TC submit to « headache is to waste energy, time and comfort, To stop it at énoe simply takes * NA-DRU-CO Headache Walers Your Druggist will confirm ou Staternent that they do not contain saything that can harm heart or nervous systera. 25c. & box. NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, UMITED, 124 -- THE TORONTO . GENERAL TRUSTS © CORPORATION acts as ADMINISTRATOR of Estates where there is no will or where the appointed executors prefer not to act. » TORONTO OTTAWA WINNIPEG SASKATOON Ta AR © WE To -- IT TO YOU Ce a" FREE--COMPLETE BASEBALL OUTFIT. 80YS- We are going to give awe, Absolutely Free, 1000 of thogrestest baseball outfits ever produced, This magnificent out Js complete Jor the whale team &nd contains 3 full sise Oficial league pieces, as fol. lows 1. Flegant solid icather, hand p d decker or cul of the moss approved big lengue pat. tern; 3 Sotid leather & ichers or elder Enger glove, hai and heeled with patent never lot go natching steap between thumb and Anger, 3. The grandis Saleh . -- of solid steel wire with ihrodt pro. bett complete, 4. The great bed hand sewed, Aimshed and aly. wher w minutes sasy work d ue your name and addtdus and you will receive. postage paid, only 80 ithirty) plecss (99.00 worth) test jewellery you have svar seen' no bwo aie we send you a grand assortment of brooshas, beauty pin seta, Lie pins, collar button sets, Tull links, ele to Soil ab our wonderiul bargain price of only We each. You simply hand them out and take fa the jhousd AS svott 88 you voturn we the money, Snip $3.00 for your sales, we promptly send you tie Baseball outfit complete, ~all Sve pisces, carefully Absolutely free. Dont hesitate. Gel and write ue aay En RIT A prominent Gitizen Radays Roti Rellef For External and Internal Use Backache any Pain In the Chest Lumbage Neuralgia or ave Painin the Kidneys Selatica Rusumation safest and surest FI a. to ih in the wo! y hay » the In ever: Jamily th this] ny Hasedy for all oases shi hold Be tantly Slushie on feet hada place our SE 1912 CONTEST em ---- COUNT THE Xs THE Xs AND I N AWAY And many other [prizes accanding ta the Simple Con- ditions of the Contest (hick will be sent). This is a chance for clever and other Prines with a little efiort, Count the Xs and Ta TRS of each that you cotmt neatly on a gp w ite you I" once, telling you onee. SPEARMINT aun & PREMIUM: 60., ee Montreal, a Dept, 6% REAPING A HARVEST OF SORROW i How many young men can look back on thein! ea life and regret their eeds, wild oats' in various ways. : Excesses, violation of ture's Paws, * 'wine, ahd song' 'all have victims, You hayé wes a Sut what about the soedh ve about the Harv oh trust to duck. If you at present within We! any secret ) gl from the Faults of ahy gr ' dare not marry; 1 ou sre married out and Spon ur Jile--DRS KA LK. oi : them confidentially A evening, Clalches of } Bo Bekracn J 1h ack oop me BAILY mTIoH Nia, Se sesesasaiprsins ------ On Saturded another party of four left Kingston about 3.15 p.m. for L Green's Bush, via Ustaragei Uretk, Op the brow of a bill we discerned figures in the distance, nd after ball a mile of easy stalking we surprised and com pletely routed a party of St. George's jmdor Soouls, who were 160 any cheering the woolcatier 10 think having a man on the watch, Tha, without any pretence of a eamp, were amusing themselves, We left Instrue tor Cornet with them, and trustin that they would get on wall, cn ed north-west to the Bath Road al on out till we came to Green's lush. Here one of the party was unforius ate ~ enough to slip through the ice He was pollantly rescued, and. thes the Scouts pushed down to the Frout and walked in, folowing the ifack of the third party. Meeting of 3rd Troop. As usunl the 3rd troop met Tuesday This week there was a large attendance, and the evening was spent in physical exercives and pyramid Wuilding, AH weoutx are reminded that next Touaday is the might (0 pay your fees. The Wolve# patrol is agam banner patrol. -- Meeting of Patrol Leaders. At the dose of the regular meeting the patrol-leaders of the 3rd troop met and smong other things it-was decid! ed to form a recruiting section in which all scouts and recruits who have not passed the tenderfoot examination wile out outs the lake, a circling around came 18 towarcs pole which he was supposed to to. But be wak caught on the ---------------------- TASTE FOR GOOD BOOKS is NOT ON ThE Fiction is Not in as Great Demand ak Many People staging, New York World Many people think that our reading pouhic is devoted more largely to he ton thme to anything else. tence uo wil surprise them 10 learn that less than ten per cent. of the books pub- lished in the United States in 191} wire novels, although another seven per cent. may ~ be added for "jive nes." Fhe exact number of books issied during the year was 13,740, with theology mot so very far behind nov- cls, aod biography and history mak- ing tme showings. The editions of novels are on the pverage larger than those of other books, but the balance, nevertheless, is heavily in favor of non-fiction. = : watery the leader io of the worst forms of ted Germany occupies rding to a German of the Manchester Guar- diam, the people of the German em pire, chiefly the youth, now buy shout 00,000,000 "peuny dreadfuls" every vear, of which the subject matter is usually crime and a criminal often the hero, We have a fair sale of "nickel nov- els," bat in them wickedness is pun- ished. The Jesse James type has dis appeared. A mn bent 'A GOOD MEDICINE FOR THE SPRING or who have Ixen tenderfeet three! months and. not passed their second class (ents, will be "put." 2nd Troop Meeting. | At the menting of the 2nd troap on | Monday night there was a very Bown), attendance, Sergi. Major Wagan, who was the instruetor at the camp last year was present. After an interesting evening the meeting "brok§ up at nite o'clock. Scontmaster Hird, who was present, will re-orgamite the troop after East er. { An Instruction Class, Last Saturday morning a patrol made up of Scouts fram the 2nd and did (Bt. Ge:rge's and Sydenham stroet) troops spent a very useful nd ira'rueti, eo hour at the dairy schgol, The Seorts wire shown over the building snd had the mechanism the various machines explained. They were elso shown the apparatus and methods of testing milk te fgd its percentage of but}! r iat. The Seouts wish. to thank the mapsgemant of the diiry snehool for. their Kindoess, snd no. wah to say, that they have Pearely 8 bit a more 'ut resting snd pleasing. hour. ------ ' Some Apmolincements. Owing to 'next 'week "heing y Wiens thd 2nd Biogston troop will pal meet on Monday, as ususl. The next tropp meeting will Feo Fuster Monday. $1. Georges troop are now prac- tising herd for their annual coneert, which will be held some time in the Bector holadays, il possible. Linder thile enerjetic seoutmaster, Nergt, Hird, and their no less able ASM. (asgistant seoutmaster) Sergt. Fecles tone, the boys will he ables to put on a fine programme. 'This year's concert 18 going to be higger amd Lotter than ever before, so it w'll he worth whils comtag. Thos who camb List year werd not disappointed. 'They will nat be this year either, as some povel stunts will he put on. The proce ds will go towards camp ex- jensas, By the Scouts' Watchman. Sgouis ! How about that daily good tn? We want to hear of more Inlng done. Don't say you have no Opportunity: Make ona Uicorge's troop is losing an ex- ellen ABM. a splendid instructor tnd a devoted fiend in Sergt Ee ckstone, who is leaving for the west next month. General regret is felt ameng Scouts at bis going, Don't fcrget' the eighth Scout law, A Scout smiles and whistles under ali dreumstancis. We hase seen some Neots without the smile and the , whistle not in evidence at all. Kap at it. "A Seo t % about with smile and wi'stling. It and che ra other Jople. Leaders, don't firget your patrol | flag. - Reouts, bring: your: staves and signaling age. eo are glid tg see that the Foxes hare at Jost obtained their shoulder knots. cheers hin A Natarday Tramp. : One party of Jed Arnop Scouts left the oily at 10.45 o' We struck out Union #togpt and there picked up . Seout who had gone 20 wrong place, Then we caught a self thry Chatenu:Renand ahd remounted his white horse, which took us out to the malt house, po one did come in. Bo Not Use Marsh Purgatives-. A Tonic is AN You Need, Not exactly sick--but not feeling ! dlfite well, That is the way most peo ple feel in: the spring, lasily tired, appetite fickle, sometimes headachas, and a feeling of depression. Pim Or eruptions may appear on the or there may be twinges of ai. tism or neuralgia, Any of these indi- tate that the blood is out of order-- that the indoor life of winter hae left its mark upon you and may easily de- velop into more serious trouble. Do pot dese yoursell with purga- tives, as so many people do, in the thay you can put your bleod g. Jutgetives gallop through the ton and weaken instead of giving strength. Any yloctar will tell you th's is true. What you need in spring is a topic that will make new blood and build up the nerves. Dr. Williams' Vink Tills is the oply medicine that can du this speedily, safely apd sure ly. Every dose of this medicine makes ngw blood which clears the skin, stréhgthens the appetite and makes tired, depressed men, women and chil- dren. bright, netive and strong. Mrs. « Maude Bagg, Lemberg, Sask. says "1 can unhesitatingly recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. as. a blood build er and 'tonic. 1 was very much run down when I began using the pills, and a Jew boxes fully restored my health." Sold by all' medicine dealers or by mail at Be. & hox or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville; Ont, MEDAL FOR RLUFFING, ---- French Actor Effectually. Quieted a French Revolmjonary Mob * A striking 'instance of the wlicctive ness in times of disorder of what the French call - aplomb and we "elaf®' 44 aflorded bp the presenta tian to a pable museum in Paris of a mids] which wes given by . Lamar tine, while at the head of the seeond French republic, tn Chateaw Renamd, a Freich actor of no great eonse quence at the. time. The medal bears a wreath of Jaurel and the inscripe tion: "To '( hateauRenaud, from Lamar: tire courageans . serv ice 'in the cave of order, 1848" , In Fehrugry, 1848, when the French apital was in the throes of revolu- fiom, a mob surrounded the Hotel da Ville and menncel the deliberations of the assembly sitting Within. At the Theatre Historique, where Chateau- Henaud hanpened to be; he heard of the tirmoil, and = seright thought cemy $5 him. He put on a cosiume f a Fa ttsnintive of the people in the year 1793. Then he hunted up an old white horse, mounted it, and with a small crowd at his heels rode straight to the Hotel de Ville and through the mob, which was = shous- ing. about Me oi ismonntipg,. he went into the hall, where Lamvartive "Citizens," he in proce! No i I ain heve!" Having delivered him went oud and Ome fantastical and after about one-half hour's walk ly attired man wilh & terrible cong we suecveded iti catehing another ride Which 'ook us + ntar to our des! our Suny one Scout deli al Peer and slong. We sw defied suecc tenasice: had completely overawed the érowd,. which would have ip a regiment of sol | Stort.. SATURDAY, MARCH Jo, 1912. PHOSOGRAPH RECORDS. lines. Business is Now Large and Very Profitable, With phomographs, as the more ex- pensive machines now are, mounted on '¥.}oubiveis of fine wood besutifully fin shed, it is common for the purchase: w buy a machine whose case will harmonize with the surrounding wood work of the room in which it is' to be placed. The cabinet of the machine contains racks that will hold a con: siderable sumber of records. Some phonograph owners, Waving a gread mes of records, now bave specially built for them wall cases, like hook: cases, excepl that the shelves are deoper, Any owner with many records is likely to catalogue them; some owners keep card indexes of their records, and there are many phonograph owners who accumulate records in great num- her. . Here, for instance, is obe owner who has records to the value of $4,000, and another who has $2,000 worth. There are many thousands of phono graph possessors whose record mount into hundreds of dollars in value and up into higher figures still, far in ex: cess of the original cost of the instru ment, a Once started buying records they rarely stop; with sew records coming out all the time their only question is as to selection. People have their own ways in buying records. Some buy at irregular intervals whenever something comes out that strikes. their faney, {others bids reguluriv, say once a month, 80 ov $10 worth or more of things they want or of selections played for them vhen thoy eome in wo buy. fan buying records people display the varied tastes that might prompt them in choosing other forms of entertain: want. Some take mainly opera ve cords, somé light opera, some like songs, some hymns, some waltz music and there ave many who take, alt sorts of things. And the variely in the records sup- plied is almost rildering. There is no musical instrument that does not have its records, most of them in great numbers, and, of course, there are endless records of all sorts of combinations of instruments, as there arg of the human voice, of solo sing- ers and of voioss in every known com- hindtion. There is al least one bird record, that of the song of the night- ingale. (¥° course, there are recitations, speeches, dialogues,' minstrel records; there are all sorisséof records, with mare and more coming all the time. There is nothing worth hearing or that it is thou ht people would like to have that is not promptly repro- duced on phonograph reeords. Oaly a dozen years or go old, the phonograph industry is a great bus'ness. There are pow pWiduced in th's country 'many millions of records aonuslly, and one American phono graph conomrn has fabtories also in London, Teris, Herlin nnd = Bombay. Tho phanograph in one ferm or anoth er, cheap or costly, is sold everywhere on earth. Many millions of phonograph re cards are solid at - very low prices, while many -other millions wing prices comparatively, The most costly re cords of single voices are those of Patti amd of Tamagne, which are sold at 35 each. There is a voeal sextetie that sells ot $7 a record, and there ar: quaviettes" at 80 a vecord, and quintelie, duarietie, trios and duets at $0, dnd from that AL various prices dawn, Many singers pt mote have added very substantially to their incomes by Lsinging for the reproduction of their vojees in phondgraph records, At firt it was the euwstom to pay for each song thus sung, an agreed upon fixed price; but now there are singers who take instead of a fixed price a royalty on the redords sold, aad in some cases those royalties amount -to very large sums. It is said that Ca- ruan's royalties from phonograph re cords amount to from $75,000 to $100,000 year. Lower Lavant News. 1 ower Lavant, March 28 The con- cert in aid' of the building of the new church at Poland proved a sue- cess. J. Umpersen has broken up camp and is preparing his saw mill for an early start. R. Robertson bad a narrow 'escape from having a seri. ows runaway with his colt, but ke got off with a smashed sleigh tongue. John Allen has lef: to visit friends in Lanark vicinity. Rev. M.. lewis and Mr. Paul were in the vicinity collect ing funds in aid of the building of the new church to replace the one recent - ly destroyed by fire at Poland. LL. Mclnnes is hauling logs to J. Umper- son's mill. J. Umperson has purchased a fine horse from €. Hollinger. Visi tors ; 8. Jackson, of Wilbur, at J. Browning's; (Clifford Rallentyne at J, Jonen'; T. Easton, of Lammoose, al J¢ Browning's. a] Bunker Hill Notes. Bunker Hill, March 958. -Some of the people have their sugar bushes tap pet Miss Terresa Mordy has return ome from Feroleigh, and is in very poor health. Fawersou Morey is also on the sick list. Stewar' Leaman is moving on ob J. Murphy's farm at Desert © Lake. Sidney Deyo, Jr, has purchased a fine horse from his ath er, Alfred. Visitors: Sidney Deyo, visited at home: Mrs. Alexander Har pins at George Babeoek's; Miss Jennie ~~ ctigh Falls, at 8, Deyo's ; Mrs. Aavon Hoppins and daughter. Mo'gel, and Mr. and Mrs. S. Morey, st Frank Clare» 1. Babeock at Alexan- . Babeok, Mrs. George Timmer man, "Mrs. Abiram. Hoppin and Wis PAGE THIRTEEN. ------------------------ NE -- ™ BO000000000000000000000004000000000000000000 LIST YOUR PROPERTIES NOW For Sale or to Rent. Sales Negotiated Rents Collected Fire Insurance Conveyancing and Real Bstate E. BLAKE THOMPSON, OVER NORTHERN CROWN BANK. MARKET SQUARE, 'Phode 286. KINGSTON, ONT. 0090000000000 0000000 000 z "By Jove, Tom, Look at This!" "You know [I skun my ankle like sixty last night. I just rubbed on a little Carbolated Vaseline when I went to bed, and now it's all healed up as slick as ever. I'd hardly koow I'd got a scratch." CARBOLATED Vaseline Of course, you have " Vaseline in your household, not only for the boys but for yourself and the whole family. Carbolated Vaseline contains just a bit of Carbolic Acid, which makes it antiseptic and healing. It is the best possble dressing for scratches, sores, etc. There are several other special forms . . * Vaseline! each for a particular use. The different specifics with which the * Vaseline" is blended, such as Camphor, Menthol, Capsicum. etc., simply add a special efficacy to the general soothing and toning properties of: the * Vaseline" self. Put up in glass bottles and in handy tin tubes. . Druggists everywhere, Our * Vaseline" booklet contains ail kinds of practical information for the home suggeshons just as serviceable to the bachelor (gurl of man? as to the mother, Sest post-paid on request. Write for your copy today. Ingist on "Vaseline," made only by the Chesebrough Manufacturing Company 1880 Chabot Avenue Conselidat Offices MONTREAL NEW YORK LONDON CHEW ALL ALR, OF Sale Everywhere The Rock City Tosacco Co.Lm. QUEBEC The Bakery Behind the * * Biscuit Many bakeries in Montreal, Toronto and other cities are being condemned by health officers as unclean and unsanitary. How often do you inspect your bakery? Our sun- lit bakery is your bakery when you eat SHREDDED WHEAT the cleanest, purest, "best of all cereal foods. Gov- erninent inspeetion is good, but public inspection is Hatter Every detail in the process of making ided Wheat is 'open to the public. Nothing so Shas some and delicious for breakfast as Shredded Wheat Biscuit served with hot milk or stewed fruits. then Salt Heat the Biscuit +n oven to restore crispuess, pour bot milk over it, adding a Little cream. or sweelan to suit the taste, ¥.. Hopyine, ¢ Steward Leamon's. Made of Choicest Selected Canadian Wheat A Canadian Food for Canadians ia L Made by TheCanadian Shredded Wheat Com- _ pany Limited Niagara Falls, Ontario 180 8 FF ' i £ Sikdl