a YEAR 79 -KO. 59 Watirtown, N.Y., March 9. The sup ply of hard coal in the city is short, short that only 500 at a time that wil be delivered, When there will be ; : - It Somersaulted Twice Before Reaching Bottom. more none of the dealers are prepared fo say. It's not ome dealer that is short but all of them. They are umit- AS RESULT OF INJURIES SUSTAINED, -- LAST EDITION ---- OETA] WEATHER PROBABILITIRG. Toranto, Ont, March 3h, 10° age» Ottawa Valley and Upper St. Lawrence ~Strong 'nortf.-west and west winds; fine and colde day, SHORTAGE IN HARD COAL. RUSH TO BUY COAL. Dealers Will Sell Only 300 Pounds to Person. Consumers Frightened Over spect of a Strike. New York, March 9 Fears of a strike of the 180.000 authracite coal miners on April Ist has caused general rush on the part of consum ers to lay in stocks of coal to enrry them over a strike period. This sud- den demand for coal became wide: spread to-day, when it was reported t the railroads, instead of having a large amount of coal in storage, in preparation lor a possible strike, were really running short and were mak- ing every effort to increase their de pleted reserve. The hard winter, it was reported, has made it difficultt for the railroads 10 store co al, because of the increased demand. In consequence many deal ers huve increased the price of coal from ¥1 to % a ton, while whole salers are charging more. The opera- tors state that the coal at the mines is now selling at the regular March price. Pro- STRIKERS MAY MODIFY DEMANDS ON OPERATORS: Large Element of Union ~voren tavis weerine Favors Concessions. ASQUITH HAS INVITED BOTH SIDES FO A JOINT CON. FERENCE to-night and on Sun. IMPORTANT ed in the determination not to séll te exceed a quarter of a ton to any one person at a tune ao of ») ry MOUNTED POLICE GET AN INCREASE. Was Held in Bethel Church Evangelist Yatsan. Bethel church was filled with women Friday afternoon, at 1.30 o'clock. Ladies came from all parts of the city the number of several hundred to hear Rev. Mr. Yatman on "Lot's Wile." The meeting was advertised to be for' "women only," and the talk was directed accordingly. It was a meeting of great power, and about thirty women publicly confessed Christ and to begin a new life in salvation. The deep and persuasive influence |of the two weeks' meetings manifested itself. Last night, the church pretty well filled. by Daily Pay, Raised Twenty-five Per Cent--Term of Service Shorten. ed. {(Hiawa, FEED CHILDREN BAKED BEANS. Bare Feet and Whippings Are Good Too, says Harvard Lecturer Boston, March 9. -- "Feed the children toston baked beans if they like them," "administer corporal punishment, § necessary," and' "let them go bare foot." These are some of the rzugges- tions given by Dr. Charles Pickering Putnam. to mothers in an address at the Harvard medical school. RIOT IN PRISON But the Scrappy Suffragettes Were Worsted. RNGLEADERS PLACED IN March 9.- The government [* has decided to grant a long deserved increase in pay to 'the Royal North West Mounted Police and to otherwise better the conditions of the foree in secordanes with the recommendatibons made for some vears past by Comp troller White. Daily pay to the men is to be imeregsed from sixty cents to seventy-five eents, and on correspond: ing increase will be given to officers. Fhe terms of sorviee ou joining the force is to be decreased from five years to three years, Of late vears inerons- ing difliculiy has been found in keep ing up the high standard of the force and tion have been somewhat numerous owing td low pay and the tong tern of service required. AMAZING ADMISSION to BARGAINS | BELTS. Navy, Black and White Elastic Belts, the 25¢ quality. SATURDAYS PRICE, 13 1.2¢ Also a broken Lot of Black' J Beaded Elastic Belts, T6¢c and | b0¢ qualities. ! HE With a View to a Free Discussion of the Whole Coal Situation----North Wales Strickers Renew Negotia- tions. The Accident Occurred Near Varney, Ont.iwThe Train Was Travelling at the Rate of Twenty Miles Hour. CHINA RAISES A LOAN. an y was again Miss Woolgar, Miss Gertrude Holland and Mr Timble sang solos. Mr. Yatman preached on contrasts in careers and illustrated by telling stories concerning four differ: ent people. Mahy said it was the most powerful revival meeting of the series vet held. At the close several took a stand for Christ, hy definite action and expression. It is felt by the workers thati Sunday will be wonderful day of revival interest Durham, March 9.--R. 1. Stevens, of Strathroy, is injured internally and nay die, three other men are serious ly wounded, seven more or ri ously hurt and many others are badly shaken up as a result of the day coach rolling over an embankment owing to a broken rail on the Grapd I'rupk railway at Varney, between Durham and Palmerston, yesterday af- ternoon at 3.05 o'clock Four of {he seriously taken Lo Strathcona Mount Forest, on a whieh did not leave the the others were lefl at Varney: At a late hour last wight if was reported at hospital that all injured sere do- ing fairly well with the exception of Mr. Stevens, who id traveller for Wil- liam Paterson company, of Brantford, He was married voly two weeks ago, and his young bride was notified at once of the accident. She was over Among the Powers--It Will Require] London, Eog., March 9.--Delegates $35,000,000, to the miners' federation congress will Shangbui, March 9.-A banking syn- meet here next Tuesday, and it was dicate representing the four powers, | reported here to-day that the strikers Great Britain, the United States, Ger-|might modify their demands for g min- many and France, paid over approxi- imum wage scale. The widespread ef- mately $700,000 to the provisiorial gov- [fect of the strike upoy the members of ernment of China. It is 'expected that other unions, who ave out of work be- within a week from now approximate- cause of lack of coal to run plants in ly $1,900,000 will be banded over to which they are employed, will be thor- Nanking and Pekin, {oughly discussed. It is «stimated that the Chinese! lt was said to-day that a consider government will require $35,800,000 [able element of the union favored mak. soread over six months, and the syn- {ing aoncessions to the opgrators to end dicate arranging to supply this the strike. In North Walés a number amount by monthly instalments. The!ol strikers to-day renewed negotin-, loan contract will be drafted subse- |tions with the operators. ; quently. After extended talks with the com- mittees representing coal mine owners and their striking employes, to-day, Premier Asquith extended an invita- tion to representatives of both sides to the dispute to meet in joint confer- SATURDAY'S PRICE, 30d, | AR Ey WASH COLLARS. Dainty Net and Embroiders ed Lawn Collars, good value at or «C. Dr. Reid Regarding Oshawa Dismissal. Ottawa, March 9.--Becauss cared that he "did not approve of bribery at elections," Lyman C. Smith, collector of customs at Osha- wa, was dismissed by the Borden gov ernment, The amazing admission was made in parliament by Hon. Dr. Reid, when taken to task by the opposition dur- ing the consideration of his bill to amend the civil service act. Moreover, Premier Borden rushed to his defence By Hon, an ' a mjured hospital baggage rails, were at Car, while he de ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. is SOLITARY CONFINEMENT FOR THEIR ATTACK. ---- . "e PRICE Henry Watts Cut His Throat While SATURDAY'S PRICE, 12 1-2¢c, at Glenvale, Watts, of this city, while on sit to relatives in Glenvale, at- tempted to take hig life by cutting his throat on Friday Ho succeeded mm severing lus winapipe but the ag ular vein was untouched and it was Henry HAND BAGS. A few left over in the better qualities. Modish Real Leather Bags, worth from $150 to % The Prisoners Smashed Machines ' and Tore Off the Clothes of the Wardresses, Who Had a Hard Fight. FRANCE AND SPAIN CLASH. p-- Newspapers in Paris Express Fear as to Outcome. come by the shock, but left as soon as possible for Mount Forest. in the matter, and battled with Hon, Br. Pugsley for severil minutes in an London, March 9.--Bitterly resénting the aetion of the authorities in tack- Paris, March 9.---The attitude of Spain in connection with the Franco- ence. "With the view of a free discus sion of the whole situation." thought, on Saturday, that recover. Ur. Maybee, he would $3.00, of Udessa, was dort to choke off the determination of the liberals to let the light in on the matter. Loeal No. B8, composed of an en- gine, baggage conch and a passenger car, left Durham for Palmerston short lv before three o'clock, carrying about thirty-five passengers, most of - 'theni commercial ° travellers. Just before Varney was reached, a broken rail was encountered, while travelling twenty miles an hour. The engine and bag- gage ear. passed over safely, but the passenger & goach left the rails and, breaking loose from the train, plung- ed over the bank and somersaulted twice before it landed in the ravine at the side of the iratks, One woman amd ohild were in the coach together with the men--and although they were thrown 'up and down in the car, they were not seriously injured, ---------------- NISOUSSED THE NE TEMERE ss ay With Sir James | Whitney-=Ask for Ontario Counsel. Toronto, March 9. Premier Whitney wus waited on at noon, Friday, by a deputation representing the Domimon kvangelieal Alliance. The deputation consisted of Rev. E. D. bileox, secre tary of the alliance; Rev. A. L. Geg- gio, and Rev, W. H. Hicks. The deputation urged upon the pre mier that Ontario be represented by counsel at the hearing of the stated case prepared by. the Dominion gov: ernment, snd that the efforts of On- tario's representative be directed | to clearing up the status of the nw riage law. as affecting the dominion and not to emphasizing provincial powers os opposed tu federal. a 4 SATURDAY'S PRICE, 78." Spanish negotiations on the sybject of i Morocco is causing much concern in France. The newspapers generally express the opinion that a rupture between the two countries is imminent unless Spain shows a more conciliatory disposition, The premier, Mons. Raymond Poin- care, had a special conference with Se nor Don B. Perez-Caballero, the Span- ish Ambassador to France, during which the two statemen discussed the situation. A TRAINLOAD OF _ UNLEAVENED BREAD A Cincinnati Factory Ships Twelve Carloads For Cities in Canada. Cincinnati, March 9A remarkable shipment was made yesterday from the Cincinnati matzoth factory for Can- ada. It consisted of twelve carloads of w.cavened bread, and they formed an entire train. 'Ih, shipment is des- tined for Montreal, Toronto and some other Canadian points. One Cincinnati factory alone has heen making regular shipments oi from six to eight carloads a day for the past two weeks, so that within a Lbnonth two hundred carloads will have been exported from Cincinnati to Jews all over the continent. The official report explaing that the government éonsiders the propsals they have placed before both parties offer the fairest means for arriving at 4d satisfactory settlement of the dispute. but in view of the difficulty of making any progress in that direction without a mutual discussion of the gituation the invitation for joint conference was issued. What the government's propo- sals are has not been divulged. The strike has now lasted aweek, and want and suffering is already felt in many parts. 1 the strike lasts an- other week, there is every reason to believe that the country will be suffer- ing a loss as great as that entailed by a foreign invasion, a loss from which the country will not fully be recovered, in a generation. ing a hard-lsbor clause on their pris on sentences, the convieted suffraget- tes have set Holloway prison in an uproar. Led by Alice Wright, the Al- bany, N.Y, girl, who came from Paris to asst in the window -break- ing campaign, and who was given two-months' sentence, while the ma- jority of her accomplices got "only thirty days, the sufiragettes attempt- ed to dely the prison officials. called and gave the injured man im- mediate attention. It is understood that his rash act was the result of despondency, as he had not been in Lhe best of health, : DID AMUNDSEN ARRIVE AHEAD OF CAPT. SCOTT ? The Norwegian Explorer Says He Named Pole After King Haakon. New. York, March 9. London papers this morning are more inclined to cred- 't" the discovery of the south pole to The secretary of the London Bakers' |Cupt. Amundson and admit that Capt. protective society says the bakers' i Scott, the British explorer, has been supply of coal will not last beyond beaten out, The New York Tribune fifteen days. The price of bread goes has a cable this morning which in up at the end of this week, and the (ludes the following 'comment on the longer the strike lasts the greater will | ondon's Chronicle's special cable of he the increase. the Amundsen discovery of the The best selected coal, which was. pole:~-- : twenty-nine shillings a ton in January, | There was no spirit apparent of dis is to-day thirty-six shillings. The trust as to the accuracy 'of Amuad- poorest kind, called "stove nuts," lgen'y claim. He describes his journey which was twenty-three shillings, is of nine hundred miles, leaving winter wow thirty and one-half shillings. {quarters on October 20th and making It is stated that 100,000 tous of coal the trip in filtyfive days. A great are being held in reserve at the Car | mountain range he encountered, he diffi docks, by speculators, who hope named after his queen, Maud of Nor to realize famine prices. way. Passing Lieut. Shackleton's far- thest south point; hv tended atv the ap proximate position of pole on Decem ber 16th. He found the pole in the midst of a great plateau which he named iter Haakon, king of Norway, A hut was erected here and the Nor- woginn flag was hoisted with the cere. mony tm the name of the king of Nor- wa) RASA NI NEW GOODS. ' MAY END SEAMEN'S STRIKE, «Every department has ila consignment of Spring Goods at prices that are most ate tractive, Referendum Vote Affecting 14,000 sailors Being Taken. Detroit, - March 9.--~A referendum vote affecting 14,000 sailors on the great lakes, is now being taken at all lake ports by the Lake Seamen, ma- When they were ordered into the rine firemen and the marine cooks robing room to remove their ordinary and stewards' unions on swproposi- |clothing, take their 'compulsory bath, tion to allow union Biembers to work | and don prison garments, the women on boats regardless of 'open shop" | rebelled. The wardresses of Holloway restrictions. Should the proposition |prison are chosen for their muscular be adopted it would practically end a | ability rather than for their good strike' of seamen that has been in looks, aud they started. to make the fect for three vears. The result will | prisoners obey the prison rules, While not be known for two weeks, the details ave carefully guarded and - difficult to obtain, it is alleged that THREE MORE WEEKS the riot which followed was the great SESSION est in the recent of the noted prison. Two wardresses, it is 'assert The Commons Supplementary Esti mates Will Be Brought Down PN PSL Ni OUR STORE POLICY is to satisfy. We have the assort- ment at prices which are rock bottom. Our service has been built up to a standard, aot down to a price. Our goods are marked' in plain figures "and we emphasize If it's in our ad- vertisement it is in our store, STEACY', The Store of Satisfaction. history ~ south vOTTeTeve BORN. GRAHAM in, Kiggston, 9th, 1913, to Mr ano tevin Graham, 28 Df DIED, TRH BowWiy In Kingston, Sarah Jane Sinythe, wife of James Joyner, Funeral from her late residence, 300 Collingwood Sirest. Monday, at 10 am, rinugs and acquaint. ances are respectfully requeste to attend MeFADDEN March Fade: Monday A, Ont, March Mes WW. T Street, " sol, Land of Golden Dreams, A good-sized audience turned oul on Friday evening, to the Grand Opera House, to witness the second perform ance of 'Land of Golden Dreams," given under the auspices of the Daugh- ters of the Empire. The performance was very good and it would be diffi- cult to comment on any particular part. The dances were very fine, The children's double septette song, "Let's Play Post Office," caused quite a hit "The Wheel of Nations'™ is one of the fidest things in the, whole performance and called forth great applause. There will be two more performances on Sat- utMay, Al a given signal, all the suffraget- tee jumped up, those who were work ing at the machines smashed them up as well as they could without tools, and for a time the entire workroom WAS In an uproar. Finally, the regained control of the &tuation. The suffra- gettes were returned to their cells and shortly afterwards the prison gover not ordered all the ringleaders in the disturbance placed in solitary finement, where it will ave, Foe of Capital Punishment, DETAIN SIKH WOMEN. Albany, N.¥Y., March 9.--Mrs. Nelhe B. Van Shogerland, of New York, founder of the Betterment league, urged the assembly codes committes to report favorably the Brooks' bill, substituting life' suprisonment for the death penalty. "The keynote of crime is heredity," said she, "apd i you mast kill some- body Kill the parents of the crimin- als." JOYNE on March Sth, 191 beloved Deportation Order Extended ing Investigation. Ottawa, March 9.--The time for de porting the. two Sikh women ' who have been detained at the Pacific const has been extended pending the consideration of the report of the special commissioner of the immigra- department, F. C. Blair, who wen{ to British Columbia to study the question. Information was re ceived in Ottawa that the Sikhs have Jost their habeas corpus case before the British Columbia courts in regard to their detention. BANKS TO BE TAXED Pend. wardresses At sth Cushendail Ont, 1912, Mary Ann The expedition was favored with un- Mos usually fine weather. The party at the pole consisted of five men, four sled ges and fifty-two dogs. Amundsen re tfrning, arrived at winter quarters January 2lst. The Tribune save whie Amundsen's story does not leave room for doubt that he visited the pole December 16th or so, what all the world wants to know is, when did Scott reach it, er did Scott reach . it at all. Amundsen says not one word about Scott. JUMP TO THEIR DEATH AT BIG CHICAGO FIRE Fourteen to Twenty Deaths---Woman Gave Birth to 2 Baby. Chicago, March 9.--A fire attended by from ten to iwenty deaths and manu narrow escapes, destroving the Barrett house and the Salvation Army hotel, on South Clark street, this moraing. Both these hostelries were crowded with sleeping lodgers when the fire broke out The flames burst through scores of windows as the fire ines arrived. he firemen immediately spread life nets and several jumped from upper storeys, (wo meti going right through the nets and being severely injured. Others jumped to the ground and were killed. In' the woman's department of the building, the fircmen carried out sev- eral women unconscious. One of them had given birth to a baby while pre facing to get out of the burning siding g morning, at i Germain's, Cughendall, i Cataragul Cmatedg. Friends and J geanaintantes are Pespect fully 'res quested to attend, ROBERT J. The 'Phowe B77. eon i» understood they }iton or 4 that -------- Hawaii is For Taff. - - San ¥Franeisto, Cal, March 9. Col. Samuc' Parker, who arrived from Honolulu, ssid that President Taft hos the ungusditied gdod will of all AMUNDSEN DID NOT SEE CAPTAIN SCOTT Norwegian Telegraphs That fe Knows Nothing of (he Bitish Expedition. New York, March 9. <The New York Times received a despateb, yesterday, from Roald Amundsen, at Hobart, Tadmania, saying that he kuew noth- mg about Capt. Seott,. the British explorer, in his expedition. This message was in reply to one sent by the Times, asking Amundsen if he kpew anvthing about Capt. Seott, and was brought out by the despdtch from Hobari, published first by (s London newspaper, yesterday, to the effect that Amundsen, upon his arrival at Hobart. had. declared that Chapt. Scott had discoyered the South Princess Street, -------------- Names Were Omitted. The list published in the Whig on Friday of those taking part in the "Land of Golden Dreams' production was from the official programms. Evi dently it was not complete, as & number of names are reported as having been omitted. The names of the Misses Laura Lemwnon, Minnie Mitchell, Ruth Zeigler and Gladys Lemmon are among those left owt. \ The Old Firm 254 and 358 FR "Phone 147 for BLACK WALNUT CHAIRS, Tweéive of these In st are yles. A rare kind. One set at wa the other at $36. heres I ever At Turk's. "Phone * oli Soe SPU PBR To Make New Revenue for Nova Scotia. Halifax, March 9A ovérnmeat measure was introduced in the Nova Reotia legislature, which will mean something to the banks, financial trust, insurance, telegraph and tele- phone companies, The bill is entitled "An act to supplement the revenues of the crown in the province of Nova Scotia," and the above institutions are to be taxed. FREE CHURCH PRINCIPAL ed, had their clothing torn almost completely from their bodieg while they had to use fotters to subdue. the warring suffragettes and make them take their baths and put on prison uniforms. Next Week. room to sew on bags, according to Ottawa, March 9.-Three more weekys| the prison rules and the terms of will ste the end of the session, bur-|their sentence, another row followed. ring the unforseen. The government They had learned of the intention of legislation is practically, all down, and {the authorities to prosecute all lead- passed, or in a fair way 10 be passed, | ers under the sonspiracy acl, dnd were The supplementary estimates are near- ly ready for presentation, and will be brought down by the minister of fin nanee next week. ; The government intends to utilize all available time from now on with the jeot, it is being decided to start the sittings of the house next Thursday, und Saturday sittings a week from to-morrow. ~ M the present plans are carried out, Hon. W., T. White will deliver his first budget speech next up with a heavy cold, but he hopes to be in shape bv Wednesday, There is little likelihood that any tarifi changes will he announced until «the people of the Hawaling Islands, | the tariff commission is appointed, Hawaii, he said, would send a solid | and makes its recommendations. The CANNON year ending March 3ist, and which, it ig smd, will show a surplus well in ON BED OF RIVER excess of fhirty millions. n-- wegalchie. sbueg, N.V., March 9-Workmen engaged in | exeavating for the Bites Afterwards, when the sulfrageite and Hittle remaing outside of voting oflexceedingly angry. view of briditing the session to an end woek, probably on Wednesday. The delegation to the national convention. | minister's speech will largely be a re tion water main near the city water an PURE HONE! In the Comb, 18¢ 'apd 20c per tion. EXTRACTED. : 2121b. Pals ,is ...... Bbc, Sib Palls... sos 400... 88g, 10 1b. Palls ..; «,.... $1.35 BO Ib, Palis ... so ov. $2.00 Jas. Redden & Co.; : * HE WANTED TO KNOW an Kingston Bills Through. Dr. A. E. Ross, M.P.P, who is home from Toronto for the week-end, reports that the Kingston hills, con- cerning the hotel bond issue and the locomotive works passed the second reading in the legislature on Friday, and are practically through. The city's bridge measure has also been passed. ---------------------- New Organ for St. Paul's. Plans are under way for the install ing of a pew organ in St. Paul's church in the near future. It is very difficult to find out just how many years the present inst it' has been in use, but its days of service are past and over. What it Would Feel Like in An. other World. ! Horsecave, Ky., March three unsuccessful attempts to eom- mit suicide by shooting himself through the head, Richard Jones, 'a twenty year-old negro, gave up in dis gust, tied up his head and returned to work. He said he 'wanted to Henow what it would feel like in anoth- ef world." ; 9. After Coming to Canada to Investigate Church Development. London, March 9.--The commission of the Free Church of Scotland has decided to send Rev. Principal MacCul- loch and John MacDonald to Canada to investigite as to the future devel t of the church in the dominion. Rev. Principal MaéCulloch is at the head of the Free church college in, Edinburgh. London Te Paris by Aeroplane. Paris March 9--Buffeted by high i and most of the time flving a drenching rain storm, Avi leaders were ordered into the work supply and the debate on the budget by Easter at the latest. With this ob minster of finance is at present laid Ao i view of the finances of the fiscal year |. FiND Tn this specplative mood he placed] the muzzle of/a revolver to his fore head and the trigger. The ball tore a furrow through his scalp and seed off his skull. He shot hi side of the head with like re * and then placed the muse "Another despateh to the same effect ap the one from Amundsen was re. avai from Henry D. Baker, the Ame arssnal, which stinds on the bank ¢ BL a Tht ites "they "weve found. Ths intended probably for use either during she war of 1813 or the civil} war, as vities were carried on a the arsenal during both struggles, © a fel ¥ Lit pre Shot Divorced Wife. t his cheek and fired: "Fremont, io, March 8.--Augered | through both cheeks, The ball fecanse his Le obtained a divorce ; while he was in the workhouse for Seas Sistreating her, Heary Borman; a Americans Placed in Juil. |Mborer, today, shot and killed her Marth 9--The first: outs the main street of the town, 'and - sign of hostility to Americans Sommittad suicide, firing a bullet and the present Central American trip in ; ary of State Knox und pare Y to. héve: 'when fifty ring anid Athlete Sneezed to Death. ¥ ah anti-American crowd were | ina, March 9.--According to "Bil where they will remain until despatch from Camden, NJ, An Mr. Knox leaves the capital. The Herd, 8 well-knows atbtete and ache the enlne witor: _ many years a life guard on the newspapers, the beac) Atlantic City, sneezed to » Mederno, death at his home there. ------ . Russia Huge Naval Programme. St. Petersburg, March 9 =The a oil 'of ministers Las decided to intros duce in the doums 8 new naval pros ; gramme This calle for the expendi! ture of $250,000,000 during the oo five years, er = The Most Yeast : fan't the fact thet tts Swan Y& -------- Meeting for Men Only. Bethel, church, corner Barrie and tohgaon™ "Rev. C. H. Yatman in illus trated address, "What comes After Death." * All men welcome. Male chor- us will sing. 3 al One man climbed out on a window sill on the fourth storey and tried to signal for assistance. He was a living torch of flame in an instant, and fell a ------ Watch For These. d the id talks on adver ne which in in the Whig om Monday.» Every merchant who be Geves in advertising should appre. te this service. ° a -------------------- + of back into the burning building Cakes have won admiration where All the victims were poor people, | tried proof that they are the best who had taken lodgings for the night [Prove thix to your own ati i in these places. The number dead wi{by ordering a J. puckage fry out» present is indefinite, and may never be grocer, or send lor gy 2 1 3 known, ss the Salvation Army re | Swan Suiees §& Cereals, Tol cardi are destriyed. She fireinen sav romto, Ont, : ae many ¢ heroic efforts. Sev---------- pe I The casualties reported wie} "A We, fiver pA for 100," Gnd #ix dead aud four dying. : pon's, i Si ad