-m DAILY BRITISH wma, WEDNESDAY, On Easter Sunday there will be a Dress Parade of everybody and the ma- jority will be on view in couples. Don't overlook the fact that every Women wants hier escort to be as attrac- tively dressed as herself, Yor will find at this Homo of Good ' Outfitting the very style of Garment and the very color efféct that will make you look your best. We've many beautiful styles in new Spring fabrics and in new colorings. The early selector will fare best for he will get the pick of the bunch. Suits that are in a class by themselves $12.00, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00 Overcoats---The Finest in Town $10.00, $12.00, $15.00, $18.00 ----------. Easter Hate, Ties, Gloves, ete. All new and all diff- erent from the ordinary sort. At your Service, Sir! LIVINGSTON'S BROCK ST. Z The Outfitters Ere e MAGNIFICENT DISPLA Afternoon and Evening Dresses Something. absolutely heyond any showing ever exhibited in Kingston. Over 1,000 Costumes, comprising every latest style in Paris, London and New York. : You caimbe sure of obtaining something diffey- ent to anyone else when se lectin from ofr large stocks. : Fashion Leaders For Spring Shot Silks, the wide width, $1.25 1.50, 1.75 yard. > Velvets in splendid alos, Blacks and Colors, 0c, 60c, 75¢, H0c, $1, 1.25 yard. Diagonal Snitings and Serges, Navy, Brown, _ Grey, Black, 50¢, 60c, 750 $1, 1.25, 1.50 yard. White Voiles, Plain and Fan Vv 2oe, 5c, 40¢, 0c, or; Td¢ yard, TEX LAKE MESSAGE a a uy, |] An Examination of Poll Deputies on Liquor Reduction, { An examination of the witnesses in connection with the voting on the license reduction by-law on January Budget Debate Ends in Legislature 1st, has been awanged by D. M. Me- Si e , a; Intyre, city solicitor, before J. B. Ja Whitney SUll- Says Walkem, .C., local master of t There Are No Bilingual Schools in high court, in the latter's office, on Ontario. ) Friday afternoon, This evidence will rch 20.~A 'sup oj 2iso be used at the hearing in Os March 3 suprbeated goode halll, Toronto, of the motion of the liquor dealers to quash the by-law, when it comes up next week, CHALLENGES SIR JAMES TO SAY THERE WAS NO FORGEKY. Toronto, atmosphere and a wide range of dis- cussion marked the closing of the budget debate in the legislature yes terday. The stage had been reserved for the speeches of Mr. Rowell and the rime minister occupied nearly the en-' haa Be time of the Ong The budget Results Show Small Majority for the was accepted without amendment, and Agreement. The official statement of the vote the house went into supply, passed ote item and adjourned. A of church union in the presbytery of able ai Kingston, was received drom the clerk, KINGSTON PRESBYTERY, Mr. Rowell's speech was an & comprehensive review of the provin- Rev. Thomas Wilkins, ahd shows » cial situation. He delved deeply into small majority for the agreement. Fol the policy of administrating the pro- lowing are the figures: Out of 22 vincial finances, and critized the gov- elders in 'the preshytery, only 184 ernment for its failure to point out yoted, 125 voted for and 39 against; the needs and resources of the pro- re of 6,173 communicints, 2,995 vor. vince. He threw back upon the gov- ed, 1.937 for, and 1,050 against: 733 ernment the responsibility for dealing 'adherents voted for, and 325 against. with the bi-lingual situatibn, and chal- lenged the prime minister to say whe- - ther now there were any English French schools in tie province. The Elk Lake telegram figured | pro- minently in the debate. Mr. Rowell charged as a result of a sworn de claration produced that a "telegram | was sent, purporting to be signed by the prime minister, promising the con-, struetion of the Flk Lake branch un- der circumstances which would only have had a marked effeet on the elec- | tion in that northern constituency. { Applause.) | "The other day in this house, in an- swer to a suggestion by the honor- able member for North Grey (Hon. A. Gi. Machay), the prime minister him- sell suggested that the telegram was a forgery, and it was forged hy some; one 'not very far from here" The! prime minister knows whether he sent | that telegram or not; he knows whe- ther it is a forgery or not, and any man who is boll enough to be honest or honest enough to be bold will tell the people of this province whether he sent it." (Loud applause.) SALLIE EE IEEE SEL IEIIEE IE EIGHTY-FIVE LIVES LOST. NELLIE MeCOY, With "The Enchantress" at the Grand on Thursday, March 21s. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Jerryide, Okla, March 20, It is rumored, by telephone, from the San Bois coal mine, at McCurtin, Okla., that part of the mine was blown up by gas, to-day, with the loss of eighty-five lives. No further particulars available Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Our Reporters. Oysters, the best at Carnovsky's. Miss Lila Hazlett is visiting friends in Toronto. J. G. Johnstom, of Deseronte, was ------------ in the city on Wednesday. SOME WARM CRITICISMS, Engraved visiting cards. Best to he ---- . had at the British Whig office. (Continued from page 1.) H. A. Fee, of the Calvin company, the nrnister of agriculture agreed that [Garden Island, is in Quebec. this would be done, but refused to em-| William Swaine, piano tuner, Orders body it in fhe bill. The government received at McAuley's. Phone 778. was sustained on the usual majority. Charles Camming, of Wolfe Island, An act providing for the training otis suffering from a severe attack ol forty thousand cadets between twelve pneumonia. and sixteen years of -age at six days'| B. C. Bogart and daughter, Vela, camp this summer, was passed by the ©f Berwick, Ont, are visiting Dr. 1. commons this morning. They will be U. and Mrs. Bogart. entirely separate from the militia] H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 camps. There will be no liquor |per- [King street. Leave orders at Me mitted within the lines, aud the lads |{Auley's hook store, . . will be officisred largely by their train. Tr oi Richardson, ke Haron schoo stors a ; in Capitals for several weeks, is expect- £8 school --_a ters at the camps in ed to reach home on Sunday a The minister of justice this morning William McCammon, Portsmouth, introduced a hill to amend the erimi- has returned home from Calgary. He pal code in regard to betting upon pets a be hore or sem: dogs or so, race tracks.. Its purpose is to. prohi- \ uy tooth pa es. Ta : hit betting upon horse races except' : Heetng o : i fire ant at on upon tracks of the racing association, Mitte. Was ca led for Tuesday after- incorporated either by act of parlia- ag an Dut_there was ne Wuorum, ment or the provincial legislature, In' i ar X BO Who a heh ats other words, hereafter it will be im- Bi iy dy Eu ea possi ble for racing promoters to secury Book binding and he of ry incorporation by letters patent. The * description at the British Whig office. privileges enjoyed hy associations in- ol i ETP PENS PEEP EIP LES ! porated by legislation remain un- A. W. Merritt, of Smith's Falls, dis- impaired | trict commander for Fustern Ontario Hh 114 . : tof whe Khights of the Macabees, is in Sir Wilfrid Laurier said he thought! the Gty that the hill might prove rather eon] niu holas : Mut ohy, of Burridge, a | tentious, and in view of a desive for constant aay of the Whig Eu in an early. provogation, he suggested the city, on Wednesday disposing of that it might be left over until next gome of his mines to a svndieate. Session, di . |. "Buy Kodak films." Gibson's, Phe new racing associations were in- | 4 large contingent of Orangemen for corporated yesterday, but the minister ge meeting of the grand lodge arriv- of justice said thers would be no oth- 'ed in the city on the NOOR train, ers. | Wednesdny. | Letter hes wde, bill heads, state- LICENSE REDUCTION. j ments envelopes, in fact everything : lin the printing line, at the urilish| it May be ¥ . wo Whig ofhee. Prices reasonable. i t y be Teley In Toronto Very} Capt, Charles J. Martin has been en- i; a, : gaged by' the Great Lakes and St, Foronto, March 20.--The World Lawrence River Transportation coms says : License reduction ix to be made pany for: this coining season, ss pilot, ! an issue by the Toronto "drys," at 'French olive oil." Gibson's. the next municipal election, and the | Ww, H. Deschamps and wife, Broek. temperance issue td be raised every! ville, arrived in the city, Wednesday | three years hereafter in the Toronto noon. Mr. Deschamps has accepted the civic arena. That is the new move. i position of livotype expert on tha ment which is being actively From Whig. i od in local, temperance eire The civic deputation which gave al welcome to the Orangemen consisted Notes From Ompah. fof the following : Nor Hoag, ex- Ompah, March 19.-A merry sleigh-. Mayor Robert Carson, Alds. John ing party to Plevna was given the Carson and Samuel Baillie. voung folks here by Mr. and Mrs. Rob- |< Asparagus, cucumbers. Carnovsky. ert Fady. Owing to bad roads Sun- Manager = Smelling of the Bell Tele dav, Rev. ©. 6G. Lloyd and R. Card phone company, says his company does | had' great difficulty in reaching Ompah. not place a pole or a stake for a guy; W. Massey returned 'from Sharbot witht instructions from the city rot Lake, after. winning his suit against gineer. He approves every location, Frost & Wood. On account of bad "Buy Kodak filme." Gibson's roads Mr. Rrotise d'd not reach La-! Capt. Richard Fitzgerald, Opdens- vant. re Gilbert is visiting at Mis burg, N,Y., was in the city, Tuesday, sissippi. Miss Victoria Watson left, insnee ine the new atesmer which = ix Thursday, to take a posivin with being built at the Davie dry dock for; Mrs. Roy Allen Missi seiiopt of the Ottawa Forwarding company, of the men have returned oe ---- Ottawa, ber camps. Visitors: WH. Card apd | Letter heads, bill = heads, Shins Pea ens} Jad, at Miss Mel liam Cel at J. Laundrie's: Mr. in the ting line, at the DBntish and Mrs. G. Wilson, "at Trout Lake Whig an ice reasonable. hotel: Mrs, Wilson, at Trout Lakeho-! "French olive oil." Gibson's. tel. : As un result of the talk on au the on} h shortage io the city, conl dea ave Given Long Rentence. riished with orders from' citizens Leroy, was sentenced fo three years in Pantentiory "rv passing off Si worthisas shat a wt of of a soul cheques and also being found guilty 1 Book-bindimg aid ruling of every of several petty thefts during his short | description at the British Whig offica, jovrn in town. Leroy, already | "Preneh olive oil." Gibson's. known to the police in several' towns, | The frost. Tuesday wight. hardened claims to be n teaveller form To: ' fhe water on the 06 in the harbor, Tonto piano company. i Lineman Hectioeuted. Twill have their * "nnings." which they Cornwal,, Ont. - March 20. obert have heen deprived of this winter, Anderson, aged twenty-seven hh ® Anata a Ben tor" the Pat Toe | E: 1. Cousins, ineer for the Tos [phen + sloctrocuted a harbor pn. coriw diy 1 Fein ad 20, 1912. IE RY Another Large Shipment Of ALLOVER LACES You will find one of the best collections in the city now ready for your choosing. Each pattern is different from anything we have had before, and as some of the newest designs come in short pieces, we ask you to see the collection now w hen complete. : Allover Laces for Yokes and Sleeves Allover Laces for Dress Trimmings. Natural Shade, Ivory, White, Black, 75¢, $1, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75 and up to 4.00 New [ace Collars Many new and dainty designs in Irish Crochet Effects and Austrian Laces. Lace Collars in Quaker Shapes. Lace Collars for Waists, Lace Collars for Coats. The Coat and Suit Department is Ready to Receive You We have a number of attractive Suits, selected from two of the best makers in New York, and these with other stylish models from two of the best Snit Makers in Toronto, you will have an opportunity to secure a really, stylish Suit at modest cost. . Many designs with only one of a size. Prepare for Easter You may select any Suit or Coat and have it ready when wanted. KID GLOVES _ Our Fresh Spring Assortment Just Received, $1.00, 1.25, 1.50 Perrin's Best French Kid Gloves. Reynier"s Famous Suede Kid Gloves in all wanted shades Girls' Kid Gloves, 50c, 69¢, 75c¢. Girls' Chamois Gloves, all sizes. Boys' English Cape Kid Gloves, Dent's and Perrin's Makes. id.Laidlaw & n. J pi oN RRED. MARRIED WOMEN BR i resignation of any of its 100 women f state 4 school for Tin all's: "mente, envelopes, ir fact evervibing } been Kenora, Ont., March 20. William who have been very anxious to see] tbat mot safficently for jee boating. premier cannot escape the' customs | With another eokd spell the jee flyers men. Premier Borden has just im- [i from England a Brilliant state Bank Refuses to Have Them fn Its Staff. ! ( Ringo, March 20. ~The Continental . and Commercial Bank will require the RUBBER BOOTS! employees if they marry, for these reasons : a 3 F . Business matrimony do not go G 1 i or Boy and Girls Nothing Can Take their Place For This Wet Spring Weather IEMIER Hah 0 PAL Childrens' Fleeee-lined Rubber Boots, sized 61010 1.756 Daly im = RIE See Calter We (Girls and Boy's do sizes 11to 2 - $2.00 Tmpoised. Ladies' do sizes 3 to 7 $2.50 tana. March 3 ves Canada's] J BOY's Heavy Pure Gum, sizes 1to5 $3.00 Ottawa, EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED. SHOE STORE Love affairs in banks should be tharoaghly and timely discouraged. Married women should be at home, not at a typewriter or adding ma- chine, and should not arrogate the rights of single women who have lo eary their, own living. uniform. worth $700, aed a cocked Dg awad ¥ golden, seabbard, te. woth around $400. "The total volun re eat S100 And "the premise Lind live per Ri EL