pehouse receipt you against loss, ges, 4 per cent, on isstueq TELEPHONE 189. waggon will gall, ohn McKay 149-157 BROCK. JUSE FURNISHING SON IS COMING be a little ahead of the 1 We are making large of Furniture and Carpets to d early buyers, who are select- rush. le the stocks are large. cover. customers' 9800008000 0000000000 FRONTENACS WANT LAND TO PLAY. CLEVE. Ladies Curling Bonspiel Began Tuesday Morning ~-- Tecumsehs Are Junior City Champions. The Frontenaes 'are in communica: tion with the Cleveland hockey team to see if arrangements ean ba made fo have that team piay the Fromienacs here on Friday evening. M. the Cleve land team comes a record crowd is looked forward to. Hay Marchand, formerly of this city, is Uleveland's goalkeeper, Ladies' Curling Bonspiel. The ladies' bonspiel was commenced at the curling rink on Tuesday morn- ing. Mrs. Hooper's rink won from Miss Bessie Smythe's rink by a score of % to 7. The rink skipped by Aliks Dalton won from rink skipped Miss Cunningham by IH to 4, In the doubles, Miss Williamson and Miss Hague won from Miss halie Craig ami Miss Merrick, Mrs. George Mahood and Miss Benson won from Mrs. Elmer Davis and Miss Leslie, Tecumsehs Champions. By defeating the Hegiopolis juniors, on Queen's rink, Monday eveuing, by the score of 6.2, the Tecumsehs won the championship of the junior city league, The Tecumsehs led all the way, half-time the score standing, 50. Tecumsehs--~Goal, Toland; point, Clark; Ferguson: rover, An- grove; centre, Vanalstine; Gunn, Fowler. Regiopolis--Goal, nett; cover, cover, Kane; point, Ben- Daly; rover, Referee-~Arthur Cook. Present for Referee. The club honspiel being held at the curling rink in the evenings for the past three days is newrly over. In fourth round Skip Sutherland and Skip Slater wall play off to see who will meet Prof, Mebonald in the fin- als, as he won from R. J. McKelvey in the third round" on Monday even- ing. The game will be played this evening, Curling Club Bonspiel. "Jack" Marshall, who refereed the game at the covered rink on Monday evening hetween Science and Medicine, was given a slight presentation in the form of a bouquet of flowers. A young lad, on behall of his friends, went out on the ice and made the presentation, It is seldom :that a re feree is recognized. A scene from "The Stampede" at Grand on Wednesday, March 13th. BADLY BURNED IN FACE. g Accident to William Siaith at Ship. building Shops. A painful accident occurred about 830 o'clock Tuesday morning, in the shops of the Kingston Shipbuilding company. William Smith, about thir ty years of age, hoarding at 70 Wil liam street, sustained somé very pain ful burns about the head, face and right hand. Je was heating a steel plate in one of the furnaces, and in some way the gasoline which was run: ning it, suddenly exploded, with the ahove result. He was taken to Dr. Robert. Hanley's office in a cab, and afterwards removed to the Hotel Dieu, where his injuries were attended to, Thowgh' the buins are severe, and his face may be disfigured, with careful at- tention, he will be around again ina few weeks, ---------------- THE MOTION TO QUASH Liquor License Redaction By-law to he Heard Mouday. It is likely © that the motion to quash the liquor license reduction by- law will he * heard at Osgoode hall, Toronto, 'next Monday. The date ori- ginally fixed was for March 4th, but the hearing was postponed. Some eyi- dence may be taken this week bei the local master, J. B. Walkem, C. concerning the alleged duplicate vot- ing. The city solicitor is ready to go ahead 'with the case. = = 4 ¥ morn- of Henry Waits, father of Henry Watts, contractor of this city. The deceased was formerly a farmer, but moved a few yoars ago into the city, aud had been «it in the country on a visit. His wie, who waz an intelli and devoted Christian, di a IY wings, ! od the TO PRESENT A su Jt is Now on Exhibition at Gilbert's } % Store. There will be on show for a few days 'at Gilbert's, Barrie street store, one of the - Nelson shields, similar to, those brought to Kmgston on Convocation day in April, 1910 (by the Rev. Alfred Hall of Tofouto), and presented to {Queen's university and the Royal Mili- "tary college. The copper from H.M.8. [Nictoryy which still thes the admirals flag at Potsmouth dockyard, was tak- en frony her um consequence of a recent accident, When the lords' commission: ers of the adsiralty gave all of the removed oak and. the immense copper bolts 10 the Adesi sailors' society ithe world with bis majesty's consent, who approved of the létters "E.R. IVIL" being stamped upon the trophies and souvenirs into which the medal is made up. It is to be utilized entirely for the benefits of sailors. In futdre LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. Occurrences in the City and Vicinity w=Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read and Remembered. "Pare olive oil." Gibson's. Pimento cheese, 15¢., at Gilbert's. Miss. BE: V. Gréara, Wellington street, is in New York. Na-Dru-Co,. Uod Liver Oil Compound ut Sargent's brug Store Pavid (Keele, of the Windsor hotel, left, this morning, for Westport. All kinds of fresh frozen fish, Gilbert's stores, "Cancelled Tabard Inn library books," for 25c. Gibson's. + # William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at MeAuley's. Phooe 175, Large, red apples, Je. un peck; SI at the Vietery is to be more carefuly preserved than ever as a priceless pos- session of the Empire. The metal trom | 'H.MLS. Fowdrogant, the flagship which! Nelson had purchesed by the British and Foreign Saileis' sociely, at great price, as the {whole remainder from that vessel i These trophies and souvenirs of the historic Nelson metal from these (wo famous ships, can only be obtained through the society. The quantity is limited and Canada has been given pre- cedence in the organized distribution of they in various Re, Tha society guarantees that there is no alloy or admixture of any other copper, in all its productions. The shield, on view, will be present- by W. H. Hall to the Sydenham street Methodist Bible school on Sun- Corrigan; day next, March 17th, on the occasion | f ) : : : | contre, Gratton; wings, llakey, Ryan, [of the church celebrating its diamond jubilee, lps ESBYTERIANS : For NOT STRONG Churgh Union--The Stands 435 to 305. The three leading [Presbyterian churches of Ringstou are not overly istrong for chursh union. The total ivote of-8t. Andrew's, Chalmers and i Cooke's shows 435 for and 305 against, a majority of only 130. Chalmers |and Cooke's favor the union by good i majorities, but St. Andrew's is strong- | by opposed, as the following vote ishows : St. Andrew's--For, 75; against, 204, Chalmers-For, 207; against, 48, Cooke's--For, 133; against, 53. The total vote of the three churches, with Zion still to be heard from, 740. When the full vote is in, not one- third of the Presbyterians in Kings ton will have cast their ballots on the union question. The Cooke's church vote was an- nounced on Monday evening, as fol- lows : Elders, for, 5; against, 4." Com- municants, for, 131; against, 42, Ad | herents, for, 17; against, 7. Total, for, 153; against, 53. RUNAWAY Vote is AT PORTSMOUTH. An Old Gentleman and His Wife Thrown From Cutter, A lively runaway oecurred on the penitentiary hill on Monday evening, at 5.30 o'clock. An old gentleman and his wife were driving wp the hill in » cutter and the horse took fright and dashed off, throwing both oceupants out of the sleigh on to the om and the animal went on up the road. It got just to the top of the hill as the street car was coming along. .Con- ductor Billings ran in front of the horse and broyght it to a standstill, iIt is very fortunate that the two in the sleigh were not killed. The old gentleman when he was picked up, merely complained of a sore arm, The Late George W. Davis. The death of George: Williard Davis occurred Monday morning, March filth, at the residence of Lis sister, 'Mrs. John Irwin, 266 Sydenham street. {The deceased was seventy-five years of jage. He was born on Wolfe Island, and was the last male descendent of {John Davis, one of the ald United Em- | "pire loyalist families, who settled on Wolfe Island. Nr. Davis answered the fcall of the west and left his birth place ithirty years ago to settle in Shell Brook, Sask, Three years ago he re jtited and. bad been hving with his sister, Mrs, John Irwin, singe. The funeral will take place Wednesday, March 13th, at 10.30 a.m., to Trinity church, Wolle Island, : A Party at Barriefield. There was 8 driving party from the lower station to Mr. aud Mrs. Stan ton's residence, Jarriefield, Monday evening, and a most enjoyable time wae spent. - Cards and music wera the features of the evening. A fine solo was rendered by Mr. Donovan, a reading by P. Dubois and a recitation by Miss Irene Stanton. 'I'he party broke up in the early hours in the morning when the party wished the host and hostess long life. Y.W.C.A. Notes. Mrs, C. 8. Fenwick | spoke at. the vesper service in the Y.W.C.A. parlor,' Sunday afternoon, and gave some very helpiul reminiscences of some of Ur. Jowett's sermons she heard in New York, Mins Ardelle Hides sang. St. Patrick's party will postpon- ed from the i5th 10 the 20th -- The ie science class will open ; ie se Ruesday evening, under Miss L. Lam: Accepled a Position. ; Gerald A. Stitk, Moose Jaw, Sask., he has Bout} visith Ariends = ampton, | i on the past two weeks, will leave shortly for Swift Current, Sask, where he before the Victory, was) a bushel or $3.25 a bbl., at Gilbert's, On Monday, Rev. Dr. Dyde, of Stratheona, Alta, reached kis fiftieth year, "Last Gibson's. Little Lady oranges, 12e. at Gilbert's, Rev. Father Mea gave an address to the Knights of Columbus on Monday evening. "Cancelled Tabard books," 25. Gibson's. "Mile's 'Nervine"' at Sargent's Drug Store. The Beverly street property of A B. Cunningham has been purchased by Mrs. C. Van Straubebzie. H. Cunningham, piano hing street. Leave orders Aulev's book store. "Unacelied Tabard Inn books," regular $1.50, and books, for 26c., at Gibson's. Miss Grace Lake, of the city, left, Tuesday, for Inveraty, where she will visit her brother, E. E. Lake. Buy Fruitatives at Sargent's Store. Dutton's for all the latest music. 5. ¥. Trimble, wife and family, left for Toronto, Tuesday noon, where Mr. Trimble takes up his new work in the Central Y.M.C.A, See our 15¢. tooth gent's Drug Store, Arrival of spring stock of boots for men, women and children. You save money by buying at Dutton's. William Taylor, of Toronto, chief engineer of the steamer Tagona, has arrived in the city to fit out the ves sel for the season. sacred songs, Ie, "1 Know That Mv Redeemer Liveth," "Salvation," "My Task," "Hosanna," and many others; Dutton's. Choice creamery Gilbert's. Prescriptions carefully filled at Sar- gent's Drug Store. : The police wish to express their thanks to R. Uglow & Co. for the bundle of magazines which that firm generously sent them Monday. Clearing sale of sweaters, caps, and all wool goods. the time to buy, Dutton's. Farmers, be wise and buy Mountain potatoes for seed. You have been growing trash long enough. On sale nt Gilbert's stores. "Last 'week of cigar Gibson's. One drunk, who was given a chance, was the only offender to make his baw before Magistrate Farrell in' the police court, Tuesday mormmg. "Last week of: eigar Gibson's. High class music, hy Chopin, Leybach, dowell, Godard, Tschaikowsky, Dutton's. Capt. luth, . president of the » week of cigar bargaius.' a dozen, Inn library 21 Me tuner, at library $1.25 Drug popular brushes, Sar- butter, 37c. Ib., at aviator Now is Green bargains." aay hargains. 0c. copy. 10,000 Mac: ete Soensen, Alexander McDougall, of Da Collingwood GER vw 4S GEORGE MILLS v sinastoN WATCH FOR THE DATE OF OUR MILLIN ERY OPENING We are now preparing au' | elaborate collection of the Newest Hat Creations of the master 'minds of New Yotk and Paris. & Co, CARABA We have a firmly estab. lished reputation for selling "Modern Millinerst at Modes rate prices----no hats two has ted a far the ' a Securities, limited. 3 and Coats are all ready now. - . 2 WATCH OUR WINDOWS. . Ronan, i a Toronto. Author of ~260 PRINCESS. A hs # THE SECOND CHANCE By Miss Nelly McClung " Sowing Seeds in Danny " Phone Orders Promptly Filled. Books OPEN NIGHTS. at 45¢ ~ THE TRAIL OF "98 By Robt. W. Service Author of " Songs of a Sourdough " s COLLEGE BOOK STORE 'Phone 919, Mail Orders," 10¢ Extra. Shicbuilding 'company, and one of the! directors of dhe Kingston cancern, is. in the city, Sweet oranges, fen lor ten cents, at Carnovsky's "Un the Corner." Dr, J. F. Anderson, the United States government medical research expert, who lectured at Queen's, Mon day afternoon, returned to Washing ton, D.C., at noon, Tuesday. "Pure olive oil." Gibson's, The vote on church union, at Zion Presbyterian church, has not yet been completed, but it was reported, day, that so far, the votes recorded showed seventy-five in favor of union with no votes cast against it, To make room for spring importa: tions, Prevost, Brock street, is having a great clearing sale in all his de partments, in clothing, made to-order and ready-made clothing, and geuts' furnishings, A ear of arrived from to ' Green Mountain potatoes New Brunswick for Gil hert's stores. Our price, 32 a bag, ninety pounds. Montreal dealers get $2 to £2.50. Call and see them buying other inferior kinds. 10e. "Mendalssohn's Spring "Winter Lutlaby," "Daily Question," "Ah, 1 Have Sighed to Rest We," from 11 Trovatore, elec. al Dutton's. Some of Henry O'Brien's friends have presented the famous hos tel clerk and horseman wish a green tie, with a pipe worked on it. 'I'he neckwear was purchased in Syracuse, $2.25 be- fore Songs, y 2) song, hockey N.Y., snd was given to "Hank" fos the 17th of March, Potatoes, from ord. J.B. Walkem holds the mong the poultry raising professional men and others in the eity, He is very proud of an egy in his posses. sion which one of his white Wyanp dattes presented him with last week. it weighs nearly four'counces and measures in (trewmference eight and a half by six and a quarter inches. Mr, Walkem is looking lor one bet ter, Ireland. J. Craw record a TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. What Happened a Quarter of a Century Ago, Yishop Cleary, in New York. Baseball nine formed in connection with 1th Regiment. Asylum team ran away; employee named Ross was injured Warden of Lennox expects to be knighted with the mayor of Kingston on oceasion of queen's jubilee, Divinity students of Queen's Univer- sity entertained at Melaughlin's re faurant. R. M. Horsey appointed provincial deputy grand worthy patriarch of Song of Temperance John Murray, emplovee of the K| P.R.R., fell under lost foot. William Glidden re-appointed license inspector for hingston and John Daw son for Wolie Island. moving train and WORK OF THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. Kingston Presbytery Urged to Stir Up Work in Different Sections. That drastic means should be faken to stir up the work of the Sunday school in different brief the sumiming up of a report sub- mitted to the Kingston presbytery, at its. menting in Cooke's church, Tues da} morning, by the moderator, Rey, A. H. Drumm, of Belleville. Rev. Mr, Drumm made the startliog statement that seven Sunday schools had been closed. The main reasons for the closiug of the schools had been for lack of teachers, and in some cases lack of pupils, The moderator recommended that pastors, ordained ministers and stu dents do all in their power, to pro- mote the work, te have schools re opened, and to bave new ones opens ed; that a pastor at large be ap pointed to suuerintend and foster the Sunday school work, and to have an insight into the missionary work; that the general assembly and Sunday school sommittee be urged for new method: of instructions to teachers. es sections, « was In Potatoes for Editor Daley. Canadian Freeman. : Freeman seems to have a' ner" on Irish potatoes during the past week. We have received samples from sepersl kind friends, including lames Redden, J. Crawlord, and Thomas Iatter receiving a bag from As the thers are soring high in price this winter, the above dopations are indeed quite acceptable, especially when they come from Irish soil. They will find a pro- minent place on the dinner table of the oditor of the Freeman, esperially on St. Patriek's day. Potatoes, from Ireland. J. Craw. tors are to receive an ¥ ate ne cremse in pay, SER Irish potatoes. 1. Crawford. & . 3 cor- ford. The Grand Trunk telegraph opera: | including pay for Sune ~~ d NEW DRESS We claim leadership in Dress Goods, and our showing this gives hold on season us the a still stronger premier position. AA IA AMIN Navy Blue Serge, 40 inches wide y OUR PRICE, 39¢, 44 inch Tweed mixed colors, extra special at Suitings, 50¢ a Yard. Hair Lind Stripes, in all the wanted shades, 41 Incite; wide, 75¢ a Yani rns Black Herringbone width, goods SPRCIAL, a and White Stripe, 54 Inch. for suiting. 75c. Goode, in extra wide The correct a en oro As oh Eres et wn Grey Waorsteds, in effects; also plain and hair line wide. mixed 50 inches $1.00 a Yard. stripes, AA A AN AANA ANN A great array of Black Goods, SOc to $2.00 a Yard Popular A full Priced Trimmings. Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE, Stock of VW BBRATRREBET ARRAN ND ECONOMY IN LACE TAINS, CLR. cleaning of well methods life of An occasional lace curtains by ed and greatly tains oul test adds the cur- proven to the R. PARKER & CO, Dyers and Cleavers, 68 Princess St, Kingston, Ont, VVBVRR BOER", BRN RNURD BE. I ata ES a] H REN THE NEW N THERAPION 3 No.3. ¥ French Hospitals with great saccess. Oures blood son bad lags sores, disc hargesfeitherses weakness st vigor kv tal fore, drains lowes fe. Either Fug or M481 from Fougeva &Co. , 90 Bovkman St. New York City, er Lyman Bros, Co? Lid. Toronto. Hi douin required, snd wif addretsed envelope for free book to Pr. Le Clore Med. Co. Haverstork Rd, Hampat-ad. London, Eng. Try newDragée Tasteless) Porrd of TRerapicn, easy to take, tale, Yasting cure, We Grind Our Own Le ses ------------------------ First Signs of Failing Vision are not always accompanied by severe eve distress. " Burning Lids, Shoot ing Pains in the Fore. A A A ls ss. are some of the signs your eyes need glasses = Don't put off having yopr eves exaniined if any of ike above symptoms have been ex- perienced by you J. S. Asselstine D. 0. S. } Registered Optometrist & Optician 342 King 8t. = "Phone 1019 RR A ---- ------] Kingston's Exclusive Optician. PEARL RINGS We have some. beau tiful Pear. Rixas for your selection; at reasonable prices, Three stone, stone rings One stone, and Five excellent workmanship. 850 KING STREET, Jewelers. Opticians, : Issuers of Marriage Licenses. ° 0009990909000 00000000 Highest Price Paid for all kinds «f RAW FURS. W. F GOURDIER Brick Dwellings at Prices as follows Complete list at offic $2.7 $2.900 $5,000 $1.000 $3,000 $2.00%0 $3,000 $1,000 $4,100 an { niver Ri sly Avehue dean Street Univ Avem Johnso Fron 4 ¢4 24 +4 Money Houses to to Loan Rent MULLIN The Real Estate Broker, 'Phone 538 ME EERE A 3 RTAINLY 44 LL Kingston Laundry, Cor Princess and Sydenham Sertets, . Thome 22. y