PAGE TEN. A : , THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, MARCH 20; 1912. TRAVELLING. LRG LSS rr EASTER HOLIDAYS Round Trip Tickets will be issued at| Single First-Class Fare Good going April 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and Sth. Good to return on or be- fore April 10th. TICKETS ISSUED TO INTER- MEDIATE POINTS BETWEEN MONTREAL AND TORONTO WILL NOT BE VALID ON TRAINS 1 and 4 HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS | To WESTERN CANADA i and Return Tuesday, April 2nd and every second pry Tuesday thereafter until Sept, 17th. ~ Tickets good for 60 days. For full particulars apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johuson and Ontario Sts. AERC IT MALT TT RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacific Railway * Easter "Holidays Round. trip tickets will be issued at SINGLE FIRST CLASS FARE, Good going Thursday, April 4th 19 Monday, April 8th, inclusive. good returning until April 10th, 1912. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS To Western Canada and Return April 2, 16 and 30, And 'every second Tuesday Beptember 17th, inclusive Winnipeg and Return, Edmonton and Return .. .. $44.50 Proportionate rates to other points. Return limit, 60 days. Full particulars at K. & P. C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario St F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass Agent. Bay of Quinte Railway SHIPPERS ATTENTION CANADIAN NORTHERN ON. tario Railway Line from Trenton to Deseronto is now for freight traffic, and shipments can now be ac- cepted from Kingston to such points as Belleville, Trenton, Brighton, borne, Grafton, Cobourg, * Port and Toronto, as well as for all on the Central Ontarig and Quinte Railways. Route your shipments Toronte via Canadian tario Rallway Through al to points in the North-V of Quinte Rallway Northern Ontario Rallwa thence Canadian Pacific dirset or Port Arthur and Canadian Northern and Grand Trunk Pacific Rellways. Through Lake and Rail Rates to points in the North-West via Bay of Quinte and Canadian Northern One tarlo Railways * to thence lake lines to Port For other information regarding rates, apply to M. C Dunn, Travelling Freight Agent, B, of Q. Railway office, Kingston and Pembroke Railway, or to W, Phillips, General Freight Agent, Toronto, Out. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers St. Lawrence Season TO LIVERPOOL. Tunisian sails Fri, May 3, May 21. Virginian sails Fri. May 10, June 7 Corsican sails Fri, May 17, June 14 Victorian sails Fri, May 24, June 21 TO GLASGOW. Pretoria sails Sat, May 4, June 1. Hesperian sails Sat.. May 11, June 8. Scandinavian sails May 18, June 15. Grampian sails Sat., May 25, June 22 TO HAVRE AND LONDON. Sicilian sails Sun., May 5, June 9. Ionian sails Sun., May 12, June 16. Corinthian_sails Sun May 19, June until . $36.50 and THE open Sol- paints Bay of and from to Lor: Taronto, Arthur Scotian salls Sun., May 26, June 30 Lake Erie sails Sun, June 2, July 7 For full information as to addi- tional sailings, rates, ete., apply to C, 8. KIRKPATRICK, J. P. HANLEY. G. T. Ry. Clarence Street. Allan: Line Agents, Kingston. F. J. JOHNSON | THE LEADING | 324 KING STREET, Has resumed business with a i full line of Cut Flowers and Plants always in stock. Wedding and Presentation Bouquets and Baskets and . wade on the Hope * Overfatness Condemned un faitish, women readers this is rn he demand a OFF a duty, dieting with the Many hut 1 is certai sthode too fat Are try @y 1 get in e mode is by mola Prescription Tablet gist {or the Marmola Co, Bldg, Detroit, Mich) will give i of ti wm ie q thy shou + a docided Impre exe fat Many have last $ as much as a pound a day, Marmola. Prescription be used with impunity ' cunfidence, for with Tas and tein the they They otherwise; er disturbing the stomach a wrinkling of the flesh t, ney or causing of finest Mexican Vanilla beans. One bottle will flavor more than two dozen TrueVanilla f EEE, | PRIVATE OFFICE 10, = food, and rushing back to work, leads straight to dys- pepsia, with all it means in misery. Proper habits of eating, with a Na-Dru-Co Dys- pepsia Tablet after each meal, restore good diges- tion, health and happiness. A box of Na-Dru-Co Dys- pepsia Tablets costs but 50c. at your Druggist's. National Drug and Chem- ical Co. of Canada, Limited. Beverages: ALE Agent, James McParla 839-341 King Street t. DININGROOM FURNITURE Just arrived, a fine line of Dining- room Furniture in Golden Oak, Early English and Fumed. China Cabinets $12.00, 15.00 and upwards Buffets $16.08 19.00 and wp- $12.50, 16.50 Extension Tables, $6.50. $8.50 to 340.00. A Chairs to match in any finish. } are both very ill. Sidobo ards, | NEWS OF EIaNBURY "HAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Pomts In Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing and What They Are Saying. . Doings at Wilbur, Wilthur, March 27. Service was held at Samuel Jackson's on Sunday by Mr. Irvin, of Queen's. A little boy has come to stay at the home o Robert Richardson's. Miss Bunna Thurston is at E. J. McFarlane's, La- vant. The. small engine from the | mines here is being sent to Melutyre's mines, Porcupine. Mrs. J. Morreau visited Mrs. Ross Alcorn at Lavant on Saturday. Mrs. W. C. Boyd, Mrs. R. Alcorn and little son, Murton, visited friends in Renfrew last week. . Elginburg Echoes. Elginburg, March 27.--A number of the young people attended a social at Me. Curls, Glenvale, Harold Kiell has been confined to his home with the mumps. E. Tolles purchased a fine horse the other day. A number of the farmers are hauling logs to MeCrow's mill. Miss Alma Clogg and Frederick Porter are vikiting at erergton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tolles and family at N. C. Graham's; Milton Silver, of Kingston, at his' father's; Mr. and Mrs. 'E. Tolles and daughter at J. Porter's; Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Gra- ham at J. Irwin's; Mr. and Mrs. W. Kiell and J, Irwin spent Monday even- ing at NC. Graham's. * ---- Cushendall Matters. Cushendall, March 26.--Messrs. Con- nell had a large hee drawing pressed hay to Kingston, last week, as also had A, Germain. Mrs. R. Ryder, who has been ill in' hospital for a few weeks, has recovered sailiciently to be able-to return home. Mrs. W. Curtis and baby are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Duffie. Quite a number from this district attended the sale at Mrs, Payne's, on the 19th. Miss L. Greenlee and N. Greenlee have return- ed from visiting friends in Sunbury. +4. McBride recently purchased a fine driving horse from W. Patterson. Mr. Ellery has moved onto his farm pur- chased from M. Cunningham. One of the stage drivers, Mr. Ripley, had one of his horses badly injured last week by cutting its foot. } ---------- Items From Belifock. Bellrock, Mareh 27.--J. Abrams is sawing wood in this vieinity, Van- luven Bros. held their annual cheese meeting on Monday, the 18th. Ever ton Vanest has gone to Brockville, where he is engaged in a mica mine. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Grant enter tained a number of their Verona young friends one night last week. Russell ' Grant has gone to Wolle Island, where he has a good situa: tion on a 'ruit farm. Zara Reynolds made a business trip to Kingston one day Inst week. Frederick Clark sold a valuable horse for $200. Mrs, Hiram Vanest has returned home af- ter visiting friends at Murvale, Mrs. William Dreure has returned to het home at Long Lake, after siting her parents there. Caintown Reports: Caintown, March 26.--Farmers of this vicinity hauling lumber to Brockville. The cheese factory has re opened for the coming season, under the mapagement of J. A, Ferguson, proprietor. B. F. Leeder had a bee, on Monday last, drawing stone. Miss L.Warren recently visited at R. Dis ie's. Mrs. Frederick Ferguson and lit- tle son visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Truesdale, Rockfield, who Miss Helen Flood, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Leeder, has returned home, accom- panied by Miss F, Leeder. Mrs. H. Hogeboom, Quabin, is visiting her dis- ter, Mrs. R. A. Edgldy. Miss Leona Dowsley visited at T. Graham's, Me- Intosh Mills, on Sunday last. Miss Aggie Leeder, of Perry, N.Y., is visit- ing relatives here. Mrs. John Steacy, of Yonge Mills, spent the past week at P. Connor's. Messrs. D. Patience and C. Fodey, Warburton, spent Sunday at d. J. Leeder's. wre Presentation and Address. _Ivy Lea, March 25.--The people of Selton Methodist appointment on Lansdowne circuit, and numbering a- | bout forty, of all ages, gathered at the home of P. M. Wood on the eve of his departure from the farm to the \Hlage of Lansdowne, he having recently sold his property in this vicinity. The address was read hy R. MoCullough, a teacher in the Sunday school, to Mr. Wood, and a presentation was made by C. Wesley McCullough, one of the church stev- ards. Mr. Wood made an appropriate re Ry with much feeling, after wifichi R. McCulloigh gave a few pointers on Sunday school wotk as an incentive to a deeper interest to be exerpised in the community. Then followed the election of a secretary to fill the vacancy made by the departure of Mr. Wood. The lot fell to Miss Ha- zel Tilton, while Mrs. Wood, the trea: jure, fovs place to Mra. W. E. MeNeil. As a pleasant feature of | gathering refreshments were roll and some gramophone selections giv- = ------ Maédonald Presentation. Macdonald, March 926.--Wrs. Blake Huvek is improving, Miss Agnes Johnston, of home, having spent a couple of weeks the guest of Miss Lotte Miller, . Craven, of Haw- recently visited her daughter, W. Cranston. Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Miller and Miss Olita spent a day recently at James Bowen's. Arthur Clark and sister, May, of i Edward county, have returned, having visited at Macdonald and Bardolph. Nr. and Mrs. Augustus Keich' have moved to Deseronto. On Saturday evening previous fo their departure al number of friends gathered of a sumptuous lunch presented t with a handsome chair. All are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Kei from the neigh! .. Mr, and Mrs. G. Ha: little son, Harold, spent R. J. REID § Sunday and Monday at J. M. A nes', Camden East. The W.M.S. Ingle, has returned! a social at. Bethany last evening, which was well attended. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Jaynes, of Camden East, are visiting relatives at Gos port and Macdona.d. Mount Chesney News. Mount Chesney, March 25.--The re cent snowstorm did much to Smprove the condition of the roads. = The far mers are drawing supplies before the breaking up of the roads. The funeral of the late Mrs. Fowler took place on Tuesday last, and was largely attend ed. The many friends of Mrs. James George are sorry to hear of her ven severe illness. E. Nicholson has mov ed to the late Joseph Jordon's farm and intends residing there.' E. Pre vost has retwrned from Westport and will re-open the factory for the com- ing season, G. P. Patterson has re turned from visiting friends in Lan ark. Hugh Fowler has arrived home alter spending several months ih the north-west. Visitors: Mrs. ;M. Sulli van, Oates, at Joseph McGrath's; Mr. and Mri] Grady at W. McGarvey's ; Mrz. Michael Hawkey at James Geor- ge's; Mrs, Labey, Sydenham, at James Hickey's;| Miss Cashman, Glenburnie, at M. Fowler's; M. McGarvey and sis- ters at George Hyland's, Kilburnie : Miss Digman, Wolfe Island, at E. Mc Garvey's; Russell Stoness at G. Sto- ness"; Mr, jand Mrs. A. Martin visited friends here recently; Miss Emily Fow- ler has returned home after visiting in Glenburnie. / Wedding at Richmond, Va. Sydenham, March 25.--A wedding of interest to some of the villagers will take place on March 27th, at Richmond, Virginia, when Neal D. Sills, state manager of the Sun Life Insurance company of Canada, and Miss Waller Jefiress, of Richmond, will be married at the bride's pa rents, The groom is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Sills, of this place, and has many friends who all wish him and his bride much happi ness, There was no school in the junior room of the public school on' Thurs day and Friday as Miss McDonald was ill. Robert Bolton, engineer of the local train, is ill. On March 10th, at Sydenham, » young son came to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Smith, of Cam den East. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Barclay are rejoicing over the arrival of a daughter, born March 24th, H. L. Asselstine has secured the pro perty of the Misses Haley, on Lowe: Main street, and will ereot a building to be used for his tin and repair shop, and gas light supplies. Mr. Asselstine expects to move his family to the new house about April lst. Rev. W. H. and Mrs. Smith and little girl, Lyndhurst, spent a few days of last week at their mother's, Mrs. Jos eph Woodrufi's, Sr. Bertram 'Sills Henry and Russell Stoness and Wil liam Cook attended the box social at Elginburg last Monday evening. Long Point Locals, Long Point, March 25.--Miss Nade live ('Connor has returned from visit ing friends in Charleston and Athens, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sykes spent Sunday at Mrs. MeMackin's, Briar Hill; Ar thur Slack and" Mise Marie Slack visited at Philip Yates' on Sunday: rr. O'Connor, Gananoyue, made a pro fessional trip to this neighborhood A Reasonable Pled's For t the Stomach it Your Stomach is Lacking in D) gestive Power, Why Not Help the Stomach Do Its Work-- Especially When it Costs Nothing to Try? Not with drugs, but with a rein orcement of digestive agents, such as are naturally at work in the sto mach ? Scientific analysis shows that digestion requires pepsin, ni- trogenous ferments, and the secretion of hydrochloric acid. When your food fails to digest, it is proof pos- itive that some of these agents are lacking in your digestive apparatus, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets contain nothing but these natural elements necessary to digestion and when placed at work in the weak stomach and small intestines, supply what these organs need. They stimulate the gastric glands and gradually bring the digestive organs buck to their normal condition. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have been subjected to critical chemical tests at home and abroad and are found to contain nothing but na- tural digestives. Chemical Laboratory, Telegraphic London, ele address, "Diffindo," phone No. 11020 Central. 20 Cul lum St., Fenchurch St., E.C. London, 9th Aug., 1905, I have analysed most carefully box of Stuart's Dyspepsia (which 1 bought myself at =a chemi st's shop for the purpose), man- ufactured by the F. A. Stuart Co. 86 Clerkenwell Road, London, E.C., and have to report that I cannot lind any trace of vegelable' or min- er poisons. inowing the ingre- dients of the tablets I am of opinion that they are admirably adaptable for the purposes for which they are in- tended. (Signed) John R. Brooks, F1.C, F.C.8. a lets aty ai i : epi ; 1 F "| construed against him. last week. Recent visitors: Mr. and Mrs. J. McKenney, 'Athens, at Arthur Slack's; Dr. and Mrs. A. Chapman, Reston, Man., at Mrs. 8. Seahrook's; Mr. and Mrs. Scott and Miss Doolan, Addison, pt Jacob Bryan's; A. Flood, Delta, Mr. and Mrs, John MeDonala, Sand Bav, H. McArdle, Sweet's Cor- ners; A. Mchonald, Melcombe, af Charles O'Connor's; Richard Haskins and family, Evans Mills, N.Y., have moved here to the Perry farm, Miss Helena Singleton is recovering from an attack of mumps. Miss Hazel Young, Lyndhurst, was the guest of Miss Madeline O'Connor during the past week-end. Miss Mulvena, Charles ton, is the guest of Mrs. John Moor- head. Michael Slack has rented a farm at Wilstead and expects to move soon. Mrs. Edmund Kenny is still in very poor health. Miss Allen O'Connor is better and is visiting in Delta. Mrs, Frank. Slack has been ill the past few days. Mrs. Frank McNamee, Lans- downe, spent the past week-end with relatives here. lester Russell, [a- fargeville, N.Y., is visiting friends in this neighborhood. A number from here made business trips to Ganan- oque last week, Reports From Denbigh. : Denbigh, March 23.--Norman Cran- shaw, of Windigate, Man., who enjoy- od a few weeks visiting relatives and former neighbors here, has returned to his western home. Robert 7 hompson, lately a resident of Tweed, has been paying a farewell visit to his parents and other relatives and friends' here, before taking his departure for the North-West, where he intends to make his home. Hugh Pettifer has leased his farm to M; Wagar and left, last week, with his family, for New Ontar- io, where he has been working for some time, and intends to reside in the future. Joseph Youmans and fam- ily also moved, last week, on the late ly acquired farm near Tweed. M. R. Reid, of Sharbot Lake, 1.P.S., paid one of his officinl visits to the public school mi-this district last week. Miss Hulda Marquardt, of Raglan, who has beep_siaying at her uncle's, P. Stein, for a couple of months, returned home last Saturday. Several of the young men who have, during the winter, been working in lumber camps in New On: tario, and other places, arrived homo again last week, Charles Petzold and sister, Martha, just returned home from a visit to friends and relatives in Raglan township. Miss Frieda Kollner left, yesterday, for Renfrew, where she has secured a situation. Mr. and Mrs. E. Byers and baby spent a few days visiting at Mrs. Byers' parents, Mr. and Mrs. William John. Mr. and Mrs. William Thompson left, last week, also, for Saskatchewan, where they intend to make their fu ture home. BATTERSEA NEWS BUDGET. What is Transpiring in That Busy Village. uattersea, March 23.---On the 4th, the friends of Miss Maggie Clarke met at the home 'of her rother, (. Clarke, on Main street, and gave her a Kit- chen shower, prior to her marriage, which took place the following Wed- nesday at her home, wisn she and J. Simpson, of Seeley's Bay, were married by Rev, Mr. Pearce, Only the near relatives were present. The groom recently purchased the house and land adjoining A. Knapp's, Main street, where they expeet to reside. The last regular meeting of the Ladies' Aid was held at the home of Miss Curson. The' Ladies' Aid also held a social on the 20th in the par sonage. A good sum was realized. C. Lake is hauling stone, lumber and other things necessary. for the erection of his new ice cream parlor, H. Miller is making preparations for the building of stone stables and a bank barn. W. Merriman has about finished moving his furniture and farming . implements, to Cataraqui. Mrs.' Merriman and Harold last Wed: nesday attended an introductory party held at Mrs. Dreuener's home, Catara- qui, where the farmer expect to finish moving in a few days, W. Ormshee and L. Vanluven have each tapped their maple trees, and are expecting a good harvest of maple syrup. Miss Marion Cunningham, Ida Hill, and Miss Ireme Lake, Kingston Collegiate Institute, spent last Sun- diay at Dr. Lake's. Mrs, W. Keeler spent a few days in the city last week. Mrs. R. Abernethy and T. Ennis are very ill and little hope of recovery is held out. Amos Knapp expects to move to the Carrying Place in a few days. Mrs. McGlouton is quite low, suffering with abscesses on her neck. Charles Holder and family and George Holder left for the west a few days ago, taking with them a num- ber of horses to help supply the de- mand of the western [armers, If one is to judge from the extensive use of the incubators in this vicim'y this spring, poultry and eggs will be within the reach of the poor as well as the rich very soon. The farmers are hauling logs and wood to the village. Mrs. J. Hanley, Milburn, spent a few days at C. Hanley's; J. Campbell, Hinchinbrooke, at the Vanluven house; Mrs. Gilbert, Seeley's Bay, at Mrs. Abernethy's; Mrs. (Rev.) Pearce and Muriel, are home at the parson- age; R. McGlouton at J. Rattan's. ---- : A Turkish Leader. Turkey is ! on,the eve of a general election, and has a new political par- ty. It is called the party of Union and * Liberty. Its purpose, as stated in the official filing of its program, is the establis t real harmony among the diffrent races of the Em- pire. Every impoctant race in the em- ire is ably represented among its ad- ts--Arab, : Armenian, Albanian, Bulgarian, Greek. The leader of the vew party is Da- maid Ferid Pasha. Twenty years ago 1 he became a brother-in-law of Abdul Hamid, as well as of the present Sul- tan, Mehmet the Fifth. This Hamidi- an relationship, however, was by im- perial order, and should in no way be like »0 many of the ex-Sulian's relatives, Damad Fe- rid Pashe's freedom from bitter tyran- ny came only with the granting of the constitution. He is a man of high virtue, ioti warm generou % ' on finding the strength and honor of his eanniry. in individual Jiherty for the pursuit prosperity appi- ness. He has a profound toleration a ---- The rush and roar of deadly modern life is everywhere. Your nerves are weak and worn, they are overtaxed, strained to the breaking point. Strengthen them, build them, vitalize them with a Food- Tonic. Scoft's Emulsion is one of the oldest, purest and best-known of FOOD- TONICS. ALL QRUGGISTS R0000000000000000000000000000000000000000040 'LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW $ For Sale or to Rent. Sales Negotiated Rents Collected Fire Insurance E. BLAKE THOMPSON, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. MARKET SQUARE, °° 'Phone 286. Conveyancing and Real Estate KINGSTON, ONT. NN YOU CAN SMILE AT THE ALARM CLOCK: You will feel like giving a cheery "Good moming'* even to the strident-voiced alarm A after a night of restful corifort on a R Si . / S. * B / Every nerve and muscle is refreshed, invigorated, eager to tackle the day's experiences. hundred tempered springs sup- port the mattress evenly, yielding to every movement, yet keeping the body In the level pasition that promotes good irc and sound, refreshing sleep. ee THE ALASKA FEATHER & DOWN COMPANY LimiTso. We guarantee that the Banner Spiral Spring Bed will give you a lifetime of perfect satisfaction that the sprirgs will never lose ther femper nor sag~ that no service as a bed can injure it, Ost your dealer to show you a Banoer Spring Bed. MONTREAL ano WINNIPEG. an Also makers of Brass and Iron Beds, Ostermoor Mattresses, 9 Health Brand Mattresses and all kinds of bedding, N Ro snd respect for racial patriotism, ER Tooth Health and Beauty The health of your teeth can no more be maintained without immaculate cleanli- ; ness than can the health of your body. And tooth cleanliness amounts to more than a few "wipes" wighi the brush---it is the reason for \ an effective dentifrice, TOOTH POWDERTRPASTE Fo preserves tooth health by cleansing to perfect cleanness, overcoming acidity in the mouth, by its antiseptic qualities and by thoroughly purifying mouth and teeth. "Trial Size Package of Sanito]l Tooth Powder or Paste, Face Cream, Cold Cream, Face Powder, Talcum Powder or Olive Oil Liquid Shampoo sent free on receipt of your dealer's sume and address and 4 cents to pay postage and packing for each sumple--~of any 3 mailed in an attractive box receipt of 10 cents in stamps." Sani*ol Chemical Laboratory Co.. Toronto, Ontario on "IMaputacruces In Canes of Nigh clas tonh sad pregenaions exceed; ROAR / eo 7 y ) i toler v