Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Mar 1912, p. 5

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\ RAF | healed spoke Th Brock strest Metho [ute at seing Dean Bidwell in = the the TEM tdist church in the evening. - i of Ingersoll, presi- Alliance stoeet Methodist i hoseph Gibson, {desig of the 10 {prébched tn Queen lebgr bh at the morping service. i At bely communion in Bt {eathedral ont "The Drigk Question." Ka {ibe in St. Pasl's church also. Dominion PULPITS OCCUPIED BY MINION ALLIANCE MEN. Bean Bidwell Presided at the Afters noon Meeting in the Orpheuns Theatre--Strong Address Delivers ed. Rev. church J ames' Ross, was in Sto Luke's maraing prayer and St aviping | raver. Rev, br foronto, was in" the First fipal church in the mWormng Wr. Duggan, avother AllRance was the special representative of All in church also in the morning, Sunday was Dominion Alliance field jrocto, in the city and many of the prisite in the churches were filled by some of the strong men of that body from Torosta, All spoke strong- on the work the Alliance is doing, vapecially in Ontario, and emphasized its war against the drink traffic, flev. W. McTavish, Ph.D. umil a few months ago minister of Cooke's Msbyterian chu eh, and now field secretary of the Alliance, for Ontario, was the preacher in Chalmers church in the morning, and conducted the evening service in his old ehurch on Brock street, The congregation of the First Bap- {ist chureh listened with rapt atlen tion to Controller J. (0. Melarthy, of Toronte, at the merning service, and day \ nee Meeting at the Orpheum, Mr. Deaw, i every Anglican ehurch in and as you have stated Ontario fon fic this afternoon, we business in two years" I'he above were the words hv Controller J. 0. McCarthy, YOU ARE USING A cheap grade of coffee, a few cents extra per pound will give you an immeasurably finer beverage worth many timestheextraexpenditure. A trial of Seal Brand coffee will prove it. fe) 5) 1%. & SANBORN | MONTREAL George's Rev. Canon Stare preached Ww. VitzGerald preached 'along the some Rev Prof. Hallsmi, of Wyelifie: College, To- at at of Congrega- and man, the Princess street. Methodist member ol the woul your posi- with regard to the hquor traf- would kill the spoken of foronto, when referring to his pleas- ! THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1912 barroom was doing in their It was the deadly enemy of the man; it is a burden upon the him, and it is a withering blight upon afternoon. his home. Mr. Gibson very ably en- Before calling on Controller Me-{larged upon this. He touched on a Carthy for an address Dean Bidweliipolicy which the government had once said he heartily congratulated thelhad regarding the placing of duty on ¢ity upon the success of the recent wearing apparel, and said, whether it license reduction 'campaigns He real-| worked out satisfactorily or pot was ized that this reform eould not be {not the question, but, "Men, I come rushed, hut was amatter for educa- [to you with a better policy thay that. tion, 'I'he dean stated that ss the|one that grits and tories can agree saloons were being closed up be hop- upon--protect the boy inside the coat." ed voulez would be put in their] All through Mr. Gibson was very place, toGatlr to that class which humorous, but, in closing, very earn- is satisfied 16 a cortibn extent by|estly said he did not believe local op- the barroom. And he hoped t|tion would stop drinking altogether, the Alliance would see that the law but it was a step in the right direc- was observed. 'Ihe dean said, in noflion, a shackling, as it were. nptertain terms, that while some! The attapdance was very good. of our methods for the suppression The boys' choir of Bt. Siwotge s sathet of this trathe are varjed nature, | dre) as present, an B Ho e greatly the supreme purpgse was one -ihe a- in the sigalg. » Shh Marvey sang bolition of the bar from our det, | fitting solo "Now is the time," said he, "when our country is young and our na- tional life and habits are being form- . ru go {Church of England were only hall ed." He said the reason the liquor] trafic was so dificult to deal with | awake to the Sune Sar od bY She in England was because it had become use. of intoxicants In -1he dominion, f land that before Christian work can so deeply rooted for centuries back. ho Controller MeUarthy, in a be effectually done abroad, our 'own address, = whe stron: ds = the back yards must be cleatied up." Rev. f the Ae ir a ri He a Prof. Hallam, of Wyclilfle College, To- = i ula ah Hogg = ae dace (| TONtO, very forcibly closed his = ser- th mw, : Be aya " - ® ; , {mon on intemperance in St. Luke's ace with the result ob the NK church, Sunday morning. The text curse daily--the neglected cldid, * thel oo, Romans xv.-1: "We then nome Lh pnt ld, and ths otro Sul 0 bene te i - , a firmities of e weak, flian. diasovtatias. aid seemed hope Prof. Hallam suid, considering that ess, bu or the wor he Ahance® |. nvietions for unkenness, according a band of God-fearing men and WoO 4, yatistics, have increased, in rs i : . t ion He has raised op to success: | noriion to the inertase in population, fully battle against the sin. 140 per cent. uring the past ten The controller said he felt with the years in Canada, and that convie- chairman,» that something must re- | tions for all other evils combined by place the bar, and was glad that! [20 per cent. for some decade, the there was a move in Ontario to pro-ipeople of the dominion must realize vide for that certain sociability and | that this problem has to be faced, a common meeting ground for those! nd solved, within--thé next few years who formerly congregated in the bar- | if our individual and national life 1s room. The alliance"s policy wag nol ii, he spared for the best things. totally a destructive one. The curse of intemperance not only Uoptitiuing, the sunizailer ST nfiects the individual, rendering him lated Kingston on the advance she has", her encapable as a citizen or as a made along prohibition lines. He said father and mother, and ruining the he never sad anything nasty about body, but it introduces into the na- the men in ihe husiness, sad ould tional life an 'element harmful in the not start now, and, declared, 'Men, oyireme. as. long as the government sanctions | When we know that seven-eights of this business, and you and 1 are sai-i{he licenses are for bar-rooms, we chair, and his appreciation of the pidst : chairman's remarks at the mass meet- | working ing in the Orpheum theatre mn that | i Only Half Awake to Curse. Declaring that the people of the short work y Send your patterns for BRASS, BRONZE OR ALUM- INUM CASTINGS Prompt Delivery. The Canada Metal --0o., Ltd. --- FRASER AVE. - TORONTO isfied to put some of the rake-off down | realize that the kernel of the trouble in our pockets, we have np right 10 js geated there. There the best in- sny anything nasty about the individu: | stincts of a man's mature are made als connected with the trade™ {the inetruments with which to pull The speaker enlarged upon the bari Lim down through the treating sys as the seat of vice and lust in the (o, : community, the sure road to the peni-| f, speaking of abolishing the bar, tentiary and asylum, and the worst prof, Hallam said he did not mean corrupting influence in our national | raducing the hotels. He did not be: life. He spoke of the advance the tem- | linve there was any logical counee- perance wave making in the pro- ition. The preacher said he did not vince, and said when abolishing the |jelieve prohibition would stop drink. is The Queen Millinery The New Millinery Store on Wellington Street Will open shortly' with a smart up-to-date stock of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Hats. Watch this Space for further Announcements. traflic we provided cheer for the homes, | ine. for that will never be altogether making and protecting good men and giopped, but people who live in local women, giving the army of childrens|iiion towns and cities, who are in a at least, a fait chance, and discharg {position to say, in no uncertain voice ing our duty to our God. _ (tell us it has reduced the excessive use Joseph Gibson, president of the alli- 1 f the stuff wonderfully. ~ anee, in his own inimitable bright, |" 'phe professor remarked that some conversational manner, followed Con people say : "Well, the government troller McCarthy. When speaking of lganetions the business, and puts its the conditions in the old land, helsanl upon it." At some lengths the said the expenditure of $800,000,000 a lnreacher showed how the liquor license venr in drink was almost inconceiv-| acts were full of prohibitory clauses. ables Lleyd-George is crowded on allift restricts the manufactiire of the sides with questions, religious, politi: |s(ufi, the retail seller of it, the hours, cal and eommereial, which ery for im- lit' nay be sold in, those to whom it mediate adjustment, and is at his wit's ix sold, those who sell it, and stops ends to meet all demands, and will lity distribution on many holidays. continue to be so, as long as the Eng- [ha government, instead of commend- lish people ave foolish enough 10 ling the traffic, by its seal 'and act, spend that much money yearly inlghows its disapproval of it and ts drink. {attempt to control its distribution. Mr. Gibson said he had, about two} vears ago, heard an able man, a Mr. | Mitchell, speaking to about 4,000 la- | Saturday Night bor men in Massey hall, Toronto, and | Saturday evening, at about 9.30 he told them very forcibly three things | o'clock, when Princess street was Runaway. 3 yo » ------ MEANS: BIG SPRING THAW Will your old Rubbers keep opr fect dry-- If not this is a good time Wo get ready for the Soft Spell. We carry Life Buoy Rubbers. he The best sold in Kingston. We have t exclusive sale, » © J. H. Sutherland & Bro. wrHE HOME OF GOOD SHOES", © TT ---- PAW FORD'S aad NE {erowded with people, a horse attach- "0 C t {ed to a cutter came dashing along | Can at a Thing" * : lrpad until it eame to the Windsor {hotel lane, and then took to the sidewalk. Then it came on' to Prin cess street. William Randall, the cab- man, happened to be standing at the saw the horse coming, and went 10 meet it. He went to grab it but the horse pitched him out on the { snow, between the two telephohe poles {but he was unhurt, A large | ruthered. thinking that he had been * .. ¥ Prove. 1 injured. The runaway continued on 3 , ' 'ree to Prov Lf 3 § Trial Bacgage dent by . along Moutreal street Thousands of péople who hadn't real Brock ly' enjoyed a meal for years have giv en | rock. their stomach ° a new lease of life] : 7 through the little wonder-workers, | Brock Street Methodist Vote. Stuart's Dyspspsia Tablets. They| The vote on church union in Brock promptly put an end to flatulency,| Street Methodist church : not vet heartburn, dizziness, sick headache, | complete. but on Sunday the member- ship. vete stood eight to one for union, and - the official board vote eleven to one in favor. At the Sanday service, eightesii new members were received into commun- ion. The brought treasury. i Montreal street. It ran along the {corner, You'll Never Say So Again After You| Read This, and Act on It-- Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are the Open Secret. = anniversary services sum of $400 into the recent the Kingston Ladies' Musical Club. On Saturday afternoon a most de lightinl programme was rendered at the Kingston' Ladies' Musicals Club, held in Convocation hall. The pro gramme included voeal solos by Mise Hazel Massie; piano duet by Miss Donnelly and Miss Elder; voeal sols, Miss Edith Orser; piano solos, Miss Mamie Tierney: voeal solos, Mrs. E. J. Melelland; piano solos, Miss Bes: Here It's Noon, and this sie Dolan. Think of Lumens, i" Hed oats Take En iRia, TeLi He Menitime, dyspepsia, burning sensation, brash, fermentation and the other ills atten: dant upon a disordered stomach. Stuart's Dyspepsia tablets are com- posed of pepsin, and other natural ele- nts that help out the gastric juices the stomach. They are nature's di gestives, the same kind the stomach uses when it is in good health. Stuart's Dyspepsia tablets do not fuetely aig digestion. they actually di- gest the themselves. All the hard will be a parade of the local work is thus taken off the stomach and j¢ ary a jeties Tn Sunday morn: Jit gets a chance to rest and Terulinr. ing to ute. ~The undigested food which Tor<|of St. Patrick's day. The parade will merly produced nauseating gases in the ihe headed by the RU. H.A. basd. Rev. stoinach becomes thoroughly digested | Father Joues, Redemptorist, Toroato, aod as a result provides new brain and! will preach the St. Patrick's sermon brawn and nerve cells to replace nnt-'at high mase. ural waste always going on. Stuart's Dyspepsia tablets act quick: Here During Passion Week. ly; safely and patavally, jest like va-i Rov. Walter Simpson, of All Hallow, They are an essential Barking, Fagland, who is to preach of every drug store the Lenten in St. ' You ean cathedral, has Considering Union Carefully. The vote on church union will be inken from the members of Sydenham Streot Methodist church on Sunday, 24th. ~ The question is being carefully considered by the members of the church. The pastor devoted his Sun- day morning addres to thi¥ subject. The Weslevan. Club will disouss. it at its session next Sunday. St. Patrick's Day Parade. > crowd and down March 17th, and until Sunday, March { St. Mary's cathedral, in homor | *¥%™ 1000000000000000000000000000000008000000000000 Watch Our Wi This Week For SPECIAL BARGAINS IN SHOES NEW BARGAINS EVERY DAY - ABERNETHY'S | race Five. dl A PRIN NES ORRIN IOOO OE ndows 0 ._s ave «"e PO000000000000000000008 0000000000000 900 LAST OF THE MEETINGS BY EVANGELIST YATMAN BETHEL CHURCH. IN The Services on Sunday Were Well Attended--The Evangelist Made Stirring Appeals. The last day of the Yatman evangel- istic services was Sunday The ser- vices were of a farewell nature. Me. Yatman made a last appeal to the un- saved to turn and accept Christ A men's meeting was held in the af ternoon. Mr. Yatman has proved him- seli especially good in dealing with men, and the afternoon meeting was Confectionery of the choicest sort. Every delicious variety, all the old- time favorites, everything de- lightfully pure and good. A BOX OF CANDY will make a pleasing gift to man, woman or child, 4 Sakell's ° NEXT TO OPERA HOUSE. 'Phone 640, Bg well atiended, The text of the preacher was printed on a screen with an accompanying il- lustration. The screen showed two roads diverging from a cross, and end- ANNOUNCEMENT : ' ing in a large circle, which represeated cternity. The text was from Matthew vii, 13 and 14: "Wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to dew truction, and many there be which go in "thereat. "Strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, amd few there be that find it." The speaker showed the great neces: sity of using our time well. Our lives here were.not long and we should "make hay while the sun shines." He said it was pot hard to be busy but we should be engaged in right things. If we plant in the spring we harvesi in the fall, and the cripe committed in a moment may grow a harvest misery through a whole life. God wants to make us good and keep us so. Who has nat thought of space and God and man and wondered and take in a partner. Prompt attention wil ol 191 PRINCESS ST. 00000 0000000000000000000008 The Plumbing Tinsmithing, and Heating Business, conducted -hy W. C. Bennett at 191 Princess St. ¢ during the past year, has developed so rapidly that it has been found nec be conducted under the name of * y * essary to extend operations Hereafter the business will % * BENNETT & HALLIGAN § 1 be given to jobbing, and § estimates cheerfully made. : Agents for Souvenir Stoves and Minerva Paints, Phone 1033. 0000000000000 0000000000COOOCNOORNIORNENOINIITS what does it all mean. What is man? Whether bound? As instinct tells the bird in autumn that summer is in the south and tells it truly, 'conscience tells us that there is a hereafter and conscience speaks truly. God only can tellus what is in the hereaiter The doorway at the end of each path is death. It comes to saint and sinner alike. If we have decided in favor of the cross we are on the narrow road. If we refused Him we are on the broad road. At the end of one road eternal happiness; at the end of the other et ernal torment. Mr. Yatman made an earnest plea that men should follow the narrow path. It was pot the easiest but the best and manliest. The final farewell service was held in the evening, at which the appeal ol the afternoon was repeated. Mr. Yatman is forced by his delicate condition to give up active service for while. He is recovering from a {stroke of paralysis and is obliged to take a rest. He hopes in the near fu ture to make a missionary trip arounll the world. 2 missing elements--to help to The olierings of the Sunday services |to the gastric their digestive are to he devoted to this work. The power, and to aid in making the sto meetings at Bethel church have mach strong and well. well attended and it is believed We know that Rexall Dyspepsia Tab much good has been done. lets are a most dependable remedy for disordered stomachs, indigestion, and 10.000 dyspepsia. Mac-|1 We want to try them and will ete. return your money if vou are not more than satisfied with the result. Three sizes, 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1. Remember, vou can obtain Rexall Remedies in| this community our store ~The Rexall store, Mahood. GOOD STOMACH This Offer Should Be a Warning to Every Man and Woman. The nals newspapers and medical recently had much Ary relative to a famous milliogaire's offer of million dollars a mach. This great busy Jour have to a for new sto multi-milionaire wax too to worry about the condition of his stomach, He allowed his dyspep sia to run from had to until in the end it became incurable His misfortune serves ' to others. Every one who suffers with dispep sia for a few vears will thing he owns for a new stomach. Dyspepsia is commonly caused by an abnormal state of the gastric or by lack of tone in the walls of the The is that to mach loses its power to digest We able to supply worse as warning rive every juiees, a the food certain stomach. result are now restore juices been that 10¢. copy. Jensen, High class music, by Chopin, Levbach, dowell, Godard, Tschaikowsky, Dutton's Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hopper, Morris- burg, have celebrated the fifty-Aith anniversary of their marriage. Rev. Jobn Hay has resigned the pastorate of St. Andrew's Preshyter- ian church, Renfrew. CASCARETS WORK WHILE YOU SLEEP Salts, Calomel and Cathartic Pills Are Violent--They Agt on Bowels as Pepper Acts in Nostrils. Visia only ti. PLAYS AT THE GRAND. "The Stampede" Will be ; on Wednesday. * There are few plays that can come back, especially after only a month's absence, but through popular acclaim, "The Stampede' will be again seen at the Grand Opera House next. Wednes day. There are few more beautiful seenes on the stage to-day that 'Far ly morning ona mesa of the Arizona desert," and for stage realism very few svemes approach the stampede soeme from which the play tales ite name. Mr. Branigan arranged with Mr. Delawater for thiz return engage ment, becuse there was many theatre goers who wanted to see "The Stam pede." Ile has also arranged a cheap er sonle of prices and this almost sured a crowded house. Prodyced Take a Cascaret to-night and thor y cleanse your Liver, Stomach a Bowels and you will surely feel great by morning. You men and wo- men who . have headache, coated tongue, can't sleep, are bilious, ner vous and upset, bothered with a sick, garey, disordefed stomach, or have backache and feel all worn oul. { Are you keeping clean msde with | Cascarets--or merely forcing a pass ay after few days with salts, eathartic oils or tor oil ! This is important. Cassarels immediately regulate the stomach, remove ol and fermenting food foul guses; take the excess bile fr the Fiver and carry off the decomposed {waste matler and poison from the in- itestines and bowels, } Remember a, Cascarer to-night will straighten you out by morning. -A Ie. box from your ist means a clear bend and cheerfulness for months, as "Beverly of Greaastark." Miss Justine Wayne, who is perhaps the youngest leading lady in America plaving = star part this season, has been very entiusiastically received as Beverly Calhoun im A. Delamater and' and Willism Norris' production of || Lieorge Barr MeCutcheon's "Beverly. "Beverly of Graustark'" will be seen at the Grand on Saturday, March I Oth; matinee and night. ye Five more guards are required at the penitentiary. Stl more work President -Milo's executive ' Miss Lydia J. Arnold died af Smith's Falls, on Saturday, aged six for ONE MILLION DOLLARS FOR A Our Big Furniture Sal oD cian fe sh BOSE iv SRREEEAE $A INS Our Carriage line has arrived a month earlier this year. Wood bodies with Leather Hoods are the 1912 style. Collapsable one-motion cart, to fold, | For sale at CASY + \JAMES REID'S: hone 147 Ak Lt COMPARE OUR FENCE PRICES WITH wiff Any manufacture, and find they are net in it Made of ali No ized Htee] Wire wires, 4% in high i wires, 48. in. high, 2% 8 wires, 4F tn. bigh, 96 $ Wires, 49 in, regula: Take it home with when the sleighing is sdve extra bhandiing Bold onty 'by W. A MITCHELLS .. Hardware 85 Princess Street. you this » 9 Heavy G & 5c Rod. Rod Hod 38c flod vou how sd and ty meven years, # {Don't forget the children,

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