JAMES BERNEY TALKS CONCERNING BILINGUAL SCHOOLS IN ONTARIO, If Whitaey Government Policy Does Not Suit, the Orangemen Will Take Steps to' Eradicate Bi- lingual Schools. "UH the policy of the government will not suit the demands made by the Orangemen in these resolutions, amd adopted, by both grand lodges, it will then be time enough for the Orangemen as a body to take what ever steps they may deem best to have bi-lingual schools eradicated root and branch, from the province." This is what James Berney, of Kingston, past. grand master of the] grand Orange | of Ontario East, and one of the prominent men attend ing the 0. grand lodge session here, to- day, said regarding the recent report of Dr. Merchant on bi-lingual schools throughout this province, Dr. Rderchant, he said, besides giv- ing an outline of the inefficiency of these sehools from an educational standpoint, gives a table showing that the laws of the province are being di- rectly and deliberately violated in thirty t of the public schools, where the Roman Catholic catechism is taught during school hours, and in thirty-six others the Roman Catholic od Orangemen of Ontario East will, no doubt, consider this question of bi lingual schools at their meeting, and will, doubtless, adopt a resolution, the same or similiar to the resolution ! adopted by the grand lodge of On- tario West at London last week . Ii the policy of the government will not suit the demands made by the Orange men in their resolution and adopted by both grand lodges, it will then be time enough for the Urangemien as a body to take whatever steps they may deem best to have bi-lingual schools eradicated root and branch from the province gf Ontario." SUFFERED A BROKEN WRIST While Engaged in Turning Engine at Bound Howse. John Doherty, Montreal street, while at work in the K. & P. railway round house on Saturday, met with an ae cident, which resulted in 8 broken wrist. Je was engaged with a gang of men in turning an engine when the pole on the turntable slipped and Mr. Doherty, who was foremost of the gang, was crushed under the gang as they fell forward. He is conse- yuently obliged to lay off work for a while. In Disgraceful Condition. The walk through the City Park, from Wellington to Barrie streets, is in a disgraceful condition, and the residents in that part of the city think that it is up to the eity 10 have the prayers are used in the opening and closing prayers and exercises, Besides, he gives a list of text books which are pot aufhorized by the department | of education, ""fir. Merchant seems to assume that English can be taught successfully through the medium of French lay competent teachers and under proper inspection. This may in a measure foreshadow the policy of the Whitney government in dealing with the ques- tion of bidingnal schools, But what will be done when the question comes up in proper form before the legisla. ture, I eannot even imagine. "AN 1 can say now is that Orange: men are not 'fire eaters." Sir James Whithey, having acceded to their wishes for a full and complete inves- tigation into the charges made of incompetency and a violation of the laws, will, T presume, await calmly and with dignified composure the act- ion to be taken by the minister of education, who will, doubtless, earry out the government's policy in the matter. "Will the Orangemen discuss lingual schools at this session 7" "Yeu," replied Mr. Berney, "the bi- water drained off the walks. "The THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, Sr MARCH 20, I ------ Wt - - Gone { Told In t+ Twiligh ¢ ne . - - Mrs. J. AM, Boyd, University avenue, will receive on Friday, Maren 29nd, and not agumin this season. o BC mim Mrs. E. W. Henderson, Albert street, will receive on Twsday, 26th, and not again this scasou. » - - Mrs. T. W. Savery, "The Rectory," Barrie street, will not receive again this son. - Mise Macsulay, King street, will not receive on Friday unul after Easter. . . Mrs. William C. Baker, Clergy street west, will not reetive again. Mics Olive Baker, Ottawa, is guest of Mrs. E. 0. Sliter. Miss Hazel Cooke, Earl street, has returned home after spending the win- ter in Baltimore,--New York and Wash ington, Miss Ella MacGinnes, who has been the guest of Mrs. H. Richardson, King street, returned on Tuesday to Belle ville. { Mrs. E. Curry, who is'the guest of the ,city is after the people on Princess her parents, Rev. and Mrs. 5. Sellery, slreet to keep the walks clean, and I1Colborue street, will leave mext week think it is up to the city to keep their part clean too and give some atten tion to this walk, which is used sq much," remarked an 'angry citizen to the Whig on Wednesday morning. -------- -- Marine Appointments. W. A. McWilliams, of Kingston, for- merly chief engineer of the steamer Wahcondah, has been appointed to the same position on the steamer Glenel- lah. Joseph Kennedy, of Kingston, has been appointed chiel engineer of | the steamer Wahcondah. The above appointments have been made by the Inland Lines, Limited, in addition to the appointments an- nounced a short time ago. Wo- College Ladies' Home Journal and man's Home Companion. Book 3tore, Open nights, Engraved visiting cards. Best to be had at the Dritish Whig office. Violin strings. Dutton's store, music J8r New York to meet her husband, who is returning from India, | Mr. and Mrs. Richard Waldron, and Miss Ethel Waldron, Barrie street; left 'on Monday for Bermuda, where they will spend the next several weeks. Dr. and Mrs. D. H. Rogers, of Gan- anoque, spent Tuesday in town. Miss Agnes Reynolds, of Brovkville who has been visiting Mrs. J. F. les jslie, William street, expects to leave for home on Thursday. | Miss Jdith Goodwif, Alice street, who has been visiting. Mrs. Andeew {Drammond, in Toronto, returned home 'on Tuesday. . Miss Mary Pettet, of Picton, who has been visiting Mrs, Ernest Hub- bell, in Ottawa, is now the guest of Mrs. J. M. Platt, Portsmouth, Mrs. Robert Linton, of Camphell- ford, is visiting her danghter, Mrs. Noel Gill, Earl street. Mrs. A. McPhail, Clergy street, ex- pects to leave, on Friday, for Merriek- ville, to visit her sister, Mrs. John SARRSLLLELERSLAALRISSEELEELEELLE LESSELLLEELLELL0EEE0E000MEEREY THON 3 The Investment Opportunities of Edmonton St _ In buying Edmonton real estate to-day, you are buying just at the right stage of growth and development. A young city on the threshold of a great future. Edmonton will have unexcelled trans- portation facilities. Edmonton may be said to have all the combined advant- ages and facilities which tend to make large cities. You cannot possibly lose money purchasing lots at $175 and $200. amount of profit, and in view of railway developments taki and the close proximity of New Coll prices-at wid jive investors a good SUTCHEO! ce ounds, we we are profit within 1s call at our It is only 'a question of the e exceptional at Edmonton. ulmer Park to the fully believe that the ing these lots will a year. For Col Professor | MePhail will leave on the same day fo Orwell, Miss Flora Stewadt, who was guest Craig, Earl i$ | ble. } was built y, for Harrow- hue, Wellington street, smith. The Misses beds, Mr. Archibald versity, spel tje week-end in Gana- pogue with DrJand Mrs. D. H. Rog- ers. > . Mrs. W. [rail and her little baby, of Prince Albert, Sask., who have been the guests of Miss Millie Fegris, "Willow Cottage," left, to day, to visit Mrs. Cotter, Alfred street, Miss Stark returned to Gananogue, to-day, after spending the week-end with Mrs.dJ. G. Elliott, Barrie street. Mrs. Rynder, of Sydenham, arrived i town on Monday, 16. slietl a few s. with Mrs. Frederick Folger, Syd- han street. 4 Mrs. Richard Cartwright, Napanee, who has been visiting Sir Richard and Lady Cartwright, in Ottawa, has re turned home. Mrs. E. Russell Hale and her daugh- tern Helen, are mow en pension at "The Avonmore," where they will be unfil the end oi next week, when they will leave for Ottawa, to spehd the month of April before joining Captain Russell Hale in Quebec. Captain Ras- sell Hale expects ta leave the end of next week for Quebec. (Continued on Page 7.) ett INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. ------ Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up Dy Our Reporters, All April Magazines now on sale at College Book Store. James A. Fegg and Mrs. Fegg left Tuesday noon for Toronto, Peterboro and Brantford. For this week, 28c. taleum powder, for 15c., at Pickering's. "Phone 530, The congregation of Calvary church has in view two or three ministers and it is expected that a call will be ex- tended to one of. them in the near fu ture. April Woman's Home Companion and Ladies' Home Journal. College Book Store. Open nights, One sure sign that spring is on the way is to see the children on the side walks sitting down playing marbles. No matter where a person goes these days before and after school hours he can see some children either perched on the sidewalks," window-sills or else in some doer way. April Woman's Home Companion and Ladies' Home Journal. College Book Store. Open nights. . The roads were never in a worse con- dition. In some places they are al most knee, deep with slush and mud. 'Phe corporation men will have - their hands fall to keep the crossings clear of mud and to keep the water tables clear so that the water «can got off the roads and sidewalks. M. THE COONTUWN MINSTRELS Had a Rough Drive to Stella Tues. day Evening, The local '"'Coontown Minstrels" ve another performance at Stella, mherst Island, on Tudsday night. The hall was well filled and everyone enjoyed the show. The troupe was rather late in arriving on account of the bad roads. The trip over on the van was one series of dumps. The {first and worst of these occurred near "I Macdonald monument, on King street, where the van, in crossing the car track, took a lurch forward, throdving the driver clean over the horses' heads, and smashing a whiffletree. A new whiffletree was procured at Booth's waod yard, near by, and the van proceeded on its rough way. The show was a splendid success. The end 'men were greatly appreciated. The comic songs by James Garrigan, Thomas Turner, Sidney' Turner and Clair Smith were loudly applauded. Other songs were sung by 6G. Cherry, W. Salsbury, "Jack" Johnston and 8. Salsbury; Mandolin, guitar and banjo seleetions were played in a musical ast by Sidpey and Frank {Salsbury and Clair Smith. "The Coontown Minstrela"' have giv- en their fifth performance and are al ways well received. BUSY AT DAVIS DRYPOCK, Getting Boats Ready for Opening of Navigation. The Davis drydock and shops present a very busy appearance at the present time. About sixty-five men are em- ployed getting ready the boats for the opening of navigation. The work om ithe splendid new steamer of the Otia- wa Forwarding company is 'progress- ing rapidly. A new tug, forty feet in length, with a ten-foot beam, is also un construction for the Brompton Pulp and Paper company, ofp Juebee. It will be completed about April 15th, when it will be shipped by rail to Lake St. Francis. The Davis company has also receiv- ed an order from a firm in British Co- lumbia, for & tube boiler, which will be built and shipped as soon as possi: The fast = steamyacht Glimse, which some yesrs. ago by the 4, has been sold to a firm which will use it in the Magnete- S wan waters iil Northern Owtario: The 236 Princess Sireet. See the big Oil P. location of i i > at 234 Princess Strest, = New College & Mulmer Park | ® {tending over several The 'Glimbe is a fifty-foot craft, with a She makes about The death occurred in the Hotel Dieu on Tuesday wsfternoon, of Miss ¥oud Smith, of Ardsley, North Colchester, Fasex, England, after an iliness ex- Seca young "Fnglish toilet = *id Fratsin Rings of this city, G oronto, . on 4. D. Hazen, respecting the ~"Hoglish soaps." ~ Gibson's, wel Only a few ABERNE 000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000¢ eosooOeevee 1985600000000008900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000R0" $1.98 Pairs WOMEN'S SHOES Clearing at $1.98 . SEE WINDOW THY'S ' PAGE FIV. el a -- 00000000000000000050000000000800000nsssrs . CITY BASEBALL LEAGUE MEET. ING THIS EVENING, The City Council May be Asked to Provide Another Diamond on the Cricket Field for the Juniors. A meeting for all inberested in baseball is called to moet this evea- ing in the College Inn agar store to discuss jlins for the coming sca- son. It is likely that the league will open some time in May, pcrhaps about the 24th. To run the league for a longer period than usual will require a larg. er sum of money, as the games cost the lmague a great deal. For the past two years Dtanley 'lrotter had charge of collecting the in the boxes from the people, but this year his place will be taken by Melville Cooke, who is the treasurer. Last year the people subecribed pret- ty well, but better results are looked forward to this year. Victorias will be very strong on account of having all of last year's rlayers, consisting of Cotman, Gil Leopiv, MeUammon, Davidson, Yound, Crawford, Dick, Attwood, Nicholson, and McMahon. One thing might be suggested, and that is that the league petition ~ the city council for a diamond for the juniors at the north end of the cricket field. In the past the juniors have been very much handicapped on | account of not having a suitabls place to rlay on, and this should not be. All that would have to be done is to plough {he eround, was done on the senior diamond, and then level it. The city council should help the league in this respect. money as Bowling Club Meeting. A very largely attended meeting of the bowling club was held at the curl ing rink rooms on Tuesday evemng. nearly every member of the club was out, and it plainly showed that tbe interest in the game is going to be as keen this year' as last, and perhaps more so. The presantation of the prizes to the winners of the events of last year took place. The first presentation was the set of bowls donated. by Dr. Watson, for the single competitiv, and in the absence of Dr. Watson, the presenta won was made by David Murray, pre sident of the club. Another feature was the presentation of gold headed umbrellas to the mem bers of W. I'. Spalding's rink, namely G. Dolon, Dr. Boyce, A. Turcotte and W. P. Spalding. 'The presentation was made by R. J. Meckedvey, who was skip of the team that lost to W. P. Spalding in the finals. The annual meeting for the election of officers was set for the second Mon day in May. The ground will be fix ed up and put in fine shape for the opening games. his report, which showed a surplus on hand. H. W. Newman gave notice of mo- tion, that during the coming season there be more prizes given in connec: tion with tournaments A One-sided Game. Grindstone basket-ball team went away with a different idea about bask- ot-ball than they had when they came here yesterday afternoon. They won from the local boys on the island the other evening, but last night they went down to defeat by the big score of 69 to 6. There was simply nothing to the game to all, the islanders could no more hold the local forwards than The large Y.M.C.A. gym seemed to be too much for them. and the ihaskets ate somewhat smaller than MESSAGE TO WOMEN "A Paterson, N.J,, young woman, Miss Elizabeth Bushloper, has written a to the women of America that will be of great value to those who _beed it. She says: ik = or some years I have er Seite. having gemeral weak- feeling tived am! worn-out all the fod 1 determined 1 ti is i i {ght it off wih Vinol. Viol He. and -out woman could Vinal would do . is the most trying time w most. people, and it is well to know that Vinol, our delicio us cod liver ase iron, remedy without ail, is ing medicine. effects are just ly Coin iter rh we will certainly give back has' W. II. Sills, the treasurer, presented and, if arranged, I gdvise you to get - Confectionery of the choicest sort, Every delicious variety, all the old- time favorites, everything de- lighttully pure and good, A BOX OF CANDY will make a pleasing gift man, woman or child, Sakell's NEXT TO OPERA HOUSE, | 'Phone 640. to ANNOUNCEMENT : The Plumbing Tinsmit and take in a partner. 191 PRINCESS ST. conducted by W. C. Bennett at 191 Princess St. during the past year, has developed so rapidly that it has been found necessary to extend operations be conducted under the nawne of BENNETT & HALLIGAN Prompt attention will he given to jobbing, and estimates cl e rfully made. Agents for Souvenir Stoves and Minerva Paints. hing, and Heating Business, Hereafter the business will Phone 1033. so0000QOOS i Advertiing ly at it? or are YOU? they were accustomed to on the land. aid down there the other evening the baskets until they right on top of them Both teams on the Island have chal lenged the two local teams to go down and play in Turper's hall at Gananoque next week, Kingston--Meek, King, Orr, McCart nev and Peund, Grindstone--Mclver, mins, Turcoite, Cumming is The local boys when they play- could wire not soe Camelie, Cum Issues a Challenge. Capt. F. Bay, N.Y. As manager of basketball team, Comstock, Alexandria writes to the YMCA the Areadia Farm 1 would like to ar range to bring my boys to play some time while the crossing is good. We have played several games tis season and have lost only 1 know we ean give you a good game, vou one, in good trim for we will come to win My boys all play cleen basketball and will promise no dirty work nor rough 'house. LOOKING FOR FARM HANDS, They Will be in Great Démand From Now On. Farm hands are now in great de mand, and will be from now on. On Saturday, several of the farmers who came into the city, were looking for men, and requests were made to James F. Knapp, the local govern- ment immigration agent. According to reports, there will be a great shortage in farm Ishor, this spring, Arthar Hawkes, was appoint ed as a special commissioner from the government to iavestigate matlers In the old country, and he pointed owt that there wm very little chance of Canadian farmers getting help from the old country. ; "To séeure help on the farm nowa days, is getting quite = proposition,' said ope farmer to the Whig. "There are many who will not work on farm, if they can get a job in eity. Some will pot work iw country, even they wages." the the the if got higher Farl Bertram, of the Kingston and Pembroke railwny office stafi, ia con fined to the general hospital, sufiering from rheumatism. "Buy Kodak films." Gihson's Bombardier Burke, of Woodstock, money il you ave not sa Yipol, vou away. GO, onght to get a bottle W. Mahood's Drug' Store, NB, Jift the station hospital on [ues day, after being there for some time. o Pr Pp is not a profit- able investment, WHY do so many successful houses in all lines of trade keep continuous- Are THEY in error Only a few Days Longer of Our Big Furniture Sale The last opportunity to fussish sale prices at Brass Bed, Kellarie and Mahogany Dressers Mattresses The latest and Dest facturing prices at manu- Reid's Quality, Reid's Low Prices JAMES REID'S 'Phone 147 W. BR. TRAVERS IN TORONTO To Glve Evidence in the Farmoery' Bank Investigation, W. RB. Travers left ou Tuesday after noon for Toronto to be presept- lo give evidence in the Farmers' Fank hearing there. He was accompanied by | Chief Keeper (Atkins, of the peniten tiary. Since he came to the peniten- tiary he has done a good deal of tra velling between Kingston and Toron to to give evidence in the bank case, It is likely that this will be about his last trip to Toronto till he is rejossed the fall of 1915 in Hood's w= Pills Do not gripe or canny "Kiulak SUPY fos" at Gibson's, pain. Purely vegeta: ble, ensy to take, Xi.