Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Apr 1912, p. 4

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1912 THE :WHIG, SBEVENTYNINTH YEAR [ia the borden cormument sos DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 306-310 King Street, Kingston, On- prefer the Taft act to be wiped out &" 4 . tario, at $6 per year. Editions at 2.39 and 4 p.m. rather than resume wegotiations lo ' 1 Suffered Intense WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 1¢ pages, published in parts on Monday a8 lio if forced to do 80, for a, revive : revival od States charge for postage had to eVIVE i at $1 a a . Pains in My Left Thursday mong of Daily $3 and of Weekly $1.50 per year. of the messure which it so bitterl Attached is one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, stim, | nd viciously opposed. And one Side." and cheap work; nine improved presses ute understand the force of this g Do you realize it is pei to be THE BR H WHIG PU COMPANY, esident romast. - SPRING OVERCOATS y LG, Elllett, Pr ---- safe than sorry, that it is the best Lemin "A Gina] "See Tren EDITORIAL NOTES b. policy to lock the stable dogr before $ the horse is stolen? TORONTO OFFICE~Suite 19 and 20 Queen City Chambers, 33 Church The government is committed to Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy Street, Toronto. H. E. Smallplece, J P, representative. an anti-treating 15H, but it will not cured Mrs. C. C. Gokey, of a stub- = he submitted until next year. . by styles, splendidly tailored. born case of heart disease, such as " The Whitney government has ab ; Grey, Blacks and Brown Mi re : : ; Eh hey & " rey, Blacks and Brown Mixture. Shousands " now suffering with. AN HOSPITAL COMMISSION stained from stating - what its atti ! ead what she says: ------ en , i ; The | t0de will be on the bilingual school iy a ©The Chesterfield and the Raglan Style "Before I began taking Dr. Miles' 'I'he recommendation of Dr. «. H. mission, so much the bétter. ho gueation,. is it trimming sgain? : ha ; ] A Heart Remedy 1 had suffering ' 3 Whitney government, in "ts appoint- | ? 4 silk faced Or plain, from heart trouble for aver five Clark, of Toronto, and based upon y 8 : Better it afraid to speak now ? J 4 . Tr hi rown so weak that it ay not be any belte or > 4 Jou pb for . to do thir a long and valuable experience, 18 ments, He y Be . Ss g mai minutes work in a whole day. worse ~ than preceeding governments, The Montreal contingent, spending i suffered intense pains in my le side that the insane asylums and hospi- but it goes without further Rualifi- | Easter in New York, put in dreula b i / $12.50 $15 $18. oud ns leep on the lef ue, snd tals should be wholly removed from { cation that its work can be im- [tion all together about 350.000 J ' ' was 30 short o breath that I thought olitics. And he is right. The treat-|proved upon, and by a commission. [When people seek diversion there 1 should fever be abie to take a full Pp . R breath again. The least excitement ment of the insane requires a class of | Mr. Rowell will probably make a note | seems to he no scarcity of money, \ 48 dy S ecial See Our E nglish, Girey f 15 would bring op the most distressing skill and care, on the part of the |of Mr. Clark's recommendation and Under th se ci id A Worsted Chesterfie ld, aken a . : . nder the amende ¢ - + bottic of the Heart Kemedy be- medical attendant, and assistants, | act accordingly. : a oi mL oh, -- fore | could see 4 marked change in which cannot 'be provided by anv then with regard to the pay of | no refuge, hospita or charity can my condition. 1 began to sleep x ' 4 : staff bad draw from the province more than well, had a good s te, and im- political appointment. attendants. Rockwood's staf a it ch : : ibad Bele rapidly that when 1 had It may seem to the politicians that | occasion to 'speak out' some (we 3 recerves tom the municipalities. £3 wie bottles 1 was completely kind of talent will d 1 th ro, and with little effect. 'The gov- | HOW does this affect the local in any of ta ill do, and there | ago, . P uti : "y 'pep . sftutions " iis C. C. GOKEY, Northfield, Vt. is always an abundance of the ma-|ernment cannot expect to hire good . If you have any of the symptoms | terial which a political party; or|men and women for the paltry sti- " Mrs, Gokey mentions, it is your |hoss has to offer for government | pends which it now pays. How can expect to ent down their household «duty to protect yourself. preferment. But the insane are en-|tliey be expected to live comsfortably expenses at least a third by shop- Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy. titled, charitably, to the best care| with the present prices of every: I ving and carrying their parcels = and treatment the government can |thing on the monthly allowances they | hey Js what you need. If the first bot afford, and if it éan be selected non- | receive ? 'The thing is impossible. The that add s« ch to the ¢o tle fails to benefit, your money is Le An : he ay hot > much to th st of "returned. Ask your druggist. politically, vy 8n independent com- | pay mus e In . ore, MILES MEDICAL CO. Toronto, Cam = ° ® Will the insane asvlums be at un- P BILINGUAL SCHOOL TROUBLES. tthe Sito of we Suit Pointers an indépendent and non-political commission. ran We've a splendid showing of splendid The housewives of New York city home. can do it. It's the delivery rigs They The row over a bi-lingual school, in The deputy minister of education [ought to be, but the patronage in Our vood Suits show every feature of fine was before the Public Accounts' Com- feconnection with them, the ! ¥ school section No. 4, township of spoils, Exesssssemmeesensasnss aE - = » from this latest ro Failoring that the Castom Tailor dotes on £ QUALITY LUMBER PES IIIII INS it . mittee last week, and declined to | will keep them Sprivger, will spread, and the govern- give FeRSONS W hy he wrote a ietter to form : one of the school trustees, in which | | re as well as a style and character that but he: said : The American suffragettes "on A "The children of French ratepavers Sontostal with the reflection that very few Tailors can successfully copy v must wait indelinitely for the | tees are personally responsible for any | franchise able to give the Scholars the training | loss to the scheol section by reason ment may have to face a very serious difliculty., The taxpayers are largely English, but the pupils at:the school are largely French, and the teacher, according to the record, has not been are dis must be attended to. . . The trus the} Do you consider quality i» | in Lumber? If so, then 3 while the women in have been granted it without ite See Our See Our : wi ph % a f their oversight or neglect, and the they need. For thirteen years all the Jo! their oversight « ¥ tion. The youngest republic in inspector is authorized to withhold you ought to see us. For real Lumber values, our stock is unsurpassed. school section 'could get was a third the order for the payment of the {world is the most progressive in ! 15 0 $15 00 class teacher and under her the third grants to the school when the law is | ideas, . : ~ N ® ° ha ; ° : » * : book has been the limit not being complied with." e * * ° . . ° ° . * * ° ® ° A " * ® \ r---- N The inspector, who is a French- The answer may be that the French SPIRIT OF THE PRESS Brown Worsteds Grey Worsteds Canadian, says the school. has suffered pupils are at liberty to attend school, ---- because the trustees will not pay more | and be taught English, and the edu- What Shall It Be? : than $300 per annum, and the build: | cation department will have a time |p 0000 00 ! See Our See Our ing ix unfitted for school purposes. | of it if it assumes to force ponditions The msue is plain.' "No treating at The feacher, for insubordination, for |upon them to which they are not the hat," says Sir James. 'No bar," $18 00 $18 00 ! . . } says Mr. p teaching catcheism when she was told | agreeable. Here is an instance in * Rowell, : : not to do it, was dismissed, ind then | which the bi-lingual school is a fail- Denies Too Much the French . and Irish pupils were | ure, and the government has no right | Hamilton Times 3: : English Cheviots Blue Worsteds withdrawn. to insist that it shall be continued. Sir James Whitney strains credulity when he asseverates that' the spoils' 4 "Phone 66. system does not exist in Untario It dsausesnsassestiuce PRISON NOT THE PLACE. is another case of denying the exist 3 . ence of bilingual schools, And he Cl th ng ------------_-- knows it. 8 . li 0ys Oo 1 . The Whig does not know what eourt | ened eriminal should be given ou chance Not Wholly Se al ; ; : Not Who Soc sentenced him, but it feels that no | to redeem himself, and he cannot do ¥ Socialism, Montreal Gazette Were Experts at Clothing Little Men, and while our prices' are no REAL ESTATE boy, or youth in his teens, should be | this and be made the consort or com- Milwaukee has tired of its social hicher than others as for inferior styles, our Little Fellows' Garments committed for two vears to the King: | panion of confirmed and incorrigible [istic mayor and council. Perhaps it arc always © Ulassy and Different. NAPS ston penitentiary. Not that this insti- | criminals, . was not altogether socialism . that ar uw Lys ) ) sn : 3 . : ailed these gents Australia tution is not a model of its kind, but The jail, too, is po plage for insane 8 ye Australia aod New, Zealand have not vet : i : become > - - FRAME HOUSE, four bed- all prisons and penitentiaries are | persons, even for a day, and all over | tired of experimenting with he. one ' rooms, double parlor, schools for erime, in our opinion, in | Ontario because of the inadequacy of | article. > ® ardwood : : : dpe" a-- Kitchen, pantry, ar vod place of schools in which the erring | asylum accommodation the jails are x = ; : Ple in Lito. improvements , .., $2,400 ones may be corrected, Every youth | occupied by these sufferers from men leasure of His Lifc : : Tops . Toronto (Glob oy . - BRICK VENEER HOUSE, who is found in the courts, charged | tal infirmity. A clergyman said t) at Lucky Borden ! He has now an op Mecen's d nd Bovs Departmental Store Toronto Street, 8 rooms, with a serious offence, is the vietim of | thirteen had died in the Toronto jail portunity to assuage the thirst for » wits 4 xt Joe circumstances. His home has been | in one year, there are ten insane in office of his supporters by appointing Boor PARrn and poulir i i a. investigating commission to 1 ) > i 21m - » ac we, or he {| the jail nr rece! ' : Re R unison to inves " 82 P RINCESS SS 1 RI 1 house, or to rent ..$1,700 ]|faulty, or he has had no home, o the mil now, amd only recently ok Vii, py "ihe chief investigator of the 8, 80, 44 : add Lv SOLID BRICK HOUSE, elght- has had parents who have been whol- | insane girl had to be strapped to her Morine commission x x 2 rooms. furnace, good lot, lv unfit or incompetent to train or | bed in the presence of a dozen per- ----en---------- on north of Princess educate their children. Sons. As we grow i s in years and éxperi Street -,, .. ... $2,650 And every youth who is forced to Al this is revolting to the average ence, we become more tolernnt; for it FRAME HOUSE, Patrick >t, s 7 is rare to see a fault that we have ne herd with the men that usually lodge citizen and it points to a 'eofidition ba v not all improvements. with H ourselves commit ied 0% ' rr ot ood in the penitentiary must suffer a] which should not continue. The popu- When we see a tear in the eye, we id S0F04000000004 0 BiG Re: BU SG SALE DEIR «ih. vii voor 34,300 further humiliation and loss of moral | lation of the province is growing, The | are reminded of a warm heart HOUSES for Sale and to Rent stamnin, Against such commitments | percentage of insane persons is in- dh - Just Received Another 3 in all parts of the city. the press and people should not cease | creasing. For this increase the " Norman& Webb to protest until the adniinistrators of | government should at once he lot : JR. SOPER % Shipment of justice are moved to make reforms. | It appeals to reason, fo conunon sense | | D § Real Estate, Life, Fire, Live A poy who offends and i% not a hard- | and to justice. R. WHITE Stock and General Insurance. . __--- 171 1.2 WELLINGTON T.- -- "Phone 730. FEELING IN THE WEST. ------ We can furnish any size from a match to a 60ft. timber stick. :S. Anglin & Co. S Cor. Wellington and Bay Streets ROYAL ICE CREAM PARLOR our Spring Furaigshing d . y oe. maar Best pines for all kinds of | ARE this Sale and save mon quick lunches and hot drinks offering big discount sO a to! Chocolates and candy of all ve double Pandling | kinds kept In stock MN, FAPPAS a OO 20 styles | 184 Priscess Stree. of Music Cabinets at 20 per cent. naan off. JOHNSON > he FLORIST 25 styles 324 KING STREET. of China Cab. | § CHOICE CUT FLOWERS FOR inets at 20 FASTER. " Orchids, Roses, Caraatior per cent off Valley Violets, ete, Ee Easter Lflies, cut and in poi Wedding Boujuets, Flora Designs and Sprays a8 special 1 ni Tea and Coffec Pots $1 to $1.00. oon: . pe Sauce and Pudding Pans pressing. The Whig a while ago gestion remains with all its rifnous effects--what hope is there of success y : Frying Pans, 60c to $1.25. in 1912, presunfing that tk p : LR {| Ys / rs » F g A he Srop will y ! 9 Tea Kettles, $2.00 to $5.00 Every bushel of last g COP 0I400000000000000 P0000 000S Concltions in the west are very desimonths since the harvest, the quoted from a Regina paper with can | regard to the losses the farmers had years grain, suffered tough their inability top jarger, a larger area being tilled ? SPECIALISTS They are unbreakable, market the gfain. Again comes the {lost and abandoned, because it could In BC Tohowt - proof, and will last for years report, thls time from a special cor- [not be moved eastward, and through ; minder eid respondent of the Toronto Star, and {the Canadian ierditory, coilll' have | Ke Sy Rletalion to the effect that the distress con- | been saved and used had it beef di Qasanh Stricture Rkin Diseases tinues. and that it is manifested in rected southward, Emissions ' Kidoey Aflecticas The operation of And Blood, Xecve and Bladder Diseases an intensified degree. the Grand Trunk Pacific and Cana- aa oan Pwr goat Prices are lower than any Canadian manufacture They are gendine, imported lrect from manufacturer W. A. MITCHELL, HARDWARE "Phones: } DAY NIOHT ! Store, 2389. Conservatories, 243, 14 ' The producers have done theirydian Northern railways, completed, Hank. Medicine. fornia i et --- best to realize upon ther crops of si Jxlp some in the solution of the 6pm. Sunde os. iy I ama . 1911, They have conveyed the grain |pro , but they cannot 'meet a ce 3 to converfent shipping points. They |the demands of the west. -- DRS. SCPER & WHIT E have stackpd it there, some of it wn-jcan the Hudson's Bay railway when ---- 3 Toronto St, Tor a Ou der cover, some of it in the open, iv lwdded to the railway accommodation. tos or enclosures, and some of it}So there is a revival of the ory for piled up in the railway yards like reciprocity. The feeling in its favour it's Credit You W nt coal. Upon it they have raised loans yi is keen since the failure of the crop . d from. the banks, for two, three or 'movement, and in one distfet, where ~ canal months, at a bigh rate of in public sentiment is represented 8 oe ow Princess! ..¢. and these loans cannot be | boiling, at Vonda, Sask., the opinion And Here it 18 met even now, in April, because &he ls expressed that the west will he g grain has not been sold. Thousands, | ost to' Canada if its interests re to (J] , Thousivgs of people spend yes hundreds of thousands, of bush: [be sacrifieed to the protected ister. Ralf of their lives * warrying cis, Dave boo lost, It has bom uit lente of the cast. The, of our, i ff] REG KER cdl gs. thefts, whore uns Shewhod, wt ustruts Siow. ET de to waste for lack of transportation | It is worthy of note that st this always have fin stock (he jead- facilities. 'The loss collectively to the time the 'nigel States senate i# beat INF, Senigus o f da and Gent J farmers cannot be caloulated. 1% is {upon the sapeat of thevrsciprocity set [J] S100 T ri So ie approximately many millions of dol- | Mr, Taft advises against W, and the pices are Tpsouab! ¢, and, re. lars. . senzte, as a matter of constituthonsi |} : The yuestion with these westerners, |law, camnol initiate tari legislation. | $1.00 1 i all the Ptovinsts, add parsieuiagly i: Shue Winpasifaon 38.10 IEHGve the It wil! pay vou Ly a look Saskatchewan and By n What act as a standing offer of reciprocity ! at my rostuimen belare you de- lof the tuture? H the Uanadian rail- {to Canada, sud make it necessary that | tie 10 buy elsewhere. rods, notwithstanding wl prom- {the advances, ii ever agsin mada, moe Bal come from a Canadian govers- [} JOSEPH B. ABRAMSON, dh "have signaily falled to re tment. The New York Herald's cor 4 COLBORNE STREKT. New Buckwheat Flour in bulk or packages. Pure Maple Syrup. i ---- Coast Sealed Oysters: | | | | LIME FOR SALE} =" | DRURY'S Coal and Wood Yard § [oo *'" 1 "07s 0 D. COUPER, i | 'Phone 443, 235 ------" ~ R J. . Reid, » Phone 511 Phowe 76. 841.8 PRINCESS WT. Prompt Delivery. a i USE... RAWFORD'S Frisco Chinese Restaurant | Regular inver - 25¢ CoAaL. |Pirst Class Service] pT ITS EIASTALS (§ ren oar wo wien Have You? W) | An LL ------------ ST Ee insur

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