A Has bought BUSINESS at and ALY continue to do all class out SAWS 54 QUEEN L ERLE, jaundry work pFomptly, 'Restorer for Men restores every nerve in the badv its proper tension i and w rice ROBERT ser the business of i Phoe Repalein vis EAS PAYNTER has taken the late at ST work guara PII IIIRIRNL ROYAL ICE CREAM PARLOR Best qu! [» lace ck lunches and hot hocolates and all kinds of drinks dy of all for can Kinds kept In stock. M, PAPPAS & CO 184 Princess Street. 3 vile J. Sexsmith, SEXSHITH, WILSON & COMPANY 'Real Estate » | and Fiuavelal rokers, Correspondence Bolicited, a1 by BI That Biver, Benson YN tock, Saskatoon, Sank, VRBO VRS A Woman's Sympathy discon! fish ivy physica mean to Am nodal 1 burden delicate women ed, 100; but learned how to Maser 4 want '0 relieve your bur- end the pain and stop th can do this for-you a free | © red | Folger and & few. others Hf 1 a on the barkok | heir ce boats, but ji ito the Arctic sens. SOON i and hardeped, and | aze, niin I Babs | ry ? 1s your doctor's | A oad? x your yaad { nna PRESCOTT CURLERS PLAY HERE THIS AFTERNOON. py e-- Finals in the Carruthers Medal Cons | test To-night--fas Been No Tee. boating This Winter. | The final games in Yarcuthers medal serine will be played at the ewrling rink on Saturday evening. The Prescott curlers will come up this afternoon to pay the return} game wit the - loos] eurlers. The | locals played st Prestott a couple weeks Ago, snd. were defeated, lthey expect to win this afternoon. { This will end the eurling for the season unleps the" weather gels colder. + ¥ ------ i? portsmouth Beavers Won. On the Rockwopd rink, Friday even- ing; the Portsmouth Beavers defeated the Keepers, in 8 rather roagh game of hokey, by 10 to 9, and thereby won the championship of the village. The Portsmouth philosopher "was on hand, asd amang the chiel> rooters. | [fle mays it: was a "whale of a | game." Fo the' "Ray boys," "Andy" , the, "ra Dennison, and f"Kahoe' Kennedy (put the ginger in: |r ito their team. No Ice Boating This Winters On. necotnt of the show on the har {bor this winter, there has been prae- | | i : in the program of his future journey ings outlived by him several days ago, At that time, the explorer, irech from | | } ! Lwhich he turned back: to je ash to the south pola. {aking the ¥ram divectly aropmd Cape aby ver : . ohoi P¢1jeadership in a down a © 8 VOBR®Y BNEIOCT, Hopes tor | prignt. © He may Fetlrn Trom New pYork before the first oi May i tieally no icerhoating, 'Generally there {are a few thaws, if snow falls before- band, which put the ice in fit condi- tion for this sport, but the weather mah has - dealt out a difierent menu thin sensow, and, except ior the pre sent thaw, there has been nothing to hreak the steady cold wpather. Short Iv alter the ice took, Howard S. rs had a spi {the snow Hit béeiime impossible shove "the io fiyers through .it. The members of the fea boating 'elub have warmed their toes by the cosy fires of their club house instead this season. lhe snow during the past few winters has made it impossible tos hold any races, but a gootldeal of the sport has veen en gaged in. Howard S. Folger challenged Prof. Gill for a race hetween the former's iceboat; the Snow Cloud, aud the lat ter's meroplane. but this has not been pulled off, much to the disappoint. ment of those interested. However, Mr. Folger says he is ready to make the attempt, if the professor will re- lease his flyer from its cage. Played Very Bad. Me. Douglas, secretary of the Ea: I1tons hockey team, speaking of the {{1ast game in Winnipeg said that the team played worse thafi they did io Kingston, apd on that occasion they were preity had. Notes on Sports. - The Toronto lacrosse Club is ad- vertising in Vancouver papers for players from that sity and New West- minster, ! Nine of the all-star players of the National Hoekey Association sav that they will defy 'the lenge by playibg exhibition games in British Columbia. Winnipeg Vietorias again sucdessiul- ly defended the Allan cup, heating the Regina team, champions: of Saskatche- wan, by 9 to 3. Plans 'are being prepared for a magnifieent athletic field . for MeGill University. A generous douation by Sir William Macdonald makes the Journal is fot en: erring to" 'them as "the Calgary boobs, whe horned their way by | perve into an Allan eup ser ed Now RR -Hh%, Ae have at this session te is. not to ie ial aring before the senate "on * Senator Saxe's Wer All Bee announces the resignation of Dr. Har- uey States Wiley will become contributing editor! of Good Housekeeping, in year. Ink, is to secure grealer independence ' 3, and fresdom of action. R. spatch fn tobart, Tasman 3 5 : Rha ch from Hoba Fa ia, 10 the { Mr. Murray, of the Canadian k } t ' Tout when he left Christinia, and from Capt. Amundsen has decided bis complete recévery are main {south pole. ke had abandoned the plan of complet ing his Arclic trip, on which he ] still eagerly set. tures through galing' from San Francisco, where he will rejoin the Fram in July, 1913, to tiuke. several 'vears. another vear : de WILEY HAS RES(GNED, ome §ontribut ne Editor of Gon Pousekeeping.' GFFERED TO STUBENTS CET OUT BY BAILWAYS, { : i : 3 : Slugle Fair to All Points Both Coan ing to College and Going~----Dra- matic Clad is Seeking Plays---- Queen's Journal News, The registcar has been isformed by the Jeet pes eager agents ol the oe i. and GTR that the special Gents' rates herciciore granted ne withcrawn og May 14, mears that so far as Uueea's sin- dents me conecryed afier May ist thosa from the maritime provinces and the west will have to pay full single are both cu 'coming jo celiege and oh returning home. The sum of #25 will be paid to any student or graduate of ucen's who hands in the best manuscript of 11 oy, of sultcient length' for an ev- wing. 8 entertainment. This play to ie weeompanitd with a certificate of its criginaf ty, Mauch play 8 pro duced by the ¢lub the additional sum of 250 will be pail lo the author. The sum of 215 will be paid for the Fest manuseri t of a short play, of from twenty-five to fifty-five minu- tes' duration, Alt glove will be judged by Si board «I critics appoiated by United | 100 matia Club from the members Tithe faculty, Word Bas Leen received from legina has bien of the rrmation of a University (lab = for social and lilerary purposes. The (president is Dr. M. RK Bow, the vice fprosident is. A. 1). Anderson and Curtin is s eretary-ireasarer--all ifeon's men. Semi-monthly meetings are to be held. Miw Ruby Nash, of Arts 12, is the hosait-! with diphtheria. i Ths addres to havelen given before {ite Pclitient Science (lab on "Min de- ine law and Mining Protection," hy Mining until stu- wil This a , DR, HARVEY W. WILEY.' New York, March 16.--Pridters' ink » the ot Ww. Wiley, as chief of the Burtau of Chemistry. He the bureau of chemistry for His only reason for changing hase of operation, says Printers ps WILL WRIT E BOOK, ae Amandsen Will Tell of His Polar Trip. York, March 16.--A cable 'aptain Story New NeW York Times says Capt. Roald been postponed Amun Ben annotneed to-day a change ! ! «hon rnal, has I~ t rm. { {iginal in the Cabhage His Emblem. ; New York, March 16.--Something or way of party emblems {will appear on the ballots at the com ing primary election in thip city. "A picture of a cabbage," is the official title of the emblem adopted by David iGireenblatt, independent candidate, for town election district. A duly certified representa tion of the emblem has been filed with the hoard of elections and approved. there write. a book, this year, tetling |Lireenbilatt says the cabbage yas Se ry ' {lected as an emblem for him by ome w full story of his journey to the | of his Irish constituents. - This does not mean that| is polar trip, sanounced that he pro to continue almost forthwith wo Arctic voyage on which he started soul make Instead his of Horn, and up through Behring strait inte the Arctic, as then announced, | to re- for a while in Argentina and -- is} Teachers Forbidden to Dance. ¢ He says he will fin-} Sharon, Pa., March 16.--"Isn't it .<h his hook and thereafter deliver lec: horrid!" exclaimed South Sharon Furope and America, sehiool teachers when they were in formed the school authorities had put : a ed a a ban on dancing. The school board ' her and her sturdy Craw up decided, 'after investigation, that ® wouph Behring styaits and once more! joa cher who attended a dance is not in H | e Arctic, YO good shape to instruct her classes the apt. Amundsen expects, will take next morning, If any teaihieor attends a dances during the school term and is found out she will forfeit her position Aged Preacher on Trial Pittsherg, Pa., March 16.--Holling the hand of his aged wife, the Rev. 1'¢. MeKarland, grown grav in the corviee of the public sshools and the piinistyy, entered a pled', of ot enilty when hrhught to trial in the criminal coir! here for hik alleged conmeetion vith the death of his f wer: secretory, Kisie Bods Coe, t 9 the yesult of a eriminal operation. Thrashermen Protest. Chatham, March 16.--The thrasher- men of Kent at their asnual conven: tion here unanimously passed a strong resolution protesting against the terms of the bridge act relating to fraction efigines.' A petition will be presented to Hom. Dr. Heaume, the co- operation of organizations in other | eonnt ios being asked. -------- E--------------------" | $200.00 INCASH And Numbers of Valuable Premiums w= GIVEN AWAY FREE =» For correct solutions of A.B.C. Puzzle. Read Carefully if You Wish to Win a Money Prize. "Simple as AB.C." gr the sum of One the old saying is. This undred Dollars, puzzle may look sim- ($100.00). To the per- ple, but try it, and soa who sends in the ou will find it puzzl- second highest correct Ing evongh J count we will give the puzzle is to sums of Fifty Dollars connt the number of A's, B's, and C's in the square. State how many of each letter ge & AE ry ma ortio! 2 3 : : Lo : "D0 NOT SEND ANY MO A e fy correctly AB. C8 y connt th We wi manvEAZHRI » . jents that has wro nderful cures all over t ound, known as D.D.D. coo! and Heal the ht such coun t OVER 5,000 RECORDS TO CHOOSE VICTROLAS $20.00 TO $300.00 Always include the POPULAR HITS and the LATEST CLASSICS. Here are some recent issues: -- 10 inth Double sided records 90 cents for the two That Haunting Melody Rum Tum Tiddle Red Pepper, Banjo Solo 17038 i The Lobster's Promenade, Banjo Solo { Moonlight Bay {The Harbor of Love 17037 | 17034 Al. Jolson Al. Jolson Van Eps Van Eps Quartet Van Brunt Edith Helena, the popular Soprano with the marvellous range sings: + 12 inch Double faced Record $1.50 for tho 2 Selections Trovatore--Peaceful Was the N Lucia Mad Scene ight 35214 { Edith Helena Edith Helena Caruso and Journet sing Faure's Neble Crucifix 890564--Cruecifix The famous Victrola is the Marvellous Musical World's Greatest singers to suc rformet before you, that reproduces the voices of the lifelike degree, that you actually imagine the pe Faure Instrument 'ha Hear the above-records played on the famous Vietrola at our nearest dealer's to day BERLINER GRAM-0-PHONE CO., Lut MONTREAL. aA Le -------- - I fesasssrsssasssesssssee STVES BLESS LAST SABER AS TRAILS PAT RAV TBLRR TBR ETE d-Miller, Etc. On the Victrola 244 PRINCESS BT, Hear Caruso, Schumann-heink, Kubelik, Ree D. J. DAWSON, : i a Pessssssssssasasteee STEARATE AATRNRANS AVS AL VB LVL BBBBBSLLNS _ a KINGSTON ONTARIO. Wrrrnses E Send" your patterns for BRASS, BRONZE OR ALUM- INUM CASTINGS Prompt Delivery. Co., Lid. -- FRASER AVE. - TORONTO wid tat att itorestest coretorsreriotsey LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW For Sale or to Rent. Sales Negotiated Rents Collected Fire Insurance Conveyancing and Real Estate E. BLAKE THOMPSON, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. MARKET SQUARE, 'Phone 286. KINGSTON, ONT. 1500000000000000400600000000000000000000000¢ ! argh We: are, A ME BALDRIDGE REVERSE GEARS, SCHEBLER CAR- BURATORS, COLUMBIA DRY BATTERIES, and other | GASOLENE ENGINF FITTINGS and ACCESSORIES. Call on us when you want the best goods at reasonable prices ih DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. "Phone 420, guts for PEGPPIPSII III IIIIIIIIIIIINIY Inspection Invited 'CRAWFORD & WALSH i The Canada Metal | DRY PINE for KINDLING WOOD DRURY'S Coal amd Wood Yard hone 443, Ai 285 Welllugtue St, ~ SAAS LLLHSLLMMAMLS I~ GIFTS Large stock of Fancy Boxes ' } ! of Chocolates. Big variély of | 4 : ; i best makers' goods kept in our | stores. Geo. Masoud's | Ice Cream Parlor, 264 PRINCESS STRESE 3 FROM SULA It's Your Business re to have the best modern Plumbing nsialled in your premises It's Our Business to do just this very kind of Plumbing and--we do! It's Your Nusiness fo engage whom Fou please 10 do your Plumb fog. VOPIPIICIIERIGII IED It's Our Basxiness to ask for your order and trade, and we do! David Hall} #8 BROCK STREET. Phones' Redidenre, ¥ PV 4 Store, 235. for