Prince George Hotel mE TORONTO In Centre of Shopping and Business District. 250 ROOMS --- 100 with Private Bathe EUROPEAR AND AWERICAN PLAN A la Carte Restaurant SARL WH. THOMPION, pass. THAT TOBACCO , With the "Rooster" om It fs evowing louder as he goes slong Only 46¢ per pound. For chewing and smoking. T A. WACLEA A DI NS, THE CLUB HOTEL | WELLINGTON STREXT, (Near Princess). th hotel but There are othe, "Ene hut py! Salt, irr oundies % tty. 2 8 . to principal stores 'sad are moderate. 'Bpeciar ra rates by the week, LE THONFSON, Proprietor. a F. J JOHNSON THE LEADING FLORIST 324 KING STREET. Has resumed business with a | full Hne of Cat Flowers and Plants always In stock. Wedding and Presentation Bouquets and Baskets and Floral Designs made on the shortest notice. 'Phones: DAY. Store; 239. ( hot NIGHT. | Wustyvatories, 243. Style -- Fit -- Durability the reasons of the popularity of "Perrin" Gloves. At leading onlera everywhere, 'CADBURY'S EASTER EGGS 12 Eggs for 20 Cents. 12 Eggs for 40 Cents. 6 Eggs in Box, 40 Cents. 4 Fggs in Box, 40 Cents. 2 Eggs in Box, 40 Cents, A. J. REES, 166 Princess 8t. Phone 58 for both of them in & manner [to her was impossible, and that when (father took. her to his ; Scotia legislature that a local STONY OF CRUELTIES MAKERS 5 THE JURORS WEEP. i ss. : Young Woman, on Trial for Murder of Husband, Fingers Her Wedding Ring as She Tells of Hopes Shattered, New Yok, Aprd ers and spectators were moved to tears when Mrs. . Genevieve Nicode- mus, twenty years old, blue eyed, sofi vaoleed and shrinking in her manner, told a story of abuse inflicted upon her by her husband, Frank <. Nico cémus, for whose kilhhg she on trial. It was a story of blind leve given in retarn for cruelty, and at its con- ladon the young widow, still dressod in movriing, said: "I love him stil | wish he were back with me." Mrs. Nicodemus, on Oct. 3rd, shot hot hishand and then®iriet to kill herself. : Aft r her marriage her husband com- relied her to go to work, she said, and when she was able to earn bul 5 a weok he said to her, she (ont fied "Sou ought to be ashamed, a great husky girl te earm no more money than that." Later, she wi8d, Nicodemus had sug: verted to hur -Alat she, earn a living that do=durors, lawy- 8 she had threatened to tell her moth: or. of his proposal he had dragged her about by the hair, struck het and made her promise not to tell, How she triad to qualily asa nurse at # hosyital and broke down when a baby died in her srwms, how her husband tsed morphine, how her house and re fused to let Nicodemus live with her. how she kept trysting with him "be enuse | thought 1 could help Frank be a good man," how Frank bought ber a bottle of poison. and suggested that she kill herself, were features of the story, told in a faltering voice and with constant fmgering of her wed®ny ring, thai stirred the emo- tions of all in the court goom. btm Our Fish Are Disappearing. Watertown, N.Y. Times. The Ontario game and fisheries com mission reporys a great shrinkage i the white tch in the great Jakes during the Fiwenty years ang that the industry shows signs of extinction, so far as lake Ontario is concerned, and especially on the American. shore, It calls on the United States to join Canada in restocking lake Ontario and advocates the establishment of hatcheries at various Canadian points, such as 'Hamilton, Torento, Port Hope, Belleville, and Kingston, Ii Can. ada has no white fish hatcheries on the lake, it is more remiss than the Unitad States has been, for it has, at least, one at Cape Vincent, engaged almost entirely in the propagation of white fish.) It "is suspecied that the Canadian shoré gets the greatest heme fit from it. It is gratifying to note that Canada is becoming interested. The Lake Ontario white fish is the finest in the world and ought to be continued. SR A -------- Meaning of the Guarantee. Montreal Gazelle, t lias been expluined in the Nova rail way whose bonds. the government had guaranteed has been paying the interest with notes, which the treas: vrer of the province discounted. This went oun for three years, it scems. The notes hare now been pikd, how- ever, end the province's liability is ended for the time. 'The ncidest has its lesson all the same. The govern ments of Canada and of some of the provinces have guaranteed the se curities of private and sen private enterprises to the amount of jtens of millions of 'dollars. The holders may j rosont the paper for payment some day. The promoter who sayy a gov. erumoent endorsement means no lias Hiky is akin to the follow in private lta who gets a Iridhd to back his note. He thicis more of the backing than of the future, The Omtario Ottawa Journal. That looks like a sound propodition {the idea ventilated in parliament and accepted by Mr. Borden that if the Ontario govermment railway is to got a dominion bonus, it should be subject to dominion Jaw sud the do- minion railway. conmimission. He who ' pay the piper should help call the tune. If the dominion treasury ir to give $6,100 a mile to the Untario way. a 1 | : | \ oH Many Cathirtics Tend to, Cause Tn. Jury to the Bowels, Ii vou 'ave sabject to. constipation. vou should avon strong drags and vutharticy. They only rive rary {¢ relist aud their, reustion is bay al and some tithes "more sanoving 'than -con- stipation. in no way, effect, a] cure and "tl 8710 weaken the alieady ho argans with: which | he hiv me in ¢ erty | : the best cons! n tanien \ doviand: Boe on in it is so strong t it on (he pesitive guaran- tee that it shall wot cost oe a s oat if it does not 'wive entive satisfac tion and completely remedy ocohstipa- thon. This prsnatation is called Rex- Ovderlies. These a y on the Temis road, the dominion will not be paying the phole piper. but will be doing «pough jo give good reason for the request that the Témiskaming road should be er wat wl onion an wi ion subsidies. Anyway, uniform railway ie om wm 7.0 woada is a desirable "That! toestion le' meowmeury 16. the supcess of he canners' trade. flu a way the si- tuation is a combide fighting 8 com: bine. It is vot known whether or fot the consumer has an interest in a THE DAILY BRITISH me. WINNING FRIENDS. The Ottawa Journal (Con.) mends Proposal. The Ut Wa editorially Comn- Journal {copservative) commends Mr Rowell » whotish-the-bar proposals as follows in today's dsstie: "The declaration of Mr. Rowell, on behall of the hwcral party of Oatario, iw favor of the abo fition of Liquor bars, precipitates 3 peculiar issue Undoubtediy the Tig] wor busivesy is attacked at its weakes 4) point. . The bar is the bulwark of the} treating habit, and pobody, or harats anybody, dreams of defending tlw treating habit. Tresting is the source of nine-tenths of the liquor evil. Hi segislation could be devised to stop treating, either in barrooms or clubs t the bguor question might be consider ed settled. And we believe that ii a faw wer: enacted that anv hotel, os club, or saloon, in which a case of trefiting was proved, would lose its hi vense, the evil would stop. . However, this is not Mr. Rowell's proposition. He wants to abolish bars. Clubs de not have bars, so Mr. Rowell's plan is snbiject 10 the criticism that the poor man whos wants a drink outside home is not to get whereas a well to-do man ix able to get one in his elub, just the same as before. Not withstandine this discrimination, Mr Rowell's move likely enough to vonurend itself to 0 majority of the people--and, we think, justly so. Apr from moral or social principles considered merely from a standpoint of political expediency, our idea t that the Whitney government will hve to be pretty enreful wow it handles 7 the iusne, The Rowell proposition may not be a wise policy for a political party, but it has grented more of a stir than auy political announcement i Ontario for some vears. very: body is mterested. A gol many peo: ple are interested enough to be likely 10 be influenced thereby in their poli tical action And we imagine that al 15 HARVEY With "Princess Iris," at the Gragwl WEDIESHAY, APRN, 3. m2 i prv-- Thursday, Friday and evenings, with matinees God Friday amd Saturday. majority of any who change willl m---- --_-- _ change to Mr. Rowell's Most of MAT SM CURED Ontario 1s without bars alieady, RHEU | ing to prohibition victories under the ty local option law. In the balance oi}? the province those who want ahol- | ish the bars are likely wu | mivons and to fx on the subject than die | posed to champion the of the bays. Fhe declaration of Me. | Blood Rowall looks to ns, therefore, to bel the . likely to strengthen the liberal pmty, | phLis whether the plank succeeds soon on the Bh OF wot." isin who wants { 1nerely relieved, | setuadly cured 1 matic side w= to to be more strongly who are conmnunnce 1 more those Must Be Treated Through article is intended as a woman with rheamat- to be cured, * Noi not half but lie most 4 rheu: hone for ruby bang something on the swollen ach jomts is a little relief And all while the trouble becom firmly seated dical auth orittes now know that rheumatism {rooted in the blood. and that jubbing on linements or hot {1ations may give temiporar Laiv eannot possibly cure--you go 10 the root of the trouble tiood That is why Dr. Pinks Pilla cure rheumatism. They make new, rich blood, which expels | the poisonous acid. and the rheumat- ism disappears. There are: thous rads of former rheumatic sufferers in 1 anada, now well and strong, who 3 { thank Dr. Williams" Pink Pills that | they are now free fron the aches and pains and tortures of this dreaded trouble, Mrs. Joseoh Luddington In ew Harbor, N. ai "Some | three veurs ago my wie was stricken | with rheumatism. and suffered | so {much that we dispaired of her ever lf otting well again, At first she was able to yo about. but in spite of all did she grew so bad that Hive had to lift her in and out of bed, rudd finally the pains grew so excruci t fing that we could only move her lit Hite by little, with the sheet under her Fimalty we weve induced to get Dr, liams' Pink Pills for her. I do remember just how many boxes took. but 1 do know that they the first medicine that reached the dis casa, and that she conlinuved to im prove until che wos avain as well as ever, and could do her household work. | To ua it marvellons what Pills did hér, io cured, IS SERIOUSLY ILL. sufierer can in suffers From Acute Stomach Trouble. | ing the 4 Lore Is while fumen retiol niust in the Williams' . for her LLOYD C. GRUSCOM. New York: April 3.-ddovd C. com, formerly American ambassador to Haty, underwent an operation at Bryn Mawr hospital, near Philadelphia. the result of acute stomach trouble Mr. Griscom's trouble is =aid to be se- vious, He resigned a vear hairnian of the republican county com nitiee because of ill-health Ciris- not us REO NAR i cpmnly ¢. Williams" Piok end we elad to sive this {pial in hope that comin other poor sufferer." Dr. Williame' Pink Pills ara sold by rll medicine dealers or will he andy. at 50 emis a hox and £250 by oy: Modiri for are Engineer Fatally Injured. Ogdensburg, N.Y... April 3. James Bouchard, = an engineer, was wound around » revolving shaft in the power house of the Ogdensburs Power Lighting commany Monday fatally injured While. fixing a ernot he was ought by the sleeve w pro'ecting serew Jn the shaft, | In order to release his body jt wae! THE TOWN OF GANANOQUE, necessary to. shut down the plant,' Ey stopving street oars, and evervthing The Chilion Jones Spent in' the city run by electricity. Ir Time There. eae | Gapanogyue, April 3.-The late lion Jones was the last of the oli his budget in the British commons, glock connected with the D. ¥. Jones Tuesday, calling for estimated kpen- Manufacturing company, of this town. diture of nine hundred and thirty-four Nir. Jones, although a resident of milliohs, an increase of twenureight Brockville, spent the greater part of millions. over last year. _ his time in Gananoque for vears past, i The electric power ovat Sud- having to be wheeled to and from the bury was jaunduted and gutted by office in an invalids chair. sater, aud the town is without light | James Kenny, of New Liskeard, a 2 former merchant of the town, is visiting here with. ios lamilh A. { Hampton, spending thy past week iu New Untario, has returned, J. Powes, tof the fit of [Mower & Sons, archi: touts, Kingston. was in tows, yester day, A y : Vietor Stunden, » -- Hlovale tn Calgary, Toe stasis of Center users mever Lattimore, . spending the past month have' Healliehe, | Constipation, ts Lyn, guest of her sister, Mrs. Biliousness eh George Pergau, has returned home. or Sick Nton IMrs. A. English and children, of It is more metessary that you keep Pittsburgh township, spending the your bowels, Liver and Stomach dean, past few weeks in town, guest of her pure gud fresh than it is to keep the father, William Salser, has returned and dramawe of a large city home. free from obstruction. {In the surrogate court beiore Judge fe you keeping clean inside with! HS. Scbonabl sdmisifi sation, pap Casearete--or merely ver pas. ers with the Will attac of ¢ ie sageway every few dagd® ik salts, Mary Jane Abbott, widow of the late cathartic vills or éastor oil ¥ "This is Elijah E. Abbott, have been granted ito Walter S. Abbott, merchant, of and this town. the' [Letters of administration of the food estate of the late John Hedasd, of oul a8; take the excess bile Gananoque, have hen granted to his and fol os and carry aut of the daughter, Miss Josephine Vodard. svetom the decomposed waste mattis Lev, of the staff of the Bank in. tha intestines = sid of Toronto, has been promoted to hands the Winnipeg branch. Ko adds how badly and upes' you) feel. 8 Uasearet to-night wil), straight. | Why Kept in Quad? out' bv morning, They work | Windsor Recors, . A dant Box fron' Dr. Mirchant's sober was iB will keep yar entire Just June. Then «* Sic Bamboo le wy provipee the sent mail hoxes for Williams' or The Brock ax Nr ille, Ont ig writing ae Uo, on wnt ------------------ Late Much Ch Chancellor Lloyd<George introduced : feft. this week. to Alba. Mrs. James ready James with hi for Pon's L roar aber bd WL ie Sha Ahern were #0 h 5 agen et 108 STAY CURED| ™ di Liniments of No ail The Trouble Wil she were testimo- it will benefit SHUSTER'™ NEW Gets a Financial Yost JOB. in Sowth America, W. MORGAN SHUSTER Washington, April 3.---W, Shuster, deposed treasurer Vorsia, has been appo Amer: representative of wnal City of New ¢ teand that the nul allied with New York, Mory general nted SO the York aly com tional City intepds to devo.e primarily to South Ameri ran ot ith Na it ab company ny vank Tits b Ness | All loan Report of Francois Marchand, adigy ouried 1 do not een tlie revort of Marchawd, a special the LON whether you have M¢ nsieur Francoi MImissiongy ol roment, appointed to investigate i French-English im the province of Quebec HH not, it Would le quite worth while, -as 3 speaking dian rig Know sclivols your Cana hed ' aliover mn "eoppik his" and justice ; fito i You will Momnsiowr Man been instrucled | best means by wh look {hat Botide oln fous iy the CON iM from drawn hildren, my duced thet French coming homes, can bh : y : ric aed abandoning own languages wd adopting 11 never Marchand parents of th that lish n ure come u 4 tu Monsieur the wd Koy "and ws 3 omplish men No! shih} o be iessly obliterad rath Officials in Flections, "ree Press participation by ernment officials in federal hi, dear, ho! But, alt the North . who part in hes now thay There is no tar.o gov sleetions | ell the sank Renfrew ain we signed his pe morih Renfrew Lis Jol back, on - the suanve {m am Bromley. mspector {to 1 oleetion, and basis South L st phe business the writ, i doing before Renfrew same of the ------------ The powder were Llvde wp om men. killed mg both felt re ts mille nt Wayne, Moma, and thrie ane los arms. The explosion over a radius of fifty mild] Babies Have NJ. {wo work mained, EF Itching, almost constant amd well: vigh unbearable itching, is the mark. od sympiom of eczema, The direct enuse is Leuslly friction or irritation of the skin. In babies the trouble of- ten arises from infrequent changing of napking, Until vou have need Dr. Chase's Ointment in a cess of etzénia vou can scarcely realize the relief which th treatment affords. Gradually, the saves are cleaned up and healed, and a new, smooth skin replaces that which bas been irtitated and dis eased. By keeping Dr. (Chase's Ointment at band, along with the bath soap and using it whenever chifing or irvila- tion appears You can keep baby' skin. in pe condition. satwbim muck suffering and yourseli mach anxiety, . PAGE SEVEN. OVER 5000 RECORDS T0 CHOGSE FROM Beautiful Easter ~ Music Double Sided Victor Reco-ds, 90c for the two { CHRIST AROSE « Haydn Quartet BEAUTIFUL ISLE OF SOMEWHERE Haveld Jarvis JESUS CHRIST IS RISEN Haydn Quartot BLFST BE THE TIE THAT BINDS THE AALMS THE HOLY CITY Harry Macdonough 16008 16108 Trinity Choir | Harry Macdonough 16178 i THE NOBLE CRUCIFIX By CARUSO hud JOURNET. S0034--CRUCIFIX 74087--LES RAMEAUX ¥Yaure Marcel Jonrnet | RB --Jieal thes Famdus Vic beautiful trola Re est de Sacred at the near ards on the lers to-day 'Berliner Gramophoue Co, Limited MONTREAL, HEA Caruso, Schumann-Heink, Kubelik, Reed-Miller, Etc. on the Victrola. ; D. J. DAWSON s KINGSTON, OND. 3 th ftching Eczema; HIGH GRADE SHOES FOR MEN AND BOYS All New, Spring goods, Blacks, Patents. Prices to suit all pockets. JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE 70 BROCK STREET. Tans, Buttons and AAS Po PEARSALL'S MILLINERY Our workroom is very placing trimmed hats sold designs. now in filling opening with busy Just stuce our orders and re entirely new Easter being only a can to make their for days off tion as early as we would ask possible as may selec Our very selling fast Unirimmed ¢ to $6 Ladies' from 6! THEM. Pearsall"s Millinery large assortment of They range in price CALL AND SEE Shape 00 ¢ 228 Princess Street ves iin 2000909400904 000900002 & YOUNG : F You i v b % MOR THAN PLEASED WITH THE SMART NEW SPRING STYLES We have the largest, smartest range of Men's Shoes ever shown in the city. Prices range $3.00,,$3.50, $4.00, $4.50 $5.00 and $8.00. OUR WINDOW DI S8PLAY Contains a good many of the New Live Ones. J. H. Sutherland & Bro. "THE HOME OF GOOD SHO : 0004040400444