i sie Frail -- A ------ We Pay Interest Upon alf Savings Accounts twice a year. adding to these deposits three per cemt. per annum, the earnings of your savings. emia This makes money work for its owners, and gives them a safe and sound investment, backed by all the strength of this Bank. : have them Better to bank your savings than lying around as baits for burglars. Bank of Toronto $67,000,000 KINGSTON BRANCH--107 PRINCESS ST. GEORGE B. McKAY, FREE! FREE! FREE! Tooth Brushes Given Awa To induce a trial. of Rexall Pearl Tooth Powder. The powder that really whitens the teeth. For one week we are giving a tooth brush free with each 25 tin pure hased. This powder once used always use a Kodaks. Cameras Eastman's Photograg hi: Supplies The Rexall Store Don't Forget Our " Week End" Chocolates. 50c quality for 25c. 1b. MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE i 3 THE DANY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY MARCH 13, 1912 JEWS WILL ENDEAVOR| CIAMSEWEWTS[) |gees | | TO UPSET THE QUEEN'S UNI VERSITY BILL. ' SATURDAY, MAR. 16 MATINEE AT ENING, S15, , SEL ANATIR orp Ey GEORGE BARR MeCU Montreal Lawyer Has Been Retain. ed----He Says Queen's is Intolerant and Narrow-minded. Montreal, March 15.--~The Jews of this city have retained 8S. W, Jacobs, {B ., to look into the law to see whe {ther Queen's upiversity bill caunot be upset on account of the clause in it which places Jews under a Ysability. © ONPLETE INE pray SCENIC PRODU CTI0N, ACTING COMPANY. MA EVENING--25, nw C caiaren, 2%e. Nenis new on mr BEVERLY OF GRAUSTARK~ CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES tem tasertion lc a word, Each con- secutive lusertion thereafter bail cent ua word. Minimum charge for ome insertion, 30¢; three Insertions, SOc; six, $1; one month, $2, i Mr. Jacobs has given the news papers a red-hot interview on the sui» ject. He has said: "Within the last few' days we have seen the provioee of Quebec worked up over the Keewatin bill because 196 Roman Catholics will be deprived of | Th certain rights claimed to have been granted 10 Roman Catholics by the tact of 1875. Yet here we have an ine stance' of a much more important character, where 100,000 Jewish citizens are publicly insulted, and 'no persons seems to pay auy atlention to it, outside of those directly aflected. |'The absurdity of the bill may be seen by placing together clause 3 and clause! 20. Clause 3 reads: | "The management and discipline of {the university shall be in every respect free from all denominational restric {tions," and clanse 20 says that "the {university shall continue distinctiv = Clgistian." | 'It has been said the inatitotion {might fall into the hands of Jews. In| {answer to this objection, | would like| | the gentleman who made use of this statement to know that when the time! Soo comes that Jews will be able to con-! $60 trol the universities of this country, | Production, their ambition might soar a little! TO CONTRACTORS. higher than to wish to corral an in-! ug hich i showing such a nar-| TENDERS WILL BE RECEIV.uu UP stitution which is showing such a nar to noon of the 18th inst. for the seve- 'row-minded and intolerant spirit as|ral trades works requirgd in the alter- | Queen' s College. | ations and rebuilding of the store 8) 8 block on Brock Street for the Kings- "| notice, however, that no religious | (on Rectory Committee testis are to be applied to ben)iactors | Plans and speeification may be seen | though it might be possible that a) and Jenders received at the offices of "tests are to be applied to benefactors| The lowest or any . 8 =! sarily accepted. ne the money of Jews as unaccept POWER & SON, able. { i ST.PATRICK'S NIGHT -- MONDAY, MARCH 18, heen of Usited Irish Soecletiex, omantic Irish Acta, "SHAUN AROON BY CHARLES TOWNSEND, Songs and Specialties Between Acts, THURSDAY, MAR.21 Night, Joseph M, Gaites Presciits Beautiful KITTY GORDON THE ENCHANTRESS Latire Origiual Compauy of 100, Special Orchestra of 20, [Seats on Sale Monday. 50, 75, $1, $1.50, $2.00, tender not necos- Architects ert "COMING A capital story about the late Sir | SOON Henry Irving is told in some reminis- 1 cences by George Grossmith. { The day when everyone will drink He was staying at the same hotel! DE JONG'S as Sir Henry in Manchester. His fly | i A reliable French regulator: never fails. ills are exceedingly Pens tive portion of all cheap mitations a box, Cp For sale at Mabood's drug store. (00DS SOLD ON TIME All kinds of Dry Goods 's Boys' and Ladies' Suits, Boots a Show, Jewellery, House Furnishings temal System. Dr. de Van's Female Pills |. These | Eeema in regulating «he | i ; s are sold al oe Mailed to any address. | yit of a nuisance Catharines, Ont. | "Are these people w {leave the hotel ?" he ac ed. i to sce replied the por- | 0, sir; they are waiting was waiting for him, and as the | {hall porter opened the door, Nr. | All first-class grocers sell it. Grossmith noticed an enormous crowd waiting to see me' "W. G. CRAIG & CO., Ltd. outegle. ok | | "Enery Hirving," Wholesale Agents, ter. . find this "But doesn't Sir Henry a does like The | worry Lr porter him a bit, replied : "It sir; he doesn't Picked Up Remarks. asy payment plan. DAY OR NIGHT "Phone 201. Of Standard Granulated Sugar preserving and table use, Price siways ght, NDREW MAULRAN, Big Bnaps in Real Estate Kingsion Real Estate will boom in 1912 as never before. and properties bought now will rapidly inervese in (BIBBY'S GAB STAND OUR CRYSTAL BRAND fas been tried and found excellent for turn, "I try to always avoid infinitive." fur "He must be nutly, d baby girl christened Hazel, "Twenty-four ? Impossible ! She looks old enough tobe her own mo- | ther" i "Finical ! { because every wasn't "Well, Itll do him a good the split said Mr. Grossmith. Pulling up the collar of his ined coat, adjusting his pince-nez, an pulling his Homberg hat over his | brow, Mr. Grossmith strutted down the steps with Irving's gait. The cheering was great and some of the people even followed the ear- ridge. When Sir Henry later he found He had his Why, she felt wretched nail in her new house manicured betore it was driv- came down a little " no crowd awaiting him. Subsequently he mentioned the matter to Mr. Grossmith, remarking, with humorous twinkle in his eye: Len. "1 was so have run up spikes on they gre "ph poles." him 1 could with those climbing. tele- mad at his form use for value. Buy before prices advance, The following properties offer ex- taptionully good investments to the seculator, and should bring consider- ly more at present time, but owner wants money and Is prepared to sacrl- fice at these prices, $200 will buy two RADWAY'S READY RELIEF FOR LA GRIPPE Raturote thick flannel with t Hes lef, and APPIV ay a bay adage - Lo the $i = Jo t large frame dwellings, north of Princess Pree a splendid location: large rooms, bath and ya good drainage, large cement cellar under the en. tire house, newly shingled and in good repair: rent, $20 00 monthly, and are never without tenants; pays 12 1-2 per cent, on fnvestment; . Diendid 'chance for specula- - throat. Give the r morbid from the b witer (he wus of the disease § prompt t ke hai if Epon ful of ns tof Ber of i. at Hike. and Raaway' x Pi Is. Tn fif- i i yon will pers=pive [ree'v, Go Ro "bed, and in the moming yon wit Beet-tea diet, If the disease Asx tor RADWA™'S 27d Take no Substitutes four to "nix © nat Phys three large Frame Houses, north © Princess Street: § rooms each; closet in each; cement cellar and good drainage; rent, $27.00 $2500 "You ought not to have done that. | I pay these people to come every " night." 'Mothtr, wouldn't it be just the me if Willie and me said our pray- into the phonograph and turned it on every might?' "Yes, longevity runs in our family K } ; Kas ngs { My brother bill was six feet two. Animals born with tails general de | john was six 'fect four, and velop considerable use for them, but a had more longevity than any man 1 misfortune may happen to them that: =o oo" Ho was six feet eight it will cause them to wish they had no the was an inch." --Boston Transcript. tails. A curious instance of this is | - what has been called a "ras king,' in| Triplets Are No Joke. which, by an accident just after birth, | . A "All day long I have received tele- i 5 | embers of a litter of rats becom | he an phone calls congratulating me upon the arrival of SHiplets in my home, connected by their tails so that it is impossi ; tricat rm- impossible for them to extricate them and then my friends end it up with a taugh," said Frank Henrici, of Waldo Iselves. Place, Englewood, yesterday. 'Now, rs George monthly: never without ten-: ants: pays 13 per cent, on investment: ods quickiy {if you want a good bargain, Juyx two brick front houses near Court House, bath and closet, hot and cold water, cement cellar; rent, $20.00 monthly: pays 10 per cent interest on investment; never have been without tenants; these houses are a reat bargain. DULY three $2000 ;:::: $2000 AUTOMOBILES FORSALE One Second Hand E. M. F. Touring Car, fully equipped. Will be sold cheap. W. J. MOORE & SON Agents for Cadiline, Hodson & Hin Buick Motor Mel mn large Frame Houses that cost $3,000 to i rooms, good cellar, ¥ have good barns and the other a ood re. pair; af persons or more horses, rent uitlokly and are never ; pay 1% per cent, on investment, Hea me Bt oned if you wish & good ale and paying investment. Real Estate . Office Hu Insurance Agent, 10 12 am; 2 to § pm DOQOOOCOO0OO0000000000 | A WATCH | OR ATO SOME WATCHES = ARE ¢ ONLY TOYS. PRICE, $1.00 to $5.00. OTHERS TIME INDICATORS, PRICE, ne 10. $10.00. oh FOR SALE. + 1. Several large, commodioas 'modern residences in delight ful locations at right prices. 2. A number of moderate sized brick ces in good locations; all modern conveni- ences. "3. Some of the best located building FOO OIOOTTFOOOO » i ® = OOO NOTED OO OTD OO-OT00 ; Money to Loan. For full particulars call at office DOGG OOO0O00000 This singular condition is said to be Begugit. about hy the ails ob Sl my friends consider this a joke | so entwined that, should a little clay the ds 'that dhere to them, they cannot be sep- want to impress upon their minds tha » a . P* {6 me it is a serious proposition. It is no joke to have your family in arated. When this condition is perceived by creased by three at a time, and at the same time I hope the three babies the older rats the young are not left 80. perish, but, are accorded the great yijj Jive to be a help to their dad. My @ caro, . kt 93 a: : : : friends laughed and joked me three A "rat king" discovered and killed years ago when my wile presented me with twin girls, both of whom are iv- {in Germany contained seven members "in perioct condition, physically, except ing, and 1 thought 1 might get their sympathy when three made their ap- for the entanglement of the tails. pestrance. These had grown in such a way as to completely entwine one another, but," The two boys and a girl arrived the rats were in the very best health,'(h. Henrici home Monday night conclusive proof that astonishing g00d {heir twin sisters think the new care had been bestowed upon them by iv als are the queerest looking their more fortunate rat brethren. in ar little | things they ever saw .--Paterson Call. -------------- - Paris bakers have formed a syndi- | He Got His Board Free. eate to maintain a laboratdry inl "The wy : re whs never but one guest at which all their flour is scientifically | this here hotel that stung me while | tested. was on the job," the landlord confid- Berlin employs more than 100 stor fod. "Several have beat uy, but not age haitery driven machines literally | [io *1 was awake. But this here fol- to scrub its well-kept streets. ler certainly got one on me. Say, he's On An average, 8 cow yields about livin' here yet, ai' he ain't pever paid 400 g of milk a year. fe a cent. Why don't 1 collect his Jill * How can 1? Wait till 1 tell -. Lyou. {| "He's been stoppin' here for near l4wo 'months when | approached him lon the subject of gettin' something on faccount. He was cheerful. T was po- - Skin Di i lite. Finally I got mad and put it foe. » him straight. Young man," says I, 'voy can't ek this hotel till you pay ' your Disfiguring skin diseases always | thild.' seems to appear on the face und har' 'Will you put that io writin' ¥ so that a a feeling of shame, save he, and before i knowed what I as well as n atl suffering. was doin' 1 done it." Interiial treatments have peti proses Yury Satisfactory in, She trun How They Ran, {men eczema and similar skin | 4 Jawyer was cross-examining an old roubles, but when Dr. Chase's Oint- layer wa the position Rf * 'the ment js applied You oan see ior your' i doors, windows, and so forth in a self and feel for yours the benefits - house in which a certain transaction i ood hadi "And now, my g man," said the skin 40: that. itching ceases, " lawy.r, "will you be good esough to tell the court how the stairs run in its extraordinary x healing power causes smooth shin to form where the "setifed 21 How do the sits run be quer HELP WANTED. BARTENDER, APPLY, American Hotel Office, BRITISH- A HOUSEMAID AT ROCKWOOD HOS. pital. Apply to the Matron, DINING-ROOM HELP, tish-American Hotel APPLY, BRI. Office GOOD GENERAL to Mrs. Harry Mooers, Streat, SERVANT, APPLY 68 Barrie SHOE SALEMAN, YOUNG MAN : experience preferred, The Shoe Store. SOME Lockett TWO BOYS FOR TRIMMING Mic A, 'Apply to Kent Bros', Mica Works, Broek Street, A BOY TO LEARN THE HARDWARE business. Apply to A, Chown & Co. Bagot Street, at once A YOUNG GIRL light quired Mrs, RY THE DAY FoR housework; reference re- Apply, in the GS yening, ta Bowie, 320 Earl Street GENER AL SERVANT, GOOD PLAIN coo no washing or ironing; family of three Apply, morning or evening, Mrs. Knight, Alice St, ENERGETIC CANVASSERS OF Gob appearance to canvas city and vicinity; salary guaranteed; good proposition te right party, Ap- ply, Box 138 Whig office, INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly Sor. siponding for newspapers: no canvassin Send for particulars, Press Syn cate, 3,969 Lockport, OoLD COUNTRY DOMESTICSeeCAPF- able Scotch, English and Irish maids; parties arriving twice a month Apply, now, The Guild, 7 Drummond Street , Montreal; 4 Pembroke Street, Toronto; and 22 Bank Street, Ottawa. STUDY AT HOME IN SPARE TIME, -- We teach vou complete com- mercial shorthand, engineering (stationary, wetion, gasoline) mechanical drawing, engineer s course matriculation, teackars courses, etc Write Canadian "or respondence College, Limited, Dept, P.. Toronto. Canada. WANTED---GENERAL. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BY voung man with a sum of money Apply, Box X. Y. Z, Whig office A SHOE REPAIRING OF EVERY DE- first class work: best one trial will utiics. se BE 1° Sepalrs, : te _ Clergy West. me DAVID MARSHALL, PLU MBER, GAS. Fitter and Electrician, Raglan Road, is the place for I class work at reasonable rates. Call or drop a card for gas estimates be- fore spring rush, TAKE NOTIC THAT I WILL BUY all kinds of second-hand furniture and stoves; will pay highest prices: see me before anyone else. J Thomps<n, 333 Princess Stree. next Bt. Andrew's Church. GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have It made up into up. FORD, MODEL wy.» iy, office of J. darence Street. ONE BLACK BEARSKIN GAUNTLET, on Alfred or Union Streets. Finder please return toe Cunningham & Mudie, 7% Clarence Street, MOTOR C McDonald | Ha ONE DOZ, RUSH BOTTOM CHA the real old kind, at $2.00 snd 4 GOLD § 0 LS wp, "a OLD LOCKET, INTIAL Pp. Met each, at Turk's. 'Phone 105. in Opera House dressing room Ne, $. on Friday, Sth, or Saturday, Mh. Finder please leave at Whig office A FIRST-CLASS ¢ BP. LC so. and receive reward winning oR line Engine, in good running o! reason 101 selling: snap Quick buyers Apply. Kingston tress, Co, 556 Princess Street. CANARIES. CANARIES, 5 A DESIRABLE HOME, Neo. 30 NELSON Street; all modern conveniences: goog arden; all kinds of [rut J. Lockhart, x Guta Chi Clarence Street - Amu, GERMAN CANARIES, -- ANOT Shinme] ent of those beautiful just received; come in an hear them: each bird a guaranteed Aahgster, W. J. Driver. 'Phone Hw sou GASOLINE LAUNCH, Yery fast: built by Boat Co. mahogany in England; must to J 8 R. McCann Gilbert Motor finish; owner be sold A 61 Brock am RH AWNINGS --LEAY Your order for awnings, tents An small salls at I. X Razeaw' old reliable, who Knows Ris bush ness. will cater to your wants: no high prices, 153-4 Street, Kingston, Dae it right; tario FLAGS, AWNINGS, TEN amping, outfits, ning. ANGE Fa ne supplies, lunch baske! ik enn, i - pray raincoats, kit bags, silk tents, Riles. AT HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, BRUNSWICK MOTEL, ONTARIO sT.[TENTS AND opposite G.T.R. station, one block from CPR: on street car line: bar suppiled with best of wines and liquors: charges, $1.25 per day. cial rates by the week. John ea Prop. THE GRIMASON Princess Street. the st of Liquors and Cigars HOTEL, 342-344 Bar stocked with Ales, Beers, choicest Meals, 25¢ each, rates by the week. stable accommodatio reasonable. Mulviile & Brace motor Ww, © "Phone 391 or 238 Houle FOR QUICK SALE 1 OFFER substantial block known than e Bulldin and Prem Brock Street, which will be £5 to all tenants, leases, eto. Strange will give you full p list, amd $12,000 will buy same taken at once. Address, Geo. CH Estate Broker, Edmonton. Alta $1,700-324 RAGLAN ROAD, 7 Rooms, furnace, electric ligh $2,500--230 AND 232, AGLAN ROAD, $5,500---F ARM, NEAR WESTBROOK, GROCERY BUSINESS IN CITY) Goon paying trade being done BATEMAN & GARDINER, 67, OLANe ence Street. Chy, FINANCE AND INSURANCE. INSURANCE, -- T, v. Agent, 1569 Wellington St. re, Life, Accident and HeaMh Policies issued. GENERAL BOON, AN & GARDINER. FIRE, L Accident, Insurance and Cus- Syma Broker; Real Estate and oney to Loan: a share of your business solicited 87 Clarence Street, Kingston. 'Phone 306. HK. CARROLL, Btreet--Fire, Life, dealth Insurance, Employers' Liability and Motor Boat Insurance, Security Bonds, Real Estate in Winnipeg, Regina. Calgary, Moose Jaw, etc. 14 MAR Accldent and Plate ilass, we TO LET. DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND furnished, Stores, etc. McCann, 1 Brock Street. FROM 1ST House ply to Btreet MAY, 12, DWELIMNG No. 474 Alfred Bireet. Ap~ FRONTENAC LOAN AND Thomas Mills, 73 Clarénge' INVEST. ment Society; established 1863 president, Sir Richard Cartwright; money issued on city and farm roperties, municipal and ebentures; mortgages deposits feceived and lowed, C, MeGill, Director, § Clarence Stree countr purchased; interest al- Managing rooms, b and mediate possession Livingston Av enue, furnace; Apply at 28 TR TWO FIRST-CLASS LARGE Rooks, flited as sitting-room and beds room, electric light, telephone; one other nice room; good locas tion. Apply, 58 William Street, LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company, Available assets, $61,187,215. In addition which the policyholders have for security the uniimitaq Habliity of all the stock-holders. Farm and city property insured at lowest possible rates, Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents 'Phone 32 FROM THE INT OF MAY, DWEL ris ing House, No, 0 Barrie Stre one of the best modern houses the city and location unsurpasss Apply at 65 or 30 Barrie Street, FROM IST MAY, THAT OFFICE ON Wellington Hireet, st present tupied by the North Amerie Smelting Co., Limited. Apply 0 Livingston & Bro. Brock Street "int %. PERSONALS. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. marks and all growths and skin blemishes removed permanently without 27 years' ex ence. », STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, © dry, airy rooms, sboslutely roof; your own lock and rost's 1 Storage, 29% Queen DE. 'Phone § to-date suits. Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. . Press- ing and repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway 121 Rrock St. near Bibby"s Livary FURNITURE FINISHER. ANTIQUE FURNITURE A SPECIALTY ebonizing and gilding, enaméellin and all colors of mission work; a! work given best attention, at D! 23 John Street. Call = UPHOLSTERER. W. J. GAVIN UPROLSTERING, RE- ring and carpet work, bhalr mat ress nO ating Drop a card o call 216 Bagot Street. LEGAL. Ear, Nos Bpecialist, Sos Bagot Street. DENTAL. ARCHITECTS. A. E. KNAPP, BA, LDS, DDS, RE moved to 368 Princess Street SPARKS AND SPARKS, 230 1-2 Princess Street, 'Phone 246 DENTINE, | GENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT. Kingston. 58 King Street, 'Phone re. IR, C. C. NASH, DENTIST; DR, ©, Weicker, assistant, 133 Princess 'Phone 77% ARCHITECT, mi Avenue. " Telephone a ARTHUR HLS, Tioiversi ty WM. NEWLANDS tects, ete 'Phone § & SON, ARCH. .. A AYKROYD, DDS, LDS, DENTS Offices, 258 'Bagot Bt ist, ever Dominion Express Ottios, A Wellington Street, 'Phone FOWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants' Bank Buildings, corner Brock and Wellington treetls, 8. HL SIMPSON, LDS, DDS drop a ca Ist, corner Princess an Entrance on Bagot Street. B Te phone 626. CUNNINGHAM & MUD ers and Solicitors. IE, BARRIST- Law Office, 7) Clarence Street, on. OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY. S. TRS NSATLANTIO JIE ALL Ol AS Al 8, Kir ok le 42 Clarence a beg "Phone DRESSMAKING. INSTRUCTIONS IN CUTTING BY MEA- sure, designing, trimming. ete, evenin classes . a specialty, ai © Mme, Fiaers, 253 Princess Street. H TOM Has bought out. SAM'S LAUNDRY BUSINESY ai 8 QUEEN STREET, and will continue 10 do all classes of laundry work promptly, DRY PINE for KINDLING WOOD DRURY'S Coal and Wood Yard | Phone #43, 335 Wellington St. | wing 'Buckley Hats. Guaranteed even Sold in Kiagston Bros. < ji accident. --_ at Campbell When a girl and a young man en gage in a flirtation she may believe he is sinccre just because she isn't. "Prescriptions" carefully eulpound- ed at Sargent's drug store No matter where vou go, you'll find some one anyious 10 separate you frome vour hard-earned wealth, Campbell's hats, the up-io-date hat store styles. fren a lorgetiul man seldom forgets shout that $5 you owe him. OSTEOPATHY. MEDICAL, "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGM --R. 6 Asherott, D.O,, 138 Wellington St. posite the Post ice; chromic alacanes treated by Osteopathic methods and Electrical Vibration treatments by appointment. 'Phone DR. KE, CD. MacCALLUM, PRYSICH and Surgeon, 142 Wellton Office hours, 10 to 12 am, and 7 to # pm. Telephone inty " CATERER, BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START a mall order business at Lome: no canvassing: your own boss: Send for free booklet: tells how, Heacock, 2,969, Lockport, N.Y. WE PARTIES, BA ding Breakfasts, Bangs ete. also Rent Dishes, abi Ligens and Bliverware x Hambrook, corper Vnlon and Divie sion Bireets. 'Phone $43 CATER TO Wed Pea Coal One size smaller than Nut Coal. A good of our costomers - use it with sa on. $6.00 Per Ton. SWIFT' S LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW § For Bale or to Rent. Yael a Ne Conveyansing and Real Estaiq 4 E. BLAKE THOMPSON, also fhe ink 1S "MINOR ™ : HOUSE ON LIVINGSTON AVENUE: T bh, & c HR A 3 $ 5 00 © ? % « - # # # * - » = & EAA EIRENE Sg i or nants