Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Apr 1912, p. 7

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~~ of Intolerable Itch HOW FAT AFFETC THE LIVER. is impeded, ing roads thin 3% noeced metry, The HO eXEous t. been from disenge, organ unde tipation, h wa and sundtar he system ary f (TT Bllions turban, + east © trouble fat Ine ase i harmless Bmore bucing rte of dieting wrinkles mola Prescription by ali droggists €or, 1188 Farmer Mich, at 5 ! Prescription Mivenfent ta normal 10 to 18 aud offer means weight Marme retro REMOVAL NOTICE Owing to rebuilding, Myers Meat Market has removed to 115 Brock Street, near Peters Flour Store. Mr. Myers will be pleased to meet all old customers and new ones with the sare court- esy as at the old stand | HJ MYERS 1 i YOU CAN DEFY HEADACHE! Yes you can, with a box of ZUTOO Tablets in your pocket or home, Taken when you feel a headache coming on, one little tablet will ward it off--nip it in the bud. Taken later it will cure the headache in twenty minutes. Why then continue to suffer whenra box of ZUTOO will make you headache proof. You would be suprised to know how many people, who never before used a' headache remedy, are now ZUTOO Table(s. Why not you? AN APPEAL TO WIVES You know the terrible affliction that comes to mau ymes from the result of a drinking nd or son You know of the money toon Drink" that is needéd in the me to purchase food and clothing. OR RINE has saved thousands of drink- ing men. It is a home treatment and can be given secretly. Your money will be refunded if, after a trial, it has failed to benefit. Costs only $1.00 a box. Come in and get a free hooklet and let us tell you of the good ORRINE is Moing. G. W. Ma- hood, corner Princess and Bagot Streets ens ilmenite St The Wretchedn of Constipation Suma Pill, Small Dose, Small Price. Genuine wut bear Signature Toronto Man Cured Jpied by R. 1 DANGERS OF FAT |} CELEBRATES feign | Bene lent Association tit » . . KINGSTON'S Y.LC.B.A : ois . . i. ITs THIRTY EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY On Monday Evening---John J. Behan Has Been President Twenty~ Years--A History of the for Organization, Fhe f anniversafy approach of of the Thirty eighth Young Irish Cathole is drawing to attention of many of its 6d Hirbewds and members, and calling irom them many reminiscences of the organization' foundation and history. { Prior to 1874 there were hut two { Trash Catholic organizations in King- {#thn, Saint Patrick's Society and the i Shamroek Benevolent Association! The ! of forming a society four {young men impressed itsell upon some Land the idea was taken up and con: | sidered by those who believed that the testablishment of sueh an organization would be of great benefit. Tt was thought that #& society might be the of bringing the young men together under the ties of the | necessity means closer JOIN J, BEHAN Kingston twenty-eight President year: fenternity, of providing sick and death benefit funds, and giving thie convenience club and rooms, them of of the young men with this end view, with the result that evening of April Sth, 1874, a was instituted under the name Young Irishmen's Catholic Benévolent Association of Kingston. Those who were present at the first meeting were most enthusiastic, and after the tion of officers and appointment committees, a special committee stlected to draft the necessary rules and regulations for the new society and £8 make arrangements for a meet wg place, on the society of wins I'he first president elected late. I. the lost was the who died within fo vears in Detroit, Mich, and who held the office for two years, Shortly after its inception, the 80 jelety aflilipted itself with a union of Frocietion then in existence in the pro vinee of Ontario, which practi ally the same as that which the Kingston society founded, There were some thirty branches of this organization in Un- tario, and the Kingston branch was the ninth on the roll of membership. Some years afterwards this Canadian organization became aflilinted with the Irish Catholic Benevolent Union of the United States, which had a large membership, throughout au great many states of the union, After this aflilintion the names of the entire 'organization was merged into one and called the Irish Catholic Benevolent Union of the United States and Canada. Through this union of interest) arrengement was made by which all the privileges enjoyed hy members of either 'organization thewr local branches could also be oh- tained from other branches, when members might happen to change their residence, by a system of travel ling cards. ; Since that time the Canadian organ- ization ceased to exist, but the hing #ton branch © retuiged its membership in the upion, and has continued to d6 50 up to the present. It might be mentioned incidentally that a conven tion of this organization was held in Kingston some time ago, and that an- other is proposed in August, 1901 Going back to the early days of the society, its' first meeting place was in ite present building which' was former- ly the old First Gongregationsl church. 'The association afterwards leased a hall in the building now oceu- Tove, on King street, but finally returned 'to their old quar- ters, which, at considerable expense, were remodelled, making two large halls, one for meeting purposes and the other for reading and recreation room, and this has been their home ever since. ay! There are about 1,000 ex-members of the socivty scattered over Canade and the United Stutes, where they went during the less prosperous days than the present to find themselves homes. In spite of the constant drain on its membership, of about 200 on its roll. : Among the early presidents of the association wepe : PP. J. Jennings, al- ready referred to; P. J. Barrie, now of 8t. Panl, Mian: James Fannon, now of Toronto: W. J. Garrigan, liv. ing jn the United States: the late Pe ter Milne and Messrs John Collins and Peter Donaghue, uf this diy The present t the t's chair, J. 1. Behan, has 6 it, for twenty-eight years, in addition to this he has ocpied, different re Jo Jennings, hore names under was odd an since 1 ol its conception. James Laugh- a Thea Chiu, Tong Cats Thonfag Sullivan, Peter Thess ave still active YICHA. pane] YIC.BA for reading A meting was called and ar- rangements made to make a canvass in of the elee- in the society now boasts" some Postum to help nw. 4 made THE DAILY BRITISH NO MISERY FROM STOMACH. Gas, Dyspepsia, Sefirsess and Indi. gestion Go im Five Minutes, ¥Viery year regularly more than » mill on stomach sufferers in the Uni | ted States, Fagland 'and Canada take Pape's Digepr'n, and realize not ouly imme ite but lasting rdicf 'I1is harmless preparation will est anyihing you eat and overcome n sour, gawy or out-of-crder sch fyve minutes afterwards. Myr neals dont fit eomfortally Jor what yon eat Hes like a lamp al lead in 'your stomach, or t yon have Feartburn, that is a sign of jediges tion, | fret from your pharmacist a Sie case of Pape's Diapepsin and take a dese just as soon as you ean. There will ke no sour risings, no belching of undigested food mixed with acid no stomach gas or heartburn, full pes or heavy fecling in the stom ach, niusen, debilitating * headach s, Hci, iress or intestinal griging. Tl%s will all go, and, besides, é&here will be no sour food left over nthe itomach to poison your breath with natse sus odors J Pape's Diapepsin is & certdin co e forgpont «1 order stomachs, veces @ tunes hold of your food and dige it pst th same as if vour stomach wasn't there, Relif in five minutes from all sti) mach misery is waiting Lor you wt uny drug store, these lar_e 30c. cuses contain more than sufficicat to thoroughly eure timost any ease of Dyspepsia, Ini gestion of any other stomach dis orver oi stom- ness with which they have been fitted up, giving the members the best op- portunities for reereation and social intercourse, 'lhe members are natur- tally quite proud of 'their society and lintend to take advantage of the Mon- day night meeting to celebrate in a special way the thirty-cighth annivers ary of their organization the present oilicers Rev. R. Halligan; president, John .1. Behan; first vice-president, Hugh Gib- son: second vice-president, Frederick Lumb; recording secretary, 11. V | Evel; financial secretary, ( I. Cross; treasurer, A. W. Ganoon; marshal, i'. Fannon; librarian, John Fitzgerald, Jr; sergeant-at-arms, John Bulger, Finance committee, J. J. Behan, M. Campltell, P. Donaghue.. Property committee, J. Laughern, T. Sulliva,, IA. Watson. Enquiry committee, Rev R. Halligan, E, J, Clayton, P. Clark, L. Linaugh. FEntertainnfents commit tee, J. J. Beban, C. T. Cross, J. T. Martenilli, PP. Mateer, + Walsh, W. F. Maiden, H. V. iting committee, Sydenham Linaugh; W. J. Fitzgerald; ward, J. Donovan, J. Purtell; =¢ Lawrence ward, J, Burns, J. T. Mar- tenilli; Cataraqui ward, T, Walsh, .I. I. McGowan; A ward, W. I. Maiden, W. Payne; Victoria ward, A Sharpe, H. of .»Shanahan; Rideau ward, A. Watson, W. Palmer. are : Chaplain, S, Thomas Eves. Vis- ward, 1.0 Ontario Make Your Will To-day. If you have not already made your will you should lose no time in doing it. The unexpected usually happens. The Trusts & Guarantee Co., limit- ed, 43 and 45 King street, West, To- ronto, make a good executor under all cvircqmstances, and at small ex pense to your estate. Appoint the company executor, and let them hold your will in their security. vault, free of charge until rejuired. To Give a Lecture, Ww. Herrington, K.( to before the on Thursday eveging next on' Mexico, Ancient and Woda H will be 1- Itrated by limelight views, 'Ihe le ture is to be complimentary jo tle clio memeers and their trends, fi kits to be provided ior the puifos Mr He 'Cnston's lecture, several times before, is full of ,t8t as he has just returned lengthy visit there. N. Napanee, ia lecture Canadian lub inter from n Spring work has commenced in t} gwthern portions of the vinees, Samuel Lount, registrar of deeds for Simeoe county, died at Bare. western pre SHE QUIT | And Much Good Came From It. It is hdrd to believe that eoffes will pu a person fn such a condition {us it Ad a woman of Apple Creek, 0. (Tea is just as harmful as cofice Leciuse it contains ¢ caffeing, the same drug found in cofiee). She tells own story : "1 did not believe coffee Fused ms troutl:, and frequently "said 1 Jiked it so well 1 would not quit .- drink- ing it,' even il it took my life, hut 1 was a miterable soffcrer troutle and nervous four years, ° "I .wak scarcely able to be aronud at all. Had no energy and gid not care for anything. Was omaciated and had a constant pain around m. heart until I thought TI could endure it. | felt as though 1 liakle to die any time. "érepuenily 1 had nervous chills and the least excitement would drive slesp awhy, and dny little noire would 'upset me tarikblv. 1 was gradually lgetting worse until finally, one day, it came over me and 1 asked myself 'what 5 the use of Being sick all' the time end buying medicide so that 1 "eonld indulge myself in coffee ? "so 1 thought 1 would see covld nuit drisking ecoffep, and her from heart prostration for nist was #4 got : it strictly according to directions and {I want to tell you that change was the great step il my like.) It was ess' to quit cofiee because | thy fostum which 1 like better than J 1kel the old coffee. One By one the Md troubles left, until now 1 am 1 st lendid health, nerves steady. heart +} ritbt and the pain all gone. Nev. er have more nervous chills, don't take any medidine, can do al! my housework and have done a great desl bemdes, "My sistecinlaw who visited me this summer had been an invalid tor fhe ined five pounds in three weeks a { never saw such a cha 1 delivered | WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL §, 1912. w NAPANEE MARRIA : ONE OF THEM WAS PERFORMED AT CAPE VINCENT. THE TACTICAL SOCIETY Addressed by Major DD, I. VV. Eatm on Artillery': Duties. Fhe proper employment of artillery fire in Cco-gperation with the othe ibranches of the service, was the sub ject of the lecture delivered by Majo I. V. Faton, R.C.H.A, before well-attended meeting of the Kingston Tactical in the Armouries Wednesday evenmg. tol 7. officer commanding Jed sided. Major Eaton dealt in a very dear and concise manner and 'touched' on the ebinposition strength and characteristics of the ar tillery. As no branch of the servie can act with any degree of success, in dependentiy, the "A" battery com Nrs manding officer explained how the fire M. lis controlled, and the methods by V-dwhich the artillery assists the infan fry in the attack. ® | After the lecture a number of ques sj ending the haster vacation with tions relative to thie mabicct were ask ler pwens, Mr. and rs. 7. A ted Major Eaton hej the Tallicers pres Grooms. Misses Fibel and Katherine lent, which he readily answered. wiry are spending Laster with thew Col. Benson said that, through the ther, W. WH. Perry, in Toronto. Mr. |, games and the lectures the stall and Mrs. I. 0. beraley und children lous striving to have the officers of the are spending Faster with hilonds in | different branches the service Morris wry, James A. Ferguson left rome familiar with the wethods this week for a vaestion at A Lank which each strove to aid the other , er and points west : Maior Hordern, general stafi officer achn Prittie, Smith's 3rd division, reviewed some the spending a few days with his i'ece, {{cciurer's pointe, that the artiller, rs. KE. Mclaughlin. Stanhope An-leannot take the position, but assist derson, of Madoc, is visiting his mo- | the infantry forvard, and the latter ther, Mrs. T, FE. Anderson. Mr. andi, help the artillery to find a target Mrs. UU. J. Flack and Miss Marjorie |Communieation. fire range, are spending the holidays wilh friends discussed freely. in Toronto and St. Thomas. The lecturer had 'an cighteen-poundar I'he spring assizcs opened at shrapnel shell at hand, and explained covrt house on Monday before his its composition, discharge and effect. lords ip Justice Teetzel. The follow ng pry ess were disposed of Cases Before the High Conrt----Dume ages of $200 for the Seduction of a Girl--Visitors in and Out. of Napanee. Saciety, Au Beason Napanee, Apmil 6. The division, pn anbounc d Miss Freda Garratt M. Taylor. The cere nony was performed at Cape Vincent th lest sAnother wedding of interest to Nanane ars was Bolemniced on March 20th at the Pres)Hyterian marse, Rev. Pr. A. L. Howard, when Beatrice 1. Quick, daughter of W Hunter, wes mari'e] to Bertram Morgan, of San Francisco. Mrs. RB. L. McAlee, of lorontc, 1s marrige jp ol Holmes and with his subject Aug, by of be- by balls, is of ete, were the Gordmrier v8. Carroll, An action MUST BE brought by Allred B. Gordanier a- gainst James A, Carrell, for arrest and malicious prosecution wry lrought mm a verdict for fendant. Pringle AWAKENING OF Public touscience in Hospitals. At the sixth annoval meeting of the Canadian Hospital Association at the parliament buildings, Toronto, Dr. H. A. Boyee, superintendent of the King ston: General Hospital, the president, opened the meeting with fuse Regard to Tha de- ve. Thompson. An action v Wiliam H. Pringle ag "os" Charley hom son, for the seduction of tude Prince, daughter of said. Wil liam H. Pringle. The jury found Lon economy and eficiency verdict in favor of plaintiff and 8 | administration, Larger and larger sessed the damages at $200, | sums of money, he said, would be The non-ji ry case, Freeman vs. required for hospitals, and superinten Bank of Montieal,; was ggain aul {dents wotld have to be workers and jorrned until* une court. This is the would have to gather about them in third adjourament in this case, | dustrious assistants. There must be a DD. A. MacMillan, Merchants' tank, | feeling of responsibility among all the Hes cer, is soending Easter with | members of hospital stafi ve 1, Muir. The haospual, Mr. Boyee said, should cri commenced op the new Napa | Hive within its It would only mee bron Works this week The ma- (do when municipalities terinl is mestly on the ground for | more generous in support of such in the found: dicn he binlding of Dr. Boyee was pleased to stecl frame, filled in with cement, and #0¢ that the legislature had passed an will Le practically fireproof. act under which {pay for the maintenance of in idigent sick in hospitals. There must, ke declared, be an awakening of public conscience in order that more money wight be supplied to secure 4 more elucient service in the hospitals of the country Lior an address in hospital an revene 80 became is stitutions, municipalities would their At St. Mary's Cathedral, Oi Good Friday morning, ot Miry's cathedral, lis grace Arch bishop Spratt, celebrated the mass of the I) resanctified,"' and Kev. Fre! Hogan, M. McDonald, and 1. VP. (Connor sang the 'Passion.' Ini St EA the evei®ng a s rmon wus preached by | : ev, Father Jones, of 'loronto, and the veneration of a relic of the true aross took place, | a This. merning the water was blessed A M With Piles a Cannot Work and the Litanies of the saints recitel hen came canticles of praive and ex- uation midst the pealing of the or | gan and the sounding' of bells, i | The depressing, undermining influ etice of piles seems to affect mind well as body until the this annoying ailment and utterly cast down, The itching, stinging sensations which accompany piles are bad énough. The search for cure and thought of a sur gical operation' do not tend to cheer one up Many get discouraged and allow' their futures to be ruined by - this wretched ailment. Thursday Evening Runaway. } It is so easy to relieve piles by the A very lively runaway occurred on use of Dr. Chase's Ointment that it rincess street on Thursday evening, seems strange that anvone should ne aboyt 6.30 o'clock, whem a number glect to give this treatment of people were returning from work. ough trial, If you could only read The horse started near the corner of some of the letfers from cured ones Alfred street, and dashed down at a who had sufiered ten, twenty or thirty terrific rate. A young man was (he véars vou would ne longer doubt the only occupant in the rig and he stuck effectiveness of Dr. Chase's Ointment to the IFng. When he got to the cor- in the relief and cure of piles. ner of prio street the horse was somewhat under control and was later easught I'he voung man had great grit to stay with the horse the way he did when it was travelling at such a terrific rate. ia the Catharines ratepayers have ried the by-law to take over the plant, car Eas New Hats for The products from the leading hat factories of the world are included in our stock and the largest stock of men's up-tosdate hats in this part of Ontario awaits your inspection here. 31, R150, %2, ¥250, Xi, £3.50, =i Campbell Bros., the style centre for men's hats, Easter. as from feels miserable sufferer a thor- -- SOCIETY GARMENTS, The opera cloak and the dress coat can only be kept al ways ready for use by aliow- fng us occasionally to go over them Our French Process does this work 'n grest R. PARKER & 00, Dred oud Cleavers, Horses Broke Through ice. On Friday morning, the horses at tached to the eapress sleigh, coming from Cape Vincent to Kingston, broke through the ice in the American than- nel, but were got safely out, as lois of help was close at band. Some of the express parcels got a bit wet. The passengers walked over the ice to the' style tere ESE (TE Hous FANDARD gun | SE 1 Yo Ge I, Whe You 5X A 1 "SPECIAL LIQUEW Tee Finest Seotch thisty : of dreat age. bhn Dewar & Son} LisTILLERS. ERTH, © Scorn Lm i fabian tor Bias, anrhet 2.03, Ri J. M. DOUGLAS and COMPANY, I jis MONTREAL 2d CANADIAN AGENTS. | HIGH GRADE SHOES FOR MEN AND BOYS All New Spring goods, Tans, Blacks, Buttons and "~ » Patents Prices to suit all pockets. JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE 70 BEOCK STREET. EDDY'S SILENT MATCHES are made of thoroughly dried pine blocks. The tips, when struck on any surface whatever, will light silently and burn steadily and smooth ly without throwing sparks. "Eday's Matches. are always full M. M. count ask' for them at all good dealers. - The E.'B. EDDY COMPANY, Limited, * 'Hull, Canada Makers also of Toilet Papers island. Crossing on the other chanael | IS now over. Still Being Held. John Murray, released from the peni-| tentiary some time ago, and who was! arrested in Loudon in comnection with | the flowing up of a safe 8 the Aga | roller mills, was dismissell by the city] police and afterwards held on a charge of vagrancy, by the county police. 11 is albegred that be bad in bis posses sion wowey nied checks taken from ths Arva safe, which was cracked - Men's Hats for Easter. The products of the most famous and ' successful hat makers in the world are included in our pew stock. See our smart styles in derbies amd! soft hats, B1.50, $2, $2.50, 83, 84 Campbell Beas) the lnrgest importers and deals jin men's hats in this | Po : by our "Pink Lady" Not Coming. It will be sad news to a great many local thestregoers to know that "The Pifik Lady" will not pay a visit to Kingston this season. Wanv © have been waiting for this big attraction, But the Whig has been intocsed, t the local management. that the 0 duction has uot been booked mw ---- Registrar I. A. Audette, of the ex binod with the and womén. Dutton's. o provincial convention of the ; " ' Sebool Associstion will be : a Hamilton on October 2st fo * For Short or Medium Figures ; + LaDive Corset No. 718 shown herewith, is a Paris design, brought over part of Ontario. ' designer on his lest trip, the only change being to adept it to the fuller and stronger forms of Canadian many imported corsets pinch and hurt). Jeisidant fur the short ad wedi wh straight loose tailored garment, gives wearer fashionable eect which is 30 much sought after by stylishly -dremod Dominion Corset Company .. .. Quebec Makers of the Celebrated D & / Corset women. (Thisis why so This model, whea om- at . 6-12

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