A SPRING BEAUTY Here's one of our favorite New Models in Spring Suits, - - - = = There's Style in Just note the full chested effect Coat --the slightly rolled. liberal lapels-- stitch, of the close fitting collar, with genuine every snug, the natty, clean cut hang of the trousers. . It's a very popular Spring style and the correct 'thing. - - . - . N This Suit isAood value for %18.00 but DURING OUR ALTERATION SALE We our greatest value put forward viving effort at $15.00 Because it is such a good average price thousands figure XL the that pay. Well diversity show lyon a of color and pattern assort- ments at $15.00, which are simply out of the question at other stores. LIVINGSTON'S TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS BROCK STREE" rier NEW SPRING SUITINGS DIAGONAL Si ERGES Brown, 50¢, 75¢, 90¢, $1, SCOTCH TWEEDS, yard. BROADCLOTHS, Superior French Makes, ae, Toe, 81, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00 yard. 3, Navy, 1.25, 6he, Toc, Black, Grey, 1.50, 2.00 yard $1, 1.25, 1.50 Skinner Satin 'The Reliable Make, 36 inches wide (Note the width), In Black and Colors. $1.25 Yard. Scotch Plaid Ginghams Guaranteed qualities, 40 distinct designs, Special 25¢ Yard. OXFORD SHIRTINGS, English makes, 15¢, 20¢, 25¢ yard. DRON THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, HE MADE HIS ESCAPE FROM GENERAL HOSPITAL, WHERE HE WAS CONFINED. Fede erick. Johnson, a Jail Prisoner, "Lelt the Institation Good His Escape. and Made Frederick Johnson, who has confined to the general hospital, ing been brought there from the coun ty jail, where he was confined for cruelly mutilating a dog belonging to Arthur Willie, Earl street, escaped from the general hospital on Tuesday wening, For the last few weeks he as in the general hospital suffering from an attack of appendicitis. He was not watched any more than the other patients. On Tuesday evening, as he was feel ing a great deal better, he thought he had a good chance to escape, so made his way out of one of the windows at the rear of the building and down the fire escape, and away. It is thought that he has gone for the Country, and perhaps he will not be seen for some time, He had been been hav - held at the jail for some little time, and was to be sent to the asylum at Orillia, as it was thought that he was not sane. Ihe police were dotified of the young man's escape, and are on the lookout him. They are not responsible for his escape, as he was sent to jail remand, for on PITH OF THE NEWS, The Very Latest Culled From Over the World. A runaway car Westville, N.S, injured a number of others. B. B." Hirsch, a farmer of Macoun, Sask. was instantly killed by the Soo flyer. ne came Perth, Ont, Emme®t Burley managed to esc ape from Chatham jail by ses sling the wall during a short absence of the Reginasis to a publicity mission. The real estate raised R15,000 to be vertising the city, Robert Drysdale stage were killed injured in a fire that gutted Thistlé cafe at Prince Albert. John Sugden, alas Webster le verest forger in Canada the United States, is under arrest in Biston, He was brought from Winni je . I'he \l in a colliery killed two men at and from guard. com association expended in ad hare and James and several Some others the the and Trades and Labor Berlin and against the armouries at Sp Couneil Waterloo has come building of the Berlin. Brown, New chiel engineer directly C.N.R. tunnel work, expects to com plete the work of tunnelling Mount Roval in less than two vears Dr. Merchant has admitted that his report on bi-lingual schébls was ready some time before it 'was published, but the government preferred him to hold it, consequently it was not till after the elections. of out prope sed York, appointed in charge of the delivered Special Excursion to West. lhe Grand Trunk railway ranged Yor a special (rain through from Montreal to Pog, vcamiose, Kamouton, Peace or uisirict and other pomts an Lanada on the Grand Pacific and Canavian Northern ways in connection with homeseekers' exc.rsion, on Apitl 2nd, for which specind low geeond-class rates have been named, ke th. Meullet, publicly commissioner for the province of 5 bertp, will ile und personall, conduct the party thas speci train, The s_ecial train leave Montreal at %30 am., April 2nd, and will cousist of Pullman tourist sleep ing cars and coaches to run through without che ange. Accommo dation may be rescrved in advance in ourist sleeping cars. Canadian di zens are exempt from so-called jmni gration examination, and therd is no detention at any point. Baggage is carried through the United States in ond without requiring any special attention on the part of the passen- ger, Inspection is not necessary at of the points at the border. In tending travellers may full particulars from their rail way agest or writing to L. H Maillett, Antoine street, 1. Quinlan, district Bonaventure station, has ar to run Winui- An West Trank rail [11 org: on will any obtain nearest by 685 St. or passenger Montreal. Peter Morrow, aged vears, widow of the late Peter Bax ter, Pittsburg, died at her, home on Earl street, on Wednesday afternoon, at 1.30 o'clock. Mrs. Baxter was born in Kingston, of lrish parentage, and was a resident of the city until her marriage to Peter Baxter, who was the eldest son of the late George Bax- ter, principal of the old grammar school, of Kingston. Since her hus band's death, sixteen years ago, she has lived in Kingston. The deceased was an Anglican in re ligion and-was for many years an earnest worker in St. Mark's church, Barriefield, Latterly she had been con- nected at different times with St. Paul's and St. Luke's churches, of the city. Mrs. Baxter is survived by three sons and (hree daughters; John and James, of Pittsburg; Robert, of South- ern California; Mrs. William Rathwell, Rockland, Ottawa; Mrs. W. J. Ander son, of Kingston, and Miss Florence Baxter. Deceased was') oted and unselfish mothér and ' respected and loved by a large circle of friends, Death of Mrs. Catherine Baxter. eighty Wife and Man Almost Drowned. Brockville, May 27.-While driving across the Canadian channel opposite Rockport, Robert Hunt, of Larne Is- land, had an exciting experience by the outhit breaking through a point where the ice was thin. Mrs. Hunt, who accompinied her husband, was seated in a small launch on the sleigh. Several men went to their aseist- ance. They succeeded in rescuing Mr. and Mrs. Hunt and the outfit, except one horse which went, to the bottom, Sacred songs, "My Task" "Salva- tion," "The Palms" "Hosamma," + Jesu, Lover of My Soul," *X "ousider the Tie," and many oO EE Dut rl 'H. Moore went to Pimsiulty on Wednesda Yn awarsex $5,500 s WEDNESDAY, HAD A LIVELY TIME WHEN PET BEAR AT BATTERY ESCAPED FROM QUARTERS, Made Visit to Elevator of the Mont. real Transportation Company, and Had Workmen on the Rup-- Was Finally Overcome by Six Stal- wart Soldiers and Taken Back. Wire you ever chased by an angry bear ! af you never have had such ap experience, and would hke to hear an interesting story, just ask ol the workmen in the yards at Montreal Trausportation Wednesday morning Tate de rout barracks broke lose from its quarters at the barracks and caused the liveliest kind of a time in the ship yards nearby. Life in barracks gets a little some al times, even for the who after 4s long winter's wished to stretch his legs so morning, when the guards and sen- try at the barracks were off duly fr a short time Mr. Bear slipped out of the barracks and started in to make things interesting. In less time than it takes to tell it the bear was over on the pro- perty of the Montreal Transportation company. 'The big elevator attract:d his attention and he made a line for it. Growls and lowed in quick order and there ureat excitement among the men who dropped their shovels "and immediately ran out of the build- ing, Mr. Bear was in full charge of the elevator but as be had chased everyone out it became dull for him nnd he took to the outside again. In thé yards many men were ut work and when they saw the bear coming their way they immediately ran for shelter. One of the employ- ees was in an outhouse but, the bear did not overlook him. le, too, was chased out of his quarters and and soon everyone was én a great state of excitement. But still the angry bear continued on lis way. The men at the barracks soon got word the affair and six stalwart tliers were soon on the scene deavoring to catch the naughty fow. They eventually got him, they had to "go some,'"' but he wes led away on a chain the men in the shi) yards wcre able to breathe a great deal easier. lveryone in the vitnity was greatly excited ihe afiaie, even lolly, the:parrot, in the office of the Montreal Transporta- tion company taking her part with the rest, The bear is now in sale the barracks, again, and rumored this afternoon that he would be court martialed and given twentyv-ight davs "C.B," (conhnement to barracks). some Lhe company. the cub bear si live hear, sleep, whis bee fol- was work- snarls sol- en- fel- but when over quarters, it was LI ABOLITION OF BAR. Continued from Page 1.) W. J. Crothers expressed in no un cortain terms, his approval of the Rowell policy. He 'said he hoped be- fore many years to see the whole thing cleaned out of the' country. Mr. Ro- well proposed to retain the clubs and the shops and while these have their disastrous cffects, the bar probably the chief offender, and al step in the right direction. In remov- this we are taking away a glar dng temptation to the rising genera tion, and g curse to citize nship. Mr. Crothers declared : will hold up both hands for this policy, and for it. T. ¥. Harrison saxd he was heartily in accord with Leader Rowell's policy, and he felt it was satisfactory to the temperance party at large. He knew some extremists thought the abolition of the club and shops should also he embodied in the platform. but while these are all harmful, probably the kernel of the curse is the treating sys- aud the bar. This is a good stat for a general cleaning. The pol woethy of a strong man of Mr. Rowell's calibre. The temperance party in Ontario had, in the past, been accused, and rightly of not boing endowed with much backbone, when election dav came. This will be the test, Mr. Harrison gqid. I the volers of the province are in favor of cleaning up the private and public life of the people, they will stand firm un der the liberal standard. "SLEEPING BEAUTY" DISTURBED is | ing vow ey lis one gO Drunken Man Went Inte Strange Houses for a Nap. When a man is under the nflucnce of liquor he does strange things. A} drank, who was ia police court Tues day morning, gave a lady living on University avenue quite a seare. She had ben out of the hguse tor a short me and upon returning found se man referred to taking a map on the couch in the parlor. He refused to leave dnd 't required the services of a couple of husky students, who boarded at ths house, to put the man out. He tried the same trick at another house where he found no * welcome" on the mat for him, and wag forced to make a hurried exit Later he was arrested and was giv: en ample time to sleep in the police cells. The Telephone Bill A meeting of the finance committee was called for this afternoon to ap point a couple of representatives to go to Toronto in support of the tele phone bill being introduced into the legislature by Hon. Mr. Lucas. This bill © is for the purpose of requiring that all future concessions to tele phone companies be submitted to the vote of the ratepayers in mugicipali- ties interested. Mayor of Berlin Here, W. H. Schmalz, mayor of Berlin, was a visitor to the gity on Wedres- day 10 be present at the assault-it- 'arms, 'which is being held this after. noon and evening at the RM.C., whera his son is a cadet. While ia the ctv he called on Mayor Hoag, and a num- ber of the aldermen, and also visited She. he | of rade building and «She oa ty --R i MARCH 27. 1m2 7 Hl fer it To-Morrow. 390 Yards This is a soft, unc Special Sale TO- We have just received a very special Black Silk Bargain, and will of- you save ONE-THIRD. make for this Spring's models, from $1 to 1.20 yan MORROW, 9 to 6 When you see this you will be quite satisfied that Wide Black Duchesse Silk «ushable Silk of a the correct and worth YOURS TO-MORROW 69¢ YARD. i . . good weight and 1s full 35 inches wide d. ches wide and reg Yours 400 Yards White Skirting P.K This is a good quality, soft _m; ke of pose for Skirts and Dresses for Women and Chile = mn American P. made on pur It is 27 in arly sold at 20c¢ yard. To-Morrow while the lot lasts, 156. yard. «display of These are different duplicated, so if yt what you want, and it will be here You may 'prepare for EASTER and we ask you to come and see our New York Suits Choose Any Suit To-Morrow Even if not prepared to buy, you may thus secure a very stylish suit To- OITOW from anything shown in the town and cannot he m desire an exclusive Suit we may have just when you want it. Kid Gloves for Easter We are prepared for a brisk (ilove business this Spring the correct makes of French Kid Gloves in Tans, Greys, $1.00, J Laidlaw & Son. GLOVES. We have Black, White, 25, Navy. 1.50. RS \: = VERY F FAST. NOT COMING Only Nine Applications Received for Renewal of Liquor Licenses. Although the time expires next Mon- day for the receiving of applications for the renewal of liquor licenses in Kingston, up till to-day only nine ap- plications out of the thirty-one places selli liquor had put in an applica tion for remewal. This, of course, does not mean that those who have not asked for a re newal do not intend to do so-at least if that is the ease it will be news to eyeryoue, but it evidently means that the applicants have put off the matter of renewing their ap plication until the last moment, asl wore. The bbard of commissioners have anothés month vet to think over the cutting off of the licenses, and in the meantime the liguor men will fight their case to quash the by-law in the courts. 1 vugratuigied Each Other. March 2 is the birthday of Wil- Ham le Sr. Clergy street, and of ter wart The firstnamed Miss 'Matter, twenty-one, was the loss of hee Jog on_ the £1%.. on leval near : the latter this wds. as the two hiss wade, $4. yoink during the, Sut twenty-five Jem sa Dogine BOY SCOUT HIGH BOOTS We have just received for Spring trade Boys' High-Cut Tan Boots Fastened at the top with one strap. Splendid Boots for wet weather, slush and mud. si $3.00 and $3.50 The: LOCKETT SHOE STORE