[Sia 18018810 atl ANU RUIN sy ECTTIL re TEM n Via € and St. Paul, March 12th, 19th, 26¢h,. April 2nd, Sth, 16th, 23 nd 20th. --Low One Way Second Cass Rates -- PACIFIC COAST Good Going March" 18¢ t6 ApH 15h. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. . LOB ANGELES, CAL, SAN DIEGO, CAL, MEXICO CITY, MEX. VANCOUVER, 5.0, HEE | 50 PORTLAND, ORR., | ' Awd rates in proportion to all Pa ond IPE MBROKI HAILWAY Daily March 1st to April 15th --$45.10-- Stop-Over Privileges Full lars at K. & P. and C.P.R. ket Office, Ontario Street. PF. CONWAY, > Gen. Pass. Agent BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY, Train leaves Union Station, Ontarjo for Tweed Bydenham, Napanee: 'fog . To secure quick agepa SN hd Komaris Haute yur Shiprent Te Ar: 1 x ard, t Aaent; . 1. Werth, y Aor J 'Phone No. 3. CANADIAN PACIFIC | EMPRESSES Fy bray eon Wireless re 1 ts ) | ' A ral $41 [5 sive buildiug. liance between , the Canadian Sorthern and the Mae Mrom the C.P.R., BRITISH COLUNBIA SOME OF THE PERILS OF BAD GOVEHNMENT. -- Liabilities of the Governnient In Railway Grants and Guarantees Who is Running the Provisce Anyway? Torogto Globe, / Three years ago Premier McBride of British Columbia practically wiped out the liberal represeutation in the legis lature by promulgating just before the eléction a | scheme for Bride government became so_ close that it was difficult. to aay whether the C. N.R. was running ernimgn the government the XR proved that a policy of railway and guarantees was profitahle politicsl- ly, McBride is at it dgsin. Again the guarantees 4te oh a colo = seule British Columbia had less than * four hundred thousand: population in Jind, 1911. Xe this population, no lerges thas 'the city of Toronto, was eotomit- ect by Mr. McBride and his { at the recent of the legislature antees: . To the Cangdisn N Pacific gunrantee of pri ot of $85,000 et mile on 154 'on Vancouver ldland and 145 miles on the mainland, from Kamloops ¢ Okanagan Laké on the west side, op» posite Oksnangan Landing. To Messrs. Foley, Welch & Blewart, incorporated under thie name of the Pa+ cific & Great Eastern Reilway com- pany, a guafantee of $35,000 per mile for - 430~ miles from Fort George ti Vancouver. The interest is alst guaran- teed at four per cent. To the Kettle Valley Railway a Lo- nus of $10,000 per mile for fifty miles from Hope on the Fraser river to the Coldwater junction, the sumsiit of the coast range. A bridge across the Fraser from Hope on the south side of Ruby Creek an the main tine of the C.P.R., $200,000. A subsidy to to the C.P.R., to help them in taking over the Kaslo & Slo can, $100,000. The repurchase of the British Co- lumbia ! Southern land grant snd of the Columbia & Western land graat at 40c, per acre will amount. to' $1,622,872, That - Beitish Columbia is dowered with wonderful natural wealth is in- disputable; That some of the railway projects outlined abové will aid mua terially ip opening up and promoting the septlement of the province is un doubted. But the load that Premier McBride has laid upon his province is a tremendous one, and, should any large part of the railway systems out lined fail to pay their bonded charges, might well erush British ( o- lumbia 'beneath it. Here is. the liabil- ity «of the provinee : Canadian" Northern (original guarantee) ...$21,000,60C Pacific & Great Eastern ... 15,750,000 Canadian Northern Pacific (new guarantee) ... ... .. 1032500 Pacific . May 3, & 31 May », TM ho L M June I Mg anitobs May 23, June i : oT apichetn E ahd al Information tom ent, or FF, CON« Av, GPA, ae P.R,, Kingston, Fast Twin Screw 88. 0.518 a eat, Be ew York, 11 am, every with privat a. . HLL 1 jectric fi Ne 1 5 e wireless Yelography, No "stesrage. Fastest, newest and only steamer ia ne passengers al the dock in amilton, WEST INDIES NEW 88 "GUIANA" d other mm. alternat or r St. Min, Antigua, artinigue, St. oes and merara. ERP dntermeston, IE (9 fold LL ho Mudian, 8 rom ednesday, or elouge, ucis, Bar: 41 to the deo onan 0 dMT,075,000 at four per cent. would be mn case of dafault, 81,883, 000, or about a fifth of 'the revenue the provined. ; The pegple of British Columbia should, that it may take but a few hours to fasten a load of debt upon their shoulders that will hamper and cripple. them for genera. tions, -For the moment the reckless, debt-incurring premier may be the hero of this province, but if ever the time .comes. for the bondholders chorus of "pay, pay, pay," British Columbia may be sorry that she leaped before she looked. rtyei---- Married in Toronto: w On March 4th Miss Geririwde Marie h, | Eward, ly of ston, nmi Albert, W. Wolter, forsiarly of Chica: go, were quietly married by Hev, C. Sykes, at the nage: 'I'he bride was gowned in White' and carried n bouguet of 'Meautiful white rowes. She was assisted by Miss' Grpen. | he room was attended by Mr, Davie, th friends of 'the re Thew drove of . G Tryin, formerly of Kingston, where had supper. Mr. and Mra. Wolter leit by the G.T.R.. for eastern points. After their return' they "will reside mm 'lo. i ox ie positions w! © F..H.~Stone; of Chicago, son Wi in hid a thunder 'storm, on Nothing ~ else _ will ole of the bay city, to the following grams aud * gusr-| » to Vemon, Kalouns; and} oo Judged by practical resulta the most important sittings .of ihe House of Commons are those devoted to the Committee of Suppl .and the Com. mittee of Ways Brean. The fune- tions 41 Parliament exercised throagh these 'two commitiees of the whole Hoyse, are also among the oldest not the very oldest. performed by fentesiatativte of British Lit Lor Having | he¥ nia | 2 this. money shall be i Ve hear little of the Committee of it sits a» Ays and' M: 'hutnber of time: each session--except when the customs tariff : or the excite tariff is under the measures u collected. For instance, this sess thére will be very litle for the Com. mittee of Ways and Means to do. The tariffs stand, the method of rais- ing the revenue is, om the statute book. There it stands till changed or repealed, and under its operation the revenue flows into the federal tress. ury. . Rot so, however, with the Commit ted of Supply to whose sittings are devoted probably more than one half of every session. : While the revenue accumulates in the (ressury not one penny of it ean be spent. by the Gov- ernment without the authorization of Parliament; the only exception being in the case of emeérgénéy arising when Parlisment is not sitting. Th case of such emergency the Government can us¢ the public funds on the authori. zation of the Governor-General's war- rant, the expenditure to be ratified by Parliament as soon as it meets. Supplies are voted by Parliament for only one year. There must be a session every year, and each year the Government niust go before Parlia- ment and ask for the mohey necessary for the carrying on of the pablic ser- vice, 'Because of these things the Committee of Supply. site during a considerable part of each session. The basis of the committee's delib- erations is a little blue book of about one hundred pages, known as the Estimates, and which ia, or should be laid before the House of Commons early in the session so that the mem- bers can study the work before being called upon to pass judgment on its contents. . The supplies, as a rule, are voted in: advatice, and the imates now before the Hate are for the fiscal year, which will run from April 1 next to March 31, 1913. : The estimates contain a detailed siatement of the sums required for the public service for the year, the items being grouped under the various departments. The estimates also show the 'vote for the preceding year, so that comparisons of expenditure can AxAze be readily made. estimates are always accom: panied by » from the Gov- erpor-General app of the ex- pendifure pro . Messures pro- ing expenditures or charges' upon revenue must always be in duged into the' House by x Minister accom 8 message from Governor- recommending the 'same. ; Xp Peopling the West. The annual report of Interior Repatiinent. of the Domi for the ; fiscal year, tabled in the House of! Commons recently, calls attention to the fact that the total 'cash revenue from all' sources collected by the de- grimient during the year reached the argé total of $6003,140. This is an increase of $384,198 over the previous twelve months. The revenue of the department is now. fourteen times as large 8s it' was ten years ago. A Soprlonding inerease' is noted the. number of - homestead entries. 'the year there were 44,479 en- representing a total acre i T1040 white "isian inoreans of 3.000 ghiteids over the previous year, which 'been: the largest in the history of A tet EH allt now almost at normal. that worn with frocks of white linen or PAPER CRIES "SHAME THE FRENCH-CANADIAN , CATHOLIC MINISTERS For Voting for Borden's Manitoba Bille--La Press Demands Separate Schools For That Province. La Presse, the well known Montreal French-Canadian liberal papér, thus deals with the Manitoba boundary award, . "Ihe question of the school rights of minorities is too serious and too im- portant for us to put it in the back- ground. La Presse is prepared to sup- port whoever will work sincerely to make justice triumph, no matter what differences of opinion we may have with him on other questions. Perhaps the Catholic minority of Keewatin does not possess all the rights which some claim, in virtue of the comstitution~ that is a question for study--but it possesses certain rights which are un- mistakable, The least the government might do would be to safeguard these existing rights which no one contests. Now in spite of the appeals of those fnterested, it has deliberately neglected doing that. The Manitoba boundary bill does not contain a single word on the subject of the schools of the adju- cent district of Keewatin--to be annex- ed. That is, the Catholic minority of Keewatin comes under the Manitoba school law and is delivered to 'the dis- cretion of the provincial legislature. "The whole government merits nunciation. But what shill we say of our French-Canadian and Catholic ministers who so consent to the sac- rifice of their co-religionists and compatriots? To the most flagrant de- nial of justice they add the shame of capitulation." Le Temps, Ottawa, says: "The Bor- den ministry inserted nothing in the boundary bill to give hope to Cath- olive. There wir given no mention of separate schools," To excuse himself to the mary private delegations who appealed to 'him, Mr. Borden said that Mr. Rcblin, premier of Manitoba, weed revider the justice that was due, This answer did not satisfy Lavergne, who spent' part of the week amongst the French members. It did not sat- isfy any one else. If justice and British institutions are to exist in Canada the right€ of minoritidd must be respected." Money Market Glutted. Montreal Gazette, It is intimated that only 35 per cent. of the Canadian government loan ol £5,000,000 was taken by the public when offered in: London this week, and this though the price was low for so good a. security. There are various reasons for thisistate of affairs, The causes , that. depress the price of British :corsnls wobk also to depress the pgige of other high security asd low interest issues. » the London times 'unshally- heaty. offerings of Canadian' govérament and ; Cagadidn {oxsutimat. 7 guaranteed ; securities ; ind ites appetite is no' longer 'keen. The. loss. willbe duly taken; on a-doibt; bint' the untlerwriters will remember their cxpérience 'apd will be likely to shade their figure for the next offering. Canadians are giving the British market rather more bonds than it ean 'digest. ° Chisa Gets Into Line. -- Journal Ch adoption » ina of the ee totkeued oh leaves Rus- y important nation to on reckoning its time by an anti or od and error system. It will re- quire, apparently, the faith t'mt re moves mountains to have the calendar revised as it is ifcorporated in its present fork in the creed of the Greek church. Rusia is now twelve days behind the time of all the world be side. Who would have thought (hat China would have besten Russia. Sr a iris Han Bradley and son, William, of on Bane. Sie county, N.Y. have some st an the tall class. (The son, 'at rig i= seven fort four inches' in it and his father is and also over costumies of dark colored silk or satin, throwing the lace pattern into high relief. de-! inarket hans harl. put upon it in recent] without THE NATURAL WAISTLINE RETURNS WITH LONG BODICES. Basques, peplums andl other contrivances for catrying the lines of the bodice below the belt have had their -inevitable on the waistline which is The lace coat pictured here is a snmnper type to become very familiar a little later. These coats are lingerie material, in. the south now, the dark fabric MUCH BUILDING AT STELLA, Is to be Done Next Summer---An Orange Supper. Stella, March 6.--~Farmers are taking advantage of the good driving on land and ice, and ave hauling lumber, shin gles, coal, ete., from the city. The carpenters will be kept busy here next summer, as quite a lot of building and jrepair work is to be done. 8. Mille intends erecting a new house. Moving ix the order of the day here, |W. H. Preston has moved to his upper farm, and Capt. Glen has moved to | the farm lately purchased from the for- mer. R. Filson has rented Mrs. J, C, | Howard's farm on the front road, hav- ing sold his farm in the village to William Filson. Good prices were realized at Beggs Bros.' and Harry {Howard's auction sales of farm stock 'and implements, held on Monday and Wednesday, Feb. 26th aud 28th. Cows sold for over $40, Horses also ranged high, I'he members of Burleigh L.O.L., No. 452, are having an oyster supper in Victoria Hall on Thursday evening. Some Kingston brethren are expected to be present. - Mrs. R. Kilpatrick, Mrs. T, Polley and Capt. I. Sanders have been ill. Harry Howard left on Saturday for Calgary. A sleigh-lond of Kingstonians spent Sunday st T. J. Hill's. Mrs. W. Reid and son, Ha- rold, left for their home in the west to-day. Visitors: R. Veech and sister; Miss A. McMaster, Garden Island; Miss A. McDonald, Sydenham. "Settled by Laurier for All Time." Toronto Globe, Hon. F. D. Monk told parliament that 'the Manitoba school question was finally and for all time settled in 1897." For doing that thing Nir Wilirid Laurier was traduced by Hon. L. P. Pelletier, another of Mr. Borden's na: tionalist-conservative colleagues. He was arrsigned as a traitor to the Roman Catholic chirch, a betraver of the Catholic minority, He was' accus- ed of having taught Canada bis "no: coercion doctrine of 'Hands off Mani- toba.""' And the nationalist-conserva- tive postmaster-general declines now to interfere on behalf of that same "Catholic minority," because, as he says, such a course would "defeat our friend«" as it defeated the Tupper gov: emmment in 1596, That would be "sui- cidal." Story of J. EK. Starr. A Toronto clergyman tells 'an-amus ing story concerning a very import. ant event in the life of Rev. J. EK, Starr, the newly appointed comnts- sioner of the juvenile court, Toronto. ft seams that when Hew, M. " Pearson, formerly pastor of Berkeley street Methodist church, was magried years ago, he asked Mr, Starr to per- form the ceremony and presented him with a fee of $50. Mr. Starr took it gracefully, and when very soon. al ter he was married himbeli he selected Mr. Pearson tb tie the knot, where upon he handed back to" his» friend his $50, { ---- . All in the Climate. Montreal Herald, i Mr. Ames tells us' that the west is inclined "to 'state owrership. © It must be 'something inthe climate. Mr. Bor. denn was inclined to state ownership when he was out there, and look at hita Bow. ' One of the Syracuse savings banks has installed a i for identification who cannot in New York among state are using such a OXO Cubes certainly do save the housewife a lot of work and worry -- and 3 seven fost ome' inch. 'I harmless and so very HN. R: To whiten and beautify the complexion you will find nothing better than a simple, inexpensive lotion made y dissolving { ounces spurmax in 1-3 pint witch haze! tar hot water) then adding 2 teaspoontins giveerine. This lotion will freshen up and improve any complexion 'without iving that artificial, powdered look, t does not clog the skin pores powder and lasis. much beiter, gives to the skin a smooth, velvely tone and takes away thai shiny sailow look, For treating freckles and skin discolorations generally spurmax lotion I very:fline Ix L.: To quickiy get rid of that sal- tow, pimply look oh your face, you should take a good sytem tonie te remove the impurities from your blood which come from lxck of exercise snd eating too much solid food in the winter, A good, old fashioned ionic can be made by dissolving an ounce of kardene in 1-2 pint slcohol, then add. ing 1-2 eup sugar and hot water io make a quart, 'fake a tablespoan'ul pefore meals and vou will be surpéis- ed how quickly the Jeok of perfect heaith will come into your face and your efiergy and ambition be restored Nadie: To strengthen your weak eyes and rid them of that dull, worked 100K, put in each eye dally 'wo or three drops of a fine, strengthenin tonic, made by dissolving an ounce crystios in a pint of water, This eye tohie is very soothing and strengthea- ing. and will make Vour eyes strong, clear and sparkling. I {ind IL un- equdlled as a tonic for treating weak, inflamed, expressionless eyes, all othérs that I take pleasure in re. commending for fat reduction, It is effective In re- gaining a shapely gure. Just dis. of parnotis in 1 +3 and take a tablespoon- ful before mehls, This simple remedy will remove Your excess fat rapldiy without dieting and strenuous exercis- ing. and seems. to produce best resus in the winter months. Your skin will be firm and free from any flabbiness, Sgive 4 ounces pints hot whieh T HB: You will dot cateh cold and Beauty : Hints BY MRS MAE MART th Fteader: There is one remedy above ¥y bh shampoo a teaspoonful of canthrox dtssolved in a cup of het water, rinsing the hale thoroughly You should never use soap shampoos, as the alkali dulls and deadens the hair, causinir it to become brittle, streaky and split at the ends. Canthrox produces an inde scribable softness and fTulfiness (hat une gets only from a perfect shamopon relieves irritation aud remeves daadruff thorsughly, The halr will be very lustrous and you will have nha trouble short hairs place, the in Keeping Mrs RR. C.: Nothing is Juores stale or greasy beauly creams ways use (resh.-made, groaseless oor sexton creams and your skin will swt Be shiny or hair grow on it, Hy mix. ing into 1-3 pint water 3 tea spoonfuls glycerine and one ounce aimonolnr, vou have a dependabio cream-jelly for Sleaning. softening and beautifying the skin ig is excelient for chapped face and Bands, and kesps the complexion In perfect condition Use it morning and night and vou will soon have & charmingly smooth, refined complexion, cold Ruby R.: Do pot despair, You can easily save your hair, but net by using so-galled hair tonics that have Jost their strength Get at your drug- gist's an ounce of gulnxoin and 1-2 pint of aleohol: mix these with 1-2 pint eold waiter Apply this tonic to the scalp about twice a week and you will be amased to see how gulckiy i rids vour scalp of dandruff and irrita. tion, and. your halr will stop comiug oul. This tonic makes the halr soft, justrous and beautiful, By preparing our own halr tonic as directed you will have the best hair and scalp remedy known to science, Anxious: It is not necessary 16 resort to the pain and expense attending the uke of the electric needle, With pow. dered delatone and water mix enongh paste to cover the halry surface. After jetting remain on two or three min. utes remove, wash the skin, and the hairs will have vanished. This leaves the skin white, firm and hairless, und while druggists charge a dollar for an original one-ounce package, it nove: Mrs, T, from shampooing (f you use for: your falls to do the work, ===> Every Eddy Match When you strike an even flame. 7 lights easily and burns smoothly, with a steady These perfect matches come from first class materials and mechanically perfect machines un- der the supervision of skilled workmen. Eddy's Matches are always full M. M. count- for sale by all good dealers everywhere. The E. B. EDDY COMPANY, Limited, Hull, Canada Makers also of Wooden Pails, Tubs, ete. is a Byre, Safe Light=--= i Bddy Match it always gin Much Sickness Due to Bowel Dis. orders. A doctor's first question when con- sulted by a patient is, "Are your bowels regular 7' le knows that 98 per cent. of illness is attended with in- active bowels and torpid liver, and that 'this condition must be removed gently and thoroughly before health can be restored. Rexall © Orderlies a positive, pleasant, and safe remedy for consti tion .and bowel disorders in general fe are so certain of their great cura: tive value that we promise to return the purchaser's money in every case when they fail to produce entire sat isfaction, Rexdll Orderlies are eaten like can- dy, they act quietly, and aid in pro- dueing a soothing, strengthening, heal ing influence on the entire intestinal tract. They do not purge, gripe, cause nausea, flatulence, excessive looseness, diarrhoea, or other annoying effect, They are especially good for children, weak persons, or old folks, Three sizes, lUc., 25c., and S0e. Sold only at our ytore--The Rexall Store. G. W Mahood. BIBBY'S CAB STAND DAY OR NIGHT 'Phone 201. are ROYAL ICE CREAM PARLOR Best place for all kinds of quick lunches and hot drinks, Chocolates and candy of all kinds Tent in stock. NEW SHOE gat sapere wap a | ay of dividends on Lf prémicgms paid them. a pelicy 8 1 gures of hi wil ab pe for you chaettony given, dae pat One Pound Fancy Boxes 6bc. One-half Pound Fancy > Boxes 36c #4 » THE DOCTOR'S QUESTION) THE CANAD. (FE ASSURANCE Are fasiling a al Yoitis thie, fits} 4 : pet La vans 1 Ty ritur ne tie To 1a AN 7 18 per dent. by BUILDERS LOW PRICES, ASBESTIO PLASTER FOR BALE, po ALSO COAL AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD. S. Bennett & Co. Cor. Bagot and Barrack Sts. 'Phone 941. WE SELL Scranton Coal Co's Coal Selected from the Richmond No. 4 and Ontario No. 1 Mines, the best Anthracite Coal: mined in Pennsylvania: Place your next order with THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO. North End Ontario Street. "Phone 156. e000 00000000008 MATTRESS RENOVA Save money by having your § old hair mattresses renovated § and made like new. i Feathers cleaned and made into mattresses. . Manufacturers of high-grade mattresses. KINGSTON MATTRESS CO. 556 PRINCESS STREET, © { New Buckwheat Flour in bulk or. packages. » Prompt Delivery, Fresh Bluefish, . Mackerel, Smoked Cis- coes, Blue Point Shell Oysters and Poultry FISK CO. 3 BROCK 51. ' Bos " --- BANNAN R BEN IPRYRs EY ad " NAS Cent" ING 2 BNW -a g t Celebrated &¥ i lt Phone 76. S418 PRINOENS 97. : ~ | »