-- We ean help you In Parlor, Bed- or any part of y oi, our home. . all new designs, $2.50 up to 'esses, Springs, ete, to $35.00. Rigs, Curtains, Linoleum. Carpets that will prise. aad 1. F "Phone 90. to fit, be' a pleasing HARRISON COMPANY : Woel's R The Great Tones aud invigorates um, Blood in of ving. ty, Mental and Brain Worry, i lL Weakness, Env 2 fod Effects of Abuse or Lrcesses, me will w six in Ont Toronto, Engl oN Remed, - the whoo es hew 20 er Cent. "OFF BLANKETS and AT R MeFAULS No. iis with great success, XA disc harges(e: vital force. drains. ail §1 erawx weakness Either No.at pk City. or Linuan Reon, Co. Ltd, Toronta. to Dr. Le tor ang. Try new! send self addressed envelope Clore Med. Co Haverstock Rd, (Tasteless) easy to take, sale, 'asting cure. In 'your home is a dollar © your wealth--not 900000000000 of ter, @ | residence, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY. MARCH 2, 1912. ceive on Tiesday and not again un- til after Easter, - - - - A number of boys and girls enjoyed a very jolly snowshoe tramp on Fri day evening, - SUITS of the bet- ter kind ; Modest in Price Exclusive in Style Strictly Man Tailored You will find it dis- tinctly to your ad- vantage to Inspect our mod- els. No obligations to buy. $1510 $30 McKAY'S 149-157 BROCK. Mrs. George McKay, Stuart street, will receive on Friday and not again this season. Mrs, James Rigney, George street, will receive on Tuesdays during March, - - - - Mise Walker is the guest of Russell Hale, Johnson street. $M. Mrs. Mrs. Coates, of Kingston, is ing her sister, Mrs. Harry in Napanee, : Mr. . ¢. Smith has returned from zawa, where he spent a week with Col. H. RK. Smith, Mis. (. EF. Stevenson, of Toronto, is visiting ber sister, Mrs, R. F. Greenlees, Albert street, for a couple of weeks. . Miss jsobel Dodds, of New York, is the guest of Mrs, George Henderson, Bagot street, ar, Hal. Dougall, visiting friends in the city for The past two weeks, returned to Montreal on Thursday. Ad - - - visat- } Smith, Captain Hammond, King street, has returned from Montreal, where he was spending some time. Mr. E. Hl. Pense, of Ottawa, is vis- iting Mrs. E. J. B. Pense, West street, for. a few days. Mrs. W. 'Irail and little baby, of Prince Albert, Sask., who have been visiting Mrs. J, Baker for some time, are now visiting Miss Millie Ferris, "Willow Cottage," King street, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Horsey and Miss Mildred lorsey, who "have been spending the winter in Dresden, have {held, THE SPORT REVIEW RM.C. HOCKEY TEAM LEFT FOR! TORONTO SATURDAY. Will Play McMaster on Monday Night | Frontenacs and Cadets Practised | on Friday Night, | The Frontendes~had a good practice at the covered rink on Friday evening! with the RM.C. cadets. There was skating on the rink from eight until ten, and after that the pracure- was Both teams are in need of pia! tice as they have hard games ahead The Frontenacs will have one of the hardest fights of 'the season Monday evening. While Frontenacs are playing' here, the cadets will be battling against McMaster for the intermediate honors in Toronto, The team left on Saturday and will spent Sunday and Monday in Toronto. McMaster is look- ed upon as being a very fast team. The cadets are without doubt one of the finest teams that have played on' the local rink. | i Rifle Shooting. As soon as spring comes the rifle as- sociations of the city will get together | and make arrangements for the shoot- ing season. Last year this sport was, very popular, and it is expected that] it will be even more so this season. Those in charge of the 14th regiment will again try to get the boys interest. ed in the sport. i % BEY | Baseball Just Ahead. Now that the hockey season j= near-! ly over the baseball fans are beginning to wonder what kind of teams are yo- left there for Vienna. From there they will go to Ireland to spend some time. to spend some time. Miss Alice Macnee, Barrie street, who is visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank Bot- terel, in Westmount, will not return Mrs. R. J. McKelvey, Bagot street,|home until Faster. entertained at a most enjoyable party on Friday alternoon, in honor of her daughter, Miss Gertrude McKelvey. I'he afternoon was spent in playing games. The first prize for pinning the tail on the donkey was won by Miss Florence Emery and the booby by Misg Isabel Minnes. The first prize in the Buster Browne game was won by Miss Vivian White and the booby by Miss Phyllis Roughton. The tea table lpoked very attractive, being artistical- y decorated with pink carnations and pink shaded candles. The invited guests were: Misses Katherine and Isa- bel Minnes, Florence Emery, Kathleen Bibby, Phyllis Roughton, Nevada Best; Caroline Mitchell, Evelyn Nickle, Clara Farrell, Vivian White, Geoffery Jack, Katherine Wright, Rhona and Mirian Shaw, Anna Mahood, Esther Mahood, Bessie Macpherson, Helen Nicol, Fran- ces* MéCallum, Doris Mackay, Helen Mclean and Elsie Truner. a a 9 Mrs, R. J. Mackelvey and little son, Robert, Bagot street, left, to-day, for Montreal, ta visit her parents, Captain and Mrs, Gilbert Johnson. Mrs. J. R. Henderson, Earl street, left, on Monday, for Georgetown, to visit. Mre. Mckay. Mrg. Merry, of Stratford, is the guest of Mrs. W. A, Kennedy, Albert street. Dr, Murphy, who has just returned from England is visiting his sister, Mrs. 0. D. Skelton, University avenue. Dr, and Mrs. A. P. Knight and Miss Phyllis Knight are in Toronto, to at- tend the Knight-Hewson wedding in St. George's church. Mr. Samuel Birch and his daughter, Migs Beatrice Birch, Bagot street, will leave, on Monday, for Utiea, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. W. F. Nickle and Miss Evelyn Nickle, Earl sireet, left, on Monday, for Ottawa, to spend a few weeks. - - The rink matches, played on Friday morning at the curling rink, resulted in a win for Miss Ada Birch from Miss Mabel Dalton. The rinks were: Mrs, Elmer Davis, Miss Marion Les- slie, Mrs. Richard S. Waldron; Miss Ada Birch, skip----9. -~ Miss Aileen Benson, Miss Frances Sullivan, Mrs. Walter Macnee; Miss Mabel Dalton, skip--8. Mrs. Dawson also won from Mrs, R. J. Hooper, The rinks were : Miss Florence Williamson, Miss Mabel tichardson, Miss Annie Fairlie, Mrs. Dawson, 'skip. Mrs. George Mahood, Miss Hilda Hague, Mrs. Vere Hooper, Mrs. R. J. Hooper, skip. . Miss Nora Macnee; Union street, who has been the guest of Mrs. Pipon in Toronto, returned home Thursday. Mr. Stanley Graham arrived from Ottawa, on Friday, to spend the week- end with his mother, Mrs. Brock Gra- ham, Barrie street. Miss Marion MacArthur, of London, Ont,, who has been the guest of Mrs, Clarke Wright, Colborne street, for the past week, was called home quite suddenly on Thursday, owing to ill- ness in the family. Rev. Charles Masters arrived in town from Halifax, on Thursday, and will be the guest of Mrs. J. C. Paterson, Union street, for a few days. Little Miss Bessie Macpherson, who has been spending the winter with her aunt, Mrs. Colin Macpherson, Uni- versity avenue, will leave for her home on Monday. Continued on Page 6. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. ese What Happened a Quarter of a : Century Ago. Forty-six men making repairs on the Rideau canal between this city and Ottawa. = C. F. Gildersleove starts a large dairy and breeding establishment at Lake Opinicon, : Joseph Crowley left to reside :per- manently in Toronto. Messrs. Milo, Power and Miller put up a row of seven houses on Montreal street, near Queen. Jisand Orange lodge meets in Brock- ville, Horse races held on the ice. W. Lit- tle, timekeeper; W. Carson, judge, and H. Grimshaw, starter; 53 at---------------- AMATEUR DRAMATIO CLUB Mrs. Hiram Calvin, King street, (n- tertained at a very jolly driving par. ty on Friday evening for her daugh- Miss Hilda Calvin. After Ave ing around the city for a tew hows the guests returned to Mrs. Calvin's where a delicious supper was served The guests included Misses Ethel Kent, Sybil Kirkpatri k, Doris Browne, Ethet Carruthers, Lai ra Kilborn, Alice Goodwin, Gwen- dolyn and Doris Folger, Elsie Rob- inson, Hary Stewart, Marjone Gams by, Helen Hale, Margaret and Eliza- with Cunningham, Eleanor Lyman and DBessic Stewart, ale Miss Kathleen Ryan, "Rdckwoed House," was hostess at a delightful luncheon on Friday in honor of Miss Rose Hopkins, ol Watertown, 1 ne table looked most attractive with a huge vase of pink carnations and narcissi. Smaller ones of the same flowers were arranged. around it. The guests 'included : Miss Florrie Ste. wart, Miss Gwenneth Merrick, Miss Gladys Burton, Miss Maizie Dwyer, Miss Rose Hopkins, Miss Lillian Mun- dell and Miss Frankford, of Morris: burg. v To Represent Kingsto , General's Competition, A number of ladies and gentlemen of this city have organized an amateur dramatic company to compete tor the. governor-general's trophy in: Otta- wa in April next, It is understood that "A Message From Mars" is the play 'selected. A performance will be given in the Grand opera house here 'previous to the company going to Ot- tawa. To Withdraw Councillor James Halliday, of the Portsmouth soul, who; a few weeks ago, sent in his resignati tn he ig oui Som : 3 ma ill wi w the same, at Kirkpatrick, Mrs. A, McPhail, the , Monday night Mrs, Lindsay Malcolm. . He og ns as the Ses of : oy being waited upon by Miss Minnie Gordon, Queen's univer {the voters. sity, entertained wives of some ol he. staff . of on . table looked very bright Fret- ty with 'its decorations of red carsa- tions. i : Mis Macaulay, King street, enter ined intormall «at the tea hour some 'ednesday ¢ Bout of Stratiord. | . Miss Martha Smith entertained re. (day, B. Carruthers, Mrs. Matin] das. Hollaway Waddell at bridge i Mrs. William Garrisor Whiteside (nee Lilla Herald) receivid for the first time since. her marriage in the home of her mother, Mrs. John Herald, Mal- vilie street, Dundas, on March 1st, afternoon and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Whiteside, will leave for their new hare in South Poreupise early next wi . ~The patrontsses at the social ever ing given by the final and ' junior years of Queen's Kuivargity. in Cae- a s ball, on Friday evening, were: Mfs. W. L. Gaddwin, Mrs. A K and Alfred Birch 4 nin Governor. a deputation of ing summer. From the present outlook of things," there will be three teams re- presented, President Stanley Trotter |i§ expecting the best season in local {baseball history.. The games will com- 1 mence early in the season and more {games will be played. The Victorias {will be, as strong ag ever. Allan and Stanley Cup Dates. Following are the dates set for the big hockey games in Winnipeg:-- { March - 2 and 4. Saskatoon v. Port Arthur (Stanley cup). - March 5 and 7, Victorias v. Calgary { {Allan cup). March 11, Victorias or Calgary Eatons of Toronto" (Allan cup). Y, Preston for New York. It has been arranged by the O.H.A.! {to send down the Preston intermediate | champions to meet any Canadian ichampion team or the best amateur {team available in or around New {York. No dates or opponents for Preston have been arranged as yet, Queal Beat Smallwood. Billy Queal, the Alexandria Bay pro- fessional distance champion,. outran Percy Smallwood in a ten-mile race in New York. Queal defeated his rival by ten laps over a sixteen-lap track, taking the lead at 'the start and nev- er being headed. The winner's time was 52.59, . McMaster vs. RM.C. McMaster University, winners of the western group of the intermediate in- tercollegiate hockey series, will meet R. M. C.,, -winners of the eastern group, at the Excelsior rink] Toronto, on Monday night. The teams will play home-and-home games, total goals to count, May Debar Him. While there is nothing in the Allan cup that bars "Dutch" Richardson from playing with the Eatonians in "Kingston's Famous Fur Store." Elegant Suits 'and Coats Half Price. We Are The New Spring Suit Models Keep coming in every day. From our winter stock we find exhictly 11 Suits left. They are all strictly up-to-date, stylish garments----just the kinQl of Suits many ladies like for all Seddons.. Sizes 31, 36 and 38. § Priced from $15, $18 up to | $30. We offer them now at gs You aré invited to examine . . i to play in the city league next| A novelists of the day. venture--and the very Lest of By Harold Bell Wright-- The Calling of Dan Matthews. The Sh ord of the Hills, That Printer of Udells, By Hex sBeach--- The Silver Horde, The Spoilers, The r. Parduners, By Robt. W. Chambers-- The Mald at Arma, The Danger Mark. The Fighting Chance, Maids of Paradise, Cardigan. _The Younger Set, ' 260 PRINCESS, $125 & $150 BOOKS For 45c. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Books that have been talked about and written about the country over-- books Tales to suit any and every taste each. Lorraine. By David Graham Phillips Old Wives for New, Adventures of Joshua Cralg, The Beluge. By Geo, Barr McCutcheon Cowardiee Court, Husbands of Edith, The Man From Hrodney's, Jane Cable. The Sherrods. Graustark. Beverly of Granstark, Brewster's Millions. Daughter of Anderson Crow, By Baroness Von Hutten-- A complete list for the asking. COLLEGE BOOK STORE OPEN NIGHTS, a tales of love, romance, More than 700 titles just as good as the lew named below: by the foremost mystery and ad- Pam. Pam Decides, The Halo. Beeohy, By Harold Bindloss-- Lorimer of the North-West, Deilinh of the Snows, By Right of Purchase. The Cattiebaron's Danghter. Namaged Reputation, Winston of the Prairie, Vor Jacioia, By Mary Roberts Rinehart-- The Man in Lower T When an Man Marries, The Circular Staircase. 'Phone 919, the coming Allan cup series at Winni- peg, it is just possible that the West erners will raise an objection, and that the trustees will be called upon to give a decision. Richardson has not figured in the O.H.A. game with the Eaton seven this year. He is a reg istered member of the club. Kingston Curlers at Prescott. {| Two rinks of Kingston curlers this morning 'for eastern points, lay one game at Prescott and if rangements can be made will play in Brockville. The teams G. 0. Hutton, G. H. Smythe, | Hanson, T. M. Asselstine, skip. i H. Macpherson, J. M. Farrell, A B. Cunningham, Prof. L. W. Gill, s!vp left hey ar nlso are G | Tecumsehs Defeated. { The Tecumseh hockey team wus de feated in Gananoque, Friday night, by 'the Shamrocks of the factory town | The game was one of the fastest eves played in the town, and-"was a fight to the finish. However, the followers lof St. Patrick proved one too many {for the local boys. Shamrocks lead all through the game. At half time the score was 2 to 1, and the finish 7 to 1. The Tecumseh line-up was Goal, Dunlop; point, Sargeant; cover, MeGall; rover, Angrove; centre, Dolan: (wings, Gedirey and Cooke. -- Local Curling Bonspiel. The curling club purpose holding" a club bonspiel next week. It will like ly eommence on Thursday. There will he a fee charged to each team that en ers, » S-- Boarding House Hockey. Two hockey teams representing Earl's boarding house and Ehe's | boarding house played off at the cov- {ered rink on Saturday morning, but {the boys from Eby's proved to be too strong, and won out by a score of 6 to O } -- Frontenacs for Syracuse. Frontenacs have accepted Syracuse's terms to play there on Thursday next. The team will leave at 9 a.m. Thurs day, reaching Syracuse at 4.30 o'clock. The team will return next day unless arrangements are made for their ap- pearance in New York. i ------------ Frontenacs vs. Preston. Secretary Hewitt has selected the champion Preston and Frontenacs to {play in New York, providing suitable arrangements can be made. The vicholas rink people are being com- municated with, though nothing defin- St. | ite has been done so far. | ---- i Froutenacs vs. All-Stars, i There will be a grand senior hockey game on Monday night, when Man- ager Livingston's "All-Star" western team lines up against Frontenacs in a contest for the benefit of the general hospital and Hotel Dieu. The "Al Stars' have secured two splendid stars from Galt 'and London, in Palm er and Lecltie. Frontenacs will play the same team that defeated Eatons and the largest crowd of the season is expected to be on hand. The teams | will likely line up under Referee 'Chau: eer" Elliott, as follows : ~ § All-Stars---Goal, Addison (Argo: !nauts); point, McLean (T.A.A.C.): cov- (er, Palmer (Galt); rover, Brown (T.A. A.C.); centre, Leckie (Loudon); right wing, lluntér (Parkdale); left wing, McCammus (T.A A.C). Front« nacs--Goal, {| Hyland; cover, Nicholson: rover, Brouse; centre, Crawford; left wing, George Richardson; right wing, Reid. Daniels; point, JBeavers are Champions, On the Stadium rink, Friday even- ing, the Beavers won the city juvenile Tiockey championship by defeating the { lier in the week the teams had played 'a tie in the first of the finals. but the} { "First Builders" carried the lucky horse shoe in Friday evening's game. The kids put up an exciting goed {game all though, showing that tliere is plenty of material in the city, to ihold down semior honors in a few ivears. The Maple Leafs were the first ito score, but Marks, of the Beavers, jevened it up. Just before hall time ,was cofled the Leafs made another 1"hunk," making the score 2-1 in- their Yor. In the second half the Beavers found {the nets four times to their opponents' 'one. Marks, Barrigan sod Smith do ing the tricks. Carvoll, on a Jong shat, scored ° the only point for the Leafs in this hall. A goodly numbe: of Portsmouth fans were present, and gave the boys from Hatter's Bay much t. 1000. yards of- Tor- y chon and Valenciennes Insertions only, narrow widths to clear to- 1 , night per yard C. : 500 yards White Vie- toria Lawn, 40 inches wide, to-night b 12 per yard 500 Yards "Dress Ginghams, stripes, and checks, fast colors, 27 inches wide, to- i night per yard - C. Maple leafs to the tune of 54. Ear | » 8ilk Ribbons, inches wide all col- , ors to-night per yd. 514 13¢. Ask to see our 3 lead- ers in Corsets at 50c, T6c, $1 a pair. | I © Beautiful Suits for , particular ladies $10.00 and up NEWMAN & SHAW THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. 0000 0 CRYSTAL BRAND Standard Granulated Sugar Has been tried and found excellent for preserving and table use, Price le Always right, ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontario Street, IAN APPEAL TO WIVES You know the terrible affliction that comes to many homes from the result of a drinking husband or son You know of the money wasted on "Drink" that is needed in the home to purchase food and clothing. OR- RINE has saved thousands of drink- ing men. It is a home treatment and can be given secretly. Your money will be refunded if, after a trial, & has failed to benefit. Costs only $1.00 a box. Come in and get a free booklet and let us tell you of the good ORRINE is doing. G. W. Ma- hood; corner Princess and Bagot Streets. SPECTACLE FRAMES Correctly Fitted to the Pace are as Essential as Pro. perly Fitted Lenses are to the Eyes. A Lens should be mounted so that the centre will be ex actly opposite the pupil of the eye In apy other position it will cause strain and have a tendency to produce double sight. The Pridge or Nose ece should fit so well: that' wabbling will be Impossible, and it should bear equally at all pointe. The Right Way Ts Just as Easy as the Wrong. We Fit the Frames As Well as the Lenses. 1). §. Asselstine D. 0.5. | od Optometrist & Optician # i i - 000000000000000eNANC00E000000000000000 it 2000000000000 00000000¢ PEARL RINGS We have some beau- tiful Peant Rinas for yoursele ction; at reasonable prices. Three stone, and 'Five stone rings of , One stone, excellent workmanship. mn SMITH BROS. 850 KING STREET, Jewelers. Opticians, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. i + 00000900009 0000000009¢ Highest Price Paid for all kinds of RAW FURS. W. F GOURDIER BROCK STREET. A Nice Roughcast Dwelling No. 16 Nelson St., contain ing six rooms, good cellar anid good yard. Can be hought for $1,000 Two Lots on Princess Street Corner of Frontenac, cach having a frontage of forty feet on Princess Street, $800 huys hoth, To FIRE INSURANCE, Moxey Loax, Houses To Kenr. MULLIN The Real Estate Broker. "Phone 539. S0000000000 000000000 rE Promises Get Friends Performances Kéep Them We've hundggds of friends won through performances, and we're golog to get hun dredé more When we promise to send your LAUNDRY home at a specifigd time performance takes i" there. . RTS, COLLARS, CU¥FS Laundered in double quick time jus as spotiessly and daintily, too, as (hough we had spent a week ayer tiem. Kaos honky bal ariel our S0000000000000000000000000000000000000000