Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Mar 1912, p. 1

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x YEAR 79 -NO, 64 WILL ASQUITH RESOR T0 COMPULSORY ACTION ? Said That Strike Legislation May Be Passed. NO BRITISH MINERS WILL WORK TILL ALL DISPUTES SETTLED. Charity Alone Keeps Thousands From Starving--Six and a Hall Millions are Affected by the Great ' Strike, London, Eng., March 15.--1It is be lieved that Premier Asquith's sugges tions propose that a representative of the government should attend the dis trict conference of the miners. I'he men fear that this will open the door to compulsory arbitration, which they unanimously resist. If the premier's suggestions are accepted, the district councils will meet at once and come to an agreement in Fogland, but not in Wales and Sestland, but no British miners will return to work until the Welsh and Scottish disputes are set- tled, hence the crucial question is whe ther, the government will resort to leg- ilative action compelling the recal citrant midority to accept the terms agreed to by the majority as reason able, While the opinion in the best-in formed quarters is that England has heen saved from a prolonged national conl strike, it is feared that the eflects which have already resulted are much more serions than the publie generally has any idea of. To begin with, it will take at least a fortnight, accord ing to good judges, to effect a sett:e- ment along the present projected lines, and in the meanwhile the slow paraly sis of the industries of the country will be eating its way to the heart of general prosperity like a canker. Again, the settlement of the present labor trouble will be not a palliative, but sn incitement to further indus: trial unvest, and, though another great sirike may not come immediately, the example set by the miners is bound to be followed by other labor feders- tions, . Premier Asquith's hal ug jqoal ant the ' new proposals 'are Wales and Secot- by farther con: sume work, leaving land to be dealt with ferences, It is estimated that since the coal strike began Great Britain has lost the sale of 100,000 tons of bunker coal to the world's coaling stations. Charity alone is keeping thousands from starvation in South Wales, For instance, many hundreds have noth- ing left to pawn, for the pawnbrokers refuse their worn and valueless cloth- ing. Reckoning three persons dependent roughly THE TOWN OF GANANOQUE, The Citizens Coal Company is to be Re-Organized. a Gananoque, March 15.--The monthly session of the W, M. 8 of Grace church was held at the home of Mrs, John A. Webster, Frock street, ves terday afternoon. A fine programme was rendered and an interesting fea- ture was the presentation of a life membership in the society to Mrs. Horace Griffin by her society associa- tes, as a mark of appreciation for past services, Town Councillor. James Karr is in Brockville on the grand jury at the spring assizes, The special evangelistic services un- der the auspices of the Holiness Move- ment, held for the past ten days in Turner's hall, were brought to close last evening. The services for the balance of the week will be held in their hall on Garden street. Miss Counter, who has spent past month here, a the guest of her nephew, George Dowsley, returned home to Portsmouth this week. D. Dowsley, who has been visiting his brother, Dowlsey, Sy denham, has returned home. Mrs, Davidson, of Lyn, the guest of her mother, Mrs. Clow, this week. Miss Maud McLellan is few weeks in Fonda, .» guest of Her sister," Mrs. (Dr.) White. Miss Mattie Harpell, Kingston, spent a few days this week in town, guest of Miss Hannah MeCalpin. Mrs. Robert Me Broom, who has been at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Elliott, in . To- ronto, for the past few weeks, has returned home. The Citizens, Coal and Forwarding company organized late last season, with the ohject of furnishing coal to the workingminn, at actus! cost price but starting too late in the season, could not get the amount of econl ne cessary to furnish their customers, is to be revived at once, and a meeting of the shareholders to elect directors for this year will be held in March 25th. was H. spending a BIG BRITISH SURPLUS IT IS ESTIMATED IT WILL REACH SOME £7,000,000, rn haa Cio soras Wi Resa Firemen Revenue and Decreased Fxpendi ture, But No Remission in Taxes. New York, March 15. -- A London cable says: It is odbw possible to calculate prospects for the budget, whieh Llsyd-George will introdues Ap- nil 2. Judging from returns of national in- come and expenditures up to and in- clading the week ending last Satur ay, which leaves three weeks of the fiscal year yet to be heard from, there on each workless man, about six and should be a revenue surplus above the a half millions are gravely affected, irrespective of ths greater masses of small retail shop-keepers now lament- ing absent oustomers, and the other millions who must pay more for every necessary of life. German Miners Very Bitter, Berlin, March 15.--The German strike coal is spreading rapidly to other coal fields * besides those in Westpha- lia. Over 300,000 miners have now laid down their tools, and the social- ist unionists are being joined in many places by the members of the Chris tian Miners' Uaion. The feeling against the authorities is growing in intensity, owing to the killing of two miners by the police in the course of disturbances at Herne and Baer, Gave Life to Save Child. Dauphin, Man., March 15. Rev. D, Cattanach, a superannuated Methodist minister, and three-year-old Walter Blackburn, the child of a neighbor, were burned to death at the Cattanach homestead. . The inister perished while trying to save the child. Girl Shot Hew Father. Moose Jaw, Susk., March 15.-Miss Ells a tly seventeon-vear- wis ah ted of shootin hor , on the g of erry, who is a merch- 'ant, struck his dnughter, sad she fired two shots into his ie a td I Tt a oi Come get rea) songs. Dutton's musie store. : Mrs. Elliott, aunt of Henry aml , , of Brockville, died at Bee Ont. in Jannary, aged 100 years 20 days. ~ a or 2 of Moira, lied Oster, ira, y, Alta, on the 16th of Feb-| fifty-four years. dl t values. e tional debt. { {of two hundred mile radins with this estimates of about £5,000.000, and a saving v expeadituses of £2,000,000, thus making peolaply a budget sur ulus of £7,000,000, which should op: rate automatically to reduce the na- No remission of taxation is expected in the new budget. YUAN'S APPEAL TO CHINESE, Appeals to Them to Sink All Past Differences. San Franeisco, Mareh 15.--The Chi- nese consulgte here his received a message from President Yuan Shi Kaj, 'runsanttod through the Chinese legn- ton at Washington, as follows : "The change of the Chinese govern went from a despotic monarchy to a titeral republic was accomplished by the united forces of the people. It is sow the duty of Chinese to unite and support the government thus formed, forgetting all differences that may have existed in the past and co-operating with the officials appointed by the people to work out the destiny of the republic in order to obtain the respect of the world." GOMPERS TO TOUR ONTARIO. President to Deliver Addresses in This Province. Ottawa, March 15.--Announcement was made at local international labor headquarters that arrangements are under way to bring Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Laber, for a tour of the principal cities of Ontario to deliver addresses. THE WILD STORM OVER THE COUNTRY It Will Soon Be ver Aud a Thaw Will Come Quickly On--- Trans + Stalled. . Toronto, March 15.-Praw a circle cily us the camtre, and you have a see- ion of North Anierica that is in the grip of one of the worst snow storms of this winter. From Chicago to Montreal and North Bay to New York, the whole country stemvs to be pare: lyzed with stalled trains and grounded aod power wires. Trains - aily PITNEY CONFIRMED. Fight in Senate Against New Jersey | French-Canadian Aldermen . Jurist, i | . {erusade against the English names on | streets in Montreal, which is conduct i JUSTICE PITNEY Washingtos, March 15.---Mahlon Pit ney, chancellor of the state of New Jorsey, President Taft's nominee to succeed the lure Harl on the supreme. court bench, w firmed the senate iy to twenty-six, ill come to Washington on Justice tn con vole ot Pitney Monda hy by n Justice PREACHER DECLARES HE PERJURED HIMSELF After Fifteen Years Says He Sware Falsely to Get Divorce From Wife. Atlanta, Ga:, March 13.--Conscience- stricken because of the crime of per Jury, which he says he committed ff teen years ago, at Rome, Ga., in su ing his wife for divorce, G. W. Thom- as, a preacher, of Portiand, Ore., hae written to Gow Brown that he is ready to come back to Georgia and stand trial Thomas says that he loved another woman and told falsehoods to get rid of his wile. "I can mever be clear with mysell now," writes Thomas, "until 1 wiped away that stain by letting all the world know of my erime." Governor Brown what action will ter. mor has not indicated he take in the mat- Held Up Regulations. TOAWR, MATeh 1552 That | Parties in: tevested in fishing on Lake Erie have sufficient influence with the United States senate to prevent the placing of close seasons for fishing on those international waters wa the marine department, to-day, in an swer to protests of Game Warden Tinsley, of Ontario. to the effect that Lake Erie was being depleted its fish because there were no close song on either side. partment said the the Canadian side was removed cause the United States aforesaid, held up the close seas gulations on the American side since 908. It will likely he made an inter national question, Window, 8 stated hy 2 ol The marine de close season on be enate, on re Threw Himsell From Peterboro, March 15.--An hospital patient named Cornelius O'Brien, sui cided by throwing himself from an hos- pital window. ONTARIO WILL HAVE NE TEMERE COUNSEL Adam Beck Would Compel Munici- palities to Appoint Power Plant Commissions. Toronto, March 15. ~On the opening of the legisininre, vesierday after noon, Hon, Adam Beek gave notice of a bill to compel municipalities tak ing juice from the hydro-electric com: miskion to appoint commissions to admanister the: municipal power plant under the water works' act. Hon. J. J. Foy gave notice of a motion to amend the law reform aet. Hon. W. H. Hoyle ruled out of or der an awkward question by. T. Mar shall, of Monck, who bad an inquisi- tiveness as to whether Hon, J. J. Foy had on November 20th, 1911, at Toronto, made a statement that there could pot lawfully be any bi-lingual schools in Ontario. In answer to a question from 4. C. Elliott, of West Middlesex, Hon. Mr. Foy informed the house that he in- tended to appoint counsel to represent Ontario before the supreme court on the marriage question, that no coun- sel had yet heen appointed, and that no action had yet been taken as to the stand crow: "counsel should take, Your New Hat. one of Campbell Bras." new youll have fmshion's very Let it be styles hd latest. ------ Best's Short Stop Cough Cure; 15¢. | Choice smoked meats at Pickering'sy Mys. Geozge W. Lovst died at Par- ma, on nturday last. She as 4 comparatively young woman, leaves a sorrowing husband and a lit- tle girl three years old. Daffodils in variety. Purdy's. Miss Cairns is leaving Naproee; and, with her parents, 'will very shortly take her departure for ome of the western cities, Cagpbell's for Buckley hats. Bears died at looweville, N.Y. long illness, He was a western beef at W. Coates, of | a i {has just taken place. 1s to ichanged' a wel known English ILATEST TIDINGS former | by Belleville resident and will be buried x 7 KILLING OFF ENGLISH NAMES. : + Make | Several Changes, | Montreal, March 15.--~The anpual ed, generally most successfully, by the! rrinch element in the city council, | Here are a few! changes Adeline to Faillon, Albert! to Amyot, Aqueduct to De La Veren-| dreve, Dorchester (Longue Pointe) to! Dumas, Elizabeth Maple to Normand. : : Originally the committee wanted to call a street Kruger, but even the French-Canadian papers objected. The Quebec legislature has to Dubuc, wm i just k name --Lake Megantic Fron- tenace county. county---into Despatches From Near and Distant Places THE WORLD'S EPISODES THE ULRIEFEST POS. GIVEN i SHE Voli, | i N Matters That luterest Eye ry Body = All Over--Piitte ot! Everythiig Easily Read and le- | membered, I he ten There if a against tie Ki The int ratlwi double-tracked irom Monet fax. Serious disturbances of the British ¢ Notes' From { province 2 to be divided into] health distin 1 revolutionary movement | he | on to Hali | are occurring \ in { Wrike i a some triets, I that million dollars for of 18 now said br, relinguishing Sen gO a the | presidency Stanley street Presbyterian church, | Montreal, was sold for £125,000 G. Fowler Riss, cate Fhe Dake of Dr. Thomp unable to mer. : i Fhe Duke of Connaught has consent | ed to become patron of the Canadian | branch of the British and Foreign Sail org' Society, Dr, od. 8. Munger aged eighty-one, of yy Ones died of heart failure; Wednesday night. "He bad retired from practice only a month ago. An official-of the Grand Trunk re ports that the recent blizzard cost the management SH.000 for cleaning the snow from around the tracks. Mrs. Esther Barkins, to cure a rash on her body » pui tobacco leaves in her bath water, She is in St. Mary's hos pital in Brooklyn suffering nicotine poisoning \t Lincoln, Neb., Warden Delehanty was killed and three deputy wardens and another employee of the state penitentiary weve fatally wounded in a mutiny of convicts, ' teorge Bowns, Watchague, Staten Isfand, says lumps of Rail that fell on | the roof of his house weighed as much | as six ounces and that ene piece was] as big a= a'buseball. | D. C. C. Steison, Pueblo, Col. and | his bride road to Salina, Kas, the! first stage of their wedding journe ou a snow plow, Fifteen inches of snow had blocked all the (rains. | To save a nickel William Schrofi, an! electrician, gave his life. the wrong platform in a subway station, and a train he attempted China A. a syndi to ropreseuting Lonnaught has advised | n, MP, that he will | visit the Yowon this sum-! He entered | New York! strc him as tracks. yDispleasure makes the feet and causes them to become cold, says Prof. Walter DD, Scott, of North-Western University, Cowardli ness causes the same blood action, he | declares, ! i to cross the the blood leave tev. Robert Passley, negro preach er, who carvied a foot.-and a wish bone, in a New York jail. The police charge that he collected money from prisoners, telling them he could "charm" judges. Burglars blew -ithe safe in the New York Central station at Phelp, N.Y, and secured Xl31in nickels and oiher small change, 1,000-mile books and thirteen 500-mile hooks. The safe was completely shattered. The steamer Kansas, of the Northern Michigan Transportétion line, earry- ing a crew of twenfvfive, is teported td be sinking in Lake Michigan, three miles from Chicago. One side of the | boat is said to have been crushed by the ice. At Hamilton, Ohio, two firemen were killed, one was fatally hurt, and =o number of others are missing in a fire which . partially destroved the Butler county court house. The men were buried when the high clock tower crashed over. Rochester's reputation as the strong: hold of new religious cults has veceiv- ed more vindication. Twenty m bers of the local Christian Seience church 'have revolted and under the name of the Church of Faith have set up a separate form of worship. "The benefit game to Brace Ridpath hat been eanerlled by the Ottawa Hockey Club, who buneled the thing badly. The Quebec Wanderers and Canadien pros. are to play in New York and Boston, Saturday night, so their players will nol be available for a game. : L The work on the erection of the new shape for the Canadian Pacific railway at Calgary has already commenced, is i Honfleur, Edward VIL, avenue (Emard)itin Unionist Support to Carry His jto | conspiracy John § {died an | named ings { his death. matter itis Wh KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARC 13, 2 SHERIFF'S POSSE FIGHT MOUNTAIN MURDERERS Who Killed a Judge as He: x CHURCHILL MUST RELY Naval Programme. March 15.~It looks though the Right Hon. Churehill « will have to rely unionist support to earry t poliey London, as Winston upon hrongh his ol countering Germany's com- prehensive programme He adopts, in faci, though pot in words, the principle of two new British keels to e German keel, and the radical section of the ministerial press ie expressing unflinching hostility. Fhe! radicals luborites in par iament are working eveby pos sible influence against Mr. Thurchill's policy, naval IV new and also $1,000, FOR DAMAGED HAND, Brockville Workman Gets Verdicf-- Circular Saw Defective. 15.~At the sit- assize count here, Westlake $1, sts tor nd Brockville, March tings of the spring awarded t 00 dama i jury Notrs ges and cd I to his h while operating circular in factory of the irl. Manvfaeturing company of this t The saw was proved ke defective and Judge Latehford harged strongly in Westluge's favor FACES SERIOUS CHARGE CONSPIRACY TO DEFRAUD BEAD MAN'S FAMILY. injuries ustair Ar SAW the James Sm wn. A Who Died, Led to Arrest. Toronto, March 15. Charged with to obtain from the estate of a J. Gi. Evans, and Mr Empire street, Revell, certamn dead man, Harvey, of Opthalmology, Moneys Dr the ool oi 358 Queen were arvested, vesterday who ith above wt Englishman, Toronto mn November rooms of the school, with the wife of an Englishman, who left her hus band. His relatives desired to know ii still alive, and investigation by the Toronto police resulted in the discovery that he had died and that a will, purporting to be a forgery, was made by Revell, leaving every thing to his supposed wife, Mry Spurr, Dr. Evans claims that several cheques were ~ Revell to the cheques was da Hevell's dedth volved 1911, resided other he was viven as od hool, but ten days Ahout 215,000 is by the fter in mations of one The i 1 Connection while Revell, i He in ing quart nanan performed some duties with the spent most hired whiskey a institution, of his drinker, img ak dag Friends of his claim tliat the womar has declaved that had quantity, Four days after his death, it is said that a cherue for fifty pounds sterling | was placed in the Bank of Hamilton at Spadina and Queen for eollention from an English bank. Ten days later this was followed by another for 250 pounds, and then another for a large | mount. All the cheques Revell," and all were presented in England, The woman packed up her belong- : bed. was a of on occasions she given him nearly double this were signed honored when 1 not Pr. J. G. Evans' Under Arrest in To-! ronto--Absence of an Englishman, ping. » Gave Sentence. THE OUTLAWS WAGED A BLOODY BATTLE IN VIRGINIA COURT ROOM, -- Troops Called to Assist in Capturing the Casual. ties on Both Sides' are Reported. Hillsville, Va., 15. There was pitched battle, morning, be- tween a sheril's and Allen mountaineers, who, vesterday, shot and Killed a judge, a sheriff, and two other judiciary officials who were try ing one of their number. There a casualties on both it is here, although both as entrenched in their The sheriff's people Murdererse--Several March this posse a were stated etill ridges, sides, ps Hu are tain re being. assisted bandits of other iflelong wrainst Atle: Froops here from Charlestor snted by clans, who have grudges murder OUs 8. sent 18 a unpre situation tory of in state. reward of 21.000 the band, made hy for the eapture of fiovernor Fhe gover that EN ach will be paid for individual mem bers of the band, taken dead or The shooting point Mann, was increased to ad 00 nor s proclamation states alive, terrorized Hillsville to paralysis hore a man to give an order or ize, a pursuit of and their children out {ne of was organ Citizens fled to places safety, mothers gathered up while the assassins rode of town Floxd Allen was before the ha wied pi +» Con taking a kheriif A Hen her head prisoney had prisoner had with a from a struck the butt of had esc ipod laputy nerf the rifle, and Sheriff Webb mountains warnings might prosecuted the gone up tuken Allen, what such a Attorney Foster had fearlessly, and a rathered from the no man in Carroll county cared to sit on the trial of an Allen, had convicted him Just as Allen was about ed up for sentence, his two brothers, Sidney dnd Jack, wt the head of troop of twenty mountaineers, np to the court house. Their hardy ponies, splashed with mud, testified to a long ride through the hills The two brothers, and their panions, carrying rifle thers armed with revolvers, crowded into the small court room and stood behind the rail and about the door Judie Thornton LL. Massie the bench and Prosecutor ed seatence Allen. shutting of and a ment among into' the and despite of mean him mry venture mountaineer inland section, for to be call n rode com sOme and mounted Foster mov There was general upon feet a move the te mpend the mount: Lucers but terrible trageds mn Lact of the re Ioretel] om, no the Jrdge sentence from Massie fhe lips began pronouncing that fell the tra last words his precipitated Loy "One your hard labor defore the last word was cold fus'lide tezan. Alleu, with that would never 8; rang of at the an oath go to prison, out the prisoners' dock and returned to England, where she met Revell's relations and told of | Fxquiries were set on foot | and when the cha uns voy duced they d tives to be a forge: Both donations are disputed man's relatives. The éhief that the monev which came po of the Spurr wo man the {ime of her ®¥pposed hus band's death was illegally htained and should have one to Revell's and children in England. FIRST DISSENTIENT VOICE RAISED FOR BOUNTIES They Should Have Been Ottawa, March 15.--~The first dissen- tient voice against the omission of the iron and steel bounties in the budget was heard last night in the course of a speech delivered" by Mr. Cockshutt (Brantford), a consérvative member, on the debate following delivery of the budget. In the course of his re marks he regreited that the budpet speech contained no mention of the iron and steel bounties. The iron and steel industry was a most important one to Canada and should not be al- lowed to suffer. . "When a man is drowning," he said, "it is vot a time to investigate but a time to get" The bounties, he thought, might have been granted and the causes for the weak- ness of the industry investigated and set right afterwards. - Hon. 1. D. Hazen introduced a bill to amend the fisheries act. He ex- plained that there hid been a great falling off in the output of oysters in the maritinie provinces and that the bill was intended to mest that situa- tion. It provides that the federal! gov- ernment may, on ferms to be agreed upon, avthorize the governments of the maritime provinves io lease areas on the seacoast for the cultivation of oysters, and that the lestes of such areas shall be entitled to the ayebers | foued or produced thereon. 5 Arthur Bead, a Winnipey 2 hi ax eleetrocd , there, were #d by the rela | by the point of the is the at mio IPRRION wife w ited S 5 neman, can while working at the fhe Jud.e mas. ie bench. Another | roseeator | collnpsed of was on the Webb wa prisyner upon shots i Lng and floor | ronr stey herifi Ion hin a heap. a SDring his hen the | found he ling bay, the conrt the panie-stricken at S818 the green to ors uss backed vit ef house and across the | In aj i! mrad | the troop of ere ponies galloping like wilage and second they th rough to the hills, With them the assassing half ried, hall dragged one of then ber, it this was Sidney Allen, brothers, hres Kane, and the aroused ofl car num that the wounde l, and saad of was ove wrors, Fowler, Faddis and A. T. Howlett, Bruce Marshall aud Stuart Worrell, by stanc ers, were wounded, Floyd Allen, the prisoner, was shot several times, probably not iatally, When some semblance of organiza sion came out of the chaos, some horsemen hurried down into Beever Ham Valley to spread the news and get help. More intrepid ones rode off towards Betty Baker, where there i= a railroad station and = (elegraph wire ARRESTED ON CHARGE | OF POISONING HORSES George Ciuff, Perth Read Stage Driver Charged With Serious Offence. George Cluff, diver of a Perth Road!' flage, was arrested on Friday at 2.30 p.m, charged with poisoning three hot { ses of Ermer Babooek, alse driver of 8 stage to Perth Hoad. The bores Were pomsoned with stryvelinige about three weeks. Siues that time much sympathy has been fet for the wun who sustained the loss snd a parse has been wubseribed for him to replace the horses. The aut¥rities have been fol. | lowing up (the . case and believe they | have found the guilty party. Mr. Clalf denies the charge sad claims he prove his intoceper. 1 is daimed the prisoner purchased sirychoine is gy LAST EDITION _ WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Toronte, Ont, March 15th, 10 am ~~ Oawa va and Upper St, Lawreaos wasterly winds, with snow or sleet, clearing to-night Saturday, north west winds ine, with a little lower temperature, WHO KNOWS i : | i A COMPETE SHOWING of Spring and Summer Trim- ings and Laces: Consisting of those novelties that fashion is calling for. We want yom to see this assort- ment, as we pride ourselves on having outdone any former showing, in quantities, quality and value. THIS INCLUDES: New Fringes of every descrip- tion, Bandings, Guipures, Ape Tassels. Trimming, Capechons, Edges, Frogs, Metallic Garnitures, Braids, Ornaments, All-Overs Beaded Nets, of Hand-made Laces, Gold and Silver and a beautiful display Bebe Irish, Carrick-ma-cross, Macrames and Venise Print Laces and Insertions. Our Spring and Summer showing in every department is now complets, so Wwe: cordially extend invitation for an ihe | i | spection, i i i STEACY' { | The Store of Satisfaction, BORN, COVEY---On March rd, Mrs. Delbert danghter, BPENCH Mrs twir SMITH 41h, to Mr and Charleston, & On Margit kd, to Mr and William Spepce, Beale's Mills, (a son and pn daughter) At Westbrook Ont, March 1912, t * and Mrs, Guy 8, Arg ith (nee ret Daryaw), a MARRIED, son, SOMERVILLE~In Kings- ton, on March 14th. 1912, at th home of the bride's parents, oF Alfred Street! by Rev. J, W. Me Intosh, M_A Janet Somerviile (of R Graham M.D, of Lioyge minster, Sask,. formerly of Kings+é Covey, GRAHAM £ ROBERT J. REID, The Lesding Undertaker. Princess 'Phone 577. REID ped TR. TAKE NOTICE, 4 " One large Mahogany Sofa; aise go Old-fashioned Spinning Wheel, 5 ave Just come fw' TIRK'S, JAMES The Old Ph 254 and 258 VP 'Phone 147 2 SPoehgrr wily i" | wow wed i CUBAN : | m 2 HM 8 for 28e. 4 for 258¢. 3 tor 25¢. Extea large, 10¢ Each. * Ea a ET an The quality this year is very fing heavy and joley. Jas. Redden & Co. BesCs Saturday Specials. § - 10. rolls Loiles paper, 5 for 2. 5c. Boel, fron sod Wine, 3%. Lie, Bland's Ville, 2 for 25. 2,000 sooth picks for Be Sviphur and molasses, 15¢. "itchhazel Cregm, 2c.' for 15¢. Cold Cream, regular oe. 10e. Toilet soaps, regular Ze With each purchase of 25e. or we will sell one of our fing S50e. for 25c. UH you can break one of combs your money will be st once funded. i -- Derbies and Soft Hats. # 5 + ad

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