Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Mar 1912, p. 6

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"SIE FIOM TYPHOID "FRUFT-A-TIVES" THE BEST PREVENTATIVE There is practically no danger of Typhoid Fever as long as you keep the bowels regular with * Fruit-a-tives."" Typhoid. is an inflammation of the - dueto agerm. This germ enters ly in milk, water or food, 1f the bowels are constipated, the germ remaing in the body. long enough to attack the delicate lining and thus Typhoid begins. "Pruit-a-tives' acts directly on the Tver, ki and skin, and cleans the Sytem of all impurities, * Pruit-a-tives" not cure Typhoid -- but it will cure Constipation, assist Digestion and tone up the 'system --thus preventing soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial size, . At all dealers, or from Fruit-a-tives , Ottawa, OUR CRYSTAL BRAND Of Standard Granalated Sugar Been tried and found excellent for ard table use, Price Is by eservi ways righ ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontario Street, Thomas Copley PHONE 987. NO LONGER DISPLAYED ON HOUSES IN PEKIN, Phere is No Mancha Leader, Others wise He Might Take Over the City and Protlaim a Monarch. Pekin, March 9.---The possibility is widely discussed of the Manchus tak- ing over the city and proelaiming a monarchy again. The Chinese papers print this suggestion, but, as po Manchu leader hal been fortheowjing the past six months, it seems hardly probable that one can be found pow, Should a dictator arise he would find the nucleus of an army in the 20,000 or 30,000 Manchu troops, who are now the most concrete force remaining in the northern provinces. In Shen-Si, Gen, Sheng-Yun, governor of the pro- vinee, whose family was slaughtered earlier in the rebellion, is still fight- ing in the emperor's name. It is reported that Gen. Sheng-Yun has 20,000 followers. He controls the situ- ation in a large part of Shen-Si and Shan-Si. The killing of many whose queues had been eut off, the attack on the Nanking delegates at the first out- break, and the desertion of Yuan Shi Kai by his soldiers, all indicate the re-actionary feeling, Furthermore, the republican flags which for a time decorated every house in Pekin, by order of the police, are new displayed only on the government buildings, although the dragon flag has not re- REPUBLICAN EMBLEW, son, Mr. and Mrs. I and Mrs. ¥. Grimshaw, sheaf; Mr. and THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, MARCH 11, ¥ Most Grocers Will Give You THE LATE HENRY TURPIN, TE The Feneral Was Held on Friday > Morning. The fuseral of the late Henry Turpin was held Friday morning, from his father's residence; 27 Main street, to St. Mary's cathedral, where a solemn requiem mass was sung for the repose of his soul by Rev. Father Maedon- ald. The funeral was conducted by the Young Irish Catholic Benevolent As sociation, of which deceased was an active member. The pall-bearcrs were six young men of the above society, pamely, P. Lawless, C. Suave, Ss. Mallen, Mr. Mahouey, Leonard (O'Neill and T. Martinelli, Spiritual offerings were ° regeived from the following : His brother, Mrs. ¥. Shaw and family, Miss M. F. Shaw, Mrs. Catherine Maiden, Mr. and Mrs Macdonnell, Mr. and Mrs. Fves ahd family, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fitzgerald, Michael Kane, Mrs. Brumnette, R. Monerief, the editor and stafi of the Canadian Freeman, G. Cooper," Mrs. C, Cooper, Mrs. J. Il. Powers and family, Marie Lalonde, W. Payne, William Payne, Jr., Miss M. B, Mathe J. O'Driscoll, Floral tributes were received from : Dadda's Darling, lilies; W. J. Maiden, spray; Miss Agnes LuFleur, sheaf; C. 0.C.F., Couneil * No. 20, anchor; Mr. Mrs. Mrs. Capt. Mullen, sheaf; Mr. and R. MeGill, sheaf; WW. J. Moore and family, sheaf; Mrs. B, Little and Mrs. Davis, sheaf; Mr. and Mrs. Mulholland, sheaf; Miss Elizabeth Kennedy, spray; Mr. and Mrs. J. Burns, sheaf; Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomp- ARE NOT BENEFICIAL. Decision Reached as to Moving Picture Shows. That meving picture shows are not beneficial was the decision arrived ai Priday evening, after a very interest ity debate ou the following : "Resol- ved That Moving Pieture Shows Are Heneficial to Christians.'" The affir- mative whs championed by Miss My- retta McWaters and Harry Couldrey. The negative was taken by Miss Jane Patterson and Harry Draper. Both sides had many splendid points and showed that there was some good ta- lent in that growing Young People's society. R. E. Jones, pastor, and Mr. Easton, of Queen's University, were the judges and gave goed satis faction. Rink Had Good Winter. The managers of the different skat- ing oks in the pity say that they have had a very successful "season. the covered ripk has had a very sticedesful winter. Nof' one skating night had to be called off on account of poor jee. The number attending the rinks have been as large as many other years, The friends 'of David McDowall en- tertained him on Thursday night at the Collendar hotel at a farewell din ner. Mr. McDowall, whe has been here for some time, is leaving for his home in Milton, Ceylon Tea when you ask for it, but there are others who would rather make a big profit than serve you well. Ask for "Salada" and see that you get it. uo BLACK, MIXED or GREEN. Sold Only In Lend Packets. LABATT'S The very best for use in ill-health and convalescence ° FE Awarded Medal and Highest Points in America 2 at World's Fair, 1893 3 PURE--SOUND-- WHOLESOME With the "Rooster" on It ia crowing louder as he goes along. Only 45¢c per pound. For chewing and umoking. AT A. ACLRAN'S, Ont Street. Bers vssessssrensssceneill THE CLUB HOTEL WELLINGTON STRERT, (Near Princess). There are other hotels, proach the Club e surroundings ted In centre of efty {Jose to principal stores but for and and arges are moderate. Special rates by the week #. NM. THOMPSON, Proprietor, Kingston Business College (Limited) "Highest Education at Lowest Cost" Twenty-sixth year, Fall term f 30th. Courses in ng, Shorthand, Tele- fravhy, Civil Service and Eng s Our graduates gat the best positions. Within a short time over sixty secured positions with on® of the largest railway cor- Jorations in Canada, Enter any fme, Call or write for informa. tion. H. F. Metcalfe, Principal, Kingston, Canada. -------------- Drop & card to 19 Pine Street wae. jug Ci or line, pairs and new 1 'wood Floors of all kinds, All Il receive prompt attention Ww 40 Queen Stree son and family, spray; Mrs. J. Me Cutcheon, spray; Mrs. Cannem and F family, spray; Mr. and Mrs. T. x They Came Back Again. : a a: nr struc er James, sheai; . olmpson, wreaih; V ¥ Pwo men struck the city, in hard employees of box factory, wreath; W, $ \ } f thousands of persons laugh during the 2 & : of 3 | OR YOU ten years he has been a clown with E appeared, Clown Becomes Preacher. another boarding house. Mrs. Watts, sheaf; Mr. McLaughlin, Peru, Ind., March 5.--After making quantity of the Byrup ol Toronto, broken heart; Mr. and Mrs, T. MeCammon, sheaf. produce vomiting If this treatment ix followed, not one case & thousand will prove fatal, Ask for RADWAY S and be sure you get what you ask for, fuck Thursday, and when night over-|y spray; George Clenehan, in one of the big circuses, Raleigh L. Wil- | li 3 ; M -- J. Driver, took them, they had no money to pay spray; F. Reid, spray; Mr. and Mrs. for lodging at any of the hotels, so Smallridge, spray; Bertha Shaw, L. went to the police station, and were i spray; RADWAY'S READY RELIEF son, of Lincoln, Neb., has resigned, and hereafter will devote his time to the saving of souls. In his lefter of MéDonnell and Nora Elliott, resignation, Wilson says that, while he iven the best the house provides. Fri- INH. Pickering, spray; Mr. and Mrs, ay night the same two again walked | Nf Dougherty, spray; Sociable Six in, and were given protection. They | (lub, sheaf; Mr. and Mrs. J. McKegg, said they hoped to have work on Sat-|spFay: Mrs. King and Mrs. Davis, urday, and would be able to pick out|spray; Mr. and Mrs. Tulloch, spray; In attacks of this dangerous dis ease prompt attention is 'all important The moment signa of Croup appear Radway's Ready Rellef freely throat and chest, and give has no doubt of his ability to qualify as & minister, he wishes to reserve the right to rejoin the circus if he ever felt inclined to enter the sawdust ring. New Buckwheat Flour in bulk or packages. Pure Maple Syrup. We will buy you a 10c. cake of Infants' Delight with every 25 cent purchase of Taylor's Borax Soap. Cut out the coupon and present it to your grocer when you buy your next 25c. worth of Taylor's 'Borax Soap, and he will give you ABSOLUTELY FREE the full size 10c. cake of Infants' Delight which we have bought for you. We pay your grocer the full price of 10c each for these cakes of Infants' Delight which he hands out, because we know that nothing we can say will show you so quickly what a wonderful soap it is--how it wears as thin as a wafer, how perfectly it cleanses, and how soft and smooth it leaves the skin, Don't Wait -- Get Your Free Soap To-day We are so sure that when once you have used Taylor's Borax Soap for the Laundry, and Infants' Delight Toilet Soap, that you will never be satisfied with any other kind. We are buying thousands of cakes of Infants' Delight and giving them away free to the ladies who buy Tayler's Borax Soap. Infants' Delight-You pay only for Taylor's Borax Soap. Chinese Y.M.C.A. for Calgary. Calgary, Alta, March 9.--Chinese mitssion of local Chinatown decided last night to establish a Chinese Young Men's Christian Association. This will be the first association of its kind in Canada: Coast Sealed Oysters. D. CGUPER, Phone 76. 841-8 PRINCESS BT, Prompt Delivery, a a tion - Forever Newfoundland Census. St. John's, Nfld, March 9.---New foundland"s population is 242,000, ae- cording to the complete census ro turns of 191F, which were made public to-day. This shows an increase of ten per cent. for the past decade. At a special meeting of Council 121 of the, Chosen Friends, on Friday night, a team was appointed to put through the initiations during the coming membership campaign, and a practice of the team was held, David O'Keefe of Kingston, who spends his winters as clerk in the Wind- sor hotel, has secured a position with the Walkerton Egg and Dairy company of Walkerton, Umt. Mr. O'Keefe has followed cheese making for the past twenty years. ' Rev. D. Fiske, of Bancroft, Ont, will attend the meeting of presbytery to be held in Kingston on Tuesday, March: 12th. Mr, Fiske is the home missionary supported by the Presby- terian Sunday schools and Young Peoples' Societies of the city. | W. B. Powers, of Trenton, and' Miss Laura Arnett, of Torunto, were mar. vied on Wednesday. There is still. no news from Capt. Scott, who is said to have reached the South* Pole. The coal - strike settlement looks more hopeful in London. ----- y . COMMISSIONER D. M, REES, Chief officer of Salvation Army in Canada. whe will visit Kingston en March 23rd and 24th, J. €. LAIRD APPOINTED. District Manager for Canada by National Cash Register Co, Toronto Globe, The National Cash Register com- pany has appointed J. C. Laird as the new district manager for Canada. Mr. Laird is not unknown to the Cavadian sales force. For some years he has rivalled them in competition for selling records, having repeatedly won a place in the Hundred Point Club, the organization which has been deseribed as "comprising the best salesmen in the world." He was born in Prince Fdward Is- land, and, therefore, qualities as a Canadian, Prof. Alexander Laird,' of the Royal Military College, and Prof. Robert Laird, of Queen's University, are brothers, He represented the com pany at Paris during the world's fair and following this was for a time a sales agent in Pennsylvania. In recognition wf his success he was several years ago appointed district manager in Philadelphia, from where {he is further advanced to take charge SCOTT'S ; " od Cu A a faretes EMU LSIO \ of the Canadian division, with head- yuarters in Toronto. BOOTH & CO. § TT ¢ PURCHASED A STEAMER. FOOT WEST STREET. George Plutikeit Has Secured the Steamer H. E. Packer. The steamer Henry E. Packer, which was in commission on the upper lakes all last summer, has been putchased by (George Plunkett, of Cobourg, well- known in this "city, and at present owner of the steamer City of New Yerk and schooner Kitchen, running into this rt. The Packer is a ves- sel of 1, tons gross. Capt. C. Daryeau is having new decks put on the schooner Ford Riv- er, When the work is compléted the schooner will be one of the best on the fake, ork is progressing nicely, at the Davis ~dock on the new steamer being built for George Hall, Ottawa. : PROGRESSING NICELY. DRY PINE for in coumection With the New Kotel KINDLING WOOD TT For. Kingston DRURY'S Coal and Wood Yard Everything is regard to matters relating to the new 'Phone 443, 235 Weillugton St. hotel, The charter for incorpor- wy " ation of the company has beta se i -------- cured. : . a! Mr. Phomix, of Boston, the miid promoter in the scheme, has * been quite ill with toasilitis, but word kas been receivea that he is much better. It is expected that he will bein King. stoo shortly in regard to pushing a» long the work in connection with the matter, . "Matters are gol along just as] fest as it is " remarked a Kingston man, ifterested in the hor tel, to the Whig, on Saturday. The Grand Trank Pasibo railway. is 'the government COAL! The kind you are looking for | fs the kind we sell. We pay for ACID CRETE FREE. .SOAP COUPON This Coupon, when properly signed and | pisses Bonor dhs Coupon ab its presented to your grocer abt any time hos Tale fala, x within one week, with 25¢. in payment property signa for five bars of Taylor's Borax Soap, Taylors entitles Bearer to a 10c. cake of Infants og Delight Soap, Free. _. Em aden remaneny ja the nearnabune treatment The power it creates, its purity and whole- someness are Nature's ET ERS JOHN TAYLOR & CO. You can save money by Toronto Limited this month. Wo store Miving nicely in Brisk American Ladies" Tailoring . DEAR MADAM.--We would {ike to have you call and get "our prices before the spring rush is on. - Workmanship and $0.00, tor $23 00 "me. 91s 3

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