THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG MONDAY, MARCH ti, 1012." ES ------------------------ wo Bmp me They Keep the THE WHIG, SEVENTYNINTH YEARIN iS NEW CHARGE DAILY BRITISH published at 304-310 King Street, Kingston, On- WHIG, ole system taro, at 36 per year. Editions a 2.39 and 4 © WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 1 ahi md in arts os Postage b and EV. & J. M COMPTON AT ST, : . . the pink of Thursday morning at §1 gens. ob Satin biished In 5 ad to » or bu na . be added, making price of and at Wash $180 ner yeu ANDREW'S ON SUNDAY. ; condition : Dest Job A , : . ang Aliached in one of tha hast 108 ran: na, Offices 1a Chnaas; rea, sd, | rer. Dr. Campbell, of Montreal, Their singular curative pro- | THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED Preached Introductory Sermon-- : The Remarks of the Pastor to His : : perties discovered by an Indian J. G, Elliott, President The he i tribe--introduced tocivilization ! : Leman A. Guild, See~Tress. Rev, S.J. NM. Compton, B.D, oe nearly a century ago--com- cupied the pulpit of St. Andrew's : TORONTO OFFICE~Sults 19 and 20 Queen City Chambers, 33 Church [church for the first time since his in- Nha V of 4 since 1857 a the Street, Toronto. H. KE. Smaliplece, J.P, representative. duction, on Sunday, and both the ONE JE Comstock Laboratories at services were marked by very large j 4 attendances. At the morning service, : { } Brockville, Ontario, A LATER APPRAISAL. the pastor was introduced by Kev. Ny | Robert Campbell, D.D., of Be Ga- ; \ ' Ta briel's church, Montreal, ex-moderator i i Ra lptas 'brichtai Dr. Morse Ss The general assumption is that the | sold. This ipakes the net annual in- of the general assembly, who at the ie ! { ' Fabrics are brighter-- a. a Ae ie RAED" : : +h close of his sermon paid a glowing t iH i : x A rates Indian boundary Muse desl of the federal gov- fcrease in the grant in lieu of lands, tribute to Rev. Mr. Compton and his 4 | weaves more delicate, : 18323,000. This is what the provinee |. i | 4 L, i . . 3 od ' Root Pills ernment has been to the great ad gets. What it gives up includes all the | The \ i | _ Coats bubbling with jaun- Presbyterian officers, non-com- vantage of Manitoba. It all depends oatural resources of the added terri- missioned officers and men of the R. how one looks at and especial- r ; ich the pro-|C-H:A. were present in foree, and as upon how on ¥ tory, and the right which Pro" 1 he new minister of St. Andrew's is have a remarkable record for consistently curing constipa- ||, j. kind of spectacles through | vince now has to swamp lands with- {40 Presbyterian chaplain of the per 8h tion, billousnessand indigestion, | which one Ciews the result. in the boundaries of the present pro- : - A Real Beauty ow "The ines Maagitoba," p i Manitoba, to #n® estimated ' i A purifying e blood, banish Ihe provinee of Maagitoba, rays | vince of 0 t > Shing the Winuipeg Free Press, "as enlarged | amount of seven or eight million | } Rh ; fy, of Overcoats ty grace, headaches and clearing the i to get $062,000 a year in liew of acres." 5 \ Priced at skin, 25¢c. a box everywhere. |), .ds. It already receives $100,000 on| From this the deduction is that the] | | this neeount, which makes the gross result is not so satisfactory, Thel| a 2) 1 5 0 0 $060008000 90000000000 increase granted by the Borden gov- promise of Mr. Borden has certainly | | y hy * . > ® lernment $462,000. There are, however, | not been fulfilled. The farmers are 70 ! 7% some annual deductions to be made |not even given the control of their 8 from this amount; $15,000 yearly on natural resources. Hon. Mr. White, in : ) Hand Tailored Garments. ' 5 account of university lands, transfer- | one address, said he was sure the pre- b : PEARL R ORV B PEPER IIIIES red to the province twenty six years | mier would redeem all his undertak- ago; and $124,630, as an annual off- | ings, hut for the time being he makes We take great pleasure sot due to the swamp lands which | no sign in this one significant diree- HE ) : 3 in Showing. the province has already reeeis ed and | tion, a yi 4 We would ask you to 'CEDAR SHINGLES QUESTIONS OF TAXATION. favor us with a call. are still on top. oo x The city council will be looking for J ably upon the proposition and, lo, a Grades to suit all pur- sympathy ifi its desire to preparea committee from the officiale hies off budget which shall meet all the de }to Quebec to try the matter before the y mandg in the publie treasury and not | legislature and to induce it fo legis REV. ROBERT CAMPBELL, DE. advance the rate of taxation unduly. late upon the same, Will the legisla- ara g "Everything is rising, * said a public Jture act 7 Hardly! It ix not its duty manent forces here, the Horse Artil- » 3 3 YlHery band headed the Presbyterian pa- describes the situation | to move in guestions of this kind at . -~ . : ] Latest Models man. And he rade to the kirk. A number of the . 4 in a few words. the request of the individuals and {cadets from the Royal Military Col- in Derby Hats The police, the firemen, and the | without reference to the public inter- lege, were also in attendance, school teachers are already assured of | ests; Rev. Dr. Campbell preached a most Fan) 8 E E 0 U R 8 P E C I A L Fae. | Phone 66 . vx : 3 Hnpress won from 11 Thessalo- : an increase in their salaries. The city Some pernicious legislation has been f : nians ii.-15 : "Therefore, brethren, E hall staff may not be moving in a passed, detrimental to the civic |stand fast and hold the tradition ) ' . s » " . 2 sha - * > gy * 4889000eeassneeeeeey body, but it would not be surprising | cause, but that legisiation origina- which ye have been taughl whether by + ---- if they did, There should not be any ted usually from a source that cannot word or by our epistle. if K E N M OR E : . . ia At the close of his sermon, Dr. discriminations, and the way to he ignored. Members of the provincial Campbell paid a warm tribute to a i ! pw r {p r thers 2s sq OW, VV avoid them is for the finance commit- | parliament will hesitate about impos-| Rev. Mr. Compton, and expressed the . New Low Crown, Liberal Rim, ete pe to take hold aud comprehensive | ing upon the people, in the way of hope that his pastorate at St. An- i 00 . : te so HIRE A Die + § : : drew's would be a most successful e Best : . Hat In Canada. view of the vivie service and deal I taxation, without a request from the =r ' : : x s one. He had met him abroad, at an . wills 1d , s : = 4 ; hu PERFE Ti with it in a fair and impartial way. }eouncil. international religious conference last ! We can Save you SOc to $1.00 on vour New Hat. It is fortunate that Kingstou has "There could hardly," says the lautumn, and on that occasion had _ ; : an efficiency that is more modest than Montreal Gazette, which is usually [been greatly impressed with him. Al- . l 8{ OA the representatives in Montreal. There | temperate in its criticism, "be a though on that occasion, Mr. Comp- fi wn 3 fy m_ was the youngest member if the . (he civic employees insist that they | more mischievous = precedent set than party, hé was the most popular with { We handle nothing but the best. chall be organized ai the expense of f that the legislature should undertake | all the members of the conference. lle Is rich i in food value and the people, a pension fund that it}, fix or augment the amount of pay congratulated - the congregation on C L A SS Y > having secured so able a man. Sole Age nts m Kingston, easy to digest. It is just shall provide generously for those lhe given to men in a municipal | Rev. Mr. Compton made a brief ad- Cocoa, pure Cocoa, ground who cahudt continue actively in the service. The proposals so unwisely dress to the congregation, and in his - gm A » sitv's service; d they shovld be sent ing remarks, ie feeling W 'from the choicest Cocoa J 1 # mervice. and, tu *a pressed should be checked by the le- PE er The death of Mrs. W ht FOOT EAR The Celebrated inte comfortable retirement. William i ; ; Yui : : | Nickle. On the occasion of the speak- beans. : The council does not look favour gislators refusing to consider them. er's fiest visit: to the church, a de. F (§) R R SHOE Nurses aud Doctors teccmmend its ceased had been one to shake hands te we in a or in alth. mn with him, extend good wishes, and - clas ONTARIO'S LONG FISHING POLE. Citron the hops Saat he weal for MEN for M Do You Blt iy aii -- : turn to St. Andrew's. Now her place or en. : : : . fy ------ | -------- in the church wag vacant. He also uae Sir James Whitney was in his usual f tion. The opposition was willing to . Sir + \ A L made a touching reference "to the Cowan's cali and judicious mood, ns Mr | support the government in any de-|death of Mrs. Campbell, wife of Rev. ' Cocon : sand. which would sé i Dr. Campbell, whom he had met a , Rowell termed it, when he charged many 4 wou L saeure it & Hud few days before he leit for his 9 . $ Id son's Bay port. Sir James evaded v that the opposition: in the Ontarid® the: isin, ~ He reldscdito disouss #4 home. : r8ue, s § Most toushing also was the youn 9 y 3 x logisinture had heen intiuencet frou: Lin detail, He refused to let any oe|Irish preacher's Teleronce to the death Men's and Boys' Departmental Store Ottawa when it "moved on the bound- | slée do so. All the while he was dn [of his own father, beside whose newly- . 3 Sa ary line question, It was a petulant } touch with the Ottawa government, junde grave De had stood Jue day be- 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREE T. and ungracious statement and quite | tbout the easement for the provin- |g, ele ve Emerald Isle for Cana- : characteristic of the King Hal nature | cial railway, and all the while he was] "I gelieve God has led me here," add- of the premier. lickering for a ideal which was notled Mr. Compton. "I am to preach, Recall fpr a moment the fact thal satisfactory. And he charged the but my work in the ministry tells mo Sir James had beeti dreaming ot »pposition with being influenced by Rhy unless, oy ally midst, sleeping all the time that the Mar? | 2 motion which was discussed betore|to comé, when our work is over, we toba ministers were alert and active | Mr. Rowell went down to the capi- (Will have accomplished but little." and insistant in their demands. Re |tal, as he had a right to do, and However, from what the speaker call the further fact that when he ubilate with the "heroes of South knew of the past, of St. Andrew's con- . »" = gregation, he was satisfied that be IME did wake Tinally and discovered that Renfrew. would not be allowed to shiver in his he had been sold out between the Ut The vote in Ontario is over. Uuntar-| work, as in an jce-house. On the oth- ii fawn and the Manitoba governments io, through Sir James Whitney, js © hand, with the prayers and sympa ish wd hies of the congregation, his work he did not go for Mr. Borden but | sntisfied. It gets the use of a strip of 1 ; greg . id be a . Boye sats ot Pry coo Wars for Sir Wilirid Laurier. Sir Wilfrid | | land through the new worth to- ould be 8 Highly re: ended to the Shoes, Jewellery, House Furnishings {had originally asked Mr. Roblin and wards, but not to, the Nelson river [students of Queen's, by the new minis 6tc., sold on easy . payment PpIan.isiy James to discuss the port ques- | He has what a cartoonist has likened (ter. The spedker wished to be regard . Come in, see our goods and terms. |. i. . peighbourly manner and they [to a long pole--one five miles lon ed as a fellow student. There were y . wii mi Mg 3 . - at, Boek of ful hd Winie had joked about it. Now Sir James | with which he can fish in a harbour many problems in life to be solved; he was trying to solve some of them, and thundered and scolded. : he cannot reach except by the per-|would seek the co-operation of the stu- Mr. Rowell, at the earliest oppor- mission of another province, whose dents. tunity, and while the matter was still | premier has got the best of him by | And to the cadets of the Royal Mil- pending in Ottawa, moved his resolu | very long odds. ,. " \itaty college," he added, '1 express to vou a hearty welcome to St. Andrew's, You come from homes scatlered all : over the country, but 1 hope that here EDITORIAL NOTES vou will be at home--that vou will be able to worship and rest in peace." : S The preacher also extended a warm Amundsen, the Norwegian explorer, | places, By order of the medical ofli- welcome to the members of the R.C.H. tells . the story of His dash for the oer. He's a wise man, 'lhe cups] A. and permanent forces. 'Your men South Pole. But it's a tame recital lare a menace {o the people, They do '™ the cd land did much for the 4 compared with -Cook's dash for the | more than any one con imagine toi, arch," he said. "So be loval and Nojth Pole, and it was all in his spread disease, ihr" the church. of your fore}, mind, -------- : Ii all the demands ou the t there may be an addition of Peljetier, says the Moutren) Star, ] Ar" We foyed the ition, abd Mr, Lem: three mills to the rating, With the Jo he ai | TR 2 | ALL ARE CORDIALLY INVITED i wn ils estima 3 { ave a lot of people in Ottaws = with to: the lowesh ible amount, the in nso # E L » fone fk i rd a sore skin and the sorestof them - 4 8 {an is Pelletier. Xo crease will be twa mille on the dol: A - lar, shims Fhe Telegram says Mr. Bourassa x J § : does not represent Quebec, and his Hon. . Mr, Foster has promised his ; \ : : a constituents in North 'Toronto that : i ok t [ | 1 i Feet omen ne| NP | DAVID M. SPENC on the naval question, and side steps a8 the years go by. MH may, but 1 | i $ e " 3 hook the new blood will have to be ot jon he eatin, 5 better quality than the new govern- : ® : Suskibtthowan will have an addition ment has been adding so far. 5 i Th . L di Millin S . Yo $108 Wt en) -- he Inglatury > The Preshyterian church (in s geve . airy f ec ea ing 1 mer y tore 1] one ow : When the ral sense!, is not as favourshle tol ) *® NortheWout : --_.y. Jarier mein] MiGR 88 it Was expected to be. Will : bership 10 hich # will be sotitled | WMion be imperiled ¢ Shy Some in the commons there Will be some: think wo. Teer ate disponed think ; that a! scheme of "such far-reaching 8 reese INNININe FIFI III PIPTIFVI VISTI PIII PIII IIT VIII III TY Vo vvvivedvve