THE DAILY [TAILORED SUITS Eres er gy That stay tailored Materials of Splendid qualities in British, French and German Fabrics of the latest designs. Exclusive Style Strictly Man Tailored Made to Order $15.00 to $30.00. Your inspection invited. No obligation to buy, McK AY 149-157 Brock St. . CARPETS Outs for Spring are . lower in price, and twice the variety RUGS are lower price with a colors. * We have every- thing worth - buyiny | Every conceivable shade 'all sizes, small sizes © to matah h larger *R MGFAULS CARPET WAREHOUSE, { Street, Barl Street, detach- brick, 7 rooms, het water heating. Street, de- 3 7 rooms, alr furnace; small payment. $1.030--Barrie Street, de-§ tached frame, large 8 rooms we lawn; $150 3 # "hitek, R2.500 -- Single frame, , ¥ Spon, h.& c.; alee deep iy $8,000 -- Duiversity Avenue. 9 rooms, H.A: fur-@ Road, double § | gon has ah ---- MARCH---time to get ready for Spring Many are buying now while the stocks are very large and an extra big choice.. to select from. They're wise, Dining-room designs are all new this year---Oak and Mahogany, and they're catchy and rich. ound Tables and Newest Buffets in Golden. Surface, Satin, Fumed or Mahogany finishes. There's a choice for you. Low prices, CARPETS from European Mills. RUGS from England, Germany. Turkey, ete. LINOLEUM. the grad old Scotch kind, all widths and designs. CURTAINS, Lace, Brussels Nett, Silk, Madras, etc. REPAIR AND UPHOLSTERING WORK promptly done Yours, T. F. HARRISON COMPANY 'Phone 99. TWENTY.FIVE YEARS A000. What Happued a Quarter of a Century Ago. Thomas Grimason appointed deputy collector of inland pa Mrs. Susan Lucconne skated from Cape Vincent to Grindstone Island, sixteen miles, in one hour, Farmer's sleigh, with load of wood, draw by team of horses, stack on the railway track at Cataraqui. Train came along, the farmer itched his horses in time to save . Sleigh and lond smashed to tinders, The Boston-New York express lighted with electricity amd heat, heated on sitam, Bohan and J. Andrien, ha players, Jost do eville and J. OF Donnell. 9 D. A. Simmonds resited. 0 a Sher tilting water pitcher; by the |® Relloviile school board erect a $15.- 00 high school. rst ay 4: Awarded a Contract. - MeCoy, railroad con King street west, haw ed contract . much enjoyed diva E. Martin, Cel A number of boys and girls ar ranged a very ily surprise party for Friday evening at Mrs. W, Work man's, Alired street. The evening was spent in dapcing and was very by the guests. Those present were Mf. and Mrs. Lindsay Malcolm, Misses Mamis and Bu san | Anglin, Miss Edith Goodwin, Miss] Florence Williamson, Miss Edith Fra- ser, Miss Bradfield, Miss Dora Uld- rieve, Miss Edith Ferguson, Dr. Fis her, Dr. Young, Covington, A. W, Browne, Morgan, Stevenson, Smythe, Lampton, Nel Polson and H. Davis. . y . . » 'After the * assault-at-arms at the Royal Military College on Wednesday evening a very bright supper party claimed Mrs. J. P. Shine as hostess. The guests were Professor and Mrs. and Mrs. Hunter Ogilvie, Col. sud Mrs. Frank Strange, Major and Mrs. Vernon Fa- ton, Capt. and Mrs. C, N. Pervean, Capt. and Mrs. G. Russell Hale, Miss Kathleen Gordon, Miss Gillespie, To- ronto, Major R. C. Hammond, Cadet Sweeney, Cadet | Rhodes. Searle, Clergy street, entertained at To this week in honor of Mr. Robinson, who is shortly TA py Covers were laid for twelve. The table was ar tistically arranged with yellow and white daffodils and smilax. A dainty bouquet of tulips was placed on the table for each guest, Miss Vera Searle dressed as a fairy in dotted swiss and lace, received the guests.- A most enjoyable evening was spent, ' - - » Mrs, George Miss Aileen Benson, King street; gave a luncheon at the Country Chib on Friday in honor of Miss Gillespie : of Toronto, The table was covered with lace, amd on this stood a bow! of yellow tulips. The guests were Miss Helen Gordon, Miss lassie Kirkpat- rick, Miss Dorothy Carruthers, Mis Kathleen Crisp, Miss Marjorie Stary, Miss Nora Macnee, Miss Charlie Shortt and Miss, Marjorie Brownfield. 2 Mrs. R. N, F. Maciariane, Johnson street, will receive on Wednesday, Ap- 1il 3rd and not again this season, | . Mr. Norval Hodgson, Ottawa, whe has been visiting his mother, Mrs. A. EE. Hodgson, Outer Station, returned to Ottawa on Friday. Mr. H. O. Dempster, of Vancouver, B.C., who has been spending the past five weeks in the city, left on Wednes- day for Vancouver. Mrs. Hocks Hawking of Mexico Uity, Mexiegn is in the city, the guest of her parents, Mriand Mrs. George Henderson, Bagot street. Mr. and Mrs. Cronyn, who were in town for the asseult-st-arms at the Royal Military College, on Wednesday, 'returtied to Toronto on Thursday. Mrs. Richard Cartwright returned to Napance on Thursday after spend- ing a few days with her sister, Miss Mary Hora, King street. Mrs. Hume Blake and Miss Nora Blake, who were the guests of Mrs. J. B. Carruthers, *Annandale,"" re- turned to Toromto om Thursday. Mr. A. M. Kirkpatrick, is expected from Ottawa next week to spend the Fastet holidays with ihis parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. K. Kirkpatrick, Jahnson sireet. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Gillies, Gillies Depot, are leaving, on Monday, for New York, to "pend some time, and on their return will visit Mr. and Mrs. }. Stuart McCann, Union street, for a short time. . - Ld - Miss Helen Drummond, Toronto, is expected in town the end of next week, to visit Mr. and Mrs. George E. Hague, University avenue. go to Toronto next week, to visit Miss Drew-Brooke for a few days. Miss Gertrude Cameron, of Morris rg, is expected in town the end of next week, to visit Miss Edith Fergu- son, Union street, for a fey days. Miss Gina Fairlie, Tord¥to, will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Fair lie, in Cobalt, for Easter. Mrs, James Rollins, and Miss Jessie Rollins, of Peterboro, ave expected in town on Wednesday, to spend several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. J. Stoart R. McCann, Union street. Miss Ruth Baker, Queen street, who is attending Bishop Strachan's Ladies' Lollege, Toronto. will arrive home on Wednesday, to spend the Easter holi. days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Baker. - - - - Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Crothers, Bar- rie street, left on Tuesday to spend a short time in Toronto. Miss Evans, who.has been the guest of Miss Machar, Sydenham street, for' a short time, will return on Monday to Nashua, Mr. James Stewart is in town from Ottawa, spending asfew days § with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jams Stewart, Siuart street. » Mr. J. B. Sterling, Toronto, was uest in town over the shed. irs. Washington, w . 1 Miss Rogers, Union street, ii to-day for her home in Hamil: Charles Ferris will arrive in town from Smith's Falls Six Goals to Miss Mamie Anglin, Earl street, will | ITISH WIIG, SATURDAY, THE. SPORT REVIEW KINGSTON HOCREYISTS LOST iN CLEVELAND TwoArrived There Very Tired--The Referee is Reported as Being Unfajr. A despatch from Clen veld save: Be crowd of 5,08) people, the Ringston All-Btar aggregation defented by the Uleveluna champion ship tenn by 6 10 2. lhe team ar- rived in Cleveland after a HW0-mile trip, very tired, and, though beaten, played a grand game. At half | time the score steod 2 te © for Uncle Sam's hockeyists, but shortly afters the second pena began the Uanadiang started to score, and for some time the score stood 3 to 2 tor Uleveland, where hmgston was held. On the we surface, 235 by 90 feet, the (Canadians excelled in brilliant rushes, but Jailed to work any com: bination, Doheny, Cobourg, played left wing for Kingston. and the old Limestone City star goaltender, May- chand, played : a great game in the Cleveland nets. The Cleveland septette usel their bodies to good advantage, and did not hold down the penalty bench as often as they should have. The large crowd was very enthusias tic; very favorable to Kingston, and hissed many of Referee Switzer's | de cisions, The boys are enjoying the trip ! mensely, nnd expect to defeat the Cleveland bunch Saturday night. ; The Junior Athletics. A meeting will be called soon of the Junior Athletic Baseball Club, to make arrangements for the coming season. "Lanker'" Walsh, last vear's manager, will not be with the team this year, but a good substitute to "father'! 'the team has been found in "Bert" Stansbury. The name of the team will be changed this vear, as, it appears, it has no connection with the Senior Athletic Basoball Club. fore & was ASKING AN A DVANC 'E. The Plumbers Want 3 and Eight! Hour Day. The plumbers of the city are de manding an increase in pay, com mencing from May Ist. At the present time the plumbers are receiving the sum of $2.55 a day for nine hours. They are asking for 32 a day of eight hours. As yet it is not known what the bosses will do in the matter, It is likely that the bosses will get together in a short time and decide what to do. At Barriefield Camp, Barrieficld camp will run from June 6th to 25th. Among the infantry will be 40th, 42nd, 45th, 46th, 47th, 49th, B6th, 59th Regiments; ih, 15th, 11st, 13rd and 57th city Sorpy; also (.P.A S.C, PAMC., C.0.C. APLC; Sig- Infling © orps No. 3; Xo. 3 company, Sale Home-made goodies, candy, | ice cream and fancy work, City Mall 'aster Tuesday afternoon, in sid of Hotel Dieu hos,"tal, Admission, In cents. -------------- Died in General Hospital. The death occurred in the general hosgital, on Saturday morning ot John DuWitt, Odessa. The deceased was in Ids eighty-fivst year. He had Feen %n hospital a week. The re- main® were senl to his home fa burial, The Hat Store. MODERN MILLINERY AT = MODERATE _ PRICES NO TWO HATS ALIKE Bi starts ler trips in June, Bi deck , and the kitchen and dining-room| tered. Since the first day "of our | formal showing -of the New Hats we have been gratified to have so many remarks as to the success of our efforts |. 0 combine good taste and judgment in having Hats as they ought to be and at a EO really small price. We fiuvite you to inspert, Mand fitted up more for freight. Sidowr: the St. MARCH 30, 1812. -- -- b Y MUSIC FROM THE ENXCHANTRESS MUSIC "When the Right Man Sings." "That Naughty Little Song." "They All Look Good When Are Far Away" "One Word From You.' "Come. Little Fishes. "To "I've Been Looking for a Perfect Man." "Dreaming Princess." The Land of My Own Romance." "If You Can't be as Happy as You Would Like to be' "Art is Calling For Me." "Rose, Lucky Rose." They . "Dearie, the SCORE, %2.00. FROM "fr AN Goes Up in Smoke * mt You Close to Me?" : Strain of the March." "The Rest of the Week She's Mine "Only a Man." "I'm Awfully Afraid of Kinks. "Bill and Coo.' "Give Me a Gdod Havana." "What Would My Poor "Little Girl I Love You" : " . " - " » 3 SPECIAL PRICE 35 Cents "JUMPING TERY JU sSpuggh Wedding Wife Say?" THE COLLEGE 260 PRINCESS. ~ OPEN NIGHTS, BOOK STORE 'Phone 919, " [EASTER NOVELTIES. NOVELTIES RECEIVED A BIG SHIPMENT OF DAINTY DAY, INCLUDING: -- TO. eon i a aaa hos FANCY ROSES FOR NECKWEAR, ALL THE POPULAR SHADES, 253¢ EACH. NEGHIGEE COLLARS, WHITE, ALL SIZES. 25¢ LADIES' TIES FOR LADIES--ALL COLORS, 25¢ POPLIN A BIG ASSORTMENT OF LACE AND EMBROIDERY JADOTS 25¢ and up. LADIES' FANCY COLLARS. BIG RANGE, 25¢ and up. LADIES! WHITE WASH BELTS, 25 and up. BELTINGS BY THE YARD, FANCY LACE FICHUS, COLORED ETC. a THE BEST DOLLAR KID GLOVES IN THE TRADE, ALL SHADEN, ALL SIZES, AND A GUARANTEE WITH EACH PAR. SCARS, NEW LOT OF LADIES' TAILORED Wists; ALSO SKIRTS AND COATS FOR SPRING. SHOW KIND. WE HAVE ONLY THE STYLISH SUITS TO YOu, AS WE HAVEN'T ROOM TO KEE' ANY: OTHER OUR PRICE, $10.00 AND UP. # NEWMAN & SHAW THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. PENDANTS & NECKLETS Daintiness and design are twh features of the Pendants and Necklets we sell Add to that their un ailable quality and you, have article of value with whicl anyone may be justly pleased, There is one Pendant with chain at $12.00 exceptionally desirable. beauty of design that is SMITH BROS. 850 KING STREET, Jewelers. Opticians, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. {THE C.N.R. MAY BUY The Business of Rideau Lakes|§8| Navigation Company. i It is reported that some changes are| §| about to take place in regard to the management of the Rideau Lakes Na- vigation company, and that before the season is over the Canadian Northern railway will be running the line. The|d™ company is considering building two more steamers for the route, and the railway corporation will erect up-to- date summer hotels on the Rideau lakes, one at Garrett's Rest amd an- other farther down. This will great: ly increase the tourist traffic on these picturesque waters, The Rideau Queen, belonging to the company, will have some extensive al- erations made to her belore she | The Rideau King always starts earlier. The Queen's main deck will be overhauled | gi f » sin Teil 109 Brock Street FLOWERS NS eH, OF ALL KINDS rooms will all be on the second PURDY'S "This vear the route of the Queen will be changed, making one woek trips, Lawrence to Momtreal, Ottawa river to Ottawa and from there up the Ridean to King: ston. This aught to be a very popu lar trip for tourists, and, at the same time the boat will have her capacity for fwight. The King will still ne main on her regular Rideau trips, Jhe line will likely be run under the same name by. the Canadian Northern. Badly Off for Coal. "Kingston is badly off | for coal" said a dealer today, "and the de liveries by rail ave very slim." The cold winter has cleaned up the stores and dealers are now doling out the fuel in small lots>s0 as 10 keep their cutomers going until fires can be re duced. It will "be four weeks before navigation opens and vessels can get eargoes*at United States ports,if they can be loaded then. The prices here now are $1.50 to 8% per ton. Songx, 10c., « Yillags Blahamith, "Out on the Deep," * Jaber Lollaty > "Pp read Ci r." "Voices of Wood," We Grind Our Own Lenses ONE PAIR OF EYES to a lifetime Do nut neglect and abuse them. Your Eyes May Need Autention, and need It badly. Don't put it off from day io day. Do you know the risk you run? Bvery day's delay means added danger Lo your health and Eyesight. We provide Glasses to meet every defect of vision, and our charges are moderate. CHARGE FOR CONSULTATION ap the oping * and ities -- Genge "it this week for Perey Sault |te. Marie to take the CPR. offers, © esition in ---- ts pn -- For Easter A nice lot of--- OSTRICH FEATHER MARABEAU BOAS and STOLES W. F. GOURDIER BROCK STREET. Extraordinary Values in Real E: Estate POTS Vic tar 1 % and stable 114 1K Ba HOES yard and = $1, Mtl A} free da single A Prin detached k wales Lots ir Complete jist of 4 Houses to Re Money invesied on MULL iN The Real Estate Broker. 'Phone £39 THE TRIAL We want the severe oy rial oelve verital set of and IR PES THE VERDICT Will be left ¢ you have ent the cleanls ng carta ¥ coverings we'll be ACQUITTED "hemarabl a 1 negligence or alfeasar laundering Pl SERRE AS SAR