YEAR® 79. NO. 88. 20208 LIOR 17.5 STATO PAGES © 1% 14. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, APRIL 13, LAL TTMORE, scene or THELEMOC I w= ALPS Fo Ie CORSO Re S-- ph In J ht Fhe selection of Baltimore as (he place of meting for the untional de mociatic 'convention reealls the histor ie fact that, prior * to the civil war, more presidential | candidates wer nominaked thore than in all other \mn erican cities put. together. Av that timo Ballimote's chil recommendation was its iprasimily to Washington, making iL nest convenient for con Kreesmin who were generally imu delegates pid who ware at the capitol then, fori the vominations were gener nlly made during the long session ol congress Folldwing the civil war, with the vapid spread of the people and with the growiog ap of Sigorons citioe the went, Huliitiors dropped of the venning ndead it was not until last year that the peopl of the Monn mental city gave any thought to cap turing the great political pil Most of the eftics in hich the demgeeatio Conventions have been held have had to erect a great hall. buyin this © veipect Baltimore is eee ala fortunate, having an armory, the mn old DRINK CURE A MIRACLE. ; No, Just Sound Science. Many drunkards. are sent to when = what they need is medicine Frink has undetnloed their constitu tions, inflamed their stomach. and nerves, until the craving must he sa tisfied, @ it' is not removed he seicntific proscription like Sameria Samaria Prescription stops the craving, cesbores the shaking: nerves builds up the health and appetite and renders dnpk distasteful, even nans: cons. It is orless and tasteless, ) and dissoless instantly in tos, coffee | or Fi CAE ean be given with or without the patient's knew ledge. Read what it did for Mis. Vancouver ' J "I wan me anxiens to get my hae. bated mire] that. 1 went up to Harrie sol Crug Btoto, and got your remedy there, Lihad ww trouble aiving it witheut kn wledge. I greatly thank, yoit for all the peace and hapni- ness that i brought already into my home The cost was HOLhINE avesro- ing ta what ha would spend in drink. Ing. The rurse of drink was patting me inte My grave but now [ feel so PRY. and cxeryihing seems so qiifer. ent and Bright. Muy the Lord be with you and help vou in curing the evil 1 don't want my mane published" Now, if you khow of any usfortun- ate Samaria Treatment tell bis family or friends about it. have "friend or relative in ng the drink habit help to relesse from its clutch | Tek 3 i ykl n ol Ge, Samaria giving full 5 Price, ete, tel free and post package, to any- it, and mentioning a il s 00. ime in thix 0 Shee 3 J G50 00 EZ wre I which pil be fel 3 5 a SORA cht e-- a N------------ 77. Verorn Discs Shows the 5th M With changes, will dnd yet rooms for the sociated i the panes and others at the mesting Ee home of arty ltand Regiment, slight alterations * 15.0 space nearly have ample yarou seni Pea sons tor \s Com comm fes, telegraph who have busine The armory has heen approved dy Chairman, Mack and he has also ap proved the plans for the arrangements of the space, Lhe erecting of a huge platfona aad the making of mor exits. A squad of artizans, the direction of the architects, | at work amd the structure will roaddy in ample time, For the purpose wo biking conld be Leiter lomticd than the armory. It 1 in the heart of the residential see tion and vet is Within a few minutes' walk of the Mount Reval station oi the Baltimors wad Ohio milvond * and the wnjon gation of tha Pennovivania railrond. Indeed, the armor by an the conte of the city, andwithin fifteen minutes' vide from the hotel where Chairman Mack aud. his general committee will Baye their headgun, ters. Jt is said that the sroudtics and ventilation of the big building make it almost weal Tor the summer gather ng which will agen there June 25th fo select the democratic nominee for the twenty eighth president of the Un ied Niates ' Babiimare, although owe of the okl 5h eition in the epuntry, presents (hé peenlar aspeet of being ancient and modern; there ave innumerable fda tures that dete back nearly 200 Vere; some of the buildings on some of the thorougniares mm the heart of the bus ges sectiond nre wore than M8 venrs old, 4 On Lexington street. within a alone' & throw of the peincipal retail shopping distrigt of the city, apposite the fine aud imnosing court hdvise and sur- roundid by huge offios buildings may be ston' a row of structures that weve the dwellings of Baltimore's host pea ple in days when that portion of the city was "way up town" and bevomd were fmm and woodlands. These Stroctares are anw occupisd ns offios buildings, but the fronts are as they were originally. So it in all over the originnd site of the eity, one may find strictures of historic hote and, Wierest. There is on Holliday street the building which was the first city hall and in which gas was used Ws an illdminant for the first time in the Enited Sistes. Jase by ix the famous Holliday Street Theatre in which most of the men and women who are famed in the annals of stage land. acted. Not far distant ariser a true relic of early days--a* shat tower, vound massive and stretching unward OMY feet. It was erected in 159% dnd the "toraer stone was laid in Charles Carroll, gf Carrollton, ane of (he gn ers of the declaration of independence, Not only. was it then the tallndt build. eoliptry, but, for height, Boor under now bes IR nen i. ¥ or less historic F trolley one may and | R ATIC CONVENTION IIR { Weml Armor building which charm, thont Foe famous 1 Pon Lead by t Mcllenty. Ti nn mlwavs bh there tha. Str from le slp ohicet of nel Stripe fur $1 it did when exact spot Neott he, Am 1 boen detained Britis EsEE, be moke of on a 1240. this on' September wavirg afte ment had cleared the nworial The old Same A wander ross modern the approaches by el away, spanyloud petty mu that night. (hue puropet Patapseo rive that water, Lar fort j= H wi ahenil th the fortifications that are he guard gid park: system ade i hi los fronds he erected i Cin. Role officer th vid tine new. lent. ro and ' L th 1 PAL borane ging Fort "0a which ie the. sper R.A, When hw United Spartow's Point the Marslaond Steel "oan, Wik i dad 1 oi} where erietod ion 44 Sate un one which i= $e also visit al eh works and for one's the eopirol A this vt morn tha ihe fargest ihn 5 wrod t comnlnte of Lt enrparal "Hy ant which WH er } railrolling feouniry | boii HUE OW 3: {iar the { shins | Fhirte "miles i lin | hour tno er or i Annapolis, the len aval aen ture oflicors of id town soli fastorieal intere polis some of the nial arehifecturs hailing Brought dro --- hein DARK TAFFETA GOWN TRIMMED WITH CRYSTAL BUTTONS. "This gown of black taffeta is immensely stunning and Parisian. Hand embroidery on the taffeta simulates 8 cutaway coat effect und the buttons straight down the centre front with the white crystal butt that are so fashionable this season. sSmialler civstal buttons motifs on the coat, the cuffs and other details of the white of the crystal buttons is repeats in the ih / of busines ty lise ar hui S100 tev oon, | balding dibs rent ened treha ' t Yon a huildin deel peopl ww pub 5H § cit He, ! SG, 000 000 for opert ty ua ¢ for, | X Al too, | He dm | wa) installation Gib. othe busine woment a cture of of vo fertit adage prees. as. th wil os r--yp Internal Pains. "For this reason I recommend it 8 all those who are suffering with tha | terrible dy, dyv«pepsia. I hope that all with are aflicted in this way | wil! take Péruns snd Manalin as I did.® Chrenic Nasal Catarrh. ~ Mr. Chas, H. yong, 152 Sixteanth St, Detroit, Mich, writes: J "It affords mw great pleasure to testis { I¥ to the merits of Peruna ss a remedy i for catsrrh, } for some time with | chronic pasal catarch, bul after five | months treatment duriog which time en beltles pf Perupa I am pleased to say that I am entirely wel, {thers not being the slightest trace of wm Ki suffered { sed se | | eatarvh left, "Peruna Iv without a» doubt, in my (mind, the greatest remedy known fog | catarrh." Weak, Tired Feeling. Miss Marie A. Lesser, 928 W_ 86th Bt, hicago, 111, Worthy Secretary 1. 0, Q, F., writ es: "J am gla to give 8 good word for runs. and I hope that all who see thie who are tronhled with sysiemic catarrh as 1 waa for year vill profit by it, id trie iy romodies, but none ! 10 temporary ree ot even do that, na at the suggestion of 8 o than pleased and We ve oq sets Hired fos well and strong, has left me, ling NB3. sosse IACELLE, | like » different person ems son Bt. East, Canada, write "1 suf! ot and dragging : months, an othi * ved me un vi ad I took 1 1 ' ically made new again by the use better than 'eruna., : troubl Af my miserable half«dead, half dition "Iam ache the pa Peru f YW il aby ne Ni EH ' h Ollawa Outta Slavery of Disease. : many women in be United Htatos have bean with ekache, headache pai i! how and he vietime of any organic disease, st a half-desgd and beif-alive, con dition, bottles r alive con wl health, haves her » 1 had spy for pains that keep a her Lesd being her best self, Crose nt, per Maybe even 8 fin her household, just because alth is continually heiow par. feel (nite right, She gety uo of being sullen, or moe tempered. Miserables, dr Woman a om doing ve tk, from 1 tal 4 1 snd potule ADE, \ value | gly r he Dyspensia and Indigestion Mde. Joseph *Besad 5 } [ Olivier, Quebec, I. Q. Can, wri $ Did, or wy is wonderful for i Her tron Teruna i + tisk ble is nota moral one at ally mply a phy Make surh a woman well and she immediately bee 'omes transformed into & new Lelng wpeniaiiy.. This is exactly, what Peruna hse done i a mnititude of causes. 1 eat foe] an pepeia for a io vari Peru { was perfectly ¢ [ want ia me hii hav whatever 0 x had dys. "ical one, npre n 3 aK et hogy itded ty try 1 and with fourth boils of if teh Be 3e1 HUMES Hi re wis I \n old catl H worth the mo thay hoo wemorahl chureh i Lig see Anu hop to need vied the rent ov nahn SHOES HERE 10 5 of Getting Through | Fronble hed U neoi'oid Give re I vite i hagh $..1 verh o iTAY actury | ehaldy ade : eluie HAVE 8] the m » fined hrough t ried by stlndtlurey § Ie +i hie ri ve of taking vital CHUEr In nve Hn the while of Rll, ir works "yy sed plenty when Faking that it Are hs the te mite cps idera lion Ww oonlv Lhe rhman"s hb tops of uptw soiled in } the o be possible wiih we well challeard Mis alm for the workman to ki enn Varies chives. which to} and dirty operator waste eR done. nls running the are hound and the misich time if Hw the machine. and The shuwes on the sole the 1a. the plea he stopped { wash his hands each time alter using hite gloves Were weed | ne anuia om he fa F elain 1 finns td only mann Fos ath He 1 of boric ing faet re thy! | Hore | of | "ome = am pap hi ma oth wor hed > The Bakery Behind the Biscuit . Many bakeries in Montreal, Toronto and other cities are being condemned by health officers as unclean and unsanitary. How often do you inspect your bakery? Our sun- lit bakery 1s your bakery when vou eat fnods, Gov but public inspection is the deangst, purest, best of all nt cereal ering be tor Shredded the ie making Nothing so TOC of 0 the public hreakfast thi hot mill A as Shredded Ti. 5 wholesome and delicion i | frunts. Wheat Biscuit POT eT or stewed Heat th pour ho ¢ I Swe then 1 to suit the t Made of Choicest Sclected Canadian Wheat A Canadian Food for Canadians Made by TheCanadian Shredded Wheat Com- pany Limited Niagara Falls, Toronto Office: 49 Wellington Street ench | time Instead of being laid on the side | or apper it would seem to he th ceohomieal way of handhay goods through the shop. Similarity. "Bt has been discoversd." Prof. Licklander, preparatory planting a well les¥on, "that makes on an average 24.780 tri gathering a "Ebvo! broke SThat's about in the Gd © BF MAKY AX began corcepponding with (hat feller over at Whillersville waek pound of hones... mY niece has made to the post office mined she € fost | white | ' began | te am a bee! Ein odge: i i ¥ ES Ty just a daub, a rub, and you have a last ing and easily revived shine. Polo comes in the BIG box. Atall grocers and shoe stores,