THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, M. ARCH 27, 1992. * Luxury Lather Brisk | Use the Lxury Lather Brosh a month--you will then, fond 3 is which be- COMES a ned Price \ - $2.00 Satisfaction or money re- funded, at CORBETT'S )) one of the few luxuries essity Basssscscssse sececnee HARDWOOD FLOORN FORE VI ILL LL GF LEEER We Car HARDWOOD FLOORING and have just received a Load of clear of prime quality faultless manufacture. iS. Anglin & Co. Cor. Wellington and Bay Streets. "Phone 66. MOGOONOVOS OI MNOPIONOOUNTTOOUUT IU E 0000000 ONOOP00OOOOOOTI DOD ORROGOTPOIOIOSS » * » ° * * | ® . . ® # * * ® * ® * : Just 'Rectived Another 3 Shipment of -- ALUMINUM WARE Tea and Coffee Pots, 31.00 to $1:50. Puddinz Pans, Sance and 30¢, The. a0e to $1.25, Frying Pans, Tea Kettles, $2.00 to $3.00 They y proof, Prices are lower Canadian manufacture fare genuine, imported from manufacturer W. A. MITCHELL, HARDWARE are and unbreakable, ros will last for yems than any They Hirect PR SS = A wide range of | DRESSY, TAILORED : AND | CHILDREN'S HATS. I Also complete assortment ff of Untrimmed Shapes and Latest Novelties in | Flowers, Sprays, : Etc. a Tri ESA hi NESE Teesasestssents 1 may Hihe custom, {| session, tara, t $8 per year. Thirst 8 be added, and cheap work; nine lmproved presses. Street, Toronto. H, THE WHIG, SEVENTYNINTH YEAR ILY BRITISH WHIG, published at s- 3 King Street, Kingston, On- Editions at 2.30 ard 4 EXKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 ages, abi ohed in parts on Monda morning at LAO r. To Un fieq 8 making a3 o! ally $3 and eof Attached Is one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, stylish, THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED TORONTO OFFICE~Suite 19 and 20 Queen City Chambers, 33 Church E. EBmallplece, J.P, representative. and tates charge for postage ad to year. eekly $1.50 ppr y J. 6, Entett, Presiest. Lemans A. Guild, Sec Treas. Pr. Pyne islature has a bill before the leg- which is hound to be a fail is a bill to compel the at tendanee of young people between the ure, It and seventeen at right =ehools when it hms-heen--de- their early agus of fourteen monstrated that education has bern neglected, The quired to "adolescents" may then be re absent themselves from work in order their ednea on a par to improve tion. This legislation is with the perintendent of education in New York that night schools law recommendation of the su- city, who claims have been a failure and that by ¥ LAW TO NO PURPOSE. young people should take classes dur i . 3 ing the day, even although they have] to leave their work. The education of all children should be made compulsory up to fourteen and the education de partment would be doing a sensible net by enforcing the law with strict impartiality. - The fact is that years of age, many or a considerable children leave the _publie schools at the third book, and no one seems to] know what becomes of them. The proposed law is to be made op-| tional with boards of education, familiar with school | matters expects any good to come of it, and of half-baked legislation there and | no one who is has been surely enough. The care of the school children, their comfort in the classes and the promotion of their health by public consideration Here London paper, measures, is the' great of Englis!: legislators. is an ex- late and will be read with the deepest It is part of the proceedings of the crept from a interest. imperial parliament : "Nr, (labor, West Brad- ford); under the ten minutes' ask- ed leave to introduce a bill to amend Meals) He said the principle of the which Jowett rule, the Fdueation (Provision of Act, 1906, the bill was that meals were provided for school children un act of 1906, during the der the should be econ tinued holidays and on Sundays. : given, a bill "leave having been justice has dropped the estimation of The minister. of considerably in most people by his quibbling over the race track business, One ¢an nev- er forget the row that followed the cf a charter to the Dui Track Association, granting erin Ruco Hon. Mr, lesson. and useful the learned n later, Murphy Henee, when Fhorncliffe socintions and London Racing As asked for right practically charters-- for the to quicken and cons gambhag in the land- tinue they were turned down, Put government anythng goes under a new and new ministers, The chartirs refused by the Laurier gow: eroment have heen granted by the tc rden government, and the minister of jusilee that the na alternative, interprets the law tO mean seeretary of state has really that issue charters it really while the law says he "may" GAMBLING GIVEN A BOOST. WISE SCHOOL PROVISION. was brought in and read a first time, | amid labour and ministerial cheers." What the children substantially the five the Saturdays and Sundays, that but echool days, do youn think of feeding | plainly, | not only but to | and dar- ing the vacations as well! Some one said to A. T. author of | that the schools were the and the the training spots of the princes who Pierson, an distinction, centres of interest; colleges would rule for good or evil later on. The mother country is persuaded | that the future of her citizenship de- { pends on the manper in which the youth of the day are developed and! educated, and how that they fortunate it is are the wards of the gov- ernment at a time when a labour war is on and starvation stares the | people in the face. | means that he "musi" do it. Such rul'ng or esplanation or tion has been laughed to very properly so. Hon, My, of his own positioh and vresents a bill; the object vert interpreta- Scorn, and Doherty ses the wenbyess oA wllech 8 10 pre any more racing track or gumb- ling charters without being granted the ecorsent ted, of parliament, however, the Pugsley to amend the bill hy that it should bé made to saying retroactive cover the 'Thornclifie London cases, therefore he is unwilling to let The minister, shows that parhjament pass upon these them. The senate hos been holding faulty chance to up some of the government's legislation, and here is its amend a bill to some purpose. The legislature will sit ag long as it ke awcessary to dispose of the has been the or smother some budget that is before it. It near the 'close of to strangle of the bills, el by especially those prepar- The members have been es- the speaker, thanks , to the insistance of Mr, and sev- measures will be dis cussedd, These subjects are the serious comsideration of the mem- bers--tax reform, the eare of con- samplives, and the powers of the Hydro-Electric Commission, The right of the municipality to tax land values, or rather the option ts do this on the decision of the council, has long been desired, and it is a question whether the legislature should not discuss it though Sir James doesn't approve. (mn sogne points the premier is assuredly antiquated, and this is one of them. Upom it his own party is divided, and soma representatives of the conservative press have clearly taken issue with him upon it. Mr. Rowell is willing to make progress, and Sir James Whitawy ., saunot , prevent him from diviceng the house on his hill. The provinces is sadly in need of the members privately, rights of the tablished by lowell, eral important worthy of SOME IMPORTANT QUESTIONS. iin. some provision for the proper eare of consumptives. They should be and treated with gard for the terrors of the plague Medical men, in the most unselfish manner, have pleaded for a change in the public attitude towards: the sul fevers, McQueen's least suggestive if jt is not ita quality. practically tunates, isclated some res and Dr. billis at final in Let something he done on behalf of the unfor- and above all let the assur- that the scandals of will not be repeated, and by and dying in certain pre cities being refused the asy- the repose which they re ance be given the past the sick tentious lam and quired. As for sion bill. study. right, Hon. Adam Beck's commis- It is worthy of the closest Several of its features are all They are warranted by exper: jence. It is certain that the muni- cipakity that deals in power should have accounts that are properly signed and kept, and if Kingston were dealing with the commission its me thod ef financing the utilities would be considerably changed. The com- mission is, however, inclined to be monopolistic in its tendencies, antl a monopoly is no better under govera- ment than under private auspices. "You ean't check Mapitoba," was a popular efy some years ago, "You can't check Alberta and Saskatche- wan," is the ory now, and the west is going to be the ruin of any gov ernment that ignores it. + Some big things in government cir oles in Dritainsparesl post, at lower service af one-hall the present. cost, wireless telegraphy be fiwern Britain and India, Australia, ' EDITORIAL NOTES - the franchise by order of the loeal government. Mr. Rowell voted for and advocated the measure. He is mak- ing & platform on which be can stand by and bye appeal to the people with the ance of success. -- The government has Killed for the time being the eight hour law for min ars, Sir James Whitney waats more Tight on the subject, asd he ought to ges. it. Huk mast peuple are. profited | i practice was stopped some {of parliament who can were no i to show | Live He resis-| attempt of Mr. d and i and | charters, and he empha-| tows the scandal which is attached to | de- | of the hialf-buked legisiation that the government has been foren thr the senate. And Mr. He tells the people that he budge an gh mad. won't inchs He sb remember Laurier's experience and gel wise. The New 'York World wants te what Col. repulsed in the it will do if ning | hunt fs ms and the know Ruoseve republican eons Can't he go on ano! Afriea * The li oly ereatur Hat South tigers are the will lie down belore his mapesiy, man who has been during the The abot to the vigiting last week, calling in houses whose locked, and sleeping in the be fhe and sofas in the putiours, } hak been caught, He ple the choice seats of som doors were tn will ot be able (0 sam people time.) On what grounds should the mem equipped with bers of parliament be leather things at the valises, trunks, and other peoples' expense ? The Vears ago, Laurier on the recommendation of the government, and ig being now revive ed. This is a graft of the most shame ful kind and there is not a member and stand up defend it. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS Never; No Never, decently Toronto Globe Sir James Whitnes ean gle out of his declaration bi-ling wrig- | there | ual schools in Un | tario. Don't Mention It. Free Press liberal government had posed to purchase automobiles militia staff without would have happened ? Ottawa Ia pro for the tender, what Rowell's Glossy Language. Hamilton, Herald Leader Rowell's handsome ment to Allan Studbolme, as it does with (he premic treatment of the labor that Le: ter politician Whitney. compli contrasting r's brusque member, wler Rowell is a bet thau is ir goes James It's Costly Business, Montreal Herald here was { nebee a time in the province of when wineind party y i itself tls somewhat closely + of the MeBride + paying for it yet, provioeinl conserva in power resemb overument, amd 80 is conservative party, CATHEDRAL be Conducted by Rev. Simpson, M.A. THE MISSION. Walter REV. W Walter Simpson, College, Dublin, is to 4° mission in St. George's. cathe , hegipning on Thursday. Mr, Simpson was boss in Dublin and educated at. Christ Cathedral grammar school, and at Trinity, gradusting from there in 1901, After ordination he sent to the parish of Ballymacarrett, Bel fast, and was afterwards at Belfast cathedral. In 1906 he was invited by Dr. A. W, Robinson, vicar of All Hal low's, Barking, to join the College of Mission Preachers, of which he is the head. Mr. Simpson has thus had six years' gaperience in mission work of every description, and now holds the very imporiant office of mission ser retary to Bishop of London's Evange- listic Council. He is also clerieal see retary to the Association of Lay Read ers for the diocese of London Mr, Simpson has great patuval gifts as a mission preacher, gifts enhanced by training, Fhe fact that Mr. Simp son had experience in business life be- fore he entered holy orders will in it- seli commend him to the laity. BIMPSON, M.A, Rev. M.A, Trinity was We now Sell Men's Shoes, Suit Cases, Trunks & Valises Our Boy's Clothes Our who have made the Boys therefore, it's stand good, Joys' Clothing is the achievement of makers Clothes problem a life's study, scampering boy can give them, Bring the boy here for his next outfit, and see what "Boy's Clothing Specialists" are able to do for him. The Alton Suit, The Windsor Suit, $8.50 $1.50 The High School, The Carlton, 10.00 6.00 The Don, 5.00, The Carlo, 450 The Belmant, 4.00, The Victor, 3.50 Buster What a Variety ! How Cute These are in our Children's Blouse Suits Such They expressions (Clothing Clothing that is made strong enough to with- hard, clothes-punishing wear, such as only a Suits. Clever Are ! Styles ! we hear daily Department. Buster Suits $1.25 to $6. $3, $4, $4.50 to $6.50 The HARTT SHOE For Men is Classy. New 1912 Models are Beauties. New Tans, Oxfords, But Patents and ton and Blucher Gun Metals, BIBBY"S Ltd. Men' and Boys' Departmental Store 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET. BRIDE BLAMES BYE, SAYS MESMERISM MADE GO TO THE MARRIAGE -------- HER ALTAR. Cupid Prank in Strange Allegations Made in Ane nualment Suit ~~ Young Husband Claims Parental Opposition bu fluenced Bride, Oakland, Cal.,, March 27.---Thal school room love budding into a ro mance 'and Howering in sh elope ment and marriage at San Rafael, frosted by parental pursi't and dis- pleasire 'and reviving again at thei forgiveness was all due to 'the hyp unotic eye of the youthtul groom, G. W. Warfield, 'was the testimony of ars. Helen taining an annulment of the marri age in Judge Waste"s court. The prank of Cupid at which in- tellactusl Berkeley smiled tenderly tno years ago was at heart dark and terricle and sprang from # mag netic eye and had its source Va bale fal mesmerism, said Mrs. Warfield. All the glamour of the exploit has faded, the little bride, older and wis #m now, oaly wished to hearthe last of it and be free of the thrall wow: én about her by » stronger wind that day. ; Mra. Warfield, then known as Helen Molormick, was a stodent at Miss Snell's school for voung women and Warfield had just finished at Boone's Academy and a course at. Tamalpais Military Academy, when they con cinded that marriage bold the only key to bapfiness. It was then that the trip ts San Rofael wad planned and executed on March ed, 1910, and the laaghing god appeared to hase won amcther friamph. Though If. 8. MeCormick, father of the bride, end that be bad forgiven, and that the young couple might find their happiness together, he reconsid. ered at once, and Mrs. Warfield told Judee Waste that thed had been eo parted aver widve the exremany Califor nig McCormick Warfield in ob? did not love him. Mrs. Warlield met his actlon" with a cross-petition He ged that he overpowered her wilk th his hyp notice accomplishments, thst fad many times on the journey hesitated and asked to be allowed to return home, but always bis master: ful mind dominated hesitated license w issued, hulted on the way to the clergyman's house and that her niind was not ander control when the Ceremony was on, tev. G. M char she | to her when the that ehe She said she as being Cutting, of St. Paul's Episcopal church, who performed the ceremony, was a witness who added to the eerie thread in her story, Wa field had said that he had a ring, but he had none, said Hev. Mr, Cutting, and the ring ceremony was performed by proxy with an imaginary ecirelet. Then, the clergyman said, he was promised a 25 fee by Warfield, but this also vanished in the realms of the unreal, si sutmen-- Propose Scots Parliament. London, Eng... March 27.----Home rule for Seotland is the object of a bill introduced in the House of Commons hy Dr. Chapple (liberal.) The measure provides for the establishment of a Svots parliament to deal with mat- ters exclusively relating to Seotland, thus relieving the imperial parlia went of much business. Violin strings... Dutton's. | Prevost, Brook street, has precebyad ell his spring and summew goods for his order clothing department, and ready-made clothing and gents' fur pishing department. All well asson|- ed with new goods. : RELEVE YOUR STOMACH Dyspepsia may be: cated if properly treated, We remedy complete! that we ost ively will completel i dyspepsia, ing the tria ing This remedy has been na Dyspepsia Tablets, ( could be more should be proof Dyspepsia remedy, Inasmuch vou nothing of we urge who are indigestion or dyspepsia to Dyspepsia Tablets. A 25 contains enough medicine fo days' treatment. For chro we have two larger sizes, 5 21. Remember, vou 4 temedies only at Rexall store. © fair, aod in Siw lablets are as Lhe methicme it does nof vou sulierir nie ca 1 Can 1 FREIGHT ON LARYS Puluth to Ogdensburg Rate at Cents a Bushel, Detroit, March 27. 1h _ Spaulding wns chartered yoslerds Cloveland, (0 take a cargo of § from Duluth to Ogdensharg at opening of nas iwabon nt Hiv bashed. A wis pleased Lone Friday, at sed one ai for the fis two trips afief th juz between Duluth and Bafinl It's foolish to hunt tr sroall ship one down snd it wll bunt you Five Ba el iit A ----: