Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Apr 1912, p. 9

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4 THE DAILY BRITISH ng, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1942. ! PAGE NINE. ------ mw -- - -- A ---- " a . = " " -------- ------ - -- N S 'day last at Willism, McKitnon's; Mrs ' |» urking on the C.P.R. Sine Hattie or . R e I W of : NE IGHBORS W. C. Salmond at G. Head's; Mr. and Husband's 8 Hair j Be oll is somewhat better re. E ox FEE +, Te te - SE * Mrz, L. Jlumar st KR. Bauder's; Mis {Gr ant spent Monday last in o 3 nnn hs PE A 2 ig cp 233 T i ROL Tot gg PARR. W-------- louisa Bauder at 6G. Salmond's: on. James Kennddy, son of } ; - " t { Best place or all' Kin so "WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS (harles Mills at RK. Bauder' How About it, "Madam, is it Falling Reedy is home for a few ¥s. 3 Sait h . . { . quick lusches and eh TELL US, « a Out or Growing Thin? iMr. and Mrs Levine Loucks and Miss : wy | 5 i kinds kept in stock From. Faroff Saskatchewnn. Bon't Lose It. [1ibbi Wagar spent Easter Sundny iE eB iy 1 : » BAFPAS & oo The Tidings From Various Points In| © ... <Suik Apel 3. The weathe Most Musbands are careless regard- | with Evelyn Wagar. Mr. and Mrs, ; ! lf can with rineets reel. Ruan vio Ferpiel, dl, gic emi [of tt Joico wn erties, en har | RE emrasse Co Nl their seed gram 2b. Thompson pur a. ; ha ones, resiorers and wi re. Jabn Wa . on % : : - Als Dejug w ae hined'a quarter seetion of land from {the like . Mr. and Mes, FE. Card, Marlbank, without disagree- baring. chard garter tic of laud. ron ie rie ne ih, Cat ast] R Reo oll Tie" our cRYSTAL BRAND RI , il with measles. My. and Mrs M 4 wien their Ap Aronth Hamilton Wagar has return ; 2 iB Seve the hs Of Standard Gensulated Sugar ioiirey Hems. Wescott. and: daughter, Ulive, spesit 4/7 comes out inled home alter us extended tour H : i} isbels. | Has been tried and found excellent for Godirey, April B~The roads are inlg. 1.0 1 1. MeMarchy's. Mr and { SP combs full through Unele Sam's domains. : ee 7 ! : 3 | preserving wa Lishla MAK Price 1 very bad condition. Mrs. George Deri y,, Ww 1) Thompson were Suuday ; that they really rm 2 | slways right, is valine ab YW. Clark's Miss Mag-{ iii it George Seeley's. Mrs v sit up anc take | Farewells to Bev. Mr. Wright ' fi | ANDREW MACLEAN, gie Harper, Kingston, is visiting Bec] peadinn, iv ill. J. James disposed of | 8 --~ Rolice { Couspeon, April S.-A soccessiul ba : Ry : # Ooiarle Street. paren Ma and Mes, Filmer Scales), o.rioq horses last week, aud i your hus-i,. .. and .conesrt was given. in 1 . : on | ------ ee are nt Mr. 8. Higper's Me. and Mra. ty). wed orders for another load bands hair 18iy. cone hall last night by the Ia » : | GW Giles wt F. Leslie' ---- y . falling; if h fedies of drinity church guid. At the i § kbabemasestite Sunnyside Reports. has Ahudrait oF i» teh don t HY conclusion of the | play the retiring - n " ' ymington' Ss Woodburn Mission M-cting. ide, April 9 The people wr Ara 1s of i ARISIAN SA 0 o-lrector and Mrs, Wright were presented Wandin April The annual Aron m ple wih or 5 Gr i : -- rh le ol Lt VY oi by: the congregation with a ory HIGH GRADE SHOES FOR : Pac cet Soups meetin of the Woodburn Woman's uy hone nearly completed Yois work {amit dandruff goes, hairs stops fan handaome mahogany server strappe Mussignary. Sodery a held at Meng is closed for East olida rand the ne crowth appear ith sterling silver Wisumings. Hil NN A I TQ : | G * enim' Noy erowing, Apri | etal tn ros lor. aster holitivs. ting amt the now growth appears | th ME CF, Sirs on Rey MEN AND BOYS and Gravies Ist, The officer were afl reelected, § 00 e to Ring ton W Lam Mrs {the hair i vk and 1 ane | Mr Wria Ait on Wednesday in the vil . : Gb . vie: Presidente Mex. Witham: Luey: dy Colo nant Thugsda "ut Flphin | PARISIAN SAGE fs a delightful, re-|lace hall. The gregatioh of St All New Spring goods, Tans, Bl: chs, DPattons and Get Them at vice-president; Mrz. J. Beans, cor ira Munro i «f Gras ¢ freafis dressing for men, wo-| Fhe &, Carrvin are, are serving a . i nro and Mild ; ! Yate $ 10 shit risoonding Secretar and tre ARUTET, | re' spending ; a few days at Clyds men and children. It will do as ad-!large dinner at twelve o'clock noon Patents. Pp rice to suit all pox ket D. COUPER'S Mrs, Carey; recording secretary, Mrs fo", 7 © ter friends are spending »|vertised, or your money back. Girliin their hall as a farewell to their ~ a u so close of kl Re , . it rn bai every ton | clergvinith. on Kid The secretary v . Re AL nl FR oy ne rf BS PD ee were] | JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE [me a een, Ww } Arey serve ' Sold by J. 4 ' & 1 . Kickham is mt A. Gray Rev | And f the has issued in tunch, y 4 Burne called on the people in"this | and dealers everywhere. {vitations to the brethren to mest in 70 BROCK STREET. | h -- & Ey p-- 8 " {the lodge room on the eveMuny of | . ioMhit ently. - - s ; i A leporty From Westport. vicki y Tyceutly versary of their wedding, March 29th. | ihe 12h to bid farewell to their late . | | Prompt Delivery. 5 Westport, April 8 The ofriendi of At Brewer's Mills, at their home, Their children were all} chaolnin. Rev. Mr. Tright expects James FE. Mel ann, of Westport whi i= in the Mountain View hospital, will be glad to bear of hia steady recos ery. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph | Me 3 3 regent, and are J W. Bovd, Mes. [i more about the ntddle of the 1 a ri oN of thei 4 " A ' wove al t Briwer's Mills, Aprd any di Nelson Parliament, Mrs. KR. Colling.{jnonth to his new parish of Lyn. rmers 1 trees ed, wut, it x3 : . A farmers have their trees Lapp Beller lic: Meg. Royal Hicke, Allison ax vet, there has been a small supply . Just Received Another Shipment of -- ALUMINUM WARE § Tea and Coffee Pots $1.00 to $1.50, y: and Mre~William MeFaul,® Wel- i. c lof sap. The Anglin cheese factory Killa: LN Eo) liam Mai oy Nel Budget From Bongards. Knight and Mrs. William unean, left , opened to-day with a good supply ol and Wo dauahters Annie and Muriel this morning on Milk River, A in ' | milk School closed on Thardday, 15. ght nl A where they will am future resile ' 'atterson, teache sthrned TG his Orlando and Mrs. Lillie 'left on Tuoe Eh hy Inverary to spend the heli day for on trip te Calgary and Fd | Mix og : { , : : days iss Annie Shanon has return | monton., Mrs. Melton Steel died, Sun | ud too her howe at. laverarsy having | Bongard"s, April >The Waupoos ; . : : chesse factiry will begin work Monday hile it bas the appearance of winter, Spring fis April 15th, Mrs. DT. MeCormick, en are well prepared for the rush u roations {tertained. a bumbs of her friends STYLE Lin QUALITY and EXCLUSIVE in DESIGN Tuesday evening A. Pierce has been : : Manda . ai a visiting at South Bay and Milford And no LADIES' joy ested that of king 3 day night after u long "lines, Lapent a week with Miss Myre Orr. beh vin a . is A De Mrs. 8. A. Tobey spent last week with ing our DRESS and TAILORED HATS i i Rochefort, Kingstonsis spending "raving Haughtey rome ! bi har sister, Mr Hobson, at Seohane : , and stus Me a 5 ------ Ss re ar 'udding », the holidips: with Ws parents." MF tador's on Sunday. Vireastus Marvine, Tp' gq. icon is building an addition to Amongst the great variety it is eo - itabie BM 2 ioe nd Pudding Pans, .~ bi : of Trenton; Mrs. 8. Rankin and daughter, Geraldine, of Salmon Point, pent Oy Easter with Mr. and Mrs Grant Valleau, €. L, McFaul started, | Charleston Locals, : y ; § ¢ (of the village, started oul, Uji= morn 3 : { arle ¥ gs ladys { ' 8 in his home, which will add much to its] Charleston, Aj 'i % : Mis . Tas and Mrs, J. Rbehefort. Miss Wood is biog; with his gang of men to work for : ' : TM y V day from 1 AGF > 3 2 ar he Johnston returned on Thursday from ypending the holi day at her home. yo apple company. Frederick Morton Oftaws, where she attended normal [ye and Mes. John Muwgay attended 1 Alfred x M \ ie} improving his house with a fresh coat P v - 11 . Milli . ; « Hre Smith spent Ph ay rh : ¢ school. Mrs. A. W. Johnston is very | fhe funeral on Friday dast of the fat. 500 Ae, BHA rt allot Ander. | 01 paint. D. Miller, wife and daugh carsalls HIINCTY ill. Nhe in being eared for by Mrs. 1. lier's mother. Mrs, F. Cunningham old torts et Bhatt tons couig ter spent a day at 1. I". McCormick's selection not only in style, bar price Appearance Jumes Bradley is also Frying Pans, 80¢c to $1.25. Tea Kettles, $2 00 to $3.00 They are unbreakable, rast Shee JUTRe Yinste Linds ing 8 1). Spence, nurse i nster indsay | Kingston Mill proof, apd will last for years Rlack is spending a part of his Faster ------ holidays with hie sister, Mrs. M. J, Outlet Occnrrences, x . N { re ' |" . { » i Rnxatagh. M1 Je Fe frye, Noir i Outlet, April ¢ Glenora nt Sunday with her moth othe 1 4 i i . : ienora, spe day wi er moth is with her mother, : onnsion, | till driving aefoss the lower lake} mains, for Montreal for mterment. S who is ill. School closed on Thursday here. 1H "slack Ras Jot His farm to | Munroe is still quit poorly Fanerson) Mrs. Pringle. Miss Edna Pierce, of COOK'S FRIEND for the Faster holidays. \ the high school stafi, Gravenhurst, is b Several from here attended a surprise people Thursday night Mrs. John | party at A. Kerr's, Waupoos, Wednes Kinnear's father, Mr. Waller, died at} day evening Adi ! report a pleasant her home on Sunday Mrs. Kinnear | Aine My i and Mrs. Storms --Some people are | started, this morning, with his 're : : Prices are lower than any Canadian manufacture They are genuine, imported direct from manufacturer Tennant, of Chalk river, who with | McFaul is out after being confined to 3 "" . ' \ ' ' spending the holidays at her home his family has come to reside on the} he house with a bad cold for over a ponding: tie, hala a. Ae The Baking Powder re » Vines . who has : x » farm. Quite a number from here " month. Mrs. Bruce McFaul ix slowh Be pn Lirele WT * o ho With A Pedigree ? W. A. MITC HELL, Latimer, April 8 <Sugar making is] tended the funeral of the lage improving, after a severe illness ; ra : ona s LC ne the order of the dav. he surprise| Kennedy, of Fllisville, on ny -- Whitt I or i: Hea ; Roher a Ba span] made from pure grape cream of Po HARDWARE " ! 3 : : and daughter, Rosie, spo , Yai ¢ toms. of purty which wus held at Willinm Me | Mgeh sympathy is gspressed for the Budget From Enterprise. town secently.. Mrs. PF Thusston: and tartar, contains no alum « a k Nielly's on Friday evening last, was - rowing husband and children. The Enterprise, April 9. Michael Ken [two children, who spent the winter in other deleterious ingredients. ¥ - SHE Causte TARAS Thy i WEE0000000 000000000 We pncle ! . 4 inf: S i s. Vernal ' : { 3 it has well ittended I. Trave dnd M. {infant son of Mr and Mr ermal ody had the misfortune to brenk one { Toronto, have returned home. Arthur For over Liulf a century it has Cowirane, are preparing to saw wood. | Cross is very illé Mrs. James Fodey 8 his: 1 The PR a pra ! Sow ferns dry A i i \ v holid Brock 1 prs » U.PUR. i= buving up | Hart is spending the holidays at his been even purer than the law npr ale 2 pi BIG Re-BUILDING SALE Miss Einma Edwards Ju. pencing the | upent the aster houcays sn Hoe the right-of-way for their new road. | home at Oates. Mrs. 0, N. Hicks en demands : Rs : Faster holiduve with friends in the] ville. Mrs, Robert Stacey, Miss Hat : Wasas ond . I 3 E rm EE ' . ie Nel 1M i Aus 5. In Wagar intends going to the|tertained a nuniber of her friends to B : ; : : city Misses BB. Traves and E. Leath-{tie McRae an re. Reuben Austinf oo ih weet, F. D. Grant is moving in: | tea on Monday evening. Miss L. Rose, All Grocers Sell It uy your Spring Furnishing dn erland. of Sydenham: high school, arel were among those 'who uate a hot to W, JJ. Mellow's house, Kev. A. M.| teacher, is spending the holitlays at Lig this Sale and save money spending Faster week with their paz- day trip to Kingston last week, S| Gunter and daughter, Phoebe, accom: {her home at Waupoos. Master Walter are offering Lig discount ents. Haves Dading sold another fine | Edward Vanderburg. relumed hous af mnied by Miss Flossie Wacar and | Handley is visiting his grandparents, save double Pandling horse for $250. ; | Wednesday, after n week with friends yp, ara Mrs, Cyrus Wagar, attended | Mr. and Mrs" J iradley. Ernest at Athens. Very little maple sugar Latimer Locals. the I. 4). meeting of the Free Metho- | [Hawker has vetarned, after spending At Mississagagon Lake. has been made yot . in this vicinity. | gice church, held in Kingston on Sun: | the winter at Londsdale. C. Jamieson 20 styles Missinsngagan Lake; April 8.--A nam- 1 here is » large quantity of milk Com 1 Jay last. James Welsh and Miss Wilda fand sister, of Marlbank, were at DD of Music Ler of inemer® have tapped their sagar | ME to Warburton factory fer his ardwere united in matrimony on | MeCormick's Easter Sunday. Owing Cabinets at Pushes, but are disappointed by not early in the season. Miss Lizzie Pati Wednesday evening of Inst week. Miss | (0 the storm on Sunday there was no s having hetter wip weather. School | #nee is spending Easter week in Brock Libbie Wagar is stopping at W. | service at Bongard's church, A very 20 per cent. has re-opened with Miss M. Webster, ville with her friend, Miss Bessie Sh-| 5, keon's for a while. William Toueks interesting debate was held at the off of Oso, nu teaehere Arthur Bander and | tor: There Twat doavide "in St. Mat | painting at F. Snider's, Verona. | Epworth League, Friday evening last, Frederick * Balitack started, Tuesday | thew's church, Warburton, on Easter | Naluan Poll' lost a valuable cow one] the subject boing, "Resolved, that city . for Harvig, Sod Mr. and Mes. Leo Sunduy worning. Whooping cough is gay last week. Mrs. Clayton Brown, | life has moet advantages thin conntry 25 styles nard Brown have fone 1 spend the prevalent in His vicinity Verona, spent Faster with her sister. life." Some very strong points were ; of China Cab. summer at®Napamee. Mr. and Mes ---- Mrs, A. Walker. G. 6G. Wagar was [hrought out on both sides, but the * . » James Thompson wf FE. Thompson's; Married Fifty Years, moved to Kinestog hospital last | negative won by seventeen per cent in Miss Martha dyer af R. Bauder's; Mi L Amiscavite April 9.5 Mr, mid Mra, 0. i ; i : : The Spring Styles await ets at 20 ld week, Jackson is home for all. D. Bongard ix making maple syrup and Mra. William Bauder spent Sun | J. Boyd celebrated. the Gitieth annie few days. Tle and P Mel oy intend ------ per cent off 4 Tings From. Pasha, your Consideration and Parham, Aprilé 49. Special servites . were Leld in thie M. 1. church on Fas S 1 ter Sunday. The choir rondered appro © ection 0 0 printe music, assisted hy Mrs. A. W, Stewart, of Wolle Island, who 18 re newing old sequaintances here. Much excitement prevail cOnceMming the construction work on the new hranch rite ne wt | REID & CHARLES who spent Easter at home, returned to Toronto on Monda he members of the Ladies" Aid held a most successful wing at the home of Mrs (Ir. } op g, O Faster I Monday to farewell to their | worthy seeretars Liss Lillian Killine prominent voung la of the vil Rion She leaves = | tained, during Easter visitors i= | who hs hewn il slowly roenvering: R. J. Reid, Phone 571 iville, have rented the home lately [4 | occupied by Mr. and Mrs. John Wa . is | ahi a r al gar. Mr. and Mrs, Howard, Montreal. 1 t 'y rr have taken up their abode in the | : howse recently vacated by the late | { { . 3 : George Lake ud en g Ro Never gineers of the proposed railway are resid ing in the ' illage, . MO ! : wm Wagar had improved his resi Why SO many wear this B&H denee by the addition of a verandah. ; 4 : Visitors : George H. Goodfellow, of TH femnya , ie spending the hobdavs a EGYPTIAN emngami, 5% ponding the Weibdae Marmola : CIGARETTES #% BD. Black's; Mrs. A. W. Stewart and . Master Ferguson at i. W. Kiilins'; 4% : , J ; Miss ('annon and Miss MeVeety, of - y , The tobacco used in MOGUL Egyptian : Pegth, Miss Florence © Allinson, Wolfe Belt ¢ Island, st Dr. Topping's; Dr. and N y \ Cigarettes gets as much attention as is given to a ; Mes. Gonge, Miss Fina and Farle : . | Bertram spent Sunday at W. D. Bert delicate infant. ; ram's; Charles Amey ¥. Db at Black's; Miss Mabel hillins at home: d R Quality . Every leaf, no matter how slightly injured, Messrs. Stanley . Ball and Gordon NW and wy | EASTER SHOES Smith, of Queenshoro, have returned: ah . has to be removed. Miss Lena Lowery at her home; Mrs. ' 7 7 Price F. A. Goodiellow, visiting her parents ' . : at Godfrey; Mrs, W. D. Black, Mise 5. F Our stock of new Shoes Then the leaves are carefully watched until Lillian and Mastee Keith at Mrs. C. | ak £ is complete - they acquire a yellowish tint and begin to droop. B Sodiney'h Godirey; Misses Myrtle i I D & A Corsets Smith and Lena Lowery, spending : J . i' few days in Kingston: Messrs, Rewin are popular simply because you ¥ i Latest Designs, en this takes place they are gathered. A ald Adair and Herbert Hamilton, : can buy for & given price @ Newest Styles, visiting George Howes, Sr. M. Van IS better fitting and wearing D & A These precautions 'sre absolutely necessary, RR ILS fen # you bot say cher ff |S Ladies' Tan Button ; $ ow on: Saturday A or Lace, othetwise the tobacco would not be " | [ors whieh took place on Saturd rs aT eieely, suniptad bow TH} 0 'acceptabls for MOGUL Cigarettes. eye customs charges, sod sa ime | Ladies' Gun Metal But- . - \ mense output, are real reasons why. ton or MOGULS are put up with cork JJMPCIGIITTL |verocrer o sim 55. Marsan me: | a ors bere a Dok nove Ladies' Patent Colt But fj 4 4) nied Burial Ww: Qosseerated Ground, . od , Ladies' Pa ut- 4 tips | in boxes of 10, for 15¢ RS Ry / Detroit, April 10. Denied the full Sstigned for the rather ston. J hge 8 ton or Lace, Ladies' White Nu-Buck : S o . » | reinforced spoon front, duplex steel i ' ' , Ct i the Roman Catholic church' bones, stopped top end bottom, six extra (Try a box to-day. oP i : Lana of his orl he dy ie ap ~ Pumps and Oxfords, Satin Suede, Pat, Gun Joseph Kosaseo, murderer and wai \ wide suspenders, ete,, ete., and is sold Metal and Tan Calf | a TR RUNS EL hs J first-class stores ot only $2.00. Im cide, wos interred in uncomsecrated re cass, ! ey ould ground in Mount Over cemetery. ' fe about $3.06 Jt: som Although the funeral was held at ! : Every guaranteed. an erly hour arge crowd gatherad 2 D&A before the un riaker's chapel to Ge fe fed et | JRSM) Dominion Corset Company meee shal and kitlhd Mr Meten Marshal, o Quebec 1 young Brantford woman, on the Na ; Makers of the famed 2 er pti hore last Thursday Ea La Dive Coraete. , Te ie py res rT Ae £3 RAE ho ight, af. wrwards blowing out his a be oun brains

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