THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, Mahon 4 LoL » One Pain Pill, then Take n Easy. To Head-Off a Headache Nothing is Better than Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills They Give Relief without Bad After-Effects. *For four years 1 was subject to almost constant headache. At times #80 severe 1 was unfitted for work. Through the advice of a friend 1 was persuaded to try Dr; Miles' Anti-FPain Pills and the result has been that I have entirely eradicated my system of those continuous headaches that followed a Hard and continuous mental strain"--O, L. Russell, hi Agt. C, & N. W. Ry, Early, Ta. ¥ For Bate by All Druggists. 3 25 Cents, MILES MEDICAL CO. Toronto,Can. OWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA Cowan's seems to hit the right spot. It is a great food for husky young ath letes : satisfies the appetite : easy to digest: and delicious bo 00 YOU USE COWAN'S cocoa? P AX 7 - RAILWAY @ AND TRUN Brett Low One Way "Second Class Rates Pacific Coast Good Going March Ist to April 15th SANPRANCISOO, SAL, Sh dist cio Gi. B.C, paseo ee vie. | $4010 And rates in proportion to all Pa ER pa full particulars apply to Li "> » $41.08 mmo THE ODESSA CHURCH PR. CARMAN PREACHED DEBICATORY SERMON. A Very Fine FEdifice Reared--The People Much Pleased---The Ser. vices Were Very Impressive. Very interesting indeed were the dedicatory services at the fine new Methodist church at Odessa, on Sun- day. Nev. Pr. Carmen, superintendent of the Methodist church, was the preacher. AL the morning service he spoke as follows ; "God brought them out of Egypt . | . . according to this time shall be said of Jacob and of Israel what hath God wrought." Numbers xxiii, 23. The chmet and compass directing the distribution of the nations, or Move ments of the peoples on the face of the earth is set high and firm in the desr light of the heavens. Planned in His wisdom and adapted in His good ness amd power it is ever iu the eye of Him who formed the continents and the sens, who lifted the mountains in strepgth and spread out the valleys in loveliness. He shaped the gathering of |, the waters by the rocky ramparts the shores, thriving with hill and plain. REV. THE and provided homes for! As in the ere on and preservation of the seriptures ol ol i races with forest and river, | a1 ahe light that gleamed and shove along tion and population of this solid globe | wl which we live, so in the growth jout his THE NEW METHODIST CHURCH AT essa DEDICATED ON SUN. DAY. : Losee, of the Methodist church in the United States, that ur- gent rider on fleet horse, (fit symbol tand vanguard of the Methodist itiner- ancy and herald of the great salva- tion). In love of God and ( Christ and the souls of men he threaded the forests, wade! through the rivers, wid- ened its outlook and shouted' victory on the brow of the mountain. Me- thodism suficred, endured and con- quered. We are its monument; we are its joy and its erown. 'Fhe minu- tes of conlerence record Kingston of Upper Canada in juxtaposition with Lynn on the sea coast of Massachu- setts under the presiding cldership of Jesse Lee, Losec returned to confer ence 165 members in his societigs, In 1792 the Adolphustown church was erected and another begun in Ernest town, What a subscription paper was that ol Embary, Bisinger, itonlin, Hufi, Vandusen, Ruttan, Kitchen and others for Metliod®t's first churéh'on our lovely bay, © mother of Method- i#t churches m 'all "this broad 'and. Now in the good providence of our tion and let Bo man say this is the realm of speculation and controversy, This Jew and his well accredited bi- ble of his own age is with us to-day tin Toronto and New York, According to this time" as our text hath it, in Fipiscopal the track of his generations. Passages of this character abound through- seviptures; "When the Most High divided to the nations their in- heritance, when He separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the peo- ple according "to the number of the children of Tsrnel To the nations it was the land, and "I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil, that thou mayest live and multiply: But if thou heard turn away so that thou wilt wot hear. 1 demounce unto you this day that 'ye shall surely perish." Here is national veligion, which is maintained in holy scripture as effective and. is important in their place as personal relicion. Again and again are gov ernments and kings and princes ar rested pefore the law and consigned to national ruin. And justly so, for pub i i land have } lic ruin overhelms private virtue, national wrong-doing supplants personal integrity. Babylon and Assy- ria, Moab and Phoenicia are denoufic- ed, uprooted and destroyed. Our Lord Himself makes known the mind of God as to the accountability of the community and the uation. "And thou {apernaum, which art exalted to heaven shall be brought down to hell; for of the mighty works that been wrought in Sodom it woald have remained unto this day." St. Paul, on Mars Hill, in the tnce of the REV.. A iengral superi CARMAN ntentlent &f t hosd- Eternal Truth the well manifested His ing the races and nations of men. vast areas of the land and the wider swoep of the seas in their wonderful conformation have, in this fore! thought of Diety, awaited the migra. ¢ tidgns of the tribes and fixed them] here and there in their homes, So at even. pace have the revelations, from. on high-and the - unfolding records. of the contiiries displayed, belote our eves the plans of the Inf#ité Father rogwrding | our humanity amd His beneficial de signs and our creation and preserva | tion as well as in our varying fortunes | thivough all the ages. No principle or doctrine is more dis tinetly stated or mare 'positively em- phasized in Holy writ than the divine allotment and government of mations and their accountability to God in the moral order of the universe, It is as plain on the inspired pages as the doc- trine of justification by personal faith, And it is even more powerfully enfore ed on the scroll of human history. The nation as well as the man has a mo- eal unit, the subject of moral govern ment and amenable to its forces and laws. It is the person free and re-! sponsible, and the people responsilte and free. On no other hypothesis can we explain the posterities and adver- sitios, than convulsions and chequered scenes of national life throughout the steady progress of the centuries God rules; this righteous people are exalt od; the wid ol, baving exhaudted a pro- bation, having filled their cup of widkeditess to the brim, are rejected and cast down, ia by no means a question of mere evolution: it is an issue of moral re sponsibility. As an. eloquent French writer has it: "Man is born in society, and there he remains." Man is born with the national faculty and the pow-| or of articulate speech, and these he! improves and grows. Man is endow- ed with & moral faculty and is, as far back as we tan trace him, possessed. of such fcally to thé Tallness of its pow- ers; which suppositions, and which alone," justifics - the ways of God to man. se God hath purpdses concern- The So far asMevelation. is: concerned both the Old Testament and the New affirm' epeatedly and "cons tenth tion these 'doctrines of national ment and responsibility' under the gov- ernment of "Almighty God! = The entire history of the Jewish ; race and all their national environments nnd relations, ¥ as faithfully recorded attest this posi- ho commotion and of I Athenians, wonder mongers, royalty | seekers, boldly alleged that "God that | made the world and all things there. in kath made of our blood all mations of men to dwell on all * the faces of the earth, and hath deter "mined the times before appointed and the bound? of their habitation, that thev should seek the Lord." We come to the times and growth of the nving nations. Who ean doubt it was of divine ordering that the liberty-loving Naxonywas made ~ the basic element of the Dritish national fabric, and that as the world goeth, the Norman conquest built strong (walls and towers ? What a scene of niingling of races thave ween the British Isles ! What {conflict of moral and socinl principles! What struggles for the rights of man! And what a manhood isthe product! Inscrutable to ws is the mystery that this American pontinent with its (vigorous aboriginal pes and its ex- haustless natural resurces lay so long enveloped on forest shndes and hid den from the civiliations and aetivi- ties of the eastern hemisphere. Surely there was a fullness of the ime, a richness of events, a maturity of well- ordered preparations. The east houred of her strength and wealth her piety and learning through the opening doors 'of the west, Bold adventures from various motives tempted the darkness and the deep. The Christian churches in the name of God and their holy religion were the first to brave the danger of the seas and the hardships of the shores, Of some of thém it was truly written: ST REV. J.C roof the Odessa BELL, Past Methoaist church, tseaxd what have we? God hath given us nearly thirty million of dollars worth of church property, a member- ship of 350,800; in Sabbath school, 350,000): (hree and a half mithons "ot dollars in colleges and large piissions at. home and abroad. We _ have twelteé annual conferences in which are 2,080 ministers and probationers. Hi the fathers did so much with their resourad, what should we aecomplish? Lod be praised for , their consecras ition, en fidelity: and faith ! A Curiosity. Bancroft Times One day last fall, W. N. Simmons placed an ugly, green worm in a box and put it up on shop to awhit developments, It was not long until the captive wrapped himself in a blanket and went to sleep. Nothing more was seen of him until last Thursday, whem bz smerged from the cocoon, transformed lito most beautiful butterfly, with having a 'spread of mearly five Its body is almost. as large as that of the otiginal worm, yet the hole in the cocoon, through which it made its exit is not Jarger than an ordinary lead pencil, : ery The breaking waves dashed high n a stern and rock-bound coast; The trees against the stormy sky, Their giant branches tost The "heavy night hung dark, The woods and waters o'er, As a baud of pilgrims moored their bark On the wild New England shore, en inches, There were gen of hoary hair Amid this pilgrim band. Why had they came to perish there Away drom their much-loved strand? And tnere was woman's fearless eve fit with her deep love's truth; And manhood's brow sérenly high, And the fiery heart of youth. What sowght they this afad? Bright jewels of the wine ? The gems of sen, the spoils of war? they sought a faith's pire shrine. Aye oall it holy ground the soil on which they trod They left unstained what there they found Freedom to 'wotship God ! Filgrim Fathers and Puritans, An glicans and unkers, Presbyterians nd Roman Catholics embarked with eagerness ard hastened to, take pos session of the virgin soil of the new Sound contisent. There was a shdk- of the eagles nest, and the bear ing forth of her young upon her dn due t in the eigh he Palatines from Germany converted wedge the Jobin exe fn lretand, ee! ethoc kan, vou may the last of alt, passed into the Irion of New York and after the Revolutionary war with the Unified Empire Loyalists ury- od its 'onward course into Canada ahd dc -- Special toilet soap, Sargent"s drug store. After nearly seven years of success ful business in Napanee, Meagher Bros, have disposed of their wéll-established clothing and furnishing business. The minister of public works the Napanee river will be propeity dredged thiz year. ADVICE ABOUT GRP How to Escape Its 1a its Dangerous After Effects. : With so much grippe in town this wintar as lew words of advice will not be out of place. Fiest, grip is so trifle. Its efieets are ofien very serious, Second, grip is partieslarly chiloren, old people and all are vol in the Dest of bealih, Third, grip hangs on-takes away yonr energy and sppetite--lemves vou feeling weak and played out. That is a dangerous. condition. The best thing you ean do is. to build yourself up with Vinel, our de- 5c. a eake, at after bad on | who has spread over the Foyal do domain. Her: was © & remarkable of the Provinces of God, a F wondertey dis fay Ol our Heavenly Fathets wis. in the distribu- rrence| without oil. It tomes up the sus tem sod makes You strong and vig: orovs. Read this etter from J. <b Lown, dOngonta, N.Y: "1 had an attack of grip hast Junvary which lofi me ina very © badly wenkewed and rundown jeondition. Lately 1 bean to take! Vinol and I find it ateictly wll rhe It bogan to 'help mie from the ver first. and pow | aay as well as ever. do | Walid a shelf in his | wings Remembir, we gosgrantee Vinol toll 'whit a "back! Mr. and Mrs. Stowsrt Paul, of Er Si mot. uesiiown station, are removing to Na! sad will be greatiy miwed. | NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS Mareh 1.--Church ser- held here on Sunday by >. Jones, as Sing to bad roads the pastor, Rev. Toppings, could not attend. ' The De of this place have been swow ploughing the roads since the big storm and have got them passable. The tea meeting on Fés, 2h weg a grand success, Pro- ceds amounted Lo $11.40. Nr. and Mrs. Fred, Knapp have returned to ther home in on aly Visitors : Rev Dr. Topping and daughter, Evelyn, at SN. Jones'; Mr. and Mrs, Anderson at S. Barr's, Burridge; B. Mahon, at 5. McGinness'; Misa Bessie Ulow, at I. Reynolds', Urow Lake. 110 was Trevelyan Tidings. Trevelvan, Feb, 28. David | eeder spent Sunday with Brockville friends, A number of the young people at. tended the "AL Home" in Athens on the 16th. Mr. and Nrs. EK. Leeder were recent guests of Mr. snd Mrs. T= Ronen, Mcintosh Mills. Mr. and Mrs: P. Dixie atientded the funeral of B DeWolfe, Athens, Mon- day. Messrs. F. and ¥. Leader ave engaged in hauling jumber to the Prockville Carriage Co., Brockville, Messrs, 1° leéeder and GG, Heffern, also the Misses Olive, Nan and Irene Leeder nud Helen Heffern spent Suns day the guests of Mies Apne O- Grady, Warburton, ~M. J. O'Grady made a flying visit recently. Visitors: T. Cox and sister, Sheatown; Mr. and Mrs. GG. leeder, Cnintown; Miss Myr tle Fivod, Lilke's. From Denbigh Village, Denbigh, Feb. 29.--William Chatson, who has been away on a business trip to Ottawa, has arrived home Hugh Pettifer, who has been away to New Ontario, for quite a while, has arrived home. Rumor says that he is going to move with his family to New Ontario shortly. Charles Both has returned from Renfrew county, where he attended some political meet ings and took an interest in the re cent election. Norman Cranshaw, who some years ago moved to Manitoba, is here for a month or so visiting relatives and. former neighbors, Rithard Edwards, Jr., who hart one of his hands severcly in a thresh ing mill a couple of weeks ago, not improved any lately, and has Lo make daily visits to Dr. Adams, wo get the injured limb dressed. John drown, assessor, is engaged at. his arduous work. Special services will be held in the Lutheran chusth every Friday forenoon during leat. Mr. and Mre, Charles Marquardt, Hardwood Lake, spent a couple of days visiting relatives in the village. The late snow starms caused ao great deal of inconvenience in this vicinity by blockading the roads, in terfering with the teatlig and depriv- ing the people of the mail service for nearly a week, Miss F. Baniord, teacher in 8.5, No. 7, favored friends in the villige with a call last Satur day, and Miss A. Glenn and Miss M. Johnson, teachers in Vennachar and Cilenfield respectively, on Saturday be fore last. has Death of Hartington Lady, Hartington, Feb. 29.--Again the Anget of Death has visited tins village, this time carrying away a wife and mother in the prime of youth and health. On Tuesday, 13th inst. Mrs, Corey Clarke was siricken with pleuro pneumonia, and in spite of the best medical 'attendance, and che most ten- der eare and nursing, the disease gain- ed rapid headway and on Saturday porning, 17th, the end came and an- other home is left desolate of a moth er's love. The deceased has lived in this vicinity since her birth; thirty- six years ago, and was married to Mr. {Clarke "in March, 1896. She was a | Methodist in religion. She was belov- od by a large circle of friends who knew and appreciated hér kind and noble nature. To the poor and needy she was ever a faithful friend. A most devoted mother and wife, she will be especially missed in the home, where a bereaved husband and daughter mourn the irreparable logs. 'I'he funeral, which was held on Monday, 19th inst. an one of the largest in many vears. The service was conducied by Rev. J. A. Waddell. The remains were placed in the vault at Harrowsmith. The {heart-felt sympathy of the entire com- munity is extended to the sorvowing husband and voung daughter, Lelia, Mrs. Clarke is also survived by two brothers, William Jamieson, of Har: rowsmith, and Herbert" Jamieson, postmaster and general merchant, | Hartington. Missionaries Massacred. San Francisco, March 2.----Bringing ithe first news of the massacre of eight | persons connected with Christinn mis: | sions by fanatical Chinese last October, (wenty-four missioniries and workers arrived, yesterday, on the {Hiner Ching from the proviner of Shen: tsi, in Central China. The victims of the slaughter were George Alstrand, thirteen vears old: Mra. Richard Beeck- men; Zella Bedkman, twelve; Ruth Beckman, wight; Holda Bergstrom, thirteen; Oscar Bergstrom, twelve; | Hilda Nelson, sixteen; George Vanto, {teacher ut a mission school at Sian TAu. i fe i Talked on w. New York, March 2. Rockefellers i Bible class, which i= studying matters Imatrimonial in rvid-week mwetings, {last night todk up the question of hicious cod. liver and. iron praparation' pn rher. daw. Speakers agreed it was best ' to discourage the visils of motherdndaw rather than Tet ~ her [wierd any Jufluencs on a new home. A 'pretty wedding took place, Wod- nesday, at the home of Dr. and Mrs. 4: A. Lotheed, Hamilton, when Wiss Lanta Adele Lookeed, danghter of the late Wr. snd Mra 3. 8. Loched, of Centreville, Ont., was united in mar. riage to Wroest Jeary Howson, : ol Peterboro, © A outlaws at every individual stage of its preparation | IT COULDN'T BR CLEANER OR NATURAL GREEN REFUSE SUBSTITUTES © + *SALADA', Toronto BIG SNOW STORM MEANS BIG SPRING THAW Will your old Rubbers keep vour feet dry-- 00600004000 If not this is a good time to get ready for the st 8 = . Soft. Spell. We carry Life Buoy Rubbers. The best sold in Kmgston. We have the exclusive sale, J. H. Sutherland & Bro. "THE EOME OF GOOD SHOES" 000003000000 00000000000080000000000200¢ see. ------ FATHER ® 0006000660008035000504 2000 WHO SMOKES. Or, de Van's F 'emale Pil is A reliable French regulator; s Alig are exceedingly pow generative portion of the lemma all cheap imitations . do Van' Bator or Bx thee lor 3K dalled to Droe Co. ft. Catharines. For \ at Mi i 4 . : + Absindity and Injustice of Denyidy Son Same Indulgence. Charles 1, Tne, in. Mirch Century Fo tell a boy not to do what constantly sces lus father e advice too -ablure to nesd serious co sideration. 1 have father mn a room bie with Eh in which all. the he ins, 1d -l tong soon a "it nt wifidows were. shut end advise his boy not to smoke un til he wag fwenty-one. io breathe smoke-daden aie' abhsorh. soige the meoting,-- «lt mild poisoning have resulted from this wloge,~-and hence to receive ol the stimulus it ednlains, . I knew an opiun-smoker Wha had two Wack-and-tan dogs which he kept i the room with him while gmoking After a time they became so agous tomed to it that thoy exhilfitesd! the same symptoms us the smoker when deprived ot 't-ruaning at the oyés, SNEOZINE, exCesEive nervOollSiiess. © ney grew {0 loos forward as eagerly as he did, Wreathing the «.° ln a milder a Boy gets thing of vke excitation of wobacco acquires a desire for it when breathes atmosphere charged Fig father's smoke. And (same phy sical incentive, Jang Lae aogs did mot leetual curiosity to see what sation of smoking is like. Thus ti father who with smoke has in a threelold created th appetite hig boy: first the boy Lon to smoke because does, second, becanse he and tnird, because his passages are cithition acoustome Ia £ases . even HRI wanna well soma SCRANTON COAL is good Coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO. i COAL! ) FOOT WEST BTREET The kind yon are looking for Prreassscssessatessesa PROVO RVBOTVHLV EBONY in sinokKing is the kind we secil. to his apd all throngh 5) way some ud fre with besides he has some have--intel the sen tills his wouse Wny for tobacco in a didpos hus bas tather is ourions, respiratory already craving ti \ which they have The smoking father rbidding hie son to smoke, virtu drives him to sneak around the tor for a cigarette to experiment the sly. to Your ordars will be filled satis factorily if you deal thers at Ih P. WALSH'S, 55-57 Barrack Street. become | ¢ with on A quiet wedding took place in Na panee on Wednesday, when Lyman H Brown, Sandhurst, was married to Miss Pearl Levear, Napaoee.. Dernard Brown acted as groomsmao, and Miss Kia King performed the duties of bridesmaid. : William Griffith, London, Ont, rested in Windsor last week, charged with bigamy, was sentenced to 'one yea¥ in, Central prison. REAL ESTATE SNAPS FARM--=Near Verona, acres, well watered, Jots of wood, completely fence ed, good frame dwelling yo barns, 85.000. FRAME HOUSE, Elm Street, 10 rooms, large lof, newly shingled, $1,250, LOTS ~8everal in all the best parts of the city. 1.040) ar- SAW ""SMHLL:. AND CHEESE POX FACTORY, 1 1.2 Acres; also Dwelling house, in Verona, 81,400; HOUSE WANTED below Mont- real and Nomih of Prin. fess Street, abaut $1,000 Norman& Webb Reml Kefate., Life, Fire, Jive Stock nod Geaers! Tosurance, 171 1-2 WELLINGTON »7T., "Phone 7390. Given Seven Year irate % ange him ( renking joi who was given by gets a Oone-SeNr concurrently, i rob Cl leree,