Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Mar 1912, p. 3

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{YOUR ACCUMULATIONS-- Are they growing by frequent and regulat additions, or are thes shrinking from ill-advised ingestments? Are they earning a safe and certain rate of interest" If your accumulations are deposited regularly in the Bank of Toronto SAVINGS DEPARTMENT They will be safe from loss, and always worth par and accrued interest; always available, and will grow as steadily as your in- dustry will let them. They will be under your own control, and will earn three per cent. interest, compounded lall-yearly. ASSETS KINGST $57,000,000 N BRANCH--107 PRINCESS ST. GEORGE B. McKAY, | SAAS TWO GRAND OPENING | | AT THE | Queen Millinery Parlors Lo ---------- FOR -- | MISSES AND KIDDIES | Friday and Saturday, March 29th and 30th Our parlor will be dvoted entirely to the Children. 174 WELLINGTON ST. WEDDING GIFT STORE We have the choicest sel- ection of Sterling Silverware in. Kingston. EVERY GIFT IS NICELY BOXED. » i. RODGER & WRIGHT Formerly Spangenberg's SILVERSMITHS, ~ AUTOMOBILE FORSALE One REGAL TOURING CAR fully equipped. Cheap for immediate Sale. -Agenin for Cadiline, Hudson & MeLaughils Bulek Motor Cars, Properties north of Princess Street: will nearly double in Vale a8 soon as tie smelters are going ahd government docks and elevator erected belaw the bridge. Wise investors will take advantage and biy now before the boom comes on. We offer FOU Snaps YOU Can never get again. Speak quickly. AHN these Rluperties are in first-class cons ition, 2 buys twe frame houses, se, th vacant lot ia "now, f another Bos ---- lars, 'wW.e : rent, $20 monthly: phys 11 1-2 pe, $1,000 buys I brick front houses, fougneat hackat $15 monthly; pays Foe I #1550 buys three two storey I. ! room frame i Iwo : 1 houses; barns; nearly rent, wonthly: pays 13 12 Doe. mI DAYS At Attractive Prices (1) Large Double Brick House, corner . Bagot and Gore Strees. Large Single Solid Brick House on Bagot Stree: near Brock Street. Solid Stone House on Earl Street, between Wel- lington and Bagot Sts. New good size Solid Brick House on Cooper Street. Large Frame House on Albert Street. 'One of the best Farms in the county. consisting of 300 acres, three miles from city; splendid buile- ings, barns, silo, ete; valuable milk route, aud has always been a good paying property; owner retiring to move to city: a great chance to the first comer. . Some attractive Furnished Houses to rent in splen- did locations. High-grade Bonds Stocks yielding large terest. For full parti- culars of above and numerous other attrac:- ive offerings, apply to MONEY TO LOAN. HOWARD §. Investment Broker, HH CLARENCE STREET. (2 and in- - MAKE THIS TEST cased. Even if y®u have a luxuriant of hair you may want to know wheth- of it is in a healthy condition or not. tome, is ment if its loss would be avoided. healthy. We want every ome whose hair quires irestment to try Rexall Hair Tonic. re "gy We promise that it shall satisfactory results, tation, to stimulate the haiv tighten the hair already in the head, grow hair and prevent baldness, It is because of what Rexall "93" Hair Tonic has done and our sincere faith in its goodness that we want you to try it our risk. © Two sizes, Sb. and S100. Sold only at our store~The Rexall store. G. W. Ma- ads ena COAL! The kind you are looking for Is the kind we sell. ANTON COAL How to Tell it Your Hair is Dis. head US per vent. of the people need a hair Pull a hair out of vour head: if the bulb at the end of the root is white and shrunken, it proves that the hair i ased, and requires prompt treat! H the bulb is pink and full, the hair is not cost anything i it does not give It is designed to Jovercome dandruff, relieve scalp 'irri roots, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THE DAY'S EPISODES LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. Occurrences in the City and Vicinity ~ither Brief Items of Interesi Easily Read and Remembered. Jenkins for s' spring coats. "Buy Liquid Veneer." (ibson"s. R. Elliott, Carp, is visiting his bro taer. A. E. Elliott, Queen stroet. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. Phone 778, Three men were tven shelter at the police station on 'thursday night. Men's 53.50 waterproof ts, 75. Duttom's. H. Cuncingham, piano tuner, hing street, Leave orders at Auley's book store. A meeting of the property com- mittee of the board of edueation wus culled for last night but there was no (quorum. . Earl Bertram, of the Kingston and Pembroke railway office stafi, who has beén ill with cheumatism, in the gen- eral hospital, is doing nicely. "Jenkins controls the twa best agen cies in Canada for bovs' suits. The death oceurred in Chicago this week of Thomas Spooner, well-known in this city. The remains are being brought to this eity for burial. Men's workiug boots, cheap. * Dut ton's. ws Myrtle Spencer, Aberdeen street, left on Thursday for Moutreal where she will visit at the home of Mrs. G. Dickson. "Imported French olive oil." son's. : Maj. G. BH. Gillespie, of the Army Service Corps, is expected home on Saturday from Ottawa, where he has been attending to military business. Engraved visiting cards. Best to be had at the Uritish Whig office. Mrs. William Harris, her daughter, Irene, and her mother, Mrs. 'I'obin, are leaving on Friday to join Mr. Harris in Forti William, where they will reside. All the newest popular songs. tons. The former residence of H. W. Rich- ardson, corner of Stuart street aml Cuniversity avenue is undergoing alter- ations, and will be taken over by Wil linm Harty, jr., shortiy. "Fresh, Huyler's sweets." Professor John Duxburg, 0. 21 Me Gib- Dut- Gibson's. a elieation, i8 to spend the months on a tour through and the United States. next teow Canada are just the famous | reciter from the Manchestor school of | (AMvSEMENTS) TO-NIGHT The Delightiv'- Highland Comedy BUNTY PULLS : STRINGS In Three Acts, by Graham Moffat. inte ed by a Special Company of Sete Players Engaged and Rebhearsed by the Auther. rei, am) SATURDAY, MAR.30 Bargain Matinee, 2.30. Evening, 8.15, THE ROMANTIC ACTOR, . CLIFTON MALLORY T.W. Robertson's Fanious English Comedy Excellent Company, Complete Production Prices--Matince, 25, 25, 50; Children, 13 Evening, 25, 98, 75, §LOO. ts mow on Sa NOTICE. _ The Covered Rink WILL CLOSE YOR THE SEASON on March 28th Therefore, anyowe 'holding Locker Keys must return them to the Rink Office on or before APRIL 1st. to get the refund. A Beautiful There will positively be no refund paid after above date, and any skates or boots left in the rink will be at owner's own risk. ASK YOUR GROCER ! Jenkins' mew browns suits for boys. | KEagraved visiting cards. Best to be {had at the Mritish Whig office. | Mrs. Stanhope Milne, who has been j visiting the home of~Mr. and Mrs, 'F. J. 8. Milne, University avenue, leaves on Saturday for Moosejaw, where she (will make her home. "Buy Liquid Veneer." Gibson's.) The vote to Kingston for harber (improvements is noted in the official document - "further amount required, $100,000." This means the amount is in addition to $50,000 voted in 1911. Spring stock of boots for all just arrived. Dutton's. Sale of $1.50 corsets, $1.00, 50 kinds, all reduced. : Dutton's corset store. P. J. McEntee, business manager for Mildred" and Ronclere, in 'Princess Iris," at the Grand next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, is in the city, making arrangements for the produc tion. + Huyler's sweets." Gibson's. Piano solos, 10c., by Godard, Chop- in, Wagner, Macdowell, Rubenstein, |Leszt, and all the great masters. Dut ton's. The boys are coming to Jenkins for their sprine suits, H. H. Gildersleeve, general manager of the, Northern Navigation Lo. " out with a verv handsome calendar. His year runs from April to April, thus giving a portion of the calen- dar for 1913, , Engraved visiting cards. Best to be had at the British Whig office. Remember H. Milne is sole agent for Cleveland, Model, and Faleon bi- eyeles, 272 Bagot street. A car went off the track at the cor: ner of Clergy and Princess street at 7.30 o'clock on Friday morning and caused a big delay on the line. The eight o'clock car was fifteen minutes late getting to the market. Sanitary belts,towels, supporters, elic. Dution's. Book-binding and ruling of every description at the British Whig office. The "abolish-the-bar" plank in the liberal platform has been received "in Kingston with approval. The eiti- zens who have just passed through a license reduction campaign favor the wiping out of all bar-roons. 5 "Buy moth camphor." Gibson's. Letter heads, bill heads, state ments envelopes, in fact in the printing line, at the Whig office. Prices reasonable. The girls and boys all swear by Jenking® spring coats. i The Fpworth League of Sydenham i abdominal British street Methodist church will hold an entertviome it in ahboul a monih's time in aid of the lano fund. MI will be titmed the "Spinster's Uosn- veation," and will be all that name implies. Safle women's $3.75 gun-metal boots, $2.50. Dution's. i in old-time fashion, and by old-time singers, i to be given in Queen street Methodist church on April This is a re peat concert. It is a typheal sentation of a final rehearsal of a i ehclr. : Dyers |{@ 9 Princess Se. everything! pre- [to Toronto. Bt will be {eompany, and see if it: ind Jet | HIGHEST QUALITY ' ROLLED OATS in 6 1b. Cotton Bags for 25 cents tl OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. { SAM & CHARLIE, 4 Proprietors. | 4 183 Wellington Street. | | : NOW OPEN 4 The best 25c. dinner in the | city. i Meals served at all hours. KID GLOVES CLEANED © RIGHT, It takes experience '¢ clean kid gloves properly. We have the experience and are ratis- fying our customers in this Hue R. PARKER & 00, and Clean Kington > Out. HINCKLEY ON THE JOB. Will be First to Reach Alexandria Bay With a Steamer This Year. An Alexandria Bay dispatch says Although the ice is firm on the ohan- nel of the river near this village, -and there is not an open siretch of 'water to be seen, Captain A. R. Hinckley is hore, and says he will 'wager that he will bring his fright boat. the Efnckley, from the wreck of the schooner near St. Lawrence Park to Cornwall's wharf here on Saturday of tils week. Only a few davs ago teams crossed the channel, and it Jias been freezing weather since, but the captain says it will break up this week enough to let him ran through the channel. He is working GF tine wreck of the barge now, and expects to take her to Kingston before many days, NO FURTHER WORD RECEIVED From G.T.R. Company About Power For Quarry. y Manager C. C. Folger, of the city's light, heat and power department, has received no further word from the Grand Trunk Railway company, as to a supply of power for its quarry, which it proposes opening this spring in order to get a supply of metal for grading its roadbed from Montreal remembered that the company asked the city if it could ly it with 600 or 700 horse power. Folger will write the ds to go ahead with its ject and as to when it will require the The i plant ean give it all it requires, if no outside power is brought in some time. MUST PAINT THE POLES. FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1912. . First insertion le a word, Each cone secutive Insertion thereafter half 'eent a werd, Minimum charge for ene insertion, 35e; three insertions, 0c; six, $1; enc month, $2, HELP WANTED, AT ONC A GENERAL SERVANT, . Mrs. Pense, 5 West Street. A HOUSEMAID AT ROCKWOOD HOS. pital. Apply to the Matron, BOY TO DRIVE GROCERY WAGGON Apply to Wm. J. Apnell, cor. Earl nd Alfred Streets. A YOUNG \ must be work, LADY TO SELL SHoOps quick and not afraid o Apply, Lockett Shoe Sime, AT ONCE, MILLINERY tices Apply, Queen 174 Wellington Street. APPREN. Millinery, A COOK, WHERE. A HOUSEMAID kept; two in the famliiy, Apply. Box 253, Whig office. GENERAL SERVANT: NO WASHING family small. Aply to Mrs, Tho Mills, 122 University Avenue. AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly coriesponding for newspapers; no Send for particulars, cate, 3,969 Lockport, canvassing, pe Syndi- MESSENGER BOYS; OPPORTUNITY learn telegraphy; wages, ° $13 00 yer month and coramission 3. N. W. Telegraph Ceo. 34 Clarence St - FAIR OF YOUNG, SOUND for Fire Department, must weight 1,400 bx carriage Apply to strong, Chief HORSES Kingston; with good James Arm- OLD COUNTRY DOMESTICSCAP- able Scotéh, English and Irish maids; parties arriving twice a month. Apply, now, The Guild, 71 Dang Street , Montreal; 47 Pembroke Street, Toronto; and 227 Bank Street, Ottawa. COMPLETE COMMERCIAL COURSE includes Bookkeeping, Arithmetic Penmanship, Business Correspo ence, Commercial Law; costs ve littie if taken by mali: fits you for a good position. Write for parti- culars, Canadian Correspondence College, Limited, Dept, P., Toronio, Canada SALESMEN WANTED TO SELL HI grade stocks. and bond 1 oe locality; liberal commission all securities will stand clos investigation, we prefer men w ) will be willing to act as perman ent local agents For particulars apply. G. E. Oxley & Company, Financial Agents and Brokers, Union Bank Building, Toronto. paid, | | SALESMAN WANTED. Man, with good connec- tion, to Sell High.class Ed Property. A very liberal proposition to the right man. --~ Write for particulars, WESTERN CANADA PRO. PERTIES, LIMITED, 37 James Street South, Hamilton, Ont, 4 CPP LPEPPPP PPTL ee? PEARY 2 PRTG TCI Od | | | SITUATIONS WANTED. SMART GIRL WISHES mind after school hours Saturdays, Apply to Whig office. BABY TO and on Box 400, A THOROUGHLY COMPETENT Cook. a good position: wages, §20 Apply, "E. F." 105 Silver Birch Avenue, Balmy Beach, Toronto, Ont, STUD. WANTED, BY UNIVERSITY ent, position as timekeeper for small gang. accustomed to rail road and building constracti.m work: ready to start April 15h Apply, Box 329, Whig wffice CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES Pcie i ------------_ © SEAS RST JET DROF EARRING, ON SUNDAY night, on Johnsoh or Frontenac Finder kipdly leave at Whig office. A LADY'S BLACK FELT . HAT, BE. tween Brewers Millis and Kings- ton Finder please leave at Grimason"s Hote! and receive-re- ward, CANARIES. CANARIES, GERMAN CANARIES, -- ANOTHER shipment of those beautiful soa birds fust received; cgme in an hear them; each bird a guarant sed songster, W. J Driver, corner Qinen and Barrie Street. Phone DRESSMAKING. suITs AND DRESSES reasonable prices Charles Street, BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYON ANYWHERE, CAN START & mall order business at home; no canvassing; your own boss: nd for free booklet; tells how. MADE Apply, AT 2% Heacock, 2.969, Lockport, N.Y HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. BR WICK HOTEL, ONTARIO ST. pposite G.T.R. station, one block from CPR: on street car line: bar supplied with best of wines and llquors: charges, $1.25 per day, Special rates by the week John ousineau, Prop. THE GRIMASON HOTEL, 342-344 Princess Stregt. . Bar stocked with the best of / Ales, Beers, Liquors an choicest of Ci Meals, 25¢ each, or special the week accommodation, reasonable. Yard and) Rates Mulville & Driscoll FINANCE AND INSURANCR. GENERAL INSURANCE, == T. ¥, BOON, Agent, 15% Wellington St! Fire, Life, Accident and Health Policies issued. BATEMAN & Life, Accident, toms Broker: Real Money to Loan; a share business solicited 67 Street. Kingston. 'Phone GARDINER FIRE, Insurance and Cus- Estate and of your Clarence 306. K. CARROLL, Btreet--TIire, Life, Health Insurance, Employers' Liability and Motor Boat irance, Becurity Bonds, Real Estate in Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Moose Jaw, etc 14 MARKET Accident and Plate" Glass, 'FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Society; established 1863 president, Sir Richard Cartwright; money issued on city '®ad farm properties, municipal and countr ebentures; mortgages purchased; deposits received and interest al- lowed, B.S McGill, Managing Director, 87 Clarence Street LIVERPOOL, LONDGN, Fire Insurance Company, Avaliable assets, $61,187,215. In addition t which the policyholders have for security the unlimited lability of all the stock-holders. Farm and city property insured at lowest possible rates, Before Renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents 'Phone 326. PERSONALS, AND GLOBE 4 HAIR, marks and all growths and skin blemishes removed permanently without scar; 27 years Sxpgrt ence. Pr. Elmer J. Lake, a Tr, 086, Throat and Skir ialist, $88 Bagot 0 OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY. TRANSATLANTIC LINES, ALL CLASS. es. C. 8 Kirkpatrick, Agent, 42 Clarence 'Street, Kingston. "Phone DRESSMAKING. INSTRUCTIONS IN CUTTING BY MEA. sure, designing trimming. ete; evening classes a specialty, at = Mme, Elder's, 252 Princess Btreet, ARCHITECTS. HENRY FF. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ETC, 268 King Street, 'Phone 346 WANTED--GENERAL. TYPEWRITER: MUST BE class condition and- cheap. ply to Box 220, Whig office MODERN HOUSE, WITH GARDEN preferfed, In western or southern part of city: one with four bed- rooms, parior, dining -r kitchen Apply, Box X.Y Whig office SHOR REPAIRING OF EVERY DE. scription; first class work: best leather only used; ome trial will suffice. Bring Jour repairs to s, 206 Barrie Btreet, cor, of DAVID MARSHALL, PLY MBER, GAS. Fitter and Electrician, 129 Tagian Road, 1s the place for first class work at reasonable rates. Call or drop & card for gas estimates be. fore spring rush, TAKE N THAT | WILL BUY all kinds second-hand furniture and stoves; will pay highest prices; 866 me ore anyone else. J. Toompe:a, 233 Princess Street, next Andrew's Church. TO BRING THEIR Cloth and have It made up Into up. to-date suits. Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Press- ing and repairin done on the ortest notice. omas Galloway, 131 Brock St, cear Bibby's Livery, KINGSTON WINDOW CLEANING CO. 21 Montreal Street --Leave all orders at Sargent's Dr Beore: ood window cleaning weather is pund 10 come: don't delay your order until too iste; place it af once and be sure of a capable man to slean your windows: we uise take off storm w ws, . IN FIRNT-S ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, 81 iversity Avenue, Telephone WM. NEWLANDS ' tects, etc Office, 'Phone 60K, Roem" Hot bh FOWER & SON, ARCHITROTS, MER. chants' Hank Bulldiogs, oirner Brock and Wellington Breet: drov a card DENTAL. A. BE. KNAPP, RA, LDS, DDS, RE moved to 258 Princess Street SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS 230 1-2 Princess Street, Kingston 'Phone 246. MOLES, WARTS, simran. | bd ae ' ONE DOZ, RUSH BOTTOM CHAIR the real oid kind, at $200 and $4. each, at Turk's. 'Phope 705, SINGLE COMB BLACK MINONUA Eggs, $2.50 per setting of fifteen; all show birds, Apply, C. Maxam, 7 Cataraqui Street EGGS FROM THE LARGEST, BEST. shaped and best colored n of 8.C. Black Minorcas in this part . of ihe country; every bird a prise winner, © Saunders, Grocer, AW NINGS AND PORCH CURTAINS Capt, Joseph Dix, iimaker. ia the best awning maker If you want a well made one Will last the longest, 4 a card to 221 Nelson Street, or JGGS FOR SETTING FROM yViRsT. class stock RC. Rhode Istand Reds and B.C. White Leghorns; sett of 13 eggs. $1.00; reduced rates for larger quantities Apply, J Friendship, 68% Nelson Street. 2 TENTS AND Your erder for small sails at AWNINGS LEAVY iin S. tents an . Areau's, old reliable, who kon Ta Ho hess. will cater to your wants: do it right: no high prices, 152 One » larie_ Street, Kingston, IN THE CITY oF KINGSTON, THREE comfortable Dwellings, 13, 15 apd f SL. Lawrengg 'Avenue For particulars, apply to Wm, Mundell, 3 Ularence Street, Kingston, or Mrs. Geo. Clark, Clarinda, Alita CONTRACTOR WITH ( APITAL AND facilities for bolidiug five or more cosy houses for Industrial Wel. land, the steel city of Canada, can learn of attractive proposition Ly addressing A. E_ Wec kwith, 505 McKinnon Bldg. Toronto. FIRST-CLASS BEGGS FOR HATCHING, carefully selected handled nud bred: S.C. Rhode Island Heds, Bar. red Rocks, and White Wy andotte; '9 centx for 13: cheaper for larger Quantities; all bred from prize fowl and early layers. Ma ayd Kingston, Ont ! : FLAGS, AWNINGS, TENTS, CANO amping, outfits, fishing tae marine supplies, lunch baskets, English raincoats, everything in canvas, kit bags, silk tents, ray hoods, whotor boat su Is Tan . Cooke, 359 Ont 'Phone $81 or ne se CHONE finest sub a4. four minuleg' tre of actvity ma Ig town in One rectal inducement to quick E. Beckwith, 505 Mc- VERAL ng tir the division « walk fro the tario Kinnon FOR QUICK SALE 1 0 substantial block known as y fhange Bulldin and Prem Brock Street, which will be sa ft to all" tenants, leases, oto. Strange will give you full ren list, and $12,000 wilf buy sa taken at once, fddrens, Geo. Ci Estate Broker, Edmonton. Alla. ny deck; oN ch; frame tank. and MOTOR BOAT, "WANDA" 22 PT. 5 ft. 9 in: stationary shade three front circle windows; finish: planking, 1 1 in x 1 1-2; copper piping; complete; Apple electric outfit for lighting and ignition, Apply to Dr. Garrett, 52 Johnson Street, Kingston, § RAGLAN ROAD, 7 ROOMS, furnace, electric light S2.500-230 AND 283, RAGLAN ROAD, $5.500-FARM, NEAR WESTBROOK, GROCERY RUSINKSS IN CITY; GOOD paying trade being done BATEMAN & GARDINER, #7, OLAR~ ence Street, Cny, « FRAME STORE AND DWELLING; stable; ood business Stand; & snap at 1.760. 00 DOUBLE FRAME DWELLING: 3 large bedrooms and w.c. in each; deep lot; ood location; . BRICK DWE & bedrooms, b : DOUBLE BRICK, Brock Street each, 33 A COSY HOME, MODERN, FINE fruit garden, $2.800 BRICK DWELLING, GOOD 1OCA. thon, 5 minutes' walk from market, b & c. hot water furnace, #3.650 7. bi BK DWELLING, NEARLY NEW, modern, deep lot, stable or gar: age, $2950.00 BRICK DWELLING, 8 BEDROOMS, 00 00 nouvsLE how furnace, $3.6 BRICK, $10. 000 09 f. AN Al LARGE large lot FOIR BRICK DWELLINGS IN first-class repair, good renters, Clergy Street, $6000 00 T. J LOCKHART, ONTARIO CHAM. bers, Clyrence Street 70 LET. DWELLINGS, furnished, Brock Street URNISHED AND ores, etc. McCann, 83 FROM IST MAY, 1912, DWELLING House No. 374 Alfred Rireet. Ap. oly to Thomas Mills, 79 Clarence treet. IR, ©. C. NAS DENTIST; DR. ©. a Welcker, assistant, 133 Princess Bt 'Phone 1% B.D, L.D.S, DENT. a i ry TY i irons Office, 5 Wellington Street. "Phone , SIMPSON, LDS, na, D . ist, corner Princess al Entrance on Bagot Street. phone 826. UPHOLSTERER. W. J. GAVINE, UPROLSTER rd RSTRNT a wor Av atioy, Drop a or ~ail 214 Bagot Street LEGAL. HOUSE ON LIVINGSTON AVENUE: Y rooms. b, & c, and furnace; ims mediaie possession, Apply at 28 Livingston Avenue, FROM THE IST OF MAY, DWELL- ing House, Xo, 780 Barrie Street; one of the best modern houses 2p the cily and locailon unsurpa ¥ Apply at 6% or 90 Barrie Street STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, JLEAR, dry, alry rooms, aboslutely oof; your own lock and 'Kk Frost Cif { Storage, 299 Queen hot: 26 FOR SALE OR 70 LET. IN BARRIEFIELD, BRICK HOUSE, seven rooms. hail acre garden, fruit trees; ote. good aprin li; pleagautiy situated on wary vont of Rideau River Apply pres nises to Mrs, Salsbury ry Charcoal Can be put tg a great many uses. It fires quickly and is cheap. 10c. fora large paper sack

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