PAGE FIGHT. ) THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1012 | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. = = || POWER FOR IRELAND et i Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up Our Reporters. 1 TO PUT UP' TARIFF WALL Yohn Chislalm.. of Carpwal y AGAINST DOMINIONS. thn ism, : En HR David MeDoel', of Campbelivitl t : But She Musi Maintain Free Trade}. ¢ 10 lander Hotel i With Britain--New Force to Sap- Prof. J¢ Pall, of Queen' ohn of hn 8, plant the Irish Comstabulavy. for Se wd, Monday noon. Walter Haslett left for Toronto ai- ' 8 . st : London, Ing, April the most | spending Easter at his home nt detailed forecast of the lxish home| po py ( A NY Man who cares {| [rule bill that has yet appeared is pub | yi WwW. Shanno i London, | ' » tished on 'the highest authority" In 1 "rap" about the H: like 1 lstor tivardian, the organ of the On rae oan kind of clothes he Lister Liberal Association, which hans Mrs. (Rev.) Munro, of St. . been in close touch with the govern | (yt. is visiting Mrs. Eliza Kenneds wears couldn't help wax- i} !inent in the deafting of the measure fohnson. st rer) ' on : : ! | The Irish legisfature, the paper says, ® MN Trick %; of the firm of Trickey 1S 10N ng enthusiatic over our will consist of the crown and twol o Mehougall. contractors, Teenton, 1s splendid Spring showing eas. ge ah a ii ron King, Brock street eft TT : : : : : . . of Suits. H loers, thiriysix to be elected and} at noons today. to visit friends. i Fo do the right thing at the right time in the right way to make it twelve to be nominated by the crown. | Hamilton and Toronto easy for you to eet hotter goods, To give pt full money's worth ; They will reach right Uheir tern of office will he eight | William Hazlett returned to Ottawa to-make this a store for all Kingston people, to_ give evervhody a Years ihe other, the assembly, all 1fter a visit to his parents atl the . id home to you. omain of one husired and Hie east, Roval Military College. fair deal, to do as we sav and da it every day. " cd members, and is to be dissolve Joseph Kennedy : : every five yews. e So diversified is the he tegi. lature will have no power . : A in Sunday for Sarnia'to it out his y - - ¥ . assortment of choice pat- i to make laws affecting the crown, fy,,¢ . nN bs ! atmy, navy, territorinls, treaties, ti- Miss Gertrude Patterson left for Il ul terns that vy y : you will be tl», treason, paiuralization, comage, Winnipeg, Mandayv poon. She was ac spent Easter with his mot . Johnson street, en gineer of the steamer Wahcondah, lefi copyright, patents, the post office (ex PY > oe As | companied as | x Toronto % he - very much puzzled as to | [eon in trad. or trade, except with: | Sompanied ar for 8 onto by ther Y W ' Tin andar . | ix Irelanc : s Hugh Taylor, Toronio, who spent ou al S Yr Ww hich to S¢ le CL, and With regard to finanes, {oF si% Vetta = NMugh Jay or orate, fi Jneut p among them all, you will the customs amd excise wil continue returned Monday.' T. Lavior, who was s . pe under imperial control. All other also here, yeturped t Montreal the not find a single - weave i taxes will be under Irish control, and pi oy IY 8 : p that could offend the i reland will have power to impose ad EW: Alison. of Wolle Bland. in ' d tional taxes of her own . prossing to the oily on Saturgay C finest sens: of good taste. | Mier ix years the control of thelpke throngh the jee and with his ome ustoms and excise will pass into th sutht got a ducking. Mr. Allison did hands of the Irish legislature, subsloet not sustain any serious loss or in i to reversal by the imperial parlia- |; a WwW - it | ment of this provision and subject to 1° fe yiasae "Gertrude and Hazel Oo Orro The Price | perpetual free trade between Britain! Konuedv. Johnson street, returned i and Ireland. home on Monda from Sydenh A | : ne + day © Svdenhan . ! The initial defieit in Irish revenue] po (hey ' : n TIT will he grant in aid, di : ie || | supplied by Easter holidays at the home of Mes . ras l / 8) 12 By easy ste, S up to $20 i minjching anpunlly, and ter minable in ee EA Tuga in hn x S tl pe i Ix yvemrs » MW : ee EC 3 sx Gertrude Patterson, for 1 Ihe Dublin police will he under Tr the Kingston general bh Auital lull ish control. The Royal Irish cousta- fq owe ooo Monday to ae « - . oman. under int fap Manis on eG wW 2 hatary w at 3 ain sande hupena wn ape sition as nurse in that city € ul S. % . .. | Fal. RIA 8 Baw. 10M, . dal. | Wiss | velyn Patterson accompanied Dressed in one of our good Suits a" Man {(} |irol of the local authorities, is estab Shi . het Pshed. Far xiv years the | supreme rae has a fair start on the road to prosperity. | Court: lige wil bn nppeintad-ty the STEAMER CAUGHT FIRE : : Fven ts tenant will be appointed for a fixed Ni Pi OE es Yo fo try caramel PASSENGERS SAVED If iff vou desire it! [l |1gislatare will have no power to make laws for thegpupose of: © | Wireless Signals Responded to-- Nc You never had a better chance to make a choice than right now. had been spending then as Toronto. (1) Establishing or Always pleased to show youy religious evoed or imposing disabilities | Crew Remains Aboard to Fight or ehnferrving privileges on account of religion as affecting the undenomina h i tional eonstitution of national schonls t Flames. | R d nd mmiversition PL Now bandon, Comm, Spel, 8. -With] eady (2) Impairing the validity of dhe | otories of lives saved through beaver [o Buy. - | marriage laws as at present existing; land prompt action of Captain i | ry (3) Depriving anyone of life, liberty, {and crew, coupled with the effio ont | Mg or property Without process of law in {working of wireless distress s goal | necordanee with settled procedents, or |ioriy passengers of the steamer Ont | denying equal protection of laws or | vio from Baltimore to Boston, arrived | CLOTHES OF QUALITY aut rs a oi i ot Ontario is aground on the (4) Imposing disabilities or pam {eacks off Montauk Point, with fier {erring privileges on account of rth, | fires burning in her hold, and the crew B R 0 C K ST R EE 4 T. parentage, or place of business, dill aboard dighting them, Three rey aC Y¢ SS O00 S Ireland will send seventy members | 06 cutters and two life boats sya! to Westmimsier, The Irish peers will | 1 neside ' Y . . © ' . remain as before, pending the reform | fight against the ames proves uh ¢ have a fine selection of reliable Black Dress Materials, snitable of the House of Lords. The executive | oiling. t for Spring Wear, and here mention a few of the many now ready bwill consist of the evown, represented | Wyo fro wis distoverad in the hold . hv the lord hieutanant, acting in Irish i two o'clodk: th #5 " 42 oT . x . oo cloe S mornmg Captain Inc aC 0 erg affairs with the advice of the Irish Hood ininadintely rin his vassel on B, C. pabinet, reapoueible to the Irish Mois: |e sucks' and ordered hi wireless op 44 iach Black All Wool Serge, 75c. | . A crator to send distress signals, I'l The power of restraint on the Irish B 3 N % rt : or power of ested on the ish Sd by Uh Te vine i 90 inch Black All Wool Serge, 75c. z A J i ] a l ] lows : cutters 3 . i rio - thi hi : € in. jn To # wo, at in gine rund " 32 inch Plack Al Wool Serge, 33. Sn Jue non f gueire. 5 54 inch Bfack All Wool Serge, $1.25. D pe ah i nse fe fun he bring ere 44 inch Black A'l Wool Panama, 75c. rapes han 7 oer ory 40 inch Black All Wool Poplin, 49. WENDER BY WINNT: Lor we Resiansiy of Hon. A 0] 40 inch Black All Wool Poplin, 59c. Smrranrnmg ere eerreacengs | 3 Groule 1 ellis Eimer] aon, Ait ermal ; 47 inch Black All Wool Poplin, 15¢. - . 7 ; Mtawn, » there 4 Winpnineg Froe 258 been no official announcement "ne Yeas 8 ys x aad te PO A pretty wedding took pace Mp. in TaBOP eathe oF inc aC 00 op in, . Fhe styles mn W indow Draping are fou ( race church, Winnipeg, on Wednes fine, : R Fannie ny we ni | different to former years. cay bust, when Miss Gertrude As | (0 (ihe same by the government 44 inch Black Sitk Wamp, $1. 25, and many others. We show an extensive variety of s.Istine. daughter of the late Peter lj. wumbers of the cabinet who wer y etable this morning didn't dens 3 iat this was the « Already se . Nb din . ji at fev. Dr. Eber Crammy The hride Xeral: names. have bch : biti . & Cloths owned in a tailored suit of cream, ,,. oC i B . k P Mada, Nets, Casernent Cloths, i Tt hos ot 0 "4 v0 ve ts cons utterick atterns . ready to give assistance, i Ww «a Istine, of Kingston, was unite Mi, io DW Adair. of Wakoeg, Jaby Kg? fob \ ¢ Atla ail oo Muslins, etc., bride] voauuet, wai given away by |! at the existing: Atlantic mail eon Sharir 5) i eal Cini Vag | L1DCE will be renewod with the Alla . oc , : . J SRE Alexander acelin, Re tenmshin company for another yeal Now ready for your Spring Sewing. Hundreds of Patterns that At most atlractive prices. \ I ride, was bridesmaid, and was also B Jn, Tuntime the government Piel cannot be had from any other make, . vib rien foo ito OPO 8 vhich . 3 § Fong! I oud earried Ama oe ay I! ave been made for the establishment F hi S} FRE. ely roses. orm: ! Fanethy, fc I » sho . New Net Fringes, 5¢, 1c, 10c torly Eo} ngsion, But now of Win-1' | 8 fast Atlantic. service, ashion 1eets I » pirez, supported the groom. Mrs. H. d \ Dillabo igh presided at the organ. 'PURSE FOR MISSIONER 12 l-2c, | 5¢ yar . After the ceremony a wedding break f. st was served at the home of the | Vho Held Scrvices in St. George's | tides ='st rs, Sherbrooke Apartments Cathedral LE r Aft © a shert honeymoon trip Mr. apd Rev. W. € Siv#pson, of London, : ' 5 Vrs. Adair will reside at Romons i'ngland, who preached the ten-days' WwW On. " t ohrt, Winnie. mission in St. George's cathedral, left, Monday noon, for, New York, from r 3 The ato e announcement is of svt op 0 be sails forthe old land A . . : (ial interest to Kingstonians as the lpginber of the caffedral parish gnth we i LJ : : contraéting parties, the clergyman per-! oj in St. Gefirge's hall at eleven ecCla O erimngs il f rine the ceromony, the orgamst, o'clock, Monday morning, nnd tender - ---- - ¢ soit all the guests were former Ning- | 4 the missioner a farewell. Speeches | WANTED TO GET REVOLVER. stonians, 'The bride is a sister ol} gory made by the bishop of Ontario, wpe Jrrreastitssicctitanmstattsiantornion : To M. Amel tine. of Hp vity. Dean Tidwell and Canon Starr. 4Foreigner Went to the Police {0 Se . . a Sh Through the efforts of Miss Martha eure Necessary Permit, , e S rea S MINERS ARE RETURNING with, a purse containing 2 submian-] A soule' of foreigners startlod thy fial sum in gold was presented io o the bores dn: Mon | - To the Conl Pits Throughon Great | yr membera of police - - = = FOR SPRING . Simpson, day morning, by coming iwto ih Britain, statfon and asking that they be gi Fan Batton Boots ae the latest craw Lotdon, Eng., Ayr! S.--General ac The Late Mrs. Cunningham. on a permit to secure n revolver Suitable for Single and doable beds at tity 1 revails jn all the wml og The funeral. of Abe late Hors Cerilin Some of the blureoats at anes had 2 x jog distrizts of Great Boban bon fC unningham, which was very argely lyisiors of a murder care and others prices fully 20 per cent, less than regular. ln Soothing and North Wales: shit bastended, took place from her ale iroanrded. It. as a cane of © suicide marie thers was. large inetepod in risudence, Cunningham's Corners. 10 | Nendliss to say the fordgners were Li in kin tie nembtor of miners who descended Lhe Chuich of the Holy Name, Cishen- {04 ciion the necessary permit ad Odd eS of Table Nap 8. : the ahafia, oh hile in Fong! " aid dull, Friday afternoon, where Rev liner went away disappomited Fuck "enithern sh coal fields, where the | Father Kingsley sang a soleon libera. | 0 they wanted Lo get revolvers wa Ban'ir Woliday ts being observed, 14h ro were numerous floral tritmtes | oe qecertained, but mo deubt thee 1x8 than one dozen toch * desig > pall wanes of wen went dowd the bay d spiritnal offerings. The remains Nat the same privilege os in they parinteed in every way, its in irder to clear the roadways we re placed in ihe vanlt at St. Mary's oan. county. to yrevare for a gegeral rehie ele. the pallbearers were the i SR sum in of work to-morrow, Weld ooms x five sons, Fdward, John, | The Misses Hatlie and Minis Groce 'Ri mna ats of Sheetinzs sompli née with tne orders ot. thel pager, Matthew apd Pert, and herd oond, Watertown, N.Y. mw at home € Moers Federation on Sat arday nephew, DP. Branigan, of this ity on Wolle Island for their Easter boli Everybody in New York is Wearing Tans. WE HAVE SEVERAL NICE LINES TO CHOOSE FROM othy Dodd Button £ at $6.00 'her Makes' at $3 o and $4 00 5, Button and Lace, for girls at $2.50 and $3. The LOCKETT SHOE STORE " days. They will return. to Wales For) Single and Double Beds at Reduced THe hemp Exploded. The St. Lawrence Open. ASR, ey wil retua [s ' < Eunivl Saunders' home on Broek | Reockville April 8. Navigation On| Mr. and Mee. Samed Bideh, are go ret wos tle scene of some edvite [his portion of the St. Lawrvnce was mg to Atfantie City, No ta spend ment in Friday night when ome of opensd Saturday afternoon by the ar | wme weeks, the r sidents of the house lit « lamp goal of the ferry" steamer, Bigelow. Yo dhe Jali and fergot to put 4 which ploaghed her wiv through ive : y § s the Hine) . 'The lamp Mekered for i from Morcistown, Jivevtle across the Pills while Re fo hy siploded. Tie | Luin: The ire Yieidize har held andi Te is ofthe yo dy who was lo iF the past few dave. Now it is ne ju the hous called {he atten fos pueking wn. Cure Constipation ; i Juang maw yhe aril 8 a R > wi, reer government will desige Desaron- a iliou ness _ the tous Hp co re n of fil Liver lis serious Gamage van dome foee fuet. a QO BRLRRALPARASOMARAL RARARAEALELAREAREAS