Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Mar 1912, p. 8

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A SPRING BEAUTY Here's one of cur favorite New Models in Spring Suits. - - . . . stitch, of the -the snug, close fitting collar, with -the clean ent hang of the trousers. . - It's a very popular Spring style and the correct thing. . . . : ; There's genuine Style in every " Just note the full chested effect Coat slightly rolled liberal lapels natty, This Suit is good value for $18.00 hut DURING OUR ALTERATION SALE We ow greatest value put forward giving effort at $15.00 Because it is such a good figure -- the price that thousands pay. average We'll show yon a diversity of color and pattern assort- $15.00, which are simply ments at ont of the question at other stores. LIVINGSTON'S +: TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS BROCK STREET THE LATEST A Blouse without a hook or button. Paris latest idea. New Chiffon Blouses Black, White and Colors. $3 to 8.00 Each. Ask to see it. New Silk Dresses Magnificent assortment of all the very latest ideas, Prices $12.50 to 75.00 Each. Feather and Marabout Neck Ruffs New English styles, $4.50 to 25.00 Each. Toure the Ostrich Feathers and Plumes Direct from Paris. $3.68 to 15.00.35 Jeompany, under Capt. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, -- BURIALS ON THURSDAY FUNERAL OF THE LATE JOHN HEWTON. And That of William Y. Boyd--Both House Services Were Conducted by Rev. T. W. Neal. The funeral of the late John Hew- ton took place from his late residence, King street west, Thursday afternoon, the service being conducted at the home by Rev. T. W. Neal, pastor oi Sydenham Street Methodist church. The mourners were the deceased's two sons, James and Russell, John Hughes, Sr., father-in-law, John M. Hughes, dr., brotherin-law, and other immediate relatives. The pallbearers were: H: W, Richardson, James Ste wart, William Jackson, J. 8. Smith, Hugh Macpherson, Abraham Shaw. The employees of the Kingston Hosiery company attended in a body as also a large number of prominent Masons and atizens. Among the numerous beautiful floral tributes were : Ancient St. John's and Cataraqui lodges, A. F. & A. M., square and compass; Ancient and Ac cepted Scottish Rite of Freemasons, eross; Ancient "Frontenac and Catara- qui chapter, RAM. cross; Minden lodge, A. F. & A. M., emblem; Hugh de Payens Preceptlory, Knights Temp lar, cross; AO.UW., anchor; employ: Kingston Hosiery company, 'Gates Ajar;"" Friends at Kingsthrope College, Hamilton, sheaf; family, pil low; Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Macnee, sheaf, Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Smith, anchor; Miss Etta Henderson, sheaf; Mr. and Mrs. Andrews, Toronto, wreath; Mr. and Mrs. William Jack son, spray; Mr. and Mrs. A. »Bond, spray; bh. M. Meclntyre, sheaf; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fair, crescent; Mrs. George Richardson and family, Easter lilies: Mr. and Mrs. J. GG. Elliott, sheaf Frederick Malleson, wre nih; HK. Mor ton, Hamilion, wreath; . H. Har riett, Ottawa, wreath. ow The Late W. Y. Boyd. "he funeral of the late William Y. Boyd, of Gananoyue, for years a resi dent of this city, took place, Thurs day afternoon, to Cataraqui cema tery, from the residence of his son-in law, C. W. Lane, Gore street. Th: service, at the house, was conducted by Rev. T. W. Neal, pastor of Svden hat Street Methodist church, At th request of Leeds Masonic lodge, Gan anoque, of which the deceased was secretary for a number "of vears, the local Ancient St. John's lodge, "as sisted by Cataraqui and Minden lodge. A F&A. ,» took charge of the burial service. The funeral was at tepded by a number of friends fron Gananoque and local acquaintances and citizens, " COAL STRIKE IS CERTAIN. Hundreds of Car Loads Rushed Into Ontario. Cleveland, Ohio. March 28.---It wa stated here this afternoon that nego tiutions between the mine opérator amd mine workers had proven abortivi and that a strike of two hundred thou sand anthracite workers in district: which supply the eastern states ane Canada with coal, was practically un avoidable. Orders to strike are offec "ve April first. There is so far no sign of their re peal. There is equally little hope fo a settlement of the bituminous men' troubles, and if they also strike, hal: a million miners will be ont en week. The situation is admittedly very serious, Avents of Canadian roads nna em panies are busy in Pennsvivania an Ohio, trying to hustle out shipment to Canada before the adtual troubl begins. Hundreds of ears are loaded for Outario and are'on the way there NAME CALLED IN COURT, Being But Frederick Johnson Was spicuous by His Absence. The name of Frederick Johnson wa called in the police court, Thursda: morning, but he 'was conspicuous hn his absence. He was remanded foo cruelty to a dog, but as stated in the Whiz yesterday, he made his escap from the general hospifal, where h. Was ungergoing treatment, Before this morning, constable was sent to the and oflicial report was made trate thet the vouth was missing. of the accused was at the to-day, no clues as to he Coun court a polia ail, to we afterwards thy to the mayis The city but gave the polin son's whetenhouta Bank Fnquir y Toronto, March 25. Owing to the death of Dr. Thorburn, a son-in-law ol Chief Justice William Meredith, the en quiry into the defunct Farmers' Bank was postponed until Mav, Sir William was at Osgoode Hall, hue did not leave his chambers, and Frank Hod- ging, K.U., made the announcement. W. R. Travers will likely be taken back to Portsmouth penitentiary un- ty the enquiry is re-opened. aceite, Farmers' Deferred Military Notes. The theoretical portion of the mili tian stafi course examinations com menoed here this afternoon, and will be continued to-morrow, Col. Ogilvie is president of the board. The offi- cers up for the examination are: Lient.-tol. E. W. Morrison, Sth Prig ade, C.F.A:; Lieut. U'ol. E. W. Rath bur R.O.: Mai. C. A. Low, 14th Re giment; Maj. W. H. Russell, 10th Re iment; Capt. Bywater, 9th Regi ment. : TO Succeed Capt. Healy. Capt. Frank Parthidge has been placed in command of "A" company pes the 47th Frontenac Regiment, to fill the vaeaney caused by the retire ment of Capi. Thomas Healy. Patridge, it is expected. will remain up to the high standard under the late command: ing officer. He is efficient and very po pular with officers and men. A meet ing of the non-commissioned officers has already been held, aud prospects look bright for the annual training eamp. George Cuthbert, recently appointed found postmaster at Grafton, was Gea His hoe This. THURSDAY, ISSUED AN APPEAL. Premier Appeals for a Resumption of Industrial Conditions. Eng., Marek 28. Premier As'piith, this morning, issued an ap peal to the miners of Great Britain to accept the ~ pinimum wage hill, which h? said would effect largel, what they fought for. The premier made this appeal in the guise of a speech to the literal members of the House of Commons. He said he ro coguized that the agitation, as far as the ;great bulk of the men were con- cerned, was a disinterested movement Now that their grievances had been removed by the establishment of the principle of the minimum wage, with machinery which could be trusted to fix reasonable rates, he strongly ap. pealed fn the name of the whole na- tion for a resumption of normal industrial conditions. He hopes that industrial peace and contentment are now in sight. Londen, TO HEAL BROKEN HEART Of Princess, the Kaiser Takes / His Daughter Away. GERMAN Berlin, Germany, taiser's trip to vith his only Louise, ostensibly\ for # really to heal the princess' broken wart. During the winter "festivities, he princess fell violently in love with a handsome captain of the cavalry, 'ount Fugger, but owing to difference n rank and the faet that Fugger isa {oman Catholic, their / love aflair 'ould not be countenaced, so it was udely squelched by the imperial papa: PRINCESS LOUISE. March 28.--The the Mediterranean daughter, Princess throat trouble, PITH OF THE 'he Very Latest Cullted From Over the World. Miss Carrie Graham, employed as a winter at Goderich, committed sui- cide by poison. At sew York, Robert Sampson La- ier, one of the editors of the Review f Reviews, is dead. The Windsor hotel, Montreal, was ined $200 for a breach of the alien mmigration act by employing waiters n New York. Halton eounty council proposes pend $300,000 on improving RYE, including the grant. The United States Steel Corporation old to J. I. Morgan & Co., an issue f $30,500,000 in bonds, bearing inter st al five per cent. The government has thirty commis- voners at $15 per day each, investi ating charges against liberal office- wlders. Laura Andrews, aged thirteen, irowned at Ottawa on Wednesday. vas playing on the ice vay. John Arbuckle, the office magnate of New York, fenly on Wednesday He was one he best known philanthropists nited States A government-supported steamship ervicé between Canada and the West undies may result from th conference of West Indian delegates with | render " Jorden. King George ithop of the NEWS, Ah to high- government was She which gave noted sugar and dred wad of m the received . the Anglican Falkland Islands on Vednesday. The bishop is trying to] 'aise S300.000 for ehurches, schools | ind hospitals in his diocese A special committee of the legis- | ature is to be appointed in the course i a few days to enquire into the vhole question of ssment, with he two "loeal option" measures the basis of the investigation John Tolmie, ex-M.I'. for North] fruce, was severely injored at his | home 'in Kincardine on Wednesday, | vhen he fell down the cellar. Over 3,500 hands employed in the saw mills in Ottawa and Hall, are out on strike for an increase of wages. At a meeting of the Cartier centen- ary committer it was decided to in vite the Prince of Wales to unveil the monusient in 1914. i At Chicago, Cal. Roosevelt's most | stinging campaign' speech thus far was delivered on Wednesday night. He lashed" his opponents a charged | some of them with using fraud and trickery to defeat him. KooseVelt re ferred to Samuel Koenig, chairman of the New York county re wenn com- mittee, as a "figurehead." and said he was "simply doing the bidding of the stronger men behind him." Francis Wayland Glen, formerly a member of the Canadian house of com- mons, was arrested in Syracuse, N.Y. on Tuesday, for sending threatening fetters through the mail to bis neigh- bors. He has been held for examina tion as to hix sanity. He is seventy wee years of age. ein Lr AEE ------ ASK WIFE to save the miniature book "Ghe Road to Wellville" ass, MARCH 28, 1012. F33.50 51 twlen Cormmwall and Dundee, {of these Hoods Sarsaparilla Leads all other medicines in the cure of all spring ailments, humors, loss of appetite; that tired feeling, paleness and nervousness. It effects its great cures, not simply because it contains sar saparilla, but because it.com bines the utmost remedial val ues of 20different ingredients. Get it today. Sold by all druggists everywhere. 100 Doses $1. KINGSTON COULD HAVE A PEAT PLANT FOR A SMALL INVESTMENT. Canadian Government Has an Ex. perimental Plant at Alfred--Peat Briquets Used in Kingston. With the expenditure of seven thou sand dollars, a peat plant could be established within a radius "of six miles of Kingston, having an output of three hundred tons per day, suf- ficient to meet the demands of Kings- ton the year round. Peat as a fuel is used in Ireland, Scotland, Norway, Sweden and Russia. The American government, about four years ago, in- structed its consular officers to report on the various processes used in for- eign countries for the manufacture of peat into brigquets, which information the government intended to use at its experimental stations in the United States, > In Ontario, at Alfred, government established an mental plant for the manufacture of peat, which has proved, a success, The briquets manufactured at Alfred have been used by the Capadian locomotive works, as well as by private families of Kingston, and have given general satisfaction. : 'In view of the scarcity of fuel and | the threatened coal strike in the Un- ited States, would it not be a Wise plan on the part of the exterprising citizens of Kingston to look into this! matter, and start an industry, which, | from its start, Would be a paying in-| vestment ? The estimated cost manufacturing peat into briquets $1.75 a ton, which can be sold Canadian experi- the at | a ton. | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Tame Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Our Reporters. Northern railway of the information that running into The Canadian ficials gave out their trains would be Kingston by June. Rev. Father Doyle, conduct a retreat in St. thedral next week. Dr. Geddes, of Verona, is in city. The Kingston hosiery mill was elos- ed, Thursday, as a mark of respect for the late manager, John Hewton, whose funeral took place, Thursday afternoon. The covered will on: of Toronto, Mary's the rink closed on Thurs. day morning on aggount of the ice being very wel, $0 much so that no person would be analoans to skate on it. - "HOPEWELL HALL" the Property of Well: known Hotel Man. N.Y., March 28. - of the Waldorf-A» has purchased Becomes Alexandria Bay, George O'. Boldt, toria, New. York, "Hopewell Hall,"" just above There, from the William C. Browning estate. The property is said to be valued at £500,100, "Hopewell Hall," contains 225 meres and is one of the prettiest places on the St. Lawrence river. The property will become a part of the Boldt fagm. Mr. Boldt will fix the residence property up and rent it. I HOw owns nnw places m the one sec tion, Steamer Service Ewnds. Ogdensburg, N.Y., March 28... Small Iman Bros, of Fort Covington, have | sold/the steamer Princess louise, the last of three steamers operating be to H. 1 Cummins, of Cornwall, Ont. This terminates a steamer line ostablished forty voars ago. The gradual filling up of the Salmon river channel makes it impossible for steamers of the size vessels to navigate without so the route is abandoned. -- To Act Soon. Ottawes, March 25. --It is stated on good authority that the government has decided to appoint the proposed Hail commission some time in Ap- gromuding, [his - commission, it is said, will less no. time in getting down to work It willl investigate trade conditions throughott the dominios, and espee- ally will it look into the postion of the diferent Canadian steel cor porations. Beck Will Get Arrears. Toronto, March 28. lu addition ' to reithbursing Hon. Adam Beck jn full for his services on the' hydro-electric commission it is the intention of the government to moke the bill retroae- {ive .and give him an honovarivm for the seven years he has already served. It is 'understood the amount will be equivalent t6 that pad a cabinet min ister. ! He Took His Lite. Washington, March 2%. Literally worn out with the load of grief that he has borne since bis beautiful wife Jould in pkgs of will examine te John Revell, provincial Bog shir gin, of Toronio. deserted him, Philip S. Hichborn, son of the Inte admiral; committed sui cide, vesterday afternoon, in the pala 1tinl home of hix sister, Mrs. P. 8S, shooting Limsell in the Thé on $2 hats yet discovered -- Something New for Spring. Would you like to know how to procure Smart, up-to-date ang satisfactory Spring Clothes without paying extravagant prices ? Then follow the example of hundreds of King- ston women who come to us first for their Spring Clothes, New Spring Suits A great selection now Many styles come in only two suits of a pattern, New Skirts, New Waists, New Spring Coats. ready. one or > ONE ADVANTAGE in com- ing here-is you get exactly what you want or you don't buy, BECAUSE you are never urged or TALKED INTO taking what you don't want. pe Fr CTH Sr New Easter Neckwear Fancy Jabots, White Embroidered Soft Collars "Quaker" Girl Collars Ribbon Roses. Just received and ready for To-Morrow sell ing. A large shipment. New Buttons. Buttons for Suits--Ivory and Fancy Metal. Buttons in White or Black Crochet. Saroque Pearl Buttons, a novelty. Glass Buttons for Suits, Glass Buttons for Waists, Covered Suit Buttons. Amn ¥ are go be found at Campbell Bros. , VRingston's exclusive hat and fur stove. ( * EASTER SHOES. Next week will be Easter Week. Everybody will have to have New Shoes. Father, Mother, Sister and Brother. We would like you to visit our store and see our - New Spring Styles We can fit out the family with the newest Shoes. Give you good quality at lowest prices. rn The LOCKETT SHOE STORE

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