Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Apr 1912, p. 7

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PHYSICIANS COULD NOT HELP HER YFRUIT-A-TIVES" GURED HER Mourad, ONT., March oth. 1 have taken "Fruit-a-tives" with great benefit. 1 was troubled with Diliousness for years and after taking "Pruit-atives", um entirely well again. { have been treated by physicians und took many kinds of medicige, but cured until IT used "Fruita tives". Mzs. BR. M. BEGGS. No other medicine in the world will eure Biliousness aa quickly and Sleasautly as *'Fruita-tives'. This a. fra't medicine acts directly on the liver, relieves the congestion, coables the liver to pour out more bile, and corrects constination and indigestion. No matter what you bave tried or how ong you have suffered, "Fruit-a-tives' will completely cure you, 50c. 8 box, 6 for $2.50, or trial size, 25¢. At all dealers, or from Fruit-a-tives limited, Ottawa, OUR CRYSTAL BRAND Of Standard Granviated Sugar Han n tried and found excellent for serving and table wse. Price | ways right, { ANDREW MACLEAN, { Ontario Street. { Electric Restorer for Men Ph patores every nerve in the bady | Phosphonul its PIODEr Sension | Junaid ; vitality. Premature y and all sex versed st once. hosphonol wil new man. Price x, or two for : Waid fo 3 pddress. Boobell { impossible to keep party lines in the h Ont. i 1 | struggle which is-aure 19 come, {small town alone we know of | For sale at Mahood's drug store. A KING'S PARK-South Winnipeg A few choice 100 ft. lots for sale! easy terms. It will pay you to gecure these at once. Apply to J. O. HUTTON, RLMarkt Jarerts of ---------------------- S------------------------ Thom as Copley | PHONE 987, Drop a card to 19 Pine Street wea, wanting anything done in the Carpen- line. Kstimates given on all Kinde Jenalts and new work also ardwood Fioors of all kinds. Al ers will receive prompt attention hop 40 Queen Street BN Sr---------------------------------- | : BADWAY'S READY RELIEF Palin over the eyes, obstrugtions in the nostrils, running of the ness, watering of the eyes, are the symp 18 cof this annoying complaint, Mie a teaspoonful of the Relief With a tumbler of water, and snuff the mixture up the nostrils goveral times a day, Relax the bowels with Radway's Pilla. Ask for RADWAY'S and Take no Substitutes Kingston Business College (Limited) Mighest Education at Lowest Cost Twenty-sitth year. Fall term peging August 30th. Courses in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Tele ; graphy. Civil Service and Eng ! Hs Our graduates get the best positions. Within a short time over sixty secured positions with one of the largest rallway cor. orations in Canada, Enter any Call or writé for informa. HF. Metcalfe, Princips Kingston, Canada. oI NDS Pn ee Coustipation Vanishes Forever " Prompt Relret- -- Permanent Cave 'CARTERS LITT\WE 5 WILL BATCH VOTES GUARDIAN SAYS. MR. ROWELL'S Conservatives 'as Well a< Liberals tario politics, ahd at last it though {eleavage of voles Bot along old and half-obliterated party lines, but 'along clear ones,' in He current issue, outlining poliey, ently notouched, and in doing wo it { for, and a I New York city courts. The unusual aeons PLATFORM WILL DRAW. to His Side and Wants to Know What Sir dames Whitey Will Do, "something Has. happened in On. seems an definite thers would ben ent, well-defined {temperance states the Christian Guardian, The article, after the wew liberal temperance comments as follows : . "this is noi prohibition; is fact, it is rather a long way from it, ak it leaves clubgeand shop licenses appar: fails to measure up to the extent of prohibition possible to us ax a pro vines, but at the same time, in spite of all this, it is the most advanced temperance platforms of any party in Ontario in recept, years, and as such it ean hardly fall fo command the support of pronosneed temperance men of both political parties. "Just what the * line-up will be in the legislature is as yet somewhat uncertain, It is claimed that at least two liberals will refuse to support heir leader in this matter. Whether all the conservatives will vote against the motion remains to be seen, It seems probable, however, that the matter will be dealt with in the legis- lature in striet, party fashion. But we venture to predict that it will be n one some sixty conservative sates. which were pledged to the liberals if they would adopt an advanced temperance plat form, and we do not doubt that the next election will see a veritable re- surrection of temperance votes. "In the rural sections the temper. ance vote seems to be overwhelmingly strong, and even in the vities it is not by anv means a negligible quantity, and with a platform which is suffi ciently advanced to he worth voting leader whose reputation commands ceneral confidence, it would be political folly, to ignore it, The man who thinks. that, the temperance vote does not count is destined to a rude awakening. "But the slogan, 'Banish the Par,' {will not he allowed to go unchallenyd Alrendy we are being told that it is not radical enough, and an effort is { being made to show that certain tem perance leaders are dissapisiied with it, because it does not abolish club and shop licenses, And on the' other hand there are those who say that the bur is a necessity and must be re tained. But in spite of all eriticism it je practically certain that when the real fight comes, the temperance vote will be thrown against the bar and the liquor vote will.be in favor of i "Put what will: Mr, Whitney do ? He has steadily and consistently. refused fo grant affy advanced temperance legislation, will he continue to re: fuse I There seems Lo be an uneasy feeling in party circles that Mr. Ro well has stolen a mareh on the pre mier, and there is nevery "mabifest wn willingness on the part of not a few conservatives ta face anv political contest in which 'they would appear as the champions of the bar. Mr. Rowell. some think, hus taken his political life in hig hand by the adoptum of his new temperance policy, bot it seems more than probable' that his advaneed platform way dao More to cause a change of heart in Mr. Whit: ney than al the snesches of the Do minion Alliance. What will Mr. Whit ney do?' IN NORTHERN NEW YORK. Notes of Interest About Norden Tours and Cities. Ogdensburg has found a bad leak in itd city water mains which will take thousands of dollars' to repair. Motorcycles will be ridden by a num- her of Watertown young women this season. {tica journeyman plumbers demand $1 for an eight-hour day after May 1st, and a Saturday half holiday. They now receive $3.50 a day. The St. Lawrence River, Ice com- pany, Cape Vincent, is busy with a contract from the New York Central railroad that will consume the balance of this week to fill. A new ordinance at Rochester re- quires hotels, restaurants and barber re to provide individual towels for customers, is outlawed. A barge canal bridge estimated to cost $145,000, which will be 750 feet in length, is to be built over the ca- nal and the Oswego river at Phoenix. Rochester has not abandened voting machines but wil gét ninety new ones, of a modern type, turning in the old ones at $100 'each. The exchange will cost the eity a total of $50,000, There the common towel New York's Huge Criminal Army. New York; Ail $.5Three thousand persoms arrested by the detective bureau sind January Sst. Charged with erime, ave awaiting fastice in the congestion of 9 cases--40 be exact wes pointed out by Police commis. sioner Wald in a letter to Mayor Laynor. 3 ------ in Ireland to Control Tariff. London, Eng., April 6.-The Ulster | vides that Guardian the home rule bill pro- fer six years the Irish Wl be im charge of her prohibi- islature fogs tarill and tive dui THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1912 WILL BE HERE ALL THIS WEEK. DURE rangi aye 3 } fog hiroughudthegFamousvElephant Cats 87. LAWRENCE FACTORY satisfactory Reports Recoived al the Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the St. held onl Law rence cheese factory March 27th, and the avervihing to be in a most tory condition, ns regards last en on's business, Lhe amount of milk from May lst, 1911, to No vember 1st, of the same vear, was | 1,001,235 pounds This made 95,384 younds of I'he cheese money | received amounted to $72,139.35. The average number of pounds of milk to + pound of cheese was 10 17-100 Mr. Rattray was re-elected as sales nan, secretary He has held this position for many years, and has ably filled the position A new elevated whey tank will be rected for the factory, and any of he patrons caught taking more than heir share of whey will be subject (9 + fine, necording to the rules. For the "est offence, a fine of £1 will be im- | posed, avd for a second offence, The same clause will apply in the case of vhe patrons, who will no take their_share of the whey when it is left at the factory" i Mr. Day, the cheesemaker, rend a statement which showed that there were 8981 pounds of cheese left at the factory daring the season, which was anfit for cheese Day keeps a daily report of the condition of the milk re evived from vear to vear, and assured the patrons that this vear he was not going te make one pay for the man who wenld pot eare for his milk. He hoped that every effort would be put forth to make (his season banner season, As regards the quality of milk and cheese. Was satisfac received cheese and treasurer ------------ Says Women Run Congress. Washington, Aprie6 a bitter attack by the senate passed the FEsch-Hughes house hill to put a prohibitive tax upon the manufacture or importation of white prosphorus mawches, Mr Bailey called the measure a monstrosi- ty and spoke pointedly of the fact that many women had demanded its passage. "When the labor agitators and the women get through running this con gress there will not be a shred of the constitution leit," he said. The sena tor quoted a litte Shakespeare and d clared that Portia was a suffragetie who had palmed off a subterfuge in her argument bofore the court which tried Shylock's claim. Tn the face of Senator Hailey, Bulletin on Weeds; Seed Law. reports showed | . 25.4 A bulletin has been issued by * the seed branch of the department of agri-| culture, Ottawa, giving a full reprint | of the seed control act, 1911, which in the law governing the sale of seeds in Canada. This act, with ithe regula tions of the governor in council, name: | the = seeds which ave considercd most noxious amd are particularly legislated against and defies the standards of vuality in regard to purity and germi- mation to which seed of various Kinds must conform when wold for seeding purposes. The bulletin may be had free op applieation to the Publications branch, department of agrienlture, Ot. tawA. Joseph Frdgar has again iaken the position as caretaker at Gananoque cemetery ast Control Once there was & man whose liver waa not working right. When dressing in the gworning he had trouble with, in collar. Then he lost the collar but: ing. the time he got fo breakfast he so irritated that he had no aj ite and quarrelled with his wife. He went to the office with a headache and hed some important business sact he 'bungled it. on find yoursell easily jeri lose control of yourseli and INHERITS GOLD AND TITLE, Baron's Daughter Fomad in Lodging House. Dalles, 'lex., Anti 6 { tian Anderson's charming fairy tale of} I'he Ugly Packling," which nobody | liked Lecavse it was =o ungainly, but | t ried out to be a beautifnl has just been enacted in real | Danish Hans Chris: which swan, life. Hella i: the ugly Jorgensen, twelve dockling. A years lew i ro she was: the slave a cheap lodging house, And he 18 on her way baci to Denmark, is heiress to 275,000 and | now | where she Tu title, 1 G1 Hell's few sured faary possessions, she trea most a copy of Anderson's tales in Danish bheeausa 41 { t ined 'The Ugly Dueklipg."' Un the} fivieal of the volome her father hadi j enned her name and address as al | r sentation me norial, And that vas the key that has unlocked a new 1 fe for her, One rizht I'reshy terian reeived con | last winter mission in Fast Pallas regoris that a gnl was be ing ke tn virtual slavery at a ¢hoap hotel, the proprietor of which was a Dane. They investigated and found Tella corvang in the capacity of mad of Hl wor the child was not al] wed to go ta school, and swept and | serabhed the preuises in return tor meager board She a slraly atte, allowed her. pallet in the nder the eaves of the house. Applications were made fo the J venile and the child was placed in the care of the Presbyterian mis "ft on 1 at t court sion, Hella- was not Table to give aceommt of hecsell words of lialian and Spanish, as well as a little English She said that she had crossed the wa ter and had once beea in italy Hér parents had town," about and, much Nhe knew a tow a smattering of died in 'a three years ago, she and a man servant had started to Penmark with her, and after wan d ring around a long time had left hr in Dallas. Inquiry at the rooming house there more than a vear before, promising to come and get hor is a day or two. He had not' been seen since. Nothing was known of him except thal he was a Dine On a tattered fyleal of the copy of Hans Anderson's 'Fairy Tales" was found the name of August Jorgensen axd a street address in Rome, Ttaly. Cablegrams sen: to Rome brought the reply that Baron Augdst A: Jor g.onsen had been Danish consul<general at Rome for many years and that be had a litile girl, The despatches stat. ed that the consul-genoral had been transferred to Mexico in a similar ca- pacity in the capital of former Prosi- deat Porfirio as. Further inquiry revealed that Baron Jorgensen and his wife had died in the Mexican «ity in 190%, within a few days of each other, and that their lit th: daughter, Helly, had been 'given into the eave of servants to transport to relatives in Denmark The child, of course, had never reached her destination, and relatives in Promark repeatedly questioned the department of the interior of the Mex- iin goverment as to her where abouts, without avail : Jetters received from the minister of forign affairs at Cy hagen and nu- merous rtablegrams from relatives of the girl left no doubt as to her iden tity or of her right to ancestral es tates in the vicmity of Copenhagen, which are now her sole property, through her parents' death. -------------- Gen. lake's Important Task. London, April 6.--Lieut-Gen, Sir Perey Lake, formerly inspector-gencral of the Canadian forces and mow chief' of the general staff of India, of the commission headed by Marshal Sir William Nichobon, fo in: quire into military. policy, and penditure in India. ire Victory for Harrison, big manic election is regan tory for' Mayor Carter Harrison. wind the drodes | 3 2) el women of the! PAGE SEVEN. ge u xi E From Profits- or Losses? WE all advertise. A man advertises his character by his deeds, his wisdom by, his words or by his silence. A merchant's store, stock, and windows speak either well or ill of his business. ! So when a man says "No, I do not adver- tise," he knows not what he says. really means is that he does not publish printed @ advertisements. Some proclaim this as though it were a virtue -- yet spend much effort and invest much money in advertising their business through mediums other than the printed word. ss EO b They may make their wares fit for a king -- yet hesitate to introduce them to Brown or Smith. d 1, ss. . | This is inconsistency. [ The truth is, printed advertising isa vital force in every business, just as is the "silent" adverting of a product's quality or a inerchant's service. When you employ the Printed Word as your solicitor in the Court of Public What he EE EE iw Opinion, you build good will for your product or service--a good will that results in profit. If unrepresented at this Court, your interests are as unprotected as though, when involved in a law suit, you failed to "enter an appearance" and the case is decided against you-- by default. EE So it is clear you pay for advertising -- one way or the other. wages, it will work for you, If you pay it If you refuse its offers of service, it will work against you, in just the measure of its employment by your Competitors. ww Re - So you are paying for advertising either out of your profits or by your losses. Advice regarding your advertising problems is available through any good advertising agency, or, the Secretary of the Canadian Press Association, Room 503 Lumsden Building. Enquiry involves no obligation on your part--so write, if interested. ~ ox-1. Twenty-five democrats and eleven ve | The, domo | | publicans wore elected. : erafic majority in the city count has -* heen increased from twelve to twenty. Send your patterns for BRASS, BRONZE OR ALUM- INUM CASTINGS Prompt Delivery. The Canada Metal FRASER AVE. - TORONTO Co., Ltd. isi ro Thé Spring Styles await your Consideration and Selection o Sp-- Your orders will be filled satis factorily if you deal there af P. WALSH'S, 85-57 Barrack Street. BEGG P LPR HPV o ALE --- STOUT ---- LAGER Pure -- PaLataste -- Nueimous -- BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE an SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERY WHERE LOCAL OPTION--Residents in the local option districts can' legally order from this brewery whaiever they require for personal or family use Write 0 Bh EASTER SHOES Our stork of new Shoes is complete. Latest Designs, Newest Styles, Ladies' Tan Button or Lace.. Ladies' Gun Metal But- Ladies' Patent Colt But- : ton or Lace, Ladies' White Nu-Buck Pumps and Oxfords, Satin Suede, Pat, Gui Metal and Tag Calf f _ JOHN LABATT, Loaren, Lowoow, Cawasa, | | § sar Shoe Sar | .

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