PAGER FOUR, BEOSOIOIIOIIIVOIGOINVOINSOS * QUALITY LUMBER PRP Do you consider quality in Lamber ? _ If so, then you ought to see us. For real Lumber values, our stock is unsurpassed. We can furnish any size from a match to a 60ft, timber stick. S. Anglin & Co Cor. Weg in Streets. BADWAY'S READY RELIEF RHEUMATISM Apply the Relief externally to the JPart or parts affected, as brisklivéns vircamstances will permit Jer _4will al¢o be derived from Radw Pls, their alicrative action b larly suited to this disease re the joints are swelled, sUiff or cotitracted, the Relie?, with sweet oll, 15 an admirable Mubricant. Ask for RADWAY'S and take no Substitutes C0000000000UT ROOTING POE TOG 7 : * : » Ganong's Chocolates The finest quality in the city. 50 cents per pound. A. J. REES, 166 Princess St. Phone 58 "MEN'S and BOYS' OUTFITS FOR EASTER WEAR Large new stock of Men's snd Boys Buits, all the latest up-to-date styles and patterns, in Browm Gray, and Blue Shades, Hee our line of Hats snd Caps in the Hatest shapes and stylos. Also fine Now Stock of Shirts Boots and Shoes for Spring Trade Before baying your new Enster Out 4 Dn And see our stock 5f ISAAC ZACK'S 2471 PRINCESS STREET, Ties, 4 PLUMES AND FEATHERS. * March winds play havoc with fine ostrich plumes and feathers. Let us recurl, Ylean or dye them to look as 800d gs when new, R. PARKER & CO, Dyers and Cleavers, t 0 Princess St. Kingstes, Ont. THE CLUB HOTEL WELLINGTON STREET, (Near Princess). There are other hotels, but Approach the Club for oraalike surroundings. = Li'aled In centre of city and close ro' principal siores and theat Charges are moderste. Special rates by the wee! PF. M. THOMPSON, Propriefor. i oes om Tones and invigorates the w nervous system, makes new Debitity, Mental ard: Brigin Worry. Bos ons e a resin wi a box, n tried and found excellent f Ia and table use, Price 3 ways right, » ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontarle Street. Restorer for Men on SYIY Bcive in the bad Premature deca snd aif, i fag "For sale at Mahood's drug sore. FONG SING han DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published tarlo, at $6 per year. Editions at 2.39 Thursday morning at $1 a be added, making price of ear. ally $3 and TORONTO OFFICE ~Sulle 19 and Bireet, Toronte, THE WHIG, SEVENTYNINTH YEAR WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 18 Dages. To Unit. Attached is one of the best Job Printing Offices In Canada; rapid, sty ilsh, and cheap work; nine Improved presses, THE BRITISH WHIG" PPBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED H. BE. Bmallplece, J.P. representative, THE DAILY at 306-310 King Street, Kingston,' On- and 4 p.m. published in parts on Monda ed States charge for postage of Weekly $1 50 per year. and ad to . 6, Elllett, Presidest. Leman A, Guild, Sec~Treas. 20 Queen City Chambers, 33 Church The opposition in the legislature has been attempting the impossible, it seems, namely, to get the government to say what it is going to do ahout the bi-lmgual sehools. Sir James Whit- Ler, m Vear ago, pleaded for ~ delay until he found out, by & special re port, just what the situation was. Dr. Merchant's report--which completed long before the election and gave the government the fullest mation--indicates that « a was infor- most unde- sirable condition of things exists. And the brave man, who boasts that he is hig aod brave enough to do anything, A PREMIER AT BAY. ix "the ¥* Is he uncertain as to what he will do ? Mr. He can move for a remedy in connection hesitates, What matter Rowell can force the issue. with the bilinglal schools, and Sir be then of moving an amendment to the liberal policy--anything to dodge the action which circumstances demand. The spectacle of a premier in daily of the enemy, and beating a retreat on many questions in which he should lead, an James will under, the necessity expectation surprises from is not inspiring one. The reputa- tion of the premier is suliering. It must be confessed that the Ulster demonstration against home rule ireland does not suggest that those who took part in it were governed by m the calmness and the judgment which should Law and the poem of not what prevail. The speech of Bonar Rudyard Kip- expects at a ling are one crisis in national events, The 'home rule bill is now before the people, and it is for them to consider it in detail, Only after reflection can one appreciate merits and decide what its effect will be upon the Home ins em- lo- the empire, and produce the disorder and pire. rule--or loeal rule of cal offices--ought not to disrupt chaos which the unionist leaders pre- diet, in the past have made the most of the ques- Granted that home rulers tion, that it bas been made to contri- bute mostly to the excitements of the nationalist cause, that it has inspired attacks the British government which did wot justify, on circumstances HOME RULE FOR IRELAND. The local fact remains that loeal rule in! affairs ix a common "sense pro- position and one worthy of fair eon- sideration. The Bonar Law appeal was in poor form and judgment. He party afford to deal in bitter He} may feel that he owes nothing to the nationalisi represents a which cannot an incendiary language. cause, and that he cannot lose anything by opposing home rule. But "he boisterous language and he plays very weak card in offering tariff form for home rule acts the demagogue in using a The measure which is before pariia ment, as the result of which delibera- tion will be, or should be, considered It run the gauntlet may merits. has to on its It lords, and may not become of there the Eventually it will have to be approved or disapproved the people, and will pass upon it without esteeming tarifi reform as the only alternative. law, the usual fate. fare by they St. John, NB, is now selecting for the first time the men who, as a munici- the commission, will conduet its pal affairs. It has dawned on people there, as it is gradually dawn. ing on the people elsewhere, that the public business must be carefully if "it It candidates for the council, would be managed enough to but it who will nto the concerns of the council. Last April the electors of St. John voted on managed successilly., is easy wet is not easy to get the men put mind and conscience a 1 lebiscite, in favour of government by commission, and these same electors are now proceeding to select the com- missioners. The city requires Bhe men who are to compose the commission to (hve up their business. During the time they are in office they are to have no other occupation aud are to paid for their civic service at the rate of $3,000 each per annum. It was expected that five good men could be secured make sare of tis a citizens' conymittee was avpointed. Its duty was to canvass the field and nominate eligible per sons, which duty it seems to be To in the city, have the GOVERNMENT IN ST. JOHN. ---------- ---- committee did not cover all the ame bithous ones, and hence when the nominations were dosed there wore three candidates for the mayoralty and dghteen for the four commission erships. It is wonderful how many persons are willing to serve for pay 1 The election that is now will not end the matter. There is a double choice. The outcome of the resent contest will bs the reduétion of competitors to two for the may- oralty and eight for the commisdion- crships, and five of these will be ! chosen eventually for the work that awaits them, the nominees mittee. pending These five may not be of the dtizens' com- Combinathons may be forms ed of all others against the citizens' nominees, and there is telling what the result may be. And on the quality of the elect defends the sues cess of the commission. There ks a great deal in the form of govern- ment, and the fact that the govern- ment is practically in session from day to day, so disposing promptly of ibe reforms that the coundil carries along indefinitely, but the mem the capacity counts for Ideal government ¢an only be bad from ideal commis sioners, no and they have for service mote, performed satlsfactorily, But Harry Laudér has made another en- gagement for a season in America at £5,000 a week. It pays to be a good story 'teller, and Harry is one of the best. Mr. Balfour had better take back his place as leader of the conservative party iv Great Britain. Bonar Law is clearly lacking in the judgment which a party leader should possess, 'The politicians have been accused of talking a lot of rot in parliament. They can retort on the educationists, and say that they let off a lot of hot air in convention. And they do. Well, the home rule bill has 'been handed out by the Asquith govern- ment, and, judging by what the cable says, it is not a revohmtionary affair. No reasonable man expected that it Id. be. Mr. 'Rowell moves that the mumici pulities should be aided in road What Prohibitionists Desire. The Pioneer. phe new liberal policy ta, thereiore EDITORIAL NOTES The single, vital, strong part of | sell Snsninind, building by being relieved by a part of federal grant. The government fuses to entertain the idea, but people may think better of it, re Sir James Whitney ang Hon. Mr, Coldwell, minister of education, in the Roblin government, are opposed each other in the tremting issue. Sir dames thinks the invitation to take a drink a serious aud unpardonable offence. Mr. Coldwell thinks it a kind- ness. You pay your money and take your chance, to -------- The Mail can gush when it likes. Speaking of anti-treating it remarks: "Sir James Whitney's remedy will be proved to the satisfaction of the jo ple befote the next election. They will then pronounce it the greatest stroke of temperange reform made in the his. tory of this country." Is the Mail quite sure that Sir James will put his ideas into legal phraseology ? He seems to be fighting shy of this per- formance with grave determination, thet causing a solitary wrinkle requ taking one ed Tor case of a generously fi $7 peared ied that even sae: results, aE ACCEPT RESIGNATION OF REV. J. R. SERSON RECTOR OF GANANOQUE As Christ Church Congregation Ask Bishop Mills to Appoint Key. Walter Cox, Who Has Been \ct. ing as Curate. Gananoque, April 12.--The Easter vestry meting of church was held Wednesday Owing vo the ikoess of the Rev. J. R, Serson, the chau cupid by his curate, Rev. Walla Cox. Highly satisfactory . reports were réad from the various activittes of the church. Under the alle efforls of Russell H. Britton as saperintend ent 'there is a steadily increasing Sunday school attendance and a sur plus of about ¥%160. The officers were elected : Rector's war den, W, J, people's warden, W. B. Carroll; vestry clerk and trea surex, C, V, Retcaum; audtors, G. L Johnston and A. D. Howe A communication was read frow tev. J. R. Sefion tendering his resig nation as recvor of the parish, ing to tll-health, He was compelled to rejuest to be relieved of the la bour and responsibility resting upon bim. On motion, his resdhgnation was accepted sand as a mark of apprec- tion of his faithful and eflicient ser oes he was granted free vse of the rectory dutding his natural life and a retiring allowance of $250 for the current year. Upon, motion it was carried nnani movsly, by a standing vote, to ask the bishop of she diocese to appiknt Rev. Waller Cox, the present curate, a8 reeter of this parish. In cos nection with the above a committe consisting of - W, J, Gibson, W, . Carroll, C. V, Ketchum, J. Dillon and R. H, Britton was appointed fo meet Bishop Mills on his vit to Gananoyue, Saturday next, to eonfer with him relative to the appointment of Mr' Cox. George L. Johnston was lected as lay delegate to the synod. annual Christ evening' réctor, was oc following iibson: Ow- The annual meeting of the Women's || Girace church of Mrs, street, ves- officers Robert Me Missionary Society of nas held at the residence George Ww. Scott, Arthur terday afternoon. These elected : President, Mrs Callough; vice-presidents, Mrs. Wil liam Carpenter; recording secretary, Mrs. B. O. Britton; correspondi retary, Mrs. J. A. Jackson; Mrs. James Donevan; superintendent of Christian stewards; Mrs, (. Knight; "Outlook," Mrs. Charles Bryant; Mission Circle, Mrs. C,H. Hurd; Mission Band, Mrs. 0. Ww. Henne. The band bazaar drew a good crowd last evening. Canton Gananoque, uniform, made a valuable addition the programme till a late hour. Capt. D. J. Kenny, of the steamer Yennek, is having the boiler and steam fixtures removed from his vesgel and will instal a powerful four cylin der four eycle motor, and expects to have her ready by May Ist, and will start on the Gapanogue-Clayton route May 15th. The Masonic Circle Club are i» suing invitations for an "At Home" in their new Fhursday evening next. In the surréyate court, before Judge H. S. MeDonald, probate of the will of the late John Byron Robinson, of Gananoque, merchant, was granted to Catharine Emma Robinson, widow of deceased, sole exeecutrix. Gananoque JInn was opened up on Wedpeiny for a thorough renovating befofe the opening of the season's busi ness. A. A. Walsh, owner and pro- prietor, is expected here to-morrow to superintend the work. [aa = DR. SOPER DR. WHITE were sec treasurer, in to and dancing followed quarters on | { SPECIALISTS In the following Diseases of Men: Plies {Varicocele | I> psin Eczema Epilepsy Rr fearon Asthma | 8. philis Lost Vitality Catarrh | Stricture | Rkin Diseases Diabetes | Emissions | Kidoey Aflecticas And Blood, Nerve and Bladder Disenses Onll or send history for free advice. Free on Diseases and Question Blank. Medicine turnished in t hist Jorm, Houta 10 Am. lol pm and 2 to pm. Sundays--10 am. wi pac Consultation free. r - "DRS. SOPER & WHITE, " 2 Toronto St, Torco, Ont, I -- ep - ---- New and Second-hand Faraiture. Anyone having Tarniture 10 Bel) » efo 90 - where. H, SU N, ug: oy ler in all kinds 242 of Stoves and niture Ontarie Street. "To Them That Hath" A SHORT SERMON TO FAT FOLKS, "To them that is a sentence hath shall be fat applies - fo fs: people very neatly, It is comwen now. edge tha. ouee a human being begins to fatten up, to what they have already ix added more than they want until finally a stage ts reached whee reduction ust be made or decided disadvantage results Then come forward query. "Redue--bat Urinformed , no'hing suggests its bul the (to them; twin ovilg--loss eating--more activity, They contain. Plate a mote or less lengthy stege of dieting and exerciving. =o it may sald safely that every man or WHE in \he land now undergoing the fui tening-up process has his or her men. tal eye fixed dublously on that not far distant d When he or she wil hive to don the "ashes and sackcloth of redaction." Nix Is not an enlivening pros so it Riven the ages-oig how? To e announce the emanci- pation of the fat, Nowadays one may * much or little, und a da if desired. ou hold their fat in thers. absolutely stationmry, without do- Ing a tap of exercien missing a wingis meal. doing a particle of harm or . Ax hundreds testify is after meals and at bedtime of rola Prescription which tablets Ev. Tiss ® are scld by the any good price Farmer B dru 5 of 5 coats, this a + Detroit, Mich. a1 the uniforms sus me takiets so well BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, APHIL 12 1912. Bibby's Sell King Hats, 1912 Models, for $2.00 CLOTHES THAT TOWER ABOVE THE ORDINARY -= Alone o « mimban We're ready to dress every Man that comes to us as he should be dressed We are showing Clothes that aresthe production of the World's best Tail- or Shops. \ Clothes that will speak well of you everywhere you go, | | | | May we show you ! THE BRYSON SUITS, $13.00. Fine Blue twill Kuglish fine Worsled THE WINDSOR SUITS, £13.00, Fine Gray and side ete. SPRING Worsteds straps, cuff belt oops bottoms THE GORDON SUITS, $18.00. Clay Worsted Rich shades of tailoring. English Cheviot Expert or blue --" THE BEVERLY SUITS, $18.00, New Drown snd Bronze Wore: ed in Coronation Checks. Ver dressy. English mbdels i THE CASTLE SUITS, $20.00. Imported Vicuna Cloth gem New. soft roll Hand taflored . A real laped THE SENATOR SUITS, Genteel shades Wiorsteds models Greys, light Impor@d Stout and nd dark English regular OVERCOATS Don't miss seeing our Everything Brand New range of Spring Qrereoats. $1250, $15.00, $18.00. SHOES FOR DRESSY CHAPS i See our ' NEW BUTTON SHOLS, £3.00, Tan; Patents and Veloyrs -- vod. $1.00 and $4.50. See ony KEEN CUT SHOF $1.00, I IBBY'S Men's and ' Boy: Departmental Store 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET. \ wf 4 ing this Sale are offering hig discounts so as to save double handling. R. J. Reid, rms BIG RE-BUILDING SALE Buy your Spring Furnishing dur and save money. We 20 styles of Music Cabinets at 20 per cent. off. (Limited) Highest Education at Lowest Cost Twenly-sixth yar, Fall term begins August 30th Courses Bookkeeping, Shecthand, Tele- fraphy, Civil * Bervice dnd Eng ish, Our graduates get the positions Within a short time over sixty secured positions with one of Lhe largest railway. cor- porations in Canada, Enter any time. Call or wrije for informa- tion. H. F. Metcalfe \Principal Kingston, Canada. best 25 styles of China Cab. inets at 20 per cent off Go Carts and Carriages ail reduc- - ---- Correspondence ; Holicifed, 31 Willeuby Ziet Street. -- Thomas PHONE 987. Drop 8 ecard 15 19 Pine ting 8 done. In KING'S PARK-South Winnipeg A few choice 100 ft. lots for sale easy terms. It will pay you to secure these at once. Apply to J. 0. HUTTON, 1 Market Street, Owing to rebullding, Myers Meat Market has removed to 115 Brock Street, near Peters' Flos Store r. Myers 'will be pleased to meet all old "eustonters and new ones with the sande court esy as at the old stand. H. J. MYERS 113 Brock St... "®hone 570. QUT TN _ A/ Kingston Business College BIBBY'S CAB STAND Real Estate Snaps SOLID BRICK HOUSE, twee rooms, drive house mo garage, good cellar, between two and three acres of land, outbuildings and modern improvements, one and one half miles from the city, all 2.000 HOUSE, To rooms, with lots, gop 0 at BRICK VENEER ronto Street ® two extra fall barn and poultry house, oi to rent ' £1.700 FRAME HOUSE, 6 rooms. on YorR Streei . sho FRAME COTTAGE, six rooms ail improvements, and barus, Him Street 81.250 FRAME HOUSE, six room large lot and stable on Al fred Street 51,000 HOUSES for Sale and to Ren: in all parts of the City Norman & Webb Real Estate, Life, Fire, Live Stock and General Insurance 171 1-2 WELLINGTON wT. 'Phone 7390. eT IR i OAL BRET, AT = HaveYou? _