Li | 2a 6 : 9 I What is 'Good' Tea? EFORE Tea brands were widely known-- before Red Rose Tea was sold throughout Canada a wonian asked her Grocer if he bad any 'Good' Tea--and the Grocer replied, "Red Rose Tea is Good Tea" There you have the origin of our modest slogan ---the reason for if. And surely no better source or reason could be given. Consider the matter for a moment-- Suppose you were to forget the name "Red Rose," and ask the Grocer for a pans of 'Good' Tea--what would you mean by the ferm 'Good'? You would simply mean ALL Tea could be. So--when we are able to say - "Red Rose Tea is Good Tea" ~--we Have said all that can be said. RED ROSE is a blend of the best indian and Ceylon Teas-- use these are world's best Teas, Assam-- in: Northern India--is the original home of the Tea plant--the soil being specially adapted for ng rich, strong Teas-- > Ceylon Teas are more delicately flavored, There- fore the Red Rose blend is generously rich in both, strength and flavor-- ~Even if modestly and simply advertised as "Red Rose Tea is Good Tea" There dre several ul bes selling at différent prices, buf, perhaps, the 40. Jrade ui please best. It is not only fine in quality but goes farl SEPARATION TALK. tom of the movement, the people of the west being tired 'of seeing their rain rotting in the fields and not ing moved. when there is a market to the south, which has been closed to them. "The west wants freer trade, that is very evident, and the time is Sonn when the wast will get it,"" Col. Wal ker said. "Hf they can get it by no other means it certainly looks as if separation will be the means used to attain their ends." Feeling Is Growing Throughout Cane ndian West, Calgary, . Alta., March 15. Within next two years, the question of Western Canada drawing away from the eastemm part of the dominion and ; Dieoming, Sn separate country alto- y W cording become a live issue, ae kem who Bas Lieut.-Col. James C, Wal ' just returned from an eXlithdud it a the eat, e in 'algary district, and in : fuck throughout Alborta, have no iden Make Your Will To-day, of the t about separation that is| H you have not already made your going on in Manitoba and parts of will you should lose no time in doing tehowan,"" said Col, Walker, 'On }it. The unexpected usually. happens. 'the trains and sll over Manitoba far- The Trusts & Dr Co., limit 'mers and hubiness men are discussing (od, 43 and 45 King street, West, To- this matter, and I have been told re-| roto, make a good executor under that within the next fweniy-|all circumstances, and af spall ~ ex- tals Donthe! this will became a live is- [pense to your estate. Appoint the ¢ it myself, now that my company executor, and let them hold = ha en opened, and I think [your will in their security vault, free t long we will find that » «1 charge until required. movement toward this end will od publicly started," Col: Walker states that the car and unsatisfactory condi- tions regarding grain, are at the bot- "HOW. | ENLARGED MY BUST SIX 38 ARTY BAYS 1h , Wooden Cups, and Various ted en out the slightest results. A Simple, Easy Method which any Lady can use at home and quickly obtain a large and beautiful Bust. By MARGARETTH MBERLAIN. own, I bad been imposed upon hy chartalans and frauds, who sold me ail sorts of pills and appliances for en- ow of man; and I eannollarging my bust, but which did me no Bis ovdh to tell you how good © feit.| good whatever, 1 therefore determin- hat a terrible load was lifted off | ed my unfortunate sisters' should nop i I first saw nya bust had lan er be robbed by thpse "fakirs" i #ix inches in size, 1 felt frands, and F wish to warn all . a pew ing, for with no Bust 1 Women against them. I was really neither & man not The discovery of the simple proceds ao Fis Dut Jug Just & sort of creature pity evéry man look 4 ss ad on RR to him 8 with which 1 enlarged fy bust six Herr Witte, the well-known German aviator, was killed. His biplane col lapsed and fell from a considerable altitude, wail do I know the horrors and in- a oat Heron of being flat-chest. naving the face of & woman set inches in thirty days was due' solely to & lueky sceldent" whieh | boleve was brought about by Divine Provid- | | ston, MoKay, Mrs. i Told Ih. Twilight {Continued Isom page L¥ Lawrence (. Lockett, was hos the tea Hour, st her pretty on Sydenham street on Thurs day afternoon. The drawing-room, whete the guests were received, look- ed very gttractive, In the tea the table was decorated with a' cen- tre-piece of graceful pink roses, and Mrs. basket. Mrs. Aird poured the tea, {and Mrs. Clarke weighs poured coffee. The ices were served by Mrs. W. G. Mylks and. Mrs. C. Lane, and the girls assisting were : Mrs. Lingham, of Montreal; Miss Hazel Magsie, Miss Grace, Martin, Miss Aileen Folger, and Miss May Wright, The invited guests included : Mrs, J. M. Boyd, Miss . Boyd, Mrs. Urquhart, Hiss Ee Mrs. L. 1 «GQ. Smith, "Mrs. A. W. A. held Miss Nachar, Mrs. BL. Rice, Mrs. A. Orr, Mrs. H. Youlden, Mrs. A, , Mes. Aired, Miss M. Minfies, Mp. BW Robertson, | George orig Miss M. A. Smith, Miss A. Mrs. J. Linton, Mrs. J. Gaskin, Mrs. J. Grimason, Mrs. Bellhouse, Miss Retitiaust, Miss' Wil loughby, Mrs. J, H. Mrs. Post, Mrs, T. Sutherland, os, Percival, | Mins HR Mrs. W. G. MacArthur, Mrs. W. J. Livingston, Miss Living: Mrs, J. S. McCann, Misses Grace and Eva Martin, Mes. Fowler, Misses Fowler, Myre. J. F. Sparks, Mrs. F. 8. ®, Johnston, Mrs. R. McDowall, Mes. James Crawford, Mrs. J. Hewton, Mrs. J. Mat om, Mrs. Fred Clarke, Mrs. R. J. Toye, Mrs. J. Lingham, Mrs. A. Glover, Miss Isabel Knox, Mrs. Mre. W. N. Linton, Mrs. Thomas Mills, Mrs. A. W., Winnett, Mrs. €. A. Macpherson, Mrs. Sills, Mrs. W. G. Mylks, Mrs. T. D. Minnes, Mrs. James Minnes, Mrs. R. J. MoKelvey, : Miss Williamson, Mrs. A. Cook, Mrs. F.G. Lockett, Mrs. Frank Strange, Mrs. J. Mussie, - Misses Massie, Mrs. Sinclair Laird, Mrs. J. R. Henderson; Miss Henderson, Mrs. W. F. Nickle, Mrs. W. A. Kennedy, Mrs. Elmer Davis, Mrs. John Carson, Mrs. ( Chapelle, Miss Chapelle, Mrs. A. McPhail, Mrs. James Craig, Misses Craig, Mrs. W. 8S. Ellis, Mrs. F. Folger, } fiss Aileen Folger, Miss Connor, Mrs. W, H. Craig, Mrs. J. C. MeConachie, Mrs. J. 8, MoRride, Mrs, C. Livingston, Mrs. R. Uglow, Mrs. W. G. Craig, Mrs. J. M. Campbell, Mrs, C. E. Tay- lor, Mrs. Arthur Ellis, Mrs. W. 7T. Mines; Mrs. John Nicolle, Mrs, George A. McGowan, Mrs. D. Cays, Miss Lulu Cays, Mrs. Donnelly, Miss Donnelly, Mrs, J. G. Elliott, Mrs. W. Gill, Mrs. PP. B. Chown, Nrs. C. Lowe, Mrs. Hugh Macpherson, Mrs. C. De Cartaret, Mrs. lI. Simpeon, Mrs. W. J. Crothers, Jr, Mrs. J. C. Gwillins, Mrs. J. C, Strange, Mrs. B. 8. Wal dron, Mys. J. M. Hughes, Mrs. Har old Haghes, Miss Daisy Chown, Miss R. Corbett, Mrs. L Mes. A. GG. MacKay, Mrs. J. Russell Stewart, Mrs. S. Roughton, Mrs. J, Suther- land, Mrs. Clark Wright, Misses Wright, Mrs, .George Oldrieve, Misses Oldrieve, Mrs. E. P., Jenkins, . Miss Jenkins, Miss McGill, Mrs. Chase, Mrs, H. Dyde, Mrs. F.K Mahood, Mrs. x F. Price, Miss Price, Miss J, Sills, Mrs. A. Laird Mrs, J. S, Smith, Mrs. J. B. Mcleod, Mrs. H. N. Robertson, Jr A, R. B. William- son, Mrs. Bogart, Mrs. J. Me- b B. Sparks, Mrs. 7T. - Hurrison, Mrs. J. JE Reid. Among those arnt at the Skating Club on Wednesday evening were Ma- r and Mrs. Vernon Eaton, Mr. and ru. George McKay, Mr. and Mrs. J. de Mille, Burpee, Mrs. J. F. Pat ten, New York: iss M. Gordon, Miss es Phyllis and Charlie Shortt, Misses | » Besgic, Eva and Mabel Richardson, Miss Elsie Pense, Miss Dorothy Carre thers, Miss Marion Lesslie, Miss Mari on Redden, Misses Mamie a Susie Anglin, Miss Doris Kent, Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, - = Miss Nan Reynolds, ville, Miss Nan Paterson, Miss Aileen Rogers, Misses Mabet and Doro thy Brownfield, Miss Lilian Mundell, Mise Eva Martin, Miss Madge Taylor, Miss Halen Gordon, Miss Mildred Sellery, Miss Madge Dawson, Miss Mu: viel King, Miss Hopkins; Messrs, E. Van Lesshe, Perey Lyman, J. Stew art, Covington; Arthur Dalton, 4 Dalton, Rodger Clarke, George ich- , James Swift, Jr, E. C. Ellwood; Douglas Anglin and Reginald Calvin. . . - - of Onwsie and Mrs. Len- T SE FT BE on an : a ng this Ch AER marvellous ain. 3 ¥ Why ¢ 15), . London, Aah room, J. lation L. W Williams, | "| Caleium Sulphide the " {most thor ohmson streat, have retarned to Gan Mr. and Mrs, Richard Waldron, King " Donsld and Garden; expect to leave on Monday for London to a few days with Nr. and Mrs, Alox- snder Patesson. Later they will go to Th amesville, where they expeet to r side in fatore, . - - - Caplain Dougl s Young, of St. Johos, Quelec, has sent in his papers rod will go icto busine s in Toronto, kis oft iriends in Toronto will be glad to welcome him and bis wife as permanent: rémidents. Mr. Cole Gibson returped to To ronto on Monday after spending the weos-end in town, ®es0c0sscccvcccrccnce nareisse, arranged in a large silver 3 The Man 'e On Waich.: oe sesscssecsesecessnn The Lampman has been asked fo lyuote what Charles Lickens sand con coming Kingston when he visited this Lown in the year 15342. Here are Dick- ens' words: 'Indeed it may be said Ww. fol Kingston that one-half of it appears to be burned down and the other half of it hot to be built up." Tt is just {seventy years since Dickens relieved himselt of these words. The present town buildings were just then being reared. rst b Few people know how to clean side Mis. {walks of snow, remarks the Lampman, who himself was an adept with the shovel in his younger days. The re sult is that during the past few days the walks have been very sloppy be cause the slush could not get free drainage. Kvery = walk hound be shovelled clear of snow for two or three |' inches beyond the line where it ehh the roadway. In Kingston, the Li man notices that people are inclined to<leave too much to the town corpor- management, Kingston is a big town in area, if not in population, and the townspeople, although they pay thuir taxes, should be publics ited enough to help in every way they can, The Lampman wonders what percent age of people Wino go 10 chareh remem Ler anyttany about the gérmon ' they hear. hie is led to ask thus question owl to an incident that happened in Kingston recently. A downtown mer chaut was telhmg what a grand ser men hit pastor nad preachea the day before, and lamented that his friend had not heard it, "Well, what was the text?' bis friend inquired. "Wel peally 1 have forgotten," was the ve ply. 'And what was the subject?" Well, to tell you the truth I really could not tell you what it was, but it was a splendid discourse anyway." The Lampman supposes that clergy: mon are protected in regard to per forming marriage ceremonies by the h cense document presented to them. This document comes irom an issues who represents the gawermment, but who is evidently more cager to sell the wedding authority than he is to enquire into the age of the bride or the relationship of (he contracting parties. When fourteen-yvear-olds can come to Kingston and get a marriage license, is something wrong with the system, the Lamp iain thinks. ThE TOWN WATCHMAN. Senator Douglas in the senate warmly criticised the speech of R. 15 Fenaett, member for algary, in whiel he is alleged to have stated that the American settlers in the Canadim west Fin a menace $0 confederation, erhaps a voung widow might ad of her weeds A amis -- er, Pimples? No They've All Gone ! er itil oe vada Right After" Those Pimples, Boils and Skin Eruptions. Trial Package Sent Free to Prove It. No need for anyone to go sbout any longer with a face covered with pim: ples, blotches, eruptions, blackheads, and liver-spots. These are all due to impurities in the blood. Cleanse the blood thoroughly and the blemishes will disappear. That's what Stuart's Calcium Wafers are accomplish and do ac- complish. Their principal in the quid and blood cleanser known. These wonderful little wafers get right into the blood, and destroy erup- tive substances present in it. In some jent is]that similar accommodations hE Oo PE PEATH OF "exon. SPROULE, AGED TWENTY YEARS. Winnipeg----The County Council in Session at Napanee, Napanee, March _16.~The death oe currod Wednerday Rast of Lucil > roule, son of Mrs cams Sprouls, West street, afer thrice months se de ssuering from a tumor on the brain. Dececsed was tasen al in Wiampeg list Lecemnber, and was brought to foronto, where several operations were performed to relieve the pain iu its head, but none of them. proved sacoesstul. Deceased was a bright, in- tel izent boy, avout twenty yews, of age. A family of several brothers ahd sistas, besides his mother, moira, The faréral took place yor wrdsy to Gataraqui, Ars. Nelson Arnoli and deunghtev left yiuterday for Manville, Alta Peter umirison left Wednesday to visit Wis brother at Redding, val, 'also a sister at San Franciseo, Cab Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Paul spent a fow days this week in Forouto. A. Alexander re tured Tuesday from a month's visit with friends in Yon York. Mis. Alex ander will remain until Easter, Mrs. W. K. Pruyn, Visiting friends in Chicago, is quite ijl. Her ddughter und son-indaw, Mr. and Mes. A. 1, Dafce, left yisterday for Uhieago. Mes. A. C. Warner and Miss Florence Warner, Cole rook, spent a couple of ilhys this week the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arncld Wolle. Mrs. W. A. Howe, Mrs, C. V. Sale and Mrs. ¥. Wilson are spending a few days in Toronto. The ¢orunty count] is in session hore this we tk. The remains of the lale Leo Flute, who was killed in the Winnipeg fire list Saturday, were brought to Napa- r | tee and the funeral took place Thurs day morning, from St. Patrick's churth., The funeral was largely ot: unded. Mis twin brother, Jrank, «cc rmpanied the remains nome. 'The ninth annual meeting of the Ladies' Musical Club took place om Friday afternoon, in the town hall. Phe programme was arranged by Mrs. frenkling, Mes. Varbwven and Mrs Byrne Black. Phe following assisted : Yiss Pearl Waod, Guy Attwood, Fran: cis Fisher Powers, Mra. Byrne Black, Vises Edna Frizzell, Miss Helen Van Luven ard Mrs. Franklin Vauluven. LORD PIERRIE TO QUIT. To Retire From Great Shipbuilding Concern, London, March 16.--It is reported from Belfast on good anthority that Lord Pierrie has intimated hie inten- tion not only of retiring from the shairmanships of Harland and Wolf, hut of severing his connection with the company. In connection with this report. the Review of Reviews announces that some time ago Lord Pierrie sold his najor interests in the company to lohn Brown and company, who own the celebiated Ulyde Hank Shipbuild- ing works, and who will enter into full control of the famous Irish ship: yard when Lord Pierrie retires from the chairmanship. The London Times save it is well known that John Brown and eompany have been interested in Harland and Wolff for vears. "A working agreement existed be tween the iwo companies," it ways, "but our Nelfast correspondent, who made enquiries among some of the leading members of the grest ship building firms in Boliast, was unable to get any confirmation of the state ment that John Brown and company would ultimately enter into complete control." ~ RUN TO KINGSTON. Arrangements Are Being Made' For Service, Ogdensburg, N.Y., March 16.--A fast steamer service between this city and Kingston will probably be established the coming season by Capt. A. RR. Hinckley, of Oswego, who recently purchased the steamyacht, Say When, which can run twenty-seven miles an hour. The Say When is a roomy oraft of luxurious equipment, which was built by the Herreschofis fog the late Mr. Burnham and she is Ort od to be the fastest of her shed and type on inland waters. Capt, Hinckley has written here that he has secured satisfactory dovle age facilities' at Kingston and hopes will be provided for him here by those infer The matter has been turned over to ested in boommg summer hdsinesy, the business men's association and in all probability the wants of Capt. Hinckley will be fully attended to. A ------ tes. Sentenced to Death, New. York, March 16.---A London cable says: Judge Bucknill, a pro minent Free Mason, had the pnioful (duty, yesterday, of senteucihg to death a brother Mason, hey ¢ soning Eliza Amn Bar. : i Cs he for her -------- "Seddon's wag acquitied. Asked to Die in Jail H him 16 five years, but physicians say he cannot Five that long. bin sn, Pring the slevea months. April Jat ] March Ist, of the current fiscal Hlvesr, 311,946 i ants arrived in HH Cemvdn, OF this number 194,358" ar. rived st ceean ports and 117,698 from | i the United States. Remains of Leo Blute Brought From |. ANNOUNCEMENT MISS E. V. GREAZA--announces her MILLINERY OPENING for WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20th And Following Days. A WELCOME TO ALL 182 WELLINGTON STREET. The Queen Millinery Cordially Invite the Ladies of Kingston a, Their First Display of SPRING MILLINERY On TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY MARCH 19th, 20th and 21st 174 WELLINGTON ST. New York, March 16. --Charles W. | : a widow _ of. ilu late Jo MISS M. G. BLAKEY | Cordially Invites all Ladies to her | MILLINERY OPENING | TUESDAY, MARCH 19th A FULL LINE OF UP-TO-DATE MILLINERY Corner, Princess and Altred Streets. OPEN WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS 7 to 9 OOS MISSES HANNAY & RAMSAY SPRING MILLINERY Thssdav; March 19th 1912 OOOO O0O0O000O0OC SPRING MILLINERY OPENING OF MISS ADA ADAMS TUESDAY, MARCH 19th and following days. NEW YORE HATS A SPECIALTY, 252 Alfred Street, . Phone 877, 900000000000 0080000000 S000 ORROROOIOIOPOIRIEYS PEARSALL'S MILLINERY Our Spring Millinery Display Representing English, Paris and New York designs Commences on Tuesday, Mar. 19th 0000000000000 0:/0000000000000000 000000000000 0000 0000003000000 All Ladies are Tovited. PEARSALL'S MILLINERY {1228 PRINCESS B8T. ph Boivin formerly sagistant provia- sial secretary of Quechee Mine. Boivia will soon leave for Londes, where the wedding will take place, fa pCR af Dr. poe eommissioher dor the of Queber, at London, to fn TI se eA