a friendly game of hockey at the Rockwood rink. St. George's won by 12 to 6. The lineup was as fol- ows: Bt. George's--goal, K. Taylor; point, V. Kane; cover, E. Ryan; centre, W. Angrove; wing, H. Folger, V. Minnes. Bydenham--goal, G. Roney; point, W, Shaw; cover, W. Chown; centre, C Bell; wings, W. Stewart, G. Jordon. Regular Meeting of Third Troop. The Sydenham street Scouts had an excellent attendance at their regular meeting last Tuesday. Dr. Bell, V.8,, addressed the boys on the Farriers badge, ie, first aid to animals. He started with the anatomy of the horse, which was made clear and simple by the use oi excellent folding charts. . He also explained about feeding a horse, the correct way to give it medicine; wounds, ete. New members are still coming in, but a lot more boys over twelve would be welcome. Notice. You people who have a room or outbuilding lying idle, why not do a good turn and rent it, cheaply, to the scouts as a clubroom. © In Kingston, the Scout work is hampered greatly by the fact that they have no meeting place that they can really 'call their own. The Kingston Patrol Ledders' Association is now making an effort to obtain a club room for the use of Seouts. Will you let us know il you have quarters lying idle that we may rent? For particulars, please write Secretary K.I.L.A., 192 University av- enue, city. Saturday's Trip. Last Saturday, contrary to our usae- al custom, our trip was not all on foot. We worked in a good turn by taking a horse out to Odessa for two men who were snowed up in that place. We left the city about two o'clock in the afternoon. On the York Road, before arriving at Cataraqui, we experienced a sensation skin to sea sickness. Here the road was full of piteh holes, and the sudden stop of the cutter at the bottom was even more exciting than the rapid slide down. At one particularly bad spot we were obliged to turn out, and here the horse disappeared to the shafts in the snow. We soon got him quieted and led him back into the road. From Cataraqui on, the road was smooth and not ex- citing. At one place we saw five horn ed larks. This is the earliest we have ever seem them. Having arrived at (dessa we asked the proprietor of the hotel where the men for whom we were looking were. He told us to put our horse in the shed and wait. We said we wished to get off, that we intended to snowshoe to town, and he snatched off the toque of one of our number and tapped his head. He also inquired we were crazy. We persuaded him that we were not and he found our men. We left Odessa about 4.30 o'clock and went on snowshoes for about a mile. We then got a ride on a far mer's sleigh for about saother mile. This man was very talkative, and we inquired of him about the country, We wished to get to a peat bog and when we asked him if he Prat where it was, he said he did not know him, where did he live? We told him it was at the back of a certain farm. He then said he knew the country around there well, but he did not know anyone by that name, and asked for more par- ticulars, We then éxplaioed that it was a swamp and not a man we were looking for. After leaving this man we struck across country to Collins Bay. The snowshoeing was poor and at times we had to drag over five pounds of wet snow on each shoe. Just as dark was falling and as it began to snow, we entered the large swamp. We kept to a fence and thus saved our selves frequent recourse to the com- pass. Here we scared up a number of partridges and saw some rabbit tracks The moon tried to come out, but its rays were feeble. Near Collins Bay, in a wood back of the mill, we lit a fire and made a hearty meal of juicy beaf- steak, toast, bread and butter, etc. We also had &« much-appreciated rest and were quite freshened up again, when we left there at a quarter of eight.. When we got to the road we removed our snowshoes. We paid a visit to 8 friend in Collins Bay, where we learned of the sad accident that had occurred: haid and as we It was now snowi went along a thick fog settled down. Every in the country was quiet. We pa slong the road from Collins Bay to Kingston without meeting any- one. About nine o'clock, fearing that our parents might be uneasy, we tele and | phoned from a very hospitable farmer's Sanative Wash have done me. Iliveons veworked ! iF 8 i ; house to the city. We arrived home at about 10.30 o' , after a trip that we shall not forget in a hurry, Cover- ing over sixteen miles in such weather is quite an experience. Kingston Scout at Windsor. {Continued from last week. During ren long wait several ni dents occurred. 'Two Seach pipers paraded up and down the lines play- ing nati divs, and were heartily applauded. About two-thirty a roar was heard at the far end of the lines, a few misites, and then two Alberta [scouts were ordered to fall out and 52d FELIS Ei 3 Fxg ig F f E i 1 4 at iy LH 8 it | ride around the lines, snd each bik gade, as he drew bear, stiffened to the "alert" and gave the roval sal ute. The king and B, P'. rode side by side--one in a field marshalls un- dress auilorm, the other khaki-clad from Bead to foot. As they came to the Canadian lines B. P. leaned over in his saddle and said "These are the Canadians." Several camera fiends snapped the two in this posi tion. After the king, in a carriage, came ueen Mary, Princess Christian (of Denmark), Princess Mary and the Prince of Wales, iu his midshipman's uniform. Then came little Prince John and his nurse in a wagonette. There were also present ju the parade four Judian nurses, Field Marshal Lord Roberts and Field Marshal Lord Kitchener. The king's escort con- sisted of two companies of Cold- streams. All soldiers there were in undress uniform, to emphasize the non-military character ol the Scout movement. At length the ride a- round the lines was finished, and then we beard the faint blast of a far-off whistle. Immediately the whole army broke isto a run, each scout sounding hig patrol call at the top of his voice. 'Babel seamed to be let loose. {Concluded next week.) R.S.R. Scouts, Alert! During Lent the 2nd (St. George's) troop will meet on Monday at 7.30 g.m. instead ol Wednesday. Full turn- outs are requested, as Scoutmaster Hird is returning shortly and will again take over the troop work. Re member, bring vour staves and fags, and wear your uniform. R. Billings, of Smiths Falls, is leav- ing shortly for Moose Jaw, Sask. Raised Me From the Grave" un. Tuer This is a strong statement to make, but it is exactly what Mrs, Thomas Taylor, of Blum, Texas, this remedy. "Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine raised me from the grave and Ihave much confidence in it. I can never say enough for your grand medicines. If anyone had offered me $100.00 for the seeond bottle of Nervine thas I used I would have said 'no indeed."" MRS. THOMAS TAYLOR, n Blum, Tex. mon occurence of modern life. time since the world began. good as : » Dr. Miles' Nervine tone up your nervous system. to benefit, your money is returned, THAT TOBACCO With the "Rooster" om it Is crowing louder as he goes along. Only 45¢ per pound. For chewing and smoking. Dr. Martel's Female Pills pluton Yous the Suaniand scientifically prepared worth. The result from their use Is quick apd wermancat. For sale at oll drug stores. ROVAL ICE CREAM PARLOR Best place Tor all kinds of quick lunches and hot drinks, Chocolates and candy all kinds kept in stock. PAPPAS & CO, Bi Frincess sreel. Electric Restorer for Men Phos, og rp a fed Ay FE Fk pe DRY PINE for KINDLING WOOD DRURY'S Coal and Woui Yard "Dr. Miles' Nervine said in expressing her opinion of Nervous exhaustion is 8 come The wear and tear on the nervous system') is greater now than at any For sleeplessness, poor appetite and thar "run down" feeling, nothing is so Your nerves are your life and lack of vital energy makes existence a misery. Dr. Miles' Nervine will Ask any druggist. If the first bottiefalls MILES MEDICAL CO. Toronto, Con Tr BL FAB EC Dre or by . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1912 ¢ (ASTHMA + THE WRATH OF JESUS By REV. DR. J. H. JOWETT. We have Jesus as the Good Shep. herd, Jesus zs the tender Physivian, Jesus as the Light of the World, Jesus as the Friend of Little Child. ren; we have Jesus in Gethsemane, and Jesus on the cross; but have we Jesus ss he appeared when He looked like John the Baptist, when He spake and moved like Jeremiah, and when His face wae filled with the anger and menace of the prophet Elijah ? Have we erased the severities of Jesus and have we reduced Him to a sweet and effeminate friend who can make Jpeople afraid ? After all, the Jesus of the Serip- tures could be terribly severe. 1 have not to searck far to find His like ness to Elijah and Jobs. How aus tere He seems when he is proclaim- ing the responsibility of life | To bear Him js like being in some assize court when the judge is summing up the solemn issues of life and death. There is no distracting rhetoric. There is no play of fancy. It &s altogether plain and austere, How stern it all seems !| You must die if you would live! 'You must bury sell and you must dig your own grave ! You musi always be ready to sacrifice a part in order to save the whole! "li thy hand cause thee to stumble cut it offi 1" Far better a bleeding, violent pang which will save than a creeping paralysis that will kill! 1 do net wonuer that when He spake in this wise His heurers thought of John. these stern details of moral surgery cool not de other than recall the man who advocated the axe and the tan and the flame. You must be ily, proceeds our severe Teacher, ready to forfeit lower attachments if they stand in the way of the higher. "}* apy man come to Me, and bate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and ters, vea, even his own, life also, he cannot be My disciple.' No attach- ment must for a moment be per mitted to impair our fellowship with Him. ls that austere enough ? let us watch our Lord as He comes face to face with the leading practitioners of professional religion. 1s He "gentle Jesus, meek and mild," or Las He the tone and mien of Elijah and John? "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, ye shall re- ceive the greater damnation." "Ye fools and blind !" "Ye blind guides!" "Ye whited sepulchres !" "Ye are of vour father the devil !"' "Ye are full of hypoerisy and iniquity !" 1 do not wonder that when men listened to words like these they thought that Elijah had come again from the hills. I do not wonder that others believed that John was back agsim from the dead ! Jt was John's manner, John's style, John's terror, almost John's very speech ! '0 generation of vip- ers," John had said to a similar audience, and now the onslaught is revived by other lips at a later day. *"Ye are of your father the devil." Jut go one step further. "Cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness." "I never knew you." "De part from me, ve curped, unto ever- lasting fire." We may dilute these words as we please. We may spirit ualize them as we will. Their terrom remains, even. though we may have ousted it from the circle of our thought. 1 do not eall for the rejec tion of a single tender element which has gathered to our conception of the Lord since the days of our childhood. It is not rejection that we need, but addition--not rejection, but enlarge ment. Keep your picture of the Good Shepherd, but add to it 'that of the lion of the tribe of Judah. Keep yom picture of Christ and the little ones, but add to it that of Christ with the whip of small cords. 1 do not ask you to surrender the 14th chapter ol) John: | ask you to add to it the 23rd chapter of Matthew. Keep yom 15th chapter of Luke, with its heart ening evangel of the home-welcome of a prodigal son; but by its side place the 25th chapter of Matthew with its lurid lineaments of a most certain and appalling judgment. Si8- Ignoring the Common People. Montreal Witness There does not seem to be much new about Mr. Borden's tariff commission. The practice has always been to give the interests a private hearing and then shape the tariff to suit them 'as far as the country would stand it. It is not by prayers that elections are gained. People do not subscribe big sums for the country's health. This commission is, as Mr. Ames explained, to regularize and put the seal of law and patipnal approval on this United States principle of action. Mr. Can- non, who was the real power during the last congress, and who worked the president and Mr. Payne and Mr. Ald: rich and all the rest, formulated it thus : When all the interests have ex- ercised their influence, the resultant action will negessarily be the best for the country. He simply ignored the inarticulate interests, those of the common people, who do not under. stand tarifis and have po voice for what concerns them. The Aberdeens. Lady Aberdeen is never happier than when ) icing pleasure to young people, and, no doubt, remembering her own romunte story, she takes a peculiar interest in the love affairs of her friends' children. Lord Aberdeen found his bride as a result of ires- passing in pursuit of game. He was discovered, gun in hand, by a game Keaper, who, dissatisfied with his ex- wpi0ok 1m i 3 as gt guest under the spell of s brilliant daughter, isabel, within a month, is far livelier in mat- 0 the the entertainment of the PAGE ELEVEN. Er offer most of the best for the least money. A Special Process of Pre paration guaranteas Eddy's Toilet Papers free from injur ious chemicals of any kind. *"If you're sure it's Eddy's, you're ry it's right." EITABLISHED 1870 A simple. safe and effective treatment for bron- chisl roubles, without dositie the stomach with ang. (feed with snocess for thirty year. ad ly antiseptic, he a ros, a, shape The Coueh, seuring sote thro © sewtiul hte, in izvalual: to mothers with oun. children acd 2 bowl to sufierers fyom Asthma s Send us portal for descriptive booklet. ALL DRUGGISTS Try Cresslene Asti septic Throat Taliets Prey simple. pe y re ive and sotiseptic. Dale's Cakes, Sultana Fruit - Cakes-~20¢. Per Pound. Sultana with Nuts--25c¢. per 1b. Genoa Cakes-30c. per 1b. A. J. REES, 166 PRINCESS ST. Phone 58 Your orders will be filled satis tactorily if you deal there at P. WALSH'S, B5-57 Barrack Street. A-- One Cube! One Cup! _.~ One Minute! Think how handy OXO Cubes are! Ready in a minute for hot Beef Tea. Ready in a minute for gravies, soups, stews, gud aspic jellies, : Ready in a minute for Invalid dishes. No messy, old-fashioned corks--no need to measure just the right size--and always uniform iu strength and goodness. CUBES JERSEY CREAM FANCY A Small dainty soda RUD AUER YE Yt SODAS Here is a New Kind of COFFE IESE And We Give You A Pot To Make It In--Free (Samm To get to the heart of the coffee question, you must do as we did-- get to the heart of the coffee berry. The coffee berry is protected by Nature from the insect world, by a tough inner shell or coat. This shell contains tannin and other bitter substances. It is this shell, roasted and ground up with ordinary coffee, that causes indigestion, headaches and other ill-effects so common with coffee drinkers, Yet there is no other beverage in the world so thoroughly wholesome healthful and delicious as good Coffee when properly made. Never Bulk Fever sold in Belk i Y I i jalions Ire rip 116 a . » is this good, wholesome, delicious coffee. It contains no chicory and by our special process of grinding, eve;y particle of the bitter tannin bearing shell is removed. We take out alithe i . We leave the wmeat--the heart --the flavor--the aromatic essences that mean 80 mach to coffee-lovers. © The Percolator, or French Drip Process, is the only way to make really good coffee. We have secured sole rights at last for a practical, economical, refiable French Drig Coffee Pot. We will give it to you free so that you can try Daiton's French Drip Coffee as it should be made. Read our r. We have put up Dalton's French Drip Coffee in two Beads Solin 3c. and $0c. tins. I. chance, your grocer is ansble te fill aud Sc. tan. N. by any cham Se Sr Eroca if mate ls Alt ~MILD and STRONG. Yeu can't -tell' which one you will like best until you try both. Dalton s French Drip Coffee is betier and costs less than any other if made in Dalton's French Drip Coffee Pot. That is why we make this Spach offer. SPECIAL the 2 tins of per fin. - "1 "If Your Grocer Will Net Supply You, Enciose $1.00 and We Will Send Carriage Collect -