The Tidings From Various Polits in Rastern Ontario--What People Are Doing and What They Are Saving. _~ ag Front Road Keports, Front Road, March 9. Miss Poet § Walker gave a pi her. yo friends on Wednastad Fening. A farge number were present and a most en joyalie time was spent. Among the gents were several Kingstonians, J Schultz has gone to Kingston to Hive Mrs. J. Hayeoek (wee Helen Lirasse} is spending a few days with her parents Many ave storing away their supply ol ice for the summer. Hay preéssers are busy in this Vieidity. A Fire Near Neat Westport. Ww Ape 3 Marely 12. -Wednesdny aight Norwood's residences, Noch, by. took fire from an over and was burned a 'he Tosd will be qa oe gto] HH. Potter, proprietor of the Lake View Rouse, Fermoy, called or i here on Monday. Mis. 8. V of Kingston, returned home or Stari Mages. W. 00. W. Whitcher W Wa of Ottawa, went Fh ond 'in tows pe weelt ise Jennie Blair and Mrs. J, air have returned irom a Vile with friends in Lanark: ---- Bell Rock Concert. Bell Rock, March 12~The ten and stor supper given in aid of the C.M churoh here' last Friday night was a saocess. Rev. Mr: McMullen, of Yar ker, vi an inspiring address. The musical jons, hoth vocal and in- strament. rendered by 'the Yarker Mh ap Gthers of that place, were by Fo by the audience. Rev, Re arrell, of Toronto, preached an eloquent sermon here on Sunday last, in beball of the Dominion Tem- perance. Alliance. fTrvine Card is threshing clover seed for the {armers in this vicinity. Visitors: Misd Mario Shins Mclean, at ©. M. Sanborn's; Leona Trousdale, Verona, at C. D. Yorke's; F. L. Amey, Selby, at D. Li Amey's. SY , Budget From Althorpe. Althorpe, March 11.-Quite a number ate taking advantage of the good rdnds by hauling wood to Perth and Westport. The Hindoo show company held a five night's engagement at Bol. ingbroke last week. A number from here attemded. David Barr, of Bur- ridge, passed through here en route to Perth to sell his fancy driver. Mr. and Mes. R. Richie and Bert Ritchie leave for. the west on the 15th of March. Mpw. George Fournier is spending "a week with Perth friends. Miss Allan, of Perth, and Mr. Allan, of the Scotch Line, called on frientls here. Miss Lily Ritchie spent Sunday at home. Nis. James Neil ix visiting in Smith's Falls. William Cameron, of Bathurst, called on friends bere. ' Maberly Matters. Maberly, March 12.~A number of the young people went to Sharbot Lake lant Bight, to the entertainment. John Robinson and bride will leave for Sas- katoon on Monday. Mrs, J. H. Me Nulty foft for Fresno, Cal, on Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Buchanan have returned home, after « spending a few weeks in New Liskard, visiting their son. Mrs. Isaac Korry was stricken with paralysis; on Thursday, but she is somewhat improved, J, ts of Walroth has .a bees hauling woot oll nt Bros. LNER, CON CONSTIPATION-CASCARETS. Sick headaches! Always trace Hem to lazy liver. delayed, ferment- ing food in the bowels or a sick stomach Poisonous matter. justead of pelng thrown out, is reabsorbed into the blood. When this n reaches the delicate brain tissue it causes congestion and that dull, awful throbbipg, sickening headache. Casesrets remove the cause by stimulatin liver, making the polson move on and out snd purifving the b oe The effect is almost instantaneous. Ladies whose sensitive organisms are especially prone to, sick headaches, need mot suffer, for they can be quickly cured by Cas-| carets. Ove taken to-night will straighten you out by motning--4 10- | cent box means a clear head and perfect hesith for months. Don't forget the children ---- their little insides need a good. gentle cle: nsing, too. Children gladly take Cascarets because they taste o , never gripe or sicken. on Sajurddy. Mr. and . Mrs. Charles Ickey, Brockville," were. calling on friends here yesterday. John T. Ten- nant and R. HR. Phillips, Caintown, | were guests of H. T. Gibson to-day. his chbese factory to-day. Daniel Bu chanan's &dle was 4 good ome. *Hvory- thing went for a good figure. Methert Buchanan will leave for the west on Monday. Ernest Waltoth spent Sun- day at home. Willisth Burke, Kings ond | from Melrose eal severn from it were in attendance. Henry K oe rep Mt his handsome team greys, vealizing sherefrom the tidy at of #55. 0. Mather t. Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. Boyee. W. B. Ockerman a makin, ng preparations o west, A. Callery is in Toronto in deh at tie and' lodge of the C.O.H.C. MN 'ronsberry left 'on Moyday for , ib to vidit rela- tives prior to her departure for her home mm Calgary. of c Oko Station Lady Dead. Oso Station, March 12.-Mrs. F, Barns, after a lingering illncsd, pass ed avny ob Wednésiay evening last. Her funeral on Saturday was largel, attended, Miss Bela Wilson has returndd to Her home in Lanark after a few webks with hee sister, Mrs. N, {*. Pourk. Nrs. 8S. C, Bowrk has re turned honte after speuiding a few days loft weak with nds in Lan ark, Miss Mattie Hamilton has re turned home after spending some time with friends at loverary. Miss Cora Chambers fas 'refurted to het home, after visiting friends 'here. Miss Hettie England is spending & few days. at hee home. Mes, John Hugh es Has returned to, Balderson, after roding a few day's with her sister, Henry Chambers. Mr. dnl! Mrs, Wittiam Frio and family, of King- ston, also Mrs. John of Wolle | 1sland, veturtied t8 thf Home after attending the funeral of Mr. Barns. : : "Budget From Bohgard's. At Kaladar Station, Kaladar Station, March 12-0. Dunn, CPR. agent, is off on month's holidays, He is relieved by W. Blainey, . formerly night aperdtor | here. Mr. xu@ Mrs. Dunn and family ate vigiting with friends at Cotean Junction. F! Stency spent part of last week in Péterboro on business, A. Fleming was an over Sunday guest of her daughter, Mrs. C. D. Thomp- | son, attended Morgan's "sale og Satur- day last, Mr. and Mrs. C. Picketing spent Sunday with friends at North- brook. Mrs, P, Marplty, Enterprise, is spending a few days with Mr. Murphy here. A number from here attended the | ¥ funeral of the late Mrs. William Woodock at Elm Tree, on Friday. ton, spent: a few days visiting ftiends in Maberly. RElmer Dufly was in, Perth on Friday. * Mrs. James McGregor, Perth, spent Suntiay at William Bu- chanan's, Reports From Outlet. Outlét, Maréh 12.=X baby boy chnie to the home of Mr. and Mts. Edward Flgod, on Saturday, March 9th, The litfle som of and Mrs. Elwell Black is very ill = pneumonia, More of the young are off for the west, Clark Slack left for Saskatchewan, Monday, and Francis and Jerry Fo- dey on Tuesday. Misd Lena Slack is spendifg a few days "this week at A. Greer's. R. Milne and Mr. Webb were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Fodey on Sunday night. Justin Flood is spending this week with his grand. father, Mr. Kelley, near Brewer's Mills. Mr. and Mrs. John Reid spent Sunday with friends in Athens. \ Alfred Hall, who his lately moved into Ira Wat- son's house, here, is ill uf the mumps. A lot of hauling i= being done across Charleston lake now, as the driving is good. Died at Brewer's Mills. Brewer's Mills, March 11.--Th death occurred this mornjig of ee. | Bernard Mullen. The deceased had been ailing for some time. Her maj- den name was Bridget Sedflion. She leaves a husband and three sisters, Mrs. McKenna and Mrs. Mallen, of Kingston, and Miss Mary, apd one p » 0 Died at Yonge Mills. brother." Michael: Yonge Miils, Marvel 1), ~The death ¥ Rochefort had a Bee occiered" on Saturday aftermeon,, Ad hressed hav to Kingston. i Seiden Youge Mills, of John A here attended (he hockdy match at ckey, a ue ) Battersea on Saturday. Mrs, J. decensed, who was a highly estemmed | or Tuts i and. prosperous farmer; spent his whole Milne in y in A urbdrion. J. fife in the township of Yonge, and Asay anc Caughter, ANNE, OF ShIYs had lived for bali a century on the ville, visited friends in this _ victnity farm where he died. A widow and two last week. B. Patersot spent Sun- sons, Orrix and Lerayy survive, . nso day in Inverary. M. leGiarvey, of two' sibters; "Mrs. Afexander Tennant Mount Chesney, called on friends heve | and Mrs. N. Gibson. The funeral was recently. held to the Stone chureh, on Monday afternoon, and was largely attended The an nica vay preached by Rev. E. A. Pocock, Lyn, "after which bi Oddicliows, of = Maltbrytows, ¥ook charge "of the service. Mrs. Goorge Clow is quite ill. Gordon Gibson re- turned, Inst week, after spending sev- eral months in Caro, Mich. gs. drawing Many from Cannifton Reports. Cannifton, Mareh 12. --Congratula- tions are due William Blair, who en- tered into a life partnership on Mon- dny with Miss Forge, of Sidney township. W. CC. Farley, who thas: been indisposed for some time, is able | to be around once more. Davis and Miss Fdna Davis are the Mrs. i. A. Purvis. Ten- finished sawing wood here Thursday charge of the A. worth League, meeting on evening, was in vice-president, Rev. Kemp. ---- Nr -- Mrs. | Jungesiord, A vumber from here | The PEp-| first i? Bobngard's, Hareh 12. Alexander Hicks, of Cressy formerly of this * place, died wadGe ly of pheamonia. ' The funeral was held on Sunday and as largely" atiended. KXuother old and" res redident of the same place, in the. person of Frederick Har- iridon, is He leaves a grown-up Hamily. Miss B. Hartison, of Waupoos, been visiting friends here. D. F. - Cormock and wife spedt last Thursday at "The Pipes." Mes. Smith, of Fredericksburg, is with her daughter, re. Lucas. A number from here at- {tended an oyster supper at 'Glemora church, Wednesday night. W. Page has gone to Bloomfield fy remain, L. Me- Geé and sister, of "The Pines," spent Runday a nT. eCornock's. Nr. {and Mrs. Hartson visited at Con- way io 5 Miss M. Peterson has Ireturned after a stay at Waupoos Is land. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dongard visited at Cherry Valley. Charles Storms has moved to (lenora, where 'he has secured work in the grist mill. Miss Ethel Hicks euiteitained a num- ber of her young friends recently. 'Miss L. Jones has returned to her home in Albury. J. Scott spent a couple of days last ween in Kingston, with his datghter, who is very ill in the hos pital. A number of young people give Allan Harrison a surprise party on Friday evening. Mrs. I', Miller has returned fo her home in Rochester, N.Y., afer a two months' stay with her brothers. J. EK. and J. N. Shep- pard. Several from here srfended a surprise party at J. H. Chrter's, at Waupoos, Friday night, DEDICATION AT ODESSA Of the Methodist Church School Rooms. Odessa, March 11.--On Sunday, March 10th, the Bible school rooms of the Odessa Methodist church were dedi- cated by Rev. I, W. Halpeony, B.D, general secretary, Ontario Sunday School Association, Mr. Halpenny conducted both. morning and evening services. In the morning he gave a very interesting address upon { the sub- ject, "The Influence of Visions," after which Robert Metzler, on behalf of the trustees, presented the Bible school building for dedication. In the evening Mr. Halpenny gave a very earnest and heart-searching talk from the topie, 'The Missing Lad," at the el of which, assisted by the pastor, v. J. C. Bell, he installed the officers and teachers of the several schools on the circuit. The music at both services wag con- ducted by the Sunday school choir and orchestra, with William Heaslip as leader; and Mfs. BE. Parrott ably presiding at the new pipe organ. The music was of the highést order, and both organist -and choirmaster de: serve the thavks of all interested for their painstaking efforts. The Bible school building adjoining the mew church if a beautiful, well lighted, well-ventilated building, ap- to-date in every respect and roi equipped. Classes. are separated by folding doors. A splendid piano, ta- bles and chairs have been plirchased for the Bible school proper, also organ tables and small chairs for the prim- ary department. The superintendent, P. A" Mabee, who always keeps himeelf i touch with advanced Sunday school work, deserves great credit for the success of this enterprise, he having been auntie: ing in his efforts to make this one of Th Bible sede! buildings t . Bible { in Un Reciprocity and the United States. Watergawm, 2 N.Y. Times. mda wails reciprocity it should be considered an entirely new basis. It should be for complete reciprogity, absolute free trade between ihe two countries and the abolition of the custom houses, or alse for no reci- procity at all. As has been proved by present ty agree a he her ecican congress, and is still a part of the law of the nation, gave Canada altogether the best of it. It has suf- fered because of its rejection of it. The United States has pot suffered, but has probably profited beenuse of Canadian jon. Certainly Mr. Tait's sdmisiatration e or no other ad- ministration would dare offer those same terms again, but as the matter stands Canada would a to ask io ratify the treaty which ix nah existende and has the oficial sanction of the United States, = of this of bone is ssid to he to the square inch, of \ hard wood tested to pd There B 'fothing Tike a "Tea Pot" test at your own table to prove its ~x sterling worth! TEA "Always and Easily the Best" BLACK, GREEN, or MIXED. - Seuled Aight Packages Only "CORRECT STYLES FOR MEN." are the highest expression of the hat making art. Thé character that 1s em- bodied in these hats means not only better appear- ance, but far more satisfactory setvice. Whatever your taste may be--whether in soft or stiff hats~~you will find it suited to a nicety from among the new spring styles. Newest designs in scratch, rough and bright finish effects. The dealer will give you a binding guar- antee of satisfaction. We. stand behind him in doing so. $3, $4 and $5 at leading dealers'. EJ von gal Geo Lid. HavieS voi Gl American Factory Niagara Falls New York, U.S.A. Danbury, Codin. Straw Hat Factory Baltimore, Md, Ontario Panama yg Fasiory New Send your patterns for BRASS, BRONZE OR ALUM- INUM CASTINGS Prompt Delivery. The Canada Metal Co., Ltd. -- FRASER AVE. - TORONTO To WESTERN CANADA Via Chtago and St. Paul, March 12th, 19th, 26th, "3 April 2nd, 9th, 16th; 23rd and 30th, . -- Low Obe Wi Second Class Rates PACIFIC COAST Good Going March 1st to April 1a { SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, LOS ANGELES, CAL. $41 05. ' . ¥ VANCOUVER, B.C., VICTORIA, B.C. . SEATTLE, WASH., PORTLAND, ORE, . For full particulars » : P. ANTENA Agent. Corner Johbeoa and Onitaric, Streets. SAN DIEGO, CAL, MEXICO CITY, MEX, And rates in proportion to all Pa- cifie Coast Points. . KINCSTONG RB MEROKE ALLA IN IN CONNEOTION WITH Canadian Pacific Railway LOW COAST RATES Daily March 1st to April 15th --$45.10-- Stop-Over Privileges Full particulars at K. & P, and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. Bs ------ \ BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY, Train joaves Union Station, Ontarle Street, $a dally (Sunday excepted) for Tweed, Sydenham, Napanes, Deser- onto, Bannockburn all points north, To secure Bully despatch to annockburn, Maynooth, and points on entral Ontario Route Sout shipma via Bay of Quinte Ratlw ther particu ad apply, t. Agent; elch, 'Phone No, » f £ 3 a For fu . Ward, P avout - Rowntree's Chocolates One Pound Fancy Boxes 65e. One-half Pound Faney Boxes 85c. A. J. REES, 166 Princess 8t. Fhone 58 i ia A neti FEBRUARY HEADQUARTERS IN KINGSTON FOR AMES-HOLDEN FOOTWEAR JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE 70 BROCK STREET. FURNITURE SALE : You can save money hy buying this month. We storg 1 y roods until required. your goods until require § EVERYTHING REDUCED © Special this week ut $2.00, $2.00, te. £ THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION ADMINISTRATOR of Estates where there is no will or where the appainted executors prefer not to act. TORONTO OTTAWA WINNIPEG Some specials at $4.50, $6.60. Brass Bed, worth $75.00, for ! Brass Bed, worth $60.00, for $48.90 Brass Bed, worth 345.00, for $32.60 Brass Bed, worth $30.00, for $23 ow All Brass, 2 in. Posts, at $12, "» R. J. REID = No Suffering Yets! The unnatural suffering of so many women at times can be relieved by a little care and proper help. Beecham's Pills give just the assistance needed. They act gently but surely ; they correct faults of the system so certainly that you will find better conditions prevail Amongst Women Who Take this renowned and effective remedy. Beecham"s Pills will help your digestion, regulate your bowels, stimulate your liver. Headaches, backaches, lassi- tude, and nervous depression will trouble you less and plese SfeE you take at times whenever there is iced Ambulaves Rervice. "Phone BTY REAL ESTATE! SNAPS FRAME HOUSE, Eim Stree!, large Jot, ten rooms, could be made into double house ... .. -.. $1250 BRICK VENEER HOUSE, To- ronto and Victoria Streets, - with two extra full lots, good barn and poultry House . ves B00 SOLID CEMENT BLOCK SE, four large rooms, double parlors, dinin room, Kitchen, ete, improvements . ..82,100 FRAME HOUSE, Patrick Street, all improvements, with extra cofnér bg good barn ... .. $1 HOUSES for Sale and to Rent in all parts of the city. Norman & Webb al Estate f L , Real aly (Fires Live '171 18 NGTON WP | Photo 136,