' oC : ¥ . J A i get 3 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1942. *y pected to 'awive in town early next - $ z J A = Roa) Ws Noes * 1 es Bend. atearsits sveuse, || Application Lists opened on Tuesday, March 5 and will close on or before 3 p.m. Tuesda was hostess at a very jolly shower on | (Soak Rea Rew oR ki ie im Y 'The Arena Gardens 'of Toronto i « rs bert Waoor ians 10 hear that Mes. Herber : Hood] LIMITED is soprano soloist in SC. : byterian church in Vancouver, PB. J Miss Fdith Ferguson will be hostess | (INCORPORATED UNDER THE DOMINION OF CANADA LETTERS PATENT.) {Continued from Page 2) 'You Thursday at the Heading (lub i At the curiing rink on 'thursday Mins Charlotte Worrell. who hasdp morning Mrs. H. Dawson's rink won]been visiting Misa Calan in Montreal} from Miss M. Gordon, seore 10 to} has returned to Halifax, : 8 The rinks were as follows : Miss x Florence Williamson, Miss Mabel Rich ? arason, Mrs. RK. Waldron, ir. and i Mrs, H. Davgon, skip. | Mrs. Huliour Mudie, Mis. K. N Colvide, Mis. Walter Macnee and Misg | M. Gordon, skip. Qu Friday morning, Miss M. Gor- dén's rink won from. Miss Ada rch a . i : ' A 5 score 17-8. The rinks were as fo TEXAS MAKES PROTEST It may and it pay sot be by later}, C0. "yoo Sahel Richardson, Mrs. veniion. : K. U. Colville, Miss Maud Betts, and Against Continuance of Reign of "Americ ang. Liermass, English, | jie M1. Gordon, skip. 1 ; Terror in Mexico, Franch and Spanish in Be ue Mrs. Elmer Davis, Miss Florence ! Washington, March. 9.~" Along the UERpey a oy as ei Tih na Williamson, Mrs. Richard Waldron, Doxder Ly ts of bandits ard. Tooting Siciat- al doviavits} wok alik 20 the Jr., and Miss Ada Birch, skip. DIRECT ° RS: robbing, burning, pillaging and mur-| Fy or_ moral; obligation that 3 he Fuk matches of the Kingston | President COLONTL SIR 11, M. PELLATT, C.V.0 14.001 10HR CARS! ii dering under the name of revelation: | 4 : {Ladies' Curling Club have been play- | a, : : CARSON, President i | | | ; CAPITALIZATION. AutBorited 7 Per Cent, Cumulative Preference Stock & SERA xa dl Ba . J... 250.000 Conimon Stock : Be | S50.000 1st Mortgage 6 Per Cent, 0-5 ar Sinking Fund Bonds | am Lo 300.000 WE DFFER, ON BEHALF OF THE OWXERS, $250, 000 7 Cumulative Preference Stock oF THE ARENA GARDENS OF TORONTO, LIMITED, at $03.00 per share of $100.00 with bonus of 40 per cent of par value in common Shares, payable as follows: PLAN * a PLAN "BR" [ the par value therenfl on any pile ation i of the par valine thereof on application allotment, or 15.0 aitetment, 181 April, th? Int May. SIZ 181 June 1913 Craowh Reserve iste," said John A. Hoppér forma stands in their way as revolutionists, fed and have resulted 1 a tie between | ¥lewitrrenidens W. I GEAR Vice-President Crown Trust Ming 0. ident of the. Ei Pave ohambér et "Possonally, | earnestly advoente| ihe rinks skipped by Miss Ada and ton § vod W ashiria the immelicte presence of a diviaon Miss * Beatriee Birch. This will be merce, who arrived in Asing- | op oorps of United States regulars on | played off early mext week. ton Friday, to make One plea tor the border The lovee <hauid welnde Lhe ladies' bonspiel, which was to betier protection, tefantry, cavalry snd artilfery." have been played the last three days Conditions are even worse in the tremens Sion at of this week, has been potsponed un- intericr, he continued, A state of [hich class masic, We. copy. Humo- [ti Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday iinshy vans in the Rogier, Mer, resus, Lests's Rhapsody, Fifth {of next week. ral and southern: paris ol e esi} Noeterne, HH Trovatore and 10,000 . . . . ean resublic. It #8 a condition that] thers. Nuiton's maosie store. A very epjoyable party of girls and will fast so long as the country iv A star so bright that it could be (boys enjoved a sliding party on the vathout a leader of the Porfirio Binz! seen in the davtime helped the "re fort bill on Wednesday afternoou, af \vbe, volution in Ching. The superstitious | terwards going over to the country In Texas we hope for some per | people believed that the star ap #n {club for disper. Those present were manent solution. How that isto be laugiry that the gods favere a Professor and Mrs. PP, G. C, Cam x Frought about is not for us to say. | change of dynasty. bell, Miss Dorothy Brownfield, ice gr md or Rinna pi -- a ---- ei ------------ " Marie Carruthers, Miss Elsie Vensé,|'" Ve ear March 1 . - Mine A il, Sis livin Lick FOSTER GOES TO AUSTRALIA National Horse Shaw, which is such a popular event in Toronto. Then there are such events as the Auto Glorious Hair For Women E. Van Lesslie, James Swift, r., Show, Pure Food Shows, Vaadeville Shows, large Conventions, Bad Concerts and Indusivial Exhibitions Manning and Heymann, To Conduct Negotiations With Gov. {} all of which attract large crowds. Up to the present time Toronto has not had any properly equipped build. . . 2 : , ernment for Reciprocity. ing for sutli events, and these will help to insure the success of thenew Arena from the very outset. Miss (Gordon, Queen's university, en- Ottawa, March 9 Hon. George FE. A new departure in connection with these undertakings is that a bundred ton artificial ice plant Is bee Your Money Back say | tertained ata must enjoyable luncheon | Poster, minister of trade and com ing installed, under contract with the De La Vergne Company, dated June 23rd, 1911, This plant will not J B. McLeod if PARISIAN to-day. Red carnations and Queen's | merce, leaves in the spring for Aus ! : \ . College colors were used in making a tralia. to conduct. hewotistions With only matitain the skating jee during the winter, but will als manufacture fifty tous of ice per day during . ; p | 3 4 8 4 x Me 3 PAL ans : # SAGE isn't the Most De- "most effective table decovation. The |the government there looking to a the sfwimer season will, it is expected) not only pay for the cost of runing the ive plant during the winter, + : guests included Mrs. E. T. Scott, Hon. {treaty of reciprocity. put furnish a very considerable revenue. lightful Hair D ressin gs President of Queen's Y.W.C.A., Mrs Hon. George 1 Perley, minister u . . ; Grower, Beautifier and Dan J W.' Hl. Greaves, Hou. President of "the | without pertiolio, may temporarily re Mr. Lawrence Soliman, who is well known throughout Canada for his successful management of heatri- ' : ? Levana Society, and the exécutive of | place Mr. Foster during ihe IMtor's(] cal and summer amusements, has kindly consented to act as Managing Director. druff Remover you ever saw. Queen's Y.W.C.A., and the executive of |absence, but it is nai ver officially an Additions! application forms will be supplied ou request by, and subscriptions may be sent to, the under the Levana Society, nounced, signed: - » - Ad ; BDMUND SHEPPARD, Prosident Montreal Arena Co, Managing Diveetor LAWRENCE SOLMAN TW. HORN . JOSEPH RILGOUR, of Kilgour Bros A, G. BROOKE CLAXTON, K. ©, Director Mantreal RB. A. SMITH, of Osler & llammond Arena Co, Manufactorer on os SECRETARY WM. NORTHEY, Secretary Moatreal Arena Co In recommending the Preference and Common Shares of the Arena Gardens of Toronto as attractive ine vestments, we draw attention to the following: -- The Arena (ardens of Toronto will be a large revenue producer at all times of the year In the winter season the greater portion of the revenue will be derived fy om' receipts of hockey games. For years Toronto has been urgently in need of a hockey arena, All the teams belonging to the larger leagues will play their ganies on this rink's surface. With a seating capacity for over 6,000 people, the new rink will fill all the requirements (or many years to come. Outsidé the winter. seasom, the new Arena will also fill a long-felt want, It offers an ileal location for the a. B aif om that fair and A very small informal luncheon was Voted to Keep Gallows. THE C R OWN T R UST @ 0 M P A NY Aquare basls. Burely you dont wam A given ut the eounty club on Fridav in| poston: Mass, March 9.--Vecause of to experiment with common com- % ? B { an ' yd 3 88 Notre Dame Street W., Montreal. mercial tonies, whén = large bottle . honor of Mrs. J. F. Patton, of New |ipe fear of a nervous broskdown, = a Rem When # lathe bottle Rt y | York. The table was prettily arrang- | Qperifi Quins, yesterday, took steps to Any Brapeh of a 1 with yellow tulips and daffodils- nt ¥ V. 1. Richeson, nwait cents. iE jae prevent Rev, ©, tiche » BW hero {8 a reason for the nheno- & 4 The guests included Mrs. P, Steven- | ing nt Rev, for "the murder of his LA BAN Q U E I N 7 E R NATION AL E DU CANA D A menal sale of PARISIAN SAGE {son, Mrs. William Harty, Nise Frances | sweetheart, Avis Lisacll, learning that Head Office . . MONTREAL, slice ft was first introduced Into a { Sullivan, Miss Florence Cunningham, {the legislature has defeated by a vole » America, and the sales this year ar pecullar power to turn the harsh |Miss Mabel Brownfield and Miss Mari-|of 161 to 42 the hilt alintighing Fup P E 1 L A T T & P BE L L A T T breaking all records. unattractive hair that many wom ua on Redden. ital punishment. \ : ion Naz And the reason is plain to all. | posscss into luxuriant and Padiant . . . . ee imarias v Members Toronto Stock Exchange. PARIBIAN SAGE does just what Il bair in a short time. Women of re- Miss Alice (King, Alice street, enter Bride Fatally Burned. TRADERS' BANK BUILDING - . 'a - TORONTO. 18 advertised to do finement the country over are using | tained informally on Wednesday even Sydney, March %.- Mes, Jamis Camp There is no reason whatever why it and it never disappoints ig in honor of her sister, Mrs. David | peli, { " A man oF woman should fail 15] + Sold by leading dealers every | MeGill, of Montreal. was rocking a epadie néar the fire . : . advantage of the above gener- | where and in Kingston by J, B. Me- > : - - lage. her back being ta the fire. He Two delegates will be sent by the Ihe kingis plans Jor the season Official board of the Methodist ous offer. fLbeod for 50 cents a large bottle Major and Mrs. N. 8, Leslie, Bagot pag ¥ 4 > $ arg nor o R. oo Lesh, got But one thing that has made | The girl with Auburn hair is onlstreet, have returned home trom Ut: PARISIAN BAGE so famous is its | every carton, tawa ha srs ---- enabling at a neighber's house, a -- . _---- A RE . RE -- clothing eanght fron (he | grate and| overnment to the International Tu- | have been affected by the strike His | church, in Cobourg, voted 14 to 3 in in A'second she wasn fines of flames iboreulosis conference in Rome next! majesty being compelled to delay fix: Haver of union She ran out' inte' the snow hat was|month, One will likely be from Que-ling the dates of his visits to the | James Willoughby, of Winuipég.. has fatally burned. Mrs, Camphell = was | bec, and the other from Manitoba, but various foreign courts until the situ {been elected Gand Master of the Man Mrs. Lennox Mills, Bishop's Court, married only about 8ix months ago. |thdy haye not been selected. tion improves. fitoba Orange Grand lodge. will not receive again till alter Eas - " -- HEADQUARTERS IN KINGSTON FOR ter a TT I ne | Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cunpingham, ; ul | Ii fi : th = AMES HOLDEN FOOTWEAR On-gwa-na-ds, returned on. Fuiday v : 1 Ls L ; 7 - from Toronto, where they have been 73 7 | 8! spending the past several days, // oO un / . - . . Mrs. Vernoh Eaton, Darrie street, / who 'has spent the past week tn UL JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE | ("i "iid home ou Horny. tier 70 BROCK STREET. gioasiing sow Gilie i Fotante, i: o on Wed i y. Mrs. Charles Sparks, who has been visiting Me. and Mrs. J. Stuart Me Cann, kit on Monday for Ottawa. 'SPRING SUITINGS pe R. Mie Midnes is a guest, of Mss. James Minnes, Gore street, lor he i Hi { weck-eud. Fran Trigle aud ba i IH "The Dunlop general line of rubber goods is just as} 0 le son have return ron Ottawa HHH Just Arrived ima" ow ting Capon and ily - well knownand favorably thought of as Dunlop Tires. Miss: Jems Sharps, who bs _ jews Ht So insistent and widespread is the call f visi vr . J. Hamilton, i | 3 pre a is e ca or siting, Cops Sead Mes. J on Ts HH What we Make Dunlep Goods that our plant is kept busy | Inspection Invited ® |i y+ 3 iH | the year round, and we have located De. and Mrs. J. M. Platt, Poris i mouth, have returned from Picton, branch warehouses from the Atlantic to where they spent the early part of the Hi the Pacific to effect a speedy distribution. : k. | "ls . CRAWFORD & WwW ALSH Prot. Robertson of Queen's university ih : Our factory additions for this year alone seturaed oe sid Fut, Hi are nearly as great as the total area of the Princess and Bagot weeks. Hi plant seven years ago when we corhimene- Higa B Shlah a Ggoancase, was tid ed the manafacture of rubber goods. . , Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Fraser, West 1 5 so 0 NAA street. have: returned from: New York, Hi : \ " where they were spending two weeks. HH . ; Miss Edith Goodwin, Alice Street, | : who has hn visiting Mrs, Jock Mur- ray, and Mrs. A an Drummond in | Toronto, gy expec t week. Nr, and Mrs. G.Y. Con, Suny | yy - gids," are spending seve ays this i : } hs HOME OF CANADA'S BILLIARD SUPPLY. week in Toronto. i 5 i b = We Bhutan in Prot of Gand Quilty, Mrs, David McGill and her little son {HHH : a ay is pretty good evidines of how | who have been visiting Mrs. Geroge King, Alice stregt, returned to-day to Hill : the popularizing of the "Rubber- Montreal, Ur. Robert Compl of Mosiseel 3 is | | made Goods' idea has also popular- Ga Ceres {HH ih ined the Dustlop line, for Dunlop fac- "Vie Phim, who spent a few days | | I tories eould net have grown in floor Outaey Toen cer Crate at his. ps Digg a i HH i area unless Dunlop goods had grown | BE Table factory in Fas Danian: ET any Gibson came down HH 1 in the estimation of the public. 'from Toronto on Friday to spend the i 4! Er i pp LH DUNLOP TIRE & RUBBER in American Market. The H reid cohituct Pdodimindip in sach Ottaw { | i WAL mad up dhe Nght Sandan of scr Bh pai of | We. WF. Nickle and Mies Evelyn HARE LT GOODS C0. LIMITED. Lady lari orp Se ---- Niekier reds Ta Olav. any a AT TORY : Head Office and Works : TORONTO, ins conmmidnn howe at. the week. Hit HEH Brusca Whepe, Bog. © Prolessar J. € sGwillim, U sires! | i eas led fos expediions an at expedifious and unlimited ouput theotghont ete hit tah n To «oh HIRT Reh, Ved] fod al Stents seed ofice. © fronts, has refused home