"] Suffered Intense Pains in My Left Side." Do you realize it is better to be safe than sorry, that it is the best policy to lock the stable door beiore the horse is stolen? 1. Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy Mn. C. C. Gokey, of a stub. case of heart disease, such as ds are now suffering with. Read what she says: + el taking Dr. Miles' medy 1 had been suffering art trouble for over fine 4 1 had n 80 weak that it ; impossible for me to do thin ¥ minutes work in 8 whole day. 3 intense in mv left side the shoulder blade, 1 not Wet on the left side, and sa short of breath that It ht never be able to take a full 6. The least excitement ing on the most distressing 1 had scarcely taken a bottle of the Heart Remedy be- 1 could see a marked change in jon. 1 began to sleep had a good appetite, and im- $ ed so rzpidly that when 1 bad 5 n six bottles 1 was completely : ~ MRS €.C. GOKEY, Northfield, Vt. | H you have any of the symptoms Mrs. Gokey mentions, it is your duty to protect yourself, r. Miles' Heart Remedy. fs what you need. If the first bot- tle fails to benefit, your money is returned. Ask your druggist. MILES MEDICAL. CO, Torento, Can WHEN TEMPTERKNOCKS LAT poor oF YOER MIND, BOLI THE DOOR Lo p-- Sermon by Archbihsop Spratt on the Value of Watching and Praying-- His Grace Pointed 19 the Example { of Christ. } Ax lent wends its penitentinl way to- glorioas Kaster, the churches soem Lo fill more visibly with devout In St. Mary's cathedral [may be seen evening alter evening large Leongregations following the various services prescribed for this holy sea i Sundgy morning, the reclor, i A. T. Hanley preached on Saint ! Joseph, the blessed spotise of the Vir {sin in honor of whom a sovenary be eins to-night. I" In the evening, Archbishop Spratt [occupied the pulpit sad gs was fitting lat this time of soleon thought and Lmortilication, spoke on the words ot {Christ in the Garda of Uethsemene. Watch and pray that you enter not linto temptation." The stiles had {been accustomed to depe; on our Ji {vine Lord for protection and not hav- ling yet acquired the virive of vigilance [soon fol aslosp. Hin grace urged all {to form the habit of guarding against {dunger, specially the young who "are exposed to temptation. . "When the tempter knocks at the {door of your mind," exclaimed his lgrace, "bolt the door." Whether it he thoughts of pride, ov lust, or envy, {the struggle may be great, yet if the door be closed by the hand of God, bron shall not be overcome. i i } iwards fnssistants, The power ko cosguer evil would be found in prayer. * Christ often spent whole nights an prayer, thus showing {us the example. On the eve of his pas- con, foresecing all be would suffer and {with the weight of the, sins of the THEE CANADA LIFE ASSURANS COMPANY Are issuing a Spetial Pabicy that fi into the needs of Protesters, Student Professional and jess Men Th Company has for (Hy years returns to 168 potley-holders VE 1-8 per cent hr te I 7) i y m Clguren of tow a poli will shape for you cheerfully given, sApply to J, 0, HETTON, Agent, 18 Market Street. Kingston, ti dividends on all premiums naid world upon his shoulders, our dear Lord was bhewrd to exvlaim, "0, My +o | Father, ii possible, let. this chalice pass +. | away, yet got my will, but yours be done." ol wis, at times of trinl, a lesion in sehpmssion to the will® of God, Christ's soul was "sorrowful even unto death." Many there are who fon the broad way of fife, pay little or no attention to Gospel truth; men to whom self-denink isn vain word. y Dr. de Van's Female Pills T hese ul in reguiating he are exceeding i i ve portion 0 {emale system. Keluse p imitations " are sold at" hree lor 38 Co. reliabic Kreuch rag {aver failr + shall Draw HU Cavhat inca Se sale at Mahood's drug store. ---------- {et them heed the lesson taught by the sorrowing Saviour ; let th resist CHE DANY BRITISH WHIG, MOXDAY. MARCH 11, 1912 MADE FIVE Production. At the (irand Opera House on Nao i rday Appre 1ilne evening audience greetod geal production of "Ihe Land w jen Dreams." Fhe manner wiich the varioiws aciy were sul ertaicly e towed. In the "Wheel of is ns' the diferent dancers and solo ists ne juitted Moss Jessie Reid, wis Dhucly applauded. as the life and in the character presented as an appreciation of of "Mile" with and Wis bouquet work. Miss D. H.leonard wos mveh yrs id with thé success of the pe f rmance, nnd the ability and adapt abil ty « paplayed * by the dos and chiidren in their parts, Although their wus href they cert.) ly SETA made good smslbness of the nttendance at f the perf rmane's and wos a marke of pirast with the eagerness whi.h the pericrnances wera re sd in other plies, but supporad it was owing to 1 the lesten syn, (ritefal for the kindness she recived rme ore with whom she cam wit ery in vn dwglayed by the audience his se. eral [lays en route and doubt weuld produce '*Alice in Won =h tend future if desired, Ihe Daughters of the Empire, alle pe ying all expenses, netted 85H {wir venture, The morits and ohjec cf thes eetirivaganza patronage. THE HAL OF QUEEN'S. The Disturbing "Q" Question Ha Been Shelved. The regular meeting of the Alma night. The committee appoimed investigate the suitability of "Q" LL designs for a university gave their report in favor of a The report was received but no finite steps were taken wnd the sub ject was shelved for a futyre meeting "ogy! ie the seduetions of the world, and by watching and praying endeavor to gain their heavenly portion. The music by both choirs (altar boys and men) at the vesper service, particularly good. There is an spi ing sweetness and melody in some of the ad Gregorian chants which no .. * ROYAL ICE CREAM PARLOR J "Bast place for all kinds of . quick lunches and hot drinks, Chocolates and candy of all 'Minds kept In stock. Bn, PAPPAR & CO, ind Princess bSireet. modern composition ean surpass. Sweet strains speak to the souls of men, and, with the pulpit, should help mnnke men better, -- .- On Sunday the congregation of St. Mary's cathedral feceived the week ly offering envelopes to be used in clear- ing off the debi of 857,000 on the ca- BIBBY'S CAB STAND ve PAY. 2 on oT thedral edifice. COUGHS 1 ERT PAYNTER has taken e business of the Iate Javis at the old stand, 269 work guaranteed, "AND COLDS Vor the Safety of Their Children. DR. CHASE'S "or" LINSEED AND TURPENTINE What a weight of responsibility rests >» WESTERN CANADA Via Chicago and St. Paul, . March 12th, 19th, 26th, April 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th. --Low One Way Second Class Rates PACIFIC COAST Going March 1st to April 13th, $47.08 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 1,08 ANGELES, CAL. SAN DIEGO, CAL., CITY, MEX. NCOUVER, B.C., BG, WASH, , ORE, $45.10 Aull rates in Jroportim to all Pa: tsa ol om followed. Tull pie. : Rulacs, Shely 10 nt. and Outaric Strests. on the mother of the family during the winter season | In every cough and cold sho recog- nizes the voice of croup, bronchitis, consumption or other deadly tliroat and lung complications. . Few people, even among those who are convenient to doctors, can afford the luxuey of a physician, for every cough or cold, even though they re alize the seériousness of neglecting such ailments. For all such Dr. Chase has pro: vided a prompt means of cige known as Dr, Chase's Syrup of Linseed andi Turpentine, » Une reason why mothers prize this treatment above all others is because of its suitability for children. It is sweet and pleasant to the taste, and children like to take it. "By iis sooth- ing, healing action it is wonderfully prompt in euring croup, bronchitis and whooping cough, and can be used sghudren with periect safety so 1 nds ilies in' Canada Soap Ir. Chase's Syrup of Linseed nd Tarpentine in the house at times for use in cases of emergency, Thin is the aply way to he sure protecting the bronchial tubes and ungs age €0 colds. 25¢, a botte, family size, 60c., at all deal ers or Kdmanson, Bates & Co., Limit od, Toronto. we 3 alt} ston this ten, | 'The annual meeting of the (Jueen's | Association was 9 whieh was | these oflicers were elected for the %en- L niversity Missionary 'held on Saturday morning at suing vear : Honorary president, Dr A. 8. Grant; president, M. NX. Omond vice-president, J. W. North; financia secretary, J. secretary, J. MeRay; recording {retary, Miss Brownlee; tueasuver, T. Melree; alumni seeretary, A, ( ornett; critic, R. M, Mela ish; porter, F. L. Macdonald; librarian LE, Forbes; convenor of home mission ary committee, Mins SN. Unverhill convenor 'of foreign missionary com | mittee, Miss 'M, Carr; convenor | membership eommitiee, J. S. [ag 8 A edb DIED IN GENERAL HOSPITAL. Orwell Temp; of Trenton, Passed Aivay on Sunday. Orwell Kemp, of Trenton, who un {derwent an operation three weeks age HUNDRED DOLLARS As a Result of the Pxtravaganza | good-sized and very | the : : i oi | They contributed $1,002 for Grare| mn carried deserved the encomiums | Na-| themsdvis creditably, "Britanma," | saxih Miss Marjory James Smythe, BA, # magnificent the serv her ADE, anc voung la- instruction Miss leonard wos cisappointad at the some with she being | no by | Mater Society was held on Saturday to | : and ter, Miss H. pin j sisting al de- It will not likely be discussed again its McNab; eorresponding Ww. ye of 4 Prentice, i ae i OF GANANOQUE GIVE MOR ! THAN 18 ASKED. Church Purposes When Request| Coming. Gansnoque, 'odist church BoRIversary yesterday, Rev, the Wesleyan The- ees, Rev. F. J. MiClement. Grace chuich for a numbec of years has made the _|practice of asking from the congrega- 'tion a special coilection on aBniver jary Sunday, and demands, the finsnee con for %1,000 and recived 1 necessary mittee asked j | showing. TR Donald @loyd, "the youngest son Mr. and Mrs. J. Lloyd, Pine streei, while crossing King streef on Satar- day aftermoon, was knocked down and The [run over by as horse and cutter, She was deeply tin Tried was picked up and taken! 11 « ' ' 5 | home, where medical aid was ealied in, Lg . r - 2 but it was found that outside of a few emtact and also for the apprecia- epg ches and bruises, he was little the worse for the incident. The Shamrocks of Gananoque went * to Lansdowne, on Saturday evening, verband" in 1 iagston in the net dis ond were defeated by the Lansdowne! 1 (Rabbits, at the Arena rink, by a score * of 9 goals to 6. At Battersea, on Saturday evening, t the Brewer's Mills hockey team, with desirved better yw players from the Gananoque Bea {vers and two from No. 7 team, de fented the Battersea team hy a score of 2 goals to 1. At the Park rink, om 8 evening next, ice and weather permit - ting, the local rivals, Shamrocks and No. T's, will meet for their last game {of the season. | Mrs. Arthur I. Knight and her sic- Eulalie Salter, after as- the choral part of Urace + Lapniversars services, vesterday morn- ing, left, at noon, for Brockville, to sing at the evening service at fleorg: _ Istreet church, which also celebrated anniversary vesterday, They = will also assist on the programme of Cieorge street entertainment this even- a W. B. Mudie, Kingston, was in town on business. Saturday. . Mrs. Fairman, of Ardath, Sask. who arrived here last June for i a short visit with relatives and was , taken ill on her arrival, and has heen dangerously ill the greater patt of the fime «nce, has so far recovered as to be able to leave for nme. Mr. Fair- pan came east for her and she was also accompanied by Mieg Alice Fair- lean as far west as Winnineg, whee! whe wil visit her sister, Mre. E. HH. is. Miss A. NR. Thomson, trained nurde, to the western provinces. { where she will #iter on professional duties. Norian Rathav. of the staff of the lgeal braneh of the Merchants' hank, is spending ten ddvs at his howe in Cobden. Miss Moe Parry, Kingston, spent some time daring the -ipast week in town as guest of Miss «| Queenie Corhoy. Mrs. William Carpen- 1 { has gone died in the general hospital early Sun- ter is visiting Lansdowne friends. day morning, as a result of a blood clot in oue of~the veins near the heart 3 : il . OLDEST LETTER CARRIER Mr. Bemp had been daily improving gince his operation and his friends looked for his speedy recovery. Friday he was dressed and able On | to| William Neill, the oldest letter car- Has Been Superannuated--=William Neill is the Man, #.t up and scemed much better. In the jer on the route, has heen superannu- evening, however, he took a turn for ied the worse and although the best medi! . cal attendanes was given him, he kept gradually sinking until Sunday morn- ing, when he died. Mr. Kemp had been while in the hospital Mre. Lane, of Brighton, lows, also gave looked The Oddfel- ed, arrived in time to see hin before he died. The remains will be sent Brighton, where an eral will dake place on Wednesday af- ternoon af two o'clock. ---------- Want Khaki Abolished. It i¥ waderstood that the officers of the Portsmouth penitentiary will peti tion the minister of justices, Hom. ( forme they have been compelled wear for some years. The upiform. is anything but pleasing, and is more uncomfortable. The officers want a blue uniform, Rringing in Prisoners. Three prisoners are lo be bronght here in the course of a few days irom Stoney Mountain, Mau., to eater peni- tentiary. 8. Beech, a former Ring i is one of the guards who are bringing them here. a Gossi nects the name C., of Halifax. Nova Scotia sematorships, intments to the existing Rave yet been made, however. oF of Hector Melnnes, K. with oue of the vacaut i No ap? of about her fourteen: after by his sister, him the best atten- tion. Mrs. Kemp, wife of the deceas to Oddiellows' fun- "ihe 4. Doherty, to abolish the khaki unis; 10; even in parliamentary circles con vacancies Long Branch, N.J., He received his superammuation phipers fast week. Mr. Neill has been i letter carrier for twenty-seven years. He was appointed in the time of the late Sir John Macdonald, and has held the position ever since. Mr. Neill is a Preshvterian in religion and a member of Cooke's church. Tle has been =o most faithful tetter carrier. He in tends to live a vetived life. Rev, Mr. FitzGerald Home. Rev. W. F. FitzGerald, rector of St. Paul's church, preached at both morn- ing and evening prayer in his ehurch, Sunday, upon his return from Otta- wa, psfier preaching a ten days' mis glon. There were large congregations, especially at the evening service, when rector presched a special sermon to men, embodying, among other things, the temperance question. A Peserved Compliment. | Joseph Gibson, president of the Do- miso Alkance, who spoke in Queen Street Methodist church, Sunday morn- ing, took occasion to compliment the choir on the excellence of its music. He said it had been many a long day since he had heard such a well-bal- anced choir, The compliment was 'highly appreciated. ------------ A Small Fire. The fitemen received a telephone call on Saturday evening to the home of | forbert Cooke, Princess street, just {above Division. Some person who was passing thought he saw smoke and tele phoned for the Srowen, bat when they Tarrived no fire conld be found. -------------- Waggons Ave im Use. The roads im the city ave getting in Montreal Star : Now that serious semlences are be- rb aera Leave the Cominissioners Alone. | Montreal Herald, Once more comes a demand to take ed Give But $1,000, and More is} LL.D., principal! {'smpbell deseries special mention for | and holder of the chair of New Testa- anjmation she displayed ment Fegesis of she |alogieal « ollegy, | Monreal, conductid! both morning and even ! 3 was assisted by the pastor, | i this vear, to meet} I { 11,002. This will be increased, in all] { probability, during this week, The re} fsult is considered as a most excellent J | 3 ol | | Wednesday | pe BERAL METHODISTS, gemermemsemmees PAGE SEVEN. ~ Behold-* an Advertisement! March 11.--tiTace err = celebrated its seventy | 8 | difficult so to do | your business. i ¢ | I speak a thousand {iE have a million voices. am the ambassad tion, the handmaiden « the father of invention, across the continent of the globe. ' I have filled the comn of yesterday. _ ful warmth, music, cor comfort into a hundred I have scaled the farmer's isolation and them with happy mer of corner shopkeepers Press & nl who love the labor 1 create. I am at once a tool and a living force. me wisely, I am a tool in your employ. me, my double edge will injure or destroy you. do not use me, I am a force that works ever against your ; accomplishment of the aims and purposes that animate tongues and or of 'civiliza- f science, and 1 have peopled the prairie, and with my ¢id commerce | trails of gleaming steel in a gridiron and stretched a network of copper into the far corners has laid twin I am the friend of huymanity-- for mer's life with a hundred comforts denied the king 1 have brought clean food, health- yvenicnce, and million homes. | I laugh at tariffs and remake laws. walls of the linked him to the world of outer interests. I build great factories and people 1 and women wr 1 have made merchant princes out and piled the Room 503, LEER IYREDEERE CREE CAME into being as the spoken language came: slowly, gradually, and to meet an urgent need. worked for evil, but mostly 1 have worked for good. can still be worked for evil, but each day it grows more I have been : If you use If you misuse If you wealth of a Monte Cristo into the laps of those who know my power. I am a bridge that cancels distance and brings the whole world to your doors, ready and eager to buy your wares. I find new markets and gather the goods of the world into a handful of printed pages. I fathered the ten-cent magazines and the penny paper. I am either the friend or the foe to Competition -- so he who finds me first is both lucky and wise. Where it cost cents to hire. me yesterday, it costs tuarters to-day, and will cost dollars to-morrow. But who- soever uses me had best have sense; for 1 repay ignorance with loss and wisdom with the wealth of Croesus. I spell service, economy, abundance, and opportunity; for I am the one and only universal alphabet. I live in every spoken word and printed line-- in every thought that moves man to action and every deed that displays character. } I am Advertising. Advice regarding your advertising problems is available through any_pood adverlising agency or the Secretary of the Canadian Association, Enquiry involves no obligation on your part--so write if interested. Lumsden Building, Toronto. NT BEE INFECTION FROM BOOK. Had Been Returned From Family Where There Had Brea Fever, Hantsville, March 11. { tencing the McKay family Dorset, where four children died from scarlet | over, and one still seriously ill, say! that it is by that | the infection came from the remains of a daughter, who died in Toronto. Ra ther, the epidemic is probably due t infection from a book helonging to th deceased gil and which from a family, fover. Physicians at | nt no means certain was returned where there was searlet The Saskatchewan govermment de S$H,000,900 to making will cle goo! Ore Pound A JR 166 Princes St. rome's in the province. Rowntree's Chocolates One-half Pound Fancy ancy foxes €5c. Joxes 3be EES, i Phone 58 tactorily if you Pr Anal 63-567 For Nursery Use you, cannot take chances on Soap. Four generations of Canadians have emjoyed the Creamy, fragrant skin healing when lather of Baby's Own Soap-- the Standard in Canada for nursery mse, on account of its known purity. Baby's Own is Best for Baby Best for You. $ Boots - cher Boots ton Boos WALSH'S, Barrack Street. Men's Tan and Blucher Men's Gun Metal Blu- Men's Gun Metal But- Men's Patent Colt Blu- Newest, Nobbiest Style at $4.00 f Sawyer Shoe Store Your ordsars will be filled satis there at adr A LL P NEW SPRING SHOES JUST RECEIVED, W $4 # Yu 00000000000090)000000000000000000009 090000009000 0900000¢ R000